Hello Gabriel,

Tuesday, August 22, 2000, 3:59:45 PM, you wrote:

GB> I'm not equiped for listening tests here (only an awe64)
GB> , but is the velvet
GB> problem the thing I'm hearing in the right channel? (or am I thinking I'm
GB> hearing something?)

I have $25 sb128 pci and $38 Sennheiser HD-490.  With a headphone on
decent volume, you van indeed hear the R channel behaving strangly.

GB> If this is the case, it seems to me that it's reduced in -mf, but the
GB> stereo image is also changed by this switch.
GB> If it's gone in forced mode, it could be a toggling problem. Roel, could you
GB> check this?

It's hard to tell. I also did the lame -mf, but this introduces other
artifacts as well...

I think there still is need for a "-mx" mode, because the velvet is
merely one of the symptoms of an inept -mj.

I encourage to improve to MS in -mj, but inherently -mj will always
be inperfect.

Instead of spending countless hours tweaking MJ in such an inefficient
way, maybe try to use the benefits of -mx to improve -mj.

(at least I think so :))

Best regards,
 Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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