Re: Its a Language thing

2022-12-01 Thread Sean Cubitt
just a small correction to david's post: "The UK doesn't have a market of hundreds of millions of people," he writes: "it did once but we voted to leave". In fact the vote was over leaving the European Union. Mad King Boris decided that meant also quitting the common market, which wasn't on the

ALGORITHMS OF VIOLENCE: Border Management, Migration & Enforced Discrimination

2022-12-01 Thread Tatiana Bazzichelli
Dear Nettimers, I would like to invite you to follow our online panel on Friday December 2, at 5PM CET. As usual, a chat will be active for questions and sharing. ALGORITHMS OF VIOLENCE: Border Management, Migration & Enforced Discrimination. With Petra Molnar (Associate Director, Refugee Law La

The Colonial Roots of Present Crises

2022-12-01 Thread Rahul Goswami
I thought to offer a few observations about this post by Felix Stalder, about an interview by the Green European Journal with Amitav Ghosh. My qualification for doing so is working experience with two central ministries, government of India, the ministries being environment and agriculture. Fo

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-12-01 Thread bronac ferran
I like nettime for its long-form discourse (long enough and short enough to read online). There is also a longitudinal sense that is absent elsewhere. I share concerns that this might collapse into the aforementioned sphere of extinction and should perhaps be preserved/conserved in a living sense r

Re: Moving Nettime to the Fediverse

2022-12-01 Thread Joseph Rabie
Beyond the comparison between email and social media lies that between computer and telephone. While some forms of social media were created for computer web browsing before the arrival of (so-called) smart phones, today the latter constitute the favoured medium of delivery for social media. May

Moving Nettime to the Fediverse​

2022-12-01 Thread Allan Siegel
Hello, As the Mod Squad said: "This is a chance to move beyond nettime's shrinking in-group, so feel free to invite others. Our goal is to keep tldr to a size where the local timeline remains a useful tool for an actual, not rhetorical, community; how big that is remains to be seen." Communitie