Re: notes from Brexania in limbo...

2019-01-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 18/01/19 um 16:48 schrieb James Wallbank:
> Thanks for this summary David, I'd suggest that it's broadly accurate.
> Some of you may have noticed that Brexit has pretty much incinerated
> my social media presence (which used to focus on the impacts of
> digital engagement and transformation on the arts, culture, and
> locality,(plus a smattering of green issues). Now its focus is almost
> exclusively the madness of Brexit, which I can only interpret as the
> national equivalent of a nervous breakdown.

For me the basic problem is direct democracy as in referendum. And
second referendum. It may be unpopular because direct democracy looks
like the non plus ultra of democracy but Brexit shows that the non plus
ultra of democracy is the sovereignty of parliament. Also as far as a
second referendum is concerned. All that is necessary for "remain" is a
decision by a simple majority of MPs.

"Direct democracy", is this a fashion of politicians without
responbibility or a principle of constitutional law of the UK? Like the
sovereignty of parliament. Maybe we should rethink democracy once more.
Is direct democracy good in all cases? Obviously not.

Best, H.

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Re: notes from Brexania in limbo...

2019-01-28 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear all,

Am 28/01/19 um 07:15 schrieb Patrice Riemens:

True democracy is direct democracy, difficult to handle as it is.
Representative democracy, unless representatives are kept at a short
leash by their constituents - never mind how representative a first pass
the post system is - is a snapshot at best, and an elected dictatorship
at worst.

I dont think this anymore. Democracy is about decisions. They shall not
be made by one person. "Direct democracy" is not more than an opinion
poll. Why should the "real majority" not be a dictator as well? And why
should "the people" not cange their mind? Who will ask them then? And
why should "the people" matter at all? But first of all "the people"
have no place in the constitution as far as decisions are concerned. If
constitutions matter. And why should "the people" be bound by a
constitution? Or any rules of law?

Best, H.

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Re: notes from Brexania in limbo...

2019-01-28 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 18/01/19 um 12:08 schrieb David Garcia:
> Finaly its a pity all these thinkers I am referencing are men.. How
> much of these neo-nationalist pathologies are man made…?

There is no difference. I have a brother in London with a small freehold
house and family and the mother of the best frtiend of his daughter
asked after the Brexit: "What is the problem, you have to leave". They
dont have to leave but this does not make it better.

The Brexiters had a bigger problem that is a real problem of the EU as
well. There are no Europeans, not even in the European parliament. The
role of nations and democracy. Democracy in a nation is something else.
A nation is more like a family. The EU has changed. It is not the EU it
once was with very limited competences. It is directed towards a
"superstate" that caqn do everything. And there are tensions. The Brexit
was one answer to those tensions. The other answer would have been to
make opposition from within the EU. See the Poles, Hungary, Italy, all
other nations. Ok, wer can say that thzey are terrible and special but
they are just Poles and Hungarians or Italians. Why should they not have
another will than Brussels? Merkel will punish them? Nothing has changed
under the sun.

The present chaos is owed to the fact that the EU is also a reality.
Facts have changed and not just the law. We  have learnt in lawschool
that an exit was impossible. This was not a question of law but of the
facts. The legal freedom to leave did not change the facts.

Best, H.

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Re: notes from Brexania in limbo...

2019-01-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
I loved Tempelhof. As a piece of art, a sacrifice. However useless.
Luxury for all.

Am 28/01/19 um 17:27 schrieb André Rebentisch:

> - The notion of sovereignty recently became subject to delusional right
> wing state concepts which are ultimately ahistorical. Framed as a
> unrestrained right of the people to govern their own affairs we also
> find it in left wing discourse and populist criticism of the financial
> markets. Ultimately democracy also finds its limits in the laws of
> physics when a democratic majority might suggest icarus deserves his
> right to fly.

Old Iran is very good in this. And there were times when you could sell
and buy countries. Sovereignty means that you are allowed to change your

Best, H.

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Re: No evidence of digital wrong-doing...

2019-02-02 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Mystics. And different registers. IMHO you should also put the idea of
"representativ democracy" v. "direct democracy" into question. The idea
that the parliament is an enemy of the people is strange. It is first of
all the enemy of the gouvernement. Whatever should be regulated by
"direct democracy". This is not the main question.

Best, H.

Am 31/01/19 um 11:23 schrieb Felix Stalder:
> You are absolutely right, these work in different registers, but I don't
> think there is a clear hierarchical relations between them like in a
> technological stack where one layer builds upon the other.

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Re: rage against the machine

2019-03-30 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear all, the days of "direct democracy" v. "the few" are over. The days
of a "movement" without "momentum". Why should the "vote" of "the
people" matter? All talk as the Don would say.

Am 30/03/19 um 22:20 schrieb John Young:
> Was it not long known all communication is pornographic? Otherwise
> nobody would be aroused to communicate while awaiting to fuck, or be
> fucked by, a warm body, bidding time just masturbating alone from tyke
> to tyrant.

Godards "She does not talk" comes to mind.

> As seen here, the lonely habitual digitalization, quickies or
> laborious. Googling oneself, maillisting, SMing, browsing, preaching,
> teaching, groveling, adoring and citing the momentarily greatest aloners.

It can come in many ways.

> Some senile frustrators argue its now, always had been, all kiddie
> porn practiced like Trump and Pope Francis, et al. Machines aid, abet
> and entice, hands on.

The church is a part of life. Reality is stronger than fiction.


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Re: Not Brexit

2019-04-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear all,

Am 07/04/19 um 12:57 schrieb David Garcia:
> BUT HERE'S THING- Remainers Must hope and fight to hold those European 
> Elections otherwise we will be legally out.

No, you would have broken EU law, thats all. Maybe the agreement as
well. They could cancel it if it were a treaty. But they just stopped
the clock one more time -- until a certain still unknow date, lets hope
they do. The safest way would be to revoke "Brexit" and forget "direct
democracy". But to revoke would be action. And it is still possible that
they do nothing ("passive aggressivness").

Best, H.

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Re: Not Brexit

2019-04-09 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 08/04/19 um 16:57 schrieb David Garcia:
> Appologies to Morlock who rightly berated those of us obsessed with arcane 
> and ridiculous parliamentary shenanigans of a small or medium size country of 
> diminishing relevance. So yes I do struggle to understand my own obsession. 
> Except to say that it is the most fantastic and excuisite mess. 

This is what I think too. The wild ones in the wilderness. That
Bannon-Farage-wild-direct-democracy-thing has finaly gone, hurrah. This
was not a revolution. And there is nothing arcane in it. This is the
sovereignty of parliament in action. As in Boris Johnson. Those are very
good days for Europe.

Best, H.

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Re: The Guardian analysis/ Julian Borger on Assange's new indictment

2019-05-24 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear John and all,

Am 24/05/19 um 13:22 schrieb John Young:
> So too for researchers, academics, NGOs, even, pardon rudeness, these
> very strutting, cowardly, verbose, media-quoting fora.

But it was a very good article. And, as the black poet Amiri Baraka aka
Leroy Jones once said:

"You cannot insult establishment and expect it to give you rewards."

To me the case is pretty clear. The national security of the US is not
the national security of the UK or Sweden. You would have to argue that
there is a common national security as in 5 eyes, but it is not in the
law. And he isnt even accused of espionage against the UK.

So it looks more like a legal experiment of the US.

And so it comes to Al Hanson, the inventor of happenings:

"I dont like artists who make other artists bad."

For me Assage only contributed to the history of literature. All US
diplomats are little Mark Twains.

I thank him for that.

Best, H.

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Re: Fwd: Who’s *really* backing Boris?

2019-06-14 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Those examples dont convince me. He is surprisingly well organised. My
anwser is "fox, fox, fox". As in Ernst Jandel and dope. And I tell them:
remove the hunting ban first.




openDemocracy has just revealed that the two frontrunners, Boris Johnson
and Jeremy Hunt, have *received £25,000 each from a prominent climate
change sceptic.*

Boris is yet to disclose the donation.

We also know that Lynton Crosby’s controversial PR firm is running*a
vastly expensive pro-Boris campaign*– but no one will say who’s picking
up the bill.


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Re: Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change it.

2019-07-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 04/07/19 um 02:57 schrieb BishopZ:
> Open Archives in return could lead
> to legal risks in Germany, what do you do as a mailing list admin when
> you face court injunctions to remove copyrighted or defamatory content
> from list archives etc. You simply can't risk to let removed content pop
> up again after an archive regeneration etc.

Nowhere else? IMHO the standards for mailing lists were developped in
BITNET. Open archives were the usual case. Then came jurisdiction in
cyberspace and if you want to stay out of jail stay out of Germany.

Germany is a difficult case. They never really leart how to be free.


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Re: Nettime is in bad shape. Let's see if we can change it.

2019-07-07 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 07/07/19 um 14:08 schrieb John Preston:
> I am interested in build a new computer that is drastically simpler than
> what we currently have, and with some different things to focus on in
> its design (eg computer as a document system before a calculator).

Isnt that something like WWW v. Gopher?

What is necessary and what do we want? I am still a friend of usenet and
mailling lists as this one and even the textbrower lynx that goes under
most paywalls and makes also the reading of other newspapers much faster.

We are not much more than poets without a clue. Most important seems to
be language. That words still have a meaning in our times of the tower
of Babel. This is a very good story in that very good very old book.
Experiences of mankind.


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Re: Should use mobile phone data to monitor public health

2020-03-23 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 22/03/20 um 20:33 schrieb Ana Peraica:

> I can here imagine benefits in tracing victims in these unstable
> times (severe weather, earthquakes for example), but also at moment
> electronic monitoring of self-isolated COVID patients, not obeying
> the command to quarantine, but also migrant crisis I suppose?

Monitoring quarantine is special, it is more like catching thieves, you
may get punished, but here is what happens in Singapore as far as
tracing of. infections is concerned. They use an app and bluetooth.
Everybody who was within a distance of 5 meters will be notified:


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Re: Stop the Steal

2020-12-28 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 16/11/20 um 19:22 schrieb Flick Harrison:
The number of left anti-vaxxers I’ve encountered lately is indeed 
disheartening.  A feminist woman I know weaves her critique of the 
patriarchal medical system seamlessly towards the conclusion that 
vaccines are a form of assault on women.

The first Bill Gates conspiracy email I saw was from Cinema for peace.


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Re: The Left Needs a New Strategy

2021-01-15 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 11/01/21 um 13:59 schrieb Frank Rieger:
> China is just another imperialist racist state that happens to be the enemy 
> of the other large imperialist racist state, the US. I can understand the 
> need for a shining beacon of hope for the left. China & Co. are not it.

Isnt that life as usual? When I was in Malta two years ago for some
mini-conference on movies in the net with Geert and others, thanks,
there were some Chineses. From "Red China" and from other parts of Asia.
And one of them started his reply with a reference to "white
liberalism". We talk about religions as described by John Young some
messages later and they just work.


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Re: Perceptual Deception

2016-07-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
There must be more sensors for other "senses". Why not put some radar
into it as well? Sonar, whatever.

And the problem has gone without WWI. Pual Klee did start as a painter
for this kind of airplane, btw.

Best, H.

Am 07/07/16 um 08:31 schrieb nettime's avid reader:
> Robot War and the Future of Perceptual Deception
> .
> Geoff Manaugh, July 5, 2016
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Re: geography of copyright

2016-07-21 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Sorry, I overlooked it:

Am 19/06/16 um 14:46 schrieb Patrice Riemens:
> On 2016-06-18 20:00, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
>> but the publishers in the East
>> did trash their nicenst new books out of fear.
>> H.
> And then, weren't a lot of Ossi-printed books burned, yes burned,

I dont know. They did trash a lot. Dont think the West had anything to
do with it.

Sorry, there was no repetition, in contrary, Eastern and Western PC
united as well.

More or less...

Best, H.


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Re: Digital leftism in a globalised world?

2017-01-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 28/01/17 um 08:40 schrieb Alexander Bard:
>Because if it can be saved we can discuss taxation rather than trade
>barriers. Distributed wealth is way way more benefitial for an
>egalitarian society than trade barriers ever could be. And I insist on
>that stance until I have seen proper arguments for the opposite.
>Funnily I have searched for those atguments through the last 300 years
>of economics literature and never found them. But I'm still all ears.
>Until then I belong to the vast majority of Socialists who are in
>principle pro free trade. Leftist Trumpism is just not my thing.
Maybe is what you
are speaking of.

Trade barriers are a very effectiv tool to give protection to local
industries or to trash them as in Gaza. Equality as in "equal trade" aka
"fairness" is between nation states. Political diversity, how can this
be wrong?

Best, H.

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2017-06-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 09/06/17 um 13:02 schrieb Kristoffer Gansing:
> C'mon guys - has nettime really sunk so low as to offer such troll

Two argumenti ad hominem in one line -- and I did nothing but to
ask for a free PDF whoch is a reasonable question. How high is
Transmediale? But i agree that the many old works on paper were most
interesting in the last exhibition.

Best, H.

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2017-06-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 10/06/17 um 18:51 schrieb Heiko Recktenwald:

> Am 09/06/17 um 13:02 schrieb Kristoffer Gansing:

>> C'mon guys - has nettime really sunk so low as to offer such troll

> Two argumenti ad hominem in one line -- and I

Sorry, "he", which whom I could identify somehow easily.


>  did nothing but to
> ask for a free PDF whoch is a reasonable question. How high is
> Transmediale? But i agree that the many old works on paper were most
> interesting in the last exhibition.

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Re: Catalonia and mainstream opinion

2017-10-07 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 07/10/17 um 11:22 schrieb
> In first place the most iconic moment for democracy is voting and the
> media don't cover that well. That's (in my view) because we are not in
> democracies anymore since long time ago.

Sorry, there is no democracy outside of the constitution of Spain.
Democracy is not do what you like -- however rotten Spain may be. If you
dont like this go to Madrid. Nationbuilding has something to do with
power as in the Kosovo. Catalonia has no NATO at its side. Whatever they
declare, it is nothing, it is not the birth of a new law. And the
excessiv policing during the vote was at least better than Spanish tanks
on the streets of Barcelona as a reminder.

Best, H.
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Re: please read - and how can this possibly be combatted?

2018-05-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
On Sat, 28 Apr 2018, wrote::

> compare, and should not be compared. But it's not hate speech that
> worries me, it's the languages of desire, and what becomes of them
> once they enter the grid of two hundred million. (9) Google "Jessi
> Slaughter", for starters

Am 28/04/18 um 18:34 schrieb Alan Sondheim:

> I do wonder if hate speech isn't precisely the languages of desire? TV
> advertising around here is now based on jealousy and putdowns - buy
> this car and you'll triumph over your neighbors. Just the planting of
> a seed - 

Isnt that in the story of the Tower of Babel? Maybe we should read it again.

The human destinity? The Donald and what we thought of him were mostly
reflections of ourselves and maybe it is the same here. One very old
friend very deep in the pop-media-business once told me that fb is the
first usable interface and I started to use it again. Maybe we should be
less pessimistic. What is that "knowledge" of fb? Cant we laugh about
it? And what is new in our "mass-psychology"? What people may do one
day? A question of speed?

There are some problems of dataownership that have mostly to do with
sharing that data. What did Cambridge do wrong? They didnt pay. As if
science would not be free.

Best, H.
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Re: please read - and how can this possibly be combatted?

2018-05-05 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 05/05/18 um 04:53 schrieb Alan Sondheim:
>> Isnt that in the story of the Tower of Babel? Maybe we should read it
>> again.
> or the opposite, every thing and every one speaking exactly the same
> digital terrain, the same protocols. even in one of 'my' areas of
> interest, non-western instrumentation, the well-tempered western scale
> and accompanying musics have been increasingly dominant.

But isnt this allready the end? The same protocols and no content. Well
>> less pessimistic. What is that "knowledge" of fb? Cant we laugh about
>> it? And what is new in our "mass-psychology"? What people may do one
>> day? A question of speed?
> depends on what knowledge or knowledging of fb one's concerned with -

For marketing it may be better than nothing. But the rest is speculation.
>> There are some problems of dataownership that have mostly to do with
>> sharing that data. What did Cambridge do wrong? They didnt pay. As if
>> science would not be free. 

That Robert Mercer wrote an email in january that sounded very much like
Timothy Leary...

"Question authority"...

Some of the opening questions of that Zuckerberg hearing were very good.

Feinstein was very stupid. I like those details. Maybe a starter in the
time of Babel.

That Donald was a present. He creates cases that we need.

Best, H.
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Re: here we go again -

2018-06-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear all, read Alans mail again and the topic reminds me to many old
stories about the current POTUS again. What he did mean according to
Sebastian and others. Fashism and worse and so on. For me it said more
about Sebastian, for example, his kind of thinking. The Donald is
probably unique. Not all people are the same. And that he did let Korea
happen was good. The first time I agree with Pampeo. See the advisory
opinion of the ICJ on the legality of nuclear weapons from 1995 at the
end. The possession and even their use is legal in certain situations,
when the survival of the state is in danger, but there is 

"an obligation to pursue in good faith and to conclude negotiations
leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and
effective international control",

Am 06/05/18 um 05:17 schrieb Alan Sondheim:
> On Sat, 5 May 2018, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
>> Alan,
>> Am 05/05/18 um 04:53 schrieb Alan Sondheim:
>>>> Isnt that in the story of the Tower of Babel? Maybe we should read it
>>>> again.
>>> or the opposite, every thing and every one speaking exactly the same
>>> digital terrain, the same protocols. even in one of 'my' areas of
>>> interest, non-western instrumentation, the well-tempered western scale
>>> and accompanying musics have been increasingly dominant.
>> But isnt this allready the end? The same protocols and no content. Well
>> tempered.
> flat, absorbed -

He is a stress-test for political institutions like the stress-tests of
European banks. I still think this is true:

>> That Donald was a present. He creates cases that we need.
> He creates cases that brutally tear families apart - 

Yes. And he supports the Saudis in Yemen.

We support them. What are the G7 dissens and his love for Russia
compared to this?

Best, H.
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Re: What does Trump get right?

2018-08-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 03/08/18 um 09:04 schrieb Brian Holmes:
> But don't do it on Facebook, even if the actual human beings you love
> are posting their children's pictures there. Because if you do, you
> will contribute one more neuron to the marriage of the surveillance
> state and monopoly capital.
You can use if for whatever you want, the surveillance state aka "AI" is
stupid and what matters is speed.

Best, H.

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2018-12-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
They are activ with this topic since two years or so. First in questions
of law of armed conflict (LOAC), autonomous weapon systems, man in the
loop or not. And the general topic that you quoted. But be real, what a
blabla. People have no voice in such questions that are decided by
states. As in the Geneva conventions and the additional protocolls. You
cant expect more than LOAC. NATO has allready wrtitten that paper. The
usual stuff. Dont kill more civilians than necessary for your military

But ok, lets paint peace.

Google does not want to participate in this run for better weapon
systems. They dont want to kill. And the friends of those weapons say:
Dont overlook the lifes of our soldiers that dont have to kill themselves.

Here is something from todays Wapo:

Best, H.

Am 12/11/18 um 20:02 schrieb Geert Lovink:
> "We are digital citizens—members of a thriving online global society.
> We trust technology to help us do our jobs, create communities and
> connect us. As digital citizens, we also share responsibility to
> protect our interconnected space.
> We are more at risk than ever before from cyberwarfare. Governments
> are using technology as a weapon, which can devastate people,
> organizations, and entire countries. These attacks may start in the
> digital space but can quickly spread to the physical world. We must
> come together as digital citizens and call upon our world leaders to
> create rules of the road that protect our digital society.
> We must demand Digital Peace Now." 
> --
> Dear nettimers,
> any comments on this? I find this pretty stunning. OK, 100 years after
> World War I, that’s pretty significant. "Make love, not war." Today
> there's conference in Paris. I am an anti-militarist, I am not on the
> side of the corporate-governmental (cyber)warfare promotors. But in
> general I am not against non-violent conflict. Should we demand
> digital conflict? Or digital ‘struggle'?
> And what to make of the comments by US internet governance scholar
> Milton Mueller? 
> "The theory of international regimes identifies norm development as
> the second step in a process of institutionalization. The first step
> involves agreement on principles; that is, foundational facts about
> the sector or domain to be governed. It is unfortunate, but true, to
> say that all of the international calls for cyber norms have skipped
> agreement on principles and are trying to promulgate norms despite a
> huge, gaping chasm in the way states understand their role in
> cyberspace. There will be no effective operationalization
> of norms until there is agreement on the status of cyberspace as
> a global commons, a non-sovereign space."
> Your messenger of peace, Geert
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Re: Extinction Internet

2022-11-30 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 24/11/22 um 20:20 schrieb Brian Holmes:
> "Let’s stopbuilding Web3 solutions for problems that do not existand
> launch tools that decolonize, redistribute value,conspire and organize."
> The emergent internet of the 80s and 90s with all its open potentials
> was the radical machine that made transnational culture-sharing
> possible. Its colonization by globalizing capital was launched with
> social media (and so on).

Usenet does still exist. A simple solution that works. Maybe not for
everybody but maybe still the best of all possible worlds.

Best, H.

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Re: Peter Weibel

2023-03-05 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Brock is special, but thefre is something in it. Weibel was allways 
learning. He was a very political person. Very critical of TV 
revolutions. With Virilio on Rumania. And he was an actor too. See 
Wiener Brut with Peter Turrini etc. He did check tickets in the subway.


Am 02.03.23 um 18:18 schrieb Timothy Druckrey:

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Re: My Lawyer is an Artist

2011-11-15 Thread Heiko Recktenwald


Am 11.11.2011 14:23, schrieb Aymeric Mansoux:

> It is in fact a crucial stage. By doing so, the author allows her or
> his work to interface with a system inside which it can be freely
> exchanged, modified and distributed. The freedom of this work is not
> to be misunderstood with gratis and free of charge access to the
> creation, it means that once such a freedom is granted to a work of
> art, anyone is free to redistribute and modify it according to the
> rules provided by its license. There is no turning back once this
> choice is made public.

This is IMHO pure nonsense. IMHO nothing can stop a pruducer from
changing his mind for the future. Why should it be the way you
imagine? What should be the reason for such a limitation ("no turning
back") of his freedom? Can you show me, sorry, ONE case where a court
has decided in your way?

This artist is a lawyer,

very best,


> The licensed work will then have a life of its own, an autonomy
> granted by a specific freedom of use, not defined by its author, but
> by the license she or he chose.

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Re: My Lawyer is an Artist

2011-11-16 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 15.11.2011 20:01, schrieb Rob Myers:

> On 15/11/11 10:15, Heiko Recktenwald wrote:
>> IMHO nothing can stop a pruducer from changing his mind for the future.
> They cannot however prevent the people who have received copies of their
> work under a licence offering that work to other people under the same
> licence.

This is what I am asking myself. I dont think the GPL produces any
obligation, it is just the actual consent of the author that matters and
may change.


best, H.


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Re: My Lawyer is an Artist

2011-11-16 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear Florian,

Am 16.11.2011 19:07, schrieb Florian Cramer:

>>> It is in fact a crucial stage. By doing so, the author allows her or
>>> his work to interface with a system inside which it can be freely
>>> exchanged, modified and distributed. The freedom of this work is not
>>> to be misunderstood with gratis and free of charge access to the
>>> creation, it means that once such a freedom is granted to a work of
>>> art, anyone is free to redistribute and modify it according to the
>>> rules provided by its license. There is no turning back once this
>>> choice is made public.
>> This is IMHO pure nonsense. IMHO nothing can stop a pruducer from
>> changing his mind for the future. Why should it be the way you
>> imagine? What should be the reason for such a limitation ("no turning
>> back") of his freedom? Can you show me, sorry, ONE case where a court
>> has decided in your way?
> A producer/copyright owner can change their mind about the license of
> a work in the future, but cannot retroactively change a license
> granted in the past if it was an indefinite license. 

This is a beautifull idea but is it true?

What is "a licence"?

Is it a thing that you get?  No, it is a set of rules on what you can do
with something else, some code or whatever.

And all rules have to be interpreted. Transfers of the code accordiing
to the words of the licence have to be valid.

I would make a difference between the relation between creator A and
user B and the relation between user B and C.

Even if creator A would OWE something to user B, he would owe nothing to
user C.

But I doubt that there is any DUTY of creator A against anybody in those
licences in any legal sense and think that there is nothing  but a poem
and actual consent on creator A, that can change.

Best, H.


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From the brave new world

2012-01-28 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
From the brave new world

Fatemah Farag 

I am in Dubai. At the Atlantis Hotel, to be precise, where top Arab
media professionals are meeting over aquamarine and orange carpets,
under sea-shell motif chandeliers at the invitation of the Dubai Press
Club. The occasiona is the Ninth Arab Media Forum.

It is in many ways a surreal experience: sky scrapers break through the
arid landscape, the Gulf waters are placid, shrouded in what seems to be
a constant layer of steam; the still night air always carries hints of
sound that reminds one of Dubai's round-the-clock construction.

Within the ballrooms where the conference is taking place, the theme is
"Shifting Mediascape: Inspiring content, expanding reach." We kicked off
this morning with three workshops and those who weren't too interested
in the development of Kuwaiti media or the coverage of natural disasters
found themselves in the crowds that filled the "Citizen Journalism:
Challenging the unnamed source" session with me.

Anwar el-Hawary, chief editor of Al Ahram Al Iqtisadi magazine, heated
up the session by describing citizen journalism as a fad railroading the
media industry---almost as a threat that needed to be pushed back. One
Saudi journalist retorted that in fact the credibility of "traditional"
media who were feeding their audience fabricated news was the threat to
the profession that needed to be pushed back.

Throughout the session, I could not help but be surprised that
"traditional" meant state-controlled mass media, whereas
"non-traditional" meant blogs and citizen journalism. Participants acted
as though these divides have not, in the last few years, been constantly
reworked within international journalism.

"Traditional" print media has moved to the internet. Its main
competitors are now bloggers and social networks. It only follows that
to compete, "traditional" journalism must adapt the tools of the trade.
This is not just about using Twitter, iPhones and other technical
aspects of the revolution that has taken our business over. It is about
reconceptualizing how we work, what formats we use--like my blogging
now--and what sources we can incorporate into our coverage.

The hope is that this is a more democratic and, consequently, more
informative format. And those media organizations that are serious about
embracing this brave new world must put time, effort, thought, and
resources into developing sophisticated guidelines to incorporating user
generated content, training citizen journalists, and adapting the trades
of our profession.

But in all of this we must never lose sight of the essential rules of
high quality journalism should never be compromised: honesty, balance,
research, credibility, and ethics. These are the hallmarks of our
profession at its best and they should never be compromised. Herein lies
the true nature of the challenge.


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Re: What do you think about .art?

2012-03-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

IMHO one should never call oneself an artist, .art is .kitsch

Only onthers may call one an artist. Well, it could be a space of
art-dealers ("behind bars!"), but that would give it some drive into
.art and, which could ne the most important domainname, that I
claim here and now as a creativ work, may other reserve themselves the

Art is a no.word, let others like it, dont support it in any case,


Am 07.03.2012 19:19, schrieb Desiree Miloshevic:
> Armin - thanks for helping out here and explaining I was going with my email.
> Ted, it's been a while, but I hope you still have time to follow ICANN
> let us know what you think of the latest ICANN gTLD process.
> As I've been working on .art for some time - am interested to see if
> we could mobilize artists to pledge:
> a) written support
> b) crowd source donations for the application fee (185,000 USD),
> c) between 10-100 USD per person or any close number to that.


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Re: What do you think about .art?

2012-03-10 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
On the other hand it could be a good way to dicuss what is etc.

The internet is a game,


Am 09.03.2012 21:52, schrieb Rob Myers:

> On 08/03/12 16:13, wrote:
>> I absolutely agree. .art is simply ridiculous, who wants to be called .art?
> Various of my bots, and several projects I have in mind to critique the
> prevalent informal institutional theory.
> :-)
> - Rob.

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Re: Company claims ownership of 482 new gTLDs

2012-03-22 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, Name.Space may use any name in its own alternativ namespace and
others may use the same names outside of that alternativ namespace as
well. The two worlds dont have anything in common.

Am 22.03.2012 20:59, schrieb nettime's_roving_reporter:

>While ICANN did not select any of Name.Space's proposed names for
>delegation, it did not "reject" its application outright either.
>This is going to cause problems. Name.Space is not the only
>unsuccessful 2000 applicant that remains pissed off 12 years later that
>ICANN has not closed the book on its application.

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Re: The (Letter-) Post Office's last stand ... in Florida(WSJ)

2012-04-02 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Erich M. wrote:

On 03/30/2012 01:57 PM, John Young wrote:

The postal system remains the most secure public communication
system for all its faults and invasive letter opening and craven
cooperation with official spies and their corporate cohorts.

Servus John et al,

Ack to all you wrote with a single exception, squire John. The first
paragraph ought to be in past tense. 

But this shows only how unrealistic you are:

I just started digging into that
topic, what I already know is: Address scanning/reading in, applying 2-D
Codes and timestamps at every stage of transportation. 


In most cases they dont read your mail. Yes, traffic data is important, 
but it is not everything, it could be much worse.


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Re: stories of boats4 people

2012-07-15 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 14.07.2012 22:28, schrieb Geert Lovink:

> <...>
> Last year, in March 2011, 63 people who had left Tripoli in the attempt
> to reach the Southern shores of Italy, died after drifting for 14 days at
> sea. This incident occurred during the international military
> intervention in Libya and as such in meticulously surveilled waters.

Nothing is not surveilled, sorry. We have to distinguish between people
who have reached the coast of Italy and those who have not. Everybody
who reaches the coast is safe and welcome. I dont have any reasons not
to believe the state of Italy. Mama Roma.

But war is war and not the first time, to put it mildly.

Best, H.

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Re: Naomi Wolf: This global financial fraud and its gatekeepers (Guardian)

2012-07-16 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, the Euro etc, Soros at its best?

Am 15.07.2012 21:45, schrieb Keith Hart:

> Of course fraud is systemic. The British, having lost a colonial empire,
> created an illegal financial empire based on the City of London and run

Lets call it an unrestricted financial empire.

> through dependencies like the Cayman islands, Jersey, Hong Kong etc. The US
> was forced to retaliate by setting up its own offshore system at home
> (Delaware, Wyoming etc).In September I am giving a keynote at a conference
> of Italy's Institute of Public Economists, "Corruption, tax havens and th
> einformal economy". My title is "The informalisation of the world economy"

Well, welcome to reality. What comes first, activity or regulation?

And what does it have to do with the two or three iregularities in the
financial world that went havoc?

Two wars with Chinese money and the Euro have nothing to do with it.

I am really interested to read a convincing justification of this crazy
common currency experiment.


> which is probably too polite. Nick Shaxson has a more direct description in
> his brilliant Treasure Islands: tax havens and the men who stole the world.
> Keith

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Re: Naomi Wolf: This global financial fraud and its gatekeepers (Gu...

2012-07-19 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Shure, but psychology plays a role in those wars as well. The
psychologty of terror. Of permanent war without end. Interests and
drones everywhere. See also the psychology of the renaming of the Westbank

Syria is a very good example as well. Are there freedom lovers against a
bloody dictator or is it just A against B with B being the perfectly
legal gouvernement? The role of Mrs. Clinton, the role of talking and
not talking with the other side. The blame game. To win hearts and minds
at home.

Wars are allways fought for political reasons and politics and
psychology go very close together.

For what reason do the usual streefighters -- fresh from Iraq and
Afghanistan from the beginning -- fight in Damaskus now? Ownership of
the capital or to touch it has a psychological advantage.


Am 19.07.2012 03:11, schrieb Keith Sanborn:

> Sorry, guns are in very high fashion. Go to Syria, Afghanistan, Waziristan… 
> this war as solely the war on desire is one of the root misapprehensions of 
> high capitalism, perhaps a product of that very propaganda. Not that it 
> doesn't supplement the wars fought with guns. But Industry didn't disappear, 
> it just moved to East and South Asia, where working conditions are 
> militarized on a scale the 19th century steel magnates of PGH cd only have 
> dreamed of. The fields of battle have moved back to "former" colonies: Africa 
> and South Asia and are coming soon to a demonstration near you. Do you ever 
> listen to the daily news from Africa?
> You are living on Fantasy Island, boss. And apparently you did not witness 
> OWwherever police tactics (physical high and low tech ones as well as 
> information technology based ones) first hand.

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Re: NSA-spying-on-Europe outrage somewhat disingenuous

2013-07-01 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 01.07.2013 15:00, schrieb Armin Medosch:

> anyone any other ideas 

Dear Armin, the case Lopez etc, but my favourite case that explains
everything is stil

Bundesverfassungsgericht, Beschluß des Ersten Senats vom 20. Juni 1984  
-- 1 BvR 1494/78 --

This is neither the cold war nor 9/11,


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Re: NSA-spying-on-Europe outrage somewhat disingenuous

2013-07-02 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 02.07.2013 07:28, schrieb Marko Peljhan:

> Heiko, great that you pointed out to this legal brief which is a
> fantastic, albeit a bit heavy legal read.

Well, it is a decision by the German Federal Constitutional Court and I
think the case shows that it is basically all very trivial. We cannot
paint the world, we have to take it as it is. And it is completely
ridiculous to expect anything in it to change so far. Thats the nature
of secret services, they do what they can do and they do it without
respect for whatever law. In that case the Federal Constitional Court
agreed to what German Secret Service did, but there are many more
foreign services. There is no alternative to use the internet for us. We
are trapped. PGP and other tools dont help. We can only make reading
emails a little bit more difficult. As far as I remember the necessary
time is only a question of RAM prices and hardware is getting cheaper
every day.

Good luck!


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Re: John Naughton: Edward Snowden: public indifference

2013-10-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Very good question. And why is the NSA bad? I read their budged and I
liked it.

Am 26.10.2013 20:44, schrieb

> Why is surveillance bad? How does it affect one's life in unambiguous
> terms? What really happens to the victims of surveillance?

They dont have to write CVs anymore.

A bigger problem are personalised news and oversimplification. Computers
and human dignity. We are all unique, arent we?


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Re: Hans Magnus Enzensberger: Rules for the digital world

2014-03-11 Thread Heiko Recktenwald


> can be effective in any way if performed in such privatistic ways as
> suggested in HME's "rules".)

Thats what I thought too -- and I think it is completely impossible
and not even a topic worth to be discussed. The article was not even
good as a shameless plug for this terrible pathetic social democratic
former bookseller who wants to rule the EU.

What a nonsense and what a megastrange "souvereingty language" for a
social democrat? Such language was until now used only in the German
far right (where it is the only important motivation except to have
fun by provocations).

Best, H.

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Some remarks on the Kremlin's Side in the case of the Krimean peninsula

2014-04-01 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, somebody from Hungary broadcasted some article in Foreign Affairs on
the Krimean crisis and
more all over Europe and beyond. On Spectre and on Nettime he linked the
many sympathies for Putin
in Europe, Pussy Riot is megaout in Berlin, to the rise of
"far-right-parties" after the weak performance of
"the womenizer" Hollande (as incredible as incredibility can be).
Hollande is no Chirac with whom this
trick did work. "Why Europe's Far Right Is on the Kremlin's Side".
Whatever the situation in Hungary
may be, all cases are different.

To be on the Kremlin side in the case of the Kremean it is enough 
to notice the reality.Please read Art. 111 of the constitution of the 

And please read the Kosovo-case of the ICJ. There is no need for any
right to a sesession, it must only happen and may not be an act of
agression. But in civil war all sides can have friends and the friends
of Kiew were present only on paper. The constition of the Ukraine does
not matter in Public International Law anyway.

Putin just couldnt resist to take the present that was offerend to him.
And please notice that the Krimean was under military occupation all the
time, 25.000 troops were the limit which is far beyond the personal
neccessary for the protection of the naval bases. Not to mention the
context of the transfer of the Krimean to Ukraine, that was not much
more than paper as well.

Best, H.

Am 29.03.2014 15:06, schrieb Janos Sugar:

> European parliamentary elections, which are scheduled for the end of
> May, are expected to result in a strong showing for the far right.
> Brussels strategists worry that 20 percent of members of the new
> European parliament could be affiliated with parties that wish to
> abolish the EU, double the current number.
> __
> SPECTRE list for media culture in Deep Europe
> Info, archive and help:

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Re: Observing the Travels of Paul Mason

2014-08-15 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Well, why do we need journalists who tell us the world as we like it to
be? In  the middle ages pictures were illegal. Maybe there is some truth
in this.

All the things you have to know about good and bad you find in all
media. And notice military necessity and civilian casualties. There are
good and bad civilian casualties and there is Apartheid v. Equal rights.
But what matters most you may find in Al Ahram,


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Re: MI5 spied on leading British historians for decades

2014-10-25 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Where is the problem? They were important enough that the MI5 was
interested in their work.

We live in a world of narratives and history is one of them. Everybody
is playing the legitimity-game maybe because nobody has anymore any, so
it was the duty of the MI5 to defend the UKs narrative.

The UK is still the country of spindoctors -- and they dont pay taxes.


Am 24/10/14 12:02, schrieb nettime's avid reader:
> MI5 spied on leading British historians for decades, secret files
> reveal Eric Hobsbawm and Christopher Hill had phones tapped,
> correspondence intercepted and friends and wives monitored

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Re: internet tax .hu

2014-11-01 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Hi, I am very sorry but this tax is not really much, the other side had
allready proposed it, it was a "left" idea, whatever right and left
still mean, and democracy is a very big word. Why do you blame the state
for the fact that there is no real opposition in more serious questions?
Maybe you should speak more with your neighbors.

Cum grano salis,


Am 29/10/14 00:42, schrieb Janos Sugar:
> Around 1rr00,000 Hungarians rally for democracy as internet tax hits
> nerve

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Re: 'fuck europe!' then what?

2014-11-21 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 20/11/14 12:42, schrieb Alex Foti:

Europe is not a good sell. Not in Western Europe, not in Eastern Europe,
and most particularly on the left, where accusations of eurocentrism and
denunciations of the arbitrary political notion of "Europe" (where does
it end? when did it start?) abound. The position, best argued by
Streeck, that only by returning to the nation-state what's left of the
left can hope to shelter citizens from the inequalities of global
financial capitalism, seems to me nostalgic of the fordist age of
(patriarchal and paternalist) social democracy.

The nation is the place where we give us our own law. That is not
applicable in other countries. On the other hand Europe is fine. It is
pretty true that it makes very good law for consumers. It is a good idea
to have some sort of rules all over the place. That all consumers can
count on.

And what is the EU? A group of nation states with some common rules. Not
all are easy, so what? And I would say that the EU is even not so bad in
the Ukraine crisis if you forget the language and concentrate on what it
is really asking for. We should all come down.

Best, H.

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Re: 'fuck europe!' then what?

2014-12-04 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Treaties are not constitutions founded by/on the rights of the people.

It is very much founded on four freedoms.

Cheers. On 20 November 2014 at 12:42, Alex Foti 
>> is the european question the analog of the habsburg question or the ottoman
>> question in the 19th century? i don't think so, but there's certainly room
>> for the belief that the 'sick man of europe' is europe itselft, or rather
>> the EU.

There is no sickness in the world. There are only some who are healing
their wounds. How pathetic.

There was and still is a Europe of nations and there are some common
politics. The rest is powerplay.
And it is indeed turning political thinking into another direction. The
states have less and less power/freedom. The political players have not
yet understood the new game maybe. When structures change people have to
adopt. In whatever way. Change means that there are static positions
that are not valid anymore. Possession does not mean anything anymore.
Like the loss of analog LPs. People have to rethink politics and methods
may have to follow another content or maybe not. You cannnot force
gouvernements with demonstrations to do something anyway and it should
not make a difference whether a demonstration happens in Brussels or
Liverpool or Lissabon. The EU has its power from the national
gouvernements and if you dont like the role of the burocracy you can
make initiatives yourself. It is not necessary to use the "official
channels"  of the EU treaty for this. Just say: We want!

There are people who dont use the internet or their phone anymore and
want you to write letters.

It there anything the internet can do for you?


>  <...>

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Re: Franco Berardi 'Bifo': I refuse to visit Germany [two

2015-07-26 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Dear all,

Am 24/07/15 um 12:50 schrieb nettime's msg collector:

The heirs of the Hitlerian regime think they have the right to demand
the punishment and impoverishment of Greek people (and of Italian
Spanish Portuguese, Irish and French people) for the sake of the
principle that rules cannot be transgressed.

So what??

Why do you want the EURO and what do you want to do for it?

This is basically what "Germany" asks. Schaeuble and V. could be a dream
team. The comunists have allways been the dream of "Western experts" to
reform the Greek state in the was the British did "civilise" Cyprus by

And if you are honest there might be some element of class struggle in it.

If you dont need the EURO everything could be fine. If you are rich, you
dont mind. If you are not so rich things could become more difficult in
certain cases. Lets discuss those cases. Are they worth the accusations?
Are they justified?



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Re: New Pentagon manual declares journalists can be enemy

2015-08-22 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 21/08/15 um 19:44 schrieb nettime's_man_in_the_middle:

> The manual, for example, states that the only population that is due a
> warning of attack is civilians.

The leaflets again. Those warning are necessary, but they dont change
the proportionality of an attack, how many "collateral damages" are
"necessary" (for example in Gaza). Legaly a civilian may ignore those
warnings but then he may be dead.


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Re: Germans begin the looting of Greece

2015-08-24 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 23/08/15 um 21:52 schrieb nettime's avid reader:

The war is over; let the occupation begin.

My friend from the Mojave-desert, a Greek Turk from a jewish family,
expelled from Turkey to San Francisco in the 1920s, painted anyther
picture last week in Berlin.

The poor Greeks suffer in a completely different way.A Grexit would have
saved Greece and nothing else. The majority of Greeks was for the Grexit.

But the minority said: "Then you have civil war".


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Re: Germans begin the looting of Greece

2015-08-24 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 24/08/15 um 09:37 schrieb Heiko Recktenwald:

> Am 23/08/15 um 21:52 schrieb nettime's avid reader:
> <<
> The war is over; let the occupation begin.
> My friend from the Mojave-desert, a Greek Turk from a jewish family,
> expelled from Turkey to San Francisco in the 1920s, painted anyther
> picture last week in Berlin.

And we also spoke about the Ukraine und the Krim. The Ukraine is also
where most of the Jews in Germany today come from. I read Isaak Babel
when I met some friend from the AJC some other day.

I have my theory of possession of Savigny fame. Was there any
possibility for the Ukraine to think it could now give the Crimean
peninsula to NATO without any problem when Jelzin gave it its
"independence"? Obviously not. And he was of the opinion that Erdogan
would have invaded the Ukraine up to Kiew included and that Putin is a
lame duck.

That is not so wrong IMHO if you look into history books and the idea of
one Ukraine with happy Ukrainians seems to be as realistic as it was in
former YU. In his opinion most Ukrainians are Russians.
But there is not much civil war as well.

There is civil war in Beyrut in the Lebanon on junk. There are also
protests against junk-tourism from Naples to Bonn, the junk problems in
Beyrut and Naples are just bigger.


> The poor Greeks suffer in a completely different way.A Grexit would have
> saved Greece and nothing else. The majority of Greeks was for the Grexit.
> But the minority said: "Then you have civil war".

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Re: what if we were all right but all wrong?

2015-08-31 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 30/08/15 um 18:20 schrieb Eric Beck:
> So while this new red-brown alliance might be effective, it's worth
> asking who will benefit by being "half right." Doubtful it will be
> migrants. The prospects for women, children, and queers is unlikely to
> be too sunny under the rule of "right wing sovranist parties."
> Retirees who will be impoverished by V et al's (...)

I dont think it is true. That right wing parties have a good idea as
well does not make an idea bad. The happiness of queers is not an
economical problem that we are talking about and we dont kniow whether
this would affect them anyway. And who should become a migrant for

An own currency is not very nationalistic, see Poland, the UK etc, who
know exactly why they still have it.

A common currency makes commerce easier, profits are easier to
calculate, and travels in certain cases, thats all. The income of
retirees is not influenced at all.



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Re: VW

2015-10-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 25/09/15 um 21:01 schrieb t byfield:

> A few thoughts about the VW scandal
> The VW scandal may not seem very nettimish, but I'll argue that it is.
> This'll take a while, because it is, as they say now, #epic. If you're
> interested, read on.

I completely agree but for a completely different reason. Maybe the
German media theorists should look closer:

> In a nutshell, over a period of at least a decade, VW systematically
> set about designing, testing, implementing, maintaining, and upgrading
> an undisclosed system that enabled its diesel cars to deceive
> environmental regulators. The core of this system was software that
> enabled a car to 'know' when it was being tested for emissions and to
> dramatically reduce its emissions. VW claimed that it possessed some
> magical technology that allowed its diesels to achieve high mileage
> and low emissions without the need for a urea-based additive -- a
> liquid that, like gasoline or engine oil, requires its own special
> tank. Compared to diesels made by other manufacturers, VW's cars were
> cheaper and less of hassle to operate and maintain, and their resale
> value remained much higher.

My point and the US code and the needs of the environement is not what
VW did in the lab, but what it did later. It did what it did in the lab
and later It turned those filters off.

The US authorities did change parameters in the lab and found that
cheating device. Lets call it a bug and the manager who did it a hacker.
Things like this happen. My problem is that morals -- because I dont see
any fraud -- shall decide the nature of the device.

The US code says: Dont turn those filters off.

Details at

The authorities say that they dont know anything of what cars are doing
on the road and the nature of the regulation software is the regulation
of filters.


IMHO there is a lot of confusion and legaly there may be nothing.

The problem is the nature of regulation. There have been cases of
cheating devices in the 90. See how those cases were solved in that
text. There must be some cooperation. This is the way regulation works.
We had holy rules but they were worth nothing. Everybody knew it and
nobody did care. You cannot change this overnight however nobel your
case may be.

All other questions depend on it. You had a wonderfull characterisation
of current Germany. Thanks you VW for the VW-library. Maybe "Das
Skandal" should be less dramatized too.

Please correct typos etc, thanks and

best, H.

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Re: nettime-l Digest, Vol 97, Issue 7

2015-10-06 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
   We had this Abu Graib high art discussion allready some years ago after
   Boteros works that were honest IMHO and just in time. Prompt, adequat
   and effectiv as far as art can be effectiv at all. It was Boteros
   language. He cpould not say it better. What Laurie Anderson does is
   just an esthetic experiment in a time when nobody cares anymore. It is
   just a spectacle, law history at best.  A contemporary topic would be
   to ask why we call Assad a "bloodthirsty mass murderer" and still like
   remige changes allthough we know allready that all states are equal and
   we dont interfere into their own stuff. To put weapons into another
   country and to wait. Assad is not allowed to defend his state in our
   humbe opinion. This would go beyond Botero.


   Am 05/10/15 um 23:29 schrieb aindriu macfehin:



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Re: Guardian > Pilkington: 4 ex-drone ops: drones are a

2015-11-21 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
Am 19/11/15 um 17:25 schrieb nettime's_omniscient_narrator:

> < 
>  >
>Bryant accepted that there was no negotiating with extreme, violent
>terrorists of the type that carried out the Paris attacks. "But you
>have to prevent such people being created," he said. "We validate them,
>we keep this cycle going. Their children are afraid to play out in the
>sun because that's when the drones are coming."

This is not better than to say that Assad created ISIS and that he is to

ISIS is "the surge" and Assad is right..Listen to him. He knows the
Lebanon and Syria better than the Guardian.



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Re: geography of copyright

2016-06-19 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
There is one interesting case on copyright and territory. What
happened to the copyright of publishers in the East after the German
reunification? Was the copyright of the publishers in the West now
valid in the East? Nothing had changed whatever the publishers in the
West told the publishers in the East, but the publishers in the East
did trash their nicenst new books out of fear.


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Re: Wikileaks and Gitmo files

2011-04-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 27.04.2011 20:04, schrieb Felix Stalder:

So, since WikiLeaks is now operating more discreetly in the
background letting the focus rest on the material itself,

Let me disagree allthough it may just be a disagreement in language:

No, not the material itself, but the redacted material, redacted
by timing or whatever, redacted and reduced if you compare it with
everything at once on a DVD. Without "moderation by a responsible
press." Well, language or whatever, in your scenario/outlook that
possibility is not present anyway (wrong?)

And, much more important:

What do the files tell us? Is there anything new? Something we should
care about?

Wikileakis seems to become webstupification 2.0.

Best, H.

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Re: ISEA 2011 fees

2011-05-16 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 15.05.2011 17:08, schrieb roberta buiani:

I am all for "self-organize a collective inquiry into the
development of planetary information/visualization/communication" as 
Brian suggests.

The visual in


is the big error. Read the philosophers in the Middle ages. And real
books, the discussiu0on is slow and must be slow and expensiv if yoiu
dont have a library next door. And speak with people.


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Re: NATO disrupting the course of justice in Libya and International Criminal Court not reacting

2011-05-21 Thread Heiko Recktenwald
I dont think that international relations should be mixed with criminal 
law if we want something like justice, real rules that govern all of the 
times in all cases - and is there anybody who can give international 
pardons, btw? - and I still have some sort of sympathy for the "devil", 
but this is plain nonsense and I am surprised to read it:

Am 20.05.2011 06:27, schrieb Tjebbe van Tijen:

When a court orders an alleged killer to be arrested and it notices that 
someone else tries repeatedly to kill ‘their killer’…. it would issue also an 
arrest warrant for the murderer ‘in spe’ of the indicted.

It depends on the circumstances.

There are more important things to complain. The unwillingness of the 
"rebels" to talk with him that I would call a  barbaric uncivilised 
behaviour, NATO does support this, and the definition of a "civilian" 
anyway. There is no clear message what Gaddafi should do, the most basic 
necessity for any rule of law, except to go which is not the content of 
the UNSC Res..  And a prolonged civil war (that would be perfectly ok 
unter the Geneva Conventions) is very expensiv

Btw, what does it have to do with art? It is about words and not images, 
images suck badly, you cannot make anything "visible" in Libya that is 
not political kitsch.


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Re: 19 June Rise up! #Globalrevolution

2011-06-13 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Nice idea, but after walking through some papers and links I come to 
Sterling Commerce and think that you can publish your own opinion in the 
net and maybe inspire others to do the same but you cant make politics 
in the net. As far as an agreement on organisation and the creation of 
norms is concerned. All you can do is to make it easier for others to 
take over, big money or whatever.

Too pessimistic? Well, face reality!

Best, H.

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Re: Arts cut down

2011-06-20 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 20.06.2011 13:49, schrieb Jean-Noël Montagné:

Cutting funds for culture and education is the first step to prepare wars.

Interesting idea. A low educated French philosopher comes to mind.

Lets face it, neither Mubarak nor Saddam of Gaddafi were "Hitler".

Maybe the first step to a higher education should be a discussion of the 
hostis humanitatis topos.

Best, H.

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Re: Are we in 1935 Germany or 21st Century Netherlands?

2011-06-27 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

I am sorry, you are mixing two buzzwords, neoliberalism and fashism, 
that say more or less nothing. Please accept the fact that there are 
still differences to Berlin 1935. You will need better arguments to fill 
the vacuum in Dutch society that seems to play for Wilders. Maybe 
something like "an intolerant society is a dead society". What are the 
arguments of Wilders?

Best, H.

Am 26.06.2011 17:28, schrieb Ibrahim Quraishi:

Dear Friend and Colleagues :

How to stop the tidal wave of political extremism in the Netherlands
today? The extreme right PVV and its leader Geert Wilders in
particular have hijacked virtually all the debates on culture,
education, minority rights and freedom of speech, but their
neo-liberal agenda smacks of a particular brand of fascism of by gone
days, as they have co-opted virtually the entire Dutch Political
establishment into this horrific misadventure.

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Re: Are we in 1935 Germany or 21st Century Netherlands?

2011-06-28 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Well, the main difference seems to be that people were insulted etc less 
by a climate of hate or by opinions, but by the state and its law. You 
were not allowed to marry etc. And later people were actually killed. 
Again not by citizens, but by an industry run by the state. This is 
completely different, the Holocaust is different anyway.

In the Netherlands we have not more than a slight change in attitude, 
hardly noticable, more on a philosophical level, and IMHO that Wilders 
is not in prison now is a very good sign because such things must be 
discussed in a free athmosphere. A free society needs such discussions 
as well.

The  big example for the success of openness is England and the Dutch 
were very similar. The Romans come to mind as well. But I dont know the 
arguments of Wilders..

Best, H.

Am 27.06.2011 19:29, schrieb Dr. Peter Troxler:

hm -- main difference to me seems to be today's focus on individualism while 
AH-193x was removing the individual for the sake of the party/nation/state

any comments on that?

/ pt

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Re: Mocking the Arts Establishment? In Italy it can be an expensive ordeal.

2011-07-08 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 06.07.2011 17:50, schrieb marc garrett:

Mocking the Arts Establishment? In Italy it can be an expensive ordeal.

To act illegal is allways a risk. Artists are not priviledged.

To "mock the establishment" is perfectly ok, Italy has a tradition of
that, Dario Fo etc, so what were the details of the case?

The details of the case are much more important than a call to
emotions. Without those details no effectiv solidarity is possible.


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Re: Emblem for the International Criminal Court: Iustitiae Languor

2011-08-03 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Am 02.08.2011 15:08, schrieb Tjebbe van Tijen:

Indictment for Gaddafi but not (yet) for Assad makes one wonder

It is NOT the business of the ICC to protect human rights but to punish 
certain "crimes" and those "crimes" are in the same sphere of 
international politics as the UNSC and Assad. International penal law 
may have played a good role in the case of former Yougoslavia but in 
general it is political kitsch. Artist should not contribute to this.

One does not need the example of Assad to laugh about the indictment 
against Gaddafi, the case of Bashir is enough.

Some years ago everybody was talking of Empire. Who is more to blame for 
the massacres in Sudan, Bashir or those who gave weapons to the people 
in the South?

There are terrible things happening everywhere but international penal 
law is not the answer. We have to compare cases, as you did with Gaddafi 
and Assad, and do what is doable on an equal basis.

As the Romans said of the law: "Est autem a iustitia appelatum: nam, ut 
eleganter Celsus definit, ius est ars boni et aequi" (D. 1, 1, 1, pr.),


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Re: [ WHAT'S HAPPENING TO US? / The Sound of Irene]

2011-08-29 Thread Heiko Recktenwald

Dear Alan,

Am 28.08.2011 11:32, schrieb nettime's_digestive_system:

Please look at

Why cant you ignore it???


I am trying to reverse engeneer the original:

The meter records very low frequency audio, from around .4 hz to 200. 
The audio was raised two octaves; the result is



Sorry to say it. I want to hear the original which should be extremly 
simple but today tools like audacity are much to elaborated to make it 
possible as simple as it should be.

Those are real probölems for me,

thanks for Irene anyway,

best, H.

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