[MCM] Brad Friedman on FOX News

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
From Steve Heller: Hello Friends, My friend and colleague, Brad Friedman of The BRADBLOG, was on Fox News on Sunday. Please see this link for the video (about 7 minutes) and Brad's write-up of his visit to the so-called "fair and balanced" news network. Brad


2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This is an action alert. If you know anyone in the following 15 states: Alabama, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, or Wisconsin, make sure to pass this on to them. Early voting has a

[MCM] MD US Attorney creates "election fraud task force"

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Somehow I don't find this promising, as Rod J. Rosenstein, the US Attorney for the District of Maryland, is, of course, a Bush/Cheney appointee (since July 12, 2005), who as a youth had clerked for Douglas H. Ginsburg, Chief Judge of the US Court of Appeal for the DC Circuit, and a radical oppon

[MCM] Obama/Biden: Send out those tech SWAT teams!

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
And they should also talk to Spoonamore! MCM Memo to the DNC and Obama Campaign: Keep This Election Honest. Send out the Tech SWAT Teams to the StatesTo Insure Voter Integrity October 20, 2008, Michelle Kraus

[MCM] The drive against ACORN is criminal

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Republican Leaders Who Participate in Attacks on ACORN Could be Prosecuted as Part of a Criminal Conspiracy Submitted by mark karlin on Mon, 10/20/2008 - 7:02am. EditorBlog MARK KARLIN'S EDITOR'S BLOG October 20 http://www.buzzflash.com/articles/editorblog/131 Let the GOP muck-a-mucks across th

[MCM] We need more foreign coverage of what's happening here

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Here is a short but pithy piece from France-Soir, out just today. As you'll see, it mentions Stephen Spoonamore's revelations, and Richard Hayes Phillips' research in Ohio-- stuff that never comes up in our newspapers. We must push to get the foreign press to focus on what's really happening he

[MCM] Things to do RIGHT NOW (email only)

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Warren Ingber has sent me this strong list of stories and/or contacts for all those of you who want to push the press to shine a light on what's been happening or what's now threatening to happen. Warren shares my disappointment (that's too weak a word) at the inaction of the DNC and the Obama c

[MCM] AFP: "Could the US election be stolen?"

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
So the French wire service AFP reports what our own press will not--i.e., that Team McPalin may well steal it on Election Day (or at some point afterward). MCM Could the US election be stolen? http://rawstory.com/news/afp/Could_the_US_election_be_stolen__10202008.html With John McCain and Bara

[MCM] New York is NOT READY for Election Day

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
State: Many election boards not ready for vote Cara Matthews Albany Bureau October 18, 2008 http://www.lohud.com:80/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20081018/NEWS05/810180367&template=printart More than ha

[MCM] GOP planning to scare off new voters?

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Will Republicans Use Contested Voter Registration Lists to Scare New Voters? by Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet Posted on October 18, 2008 http://www.alternet.org/story/103604/ On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court told Ohio's Republican Party it was not entitled to a list of 200,000-plus Ohioans whose v

[MCM] Vote-flipping in Tennessee

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
Mark, My wife, Patricia Earnhardt, had an early voting experience here in Nashville, Tennessee, where she saw her vote momentarily flip from Barack Obama to Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney. She voted on a touch-screen paperless machine. Here is her story: "A poll worker directed me to

[MCM] More vote-flipping in West Virginia

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
More W.Va. voters say machines are switching votes In six cases, Democratic votes flipped to GOP By Paul J. Nyden Staff writer http://wvgazette.com/News/200810180251 10/1

[MCM] Repubs FORGED voter signatures!

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
>From Land Shark at DU: GOP Voter Reg Fraud EXPANDS to OUTRIGHT Document FORGERY http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x4271374%3Ehttp://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=view_all&address=389x4271374 The story so far: REPUBLICANS FRAU

[MCM] Trader gooses up prediction that McCain will win

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
CQ TODAY ONLINE NEWS - POLITICS & ELECTIONS Oct. 17, 2008 - 3:44 p.m. Trader Drove Up Price of McCain 'Stock' in Online Market By Josh Rogin, CQ Staff http://www.cqpolitics.com/wmspage.cfm?docID=news-02976265&referrer=js An internal investigation by the popular online market Intrade has reve

[MCM] GOP op nailed for voter registration fraud

2008-10-20 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
BREAKING: CA GOP Registration Contractor Arrested BRAD BLOG ALERT October 19, 2008 Late Breaking Edition BREAKING: CA GOP Vote Registration Contractor Arrested for Registration Fraud, Perjury I had the pleasure of breaking this story