Re: Dailydot: Cryptome accidentally leaks its own

2015-10-11 Thread John Young

Chatter on this teapot leakage in the cypherpunks archive:

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Dailydot: Cryptome accidentally leaks its own visitor IP addresses

2015-10-11 Thread nettime's_logroller
< >

Leak site Cryptome accidentally leaks its own visitor IP addresses

By Joseph Cox

Oct 9, 2015, 6:01pm CT | Last updated Oct 9, 2015, 8:21pm CT

Cryptome, the Internet's oldest document-exposure site,
inadvertently leaked months worth of its own IP logs and other
server information, potentially exposing details about its
privacy-conscious users.

The data, which specifically came from the Cartome sub-directory
on, according to Cryptome co-creator John Young,
made their way into the wild when the site logs were included on
a pair of USB sticks sent out to a supporter.

Twitter user Michael Best reported the problem a few days ago on
his website. "Within those USBs were server logs that include
user IPs (spanning several months), .htaccess files, and a pwd
file," he wrote. He discovered the files when he uploaded the
contents of the sticks to the Internet Archive, Best told the
Daily Dot in a Twitter message.

"Probably best to not expose visitors' data further but then
nothing can be fully deleted or hidden." "Scrolling down through
the list, I found about a hundred awstats log files listed in a
row," he said, referring to Cryptome analytics data.

Launched in 1996 by Young and Deborah Natsios, Cryptome was born
out of the cypherpunks mailing list, a space where some of the
most influential players in cryptography emerged. It currently
hosts tens of thousands of documents, news articles, and images,
many of which pertain to cryptography, surveillance, and freedom
of information. Documents made available through the site include
lists of MI6 agents, details on nuclear technology, and much
more. It is often referred to as the forefather of WikiLeaks.

Last month, Cryptome announced that someone had compromised some
of its encryption keys.

Returning to the IP logs, Best contacted Young over email and
Twitter about the problem. Eventually Cryptome said that Best had
faked the data.

"When he accused me of faking the data is when I dumped it, since
he didn't acknowledge the problem and was making accusations
against me," Best said.

The data published by Best, which was reviewed by the Daily Dot,
includes IP logs of visitors to certain pages of Cryptome during
a few select months in 2009 and 2010. There are also files
indicating what search terms people have used to land on the

When initially asked whether he had anything to add, Young told
the Daily Dot in an email, "No."

But shortly after, Young confirmed to Best in an email that the
data was accurate.

"You were right about AWStats data. Not the stats for Cryptome
itself but for the Cartome sub-directory, for four months,
November 2009-February 2010," Young wrote. "Included in a full
site restoration by ISP NetSol after a full shutdown in June

"The stats have been deleted from the Cryptome archive," Young
added. "Probably best to not expose visitors' data further but
then nothing can be fully deleted or hidden. Thanks for
discovering and reporting in this."

Best has also reportedly deleted the data from his site.

When asked whether that message was legitimate, Young told the
Daily Dot in an email, "Yes."

"Best is as dogged as Cryptome," Young added in a later email.
"We admire that and encourage him to get even more pugnacious, as
if he needed it. Should be many more to offset the rising excess
of suavely devious spying, advertising and oligarch ass-lickers
hoboing the runaway online money train."

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Re: The Gentrification of Hacking: How yuppies hacked the

2015-10-11 Thread Jaromil
dear nettimers,

spot on the topic, in Rome's university La Sapienza yesterday researchers and
students were protesting with a peaceful sit-in... against the Maker Faire!

besides the fact the faire is blocking the access to some spaces of the
university with costly tickets, they also criticize the overall marketing
oriented nature of the event, where they say that the "business approach of the
Maker Faire is an actual contradiction of the philosophy of sharing and
cooperation that originated such initiatives"

the newspaper elaborates well on the arguments with some quotes and overall
bashing of the "capitalism 2.0" speculative attitude towards immaterial
commons. Of course, beware, this is a communist newspaper :^) yet the only to
cover such an interesting story... does one really needs to be a communist to
be critical in this ultra-lib ultra-opt(imism) world we are living in? seems so

For the occasion I recommend this publication of the D-CENT project, titled
"Managing the commons in the knowledge economy" (1.4MB download) in
particular chapter 4.7 starting at page 71, titled "The maker movement. A
return to dawn in the logic of the commons?" which concludes with:


Authors like André Gorz even made it the prototype of a new social way of
production based on the possibility to interconnect craft workshops founded on
the common throughout the whole world, to treat software like a common good of
humanity, like the free software movement does, to replace the market with what
it is necessary to produce, how and to what purpose, to fabricate all that is
necessary locally and also to make large complex facilities through
collaboration with many local workshops. Transport, warehousing, marketing and
factory assembly, which represent two thirds of current costs, would be
eliminated. An economy beyond wage relation, money and commodities founded on
the pooling of the results of an activity conceived of from the beginning as
common, is heralded to be possible: an economy of gratuitousness. (Gorz, 2008,

This utopian vision of Gorz's has many affinities with the experience of the
Transition Town Movement promoted by Rob Hopkins. The Transition Movement, as
Gauntlett (2011) emphasises, is formed of community initiatives that try to
transform society into resilient communities organised according to the maker
logic in order to face the environmental challenges tied to climate change,
limited resources and alterations in the world of work brought on by the
economic crisis. One of the main characteristics of the Transition Movement is
that of believing that all these problems can be faced through co-production
and community collaboration. It is no coincidence that the two fundamental
principles of the movement are:

a) individuals have immense quantities of creativity, talent and ability;

b) if individuals acted as a community they would be capable of creating a way
of life that is significatively more connected, more vibrant and more
fulfilling than the one we live in.

Even though it is more recent even the maker movement seems to be in turn
crossed, like the free software movement, by divergent tendencies on an
economic level and on that of political philosophy. The model of resilience and
autonomy incarnated by the radical makers community in California of whom Gorz
and Lallement are spokesmen, is opposed in this way by a logic of integration
in the large circuits of industrial production and commerce (Landeau, 2014) or
again approaches according to which the decentralised production of the makers
could come close to the realisation of a market of perfect competition (cf.
Anderson, 2012).


These and other good reads on this list put forward a deep, still forward
looking, view on what was, can be and is becoming yet another commons-based
movement in the age of a necrotizing capitalism. Yet all this thinkering
(nettime included!) seems to stay pretty much in the domain of the
intellectualoids, while the masses are shoved the zombie-rethoric of
californian ideology in every way possible, now even printed in
cheap-but-three-dee toxic plastic in the very premises of a university.
Ad maiora!


Denis Roio aka Jaromil think &do tank
  CTO and co-founder  free/open source developer
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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 97, Issue 7

2015-10-11 Thread mara karagianni
   If you had read the interview - unless you did but you forget as fast
   as you read - she tried to do a similar project in the 90's in Austria
   but couldn't obtain the right to the prisoner's image because nobody
   but the state has rights to a prisoner's body. That's something to bash
   about and not L. Anderson's looks or work. Moreover if nobody cares
   anymore about guantanemo that is society's pathology, always running
   behind the next trend. Vietnam, Iraq, Afganistan, Greece, Syria, you
   name it, all were and are proxy wars. Problem persists; states treat
   ppl as if they own them.

   2015-10-06 18:15 GMT+03:00 John Young <[1]>:

 "Geriatric" is applied to presumptive value derived from excessivity
 of longevity, reputation, exposure, glomming onto and pairing with
 youthful transience, by texting, imaging, thinking, positioning, dressing,
 singing, musicing, performing younger than physical age, not quite
 getting it right but no matter there will be more to fine-tune the
 thievery as collective proprietary, ready for deliverance to the
 swankest of architectural excesses. Adding to already collected
 and dusted with high-tech security hundreds of copies of the same
 old shit, sorry, RUN DOG RUN, giant tulips, repetitive persona
 masquerades, vapid ironies by the tubsful, diaretic one-holer
 gushes of critical studies for wrinkled bum wiping, colostomies,
 urine bags, adult diapers, Medicare prostheses, percentage of
 ego-pile-erecting cost reserved for bloated ream-the-public art,
 like "Whitey Vulgar" Serra's genital junk growing larger as his
 ween requires excessive CPA-Obamacare to tilted arc a piss
 on GSA endlessly.

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Re: VW

2015-10-11 Thread mara karagianni
   New open source projects released in github on how to pass software
   tests in a VW way.

   "If you want your software to be adopted by Americans, good tests
   scores from the CI server are very important. Volkswagen uses a defeat
   device to detect when it's being tested in a CI server and will
   automatically reduce errors to an acceptable level for the tests to
   pass. This will allow you to spend less time worrying about testing and
   more time enjoying the good life as a trustful software developer."
   Haha, there is no hope really
   but great logo


   2015-10-04 0:17 GMT+03:00 t byfield <[3]>:

  On 3 Oct 2015, at 15:07, Florian Cramer wrote:

  If you carefully read my points here on Nettime, then it shouldn't
  have escaped you that I defended this funding (against Ted) and
  actually consider it a good case of repurposing company profits for
  public research and education.

 No, I didn't say anything like that and wouldn't have. One of my
 favorite hobbyhorses is the problematic state of higher ed in the
 US, which is mostly a byproduct of the privatization of educational
 finance. The implied alternative of that privatization is public
 funding -- but even that will depends, at some point, on private
 economic activity. I don't know enough about the VW / Lower Saxony
 model to say much about it, but it's probably better than the
 dominant model we have in the US.

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Re: Pricing a Protest: Forecasting the Dynamics of Civil

2015-10-11 Thread walter palmetshofer
Maybe this is interesting in that context:

Social Unrest: Millennial Uprising Scenario 2015 by Cambridge Centre for Risk 



Also a few days ago there was the Recorded Future User Network
Conference, perhaps Dan Geer can chip in on the latest.

>From the department nothing new under the sun:

This was from 2012

back then recordedfuture had interesting webinars on monitoring protest 
and social unrest, here claiming 85% accuracy for their prediction 2012

Monitoring Protests and Unrest - Recorded Future Webcast 2012

Monitoring Social Media Authors 2014

also interesting Quid


and the above mentioned Cytora - Real-Time Political Risk Analysis

Future research projects

And then there is always enterprise solution Palantir.

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