startup vs. child initialization question

2002-03-31 Thread conark
Hi! I had a question regarding where I should be placing global configuration options in mod_perl. Here's the qweekie scenario: I want to load a configuration file of various options (such as db arguments, system directories, db connections, etc.) into a hash or perl object global to Apache

Apache::Session Questions

2000-11-23 Thread conark
I installed Apache::Session and am employing embed perl to do some simple session management. Apache restarts fine as of now. However, when I try using %mdat or %udat I get this error message: [57250]ERR: 24: Line 17: Error in Perl code: No space left on device at

better ping functions for mod_perl question

2000-11-13 Thread conark
My company has been experiencing quite a bit of zombie process creation when we created our own ping function to work under mod_perl (for persistent dbh's). It seems like there's one zombie process per httpd process being created. I have provided the code that we're using to create the ping

question on DBIx::Recordset PrevNextForm

2000-11-11 Thread conark
Is there any way to hide the form data that the DBIx::Recordset PrevNextForm function generates? i just noticed that if someone does a "view source," the user can view your db connection, username, password, etc. That doesn't seem very secure even though this is a pretty cool subroutine to

question on code snippet in mod_perl guide

2000-08-31 Thread conark
In the section on optimizing the db and prepare statements (in the url), the document discusses creating a subroutine called "connect" in a package called package My::DB; My question is if you have the my $dbh = My::DB-connect; statement in another

Re: question on code snippet in mod_perl guide

2000-08-31 Thread conark
Hmmm. How busy is the site or is still in testing phase? Testing phase. Are you saying your connection is getting dropped and then you get an error,or that you get dropped and then it has to reconnect? Here's a sample of errors that I'm getting the error_log file: [Tue Aug 29 20:15:52 2000]