[nazerene] *The Many Dimensions of "Believing"

2006-07-31 Thread Brother Bob...<>

The Many Dimensions of "Believing"

(Gen 15:5-7 KJV) 
 And he 
brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, 

and tell the 
stars, if thou be able to number them: 
and he said unto 
him, So shall thy seed be. 
{6} And he believed[H=539] in the LORD; 
and he counted it to him for righteousness. 
{7} And he said 
unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, 

to give thee 
this land to inherit it.

(Rom 4:3-5 KJV)  
For what saith 
the scripture? 
Abraham believed God, 
and it was 
counted unto him for righteousness.
 {4} Now to 
him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of 
 {5} But to 
him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the 
 his faith 
is counted for righteousness.
(Gal 3:6-9 KJV) 
 Even as 
Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to 
him for righteousness. 
{7} Know ye 
therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of 
 {8} And 
the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through 
before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be 
 {9} So 
then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful 
Dear Friends in 
The Bible is at the same time a 
very simple and understandable book, and yet one that has many hidden nuances of 
truth that can only be discovered by study and deliberating over what is 
presented. One example of this is the many dimensions of meaning of "believing" 
in God. According to the verses above, Abraham believed in God and God accounted 
to Abraham salvation ("righteousness") because of his belief. So if it is that 
important, what is "believing" all about, and what does it all really mean to 
believe in God? 
The Hebrew word which is 
translated  "believe" in the Gen 15 passage, is "aman" ="to build up or 
support" . Notice that this word is similar to "amen" , which we say when we 
mean, "I agree, let it be so, this is a truthful saying, etc. Amen is also a 
Hebrew word which is derived from aman, and would be almost indistinguishable 
from it in Hebrew letters.
When we want to 
the meaning of a word in a foreign language, it is always helpful to 
find out how the word is used in other contexts in that language. For Biblical 
words, we use a concordance to look up that word in other passages, notice the 
context, and we may get some insight as to what God wants us to teach us 
about this term. For this reason, we will look at various occurances of "aman" 
in the Old Testament and examine the contexts in which they occur, and see 
what God has imbedded in these veses to teach us. 

To "believe" in God 
1) To accept 
that God appeared to Moses. (Exo 4:5)
2) To pay 
attention to the miraculous signs God has given (Exo 
3) To pay 
attention to the voice of God (ie. also the "word" of God) (Exo 
4) To let the 
doings of God affect you so that you will bow your head and worship Him. (Exo 
5) When you 
examine what God has done,  it allows you to fear the Lord 
and believe you. (Exo 14:31 to 15:1-3)
6) To hear the Lord when He speaks with you, 
and believe Him forever. (Exo 19:9)
7) To recieve the nurturing and loving 
kindness of the Lord (Num 11:12)
8) To be faithful in all dealings with 
God, (Num 12:7-8)
9) to behold the presence of the Lord 
(Num 12:7-8)
10) To believe God 
when He shows signs unto you (Num 14:11)
11) To sanctify 
God in the eyes of the children of God (Num 20:12)
12) To believe 
what the Lord God says (Deu 1:31-32)
13) To believe 
that The Lord He is The Trustworthy God (Deu 7:9-11)
14) To listen and 
obey the voice of the Lord (Deu 9:23)
15) To know that 
God''s presence and power is of long continuing duration (Deu 
16) To 
have assurance of your life  (Deu 
17) To accept the 
"mothering" love of the Lord for you (Ruth 4:16) 
18) To do that 
which is in the heart of God (1 Sam 2:35)
19) To walk in the 
presence of Christ forever (1 Sam 2:35)
20) To be established as a 
prophet of th Lord (a forth-teller of God's will) (1 Sam 
21) To have your house(family) 
and your kingdom(dominion) established forever. (2 Sam 
22) To verify (to confirm, 
especially the truth if a prediction) the Word of God (1 Ki 
23) To experience the certainty 
of God's continuing presence and provision (1 Ki 11:38)
24) To bring up the children in 
the faith (2 Ki 10:5)
25) To do everything that the 
Lord commands of you. (2 Ki 10:5)
26) To NOT believe in God, 
means: (2 Ki 17:14-16)
 a) to not hear the voice of the 
 b) to 
harden your neck against obeying God
     c) to 
reject the commandments of the Lord
 d) to 
reject the covenant of the Lord
e) reject the testimonies of the Lord against 
f)  to follow things of the world and go astray from the 
 g) to 
follow the heathen and their pleasures
 h) to 
ignore the warnings a

[nazerene] *The Many Dimensions of "Believing"

2006-07-31 Thread Brother Bob...<>

The Many Dimensions of "Believing"

(Gen 15:5-7 KJV) 
 And he 
brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, 

and tell the 
stars, if thou be able to number them: 
and he said unto 
him, So shall thy seed be. 
{6} And he believed[H=539] in the LORD; 
and he counted it to him for righteousness. 
{7} And he said 
unto him, I am the LORD that brought thee out of Ur of the Chaldees, 

to give thee 
this land to inherit it.

(Rom 4:3-5 KJV)  
For what saith 
the scripture? 
Abraham believed God, 
and it was 
counted unto him for righteousness.
 {4} Now to 
him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of 
 {5} But to 
him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the 
 his faith 
is counted for righteousness.
(Gal 3:6-9 KJV) 
 Even as 
Abraham believed God, and it was accounted to 
him for righteousness. 
{7} Know ye 
therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of 
 {8} And 
the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through 
before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be 
 {9} So 
then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful 
Dear Friends in 
The Bible is at the same time a 
very simple and understandable book, and yet one that has many hidden nuances of 
truth that can only be discovered by study and deliberating over what is 
presented. One example of this is the many dimensions of meaning of "believing" 
in God. According to the verses above, Abraham believed in God and God accounted 
to Abraham salvation ("righteousness") because of his belief. So if it is that 
important, what is "believing" all about, and what does it all really mean to 
believe in God? 
The Hebrew word which is 
translated  "believe" in the Gen 15 passage, is "aman" ="to build up or 
support" . Notice that this word is similar to "amen" , which we say when we 
mean, "I agree, let it be so, this is a truthful saying, etc. Amen is also a 
Hebrew word which is derived from aman, and would be almost indistinguishable 
from it in Hebrew letters.
When we want to 
the meaning of a word in a foreign language, it is always helpful to 
find out how the word is used in other contexts in that language. For Biblical 
words, we use a concordance to look up that word in other passages, notice the 
context, and we may get some insight as to what God wants us to teach us 
about this term. For this reason, we will look at various occurances of "aman" 
in the Old Testament and examine the contexts in which they occur, and see 
what God has imbedded in these veses to teach us. 

To "believe" in God 
1) To accept 
that God appeared to Moses. (Exo 4:5)
2) To pay 
attention to the miraculous signs God has given (Exo 
3) To pay 
attention to the voice of God (ie. also the "word" of God) (Exo 
4) To let the 
doings of God affect you so that you will bow your head and worship Him. (Exo 
5) When you 
examine what God has done,  it allows you to fear the Lord 
and believe you. (Exo 14:31 to 15:1-3)
6) To hear the Lord when He speaks with you, 
and believe Him forever. (Exo 19:9)
7) To recieve the nurturing and loving 
kindness of the Lord (Num 11:12)
8) To be faithful in all dealings with 
God, (Num 12:7-8)
9) to behold the presence of the Lord 
(Num 12:7-8)
10) To believe God 
when He shows signs unto you (Num 14:11)
11) To sanctify 
God in the eyes of the children of God (Num 20:12)
12) To believe 
what the Lord God says (Deu 1:31-32)
13) To believe 
that The Lord He is The Trustworthy God (Deu 7:9-11)
14) To listen and 
obey the voice of the Lord (Deu 9:23)
15) To know that 
God''s presence and power is of long continuing duration (Deu 
16) To 
have assurance of your life  (Deu 
17) To accept the 
"mothering" love of the Lord for you (Ruth 4:16) 
18) To do that 
which is in the heart of God (1 Sam 2:35)
19) To walk in the 
presence of Christ forever (1 Sam 2:35)
20) To be established as a 
prophet of th Lord (a forth-teller of God's will) (1 Sam 
21) To have your house(family) 
and your kingdom(dominion) established forever. (2 Sam 
22) To verify (to confirm, 
especially the truth if a prediction) the Word of God (1 Ki 
23) To experience the certainty 
of God's continuing presence and provision (1 Ki 11:38)
24) To bring up the children in 
the faith (2 Ki 10:5)
25) To do everything that the 
Lord commands of you. (2 Ki 10:5)
26) To NOT believe in God, 
means: (2 Ki 17:14-16)
 a) to not hear the voice of the 
 b) to 
harden your neck against obeying God
     c) to 
reject the commandments of the Lord
 d) to 
reject the covenant of the Lord
e) reject the testimonies of the Lord against 
f)  to follow things of the world and go astray from the 
 g) to 
follow the heathen and their pleasures
 h) to 
ignore the warnings a