Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?

2022-09-09 Thread kobi
it needs the compiler build (run with ./koch) to include that option, but it was a long time, i don't know if it can still work, since many changes have gone to the compiler, maybe IC needs to be aware of them to work...

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread noober
Okay, so the below code works for the byte type: type byte = range[uint8(0)..uint8(128)] or range[0x00..0x80] or char Run but for the `bytearray`, because a normal nim array doesn't know what my byte type is and a `hex` or `char` is already known, they need to be

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread noober
Would the below code work? type byte = range[uint8(0)..uint8(128)] or char Run

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread noober
Thank you all for the help!

Nim 1.6.8 release candidate

2022-09-09 Thread rockcavera
@miran, it is necessary to include this [PR]( Without it version 1.6.8 will be broken for vcc and clangcl on Windows.

libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released

2022-09-09 Thread rockcavera
Very cool. Congratulations. I was writing a Nim package for PE. The project was at a standstill due to my lack of time to continue and other problems that had arisen in the last few months. As soon as I have some time I will look at your work.

Bindings for imtui

2022-09-09 Thread pusewicz
@jdf Yeah, currently using that.

Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?

2022-09-09 Thread Hlaaftana
To be clear incremental compilation is in normal Nim since 1.6, enabled with --incremental:on. I don't know if it's in a usable state but if you were going to test using it you should probably test the development version as I would guess the bulk of the progress on incremental compilation

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread Hlaaftana
The `ba` part is just a result of limited type inference, this type inference is implemented in the development version. `b` however needs an explicit conversion, type annotations like `: byte` are different to conversions like `byte('a')` or `'a'.byte`.

libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released

2022-09-09 Thread auxym
I'm also not a lawyer, but if you're simply re-implementing APIs, the SCOTUS recently ruled in the famous oracle vs google case that re-implementing java APIs from scratch is not copyright infringement. That's my layman's understanding, at least.

Bindings for imtui

2022-09-09 Thread JPLRouge
hello, interesting, but uses ncurses AINSi, while UTF8 ??? look cross-platform notcurses nim-notcurses on git

Bindings for imtui

2022-09-09 Thread jdf
Don't miss

Nim 1.6.8 release candidate

2022-09-09 Thread Ward
Can this regression about PEG be fixed? Thanks.

Nim 1.6.8 release candidate

2022-09-09 Thread dsrw
I'm excited to try this out. Thanks! I'm probably too late, but would it be possible to get included?

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread lscrd
I don’t see how this program can compile. Here is a version which compiles: # worked type byte = range[uint8(0)..uint8(128)] # or just uint8 without the range type bytearray[H: static uint64] = array[uint64(0)..H, byte] const b = byte('a') const ba:

Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?

2022-09-09 Thread exelotl
Honestly I'm in the same boat. I'm using Nim at work every day and the 30+ second build times for my project are a real drag (especially when working on UI and cutscenes, it's always _" move sprite by 1 pixel, recompile... oh looks like I need to move it down by 1 pixel too, recompile... maybe

Strange issue with readline

2022-09-09 Thread archnim
Shouldn't rdstdin be comprised in the terminal module ?

Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?

2022-09-09 Thread jmgomez
Ouch, that's bad. As a potential other solution since the bindings wont be changing we considered to modify the compiler so the bindings are included within the compiler itself but Im not sure if that will help at all. Will it?

Strange issue with readline

2022-09-09 Thread archnim

Strange issue with readline

2022-09-09 Thread archnim
Hello world ! My program uses `stdin.readLine`. When typing my input text, I can't use the left and right arrow keys to navigate through it. If I try, instead of moving the cursor, it prints `^[[D` and `^[[C`. Does somebody know why ? I use allacritty and xfce terminal (If this detail is

Strange issue with readline

2022-09-09 Thread Yardanico
Because that logic needs to be implemented in the program itself on nix. If you don't want to do it manually - you can use or Nimble modules (like the ncurses wrapper).

Cannot run nimble on windows

2022-09-09 Thread Omnomnim
I would first try to contact SentinelOne, though from what I've read they usually aren't very cooperative. Perhaps the company you work for is willing to consider a hash based exclusion?

Nim Compiler Issues

2022-09-09 Thread noober
Some time the compiler does what you want and then it just doesn't! This happens when running one or more lines of code and then when you run it again there's an issue. For example: # worked type byte = range[uint8(0)..uint8(128)] # or just uint8 without the range type

libpe & peni - Portable Executable parsing lib & tool released

2022-09-09 Thread srozb
You're probably right. As I was unable to contact author I decided to relicense the library to GPL-3.0. Hope this will suffice.

Cannot run nimble on windows

2022-09-09 Thread pointystick
It won't help you, @pp, but I can confirm I've had similar issues at work with SentinelOne and InProcessClient(32|64).dll a couple of years ago (Nim 1.2.x days). Nimble stopped working out of nowhere, as well as some Nim programs I'd written. The most obvious symptom was that "nimble -v"

Bindings for imtui

2022-09-09 Thread pusewicz
I'm new to and pretty excited about Nim, and just recently I found . As a complete noob, how difficult would it be to integrate that with Nim, so that I could use it to write some fancy TUI programs?

Slow compilation time in a big project. What branch contains Incremental Compilation?

2022-09-09 Thread matkuki
I seem to remember a couple of conversations where `Incremental compilation` was at the top of the todo list (might have been @Araq who stated this). Was that a plan for pre-`Nim 2`?

Cannot run nimble on windows

2022-09-09 Thread pp
Unfortunately I cannot disable antivirus due to company restrictions. But I have launched nimble inside a Visual Studio debugger to understand if I could have more clues about what was happening. The process terminates with: > Unhandled exception at 0x7FFE305ABDA8 (InProcessClient64.dll) in

Nim 1.6.8 release candidate

2022-09-09 Thread miran
Here is the first release candidate for Nim 1.6.8, available from our nightly builds: If you're using Choosenim, you should be able to get this RC by doing: