[mou-net] Pacific Loon and others, Douglas County

2018-11-02 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a Pacific Loon on Lake Osakis yesterday afternoon from the city park in Osakis, MN. Also saw white Phase and Blue Phase Snow Geese (both adults and Juveniles) ate the Osakis WTP. There was a flock of Pine Siskins in the cemetary just N of the WTP and I saw two Merlins in the county as well. Joh

[mou-net] Spruce Grouse and others/ Lake and Cook counties

2018-09-08 Thread John P. Ellis
Just returned from camping in NE MN. Saw three Spruce Grouse on Kiwishiwi Lake Road in Lake County about midway between Hog Creek BWCA entry point and Kiwishiwi Lake entry point (5:20 P.M. Wednesday.) Saw many N. Flickers, Swainsons and Hermit Thrushes, Palm W., Orange Crowns, Yellow Rumps, some Vi

[mou-net] Douglas County Pine Grosbeaks/Black Scoter

2017-11-11 Thread John P. Ellis
Had two Female Pine Grosbeaks eating Red Splendor Crabapples at my cabin near Miltona in NE Douglas County yesterday from 10:30 (when I noticed them) until at least 3:30 when I left. Seems early for Pine Grosbeaks that far south, and it was a county first for me. Also saw a Black Scoter in Lake Osa

[mou-net] Fwd: Curve-Billed Thrasher

2017-01-06 Thread John P. Ellis
-- Forwarded message -- From: "John P. Ellis" Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2017 21:03:12 -0600 Subject: Curve-Billed Thrasher To: "mou-...@lists.umn.edu" , mou-net At 3:42 P.M. this afternoon I was sitting in my car across from 605 NE 11th Avenue in Grand Rapids, havin

[mou-net] Curve-Billed Thrasher

2017-01-06 Thread John P. Ellis
s of call alone, but also the eye color, bill color and shape and overall appearance...drab brown-grey and no striping. John P. Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas Western Tanager

2016-08-21 Thread John P. Ellis
As far as I can ascertain, this bird I just reported may be a first Fall record for Western Tanager in Douglas County and the sixth Fall for MN. John Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas County Western Tanager

2016-08-21 Thread John P. Ellis
On Friday morning about 8:35 A.M. I was sipping coffee and watching birds off the deck of my cabin in Douglas County. A more unusual looking bird flew by me and lit in a Red Osier Dogwood shrub just off the corner of the deck about 30 feet away. General appearance was brownish and black. I was

[mou-net] Douglas County

2016-07-03 Thread John P. Ellis
Looked for the Bairds on Wednesday night and Thursday AM with no luck. The Osakis Sewage Ponds had about 40 Least Sandpipers and a handful of Semi-Palmated Sandpipers foraging on top of the green scum on one of the ponds. About a dozen Franklin's Gulls were loafing with some Ring-Bills on the back

[mou-net] Worm Eating Warbler

2016-05-15 Thread John P. Ellis
Has anyone found or not found the WEWA at the Cannon River Wilderness Area since the initial report about yesterday AM??? Thanks John Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Strange (Hybrid??) Goose pair at Osakis Sewage Ponds

2016-04-17 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw Pair at noonish today, sexes different, Male with golden brownish head and neck and golden highlights on leg feathers, Bill and feet dark pink with dark grey splotches, tail, back, belly dirty white with grey highlights on back. Wing tips black and primaries had black edging on them. About one

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2016-02-21 Thread John P. Ellis
Had some interesting waterfowl Saturday near where the Long Prairie River flows out of Lake Carlos, a female Scaup (Lesser?), two Drake Common Mergansers and a single Pied-Billed Grebe, as well as a Trumpeter and a Canada Goose. Hardly any raptors in the area I birded, a single Bald Eagle and a Nor

[mou-net] Ivory Gull

2016-01-02 Thread John P. Ellis
To clarify my son Jesse's earlier post; I got to Canal Park about 4:00 PM and talked to several birders there who had not seen the Ivory Gull. There were 50 or so gulls around. At somewhere past 4:20 but before 4:25 the Ivory came flying from the harbor, up the ship canal, flew over the visitor cen

[mou-net] Spruce Grouse-Sawbill Trail

2015-09-14 Thread John P. Ellis
Had two Spruce Grouse on "the Grade" about two and a Half miles east of the Sawbill Trail on Friday morning at 8:35 AM. Lots of N. Flickers and Hermit Thrushes around, a few warblers and several Merlin in the area of the Crescent Lake N.F. campground. John Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-

[mou-net] Franklins Gulls

2015-08-01 Thread John P. Ellis
P.S. Had upwards of 1500 Franklins Gulls at the Osakis Sewage Ponds today. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas County Birds 7/31/15

2015-08-01 Thread John P. Ellis
Thanks to those who posted Buff-breasted Sandpipers yesterday. It got me out looking in Douglas yesterday evening and my last stop (Douglas 15 and 56) there were mud flats with 3-400 shorebirds present. While I was there a flock of 23 Buff-breasted Sandpipers flew in and landed on a mud peninsula i

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2015-05-10 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a few new birds in Douglas yesterday: Warbling, Blue-Headed and Yellow-Throated Vireos, Black and White, Orange Crowned, Wilson's, Yellow, Nashville Warblers and C. Yellowthroat, Savannah and Vesper Sparrows and a Sedge Wren. Just a few in numbers. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-ne

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2015-04-26 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a few new birds at my property near Miltona Saturday; Kingfisher, White Throated Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Brown Thrasher, Hermit Thrushes, and a Virginia Rail. Lake Osakis had many, many waterfowl still, including Western, Horned, and Eared Grebes. No Red Necked Grebes yet and I did not see a si

[mou-net] Douglas County birds (ECDove et. al.)

2015-04-04 Thread John P. Ellis
On Thursday I had a Eurasian Collared Dove drinking water off the pavement at the public landing at Osakis, MN. I had stopped looking for them a couple of years when they turned up in Kensington, but there it was! Lake Osakis was 99% iced on Thursday and it was 20 degrees or so Thursday night, but

[mou-net] Belize birding

2014-12-17 Thread John P. Ellis
Looking for info and recommendations on guides for hire for day at a time birding outings in Belize (March, 2015). Please contact me offline at jellisbird@gmail .com. Thanks. John P. Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Least Tern

2014-08-13 Thread John P. Ellis
Tern was still at posted site from 8:10 to 8:30 P.M. Last night. Light was fading but very adequate. Tern was first sitting on mud flat in SW corner and then was circling and diving as in foraged. John Ellis- St. Paul Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Gargeny seen today by many birders at same locations. Today seemed mostly N of Abel. As early as 6:00 or so. Good luck! John Ellis- St. Paul

2014-05-02 Thread John P. Ellis
Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Douglas County birds

2014-03-30 Thread John P. Ellis
The south winds yesterday and today seemed to blow in many migrants which changed birding from Saturday to today. Had 8 or so Rough legs on Friday, a N Shrike today and a handful of Am. Tree Sparrows and Juncos. Canada Geese were in small to medium flocks everywhere today. New birds today included

[mou-net] Douglas County Snowy Owls, L. Longspurs, others

2014-02-01 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw two Snowy Owls in Douglas County today. One was found by Ben Eckhoff, the Naturalist at Lake Carlos State Park and may be a bird that was seen earlier near Carlos (who really knows?) It was along MN 29 in the NW quadrant of the intersection of 29 with Buckskin Road, sitting on top of a hil

[mou-net] Cook County birds last Tuesday (Aug 20)

2013-08-23 Thread John P. Ellis
On vacation, had a pair of Spruce Grouse on the Grade about 2 miles east of the Sawbill Trail, also had a Goshawk further east.. Most impressive though, were the flights of Nighthawks. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://

[mou-net] Douglas County White-Faced Ibis/others

2013-04-28 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a White-Faced Ibis on south side of Douglas County 5 west of Douglas 7 and .6 miles east of Douglas 16. Bird had typical Ibis size and shape and long decurved bill. Had white curved border around eyes and pinkish highlights inside the border. The bird flew into the interior of essentially

[mou-net] Not Ross's Goose (180th

2013-04-22 Thread John P. Ellis
Steve Weston saw the probable Snow Goose at 180th marsh yesterday. Three of us had decided (through the snow and rain-that's an excuse) that the single White Goose was probably a Ross's Goose.) Sorry to put others out for a Snow Goose. John Ellis Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn

[mou-net] Ross's Goose at 180th

2013-04-21 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a Ross's Goose lying in the vegetation at 180th this AM. Northeast pond, reeds separating the small front pond from the rear pond on the S edge. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.

[mou-net] Douglas County (again)

2013-04-20 Thread John P. Ellis
Not a lot new in Douglas besides waterfowl. New for me were 3 Cooper's Hawks, a single Fox Sparrow, several Song Sparrows and a few duck species. Lots of Raptors; 6 Rough-legged Hawks, 3 Sharp-shins, a Merlin, 23 Red-tailed Hawks, a Northern Harrier, 7 Bald Eagles, 2 Turkey Vultures, 9 Kestrel

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2013-04-05 Thread John P. Ellis
Had more than 50 species in Douglas today (first time since last fall). New were Turkey Vulture, Eastern Phoebe, Common Grackle, Tundra Swans, Lesser Scaup(1), Pied Billed Grebe(1), Gadwall(1), Cackling Geese, Northern Flicker(1), and Tree Swallows. Saw many Raptors; 19 Red-Tails, 4 Rough-Legg

[mou-net] Douglas County Birds

2013-03-30 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a decent mix of winter and spring birds yesterday and this AM (despite the fog). Still had a Rough-leg, a N. Shrike, Purple Finch, C. Redpolls, a RBNuthatch and Snow Buntings. Not many waterfowl yet, Hoodies, Woodies, two Ring-Necked Ducks and a single Ruddy Duck. Had a Sharp-Shinned Hawk,

[mou-net] Douglas County birds (Snowy Owl)

2013-02-17 Thread John P. Ellis
Went on my bi-weekly quest for my Douglas County Red Crossbill and Evening Grosbeak and struck out once again. Had 30 species for the day however, including a Snowy Owl. I flushed him inadvertantly and he flew south over I-94 and landed on the 6th power pole from the freeway from a location ju

[mou-net] Great Grey Owl/others in St. Louis County

2013-02-09 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a Great Grey Owl hunting about 3-3:30 PM this afternoon on Lismore Road just west of Ryan. He was sitting on a 12 foot snag just off the shoulder of the road working an open field. Saw him go down in the nearly foot deep snow and nail a mouse or vole with his claws while looked around the

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Hoary Redpoll, Raven, others

2012-12-29 Thread John P. Ellis
Went looking for Red Crossbills or Evening Grosbeaks in Douglas County again and turned up NO crossbills or Grosbeaks of any kind, nor any Snow Buntings nor H. Larks nor L. Longspurs. There WERE many redpolls in many places, mostly feeders and in grasses alongside roads. I've had only one

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Pine Grosbeak, Goshawk, others

2012-12-08 Thread John P. Ellis
Lars Benson and I took a half day looking for winter finches, etc, in Douglas and found a single Pine Grosbeak at Rose City in a mature White Cedar in a feeder yard just N of the main crossroad in town. The bird sat, sang, and took off about 15-20 seconds after we saw it. We saw NO Red Crossbills,

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Cassin's Kingbird

2012-11-02 Thread John P. Ellis
Seen this AM at 9:05 for 10 minutes or so on front of Cook County Courthouse. John Ellis-St. Paul Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Douglas Upland Sandpiper

2012-08-24 Thread John P. Ellis
Seen 1:05 Friday SE corner Douglas 6 and Mums/Ost road near N side of Cnty. John Ellis/St. Paul Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] [mou-rba] Canada Goose hatch

2012-04-28 Thread John P. Ellis
Just saw a hatch of five CGeese in Douglas county. JEllis-St. Paul Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2012-04-15 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a few new species yesterday in Douglas. Had an Am Bittern calling Friday evening and again Saturday AM. Lake Osakis had Bonaparte's Gulls (no Franklins yet) and also had at least three Forster's Terns. I also saw many more W Grebes. Conditions were calm yesterday PM when I drove by and the lake

[mou-net] St. Louis Trumpeters

2012-04-07 Thread John P. Ellis
My sister Mary(who commutes from Chisolm to Duluth) reported to me that there are two Swans, presumably Trumpeters, along US 53 at mile marker 50 in Caribou Lake on the west side of 53. This is evidently very near the wayside which is on the east side of US53. She sees them regularly in the AM

[mou-net] Douglas birds/ Grebes and others

2012-04-07 Thread John P. Ellis
Had some new birds in Douglas County yesterday and today. Yesterday Lake Osakis had Red-Necked Grebes and today they were joined by Horned Grebes and a handful of Western Grebes. I'm not sure whether they came in on yesterday's south winds or today's westerly winds. Had a Raven for the 4th weekend

[mou-net] Douglas County weekend

2012-03-18 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a good mix of winter migrants and spring migrants, including Pine Siskin, Purple Finch and a flock of about 2837 Lapland Longspurs (kidding but seriously a HUGE flock swirling around.) More interesting were waterfowl. Lake Jennie opened up on the south end and today had 345 Tundra Swans, 55 or

[mou-net] [mou-rba] GWGU@ 27th Ave 12:30

2011-12-26 Thread John P. Ellis
Briefly on ice, flew west. Also 12 GLGU, 1 ICGU, 2 GBBG , 2 THGU, goshawk. Sent from my iPhone Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Correction on Scoter/Lake Osakis

2011-11-20 Thread John P. Ellis
The Scoter I saw yesterday AM on Lake Osakis was mis-identified as a Black Scoter and it was a SURF Scoter. It was a larger Black duck, with no white on the wings, had lighter markings on the head but it was difficult to see details as it was diving constantly and the waves were constant. It u

[mou-net] Black Scoter at Lake Osakis

2011-11-19 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a Black Scoter this AM from about 9-10 at the town end of the lake. I first saw it from the public landing in town straight out from the city park. It was out from about 4th to 6th when I first saw it and it was foraging to the east. It ended up over near the cemetary at the Todd County en

[mou-net] Purple Sandpiper

2011-10-18 Thread John P. Ellis
Swift Purple Sandpiper on the rocks at 5:10 P.M. on 230th SW on 10/18/11. John Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas Birds, esp. Sparrows

2011-10-08 Thread John P. Ellis
Had 12 Sparrow Species in Douglas today, mostly at my farm property: Harris, Fox, Song, Swamp, Lincolns, Junco, White-Throat, White-Crowned, Savannah, Vesper, LeConte's and Nelsons Sharptail. The LeConte's (3) was a County bird and the Nelsons was a second county bird . Also had an Orange Crowned,

[mou-net] Douglas County Summer Tanager and others (Shorebird ID?)

2011-09-11 Thread John P. Ellis
K On Thursday evening I was watching warblers and vireos and catbirds from the deck of my cabin in Douglas County when either a female or juvenile Summer Tanager showed up. I wasn't sure how long it had been there when I turned to it as I had been looking through binoculars in another direction

[mou-net] Douglas County birds

2011-09-03 Thread John P. Ellis
A few notables: had 450 or so Franklin's Gulls on Lake Osakis this PM, also 120 or so Wilson's Phalaropes (presumably all) at the Osakis Sewage Ponds. Had an Orange-Crowned Warbler yesterday and this AM, two House Wrens still attending a nest cavity, many ducks and shorebirds along Douglas 56

[mou-net] Location of Douglas County Trumpeter Swans

2011-07-25 Thread John P. Ellis
Sorry I didn't post location with my original post as I have had several responses from people who would like it. Here goes: take MN 27 from Osakis or Alex to Nelson and go North on Douglas 9 and turn North on Johnson Road. Go east on Douglas County 30 from Johnson Road about .1 to .2 mile to

[mou-net] Douglas County Trumpeters

2011-07-24 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a single adult Trumpeter Swan in Douglas County (Friday and Saturday) with either seven or eight Cygnets. I've not seen nesting swans in Douglas before so it was nice to see them. If anyone needs a location, let me know, I don't have my maps with me right now. John P. Elli

[mou-net] Douglas County Least Bittern

2011-06-25 Thread John P. Ellis
On June 3 while doing Beaver patrol work in Douglas County with my brother, Michael, we heard what I believed to be a Least Bittern call repeatedly from a large cattail marsh on my property. Yesterday a Least Bittern flew by me and flew along the edge of the beaver pond I was working near for just

[mou-net] Douglas County birds today (Sun) (B. Waxwings)

2010-12-05 Thread John P. Ellis
Went looking for Bohemian Waxwings today. Had a single mixed Waxwing flock near an open stream at Douglas 22 and West Lake Cowdry Road, 18-20 Cedars and 30 Bohemians. Also at this location in the stream were Canadas, 2 Cackling Geese with the requisite Mallards alongside, and 3 Am. Coot. Had

[mou-net] Weekend birds/Douglas Cnty

2010-10-04 Thread John P. Ellis
Had 12 sparrows (most were Juncos with many White Throats), not many ducks, saw three flocks of Blue phase Snows with a few Whites, the largest being 135 blues with ONE white goose. Had a (probably local) Red Shouldered Hawk, a Loon, 3 Warblers (Palm, Orange Crowned, and many Yellow Rumps), Sa

[mou-net] Douglas County weekend

2010-08-23 Thread John P. Ellis
Had flocks of C. Nighthawks Friday evening of 22, 115 and 1 (at 7:30 PM.) Had a few warblers Friday and Saturday the best being a juvenile Cerulean Warbler which must have been coming out of someplace further north. Had a Wilson's Warbler (had a Wilson's three weekends in June, two weekends in

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Wilson's Warbler

2010-06-26 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a Wilson's Warbler foraging in the heavy underbrush off of the deck at my cabin near Miltona in Douglas County. The setting is perfect (heavy shrubs and undergrowth with a light overstory and near water) but the bird is 300 miles or so south of its nesting range. I could not follow it visually

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Birds/ Cape May Warabler

2010-05-17 Thread John P. Ellis
New birds this weekend- Indigo Bunting, Broad Winged Hawk, GCFlycatcher, Marsh Wrens, Sedge Wrens, NWaterthrush, Veery, Ovenbird, Least Flycatcher, RTHummingbirds, RBGrosbeaks, BOrioles, Redstarts, Wilson's Warbler, Yellow Warbler, Catbirds, Warbling and YTVireos, and my personal first Cape Ma

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty birds

2010-05-03 Thread John P. Ellis
Had a few new birds in Douglas this past Saturday while taking breaks from shrub planting. Had a pair of Brown Thrashers, an Orange Crowned Warbler, a Hermit Thrush and my first Doug. County Eastern Towhee, a single female scruffing around in the leaves while I was watching both phases of Whit

[mou-net] Douglas County birds (RAVEN pair), also Albany sewage

2010-04-25 Thread John P. Ellis
Saw a pair of Ravens Friday (4/23) between 12:15 and 12:55 PM and again Saturday AM about 8:45 in the same area south of Miltona, MN bounded by Willow Road, Carlos-Miltona Road, Douglas county 5 and the railroad that runs N-S west of MIltona 65. A local farmer stopped to ask me what I was seeing

[mou-net] Another bird

2010-04-18 Thread John P. Ellis
Sorry about this-its late- AND a Northern Rough Winged Swallow. J. Ellis Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Addenda

2010-04-18 Thread John P. Ellis
Also had a White Throated Sparrow, 4 Forster's Terns, and Cowbirds. John Ellis- St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net: http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives: http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas County this weekend

2010-04-18 Thread John P. Ellis
My 9 acre prairie burn got scrubbed for lack of humidity on Sat. so I went birding. Had Song, Chipping, Vesper, Field, Fox, Swamp Sparrows as well as a couple of Juncos in Douglas. Lake Osakis had a Red-Necked Grebe, 3 Horned Grebes and 2 Western Grebes as well as the ubiquitous Pied-Bills. (Christ

[mou-net] Another Douglas Varied Thrush-

2010-02-19 Thread John P. Ellis
Went looking in Douglas County today for winter finches-not much luck with them but I turned up a Male Varied Thrush out in the boonies in NEastern Douglas. The bird was along the road and flew up and over the road as I drove by and lit in a young birch tree. I stopped and it flew a 75 yards into a

[mou-net] Douglas County/ WWCrossbills and Red Winged BBirds, sthers

2010-01-30 Thread John P. Ellis
Birded Douglas County yesterday and this morning (Sat). Had 29 species all told, including: a Brown Creeper; a Red-breasted Nuthatch; 3 Northern Shrikes; four flocks of Snow Buntings, 55, 65, 80, 90; a small flock of C. Redpolls feeding in some Tamaracks and another small flock flying over; 1

[mou-net] Osakis Scoters

2009-11-21 Thread John P. Ellis
Yesterday's glassy water revealed one White-winged Scoter and 2 Black Scoters on the Todd County side of Lake Osakis. There were 15 Trumpeters also and close to 2000 ducks of various species. I did NOT see the Pacific Loon nor the Long-Tailed ducks earlier sighted. Turned up a Ruffed Grouse in

[mou-net] RLHawk

2009-08-09 Thread John P. Ellis
The Rough Legged Hawk reported earlier by Frank Nicolletti was at the N bound exit at Harris this afternoon (Sunday) shortly after noon. Had a F Purple Finch in Douglas County on Saturday morning. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Arc

[mou-net] Urban Cooper's Hawks

2009-07-28 Thread John P. Ellis
There were a family (two adults with a juvenile) of Cooper's Hawks sittling in a tree on the median of St. Paul's Summit Avenue (1390 Summit) last night about 8 PM. This is midway between Snelling and Hamline Avenues. John Ellis-St. Paul Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-b

[mou-net] Weekend Birds (SEOwl, C.Egrets, Avocet, Loggerhead, others)

2009-07-19 Thread John P. Ellis
Lars Benson and I went chasing birds this weekend for his Big Year. Had a Short-eared Owl in Douglas County near L. Osakis along Doug 3 within a mile N. of Douglas 10 in the evening as we were driving in. Saturday we had an Avocet in Big Stone, a Loggerhead Shrike in Big Stone and some of 12 W

[mou-net] Nicollett County Trumpeters/poults & Bufflehead pair

2009-06-07 Thread John P. Ellis
Lars Benson and I were out and about today and saw a Trumpeter Swan pair with at least two poults in a wetland at the north end of Middle Lake, just south off of Nicollett County 5 about a mile or two east of MN 111. More unusual was the presence of a pair (M & F) of Buffleheads in with a group of

[mou-net] Frontenac Chat and other birds

2009-06-05 Thread John P. Ellis
Heard a Chat singing at Frontenac State Park this AM for about 30-40 seconds. I never saw it and did not hear it sing again after listening, looking around and poking about for a half hour. There is a peninsula of woods in a draw pointing directly at the restrooms at the parking area at the en

[mou-net] Veterans Park/Worm-eating Warbler

2009-06-05 Thread John P. Ellis
Could someone let me know where Veteran's Park and the Worm-eating Warbler is located? Thanks- John Ellis Join or Leave mou-net:http://lists.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=mou-net Archives:http://lists.umn.edu/archives/mou-net.html

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Birds

2009-05-31 Thread John P. Ellis
Was too late for the Varied Bunting on Friday and did not hear about the Brown Pelican? until a half hour ago. Had a good mix of shorebirds at the Osakis sewage ponds including 4 Red-necked Phalaropes, about 45 Dunlin, a Hudsonian godwit, a few Least, and several Semipalmated SP, 4 Stilt, at least

[mou-net] Kentucky Warbler-Wms Nature Park-Blue Earth County

2009-05-24 Thread John P. Ellis
Went to a demo bird banding session at Minneopa S.P. Group Campground on Saturday. Dr. Merrill Frydendall, the bander, told me he had heard the Kentucky Warbler last week, so I went with my sons, Alexander and Jesse Ellis this morning and found him singing his heart out while foraging just ove

[mou-net] Painted Bunting

2009-05-22 Thread John P. Ellis
As of 6:30 PM last night the Bunting was still present and active at the feeder in Moorhead as previously posted. The Homeowner noted that a Coopers has been working the neighborhood, The bird is using the apple tree as a refuge and at one point, held the same location without moving for about 20 m

[mou-net] Douglas County birds/Grant County C. Egrets

2009-05-10 Thread John P. Ellis
Did a burn on my property near Miltona this weekend-New birds in Douglas since last weekend are the following: R.T.Hummingbird, R.B. Grosbeak, B. Oriole, Marsh Wren, Blue-Grey Gnatcatcher (at Carlos State Park), Yellow Warbler, Am. Pipit, L.B. Dowitcher, Spotted S.P., Green Heron, Warbling Vi

[mou-net] Douglas Cnty Birds/Weekend

2009-03-29 Thread John P. Ellis
Many Raptors over the weekend. Friday saw 22 Bald Eagles (NO Golden), 64 Red-Tail of every description except Krider's, 24 N. Harriers (including several Females), 30 Kestrel, One Rough-Legged Hawk, 3 Coopers and had a Barred and Great Horned Owl calling at night. Had FOY Brewer's BB, Rusty BB,

[mou-net] Douglas Ross's Goose and others

2009-03-22 Thread John P. Ellis
Went to refill my 14+or- wood duck houses this weekend and go birding. Saturday was foggy and hazy all day, saw a few raptors and waterfowl in late PM looking for a SEOwl or GEagle. Wind from E today and cloudy bright in AM and cloudy in PM but many birds seemed to have moved in and moving tod

[mou-net] Fwd: St Paul Peregrine/Rock Pigeon (deceased)

2009-02-20 Thread John P. Ellis
-- Forwarded message -- From: John P. Ellis Date: Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 10:37 PM Subject: St Paul Peregrine/Rock Pigeon (deceased) To: mou-...@moumn.org My son Alex was coming home along Snelling Avenue this afternoon and encountered an interesting city scene. Evidently a