Re: MD Moq and Shroedinger's cat.

1999-01-27 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan, LilaQs Struan commented on my essay at I found it impossible to contradict any of this Jonathan. Your, 'The Cause of Change,' paragraph could use some clarification of your reasons for putting 'almost' in

MD Stuck in the Dakotas

1999-02-22 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi LilaQs, 3 weeks without posting anything must be something of a record for me. I've been skimming through most of the posts, and quite frankly find it depressing. I can't criticize the individual posts - mostly they compare favorably with the best of what I've seen over the months. However,

MD Responsibility

1999-02-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, all, -Original Message- From: Platt Holden [EMAIL PROTECTED] Date: Thu, 25 February 1999 19:43 Subject: Re: MD Zen and the intellect [snip ... I bristle at Jonathan's idea that human individuals can be compared to gas molecules, Platt, I think you entirely missed the point. It

Re: MD mysticism

1999-04-30 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi mystics and antimystics, It sometimes seems that nobody ever refers back to any posting more than 3 days old:-. I think that the following extract from my contribution of 16/12/98 is particularly relevant:- Mysticism etymologically means that something is HIDDEN. It strikes me that "hidden"

Re: MD re: a perfect ending

1999-05-24 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Kevin, Glove, everyone, Glove wrote : "...mankind will never be perfect, or even approach perfection, for : perfection is in the individual and not to be found in society... man and : woman may approach perfection in spirit and in action... indeed even become : perfection in spirit and

MD Affirmative action - the ends justify the means

1999-06-05 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Mary, squad ... After taking a month off from the Squad, I've returned to find - chaos! This is great! I love it! This is the big confusion. Chaos seems to be the antithesis of quality. Pirsig places it at the lowest level of morality (below his inorganic level). But I believe that Pirsig's

Re: MD soul in the MOQ

1999-07-08 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi MoQers, Others have already brought over the SOUL discussion from the moderated forum which suits me just fine. The following post of mine was rejected from that forum because the moderator made up new rule that you cannot refer to a discussion in the unmoderated forum Here is the

MD Who moved the goalpost?

1999-07-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Horse, Glove, Dave and fellow MD subscribers, Horse wrote... [snip] It is also pretty obvious to most that it is poor etiquette and plain bad manners to attempt to hijack the current discussion of the sister forum because you can't be bothered to keep on topic or go through the legitimate

Re: MD Genocide and MOQ morality

1999-07-18 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dave B. and all, Dave wrote: I've been trying to debate this issue from a MOQ standpoint. It's my assertion that there was no valid intellect involved in the decision to bomb the Japanese cities... Now that's a really neat arguing tactic Dave. I must try it sometime! Now let's see . . .

Re: MD Genocide and MOQ morality

1999-07-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
JONATHAN TRIES TO CLARIFY THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SOCIAL VALUES AND THE INTELLECTUAL PROCESS. Hi Pirsigians, All Philosophers: This is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Jonathan's "argument" is entirely free of any intellectual content. It deliberately ignores the issues and

Re: MD Robert 4 --MOQ 0

1999-07-27 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
1. CONSCIOUSNESS 2. QUANTUM PHYSICS AND EMPIRICISM 3. LOGOS AND ARGUMENT Hi Robert, Magnus, Maggie, Mary David and all, Robert's post was interesting, but not nearly as interesting or revealing as some of the responses. What struck me hardest were some very brief statements: MAGNUS (to Robert)

Re: MD What comes after Intellect?

1999-08-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Thomas, Bodvar and Squad, BODVAR I was a little shocked by Thomas T. Welborn's characterization of LILA as a harlot and panderer. Of course ZMM is matchless and I respect that he has a special relationship with it (so do I!), but I disagree strongly about LILA. They are completely

Re: MD Substantive and Semantic

1999-10-02 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan, Cory and all, STRUAN Whilst [Jonathan] is right that one of my objections to SOM is that the M is misplaced - of that I am as certain as I am about anything - I don't see why Jonathan attempts to dispose of the argument as semantic and not substantive. I always considered semantics to


1999-10-07 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
JONATHAN LEAVES THE INTELLECTUAL vs. SOCIAL DEBATE AND MUDDIES SOCIAL vs. BIOLOGICAL Hi all, We all know what the biological level includes, right? Well what about this: Last night the BBC World Service reported the case of a human boy found living among monkeys in Uganda - a real-life Tarzan.


1999-10-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello Davids (B T) and all, Me If you look back over the A-bomb exchange ... David Buchanan: Well, OK. But its sort of odd to reference such an ancient conversation, especially since I've posted so much on the topic recently. David, I'm disappointed that you have so little respect for a

Re: MD moral compass

1999-11-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Dear David B. Platt and other MD friends. (I started this post yesterday, and then took a Sabbath break. I've just looked through some interesting offerings by Platt, Glove and Ken; alas most of my posting was written before I received them. I've restricted myself to a very minor subsequent

MD X is not good

2000-01-11 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
This unusually long (for me) post contains: 1. A REJECTION of STRUAN'S "X" 2. MORALITY OF THE UNIVERSE VS. HUMAN ETHICS 3. BOTTOM-UP THE SOURCE OF Q-JUDGEMENT Hi Jon, Struan, Roger, Walter, Mark, Platt, Horse, Ken etc. Struan, I'm glad to see that you are still with us. JON: And finally

MD Re: X is not good

2000-01-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan, Roger, JC and all, I took the liberty of changing the subject header to my own. Struan probably considers this pure sophistry. JONATHAN wrote: "The free-will argument is a red herring because humans clearly DO make decisions and can be held responsible for the outcomes."

Re: MD The Bride of Free Will Returns

2000-01-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Ken, Struan, Roger and Simon (welcome), I have some comments about the underlying determinism issue which I think has not been fully appreciated here e.g. STRUAN: I would say that the universe is probably deterministic - although there could be some degree of randomness - and that humans

Re: MD The Bride of Free Will Returns

2000-01-25 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Struan, Magnus and all, Please be very careful when talking about randomness. I've repeatedly tried to make the point that randomness is not an objective property and obviously I've failed miserably. Actually, randomness is a pretty good example of a subject-object platypus! PLATT

Re: MD The relationship of DQ to Chaos

2000-02-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger, Rick and all, ROGER: Sq and the four levels are high quality, logically consistent interpretations of DQ. Does this model work for you? RICK: Hmmm..."Sq and the four levels are high quality, logically consistent interpretations of DQ." Logically consistent interpretations...???


2000-02-14 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello everyone, I've been sitting on the sidelines, but see little progress on the whole free will issue. Let me first deal with this comment from ROGER. I am also a tad fuzzy on some of what Jonathan M is trying to get across (is it that "randomness is an interpretation of experience" or

Re: MD Re: Truth

2000-02-20 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello truth seekers, First, in the FREE WILL thread JOHN PRIOR says: Jonathon, When you say, Descartes might equally have said "I have free will, therefore I am" You sound in agreement with my postings equating free will and mind/consciousness. ... Absolutely. Thought without

MD Time, Kant and Einstein,

2000-03-03 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi David B. and all, DAVID B. Jonathan and all: It seems that these issues are about something important, but I can't put my finger on it. JM is responding to the idea of NOT trashing subjects objects altogether, how they compare to static patterns and some other fancy stuff like the nature

MD Solipsism, forces of reality and maps

2000-03-08 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi David B. and all, DAVID B. And just for the record, Solipsism doesn't just recognize our "interest" in the subjective, it says that the world is CREATED by subjectivity, by "mind" in the classical sense of the word. I basically agree with David's view of solipsism, though I am aware that

MD Faiths and Beliefs

2000-03-25 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Matt, Horse, Drose, David L. and all, Matt complained how little response he got to his "Why Science Discredits Arts" post of 19th March. Personally, I found the science philosophy he presents to be something of a strawman, though I do agree with this sentiment: MATT: Pick up a beginning

MD Clockwise

2000-03-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, Time seems to a recurring theme here with several names of scientists and philosophers coming up: Prigogine, Kant, Paul Davies, Einstein and, most recently, Julian Barbour (thanks Peter). Well let me share some amusing thoughts. This evening walking home from work, I was dwelling about

Re: MD Moral Sense?

2000-03-30 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello Platt and all, PLATT Do we have-- like our physical senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell--an inborn, instinctive moral sense? Well, well, well! I just looked back over some posts from November 1998 (Re: MD PROGRAM: Morality and the MoQ), when Platt and I were arguing on the

Re: MD Faith, Dogma and Belief

2000-03-31 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Horse and all, JONATHAN Horse brings up the TRUTH word again in its objective sense, to which I must give my oft repeated statement that TRUTH and REALITY are not the same. HORSE No. I used the TRUE word. TRUTH (for me) is a whole other kettle of philosophical fish. Maybe we are

Re: MD Mysticism Rituals

2000-04-02 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi David B., Roger and all, To David B. - Sorry for being the scoundrel who forced you to cross-post, but I do think that it is a good idea to continue the discussion here. Perhaps I didn't make it quite clear that your "pretty good answer" that you first posted to the MF list doesn't really

Re: MD Negative quality...

2000-04-18 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Jeff, Roger and all ROGER wrote: Jeff, OK, I am intrigued. What blow does "negative" quality give to the MOQ? And while we are at it, is there even such a thing as "negative" quality, or just an absence-of-quality? Please go back to 6th March (Random Patterns thread) and have a look

Re: MD A Call to Accountability

2000-06-20 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Dear Struan, Rick and all, I haven't been a very happy lurker these last few days. Struan, you are obviously intelligent and well versed in philosophy, but I do not admire the way you have been flaunt these virtues. As a matter of fact, when you use these gifts to patronize and obfuscate, they

MD Re: MoQ Conference

2000-08-16 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Rich and all, RICH PETTI Oh - might as well fly two birds with one wing: I and another are organizing some sort of conference of those interested in further understanding and applying the MOQ. It's a premature idea at the moment, but the plan is to meet in the Netherlands next August, and

Re: MD MoQ Conference

2000-08-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Rich, Horse, Marc, Roger and all, I'm away for the next week, but when I get back we should kick this conference idea around some more. So far, I like the sorts of ideas being thrown around. Rich's campground idea could work - suits a grass roots, no frills sort of event. However, there is

Re: MD Moq Conference

2000-09-04 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Mary, Dave, Peter, Mary, Can, Rich, Horse, Marco, Willem, I just looked over the Montana State University conference office pages at It looks as if they have the sort of facilities we might need - conference rooms, cheap dorm accomodation etc.

Re: MD ploughing the mysterious fields

2000-09-11 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Peter, Platt, Glenn, Hamish, and all: I've been following most of your conversations - good stuff and I'm happy just to read. However, I do have one comment that I think is important: PETER And my personal estimation of what Pirsig was trying to get at when atacking the sacred cow of

Re: MD Fields,/ Jonathan

2000-09-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Peter, David and all, Peter, I think we actually agree of everything: By your own admission, we . ..agree that the absence of this "absoluteness" [absolute truth] does not in any way imply that "anything goes," or that one truth is as good as another - that way surely lies madness (or a

Re: MD Man centered critique?

2000-09-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, Welcome to the discussion Sasu, I noticed several people criticizing MoQ on the grounds that man is not a central element in it, they do not seem to accept the concept that we are just a part of a "machinery". Did I understand correctly? And if I did, what would be the reason to

MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Lemarck

2000-10-10 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Kenneth, Peter [snip] Now, my question is this: is "memetics" a subject which is (at least potentially) one which can be approached 'scientifically'? - regular readers of this list will know what I mean - I don't mean that science is the only allowable perspective, but to avoid undue

Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Lamarck

2000-10-15 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Kenneth and all, KENNETH: A correspondent of me, Doug Klimesh, USA, wrote in an article called " Meme Storage in DNA " that Stuart Hameroff, proposes that the microtubukes making up the cytoskeleton of basically every living cell in addition to

MD A WAVE from Jonathan

2000-10-17 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
This follows from the thread "Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Platt" (The "WAVE" part comes a few paragraphs down) Hi Platt, Kenneth, Roger and all, PLATT Now will someone kindly take this thread and tie it to the MOQ? I enjoy all the speculation about genes and memes, but I'm too dense to

Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Platt

2000-10-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt (Peter) and all, PLATT Well, that memetics is considered a "discipline" is news to me. A couple of books (Richard Dawkins, Susan Blackmore) does not a discipline make, any more than two seminal books by Pirsig makes him accepted in academe. Following Kenneth's reference I checked out

Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Platt

2000-10-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt and all, Platt, I appreciate your taking the time to follow up on this. PLATT: I stand corrected and appreciate your steering me to the Journal of Memetics web site. I learned a lot from reading the Report on the Conference "Do Memes Account for Culture?" held at Kings College,

Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Platt

2000-10-22 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt and all, I seem to have selfishly dragged this discussion over to something that I've become rather obsessed with. The question of cause vs. tendency has come to dominate my scientific outlook and my outlook on life in general, and I've devoted many, many hours of thought to it. I have

Re: MD Genes, Memes, Darwin and Platt

2000-10-23 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt and all, This is just a quick addendum to my earlier post. Previously I said I'm not going to read up on Rees, because I have seen similar arguments by other eminent scientists, and I consider them highly fallacious. . . . I finally DID have a look, and was surprised to find that I

MD Pirsig, Metaphysics, Solipsism and Memetics

2000-11-03 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi everyone, For several days I have been thinking about replying to Kenneth's article, and about why I think that basing any idea on solipsism cannot lead to any useful philosophy. However, before I present the argument, I see an urgent need to respond to the discussion that arose from Pirsig's


2000-11-09 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger and all, ROG: And yes, biological --genetic -- evolution affects animal societies. But to use our terminology, it does not operate as dynamically on the social level, and it doesn't have good latching mechanisms That's is paradoxical. Latching (static) is the antithesis of

Re: MD Maps, Reality and Memes

2000-11-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger and all, ROGER: Jonathan, as usual I have enjoyed your writing. Some questions/comments: Thanks JONATHAN: Reality is the map itself, not some "absolute" terrain. Reality is the world of experiences that have been REALised and mapped. . . ROGER: Well said. I think I agree. I

Re: MD Maps, Reality and Memes

2000-11-16 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Bodvar and all, JONATHAN: I will repeat what I said in the "Maps Metaphors" thread of long ago. Reality is the map itself, not some "absolute" terrain. Reality is the world of experiences that have been REALised and mapped. Rather than one map, it is a series of joining maps.

Copies vs. Originals (Re: MD Re:MEMES)

2000-11-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dan, Roger and all I'm enjoying your exchange - thanks for the invitation to participate. ROGER When genetic patterns replicate, how true do they have to be to be considered a copy? And is there any original DNA? DAN Well perhaps someone like Jonathan could answer that one better than I.

Re: Copies vs. Originals (Re: MD Re:MEMES)

2000-11-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dan and all, JONATHAN The definition of a "signature" is both the act of signing and the product. If you duplicate the product without the act, this is indeed a copy (or a forgery!). DAN I recall when I worked for a large corporation my check was never signed by the president

Re: MD Strawman and Harmony

2000-12-24 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan, Puzzled Elephant, Horse, Peter L. and all, ELEPHANT: Crystal clear. What is less clear it is that you think a firmly held dichotomy would have to have before it became a firmly held metaphysics. I suspect that what it would have to have, in your veiw, is the label "metaphysics"

Conservation of energy / Re: MD Prodding of brains.

2001-01-03 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dulino and all, I don't know if you really want the physical answer, but here it is anyway . . . DULINO I am not an information theorist (if someone here is, please correct me), but information (software) is essentially a form of energy. On a disk or in memory it is a particular

MD Morality

2001-01-18 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello ELEPHANT, STRUAN, 3WD, PLATT, HORSE, MARK, . . . Elephant The morality thing has really caught fire, so I'll talk about that. The topic always has caused a stir - my own involvement in the debate goes way back (remember Platt?) despite my recent silence. Elephant [snip] "It seems to

Re: MD Morality

2001-01-18 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Just to correct some rather careless glaring errors in my earlier post: JONAHAN On the one hand, I don't agree with Struan's position that Pirsig's Quality idea has nothing to do with morality. On the other hand, I don't agree with Elephant either. To put it in Lila terms, "Static" morality

Re: MD Morality

2001-01-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan and all, JONATHAN: "I note that the basis of Struan's attack on Pirsig is exactly BECAUSE the MoQ fails to provide a set of rules of morality. I (consider?) it unreasonable even to expect such rules . . ." STRUAN I agree that it is unreasonable to expect this. I wonder if you,

Re: MD Morality

2001-01-22 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan and all, Struan, I do recognise that you sometimes make valuable contributions to this forum, otherwise I wouldn't bother with this dialogue. However, I not appreciate your style (often insulting) or your hypocrisy. . . STRUAN The usual course of events is this. 1) I put forward an

Re: MD Metaphysics

2001-01-22 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi David P. and all Hello David P. and all, DAVID PRINCE Truth must be logically consistent. No logical system is completely consistent. Therefore, there is no truth. I think the middle sentence is not quite right. Logical systems must be consistent BY DEFINITION. In an earlier post, reference

MD Evolutionary computing

2001-01-23 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, Some of you may be interested in the following: DISCOVER Vol. 22 No. 1 (January 2001) Machines That Think By Brad Lemley The full article is at Here is an extract to give you a taste Quote For most of their

Re: MD Morality

2001-01-23 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan and all, JONATHAN: "To my way of thinking, it is ALWAYS more moral to take account of the biggest picture possible. Rules and laws exist to save us the trouble, and in most cases it is good practice to follow them . . . . . UNTIL one sees a bigger picture that indicates otherwise."

Re: MD Morality

2001-01-24 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan and all, STRUAN Your initial posting which sparked off your accusations of hypocrisy and of ignoring you, didn't even ask me a question, so I am a tad surprised that you are continuing to chastise me for it. But, perhaps I misunderstand. Strictly you are correct - there was no

RE: MD Morality

2001-01-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Struan, Even though it has not been directed at me personally I would appreciate it if you cut the abusive attitude. I think it only serves to devalue your arguments, and they are too important to be sullied in this way. I will admit to being highly amused with your exchange with"Tusky" - he

MD Morality=Quality?

2001-01-30 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello Jon and all, JON So I think it's fair to say Pirsig considers morality to be as real as gravity. I wonder how many members agree that Morality and Quality are the same thing? Platt, you agree. Horse agrees. Jonathan agrees (i think!). 3WD I'm not sure about. Diana I believe thinks they

Re: MD Morality=Quality?

2001-01-31 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Jon and all, JON I've never said there's anything inherently wrong with scientific objectivity. It has been responsible for some very high Quality stuff. It's the spill-over effect that the cold objectivity has had on our evaluations of Morality (particularly social-level) that I'm concerned

The non-ontology of Truth (was Re: MD criticisms of DQ)

2001-02-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Rick, Elephant, Horse and all, I have been avidly following the discussion on the nature of Truth and whether or not it is absolute. I was going to write a substantial post on the subject, but decided that a short one is a better idea. 1. "TRUE" is a relative term - we must always ask

Re: The non-ontology of Truth (was Re: MD criticisms of DQ)

2001-02-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant and all, 1. no idea what you mean by "truth as an ontology" 2. noo idea what I am "making clear" to you in this passage, since I wasn't making any point what so ever . . . I am well aware of this, but your off-the-cuff comment hit me like a ton of bricks (or pachyderm flesh)

Re: The non-ontology of Truth (was Re: MD criticisms of DQ)

2001-02-15 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant and all, ELEPHANT in a nutshell: Things only exist where statements of their nature can be true and consistent, either as a variety of the good or (perhaps) in some higher (logically necessary) fashion. If that counts as a non-ontology of truth, then I'm a vogon's grandmother.

Re: The non-ontology of Truth (was Re: MD criticisms of DQ)

2001-02-17 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi elephant and all, Please forgive me for pursuing this still further - I consider it to be a central tenet of the MoQ, so I don't want to let it go. JONATHAN: . . . for everything I perceive to exist, I can make an infinity of "true" statements and an even larger (:-) infinity of

Re: The non-ontology of Truth (was Re: MD criticisms of DQ)

2001-02-22 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant and all, Jonathan, sorry for the delay Actually, I think everyone is ignoring our little discussion. I myself find it interesting and revealing. From everything else you've written, I think our world views are pretty similar, so I am genuinely interested to get to the bottom of

Re: MD Glenn, Platt, Ant and the creation of patterns

2001-02-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Dear elephant, Platt, Glenn, Roger and all, ELEPHANT Er, Gravity *is* an idea. And that's the whole point. What newton added to the transparent fact that apples fall was an idea expressed in mathematics: viz, gravity. I fully agree. Gravity as a word, description of mathematical equation

MD Analog computers

2001-03-01 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant, Roger and Peter, JONATHAN: The falling apple is an analogue computer that operates according to very precise rules. ELEPHANT: Apples are not computers. Apples are Apples. Computers are Computers. This misses the point entirely. Peter answered it for me PETER: Almost anything

MD The meanings of words

2001-03-04 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Elephant, Roger, Peter, Platt, Glenn and all, ELEPHANT: "Precisely"? Strikes me that if almost anything can be an analogue computer for anything else then "precise" is the very last word I'd use to describe the oxymoronic notion "analogue computer". I'm quite sure that was the "precisely"

Re: MD Gravity and empiricism

2001-03-15 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi David Lind and all, JONATHAN: I feel an UPWARD force on my buttocks. I feel nothing pressing on my shoulders. DAVID LIND Try this out - the upward force you feel is the yin to the yang of the downward pressure that your body feels. The fact that you sense it only as upward pressure

MD Peter's model of perception

2001-03-18 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Peter and all (especially Horse, who will be interested in the "fuzzy" aspect of consciousness I suggest), Thanks Peter for a really interesting and thought-provoking post . . . PETER It's intresting, because I'm working on a model of perception (for the last 6 years!) which includes

Re: MD Inside and Outside

2001-03-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi elephant and Marco, ELEPHANT We're stretching this 'road' metaphor. On the one hand a road is an option, something we may choose. Marco *seems* to be saying that all options are as good as each other - that might be a misreading but the tone of it is a source of our disagreement. On

Re: MD Inside and Outside

2001-03-24 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Marco, Andrea and all, First, I apologise for mistakenly attributing to Marco the following words, which were actually from Andrea: If a road to truth is just that - your travel towards the truth, this yields many good roads [snip] So we have different specific goals, different

Re: MD Re: Atomic awareness

2001-03-28 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger, Platt, Elephant, (Diana, Maggie) and all, ROGER I agree with all this. I join Platt in applauding your clarity (which applies to both this thread and the Metaphor one btw). But, the question remains, ARE ATOMS AWARE? and DOES THE MOQ REQUIRE THE ANSWER TO BE "YES" TO HANG

Re: MD Re: Atomic awareness

2001-03-31 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger, Elephant, Platt and all, Well folks, I now realize that we have a serious and deep agreement here that may be a fault line that runs right through our little community. ELEPHANT: Check Roger's reply - he read your meaning just as I read it. Yes you responded to my question for

Re: MD Re: Atomic awareness

2001-03-31 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant, Roger, Platt and all, Firstly, I owe Elephant and everyone else an apology for misusing a word. Ach! I've been here several months without encountering this annoyance, but now Jonathan has finally gone and done it: he's used "refute" for "reject". You can't beleive how much

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-02 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Marco, Roger, Elephant, Platt, MARCO: (I think there are no doubts about my position... I'm on Platt's an Jonathan's side ) Maybe we just need a different dictionary. Do we really need the "awareness" concept? I could be wrong, but IMO such a term has (had?) another meaning in a

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-09 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Roger, PE, Thracian, Jeremy and Marco, Thank-you all for your illuminating contributions. After a few days off, just reading and not posting, I still feel full confidence with my original position. ROGER Anyways, I am actually pretty convinced that I have no material disagreement with

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-10 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Marco and all, MARCO Q- or not Q- ? Ok Jonathan, you are right, it's maybe defeatist. But you will recognize it's not my invention: I've found it ready made on this forum. Anyway, instead of q-morality we will say simply morality, meaning "the morality according to the MOQ", which is to

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger, Platt and all, I think that Platt and Roger have now distilled the argument, though not settled it. ROGER: Platt, don't you see how you are taking the MOQ's patterns of Quality and twisting them into Cartesian/knowing/substantive/Newtonian/discrete little subjects? Elephant has been

Re: MD Atomic awareness

2001-04-15 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger, Marco and Platt ROGER So, do Platt and Jonathan indeed agree with Marco that: 1)"It seems to me that an immediate seeking for DQ can't be aware, if we use awareness in the classic meaning Roger has offered more than one time: "cognizant, conscious, sensible, alive, awake, and

Re: MD e-mail punctuation

2001-04-29 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, The funny characters are due to problems with encoding. Microsoft is supporting the move towards Unicode which will give a wide capability to uniquely represent thousands of characters rather than the traditional ASCII character set. Till now, however, each character code is

Re: MD atomic awareness: reprise

2001-04-29 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Elephant, Platt, Roger, Marco and all, Elephant, it's good to see you back. PLATT: Good. We agree that objects are patterns of value. ELEPHANT: Yes, and my 'slant' on that, if you please, is that patterns of value, being patterns of SQ, are patterns of *confered* value: complexes of

Re: MD An Introduction to the Metaphysics of Quality

2001-05-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dan, Diana and all, I think that Dan's enthusiasm for the LC project and Diana's reticence stem from the same thing. Looking through the LS/MD/MF archives is a great experience. As a discussion list, it contains some wonderful and excellent posts. It also contains some mediocre material, but

Re: MD An Introduction to the Metaphysics of Quality

2001-05-19 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dan, Diana and all, I think that Dan's enthusiasm for the LC project and Diana's reticence stem from the same thing. Looking through the LS/MD/MF archives is a great experience. As a discussion list, it contains some wonderful and excellent posts. It also contains some mediocre material, but

Re: MD Authors Rights

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Diana and all, Diana, I read through most of your post and was just about to hit the reply key when I read your last sentence . . . DIANA I think I'll put a more strongly worded warning about copyright on the website. Hopefully that will discourage further abuses. Absolutely It should

Re: MD Authors Rights

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, PETER I think, legally, that having posted on the internet counts as publishing ppl I agree. Posts MAY be cited with proper attribution. Posts MAY NOT be republished without permission. Jonathan MOQ.ORG - Mail Archive -

Re: MD Authors Rights

2001-05-21 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Dave, Diana and all, 3dWAVEDAVE What is ironic is that a site based in China has it's knickers all aflutter about copyright issues while the ongoing discussion and quoting from an American novel is slowly but surely transferring a majority of that novel to the site, abeit, 250 words or

MD For the sake of Quality

2001-05-25 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Dear friends and colleagues, especially Diana and Dan, and especially all the newcomers, Diana and Dan, I can't believe that you have left us. I don't know if you two have really unsubscribed, but I took the liberty of including you as CC: recipients because I want you to think about what I have

MD Fw: For the sake of Quality

2001-05-26 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
of Quality Hi Jonathan Thank you for cc-ing this to me. From: Jonathan B. Marder [EMAIL PROTECTED] To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] CC: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: For the sake of Quality Date: Fri, 25 May 2001 16:44:57 +0300 Dear friends and colleagues, especially Diana and Dan

Re: MD Migration towards Dynamic Quality

2001-06-03 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi all, (Roger, excuse me for not pursuing tha political discussion. I find it futile.) Why is it migrating towards Dynamic Quality? It must be because DQ is inherently higher up on the totem pole. Why is it higher? Its higher for the same reason that Quality exists in the first place: the

Re: MD In Defense of Socialism?

2001-06-06 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Marco, Roger, Elephant, Clarke and all, PLATT I'm amazed and somewhat amused by the vehemence of [Marco's] your defense of European-style socialism. And, you seem to take personal offense at any interpretation of the MOQ that violates your conception of social morality. . . Beyond

Re: MD True Libertarians Please Stand Up

2001-06-10 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Roger and all, ROG: Thanks! I think what you are describing is pretty much what is called a liberal or leftist in the US. But I may be wrong. Below is a website that allows us to score ourselves on a libertarian scale. I just did it and scored a strong libertarian in both economics

Re: MD Evolution

2001-06-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Andrea, Roger, Glenn, Marty, Matt and All: I think that Andrea's posts on the evolution were great. I find his descriptions compatible with the view held by most biologists, including myself. PLATT To call anyone who disagrees with Gould's view of evolution *naive* seems arrogant to

Re: MD True Libertarians Please Stand Up

2001-06-12 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Libertarians, Thanks to those who explained that the right to bear arms guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution is supposed to allow the individual to defend himself against the Government. May I ask a few simple questions, because I may have understood something: 1. Does the US Constitution

MD The right to bear arms

2001-06-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hello libertarians and peace lovers, Dan, thanks for the useful history lesson. I didn't know the precise wording before . . . Hi Jonathan The first ten Amendments to our US Constitution were ratified in 1791 and came to be known as our Bill of Rights. Amendment II: A well regulated

Re: MD Evolution

2001-06-13 Thread Jonathan B. Marder
Hi Platt, Roger, Andrea: PLATT Rog, thanks for the clarification of your position. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you make a distinction between an evolutionary direction in individual species and evolution overall, there being no particular direction in species, but overall a direction towards

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