Re: made for TV, made for social media

2021-01-08 Thread Dan S Wang
Made by TV, made by social media. Trump, that is Trump wanted to overthrow the election and his hardcore followers believed that he would provide them direction, but in the end he proved that he is unable to really lead when it counts. He is not a general, nor a strategist, nor a coach, nor anythi

Re: why is it so quiet (in the US)

2020-11-13 Thread Dan S Wang
Hi Nettime, Here in the US along with millions of others I have been consumed by the election drama for the past ten days. Every day beginning with November 3 has been its own news cycle. That Tuesday went deep into the night. And it was a dark moment. Early returns made for the appearance of a Tr

Re: Not One

2020-10-07 Thread Dan S Wang
Though there is much in this exchange to discuss, I'll limit myself to a correction on a peripheral point: it wasn't Mao that sent in the army. It was Deng. As long as we're on the issue of how the US is perceived, how homogenous or heterogeneous it is, &ct, I think it's not such a small thing t

Re: what exactly is breaking?

2020-06-04 Thread Dan S Wang
Dear Felix, With this refreshed invitation, I’ll take a stab at keeping the conversation going. As for breaks, ruptures, and discontinuities, I wonder about Nixon’s Silent Majority, about whether it exists anymore. When Trump finally emerged from his bunker, his retreat from White House prote

Coronavirus journal: higher ed

2020-03-20 Thread Dan S Wang
Dear Nettime, Partial disclosure: I am married to a leading voice in the field of college health, one frequently quoted in national media as universities began to declare suspensions. She has managed campus health at three major research universities over the past 20 years. I type this sitting

Re: Fascist "trolls" and back on track

2018-11-13 Thread Dan S. Wang
r surge of hope that it'll give me better opportunity to >struggle to fund my peers and me to live how we want: in zero-waste >communities, learning regenerative agriculture, and confidently networked >enough to know that we can provide and receive swells of support in what >are obviously

Fascist "trolls" and back on track

2018-11-08 Thread Dan S. Wang
Thank you, Angela. Until Ryan singled out the tasteless and revealing remark about Charlottesville, it hadn¹t registered for me. Why not? Because in Bard¹s response addressed to me, his first line about my post being "so very very brilliant" put me off to the extent that I didn't even read the res

Re: (no subject)

2018-11-02 Thread Dan S. Wang
Greetings Nettimers, For me, the question of identity politics–--what it is, where it comes from, what problems it creates or exacerbates, its political efficacy and purchase?cannot be addressed in any useful way without putting primary significance on what both Brian and Keith, in their different

Re: So what does awakening mean to you?

2018-01-08 Thread Dan S. Wang
Hi Brian, Thank you for an inspired meditation on the film Get Out. I watched it a few days ago. [spoilers to follow, sorry] > The film is totally about race, but so is America, or for that matter, Europe. > No >one can miss the fact that the ghouls of the story are liberals. The film > is >abo

Re: Digital leftism in a globalised world?

2017-01-29 Thread Dan S. Wang
Alexander, a late reply to your original post and later: >>Can we please raise the quality of postings on this forum to at least >>slightly above the junior high school level? >>Best intentions from Cape Town I accept your best intentions. A provocation in a spirit of impatience and with a sense

Re: From Deng & Thatcher 1984 to the Hong Kong 2014

2014-10-07 Thread dan s wang
Greetings Brian and Nettime, When it comes to discussing the demand for suffrage in HK—what it means and where it’s going—I think it is worth remembering that this mess is the legacy of the British, first Cradock and then Patten, who were outplayed by Beijing in the negotiations leading up to

Re: tensions within the bay area elites

2014-05-19 Thread Dan S. Wang
HI Felix and nettime, Bringing together again the two threads, Bay Area and gentrification > There is clearly a lot going. On a historic scale. > None of this is fundamentally new, but the everyday contradictions this > engenders -- particularly in centers of Western progress -- are more > v

Companies and Towns

2013-08-11 Thread Dan S. Wang
Posted a few weeks ago, thought some here might want to chew on it... -- Dan w. "The company town, that is the next logical step." Said an old friend of mine in between chomps of his mixed seafood salad‹bosses' fare for a man e

Re: Digital Politics <--> Digital Economics

2013-05-14 Thread Dan S. Wang
Mark, Flick: On the question of whether and how is ³democracy² relevant to an understanding of Chinese politics, I lean towards Mark¹s views. To add to them, Flick¹s characterization of the CCP as a ³supreme² ruler, I must say, is far from the reality (and as for its ³legitimacy,² at the level o

Re: Eric X. Li: Democracy Is Not the Answer..

2012-07-11 Thread dan s wang
Dear Flick, The arrogance of Eric X. Li will not be effectively answered by simply asserting that we in the so-called democratic West have a superior system. Doing so does nothing whatsoever to influence China while at the same time supplies all the intellectual and moral legitimacy needed by the

Wiscons Uprising lit review: the books

2012-07-10 Thread Dan S. Wang
Dear Nettime, Speaking of documenta-Occupy (and not "Occupy documenta," tellingly) and more failed revolutionary (or even reformist!) promise to write about, there's already plenty out about Wisconsin, published even before the last, worst failure of the June 5 smackdown. Here are my reviews of th

Wisconsin Death Trip

2012-06-09 Thread Dan S. Wang
Dear Nettime, As you might imagine, I¹m working out on my own analysis of the Wisconsin recall election flame-out. I¹m taking my time with this one. What happens over the next few weeks following the June 5 election will be important in setting up the next phase of the struggle here and will say

Re: mind games

2012-05-22 Thread Dan S. Wang
My interpretation is that the Occupy movement is largely fueled by those Americans (especially the young) who see their bleak future being realized and reinforced with each passing news cycle‹but those are people largely drawn from the segments of the population that even bother to pay attention to

Another insult of the 1 percent: everybody does it!

2012-05-10 Thread Dan S. Wang
My friend at Yahoo, a senior engineer, tells me that his co-workers are in a lather. Their CEO, known for a leadership style, reorganization strategy, and corporate housecleaning method akin to swinging a double-headed axe blindfolded, apologized twice last week for having made the mistake not of l

Wisconsin Report: hotly contested, no legitimacy at stake

2012-05-06 Thread Dan S. Wang
Dear Nettime: While the rest of the American left was out on May Day celebrating, trying to make something happen, or block business as usual, Occupy Madison marked the day by quietly closing down the encampment they¹d held for months. The fact that this development meant practically nothing to t

Compilation of MIC CHECK disruptions: Best Of

2012-01-06 Thread dan s wang
Dear nettime, a late response to the much earlier post by Snafu~ By the one-month mark Occupy Wall Street had gone from a ragtag activist question mark to a movement tying together all parts of the left spectrum that changed the national political conversation from a vapid argument over Democrat

from wisconsin, on OWS and post-democracy

2011-11-02 Thread Dan S. Wang
Nettimers, for your consideration All best, Dan * mocracy.html During the Great National Debt Ceiling (non-)Debate of 2011, when President Obama stood his ground after giving it away first, like many of my fellow A

more on Wall St (and Wisconsin)

2011-10-05 Thread Dan S. Wang
Hello nettime, This was written for a hastily assembled edition of Transversal, online now, info. --dsw * >From One Moment to the Next, Wisconsin to Wall Street Dan S. Wang I was brought to New York to make a few remarks about the Wisconsin Uprising at the Creative Time Summit 3. Hav

firewall pelting

2011-05-21 Thread dan s wang
>From Jay Brown, our friend and travel companion. I will be in Wuhan in a few >days along with nettimers Brian and Claire, at Wuhan University, we will >certainly ask about this incident. Dan w. * MCLC LIST From: Kevin Carrico Subject: father of firewall pelted (2) ***