Storable segfaulting

2002-02-18 Thread raptor
hi, I have object that inherit Storable... so I store the object.. later when I try to "retrieve" the object I get : Segmentation fault (11) Mandrake 8.1, Storable 1.012 Can u help me ..... raptor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: performance coding project? (was: Re: When to cache)

2002-01-31 Thread raptor
ORM-param from "something" to "anything"..etc.. I think in mod_perl world we are about to search MEMORY optimisation RATHER speed optimisation... :") raptor [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: mod_perl vs. C for high performance Apache modules

2001-12-19 Thread raptor
... > work on Mars. The investor claims to have evaluated Perl vs. C years ago, > to have witnessed that every single hit on the webserver under mod_perl > causes a CPU usage spike that isn't seen with C, and that under heavy load ]- this seems to me like non-compiled script, module or eventua

Setting Perl-stuff inside section

2001-10-05 Thread raptor
hi, How can I set in section, say : PerlModule PerlSetVar XXX On PerlSetVar YYY Off and similar... $VirtualHost{address} = { PerlModule => '', PerlSetVar => { XXX => 'On', YYY => 'Off' } }; !!?! Thanx = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Set VirtualHost IP-Address

2001-10-04 Thread raptor
hi, Can I set the IP Address of VirtualHost via script from inside section in httpd.conf !? Example? Thanx = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

site copies under the one httpd

2001-09-30 Thread raptor
hi, I have a site, it has two copies one that is on the Dev server (dev-copy) and the other Production one. So what I want ? I want to have the Production site on my dev machine ... ( i'm arraging that the DB and all dependant stuff get copied after some time passes). But AS U KNOW I can't have t

Dynamic !?

2001-09-19 Thread raptor
hi, Anyone to know a way to set the host virtual-address dinamcly i.e.depending on what is the dynamic address I get by the pppd deamon when I connect !?! = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-10 Thread raptor
>Note that there are _no_ nested subroutines in Perl ..So what you basicaly have are two global subroutines with > local values. You get the closure for the first invocation. But it's > not the same variable anymore. ]- Now understand thanx alot = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor
didn't thought of that :")), but what will broke if the var is copied/aliased every time not just the first time ... I mean the call to closure make a new instance of the sub() every time isn't it ?!? ! I see the closures get bound every-time , but non closures only the first time ! But

Re: my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor
thanx, Yes I see ... but I was interested WHY when we are in nested subroutines ... the inner-one will see the lexical var only the first time !! I mean the REASON of this perl behaviour ! It it closer/easier to think of it that my-vars are visible all the time in their inner scopes (except if u

my OR our that is the question ?!

2001-08-09 Thread raptor
hi, I have the following situation ... it is not big issue but i'm interested why this happen .. so here is it : my $ID = 555; print $ID; sub blah { .. { local $$dbh{AutoCommit} = 0; eval { local $$dbh{RaiseError} = 1; $ID = selectrow query;#s

Re: Just while we are so nicely [OT]: SQL Search Results in pages

2001-08-02 Thread raptor
> This may be of interest: > > ]- Where is $h->{FetchHashKeyName}, I didn't found it even in the source perl -m DBI my version is 1.18 > Tim.

Re: What counts as a real DBMS?

2001-08-01 Thread raptor
ok my 5c, My vote is for Interbase. Why ? +small runtime size +zero administration +FK with CASCADE +I think it runs on more platforms than any other DB +SUSPEND in stored procs +stored procs can be used in FORM clause +can run on less-powerfull PC's Personaly I've used it on Win95, Win98, WinN

Re: Buffering Output

2001-07-31 Thread raptor
Anybody know if exist some module how CGI::Out for buffering output in CGI script ? ]- The other approach if U don't want to append to var...then U can do something like this : my $buffer; sub xprint { $buffer .= @_ }; possibly U will want to move this code into separate module...!! then use

Re: cached value !!

2001-07-26 Thread raptor
thanx alot I also thought it has to be closure... but didn't done it in the right way... i.e. i was doing this way :") : { my $firstcall = 1; sub checkSomething { if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0} code ... }; } but it has to be anonymous ...:")

cached value !!

2001-07-26 Thread raptor
hi, I have the following problem... a module/object that use a callback func..example : use Blah; my $obj = new Blah(...); ..later on ... my $firstcall = 1; sub checkSomething { if ($firstcall) {$firstcall = 0; return 0} code ... }; $$obj{checkCode} = \&checkSomething; $obj->callS

2001-07-23 Thread raptor html

Re: Post processing Perl output through PHP

2001-07-15 Thread raptor
> Ironically, having tried the suggestion from Darren, I discover that I don't have > LWP installed. My sysadmin however, will install anything for me as long as > I provide him with an RPM for it. > > I don't mean to sound lazy, and I have just checked, but I can't > quickly put my h

[ASP] FileUploadMax --> FileMaxUpload

2001-07-13 Thread raptor
hi, FileUploadMax wrongly stated in ASP docs, U should use : PerlSetVar FileMaxUpload xxx instead. One more thing, does someone knows a way to capture the error, if the user tries to upload bigger file than accepted. So I can inform him. Is it possible to set CGI::POST_MAX on a per request i.e.

Re: [aliasing] Using mod_perl handlers for max speed?

2001-07-12 Thread raptor
!!! Is it possible to have reference on the left side of the equation !!! I've tried this to alias HASH :") but didn't succeeded... sub { my \$hash = shift; # $_[0] is \%myhash }; Yes I know that there is aliasing : my *hash = \%{$hashref}.. And I see that here u use : \$r->blah ...Never mind

!!!reevaluating part of the module

2001-07-10 Thread raptor
hi, What I want is access from module to executed-at-the-moment script namespace i.e. the module : $"abc.asp"::buffer .= 'hello.'; the script xxx.asp : use Utils; use vars qw($buffer); print $buffer == How can I do this. Currently I'm doing something like this : the mo

[Solved] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor
hi, I moved to 2.74 and everything is OK now :") So be aware that u may have problems with the following config : RedHat 7.1 + Apache 1.3.20/mod_perl 1.25,, CGI ver 3.x CGI 3.01 even gives error on /compilation test. CGI 3.02 doesn't give this error HtH = iVAN [EMAIL PROTEC

Re: [] and multipart/form .. error

2001-07-10 Thread raptor
hi again, I've made some tests and debuging, the problem seems to be in CGI module... first of all in eg/file_upload.asp this : print $q->start_multipart_form(); returns this : do U see no POST (the interesting thing is that $r->method returns GET in this case i didn't knowed that :") )..

Re: [preview] Search engine for the Guide

2000-05-19 Thread raptor
hi, very interesting. Search for : "statinc" returns nothing and the box get filled with "tatinc" instead "statinc" ?!?!:") this under KDE viewer, now will try netscape ...!!

Re: Want to work at a Game company?

2000-05-19 Thread raptor
On Thu, 18 May 2000, ___cliff rayman___ wrote: > legitimate job offers from a reputable company are never spam. > especially if your salary is not more than ~$150-$200 per month :"( sorry for the off-topic iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED]

KHTTPD for static and Apache/mod_perl for dynamic??

2000-05-15 Thread raptor
hi, My question is instead of using two Apache servers OR Apache+proxy scenario (static vs dynamic pages) will it be possible to leave static pages to kHTTPD and run only one APACHE server. Did someone tried it... Thanx = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

Re: [RFC] XML/Apache Templating with mod_perl

2000-04-25 Thread raptor
Yeah that will be really cool... can you inform me about the progress on this, if you made something ... I thought about something similar not exact but some sort of processor to handle XML(XSLT) -> HTML conversations + some sort of caching tehnique, but I also like this approachsomething like

mod_perl for BeOS ??

2000-04-20 Thread raptor
hi, someone to know is there a binary package of mod_perl for BeOS

Send directly to me : Apache - Linux vs BSD

2000-04-12 Thread raptor
hi, Anyone with experience running Apache on both platforms any recomentation pluses, minuses. Send them directly to me not to the list. Not war's, I just need oppinions. You can include Solaris too. Thanx alot in advance = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

PerlTransHandler and sort of mapping

2000-04-07 Thread raptor
hi, I was wondering how to map PerlTransHandler only for certain type of files. ( I'm doing URI rewriting not URI->filename translation ?!!) Something like : PerlTransHandler Apache::MyHandler Yes I know this is wrong...can this be done in some other way ? Thanx = iVAN [EMAIL PRO


2000-03-31 Thread raptor
hi, can someone point me to a place where I can see all the strings generated for HTTP_USER_AGENT : IE3.x,4.x,5,5.5 NN3.x,4.x may be other too... thanx = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED] =

EXECUTE command from web script

2000-02-09 Thread raptor
hi, how can I execute system command (f.e. ipchains) from within web script, securely and easly. [ f.e. - qx(ipchains ..blah..) ] Now I get the following error : "ipchains : Permission denied (you must be root)" Second question : Can someone recommend me a good RE for detecting browsers i.e. or

No Subject

2000-01-28 Thread raptor
hi, Check this :")

DB choice ?

1999-12-21 Thread raptor
pls send answers directly to me (so not clutering the list). Thanx I have the following situation Apache Web server under Linux and we must decide which DB server to use. The choice can be Microsoft SQL/NT or Oracle/Linux. I'm a teleworker at the moment, so get this in mind too. Please give me P

PerlModule/Require didn't work ??

1999-12-16 Thread raptor
hi, I was wondering why the PerlModule and perlRequire didn't work for me. I have a fresh installation of : apache 1.3.9 + mod_perl 1.21 (that is bundled in RedHat6.1), what was my surprise to see that when I try to use something like : PerlRequire .../ or PerlModule Apache::DBI Apac


1999-12-15 Thread raptor
hi, Is there Session module that has capability more like ASP::Session rather than Apache::Session.(I mean hanlidng the cookies too, Joshua is it easy to extract Session functionality from ASP as a standalone module :")). OR what mostly the MASON people use to handle Sessions. Thanx = [EMAIL

Logo: mod_perl Programmers demand is going up...

1999-12-06 Thread raptor
Isn't best to use Cheetah as a logo animal :") That's mean speed.

LWP vs Netscape

1999-12-03 Thread raptor
hi, If I put this on Location: bar on the Netscape browser, I get the result of the search as expected (try it). But If I try to do this via LWP package, I didn't get the

Query/Parse/Format/Display ?

1999-12-02 Thread raptor
hi, I want to make the following : 1. Query a site ? 2. Get the results of the query in my script (we are still in Apache) 3. Exctract the information I need ? 4. Fomat it and send to the browser ? Does someone made something similar. Example ? Thanx in advance = iVAN [EMAIL PROTECTED]


1999-11-24 Thread raptor
Hi, a couple of questions. I can't get the $ENV{REMOTE_USER} var., after succesfull authentification - there is nothing in it. Here is the configuration : ...blah .blah ... AuthDBUserFile /work/.volunteers.db AuthGroupFile /dev/null AuthName 'Volunteers Members Area' AuthType Basic

AGAIN - mod_rewrite escaping ???

1999-11-01 Thread raptor
hi, I've tried : RewriteMap escape-map prg:/path/to/file/ RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$ /${escape-map:$1} when the script is as follow for ex.: $| = 1; while(<>) { s/&/_/g; print $_}; or similar it doesn't work (more precisely if I use <> or ?!?!) If I use th

mod_rewrite escaping ???

1999-10-29 Thread raptor
hi there, I have problem. The situation is as follow : RewriteRule ^(.*)\/index\.html$/$1 The problem is that I have some directories named like this "blah&wlah", so a request like this : /blah&wlah/index.html rewriten like this : / and the

FTP hits counting

1999-10-28 Thread raptor
hi, Does anyone has something for counting FTP hits ? What I mean ? My idea (just thoughts) is as follow : 1. Put in my pages link. 2. Write a rewrite rule, http -> ftp, if this is possible ?!? 3. And then count via perl script. or something similar . Any other ideas. I don't want to make c


1999-10-19 Thread raptor
hi there, 1. Is there a easier way, I mean more transparent way to cache Tie to DBM files (I need READONLY). Something like "use Apache::DBI" in file and then when I use "tie" or whatever ... if there is cached connection to get it instead creating new one, will this improve the speed

Re: Precomplie ASP ?

1999-10-07 Thread raptor
Lionel Benhaim wrote: ]- add to your file, something like this : use Apache::ASP (); Apache::ASP->Loader('/home/httpd/project/', "(asp|htm|html)\$"); You must have first in httpd.conf something like this : PerlRequire /home/httpd/project/global/ Or you can add it directly