[NetBehaviour] Curatorator

2016-01-04 Thread Rob Myers

"Operationalizing curation, after a presentation by the excellent
Mohammad Salemy.

The source code uses artsy.net’s API to find and rank similar artists
and extract their shared themes.

Here’s an example:

Andy Warhol..."
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[NetBehaviour] Links

2016-01-04 Thread Rob Myers
A new replacement for VRML -


"This Ruthless Art Game Will Judge Your MS Paint Masterpieces" -


"Using Lasers to Temporarily Neutralize Camera Sensors" -


"Database leak exposes 3.3 million Hello Kitty fans" -


"National Security Implications of Virtual Currency" -


"Researchers Solve Juniper Backdoor Mystery; Signs Point to NSA" -


"Notifying Our Users of Attacks by Suspected State-Sponsored Actors" -




Vaporwave research paper -


Analyze history/news as a database -


"Meaning + Beauty in Data Vis and Data Art" -


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[NetBehaviour] Warp

2016-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim



Kira Sedlock and Azure Carter, Cathedral State Park,
West Virginia, around 2008

Azure points to a body region; Kira moves it.

the true world, we are skein and membrane, warp of woof of the
true world at warp high-speed perceptually conflated with
itself, our avatar is like a time warp in the world...

dispfac warpfac *handle *pname *stnames stypes vars *varstr
*result *cfra able to get byeond the hideous at this point - the
Z- has warped into a Jennifer

We are always gathered together in the true world, we are
gatherings in the true world, we are skein and membrane, warp of
woof of the true world which is gatherings of gatherings of our
gatherings and of true worlds

Jennifer: "our avatar has slimy avatar movement, wormlike
shape-shifting, at warp high-speed perceptually conflated with
itself, our avatar is speed-alien, malleable and originating
tissue. as originating, our avatar is demiurge, producing and
reproducing, originating worlds and gatherings of the true

Julu: "our avatar is disparaged body or bodies, our avatar is
othering, here and there moving asymptotically among fractal
intrusions, our avatar prepares the appearance of twisted
connected topologies, limit-sets of behaviors, topological
counterexamples and distraught spaces piled upon themselves at
warp-high speed"

shattered or warped or doubled mirrorings, or mirroring-
transformations or mighting alsoing thinking throughing
shattereding or warpeding oring blue, yellow, black, time-

an operator's hands on fabric, wonderful warping, oh yes said
nikuko that is truly true, and don't forget we're smoooth and
connected to the warp

 oh how miserable, so many hands pointing at us!

through cloth until warp and woof mewl. we can't think of better
invasions. cloth thrusts through cloth pointers until warp and
woof are through cloth until warp and woof are bruised. i can't
think of better inflations... name...dreamed on...against
names... kinds... warp-space, forever illegible, There have been
warped forests, forest-pointings, skein movement of the true
world, oh yes said nikuko, so very true and real

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[NetBehaviour] The Calamitous Tale of Mr Punch, Part Three

2016-01-04 Thread Edward Picot

Dear all -

Mr Punch has lost the baby - or possibly turned the baby into sausages - 
and Judy has called the Policeman.

YouTube - https://youtu.be/ZNXtiPSDgS0
Vimeo - https://vimeo.com/150680440

- Edward Picot
NetBehaviour mailing list

[NetBehaviour] Story, Dream, Foundation

2016-01-04 Thread Alan Sondheim

Story, Dream, Foundation


Framework for a story -

A group of characters, similar to rotifers, who have identical
cells, postures, gender (there is only one), appearance, etc.;
the story proceeds as the characters, drawn by differing events,
behave differently, without any change whatsoever in their
makeup, appearance, etc. The world is bent by the skein of
identity, what happens?

From a dream -

A dream last night in which Azure and I were with my father
(deceased) and brother and some other relatives (my brother's
children?) in an airport; I went to bring something back (a
drink? magazine? food?); and when I returned we began talking.
While we talked there were two moments when the sound cut out
completely, as if a speaker were disconnected; each moment
lasted at best one or two seconds; when we were audible, when
the world was audible again, I asked if the others had (not)
heard the same; they did; I had a great terror; I said we must
get out of here; we began leaving; I woke. What interruptions
occur that pass unnoticed, that come from elsewhere, or appear
to? What plots dissolve, bringing us along in their wake?

From Sappho in Loeb, translated Campbell -

' Sappho to an uneducated woman: But when you die you will lie
there, and afterwards there will never be any recollection of
you or any longing for you since you have no share in the roses
of Pieria; unseen in the house of Hades also, flown from our
midst, you will go to and fro among the shadowy corpses. '

' . . . foundation . . . small-voiced . . . '

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