Re: made for TV, made for social media

2021-01-07 Thread David Mandl
> On Jan 7, 2021, at 2:59 PM, Molly Hankwitz wrote: > > And, once Trump is out, many of the worst will crawl back into their lairs > and breed little swastikas. (I looked but did not see any swastikas in the > crowd). A "Camp Auschwitz" T-shirt with (an English translation of) "Arbeit Macht Fr

"Data Mining for Humanists" (review of Lev Manovich's "Cultural Analytics")

2021-03-09 Thread David Mandl
By me, in the Los Angeles Review of Books (no paywall): IN THE LAST 20 YEARS or so, several factors have combined to make it possible to gather and analyze vast amounts of digital information, far larger than any datasets that could b

Re: 'Charging Bull' vs 'Fearless Girl'

2017-04-14 Thread David Mandl
"Ludicrous" is right. - "Fearless Girl" is basically an ad for an index fund created by a large Wall St. firm (State Street), one that, if I remember correctly, is even less diverse than most. Easier to commission a statue than hire more women. - The "Charging Bull" statue was a piece of guerri

Re: New "thought rhythms'

2017-10-04 Thread David Mandl
This has been going on forever in popular music--maybe *all* music, and probably all art, for that matter. Every new musical generation that comes along inevitably has some spokespeople who really want you to know that the previous generations, especially the generation they're bent on displaci

George Monbiot on the pro-Putin left

2022-02-26 Thread David Mandl
Hello Nettime friends, The below comes from the Twitter feed of journalist George Monbiot (@GeorgeMonbiot). It's one of the best, pithiest critiques I've seen of the pro-Putin/pro-Assad "left." Since it was originally a thread of tweets I'm preserving the format of the original by keeping the i

Re: What is Eurasianism?

2022-03-12 Thread David Mandl
That's my cue to mention this book: It was written by Kevin Coogan, who sadly died a couple of years ago. Kevin was incredibly knowledgeable about the far right, and in particular the European New Right. The book is

On Chomsky on Syria

2022-03-17 Thread David Mandl
Excellent deep dive into Chomsky's shallow take on Syria, including the facile "enemy of my enemy" approach he seems to take on pretty much every issue. Especially relevant given the recent rise of the pro-Assad left:

Interview with Perry Metzger on WFMU

2022-05-16 Thread David Mandl
Hi-- Here's an interview I did with Perry Metzger as guest host of WFMU's Techtonic program. Perry talked about cryptocurrencies (especially Bitcoin), the blockchain, and more. "Bitcoin is the least-private transaction system that has ever been invented by human beings." Perry is a computer-s

Re: Stormy weather? Daniele Ganser edit

2023-02-14 Thread David Mandl
D’Eramo, quoted by Michael Guggenheim :I find these now-common disclaimers fascinating:And Russia’s unjustifiable invasion of Ukraine doesn’t absolve NATO of its responsibility in producing the conflict.This shows that what Putin has been doing is so terrible that even his defenders* feel obligated

The brutal truth about software

2012-12-21 Thread David Mandl
My latest piece for the Register: "There’s a kind of cognitive dissonance in most people who’ve moved from the academic study of computer science to a job as a real-world software developer. The conflict lies in the fact that, whereas nearly every sample program in every textbook is a perfect

Re: bitcoin anyone?

2013-04-16 Thread David Mandl
This is what happens when you've got a socialist in the White House. --Dave. On Apr 11, 2013, at 10:32 AM, "Keith J. Sanborn" wr= ote: > > > So much for utterly stable market dynamics. # distributed via : no commercial use without permission #

FCC chairman personally grants exemption from obscenity rules to patriots

2013-04-21 Thread David Mandl
...or maybe all people who "speak from the heart." --- = omb Boston Red Sox slugger David Ortiz got the Federal Communications = Commission's seal of approval after he dropped an F-bomb in a pre-game = sp

Re: Death of a Hospital

2013-07-31 Thread David Mandl
I take it you haven't seen this: = html (Executive summary: Brooklyn-based couple, old friends of and early investors with Warren Buffett, die leaving close to a billion dollars, ***$135M*** of which they leave to LICH. L

"Modern Computer Systems Are Complex - Film at 11"

2013-08-24 Thread David Mandl
Lots of interesting things going on here: Anyone who has worked on an electronic trading system and didn't see this coming shouldn't be allowed to work on electronic trading systems. As a technologist I actually found working on

Re: "Modern Computer Systems Are Complex - Film at 11"

2013-08-25 Thread David Mandl
Hi Keith-- Thanks. That article was years in the making, meaning I'd been developing those ideas for a long time before I finally got the opportunity to get them down on paper. Those are good analogies, and I've thought about various others. Most important, to oversimplify slightly, people get l

Re: The secret financial market only robots can see

2013-09-28 Thread David Mandl
To restate what Brian wrote, in five times as many words: I think it's easy (and *usually* reasonable) to say, "This thing that's happening now, and the backlash against it, is just like such-and-such a thing that happened 100 years ago, and all that fuss turned out to be very silly." So, whene

Re: The secret financial market only robots can see

2013-09-30 Thread David Mandl
Hi Armin-- On Sep 30, 2013, at 9:07 AM, Armin Medosch wrote: > In principle, it is important to differentiate between different forms > of algorithmic trading. There are on one hand, large investment banks > and hedge funds who hold large portfolios of different types of stocks > and equities; t

"Arresting the Unjustly Homeless while they Learn to Code"

2013-10-15 Thread David Mandl
Good piece on the failed attempt to "rescue" a homeless person by teaching him to code: The whole "[Some disadvantaged group] just needs to learn to code" argument is probably too ridiculous to get into here. But this case highlights another sad fact

"The Brutal Ageism of Tech"

2014-03-26 Thread David Mandl
Pretty thorough story on ageism in tech, which usually gets no more than a bit of lip service here and there: A cynic might say this is the thin edge of the wedge (actually not all that thin, given the visibility and size

"Technology is murdering customer service - legally"

2014-04-07 Thread David Mandl
Short-ish rant by me, in the Register. Tell everyone you know to click the "Like" button at the bottom of the page: When someone tallies up all the good and bad things that the tech mega-explosion of the last 50 yea

Re: Elites' Tryranny of Structurelessness

2014-07-21 Thread David Mandl
Let's not forget Cathy Devine's anti-authoritarian response to this, "The Tyranny of Tyranny": - ...There are (at least) two different models for building a movement, only one of which does Joreen acknowledge: a mass organisati

Re: Elites' Tryranny of Structurelessness

2014-07-21 Thread David Mandl
Let's not forget Cathy Devine's anti-authoritarian response to this, "The Tyranny of Tyranny": - ...There are (at least) two different models for building a movement, only one of which does Joreen acknowledge: a mass organisatio

Re: Evgeny Morozov and the Perils of "Highbrow Journalism"

2014-10-19 Thread David Mandl
It seems clear that the New Yorker is no longer home of the best fact-checking/copyediting humankind can achieve. When they started a blog as a separate entity from the magazine I heard writer and editor friends complain about errors all the time. It had very different (i.e., lower) standards t

How Pandora's Music Genome Project Misrepresents the Way We Hear Music

2014-11-06 Thread David Mandl
(Read it now, before the typos are corrected.) Feature Creeps How Pandora's Music Genome Project Misrepresents the Way We Hear Music by Dave Mandl "...In the late 1950s, Miles Davis probably spoke for many jazz fans when he said of the a

Fun with algorithms: Uber introduces surge pricing during Sydney hostage siege

2014-12-15 Thread David Mandl An executive in the city's Central Business District (CBD) sent Mashable screenshots of the Uber app that showed the company was charging up to four-times the normal rate because "demand is off the charts." Uber CEO Travis Kalanick: "For e

The Shut-In Economy

2015-03-26 Thread David Mandl
Living the dream: avoiding contact with other people, being able to work every minute of the day. - The Shut-In Economy By Lauren Smiley Angel the concierge stands behind a lobby desk at a luxe apartment building in dow

Amazon Requires Badly-Paid Warehouse Temps to Sign 18-Month Non-Competes

2015-03-31 Thread David Mandl This borders on sadism. Amazon using a policy that was created for specialized, elite managers to prevent their low-level warehouse workers from getting jobs anywhere else. --

Re: list student protest demands (last updated 11.21.15)

2015-11-23 Thread David Mandl
Core issues aside (no reasonable person could oppose an anti-racism movement on campuses), I find the trend toward demanding public apologies--a "hand-written apology," no less!--kind of bizarre. There are plenty of reasonable ways to acknowledge and confront racial injustice, but this just seems l

Re: Richard Stallman: Eradicate Facebook!

2016-03-20 Thread David Mandl
> On Mar 20, 2016, at 6:43 AM, Patrice Riemens wrote: > > For Stallman, proprietary software is a fundamental obstacle to > freedom since the editor is able to decide the content, functionality, > impose censorship or deploy at will update. I realize that this is a short interview, but I almost

Re: Rapture billboard

2011-05-30 Thread David Mandl
Hi Patrice-- I think you're giving these people more credit than they deserve. The Neocons, whatever you think of their politics, are a pretty sophisticated bunch. The idea of the Rapture is generally associated with a crackpot (albeit growing) group of Bible Belt fundamentalists from a whole d