[MCM] Democrats cooked voter files to rig Nevada "win" for Hillary

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Former Democratic Congressional Candidate Says Hillary Stole Nevada* *Dan Rolle: Dems cooked voter files to rig Nevada win for Clinton* By Michael Sainato • 09/16/16 8:00am http://observer.com/2016/09/former-democratic-congressional-candidate-says-hil

[MCM] US has spent nearly $5 TRILLION on wars since 9/11

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
... which is (a) why 9/11 happened in the first place, and (b) why the powers that be want Hillary in the White House. MCM America Has Spent Nearly $5 Trillion on Wars Since 9/11 http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2016/09/america- has-spent-usd5-trillion-on-wars-since-9-11.html?utm_ source=Sai

[MCM] Did Big Oil use fake Twitter accounts to push the Dakota Access Pipeline?

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Did an Industry Front Group Create Fake Twitter Accounts to Promote the Dakota Access Pipeline?* *by Steve Horn* [image: Screenshot of fake Twitter account criticizing DAPL protesters.] *Facebook*: https://www.facebook.com/DeSmogBlog/posts/10157491958335422 *Twitter*: https://twitter.com/SteveA

[MCM] Consortium news helps keep us all alive! (So let's help keep it going!)

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
With the US "liberal media" now serving, more than ever, as a mammoth fount of state disinformation— pushing us toward more and ever bigger wars—Robert Parry is a journalistic hero, giving us a vital daily antidote to all those toxic lies. We can't afford to lose that antidote; and so I'm asking y

[MCM] Largest prison strike in US history now entering its 2nd week. (So where's the coverage??)

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller

[MCM] US government for sale! Top dogs paid MILLIONS to the DNC for high political and diplomatic posts, huge hack reveals...

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
This Is How Much It 'Costs' To Get An Ambassadorship: Guccifer 2.0 Leaks DNC 'Pay-To-Play' Donor List [image: Tyler Durden's picture] by Tyler Durden Sep 14, 2016 6:35 AM After addressing a cybersecuirty c

[MCM] RT and Guardian on Berkeley shutting down that course on Palestine. (So where's the US coverage??) (2)

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
*Berkeley suspends Palestine class midway through semester* Published time: 16 Sep, 2016 00:17 https://www.rt.com/usa/359490-palestine-class-suspended-berkeley/ Get short URL [image: © Noah Berger] © Noah Berger / Reuters 1K15 A University of California, Berkeley class, ‘Pa

[MCM] Wooing lefty voters, NY pols who shafted Bernie suddenly adore him

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://observer.com/2016/09/dems-who-backed-hillary- clinton-in-primary-now-say-bernie-sanders-changed-america/ Dems Who Backed Hillary Clinton in Primary Now Say Bernie Sanders ‘Changed America’ *By **Will Bredderman * • 09/16/16 12:13am Vermont Sen. B

[MCM] US press threatens war against Iran for its "aggression" in the Gulf of Tonkin

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
U.S. Media Condemns Iran’s “Aggression” in Intercepting U.S. Naval Ships — In Iranian Waters By Glenn Greenwald Global Research, January 14, 2016 Mint Press 13 January 2015 *http://www.globalresea

[MCM] Scott Walker's minions plotted with talk radio goons to spread the Big Lie about "voter fraud" throughout Wisconsin

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
That lie helped make Walker governor—three times, including the "defeated" recall effort—despite the will of the electorate.MCM BUSTED: Wisconsin GOPers caught plotting with talk radio to spread sham voter fraud claims [image: David Edwards] DAVID EDWARDS 15

[MCM] Brain tumors now the deadliest form of cancer among children (whose cell phones don't have anything to do with it, of course)

2016-09-16 Thread Mark Crispin Miller
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/brain-cancer-is-now-the- deadliest-form-of-cancer-for-children_us_57dc154fe4b08cb14095586d?section=& HEALTHY LIVING Brain Cancer Is Now The Deadliest Form Of Cancer For ChildrenScientists have made huge stri