RE: MSX-DOS 2 (not compatable with DOS1??)

1999-08-09 Thread Boon, Eric

As you might know, TeddyWareZ is doing a project called SCC-BLAFFER NT..

SCC-BLAFFER, I understand. But NT? Sounds too much like M$ $tuff ;-(

I use all BDOS routines, so I thought it would work with a DOS2 cartridge
inserted.. But it doesn't...

Could it be that you're using memory mapper pages without using the DOS2
mapper routines? DOS2 is very picky about that. RTFM :-)  They're on
funet, somewhere...


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Re: MSX-DOS 2 (not compatable with DOS1??)

1999-08-09 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

 reading blocks. (not the sector part.). So can someone
 please tell me how to get things going, and maybe even
 supply me with some good docs about DOS2???

You can download the good docs from the DOS2 section of The Ultimate MSX FAQ!
The link is on the bottom of that page. (The docs are on FUNet)

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at 

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Re: [DUTCH mainly] Gratis diskettes voor MSX groepen/Free disks for MSX groups! (Was: Wie heeft interesse in bijna gratis oude PCA-disks?)

1999-08-09 Thread Manuel Bilderbeek

Manuel Bilderbeek wrote:


 Dit mailtje is om de interesse te peilen. Ik ga niet mensen dozen van
 200 diskettes opsturen trouwens. Gewoon maximaal 3 ofzo van elk
 Als hobby-groepen (MSXers ofzo) veel DD-diskettes nodig hebben om hun
 product op te zetten, kan dat ook geregeld worden. (Dit is de enige
 reden om VEEL diskettes te krijgen. Op andere verzoeken om even 1000
 diskettes op te sturen ga ik niet in!)

Voor de duidelijkheid: MSX groepen die disks nodig hebben (voor hun
MSX-activiteiten) kunnen in ieder geval gratis disks bij mij krijgen
(ok, tegen verzendkosten natuurlijk)! Zoveel ze nodig hebben.

Merk trouwens op dat alle diskettes PC-Active (of andere) labels hebben
en de meeste ook een logo op de shutter hebben. Bij sommige disks is het
echter mogelijk die logo's er af te krabben. Dan kun je ze dus gebruiken
om je product op uit te brengen (op DD disks dus!).

Het is in ieder geval zo dat in de toekomst kopers van Allosoft
producten (dus producten die door mijn uitgebracht worden) gratis 10 (of
meer) diskettes erbij krijgen! :-)


For clarity: MSX groups that need disks (for their MSX activities) can
get free disks of me, as many as they need. Ofcourse they will have to
pay for shipment.

Also don't forget the disks all have PC-Active (or other) labels, and
most of them also have the logo on the shutter. But for some shutters
that logo can easily be scratched off. So then you can use them to
release your product on! Then you can even release them on DD disks!

Anyway, future buyers of Allosoft products (so, products released by
me), will get 10 (or more) free disks as a bonus! :-)

Grtjs, Manuel ((m)ICQ UIN 41947405)

PS: MSX 4 EVER! (Questions? See:
PPS: Visit my homepage at

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MSIX 0..1a

1999-08-09 Thread TFH

A completely new MSX-Emulator is around now, called MSIX.. It's completely
written in Quick basic 4.5 and you can download it at:

Kindest Regards,

Arnaud de Klerk

Go visit the MSX Emulator Page (M.E.P.)

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Why a page of news?

1999-08-09 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano


  Hi guys...

  Some people asked me WHY a page with all news. Well, I'll answer
on public, because, I think everyone should know this.
  There is a lot of reasons, but two are the most important of them:

  - You do not need spent hours and hours to see what happened today.
If a new emulator is out, if Phoenix project was updated, if there is a new
game from Sunrise for MSX, if Metal Gear 2 2.0 is finished... Everything
will be in one single place.
  - This can eliminate the need of a "flood" of information news on mailing
lists. Who wants to see what's new, just need to go to the page.

  But, if it's suposed to work perfectly, I need help. I search (and DIG!!) for
news, but something can be lost if page owners do not inform me of
news. Let's work just like a comunity. The news page will be the newspaper.
  For those that want to help, send me the news when update your pages or
when see that one of the page of other members was updated and there is
no news about it on news page. My e-mail is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
the news page address is

  Think in the page as marketing... (-: And, of course, EXPLOSIVE news
always MUST be sent to the lists... But not every single update. (-:
Those goes to the news page.
  Thx a lot!


  Fala, bando de fudeba...

  Algumas pessoas me mandaram e-mail perguntando pq eu fiz uma
pagina de news para MSX. Bem, vou responder em publico pq acho
que isso eh algo que todos devem saber.
  Existem muitas razoes, mas as duas principais sao:

  - Voce nao precisarah mais gastar horas e horas para ver o que 
aconteceu hoje. Se um novo emulador foi liberado, se o projeto 
Phoenix foi atualizado, se ha um novo jogo da Sunrise, se o Metal
Gear 2 2.0 foi liberado... Tudo estarah em um unico lugar.
  - Isto poderah acabar de vez com a necessidade de encher as
listas de e-mail com informacoes de novidades. Quem desejar
ver a necessidade, basta ir para a pagina.

  Mas, se eh para funcionar direito, eu preciso de ajuda. Eu procuro
(e ateh mesmo cavo) novidades, mas algumas coisas sempre podem
passar batidas se os donos de pagina nao me informarem as novidades.
Trabalhemos como uma comunidade. As pagina de news serah como
um jornal. Para aqueles que querem ajudar, enviem-me as novidades
quando atualizarem suas paginas ou quando virem que a pagina de
algum outro membro da comunidade foi atualizada, e nada estah
comentado na pagina. Meu e-mail eh: [EMAIL PROTECTED] e
o endereco da pagina de news eh

  Pense na pagina como um marketing... (-: E, claro, noticias EXPLOSIVAS
sempre DEVEM ser enviadas `as listas... Mas nao cada simples update.(-:
Estes vao para a pagina!

 []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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Re: MSX-DOS 2 (not compatable with DOS1??)

1999-08-09 Thread Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha


 As you might know, TeddyWareZ is doing a project called
 SCC-BLAFFER NT.. I use all BDOS routines, so I thought
 it would work with a DOS2 cartridge inserted.. But it
 doesn't... Is the BDOS in DOS2 different then the BDOS
 in the MSX itself?? I just don't get it, cause I don't
 have experience whatsoever using DOS2. I thought it
 would be downwards compatable.. Is that *NOT* true??
 And how can I get things going using DOS2??

DOS2 is backwards compatible with DOS1. All DOS1 routines are
present in DOS2. Using CALL 5h or CALL F37Dh allways works.

Adriano Camargo Rodrigues da Cunha   ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Engenharia de Computacao - UNICAMP   MSX-TR:I have one.And you?

* Software is like sex; it's better when it's free. (Linus Torvalds) *

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1999-08-09 Thread Daniel Jorge Caetano

  Hi people.

  Some days ago I asked about a sprite problem... Well, this is my 
initsprite routine... I don't know what is wrong. When this routine
is called, screen 6 and its palette are already set.
  Some comments are in portuguese, but the main are in english

 Begin Code 

; Clear Sprite Tables
LD  IX,CLRSPR   ; Indica funcao de limpar sprites
CALLCALLSUB ; Executa funcao
; Set Sprite 8x8 normal size.
LD  A,(RG1SAV)  ; Carrega R#1 em A
AND 1100b   ; Zera bit 0 (tam normal) e 1 (8x8)
LD  B,A ; Carrega B com valor de escrita
LD  C,1 ; Indica R#1
LD  IX,WRTVDP   ; Indica funcao de escrita no VDP
CALLCALLBIOS; Executa funcao
; Make sure that the sprites are turned on.
LD  A,(RG8SAV)  ; Carrega R#8 em A
AND 1101b   ; Zera 2o. bit (Liga Sprites)
LD  B,A ; Carrega B com valor
LD  C,8 ; Indica R#8
LD  IX,WRTVDP   ; Chama funcao de escrita no VDP
; Finds sprites pattern table address
LD  IX,CALPAT   ; Aponta funcao que acha tabela de patt
XOR A   ; Indica sprite 0
CALLCALLSUB ; Chama subrom
LD  (SPRPTR),HL ; Grava em local adequado
; Finds sprites attribute table address
LD  IX,CALATR   ; Indica funao que acha end de attr.
XOR A   ; Indica sprite 0
LD  (SPRATT),HL ; Grava no local adequado
; Finds sprites color table address
XOR A   ; Zera Cf
LD  DE,512  ; Carrega 512 em DE
SBC HL,DE   ; Subtrai 512 de HL (HL agora = cores)
LD  (SPRCOL),HL ; Salva na RAM
; Initialize patern table
LD  DE,0A000h   ; Aponta para endereco temporario
LD  HL,SPRITES_PAT  ; Aponta para tabela
LD  BC,8*2  ; Indica 16 bytes
LDIR; Copia
LD  DE,(SPRPTR) ; Aponta DE para tabela de padroes na VRAM
LD  HL,0A000h   ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de padroes
LD  BC,8*2  ; Indica 8 bytes*2sprites
LD  IX,LDIRVM   ; Indica funcao de copia RAM-VRAM
CALLCALLBIOS; Executa funcao
; Initialize color table
LD  DE,0A000h   ; Aponta para endereco temporario
LD  HL,SPRITES_COL  ; Aponta para tabela
LD  BC,16*2 ; Indica 16*2 bytes
LDIR; Copia
LD  DE,(SPRCOL) ; Aponta DE para tabela de cores na VRAM
LD  HL,0A000h   ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de cores
LD  BC,16*2 ; Indica 16bytes*2sprites
LD  IX,LDIRVM   ; Indica funcao de copia da RAM-VRAM
; Initialize attribute table
LD  DE,0A000h   ; Aponta para endereco temporario
LD  HL,SPRITES_ATT  ; Aponta para tabela
LD  BC,4*2  ; Indica 8 bytes
LDIR; Copia
LD  DE,(SPRATT) ; Aponta DE para tabela de atributos na VRAM
LD  HL,0A000h   ; Aponta HL para inicio da tabela de atributos
LD  BC,4*2  ; Indica 4bytes*2sprites
LD  IX,LDIRVM   ; Indica funcao de copia RAM-VRAM
RET ; Retorna...

SPRPTR: DB  000h,000h
SPRATT: DB  000h,000h
SPRCOL: DB  000h,000h

;Sprites --- these are just test sprites
DB  0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh ; contorno seta
DB  0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh,0FFh ; contorno seta
DB  06Ah,07Fh,000h,001h
DB  06Ah,07Fh,001h,001h
DB  001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ; contorno da seta
DB  001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ;
DB  001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ; miolo da seta
DB  001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h,001h ;

 End Code 

  Any ideas? I'm trying to do this stupid thing for days, and NOTHING.

  Thanks in advance. 

 []'s Daniel Caetano ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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