nettime New Media and the People-Powered Uprisings

2011-09-01 Thread nettime's avid reader
New Media and the People-Powered Uprisings Social media is a potent tool for change, one that upends the collective action dynamics that, until now, have constrained Arab citizens. Zeynep Tufekci 08/30/2011 [Zeynep Tufekci is an

nettime James Love: In Defense Of WikiLeaks

2011-09-06 Thread nettime's avid reader
In Defense Of WikiLeaks: Looking At Cables On Pharmaceutical Drugs And Trade Pressures Posted: 9/4/11 02:43 PM ET drugs_b_947806.html James Love Director, Knowledge Ecology International Like many others, I have

nettime EU extends music copyright for another 20 years

2011-09-08 Thread nettime's avid reader
[What Mickey Mouse is to the US, Beatles are to Europe..] EU regulators vote to extend music copyright for another 20 years By Mark Brown 08 September 11 EU regulators in Brussels have voted to approve a controversial

nettime Third Arab Bloggers Meeting: Highlights and Challenges in the Digital Age

2011-10-07 Thread nettime's avid reader
Third Arab Bloggers Meeting: Highlights and Challenges in the Digital Age Houda Mzioudet | 05 October 2011 | 0 Comments highlights-and-challenges-in-the-digital-age/ Arab Bloggers chose la Cite des Sciences, Ariana,

nettime message from Chinese activists and academics in support of Occupy Wall Street

2011-10-10 Thread nettime's avid reader
This letter of solidarity, signed over by 50 intellectuals and activists in= =20 China, was posted to Utopia yesterday. Thanks to everyone for the=20 translation and editing work! academics-in-support-of-occupy-wall-street/

nettime RIP: Dennis Ritchie

2011-10-14 Thread nettime's avid reader
Dennis Ritchie, Trailblazer in Digital Era, Dies at 70 By STEVE LOHR trailblazer-dies-at-70.html Dennis M. Ritchie, who helped shape the modern digital era by creating software tools that power things as diverse as

nettime WikiLeaks: The Spy Files

2011-12-01 Thread nettime's avid reader
On Thursday, December 1st, 2011 WikiLeaks began publishing The Spy Files, thousands of pages and other materials exposing the global mass surveillance industry Mass interception of entire populations is not only a reality, it is a secret new industry

nettime World’s First Flying File-Sharing Drones in Action

2012-03-22 Thread nettime's avid reader
TorrentFreak World’s First Flying File-Sharing Drones in Action March 20, 2012 A few days ago The Pirate Bay announced that in future parts of its site could be hosted on GPS controlled drones. To many this

nettime What Relational Aesthetics Can Learn From 4Chan

2012-04-22 Thread nettime's avid reader
What Relational Aesthetics Can Learn From 4Chan by Brad Troemel on September 9, 2010 · 127 comments [Editor's note: IMG MGMT is an annual image-based artist essay series. Today’s invited artist

nettime Apple Rejects App That Tracks U.S. Drone Strikes

2012-08-31 Thread nettime's avid reader
By Christina Bonnington and Spencer Ackerman August 30, 201 It seemed like a simple enough idea for an iPhone app: Send users a pop-up notice whenever a flying robots kills someone in one of America’s many undeclared wars. But Apple keeps

nettime Artforum Bishop Digital Divide: Whatever happened to digital art?

2012-09-11 Thread nettime's avid reader WHATEVER HAPPENED TO DIGITAL ART? Cast your mind back to the late 1990s, when we got our first e-mail accounts. Wasn't there a pervasive sense that visual art was going to get digital, too, harnessing the new technologies that were just beginning

nettime Observer Jake Davis My life after Anonymous

2012-09-16 Thread nettime's avid reader My life after Anonymous: 'I feel more fulfilled without the internet' One of the key figures of the '50 days of Lulz' is now on conditional bail -- and barred from going online. Here, he describes how he

nettime Zizek Capitalism: How the left lost the argument.

2012-10-09 Thread nettime's avid reader
Capitalism: How the left lost the argument. BY SLAVOJ ZIZEK | NOVEMBER 2012 One might think that a crisis brought on by rapacious, unregulated capitalism would have changed a few minds about the fundamental nature of the global

nettime Comrades, Join the Peer Progressive Movement!

2012-10-09 Thread nettime's avid reader
Permanent Address: Comrades, Join the “Peer Progressive” Movement! By John Horgan | October 8, 2012 Fed up with Obomney? Sick of both Democrats and Republicans? Do you see the parties’

nettime Julian Assange and Eric Schmit on Bitcoin, June 2011

2013-04-19 Thread nettime's avid reader
On the 23 of June, 2011 a secret five hour meeting took place between WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, who was under house arrest in rural UK at the time, and Google CEO Eric Schmidt. Also in attendance was Jared Cohen, a former Secretary of State advisor to Hillary Clinton and Lisa

nettime Black hat, white hat, green hat hackers

2013-05-15 Thread nettime's avid reader Last week I [Moxie Marlinspike] was contacted by an agent of Mobily, one of two telecoms operating in Saudi Arabia, about a surveillance project that they’re working on in that country. Having published two reasonably popular MITM tools,

nettime An Open (Of Course) Letter to My Friend, the NSA

2013-06-14 Thread nettime's avid reader Dear NSA, We need to have a chat, so I trust you’re reading this. Of course you are; good. Now, let’s see … how should I put this? Look, you’ve done a great job cultivating that whole “spook” image

nettime Marrakesh agreement on copyright exceptions for blind persons

2013-06-27 Thread nettime's avid reader
KEI statement on the Marrakesh agreement on copyright exceptions for blind persons James Love on 26. June 2013 - 12:47 We are very happy with the agreement. There were a few areas where the treaty could have been better, but these are areas of minor quibbles.

nettime Torrentfreak: Mastercard and Visa Start Banning VPN Providers?

2013-07-05 Thread nettime's avid reader
Mastercard and Visa Start Banning VPN Providers? July 3, 2013 Following the introduction of restrictions against file-sharing services, Mastercard and Visa have reportedly started to take action against VPN

nettime FT: Too much profit on Wall Street

2013-07-16 Thread nettime's avid reader Inside Business July 15, 2013 Too much profit on Wall Street By Tom Braithwaite Banks have issued so many warnings about regulation that they cannot now admit that they are thriving The biggest US banks are wrestling with an intractable problem. It is not a surge in loan

nettime Brazil to push for greater decentralization of Internet infrastructure

2013-08-15 Thread nettime's avid reader
Brazil moves to secure telecom, Internet systems after US spying Brasilia, Aug 15 The Hindu (AFP) Brazil said on Wednesday it is moving to secure its communications through its own satellite and digital networks to end its dependence on the United States, which is

nettime Darkness at Noon

2013-08-17 Thread nettime's avid reader First, your honor, I want to start off with an apology. I am sorry that my actions hurt people. I'm sorry that they hurt the United States. At the time of my decisions, as you know, I was dealing

nettime ERTopen: Call upon plea for satellite capacity

2013-09-01 Thread nettime's avid reader The Greek government tried to shut down ERT, the public national broadcaster, on the 11th of June. The employees, in response to the popular demand and outcry of the public in Greece and abroad, kept -- and are determined to continue

nettime The secret financial market only robots can see

2013-09-23 Thread nettime's avid reader
The secret financial market only robots can see By Tim Fernholz @timfernholzSeptember 16, 2013 What if someone told you the stock market crashed and spiked 18,000 times since 2006, and you had no idea? That’s the

nettime Two million 'internet opinion analysts'

2013-10-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
Two million 'internet opinion analysts' employed to monitor China's vast online population. Government employees trawl through blogs and social media to dissect public opinion Thursday, 03 October, 2013, 6:04pm Patrick Boehler

nettime A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison.

2013-10-04 Thread nettime's avid reader
A CEO who resisted NSA spying is out of prison. And he feels ‘vindicated’ by Snowden leaks. By Andrea Peterson, Published: September 30 at 12:07

nettime Thomas Frank: TED talks are lying to you

2013-10-14 Thread nettime's avid reader Sunday, Oct 13, 2013 01:00 PM CEST TED talks are lying to you The creative class has never been more screwed. Books about creativity have never been more popular. What gives? By Thomas Frank The writer had a problem. Books

nettime Stallman: How Much Surveillance Can Democracy Withstand?

2013-10-15 Thread nettime's avid reader By Richard Stallman, 10.14.13 The current level of general surveillance in society is incompatible with human rights. To recover our freedom and restore democracy, we must reduce

nettime GoldieBlox, fair use, and the cult of disruption

2013-12-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
GoldieBlox, fair use, and the cult of disruption By Felix Salmon, November 26, 2013 innovation | intellectal property | technology If you google “disrupt the pink aisle”, you’ll get 36,800

nettime Geeks for Monarchy: The Rise of the Neoreactionaries

2013-12-10 Thread nettime's avid reader
Geeks for Monarchy: The Rise of the Neoreactionaries Posted Nov 22, 2013 by Klint Finley (@klintron) Many of us yearn for a return to one golden age or another. But there’s a community of bloggers taking the idea to an extreme: they want to

nettime A tribute to Stuart Hall

2014-02-12 Thread nettime's avid reader
A tribute to Stuart Hall Jeremy Gilbert 10 February 2014 Stuart Hall has died. The enormity of the loss cannot be exaggerated. There is little point trying to measure Hall’s importance against other significant

nettime ratpie: Sleepwalking into Walled Gardens

2014-02-22 Thread nettime's avid reader
ratpie: The US Net Neutrality Debate; Sleepwalking into Walled Gardens Being an outsider to the US Net Neutrality debate, I don't feel the pain of cable monopoly, or the blight caused by expensive and

nettime Is bitcoin becoming normal?

2014-03-09 Thread nettime's avid reader
Sorry, libertarians: Your dream of a Bitcoin paradise is officially dead and gone The apparent demasking of the currency's mysterious creator is the last nail in the coffin by Andrew Leonard,, 07.03.2014 So much rage. So much anger. So much disappointment.

nettime El Reg: Is the World Wide Web for luvvies and VCs - or for all of us?

2014-03-16 Thread nettime's avid reader Is the World Wide Web for luvvies and VCs - or for all of us? Part 1: In which we look at what the Greatest Living Briton got wrong (and right) By Andrew Orlowski o In Networks o At

nettime The world we're facing: more Kafka than Orwell

2014-03-29 Thread nettime's avid reader
After seven years, exactly one person gets off the gov’t no-fly list New report on terrorism blacklists suggests it won't be easier the next time. by Joe Silver - Mar 27 2014, 11:10pm CET

nettime Cory Doctorw: Firefox's adoption of closed-source DRM breaks my heart

2014-05-15 Thread nettime's avid reader
Firefox’s adoption of closed-source DRM breaks my heart I understand the pressure to support commercial video – but the browser makers can do more to defend free and open software Cory Doctorow,, Wednesday 14 May 2014 18.00 BST Mozilla foundation Mozilla is a not-for-profit

Re: nettime Facebook's Mood Study: Orwellian newspeak 2.0

2014-07-08 Thread nettime's avid reader
Facebook's Psychological Experiments Connected to Department of Defense Research on Civil Unrest 01.Jul.2014 | SCG It turns out that one of the researchers who ran Facebook's

nettime Networking can make you feel 'dirty'

2014-09-23 Thread nettime's avid reader
Networking can make some feel 'dirty,' says new study Toronto – If schmoozing for work leaves you with a certain ick factor, that's not just awkwardness you're

nettime MI5 spied on leading British historians for decades

2014-10-24 Thread nettime's avid reader
MI5 spied on leading British historians for decades, secret files reveal Eric Hobsbawm and Christopher Hill had phones tapped, correspondence intercepted and friends and wives monitored Richard Norton-Taylor The Guardian, Friday 24 October 2014

nettime McKenzie Wark: This is not capitalism, this is something worse.

2014-12-12 Thread nettime's avid reader
The following transcript is taken from a recent talk delivered by McKenzie Wark at the Digital Labor ( conference presented by The New School. I want to start with the proposition that in a place like New York City, we live in the over-developed world. Somehow we

nettime The Death of the Artist—and the Birth of th

2015-01-05 Thread nettime's avid reader
January/February 2015 The Death of the Artist -- and the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur Hard-working artisan, solitary genius, credentialed professional -- the image of the artist has changed radically over the centuries. What if the latest model to emerge means the end of art as we have

nettime The hope of the democratic monster, between Syriza and Podemos

2015-02-23 Thread nettime's avid reader
The hope of the democratic monster, between Syriza and Podemos Antonio Negri / Raúl Sánchez Cedillo Translated from Spanish by Kelly Mulvaney “A spectre is haunting Europe”. The Italian newspaper Il Manifesto used this headline a few days

nettime EFF: Is Not Neutral, Not Secure, and Not the Internet

2015-05-20 Thread nettime's avid reader Facebook's project, which offers people from developing countries free mobile access to selected websites, has been pitched as a philanthropic initiative to connect two thirds of the world who

nettime Fwd: The Greek position

2015-06-28 Thread nettime's avid reader
Greece Referendum: Why Tsipras Made the Right Move By Marianna Fotaki, University of Warwick, Jun 28, 2015 Greece will hold a referendum on July 5 on whether the country should accept the

nettime Paul Mason: Greece's mass psychology of revolt will survive the

2015-07-04 Thread nettime's avid reader
original to: Greece's mass psychology of revolt will survive the financial carpet-bombing by Paul Mason, July 4, 2015 Sunday’s referendum is taking place against the

Portugal's anti-euro Left banned from power

2015-10-24 Thread nettime's avid reader
Eurozone crosses Rubicon as Portugal's anti-euro Left banned from power By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, 4:30PM BST 23 Oct 2015 Portugal has entered dangerous

Lessig drops out of the presidential race

2015-11-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
Lessig droped out of the presidential race, which we wanted to make around one single issue, money in politics. Now he gave up. As it fits a layer, the reason is a procedural one. - The Democrats Have Now Chan ged the Rules, And Forced Larry Lessig Out Posted:

Michel Foucault on refugees, in 1979

2015-10-01 Thread nettime's avid reader
Michel Foucault on refugees – a previously untranslated interview from 1979 Posted on September 29, 2015by stuartelden -a-previously-untranslated-interview-from-1979/ ‘The refugee problem is a foreshadowing of the 21st

How the security complex drives social media research (Nafeez Ahmed)

2016-02-05 Thread nettime's avid reader
[An update to Moreno's classic "DARPA on your mind" (2004)] The Pentagon’s secret pre-crime program to know your thoughts, predict your future US military contractors are mining social media to influence your ‘cognitive behavior’ when you get angry at the state By Nafeez Ahmed, 1.2.2016

Is India at an inflection point?

2016-03-02 Thread nettime's avid reader
Equating the students’ unrest in Jawaharlal Nehru University and Hyderabad and Jadavpur Universities and in several of the Indian Institutes of Technology with the Paris and Nanterre students’ uprising in 1968 may sound farfetched, but there are some eerie similarities. M.K. Narayanan

US: Software to predict future criminals is biased against blacks.

2016-05-24 Thread nettime's avid reader by Julia Angwin, Jeff Larson, Surya Mattu and Lauren Kirchner, ProPublica. May 23, 2016 <> In 2014, then U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder warned that the risk scores might be injecting bias into the

JPP: Feminism and (Un)Hacking

2016-05-02 Thread nettime's avid reader
[relevant to nettime for may reasons] We are delighted to announce the publication of the Journal of Peer Production #8, “Feminism and (Un)Hacking” The issue is available here: >From the Introduction, "Feminist Hacking/Making:

Perceptual Deception

2016-07-07 Thread nettime's avid reader
Robot War and the Future of Perceptual Deception . Geoff Manaugh, July 5, 2016 One of the most remarkable details of last week’s fatal collision, involving a tractor trailer and a Tesla electric car operating in

Maciej Ceglowski: "Machine learning is like money laundering for bias."

2016-06-29 Thread nettime's avid reader
This is the text version of remarks I gave on June 26, 2016, at a panel on the Moral Economy of Tech at the SASE conference in Berkeley. The other panel participants were Kieran Healy, Stuart Russell and AnnaLee Saxenian. We were each asked to speak for ten minutes, to an audience of social

Liberation: Sometimes there is a deep truth in rumors (Konrad Becker interview)

2017-02-18 Thread nettime's avid reader
[Another fine translation brough to you by Google translate.] KONRAD BECKER: "THERE IS SOMETIMES A DEEP TRUTH IN THE RUMORS" By Frédérique Roussel - February 8, 2017 at 17:36

Arrest Warrant Issued for Amy Goodman in North Dakota After Covering

2016-09-11 Thread nettime's avid reader
[Freedom for Press, another one of these 20th century achievements being gutted...] An arrest warrant has been issued in North Dakota for Democracy Now! host and executive producer Amy Goodman. Goodman was charged with

Fred Turner: Fascism and The Historical Irony of Facebook

2016-11-25 Thread nettime's avid reader Kim-Mai Cutler, 24.11.2016 <...> I wanted to catch up and get his [Fred Turner's] reflections on the election and Facebook and Twitter’s impact on American politics.

BComu Global: America needs a network of rebel cities to stand up to Trump

2016-11-28 Thread nettime's avid reader
America needs a network of rebel cities to stand up to Trump With Trump in the White House and GOP majorities in the House and Senate, we must look to cities to protect civil

Promises (2600 Editorial, Fall 2016)

2016-10-28 Thread nettime's avid reader
[Tx to Emmanuel Goldstein for providing it to nettime.] Promises In this election season, we all know a thing or two about promises. They are what the politicians feed us in order to get elected. They almost never are fulfilled

How to Win Back the City en Comú

2016-12-09 Thread nettime's avid reader “We’re living in extraordinary times that demand brave and creative solutions. If we’re able to imagine a different city, we’ll have the power to transform it” Ada Colau 4 INTRODUCTION 4 WHY A MUNICIPAL PLATFORM? 5 HOW IS

Cooperativism in the digital era, or how to form a global counter-economy

2017-03-21 Thread nettime's avid reader Cooperativism in the digital era, or how to form a global counter-economy Michel Bauwens and Vasilis Kostakis 6 March 2017 Can we transform the

Lessons from Amazon's Italian hub strike

2017-11-29 Thread nettime's avid reader Lessons from Amazon's Italian hub strike: industrial action that does not factor in both work AND data is doomed to be ineffective

From Gut to Gaia: The Internet of Things and Earth Repair

2017-11-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
The following text appears in the inaugural edition of Ding, a new magazine about the Internet and things, published by the Mozilla Foundation. Ding will be launched at MozFest in London on 27-29 October. John Thackara

In Italy: First-ever agreement between Amazon and unions

2018-05-25 Thread nettime's avid reader Amazon employees in Italy have made history. Workers are announcing today the first-ever direct agreement between unions and the company anywhere in the world. The Italian agreement

Paul Mason: Trump is a symptom of the new global disorder, not the cause

2018-06-14 Thread nettime's avid reader
Donald Trump is a symptom of the new global disorder, not the cause By Paul Mason In the space of three days, Donald Trump has created a new, explosive geopolitical reality. He nixed the outcome of a

Thoughts on the planetary: An interview with Achille Mbembe

2019-09-10 Thread nettime's avid reader
Thoughts on the planetary: An interview with Achille Mbembe Achille Mbembe first visited Norway on the occasion of the annual Holberg Debate organised by the Holberg Prize Secretariat at the University of Bergen

A Dystopian New Initiative Will Charge Inmates by the Minute to Read

2019-12-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
A Dystopian New Initiative Will Charge Inmates by the Minute to Read e-Books If you’re not already on board with the ways in which for-profit prisons are a moral and civic affront and

Your online activity is now effectively a social ‘credit score’

2020-01-24 Thread nettime's avid reader /2020/01/17/your-online-activity-effectively-social-credit-score-airbnb/ Your online activity is now effectively a social ‘credit score’ Kaylen Ward's Twitter fundraiser for the Australian bushfire relief has ended. The Los Angeles-based model said she raised $1 million (by

Statement From Chelsea Manning's Legal Team?

2020-03-12 Thread nettime's avid reader
Statement From Chelsea Manning’s Legal Team: Ms. Manning is Recovering in Hospital, Scheduled to Appear in Court Friday Alexandria, VA — On

Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal

2020-04-08 Thread nettime's avid reader
Arundhati Roy: ‘The pandemic is a portal’ The novelist on how coronavirus threatens India — and what the country, and the world, should do next Who can use the term “gone viral” now without shuddering a little? Who

Ben Tarnoff: These Are Conditions in Which Revolution Becomes

2020-04-20 Thread nettime's avid reader
THESE ARE CONDITIONS IN WHICH REVOLUTION BECOMES THINKABLE BEN TARNOFF 4.07.2020 In a few months, Covid-19 has remade our political horizons entirely. History moves slowly, then all at once. The coronavirus

Bifo: Beyond the Breakdown. Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath

2020-04-05 Thread nettime's avid reader
Beyond the Breakdown Three Meditations on a Possible Aftermath Franco „Bifo“ Berardi All of a sudden, what we have been thinking for the last fifty years has to be rethought from scratch. Thank god (is god a virus?) that we have an abundance of

Bruno Latour: The health crisis is leading us to prepare for climate

2020-04-03 Thread nettime's avid reader
(Almost) auto-translated from: The health crisis is leading us to prepare for climate change by Bruno Latour The unexpected coincidence between general isolation and the period of Lent

Il Manifesto: Let's get the network data

2020-03-26 Thread nettime's avid reader
EDITORIAL Let's get the network data Open Letter to the Italian Government and the European Institutions. Without the cooperation of the OTTs and the platforms, we grope in the

The coming battle for the COVID-19 narrative

2020-05-04 Thread nettime's avid reader /article/coming-battle-covid-19-narrative Abstract: Like the Great Depression and WWII, the COVID-19 pandemic (along with climate change) will alter how we think about the economy and public policy, not only in seminars and policy think tanks, but also in the everyday vernacular by

Dogs Obey Commands Given by Social Robots

2020-05-16 Thread nettime's avid reader By Evan Ackerman One of the things that sets robots apart from intermittently animated objects like toasters is that humans generally see robots as agents. That is, when we look at a robot, and

The Health Code's 'Long March'

2020-05-11 Thread nettime's avid reader
The Health Code’s ‘Long March’ Written by Yun Xi, edited by ‘Ferocious Bro’ Published on the Hangzhou Engineer Crew official account, April 3. On Feb. 3, after Hangzhou had implemented strict quarantine measures as one of the first areas in

The polish approach to tracking quarantine orders

2020-03-20 Thread nettime's avid reader
[This is softly worded, but from what i understand, this is mandatory. If one is put under quaratine, one has to install this app which will send notification to take a selfie and submit it within not more than 20 minutes. This is more the Chinese approach. No social trust what so ever.]

Against Agamben: Is a Democratic Biopolitics Possible?

2020-03-22 Thread nettime's avid reader
Against Agamben: Is a Democratic Biopolitics Possible? by Panagiotis Sotiris • 14 March 2020 Giorgio Agamben’s recent intervention which characterizes the measures implemented in response to the

Mike Davis on COVID-19: The monster is finally at the door

2020-03-23 Thread nettime's avid reader
By Mike Davis Links, International Journal of Socialist Renewal March 12, 2020 — COVID-19 is finally the monster at the door. Researchers are working night and day to characterize the outbreak but they are faced with three huge

Jodi Dean: Neofeudalism: The End of Capitalism?

2020-05-21 Thread nettime's avid reader
LA REVIEW OF BOOKS, MAY 12, 2020 <...> II. Neofeudalism does not imply that contemporary communicative or networked capitalism identically reproduces all the features of European feudalism. It doesn’t. In fact, as

Isabelle Fremeaux and John Jordan: David Graeber

2020-09-07 Thread nettime's avid reader Isabelle Frémeaux and John Jordan Dear David, It’s midnight. Tears come and go like tides. Last night under the full moon, you passed away suddenly and left this world that you have been so much part of transforming for the

What Sci-Hub’s latest court battle means for rese

2021-12-13 Thread nettime's avid reader /articles/d41586-021-03659-0 What Sci-Hub’s latest court battle means for research, 13 December 2021 DOI: 10.1038/d41586-021-03659-0 Sci-Hub, the popular website that offers access to millions of pirated research papers and books, is no stranger to legal action. But, for the

Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China

2022-03-13 Thread nettime's avid reader
Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China’s Choice by US-China Perception Monitor March 12, 2022 Hu Wei is the vice-chairman of the Public Policy Research Center of the Counselor’s Office of the State Council, the chairman of Shanghai Public Policy Research Association, the