Gunnar Vestergaard wrote:

> My goal is to let visitors of my web site authenticate themselves to
> my web server using some certificate, possibly S/MIME certificates.

> As I understand the documentation for PHP, there is no means whereby
> PHP can read and interpret an SSL client certificate. Is that correct?

It's possible to configure Apache 2 to add the client certificate to a request header. From one of my configuration files:

  RewriteCond ${ESC:%{SSL:SSL_CLIENT_CERT}} \
  RewriteRule ^.*$ - [E=CLIENT_CERT:%1]

  RequestHeader unset L-ClientCert

  RequestHeader set L-ClientCert %{CLIENT_CERT}e env=CLIENT_CERT

The certificate is %-encoded to avoid problems with newline characters. Presumably PHP can use the string in the header to match the certificate against a list of known certificates.

The certificate digest would be less unwieldy than the entire certificate, but mod_ssl would need some simple changes to make the digest available and I would be reluctant to use a hosting provider who allowed customers to use a modified mod_ssl.

    Dave Sparks

Apache Interface to OpenSSL (mod_ssl)         
User Support Mailing List            
Automated List Manager                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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