Re: Unsubscribing from mailing-list threads (was: Preferred way to get imap emails)

2019-07-30 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Jul 30, 2019 at 7:40, Matthias Apitz wrote:
A solution must be based on some kind of a local "database" file of 
threads marked as "bad" threads (perhaps as patterns) and one must 
actively store the given "bad" thread into it, for example with M 
and then a D would later, even in the next mutt session, read 
this "database" file and delete all threads from the actual mailbox 
for all patterns in it.

Would it be possible to keep this information in the email by, say, 
adding a header to it. And have mutt mark any message whose parent 
contains this header as read.

Something like this as a macro or hook (untested):

   ~h X-Mark-Thread-Read\n

An external tool can probably add the header if mutt can't do it.

One could also (ab)use the spam detection mechanism

   spam "X-Mark-Thread-Read" "100/NotInterested"

I'm reading this out of the NeoMutt manual, I suppose Mutt has similar 

I Cc'ed the author of the article:
Please keep him/her in Cc when you reply.


Matthias Apitz, ✉, +49-176-38902045
Public GnuPG key:

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Re: format=flowed

2019-01-05 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Jan 05, 2019 at 17:02, Ed Blackman wrote:

On Wed, Dec 19, 2018 at 11:10:02AM -0800, Will Yardley wrote:
Even when people are using the right options in vim and doing 
everything else right, it seems very fragile and prone to generating 
invalid flowed emails.

I stopped using format=flowed because not much besides Mutt supports 
it, and particularly not GMail and Outlook.

That's interesting. I've been using format=flowed for ages now, never 
really checked how it looked in other MUA. It worked in Mutt and I was 
happy with that. Never got any complaints.

But when I did use it, I configured vim to use syntax highlighting to 
add an underline highlight to the trailing space at the end of a line 
that format=flowed uses to know that it's a line that should be 

It was subtle enough to not bother me when composing (since the sentence
your composing has a "trailing space" before you start the next word),
but blatent enough to see when I'm looking over the message before

In ~/.vim/after/syntax/mail.vim, I have:

" color trailing spaces to easily see where format=flowed lines will wrap and
" not wrap
syntax match lineEndWrap / $/
hi WrapLines term=bold,underline cterm=bold,underline gui=bold,underline

if &background == "dark"
 hi WrapLines ctermfg=White ctermbg=Black guifg=Black guibg=White
 hi WrapLines ctermfg=Black ctermbg=White guifg=Black guibg=White

hi def link lineEndWrap WrapLines

Vim has built in support for highlighting trailing spaces using 

I have this in my vimrc. It's also helpful to highlight them in other 
documents, but I don't want to be distracted while in INSERT mode.

set listchars+=trail:·
augroup trailing
   au InsertEnter * :set listchars-=trail:·
   au InsertLeave * :set listchars+=trail:·
augroup END

In addition, I also do some auto formatting for every email I compose, 
in `ftplugin/mail.vim`, I have:

setlocal formatoptions+=awt " auto-format

" pad '>' with a single space
keeppatterns keepjumps %s/>\ze\([^> ]\|$\)/> /e
" remove spaces between '>'
keeppatterns keepjumps %s/> >/>>/ge
" remove trailing spaces in header
keeppatterns keepjumps 1;/^$/s/ *$//e

Description: PGP signature

[SPAM?] Re: preview images before attaching

2016-09-05 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Sep 05, 2016 at 8:46, Peter P. wrote:

I am frequently attaching images to emails in mutt and wonder if there
is a way I can preview them when selecting the files, but before
actually attaching them. I imagine selecting/entering the path to the
file to be attached, but then pressing TAB once more, or using any other
keypress, launching eg. imagemagick's display to show the image briefly.
I use a combination of vim, the CheckAttach plugin [0] and ranger [1] 
and w3mimgdisplay. [2]

Basically you simply edit your mail, run :AttachFile and select the file 
in ranger which can show you a preview on the side.


Description: PGP signature

Re: How does Ian do the "name > " quoting?

2016-01-11 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Jan 10, 2016 at 8:11, Cameron Simpson wrote:

On 09Jan2016 04:22, David Ellement  wrote:

On 2016-01-09, Cameron Simpson wrote

My current practice is: leave this alone, and use format=flowed ...
I'm a vim user, so if you also are I can assist in vim modes to aid
format=flowed composition. I highly recommend it!

I'm interested; perhaps there are others.  If you get multiple
responses, could you reply to the list?  (Or a link, if the information
is available somewhere).

There was a long thread back in September 2015 about this.

For me the core items are the mutt settings "text_flowed=yes" and the 
vim setting "set formatoptions=waqj".

In more detail:

mutt settings: text_flowed=yes, reflow_text=yes, reflow_wrap=-4
I set "editor=vim-flowed" when composing/replying to mail. It is 
normally  just vim, as vim-flowed is hyper annoying if you're not 
editing email; so it  is just vim (well, $EDITOR) even in my mutt 
settings - only the mail editing  phase gets vim-flowed.

and vim-flowed is here:

It trims trailing spaces from the headers (I use "edit_headers=yes") 
and invokes vim with "set formatoptions=waqj".
Why not put these settings in `ftplugin/mail.vim` or in a `autocmd 
FileType mail [..]`?

Anyway, these are my mail.vim settings:

I do a bit more mangling than you.

Re: sending mails readable on small screens

2015-11-30 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Nov 30, 2015 at 21:48, Matthias Apitz wrote:

El día Monday, November 30, 2015 a las 02:29:30PM -0600, Derek Martin escribió:

On Mon, Nov 30, 2015 at 08:03:04PM +0100, Matthias Apitz wrote:

No it does not:

Can you put it soemwhere where only HTTP is onvolved. SSL claims the
page as insecure.


It only claims that the certificate the server is using is 
self-signed, meaning that it can't be validated as belonging to 
anyone in particular by the big certificate trusts.  If you're 
willing to look at it without SSL entirely, then who cares if the 
cert doesn't validate?  This is just not interesting.
Maybe for you (Derek Martin) it is not, but for me. It is already an 
issue if a posted URL of http://... is redirected to some SSL URL of 
untrusted certifications.
I totally agree with Derek, that is why I redirect all my http requests 
to https. I'd choose encrypted with a so-called "untrusted" self-signed 
certificate over unencrypted anytime.

Re: sending mails readable on small screens

2015-11-30 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Nov 30, 2015 at 22:10, wrote:

On 30Nov15 15:44 +, Samir Benmendil wrote:

On Nov 29, 2015 at 19:42, Matthias Apitz wrote:

El d?a Sunday, November 29, 2015 a las 05:55:32PM +0100, Bernard Massot
I'm struggling to build mails readable on small screens, ie mails 
whose lines wrap correctly even when there are few columns. I'm 
indeed thinking of smart phones.

I thought format=flowed would be the answer. However the first 
mailer I tried – K9 mail – doesn't support f=f. I guess Android's 
native app is no better. So f=f isn't the universal solution.
Your mail renders fine in my Ubuntu mobile phone BQ E4.5, in Dekko 
and in mutt, see the screens:

f=f seems to be the esoteric way to tackle that problem. All other 
users just make sure their terminal is at least 80 chars wide.

text/plain is just what it is, plain text. No formating meta data in 
f=f doesn't really have much meta data, just a space at the end of a 
line that is still part of the same paragraph.

No it does not:
That screen is approx 65 chars wide/narrow. But also I would not count 
that as not readable.
But it doesn't wrap correctly when there are few columns, which is what 
Bernard was asking about.

And that is the problem with text/plain and textwidth=72, if you have 
less than 72-80 chars you going to run into those wrapping problems. And 
on the other hand if you have a very wide terminal and (for some reason) 
like to read long lines of text, you can't, because the lines are 
forcefully wrapped for you.

With f=f, I can change the textwidth to MY liking and have it formatted 
(note that I reflow all my replies)

You might have better luck with "quoted-printable". "f=f" is much 
nicer though.
To my knowledge quopri is an encoding method. I would not say that 
could solve the problem here.
quopri can encode long lines and is more widely supported. It would flow 
properly if you write your paragraph onto the same line, and don't add 
any hard wraps.

Re: Move old messages

2015-11-30 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Nov 27, 2015 at 14:41, Jon LaBadie wrote:

One thought, if I'm away for a week or more this would archive several
days of unread mail.  Adding a simple ~R to the pattern seems to
eliminate this concern.  Are there any side-effects I overlook?

 folder-hook FreeBSD$ push 'T~R~d> 
I like to keep active threads and important messages as well. I delete 
all the rest since they are archived somewhere else anyway. Here's my 

 folder-hook inbox push '!~(~U|~F|~d<3m)'

This deletes any message that is not part of a thread which contains a 
message that is `~U`nread, `-F`lagged or `~d`ate < 3 months.

Description: PGP signature

Re: sending mails readable on small screens

2015-11-30 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Nov 29, 2015 at 19:42, Matthias Apitz wrote:
El d?a Sunday, November 29, 2015 a las 05:55:32PM +0100, Bernard 
Massot escribi?:
I'm struggling to build mails readable on small screens, ie mails 
whose lines wrap correctly even when there are few columns. I'm 
indeed thinking of smart phones.

I thought format=flowed would be the answer. However the first mailer 
I tried – K9 mail – doesn't support f=f. I guess Android's native app 
is no better. So f=f isn't the universal solution.
Your mail renders fine in my Ubuntu mobile phone BQ E4.5, in Dekko and 
in mutt, see the screens:


No it does not:

But that is because it was not a f=f message.

What do you suggest? It seems HTML is the only widely supported 
format, which doesn't have line wrapping problems. So should I make 
Mutt creating automatically an HTML part of a multipart/alternative, 
using an empty HTML page template and wrapping paragraphs in  
tags? Is there something more clever to do?

No, please no HTML.

Indeed, please don't use HTML.

You might have better luck with "quoted-printable". "f=f" is much nicer 

Re: format=flowed

2015-09-18 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Sep 18, 2015 at 20:17, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 18.09.15 10:33, Samir Benmendil wrote:

On Sep 18, 2015 at 19:09, Erik Christiansen wrote:

Now there's no need to hunt around amongst all sorts of files,
wondering where stuff is configured - it's configured in the config

There's a function for that:

| " edit configs  {{{2
| function! EditConfig(what)
| let l:dir = split(&runtimepath,',')[0]
| if a:what == 'vimrc'
| let l:file = expand($MYVIMRC)
| elseif ! isdirectory(globpath(l:dir, a:what))
| echoe a:what." is not valid!"
| elseif empty(&filetype)
| echoe 'filetype is empty!'
| else
| let l:file = l:dir.'/'.a:what.'/'.&filetype.'.vim'
| endif
| | execute ':vsplit '.file
| execute ':lcd %:p:h'
| endf
| nmap ev :call EditConfig('vimrc')
| nmap ef :call EditConfig('ftplugin')
| nmap es :call EditConfig('syntax')
| nmap ei :call EditConfig('indent')
| nmap eu :UltiSnipsEdit:lcd %:p:h

This is way simpler than searching for it in the huge monolithic 

Samir, your irony gave me a very good belly laugh!
"simpler" was probably not the right choice of word. "easier" is what I 
meant to say.
If I want to change filetype specific settings I can hit ef and 
I'll get a new split with a small file containing settings only relevant 
to the current filetype regardless of what that filetype is.

With folding, the attractively monolithic .vimrc is visually small.
Structure makes everything readily accessible - without any need for
complex functions to get to a swarm of files.
Of course, folding is great, and everything in my vimrc is folded as 

Still, you are most welcome to do it your way.

And so are you to disagree with me.


Re: format=flowed

2015-09-18 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Sep 18, 2015 at 19:09, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 18.09.15 09:47, Christian Brabandt wrote:

On Fr, 18 Sep 2015, Erik Christiansen wrote:
> So, in .vimrc, something vaguely like:
> au BufNewFile,BufRead   ~/Desktop/mutt-*   call Set_for_mutt()

You don't need that autocommand. Simply create a file 
~/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim and put all mutt related stuff there and add 
an entry :filetype plugin  to your .vimrc
Thanks Christian, for the alternative implementation, but I don't need 
~/.vim/ftplugin/mail.vim when I can equally easily do it in .vimrc.

Keeps your .vimrc cleaner.
Keeping everything vim-related in one config file is _wy_ cleaner. 
Cluttering the filesystem with a swarm of files seems untidy, and is a 
good way to leave config behind when moving to a new installation/OS 
upgrade, I figure.

Not if you have your vim folder under version control.

Now there's no need to hunt around amongst all sorts of files, 
wondering where stuff is configured - it's configured in the config 

There's a function for that:

| " edit configs  {{{2
| function! EditConfig(what)
| let l:dir = split(&runtimepath,',')[0]
| if a:what == 'vimrc'
| let l:file = expand($MYVIMRC)
| elseif ! isdirectory(globpath(l:dir, a:what))
| echoe a:what." is not valid!"
| elseif empty(&filetype)
| echoe 'filetype is empty!'
| else
| let l:file = l:dir.'/'.a:what.'/'.&filetype.'.vim'
| endif
| execute ':vsplit '.file

| execute ':lcd %:p:h'
| endf
| nmap ev :call EditConfig('vimrc')
| nmap ef :call EditConfig('ftplugin')
| nmap es :call EditConfig('syntax')
| nmap ei :call EditConfig('indent')
| nmap eu :UltiSnipsEdit:lcd %:p:h

This is way simpler than searching for it in the huge monolithic vimrc.

Re: format=flowed

2015-09-18 Thread Samir Benmendil

On Sep 18, 2015 at 17:00, Erik Christiansen wrote:

On 18.09.15 10:41, Cameron Simpson wrote:
I'm pretty sure the vim mode I'm using doesn't do quoting correctly 
if I edit the quoted sections. Need to check that on my end.

While editing a mutt tmp file, it can be useful to set something like:

set formatoptions=qrjl
This will not generate f=f messages. You need to 'set fo+=w' so that 
trailing white space indicate a paragraph continues on the next line.

The 'l' stops breaking of long lines in insert mode, allowing 
"textwidth" to be deliberately exceeded. (YMMV)
AFAIC f=f messages should still "hard wrap" at 72 char, so IMO 't' is 
the better choice.

Things are further complicated by receive messages from people not 
using format=flowed. I probably need to incorporate their quotes 
differently depending

In either case, here, vim (in mutt) manually reflows a paragraph of
quoted text to "textwidth", respecting (multiple levels of) quoting,
with "gq}". (Mine's automatically set to 72 when I'm in mutt.)
'gq' will also not reflow the paragraph correctly since it doesn't add 
spaces at the end. You want to use 'J' when 'set fo=a', unfortunately it 
doesn't take an operator so I use visual selection for that.

I just realized that f=f requires that there is no space between '>'s in 
multi level quotes, i.e. '> > quote' is not a valid 2-level quote, it 
should be '>> quote' or '>>quote'. I haven't figured out a way to set 
this up properly in vim.

Re: format=flowed

2015-09-16 Thread Samir Benmendil
On Sep 16, 2015 at 7:17, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> On 2015-09-16 12:29 +0100, Samir Benmendil wrote:
> > You need to set *reflow_wrap=72*.
> I have no such option in my mutt.
> mutt 1.5.21 - the version in Debian wheezy, which lots of us run for 
> unrelated reasons [1].  That said, I compile it from the source 
> package anyway, so I will get to upgrading it at some point.
Please do. According to the changelog, the f=f handling was fixed a mere 
two weeks after the 1.5.21 release, *5 years ago*.

Re: format=flowed

2015-09-16 Thread Samir Benmendil
On Sep 16, 2015 at 12:41, Cameron Simpson wrote:
> On 15Sep2015 19:27, Ian Zimmerman  wrote:
> > The result is
> > similar to what I always get reading plain text messages in Gmail: a
> > hard to read mess.  If you just had 1 long line per paragraph
> > (terminated with a space), it would fold only at 78 and look fine.
> > 
> > Am I still missing something?
> My treatment of the quoted material may be wrong (or very
> suboptimal); just looking at this message all the quoted
> lines lack trailing spaces and I need to investigate that.
> My vim setup for this is very crude.
> Could you detail what happens to my message with both the
> quoted and actual reply text please?
I can reflow your normal body, but the quoted text does not reflow 
properly. How is this message reflowed? Does the quoted text in this 
message flow correctly?

How about this?
On Sep 16, 45BC at 12:41, Cicero wrote:
> On Sep 15, 45BC at 12:41, Cicero wrote:
> > Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do 
> > eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim 
> > ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
> > aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in 
> > reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla 
> > pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in 
> > culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do 
> eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad 
> minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut 
> aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in 
> reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla 
> pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in 
> culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Re: format=flowed

2015-09-16 Thread Samir Benmendil
On Sep 15, 2015 at 20:11, Ian Zimmerman wrote:
> I attach a file which is the paste of how I see your original message
> when I set wrap=72 in mutt.
You need to set *reflow_wrap=72*.

Change Bcc in reply-hook

2014-03-08 Thread Samir Benmendil
Hi mutters,

I would like to set the From and the Bcc header in a reply-hook. My
relevant muttrc entries are:
 reply-hook "%L group" source ~/.mutt/accounts/group
and in ~/.mutt/accounts/group:
 set from = "a@a.a"
 unmy_hdr Bcc:
 my_hdr Bcc: $from

The From header is set correctly, but the Bcc isn't. In the manual I
found "that my_hdr commands which modify recipient headers, or the
message's subject, don't have any effect on the current message when
executed from a send-hook", and read somewhere that this also applies to

Is there any way to get arround this? Basically what I want to do is
move mails I send to both the inbox and another folder dependent on the
from address. Any ideas?
