Choking Fidel and Us

2004-06-17 Thread John Young
The Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control has issued for public comment new restrictions on travel to Cuba with increased penalties for violations. The proclaimed intent is to harm Cuba's economy by reducing income from tourism and educational travel.

Re: Choking Cuban writers

2004-06-20 Thread John Young
What is troubling is that the US is singling out Cuba for economic warfare while doing its damnest to promote economic bear-hugging other socialist and ropgue states, presumably on the premise that economic well-being will persuade the citzenry to vote with their pocketbooks by buying and consumi

Scrooging Cuba

2004-06-22 Thread John Young
The US Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS), which controls exports, today announced new restrictions on gift packages to Cuba on the grounds that such packages have been benefiting the Cuban economy: This Scrooge initiative follows recommendations of a Cuban s

Re: my Alan Sondheim is bigger than yours

2004-08-19 Thread John Young
Cyrill, Your Sondheim valorization is commendable if you can keep it up. There is a point when getting in bed with Alan leads to being tied to it, like Seinfeld's George Castanza, expecting swell mutual high-minded fucking, then your bedmate suddenly comes out of the bathroom fully street-clothed

Re: hear ye, hear ye... truce for NNA discussion

2006-06-07 Thread John Young
Yes, the NNA report was somewhat informative but smeared, obscured, lipsmacked by the trivial sidebar complaint. What fear, of what or whom? Truce for what, a minor snit sniffle, piffle? And what is this illiteracy about stars and the little nobodies aching to lick their shriveleds as if condemned

Re: Comment on Paul Miller's Entertainment Nation

2006-06-18 Thread John Young
While already a commonplace conventional gadget for TSA-pre-approved road warriors and women hammering at the reinforced glass ceiling suppressor, it is likely the cellphone will grow as the weapon of choice for youngsters hoping to escape being the oppressive tools of their ambitious parents and

RE: Disordered thinking through the origin oflanguage

2006-09-08 Thread John Young
Words, coherent language, came from god, and if that anti-scientific premise is offensive, recall that the earliest philosophers, Thales et al in western canonicism, others earlier in Asia and Africa, argued that coherent language came from a humiliating sense of wonder, wonder at astonishing eve

Re: Why Isn't There Men's Studies? [6x]

2006-10-11 Thread John Young
Ugh, nothing more repulsive than examining one's own gender, except out of onanistic and narcissitic desperation. Our Bodies Ourselves grossed out, the Vaginal Dialogues trivialized, joining the near numberless variations of malish mono-sexual, Socratic monologues with hisism's pathetic imaginary

Re: Beyond Oil, Lybia and the MIT

2006-10-11 Thread John Young
Cheap computers lure more eyeballs for ads for more expensive computers, peripherals, I-Pods, dull jobs operating computers, increasing avenues for spying on users under guise of empowerment. Qaddafi surely bought, or was given without cost, the surveillance programs that accompany employers' a

Re: Gender and You

2006-10-13 Thread John Young
Feminism is not the same as women, maybe not about most of them either. It addresses a fairly small set of some women's interests, and some of those women extrapolate their interests to women in general. And a small number of men use this as a means to presume to know what women are and, to be sure

Re: Will Rational Exuberance Prevail?

2004-10-27 Thread John Young
No doubt the thing to do is to relax, don't overly fret about the US election outcome, why bother to organize, do legwork, serve on dreary election committees, seek out and listen to those who you've never spoken to as an equal to learn from them what's eating their gizzards, to hear what they thin

Re: Thomas Hirschhorn exhibition

2004-12-31 Thread John Young
What is great, sublime, to speak frankly, about artists is their bitchy contrariness. Not for them the gaa-gaa adoration and/or gag-me-cecil vilification of the art work, go for the competition's jugular, lioness on a boar's back, one aim only: to savage the idiot's windpipe. Nightingalish cura

Re: Southeast Asia Tsunami and the Effective ...

2005-01-02 Thread John Young
What is disturbing about lack of information from the South Asia tsunami is whether allegedly "missing" persons being memoralized by nations of origin with candlelights and moments of grieving, are dead, injured, or merely unaware they are preceived to be missing and thus do not contact those

Re: Just do it! - Intellectual theft as a curatorial

2005-07-07 Thread John Young
There is nothing beyond happenstance convention which assures a creator credit, recognition, monetary payment, praise, security from appropriation. Much, perhaps all, of the argument in the exhortive post is that used by commercial approriators, thieves and bandits, their henchpersons and sharks, w

Re: Notes on Netporn

2005-10-10 Thread John Young
The operator of the war porn site Dery cites has been arrested: The ex-cop's web site,, continues to offer cutting edge repugnant carnage ribaldry of the kind popularized by lit and flic of crime-war-faith fantasies wor

Re: Use of Computers in Preschools

2005-12-12 Thread John Young
A fair amount of this critique of computer use is applicable to business, government, education, religion and so on. The seniors, call them leaders, see computers only as tools to maximize worker productivity and for open and covert surveillance. They do not use them to set policy except to gather

Re: The Sudden Stardom of the Third-World City

2006-03-31 Thread John Young
There is hardly a better prescription for dreaming of suicide, by cities, persons or ideoligies, than comfortable success and lack of a need to struggle to survive. The invention of the Third World brand came from the mental laziness non-western intellectuals and political ideolgues grown soft fr