Re: Speeding up scp over 10GigE, suggestions?

2012-07-20 Thread David Diggles
Thanks Christian

Specifying the MAC you suggested makes a big jump in performance.

SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128 -o]
98.65026953028924143858 MB/s
94.75118186708754888342 MB/s
93.67964795503113387533 MB/s
77.35326700132979443792 MB/s

SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128]
63.50306913748638001067 MB/s
63.09124016939771183475 MB/s
61.51859822693993063534 MB/s
52.67600175573777350882 MB/s

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:51:50AM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
 David Diggles wrote:
  I am looking for ways to speed up scp over 10GigE.
  With parallel transfer of 4x 8GB files, I get
  the following test results with various ciphers.
  These tests maxed out 4 cores with encryption overhead.
 Assuming that crypto actually is your bottleneck, here are a few
 First, use a faster MAC: -m
  SSH Options: [-o Cipher=arcfour]
  SSH Options: [-o Cipher=blowfish]
 These only apply to the SSH1 protocol and are ignored otherwise.
  SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour]
  SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=blowfish-cbc]
  SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=aes256-ctr]
  SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=3des-cbc]
 There are really three interesting ciphers: aes128-ctr, aes128-cbc,
 and arcfour128.
 aes128-ctr is the default and already plenty fast.
 aes128-cbc used to be the default until a security problem with the
 way CBC mode is used in the SSH2 protocol was discovered.  In
 principle it isn't any faster than aes128-ctr, but in practice it
 may be since it uses OpenSSL's optimized EVP_aes_128_cbc() function
 while aes128-ctr relies on calls to the low-level AES_encrypt()
 arcfour128 is the fastest cipher supported.  (Plain arcfour may
 be a tad faster, but has known security problems.)
 Christian naddy Weisgerber

Re: Speeding up scp over 10GigE, suggestions?

2012-07-20 Thread David Diggles
The previous tests were reading from striped disks 4 spindles,
writing to /dev/null

This is the best so far, with fetching 4 compressed 500MB files
on a remote ramdisk, local output going to /dev/null

All on 10GigE in the same room.

OUTDIR: [/dev/null] SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128 -o]
254.72636815920398009950 MB/s
225.55066079295154185022 MB/s
222.60869565217391304347 MB/s
237.03703703703703703703 MB/s

Here is a test scp read from remote ramdisk, write to mounted
cluster filesystem (over the same 10GigE link).

OUTDIR: [/scatch/tmp] SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128 -o]
73.03851640513552068473 MB/s
72.72727272727272727272 MB/s
68.63270777479892761394 MB/s
68.35781041388518024032 MB/s

I have compiled hpn-ssh but not yet tested it locally or over the wan.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 05:33:33PM +1000, David Diggles wrote:
 Thanks Christian
 Specifying the MAC you suggested makes a big jump in performance.
 SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128 -o]
 98.65026953028924143858 MB/s
 94.75118186708754888342 MB/s
 93.67964795503113387533 MB/s
 77.35326700132979443792 MB/s
 SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour128]
 63.50306913748638001067 MB/s
 63.09124016939771183475 MB/s
 61.51859822693993063534 MB/s
 52.67600175573777350882 MB/s
 On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:51:50AM +, Christian Weisgerber wrote:
  David Diggles wrote:
   I am looking for ways to speed up scp over 10GigE.
   With parallel transfer of 4x 8GB files, I get
   the following test results with various ciphers.
   These tests maxed out 4 cores with encryption overhead.
  Assuming that crypto actually is your bottleneck, here are a few
  First, use a faster MAC: -m
   SSH Options: [-o Cipher=arcfour]
   SSH Options: [-o Cipher=blowfish]
  These only apply to the SSH1 protocol and are ignored otherwise.
   SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=arcfour]
   SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=blowfish-cbc]
   SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=aes256-ctr]
   SSH Options: [-o Ciphers=3des-cbc]
  There are really three interesting ciphers: aes128-ctr, aes128-cbc,
  and arcfour128.
  aes128-ctr is the default and already plenty fast.
  aes128-cbc used to be the default until a security problem with the
  way CBC mode is used in the SSH2 protocol was discovered.  In
  principle it isn't any faster than aes128-ctr, but in practice it
  may be since it uses OpenSSL's optimized EVP_aes_128_cbc() function
  while aes128-ctr relies on calls to the low-level AES_encrypt()
  arcfour128 is the fastest cipher supported.  (Plain arcfour may
  be a tad faster, but has known security problems.)
  Christian naddy Weisgerber

Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

2012-07-20 Thread Mik J

I'm coming back with this Apache startup that works fine but yesterday
I added the -DSSL option in /etc/rc.conf but Apache won't start
/etc/rc.d/httpd start

I've looked at all the logs I could find
but couldn't see why it failed. Is Apache SSL with lpthread supposed to work ?
- Mail original -
 De : Mik J
 À :
 Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Mardi 8 mai 2012
 Objet : Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

Thank you for your answer.
 I did use apachectl but after your email I
followed your suggestions and it works.
 I have notice now that the command
apachectl doesn't work at all now, 
 when I read your email I thought that it
wouldn't work for the first time only.
 I'm wondering if the apachectl
command will end
 being deprecated if it doesn't allow apache to restart
without us wondering 
 if it has to pre load some libraries or not.
 Have a
good day
 - Mail
 original -
  De : Stuart Henderson
  @ :
  Cc : 
  Envoyi le :
Mardi 8 mai 2012 16h06
  Objet : Re:
 Apache won't start after pecl-imagick
  On 2012-05-08, Mik J wrote:
   I'm reinstalling my system
 from 4.9 to 5.1
have installed
   pecl-imagick and stopped/started
 Apache but I have a
seg fault (core 
   If I uninstall this
 package Apache
stops/starts nicely.
   I have read this page
   The last point talks
   problem and advices to add in /etc/login.conf

 doesn't help,
   I still have the same problem with Apache.

How did you
 start Apache? You will need to use /etc/rc.d/httpd 

  (or reboot)
 so it's started from the system rc scripts for this
to take
 apachectl does not handle this.
/usr/lib/ doesn't
   exist so I replaced it with
/usr/lib/ but still no 
  No the
instructions are correct, use /usr/lib/


2012-07-20 Thread difusion




Docente: Lic. Claudio DES CHAMPS

Modalidad Regular:Inicio: 09 de agosto (7 clases de 2 horas) / Fechas:
09, 16, 23 y 30 y de agosto y 06, 13 y 20 de SeptiembreHorarios: El mismo
seminario será dado a 2 grupos, a elección de los participantes:

  * Primer grupo: de 13 a 15 hs;

  * Segundo grupo: de 19 a 21 hs

Modalidad Intensiva: Inicio: Viernes 14 y Sábado 15 de Septiembre.
Horario: 9 a 17 hs (Cada día) “Toda persona es un individuo. Por lo
tanto, la psicoterapia debería ser formulada de manera que responda a la
particularidad de las necesidades de la persona, en vez de obligarla a
ajustarse a una teoría hipotética de la conducta humana” (J. Zeig y
S.Gilligan.)“¿Cree que su pasado determina su futuro? No se trata de una
pregunta filosófica superficial. Según en qué medida consideremos que el
pasado determina el futuro tenderemos o no, a ser un navío pasivo,
incapaz de cambiar de trayecto de forma activa. Tales creencias son las
culpables de la extrema inercia de muchas personas” (Martin Seligman).“…Los
datos neurológicos nos hacen enfocar la cuestión de un modo diferente: la
sensación de ser feliz o desdichado depende probablemente de la
connotación afectiva que le atribuya nuestro aparato de percibir el
mundo.” (Boris Cyrulnik)“El objetivo de la Psicología Positiva es generar
un viraje en la visión de la psicología, poniendo el foco no sólo en
reparar sino especialmente, en construir recursos y desplegar cualidades
positivas y elaborar guiones esperanzadores para el desarrollo y
bienestar sustentable de los seres humanos.” (C. Des Champs)


Presentar a la Hipnosis Ericksoniana , es decir a la psicoterapia creada
por Milton Erickson desde sus principios y abordajes originarios, como
fundadora de la psicoterapia sistémica y como pionera, inspiradora y
plenamente vigente en el marco de las psicoterapias actuales y
especialmente del abordaje de la Psicología Positiva. Objetivos:
La materia tiene por objetivo, promover el conocimiento de los
fundamentos teóricos y los principios básicos de la hipnosis
ericksoniana, es decir del abordaje psicoterapéutico del reconocido
terapeuta norteamericano, Milton Erickson. Se introducirán los conceptos
esenciales y las múltiples técnicas derivadas de tales conceptos y de la
cosmovisión, aspectos neurocientíficos, valores y filosofía de dicha
práctica clínica. Dicha psicoterapia se presentará en primer lugar, como
pionera y fundadora de la terapia estratégica sistémica en particular y
de la práctica psicoterapéutica sistémica general, incluyendo los modelos
y abordajes más recientes como el narrativismo y todos aquellos
posmodernistas derivados de la epistemología constructivista,
construccionista social y de la ontología del lenguaje. Y en segundo
lugar, como fundadora, inspiradora y estimuladora del viraje en la
psicología actual en general y en la psicoterapia en particular,
encarnado en la propuesta de la Psicología Positiva y en sus antecesores,
entre ellos, la logoterapia de Víctor Frankl, la Resiliencia, los aportes
de las neurociencias y los conclusiones mas recientes de la investigación
en psicoterapia, como por ejemplo la Alianza Terapéutica, conclusiones
que atraviesan los modelos y teorías de las distintas escuelas
psicoterapéuticas. Se introduce así al profesional en la innovadora y
pionera propuesta psicoterapéutica de Milton Erickson, actualizándola con
fundamentos de los avances en distintas áreas de la ciencia articulados
entre sí, conectándolo de esta manera, con la esencia de las prácticas
actuales en psicoterapia y especialmente, con el viraje propuesto por la
Psicología Positiva. (*) El Lic. Des Champs es Psicólogo (UBA),
psicoterapeuta de individuos, parejas y familia. Ex Coordinador del
equipo de atención de Crisis del hospital de San isidro y del área de
familia de operadas de mama del L. A. L. C. E. C . Docente universitario
de grado y posgrado, introdujo y coordinó materias sistémicas y
cognitivas e impartió seminarios de terapia familiar sistémica en la UBA,
Universidad J. F. Kennedy y en el Instituto de Drogadependencia de la
Universidad del Salvador dependiente de la Secretaría de Adicciones de la
provincia de Buenos Aires, de la cual fue asesor en su especialidad. Ex
profesor adjunto de la Carrera de Psicología de la Universidad
Maimónides, a cargo de las materias Modelo Sistémico I y II. Profesor
invitado a la 

Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

2012-07-20 Thread David Diggles
Maybe a stupid question, but did you create the certificate the steps in the 

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 09:23:53AM +0100, Mik J wrote:
 I'm coming back with this Apache startup that works fine but yesterday
 I added the -DSSL option in /etc/rc.conf but Apache won't start
 /etc/rc.d/httpd start
 I've looked at all the logs I could find
 but couldn't see why it failed. Is Apache SSL with lpthread supposed to work ?
 - Mail original -
  De?: Mik J
  Envoy? le : Mardi 8 mai 2012
  Objet?: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation
 Thank you for your answer.
  I did use apachectl but after your email I
 followed your suggestions and it works.
  I have notice now that the command
 apachectl doesn't work at all now, 
  when I read your email I thought that it
 wouldn't work for the first time only.
  I'm wondering if the apachectl
 command will end
  being deprecated if it doesn't allow apache to restart
 without us wondering 
  if it has to pre load some libraries or not.
  Have a
 good day
  - Mail
  original -
   De : Stuart Henderson
   @ :
   Cc : 
   Envoyi le :
 Mardi 8 mai 2012 16h06
   Objet : Re:
  Apache won't start after pecl-imagick
   On 2012-05-08, Mik J wrote:
  ? I'm reinstalling my system
  from 4.9 to 5.1
  ? I
 have installed
  ? pecl-imagick and stopped/started
  Apache but I have a
 seg fault (core 
  ? If I uninstall this
  package Apache
 stops/starts nicely.
  ? I have read this page
  ? The last point talks
  ? problem and advices to add in /etc/login.conf
  ? httpd:\
  ? :tc=daemon:
 ? This
  doesn't help,
  ? I still have the same problem with Apache.
 How did you
  start Apache? You will need to use /etc/rc.d/httpd 
   (or reboot)
  so it's started from the system rc scripts for this
 to take
  apachectl does not handle this.
  ? Also
 /usr/lib/ doesn't
  ? exist so I replaced it with
 /usr/lib/ but still no 
   No the
 instructions are correct, use /usr/lib/

Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Wojciech Puchar
Many today SSD and some magnetic disks have AES-128/256 encryption 

If BIOS supports it, it ask for password then send it to hard disk after 
which it decodes it's AES key so it start to work.

No software crypto overhead, everything fine.

My question - how secure it really is.

One extremity is to assume it is certainly well done.
Another - that there are encryption at all, just simple password check.

Both are possible as there is no way to check.

I want your opinions. Software encryption would make quite a bit overhead 
for my setup.

Re: Polish encoding on console in x window

2012-07-20 Thread Adam Bryt
On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 08:51:49PM +0200, Tomasz Marszal wrote:
 Hi Group.
 I have a question to polish users how to set up polish encoding in terminal
 in x windows in Open BSD 5.1 i386.
 LC_ALL and LC_LOCALE didnt work (works only in bash and i get strange signs
 instead of polish dialect signs. Setting wsconsctl keyboard.encoding=pl
 also dont give wanted result.
 Best Regards 
 Tomek Marszal


I do not have 5.1 i386, but in 5.2-beta amd64 this setting is working:


export LC_CTYPE=pl_PL.UTF-8

export LC_CTYPE=pl_PL.UTF-8


In ksh i can type polish signs in filenames (but 'ls' dont display it


Re: Polish encoding on console in x window

2012-07-20 Thread Alexander Polakov
* Adam Bryt [120720 10:56]:
 In ksh i can type polish signs in filenames (but 'ls' dont display it

Install colorls or use ls | cat.

Alexander Polakov |

Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread rustyBSD
Le 20/07/2012 11:12, Wojciech Puchar a écrit :
 Many today SSD and some magnetic disks have AES-128/256 encryption

 If BIOS supports it, it ask for password then send it to hard disk
 after which it decodes it's AES key so it start to work.

 No software crypto overhead, everything fine.

 My question - how secure it really is.

 One extremity is to assume it is certainly well done.
 Another - that there are encryption at all, just simple password check.

 Both are possible as there is no way to check.

 I want your opinions. Software encryption would make quite a bit
 overhead for my setup.

As your disk is probably not 'open source' (?), you don't
know if there is a really encryption, or if there is a secret
password (as for some bios) that permits to access data.

If I was you, I would prefer to use a software-based
encryption (luks, softraid, ...), even if it has some

Keep in memory that, whatever you do, if a guy has money
and WANTS your data, he can get these.

So, as long as you're not a terrorist, I think you can sleep
quietly without take care of the CIA spy under your bed.

But if you are, this spy just has to obtain the encryption
method (or the global password, if there is) by giving $$
to the manufacturer of your disk, and then crack it.

Some of the books I have are very funny at this point...

I think that as long as it's not open source it's unsecure.
This is me, and I could be wrong.

In all cases, encrypt disk is more secure than not to
encrypt disk.


Re: Polish encoding on console in x window

2012-07-20 Thread Tomasz Marszal
Thx its working on 5.1 but insted 

i did /etc/wsconsctl 

On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 12:24:07 +0200, Adam Bryt wrote:
 On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 08:51:49PM +0200, Tomasz Marszal wrote:
 Hi Group.
 I have a question to polish users how to set up polish encoding in
 in x windows in Open BSD 5.1 i386.
 LC_ALL and LC_LOCALE didnt work (works only in bash and i get strange
 instead of polish dialect signs. Setting wsconsctl keyboard.encoding=pl
 also dont give wanted result.
 Best Regards 
 Tomek Marszal
 I do not have 5.1 i386, but in 5.2-beta amd64 this setting is working:
 export LC_CTYPE=pl_PL.UTF-8
 export LC_CTYPE=pl_PL.UTF-8
 In ksh i can type polish signs in filenames (but 'ls' dont display it

Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

2012-07-20 Thread Mik J
Hello David,
Yes I did create it, if there is a configuration problem then I
don't see anything in the logs.
I'm wondering how to debug this.

- Mail
original -
 De : David Diggles
 À :
 Cc : 
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 juillet 2012 11h07

Objet : Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation
a stupid question, but did you create the certificate the steps in the 
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at
09:23:53AM +0100, Mik J wrote:
  I'm coming back with this
Apache startup that works fine but yesterday
  I added the -DSSL option in
/etc/rc.conf but Apache won't start
  /etc/rc.d/httpd start

  I've looked at all the logs I could find
couldn't see why it failed. Is Apache SSL with lpthread supposed to 
 work ?
  - Mail original -
   De?: Mik J
   Envoy? le : Mardi
8 mai 2012
   Objet?: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick
  Thank you for your answer.
   I did use apachectl
but after your email I
  followed your suggestions and it works.
have notice now that the command
  apachectl doesn't work at all now, 
when I read your email I thought that it
  wouldn't work for the first time
   I'm wondering if the apachectl
  command will end
deprecated if it doesn't allow apache to restart
  without us wondering 

 if it has to pre load some libraries or not.
   Have a
  good day
   - Mail
   original -
    De : Stuart Henderson
    @ :
    Cc : 
Envoyi le :
  Mardi 8 mai 2012 16h06
    Objet : Re:
   Apache won't
start after pecl-imagick
    On 2012-05-08, Mik J wrote:

 ? I'm reinstalling my system
   from 4.9 to 5.1
   ? I
   ? pecl-imagick and stopped/started
   Apache but I have a
  seg fault (core 
   ? If I uninstall this
package Apache
  stops/starts nicely.
   ? I have read this

 ? The last point talks
   ? problem and advices to
add in /etc/login.conf
   ? httpd:\
   ? :tc=daemon:

  ? This
   doesn't help,
   ? I still have the same problem
with Apache.
  How did you
   start Apache? You will need
to use /etc/rc.d/httpd 
    (or reboot)
   so it's
started from the system rc scripts for this
  to take
apachectl does not handle this.
   ? Also

/usr/lib/ doesn't
   ? exist so I replaced it with

/usr/lib/ but still no 

  No the
  instructions are correct, use /usr/lib/

Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

2012-07-20 Thread Otto Moerbeek
On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:20:38PM +0100, Mik J wrote:

 Hello David,
 Yes I did create it, if there is a configuration problem then I
 don't see anything in the logs.
 I'm wondering how to debug this.

Start apache on the command line as httpd and you'll probably see the error. 


 - Mail
 original -
  De?: David Diggles
  Envoy? le : Vendredi 20 juillet 2012 11h07
 Objet?: Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation
 a stupid question, but did you create the certificate the steps in the 
  On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at
 09:23:53AM +0100, Mik J wrote:
   I'm coming back with this
 Apache startup that works fine but yesterday
   I added the -DSSL option in
 /etc/rc.conf but Apache won't start
   /etc/rc.d/httpd start
   I've looked at all the logs I could find
 couldn't see why it failed. Is Apache SSL with lpthread supposed to 
  work ?
   - Mail original -
De?: Mik J
Envoy? le : Mardi
 8 mai 2012
Objet?: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick
   Thank you for your answer.
I did use apachectl
 but after your email I
   followed your suggestions and it works.
 have notice now that the command
   apachectl doesn't work at all now, 
 when I read your email I thought that it
   wouldn't work for the first time
I'm wondering if the apachectl
   command will end
 deprecated if it doesn't allow apache to restart
   without us wondering 
  if it has to pre load some libraries or not.
Have a
   good day
- Mail
original -
   ? De : Stuart Henderson
   ? @ :
   ? Cc : 
 Envoyi le :
   Mardi 8 mai 2012 16h06
   ? Objet : Re:
Apache won't
 start after pecl-imagick

   ? On 2012-05-08, Mik J wrote:

  ? I'm reinstalling my system
from 4.9 to 5.1
? I
? pecl-imagick and stopped/started
Apache but I have a
   seg fault (core 
   ? dumped).
? If I uninstall this
 package Apache
   stops/starts nicely.

? I have read this
  ? The last point talks
? problem and advices to
 add in /etc/login.conf
? httpd:\

? :tc=daemon:

   ? This
doesn't help,
? I still have the same problem
 with Apache.

   How did you
start Apache? You will need
 to use /etc/rc.d/httpd 
   ? (or reboot)
so it's
 started from the system rc scripts for this
   to take
   ? effect,
 apachectl does not handle this.

? Also
 /usr/lib/ doesn't
? exist so I replaced it with
 /usr/lib/ but still no 


 ? No the
   instructions are correct, use /usr/lib/

Re: load now over 1.00 all the time (i386, MP)

2012-07-20 Thread frantisek holop
every problem has its solution -- eventually.

i have noticed first that if i dont start an xsession
(as in only xdm is on), the load can go under 1.00

but the reason couldnt be Xorg, as that is running
already if xdm is started.  so i started suspecting
the programs in my .xsession.

and indeed, after killing gkrellm, the mysterious 1.00
load disappeared.  start it again: creeps up to 1.00 again.

i thought it might be my .gkrellm2 configuration, but
starting afresh produces the same result.

none of the gkrellm users see this?
i am running -current all the time...


ps. crossposting to ports@
climate is what you expect. weather is what you get.

Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

2012-07-20 Thread Mik J
Hello Otto,
I was confused if I could start it manually or not. There was
indeed a little mistake in the configuration regarding the paths of the
It's now solved.
Thank you to both of you

- Mail original
 De : Otto Moerbeek
 À : Mik J

Cc :
 Envoyé le : Vendredi 20 juillet
2012 14h22
 Objet : Re: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick
 On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 12:20:38PM +0100, Mik J wrote:

Hello David,
  Yes I did create it, if there is a configuration problem then
  don't see anything in the logs.
  I'm wondering how to debug this.

 Start apache on the command line as httpd and you'll probably see the error.
  - Mail
  original -
De?: David Diggles
   Envoy? le : Vendredi 20 juillet 2012 11h07
  Objet?: Re:
Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick installation

a stupid question, but did you create the certificate the steps in the 
Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at
  09:23:53AM +0100, Mik J wrote:
    I'm coming back with this
  Apache startup that works fine but
    I added the -DSSL option in
  /etc/rc.conf but Apache
won't start
    /etc/rc.d/httpd start
    I've looked at all the logs I could find

couldn't see why it failed. Is Apache SSL with lpthread supposed to 
work ?
    - Mail original -
     De?: Mik J
     Envoy? le : Mardi
  8 mai 2012
     Objet?: Re : Apache won't start after pecl-imagick

    Thank you for your answer.
     I did use
  but after your email I
    followed your suggestions and it
  have notice now that the command
doesn't work at all now, 
  when I read your email I thought that
    wouldn't work for the first time
     I'm wondering
if the apachectl
    command will end
  deprecated if it
doesn't allow apache to restart
    without us wondering 
it has to pre load some libraries or not.
     Have a
    good day

     - Mail
     original -
    ? De : Stuart
    ? @ :
    ? Cc : 
  Envoyi le :
    Mardi 8
mai 2012 16h06
    ? Objet : Re:
     Apache won't
  start after
    ? On 2012-05-08, Mik J wrote:
   ? I'm reinstalling my system
     from 4.9 to
     ? I
     ? pecl-imagick and
     Apache but I have a
    seg fault (core 
? dumped).
     ? If I uninstall this
  package Apache

  stops/starts nicely.
     ? I have read this
   ? The last point talks
problem and advices to
  add in /etc/login.conf
     ? httpd:\

? :tc=daemon:
    ? This
     ? I still have the same problem
  with Apache.
    How did you
     start Apache? You will need
use /etc/rc.d/httpd 
    ? (or reboot)

   so it's
  started from the system rc scripts for this
    to take
    ? effect,
  apachectl does not handle this.
     ? Also
  /usr/lib/ doesn't
exist so I replaced it with
  /usr/lib/ but still
  ? No the
instructions are correct, use /usr/lib/

Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Wojciech Puchar

As your disk is probably not 'open source' (?), you don't
know if there is a really encryption, or if there is a secret
password (as for some bios) that permits to access data.

thats exactly what i fear about. it is even possible that there are no 
encryption at all.

Keep in memory that, whatever you do, if a guy has money
and WANTS your data, he can get these.

So, as long as you're not a terrorist, 

No i am not a terrorist yet ;)

So final conclusion - just use software encryption.
Thank you.

NFS and mounted dirs by hotplug-diskmount

2012-07-20 Thread Jes
Hi all:

I have one computer acting as NFS server for some directories. One of
these directories is /vol, where the hotplug-diskmount daemon mounts
external disks (usually FAT32). 

The problem is that whereas NFS is working well (rest of dirs are
available through my local network) those mounted by hotplug-diskmount
are missing. I can't see any of this dirs. If I export these dirs
in /etc/exports for NFS, then I see this dirs but no content is shown
inside them.

Any idea about this? I suspect it's something related to the
hotplug-diskmount internals but maybe there's a solution...

Thanks in advance,


Re: NFS and mounted dirs by hotplug-diskmount

2012-07-20 Thread Wojciech Puchar

available through my local network) those mounted by hotplug-diskmount
are missing. I can't see any of this dirs. If I export these dirs
in /etc/exports for NFS, then I see this dirs but no content is shown
inside them.

NFS AFAIK will never work this way.

reload mountd after mounting new device.

try to automate it.

Still - no idea if NFS can server from non-unix partitions.
NFS is very tightly bound to unix filesystem internals IMHO, unlike say 
samba or ftpd.

you may try userspace nfs server too.

kvm and Openbsd 5.1

2012-07-20 Thread Alessandro Baggi

Hi list,
today I've installed OpenBSD 5.1 amd64 on a kvm (linux slackware) kvm 
version is 1.0.1.

Starting machine with 4 core, and it crash.
Disabling mpbios see only one core and not smp.

Then, I've updated kvm to 1.1.1 but the results are the same.

There is someone that has started obsd on kvm and avoid this problem?

This problem is kvm related?

Another, someone has tried obsd 5.1 on ESX?

Thanks in advance.

Re: kvm and Openbsd 5.1

2012-07-20 Thread Joel Carnat

Le 20 juil. 2012 à 19:29, Alessandro Baggi a écrit :

 Hi list,
 today I've installed OpenBSD 5.1 amd64 on a kvm (linux slackware) kvm
version is 1.0.1.

 Starting machine with 4 core, and it crash.
 Disabling mpbios see only one core and not smp.

 Then, I've updated kvm to 1.1.1 but the results are the same.

 There is someone that has started obsd on kvm and avoid this problem?

 This problem is kvm related?

 Another, someone has tried obsd 5.1 on ESX?

I have 5.0 and 5.1 working well, with 2 vCPU, on my ESXi 5.


Taller de Coaching Ejecutivo

2012-07-20 Thread Antonio Robles M.
Apreciable Ejecutivo:

TIEM de México
Empresa Líder en Capacitación y Actualización de Capital Humano

Ponemos a su disposición este excelente taller denominado:
“Coaching Ejecutivo”

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que estas buscando llevando tu potencial al máximo en el desarrollo de
habilidades y cumplimiento de objetivos además del mejoramiento en el
desempeño profesional.

En el coaching encontraras:

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Establecer metas y objetivos claros y medibles
Identificar tus propios obstáculos
Explorar tus propias oportunidades
Dirigido a:

Toda persona interesada en mejorar sus habilidades Gerenciales y de
Personas que tengan responsabilidad de dirigir personas y equipos
Empresarios, Directores, Gerentes, Supervisores y Líderes con personal a su
Duración: 05 horas

Guía Temática:

Organización y personas
Beneficios del coaching
Definiciones de coaching
Personas vs organización
Disciplinas: cambio remediativo y cambio generativo
Roles del coaching
Proceso del coaching
Análisis de los diferentes tipos del coaching
Modelo de competencias
Análisis y valoración de resultados
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®Todos los Derechos Reservados ©2011 TIEM Talento e Innovación Empresarial
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Este Mensaje le ha sido enviado como usuario de TIEM de México o bien un
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Si usted ha recibido este mensaje por error, haga caso omiso de él y reporte
su cuenta respondiendo este correo con el subject BAJABD
Tenga en cuenta que la gestión de nuestras bases de datos es de suma
importancia y no es intención de la empresa la inconformidad del receptor.

Re: kvm and Openbsd 5.1

2012-07-20 Thread Johan Ryberg
Second that! Works great =)

 I have 5.0 and 5.1 working well, with 2 vCPU, on my ESXi 5.


Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Robert
On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 17:33:26 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  As your disk is probably not 'open source' (?), you don't
  know if there is a really encryption, or if there is a secret
  password (as for some bios) that permits to access data.
 thats exactly what i fear about. it is even possible that there are no 
 encryption at all.

There are certain Seagate Momentus disks that do AES encryption in
hardware. This means that they use an AES key to encrypt the data, and
you need a (BIOS-)password to unlock this key at boot. So whenever you
change the password, it's just that - the AES key stays the same. You
need to make sure that your BIOS also has an option to reset the AES
key (e.g. the Thinkpad laptops can do this with an official BIOS
patch). Otherwise you rely on the manufacturer that he doesn't keep a
list of the default AES keys ;)

  Keep in memory that, whatever you do, if a guy has money
  and WANTS your data, he can get these.
  So, as long as you're not a terrorist, 
 No i am not a terrorist yet ;)

ACK. What kind of threat do you want to counter, who is your
adversary... [1], [2]

 So final conclusion - just use software encryption.
 Thank you.

Yes and no. Again, what threat are you looking at. If your adversary can
get physical access to your machine (evil maid attack), he can
install a root kit or key logger - which would defeat any software
crypto. In this case you need full disk encryption AND make it difficult
to flash the BIOS or replace hardware parts (how about an identical
keyboard with a built-in sniffer?).

The average user should protect himself against unwanted data disclosure
(e.g. stolen laptop or lost USB disk). Software crypto is perfectly
fine for this.

kind regards,


Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Wojciech Puchar

There are certain Seagate Momentus disks that do AES encryption in
hardware. This means that they use an AES key to encrypt the data, and
you need a (BIOS-)password to unlock this key at boot. So whenever you
change the password, it's just that - the AES key stays the same. You

that's how all FDE drives work. Already a problem as only BIOS can 
activate password, there are no command line tool.

And no idea how would it work if more than one disk with FDE is installed 
on system.

Yes and no. Again, what threat are you looking at. If your adversary can
get physical access to your machine (evil maid attack), he can
install a root kit or key logger - which would defeat any software

no concern on evil maid really.

But simple theft from outside is definitely possible, and DID happened 
long in the past in spite of some control.

Possibility of theft done for data, not machine is very likely.

So lets narrow question - can such thief, with help of some kind of 
specialist - recover data from FDE encrypted drive without password?

to install a boot-time key logger you would need to get here twice, once
to shutdown server and install keylogger (which cannot be unnoticed!!!)
and second time to actually steal it.

checking out that unencrypted part didn't change after unplanned reboot is 
good idea. thanks!

Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Robert
On Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:55:52 +0200 (CEST)
Wojciech Puchar wrote:

  There are certain Seagate Momentus disks that do AES encryption in
  hardware. This means that they use an AES key to encrypt the data, and
  you need a (BIOS-)password to unlock this key at boot. So whenever you
  change the password, it's just that - the AES key stays the same. You
 that's how all FDE drives work. Already a problem as only BIOS can 
 activate password, there are no command line tool.
 And no idea how would it work if more than one disk with FDE is installed 
 on system.

According to Seagate, the password is set using the normal ATA
commands. So I *assume* that you can use the atactl tool for this. The
BIOS does nothing else...

  Yes and no. Again, what threat are you looking at. If your adversary can
  get physical access to your machine (evil maid attack), he can
  install a root kit or key logger - which would defeat any software
 no concern on evil maid really.
 But simple theft from outside is definitely possible, and DID happened 
 long in the past in spite of some control.
 Possibility of theft done for data, not machine is very likely.
 So lets narrow question - can such thief, with help of some kind of 
 specialist - recover data from FDE encrypted drive without password?
 to install a boot-time key logger you would need to get here twice, once
 to shutdown server and install keylogger (which cannot be unnoticed!!!)
 and second time to actually steal it.

*) If someone can get in once unnoticed, he can do it twice. Or the
root kit sends the data out as part of other network traffic. Etc.
*) A power failure can be simulated. Or a hardware failure.

But again, then you are looking at a sophisticated attacker. They might
also have other means (how much does your admin earn? your security
guy? can he be bribed? blackmailed? threatened?).

You probably just want to protect against someone breaking into your
server room and stealing the HDs. In this case do a normal system
install (unencrypted), and encrypt the data disks. Make the admin type
in the password after reboot, via SSH or the console. Don't store the
keys on the system disk ;)

 checking out that unencrypted part didn't change after unplanned reboot is 
 good idea. thanks!

You would have to do this in another system, since you can't trust this
system anymore. This is lots of manual work - is it worth in your
Some other idea: remove the local system disk. Create a read only system
on a CD (+ ramdisk for /tmp, send logs to another server) and boot from
this. Or boot it from the (protected, physically separated server-)LAN.

In the end it is always a cost/benefit (effort/threat) decision...
don't overdo it.

kind regards,

Contato,sexta-feira, 20 de julho de 2012

2012-07-20 Thread
  Contato Site Assunto: OrcamentoNome: Marcos S
SousaEmail: macossousa.compras@gmail.comTelefone:  (11) 3904-
1478Mensagem: Bom dia gostaria de um orcamento sobre alguns
itens,que necessito com urgencia.   Orcamento-doc.pdf
78K   Visualizar   Baixar  

Como Eficientar el Presupuesto Acotado y Recortado

2012-07-20 Thread Adecuaciones Presupuestarias
copy; 2012 Conference Corporativo S.C.
Incluye Temas Criacute;ticos Sobre:
Cierre de Gestioacute;n, Observaciones y Responsabilidades
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FINANZAS Cursos, Contenidos y Metodologiacute;as Desarrollados en Alianza con
las Mejores Universidades Europeas con Calidad ISO 9000.

 Haga click  para desplegar informacioacute;n
Curso 1
Solventar Observaciones. (NUEVO)

Curso 2
Libro Blanco y las Memorias Documentales del Sector Puacute;blico 

Curso 3
 Elaboracioacute;n Puntual de las Memorias Documentales. (NUEVO)

Curso 4
Acta de Entrega Recepcioacute;n y Rendicioacute;n de Cuentas. (NUEVO)

Curso 5
Servicio Profesional de Carrera.

Curso 6
Defensa Estrateacute;gica de los Servidores Puacute;blicos.
Curso 7
Coacute;mo Enfrentar con Eacute;xito Auditoriacute;as Gubernamentales.

Curso 8
Ley Federal de Responsabilidades Administrativas.

Curso 9
(Nueva)Ley Federal Anticorrupcioacute;n.

Curso 10
Derecho Laboral Burocraacute;tico.
Curso 11
Matriz de Administracioacute;n de Riesgos (MAR).

Curso 12
Lineamientos sobre Indicadores para Medir los Avances Fiacute;sicos
Financieros y la MIR.

Curso 13
Coacute;mo Ejecutar Adecuaciones Presupuestarias.

Curso 14
Contabilidad Gubernamental en la Transparencia de las Finanzas Puacute;blicas
(Incluye Ley).

Curso 15
Anaacute;lisis Integral de las Disposiciones del CONAC.

Curso 16
Clasificador por Objeto del Gasto.

Curso 17
Ley Federal de Presupuesto y Responsabilidad Hacendaria y su Reglamento.

Curso 18
Contabilidad Gubernamental en la Armonizacioacute;n Contable y el 
Nuevo Plan
Nacional de Cuentas.
Curso 19
 Normas de Informacioacute;n Financiera Generales y Gubernamentales 
Curso 20
Manual de Contabilidad Gubernamental.
Curso 21
(Nueva) Ley de la Firma Electroacute;nica Avanzada para Servidores

Curso 22
Presupuesto Basado en Resultados (PBR)

Curso 23
Manual Administrativo de Aplicacioacute;n General en Materia de 
Financieros. (Incluye IMPLEMENTACIOacute;N TOTAL)

Curso 24
Marco Loacute;gico para la Evaluacioacute;n del PBR.

Curso 25
(Nueva)Investigacioacute;n de Mercados y los Criterios de 
para Adquisiciones.

Curso 26
Archivonomiacute;a Gubernamental.

Curso 27
Almacenes e Inventarios Gubernamentales.
Curso 28
COMPRANET 5.0 (Licitaciones Electroacute;nicas de las Adquisiciones).

Curso 29
COMPRANET 5.0 (Licitaciones Electroacute;nicas de las Obras

Curso 30
Ley de Adquisiciones.
Curso 31
Ley de Obras Puacute;blicas.
Curso 32
Licitaciones y Contrataciones de las Adquisiciones.
Curso 33
Licitaciones y Contrataciones de las Obras Puacute;blicas.

Curso 34
 Criterios de Evaluacioacute;n de Propuestas Econoacute;micas en Obra
Curso 35
Manual Administrativo de Aplicacioacute;n General en Materia de

Curso 36
Manual Administrativo de Aplicacioacute;n General en Materia de Obras

Curso 37
Manual Administrativo de Recursos Materiales y Servicios Generales.

Curso 38
Manual Administrativo de Recursos Humanos.
Curso 39
Manual Administrativo Sobre Tecnologiacute;as de la Informacioacute;n 
Comunicaciones (TIC).

Curso 40
Disposiciones en Materia de Control Interno y su Manual
Administrativo.(Incluye IMPLEMENTACIOacute;N TOTAL)

Curso 41
(Nuevo)Manual del Servicio Profesional de Carrera para el Gobierno Federal

Curso 42
Manual de Transparencia.(Incluye IMPLEMENTACIOacute;N TOTAL)

Curso 43
Capiacute;tulo 1000 y el Nuevo Manual De Percepciones de los Servidores

Curso 44
Auditoriacute;as, Revisiones y Visitas de Inspeccioacute;n.

Curso 45
(Nueva)Ley de Asociaciones Puacute;blico-Privadas (LAPP).

Curso 46
(Nueva)Ley Federal de Archivos

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Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Robert Connolly
I have been using softraid full disk encryption, with the exception of the
/altroot partition, on my laptop. I have no real threat. I just want it so
that if someone wants to go through my laptop, they can't without my
permission. With OpenBSD's full disk encryption, and a locking screen
saver, there is no known way into my system, with any amount of resources
available. The overhead isn't a problem unless I'm copying huge amounts of
data, which is rare.

The very first thing that occurred to me when reading about your BIOS level
AES disk encryption is what is the weakest link in it. Cracking the AES is
the last thing anyone would want to do, assuming it's genuine. Unless the
implementation is open source, you could have something like a password
utility that only accepts 4 characters, even if you type 50, uses the bios
version for entropy, or other serious issues. There are underground folks
who will use all their resources to look for and find such vulnerabilities,
and we don't really know one way or the other if the implementation is
good, unless of course it is open source.

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 Many today SSD and some magnetic disks have AES-128/256 encryption builtin.

 If BIOS supports it, it ask for password then send it to hard disk after
 which it decodes it's AES key so it start to work.

 No software crypto overhead, everything fine.

 My question - how secure it really is.

 One extremity is to assume it is certainly well done.
 Another - that there are encryption at all, just simple password check.

 Both are possible as there is no way to check.

 I want your opinions. Software encryption would make quite a bit overhead
 for my setup.

Curso de Ortografía y Redacción para Ejecutivos Cierre de reservaciones

2012-07-20 Thread Maurin Quintero S.
Si no puede visualizar correctamente este correo, le pedimos que lo arrastre a
su Bandeja de Entrada

Apreciable Ejecutivo:
TIEM de México
Empresa Líder en Capacitación y Actualización de Capital Humano

Le recuerda que el curso de:
“Ortografía y Redacción para Ejecutivos”

Esta programado en la Ciudad de México para el día 26 de Julio de 2012

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dificultad con la cual nos expresamos y logramos despertar el interés de
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7.  Saber cómo utilizar correctamente los diferentes documentos.
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Del DF al 5611-0969 con 10 líneas
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Aceptamos todas las TDC y Débito.
Promoción: 3 meses sin Intereses pagando con American Express

®Todos los Derechos Reservados ©2011 TIEM Talento e Innovación Empresarial
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Este Mensaje le ha sido enviado como usuario de TIEM de México o bien un
usuario le refirió para recibir este boletín.
Como usuario de TIEM de México, en este acto autoriza de manera expresa que
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Tenga en cuenta que la gestión de nuestras bases de datos es de suma
importancia y no es intención de la empresa la inconformidad del receptor.

Re: Full Disc Encryption - i want your opinions

2012-07-20 Thread Robert Connolly
Being realistic however, if you offered 1000 random people a $1000 prize to
get into your system, using the BIOS AES disk encryption, it's unlikely any
of them would pull it off. With softraid, I am only lacking rootkit
protection, by doing a sha1sum on my /altroot partition, from the encrypted
system, during boot, which is simple enough to set up, but I have no reason

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Robert Connolly wrote:

 I have been using softraid full disk encryption, with the exception of the
 /altroot partition, on my laptop. I have no real threat. I just want it so
 that if someone wants to go through my laptop, they can't without my
 permission. With OpenBSD's full disk encryption, and a locking screen
 saver, there is no known way into my system, with any amount of resources
 available. The overhead isn't a problem unless I'm copying huge amounts of
 data, which is rare.

 The very first thing that occurred to me when reading about your BIOS
 level AES disk encryption is what is the weakest link in it. Cracking the
 AES is the last thing anyone would want to do, assuming it's genuine.
 Unless the implementation is open source, you could have something like a
 password utility that only accepts 4 characters, even if you type 50, uses
 the bios version for entropy, or other serious issues. There are
 underground folks who will use all their resources to look for and find
 such vulnerabilities, and we don't really know one way or the other if the
 implementation is good, unless of course it is open source.

 On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 2:12 AM, Wojciech Puchar wrote:

 Many today SSD and some magnetic disks have AES-128/256 encryption

 If BIOS supports it, it ask for password then send it to hard disk after
 which it decodes it's AES key so it start to work.

 No software crypto overhead, everything fine.

 My question - how secure it really is.

 One extremity is to assume it is certainly well done.
 Another - that there are encryption at all, just simple password check.

 Both are possible as there is no way to check.

 I want your opinions. Software encryption would make quite a bit overhead
 for my setup.