Re: 2 VirtualHosts with 2 Certificates

2003-01-08 Thread James Barwick
Should have read the MOST FREQUENTLY ASKED FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS!!! Can't do that. Learn a little more about SSL. It's IP based, not name based. So, you can only have one certificate and one firtual host on Sorry...but that's the way it goes. Same question answer

Re: .htaccess not processed with client authentication

2002-03-08 Thread James Barwick
verrides...but really you shouldn't since the followsymlink options should honor the options of the "Parent" directory. IMHO. JDB -- Signature Jame

Incorrect Certificate presented for Virtual Site...Why?

2001-02-11 Thread James Barwick
I have 4 virtual servers setup somthing like the following: Listen 80 Listen 443 NameVirtualHost VirtualHost ServerName /VirtualHost VitrualHost ServerName SSLCertificateFile file1.pem