Re: can't seem to get folder-hook to work

2001-08-28 Thread Christian Kurz

On 01-08-28 Anand Buddhdev wrote:
 On Tue, Aug 28, 2001 at 06:50:26AM +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
 Still doesn't work. It's starting to look like a bug to me, unless I've
 missed something. Any more suggestions anyone? Developers? It's mutt

No, there's not bug in mutt, but your configuration is causing this
behaviour. First you change your folder to hostmaster, which means that
the following folder-hooks will be executed:

|folder-hook hostmaster unmy_hdr from
|folder-hook hostmaster my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
|folder-hook hostmaster set record==hostmaster.sen

But if you reply now to a mail, your send-hook will be executed after
mutt gathered the initial list of recipients:

|send-hook . my_hdr From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This one will set your from address back to [EMAIL PROTECTED] So reading
the documentation, especially the parts about when which kind of hook
will be executed, is helpful. You'll just need to fix your

A good reputation is more valuable than money.
-- Publilius Syrus

Re: mutt/vim cursor positions

2001-08-01 Thread Christian Kurz

On 01-07-31 Chris Gushue wrote:
 Kyle Knack ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  On a side note, and this is definately vim related, I have defined a
  color in my vimrc for message signatures, however with my sig, it colors
  up to the Kyle Knack but not the quote.  Funny how it's similar to my
  cursor problem.  Maybe I should just kill the quote ;)  Any help is
  appreciated.  Thanks!

 If you're using my set editor=blah line, that makes perfect sense. The
 last bit on the line calling vim makes the cursor jump to the first
 blank line from the bottom (this next line should all be on one line):

 set editor='vim + -c set textwidth=72 -c set wrap -c set nocp
   -c ?^$'

Hm, setting everything on the command line? Why not use some autocmd for
this purpose like this:

autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPost mutt-* set textwidth=72 nocp wrap

 If you make vim search for the -second- blank line from the bottom, that
 should work just fine. I -think- you can do this by using 2?^$, but
 I'm not too sure offhand... vim gurus, feel free to clarify that.

I use this one for position the cursor, which is as far as I remember
from Sven Guckes:

autocmd BufRead mutt-* 1;/^$/+

This one positions the cursor in the first line of the posting, then it
searches for the first empty line. Then the cursor is moved to the next
line, so it points to the attribution line, which is quite exactly where
I want the cursor to be, when writing a mail or replying to one.

Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.
-- Marcus Aurelius

Re: Xpunge Key?

2001-07-31 Thread Christian Kurz

On 01-07-30 Dave Price wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 04:08:59PM -0700, Corwin Grey wrote:
 Thanks! ... and to turn of confirmation?

set delete=yes# ask for confirmation when deleting messages?

What the hell is so difficult about reading the nice manual that comes
with mutt? There are all options explained in the manual and reading it,
would have given you the answers to your questions also.

Execute every act of thy life as though it were thy last.
-- Marcus Aurelius

Re: Reloading .muttrc

1999-06-09 Thread Christian Kurz

Steve Crane [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Does mutt have a facility to reload its settings from .muttrc without
 quitting and re-running it?

 I sometimes want to make a change while I'm busy working through my mail
 and don't always want to leave it until I've finished reading my mail.

Put the following line in your .muttrc and you can reload the .muttrc
with ESC r whenever you want.

macro   index   \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload muttrc"
macro   pager   \er ":source ~/.muttrc\n" "Reload muttrc"

They are called computers simply because computation is the only significant
job that has so far been given to them.
/*   Christian Kurz  */

Re: Problem with quotes in folder-hook, possibly bug

1999-03-25 Thread Christian Kurz

Axel Beckert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 store in =-ct. Because the sender is quite uninteresting but therefore
 the time of the mail maybe interesting, I tried to set index_format to
 something else than my default value just for this folder =-ct using

 folder-hook . set index_format="%4C %Z %[%a·%d·%b] %-16.16F [%-12.12L] (%4l) %s% %M"
 folder-hook -ct$ set index_format="%4C %S %[%d.%m. %H:%Mh] (%3l) %s% %M"

 But when I enter now any folder, mutt says "%Z: unkown variable" and
 $index_format is set to "%4C". I also tried single quotes around the
 whole set-command and the same but with single quotes changed to
 double quotes and vice versa. But that didn't help in any way. 

Hm, what about the following?

folder-hook . 'set index_format="%4C %Z %[%a·%d·%b] %-16.16F [%-12.12L] (%4l) %s% %M"'
folder-hook -ct$ 'set index_format="%4C %S %[%d.%m. %H:%Mh] (%3l) %s% %M"'

I'm using this style here and I don't have any problems with it.

Wir neigen dazu, Erfolg eher nach der Höhe unserer Gehälter oder nach 
der Grösse unserer Autos zu bestimmen als nach dem Grad unserer 
Hilfsbereitschaft und dem Mass unserer Menschlichkeit. M. L. King
/* Kurz */

Re: mutt and gpg ?

1999-02-05 Thread Christian Kurz

Georg Josef Uphoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Well, this might be a simple question, but how do I use
 mutt with GnuPG ?

You need to set the configuration variables so, and then you can use
gnugp instead of pgp:

set pgp_v2=/usr/bin/pgp # pgp 2.* binary
set pgp_v2_pubring=~/.pgp/pubring.pgp   # Public PGP-Keyring (PGP 2.*)
set pgp_v2_secring=~/.pgp/secring.pgp   # Secret PGP-Keyring (PGP 2.*)
set pgp_default_version=gpg  # pgp2, pgp5, gpg (default for the following)
set pgp_receive_version=gpg  # pgp-version for decrypting and verifying 
set pgp_send_version=gpg # pgp-version for composing messages
set pgp_key_version=gpg  # pgp-version for extracting and sending keys

The other variables for pgp can be set as you want.

/* Kurz */