Please help, learning NIM to speed up Python programs, but strange results

2024-06-05 Thread treeform
I also want to point out that zippy ( ) is a pure Nim implementation of deflate, zlib, gzip and zip that is often faster then the usual zlib written in C. I think this is why the Nim implementation is beating python's C implementation.

Pixie and NiGui

2024-05-25 Thread treeform
If you are already using pixie, why not use our full stack with <> and <>?

Why not use AI to create momentum in Nim?

2024-05-14 Thread treeform
Current level of AI is not powerful enough to do this. But once the AI gets this powerful why program at all? Just ask the things you want done, the AI would machine code directly.

How to serve acme-challenge file dynamically with Jester REST API?

2024-04-10 Thread treeform
Using certbot with nginx is pretty automatic and easy. Making your own certbot like tool sounds really hard.

Approach used by Golang to avoid false anti-virus flagging

2024-03-20 Thread treeform
>From personal experience, code signing certificate does not help with >anti-virus programs. Only time and enough users marking the software as safe >does.

a chat app please recommend necessary libraries

2024-03-07 Thread treeform
I'll second Mummy, it even has a chat websocket example: to get you started.

Slow image processing with pixie

2024-02-28 Thread treeform
We tried to make pixie really fast, I doubt your problem is with pixie speed. After looking at `viu` program in rust, sorry I don't know rust well, but it it looks like it uses the `viuer` create to actually print the image. The way it appears to do it is to write the image to a tmp file and

issues trying to install nim

2024-02-17 Thread treeform
It sounds like you need to uninstall your antivirus software. Windows antivirus companies are essentially a scam and are worse than the protection they offer. They are more likely to mine Bitcoin () or

Resources for Web Authentication

2024-02-17 Thread treeform
There is also which is written in pure nim implementation, no openSSL or bearSSL required.

How to easy create and init a large array? Its have values

2024-01-14 Thread treeform
You probably don't want to use array, you probably want to use seq instead. Arrays are usually meant for small, compile time things that can fit on the stack. The 128 * 128 = 16384 can, on some systems, overflow your stack and cause a crash. I would use seq[int] everywhere instead of

Sum types, 2024 variant

2024-01-08 Thread treeform
Yes. It probably should be a compile time error to access a field of an variant object without checking it first. Right now its a runtime error and is also pretty annoying. if node.kind == UnaryOpr: echo node.a Run or case node.kind of

Sum types, 2024 variant

2024-01-08 Thread treeform
I don't want this. Can we just have ability to repeat fields in object variants? type NodeKind = enum BinaryOpr UnaryOpr Variable Value Node = object case kind: NodeKind of BinaryOpr: a, b: Node of

Absytree: Text editor (and tree based language framework) in Nim

2024-01-06 Thread treeform
Thank you for using chroma, vmath, ws, windy, and boxy! It looks like you forked some repos to fix issues. I should fix these issues in my versions as well. vmath - figure out JS object support. windy - some thing with Nim2.0 boxy - I think I added "ability to render to framebuffer instead of

State of fidget

2024-01-02 Thread treeform
Sorry, I stopped developing fidget for a while to focus on low level foundation libraries such as pixie, windy, boxy, bumpy, vmath, etc... Making a whole UI toolkit from scratch is a lot of work for one person.

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2023-12-23 Thread treeform
Sorry, The Art Button has shut down on November 15th. There are not plans to bring it back.

Nim 2.0.2 and 1.6.18 released

2023-12-21 Thread treeform
Congratz everyone!

How to force inline?

2023-12-15 Thread treeform
template `==`*(a, b: Key): bool = cast[int64](a) == cast[int64](b) Run Nim's operators are just function calls and they resolve just like everything else by types. Nim templates always force things inline, unlike the C compiler which can decide to inline or not even

Is normal that nim ast stmt changes its ast structure in the compiler ?

2023-12-11 Thread treeform
I don't get what you mean, I think you need to provide more context? I think an empty statement was removed? I think its very common for nodes to shift around and morph into other nodes when Nim goes through various passes from untyped to typed for example.

Hello `nph`, an opinionated source code formatter for Nim

2023-12-10 Thread treeform
Awesome work, Just got it working some thoughts... I do think the uncompromising code formatter is a good idea, but I do have a wish list of things it would have done differently. * * * I really wish it adhered to the standard 80-character limit instead of creating a new 88-character rule,

run another program, then kill/quit self on windows?

2023-12-09 Thread treeform
It looks like you are on windows. Its probably best not to rely on Nim's crossplatform API and reach for win32 method directly: See You can supply the proper parameters to make it look

please who can explain this code

2023-11-18 Thread treeform
I fixed your program (with beef's help) so that it fits on one line: type Animal = tuple[name:string;age:int];let speak=(proc(self:var Animal,msg:string)=echo" says:");let setName=(proc(self:var Animal,name:string);let incAge=(proc(self:var

Error running nim postgresql client os macos

2023-11-05 Thread treeform
I ran into the same thing. Except of sym-linking it to `/usr/lib/libpq.5.dylib` a protected folder I just sym-link it right next to where I run the executable in the same folder.

Best way to architect a Nim dll/so that is used by other Nim dll/so/executables

2023-11-04 Thread treeform
As @giaco15d says, we started going some of this with Genny: <> . Idea is to down-cast Nim's API into a plain C API, then up-cast it to some thing that is nice to use in Nim. Use naming conventions that are familiar in the language: So callToNim

What's stopping Nim from going mainstream? (And how to fix it?)

2023-11-03 Thread treeform
Getting to the top programming languages is somewhat random and often more an accident of history than a result of merit. That's why merely fixing a feature or any other single action will not suffice. Nim needs luck... and a killer library! Most languages reached the top not on merit: * C

help fix the error please

2023-10-10 Thread treeform
Sorry I don't know how to help you, but our Windy library has a Tray API for windows: <> You can either use windy or copy the code from windy to use in your App. I hope that helps!

for loop iteration variables

2023-09-25 Thread treeform
What are pros and cons of altering the Nim language to always capture the for loop variable like go did? Will it make code that much slower? Most of the time capture for loop variable does not matter and should not impact performance?

How to make a tray system icons?

2023-09-04 Thread treeform
<> Its not simple I did ask chatGPT and it produced even more code: <> I hope that helps.

Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This

2023-08-07 Thread treeform
Also I want to add, I think the reverse speed is probably trivial, what you are testing is allocating and deallocating a small string 200_000_000 times.

Why is My Nim Code Faster when Doing This

2023-08-07 Thread treeform
Testing speed is really hard. I recommend some thing like (benchy)[<>] rather then `time` utility. Also a super smart compiler can figure out that you are doing nothing and optimize your program out. What you are really testing is not what code is

Nim version 2.0.0 is here

2023-08-01 Thread treeform
Congratulations all! Thank you to everyone who contributed.

Help: nim c -r --verbository:0 test2.nim fail

2023-07-31 Thread treeform
I have created a Nim issue to make the error message more clear:

0 copy transfer of strings and blobs to SQLite?

2023-07-27 Thread treeform
I believe thats what happens in my sqlite debby wrapper: <> I am never re-encoding the string just passing pointers and length to bind. I assume no copy happens but I have not verified this with a debugger. It

How to make an archive and unpack/add a folder with files to the archive?

2023-07-26 Thread treeform
I recommend using . * If you are on windows, you don't need to ship a zlib.dll with your exe. * Zippy is faster than zlib.dll so you get better performance (1.5x - 2x faster). * Zippy is written in Nim so you that you can modify it or learn from it. *

How to send a file to a telegram bot via a request in Puppy?

2023-07-25 Thread treeform
You are trying to do multipart which is always wonky, requests does make it look easy though! I think the Nim code would look some thing like this, but I can't run or test it. import puppy, jsony, std/tables, std/json proc sendMsg(text, filePath="") = let

Nim 1.6.14 released

2023-07-25 Thread treeform
Thank you very much to everyone who contributed to this release. Its hard to release software. You are doing a good job! Nim 2.0 when?

Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim

2023-06-26 Thread treeform
LLVMs are indeed a huge wild card! We already have companies like MidJourney that merely provide a Discord bot that you interact with. ChatGPT can already call JSON APIs when it doesn't know certain things. The future might not even require a UI at all; you'll just converse with your AI, and

Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim

2023-06-26 Thread treeform
I agree that a UI builder isn't necessary for a good UI library, but it would be very nice to have! It would be great if a UI library integrated with top design tools such as Figma, Sketch, XD, Invision Studio, Penpot, etc. It's a pain when a designer changes something by one pixel and now a

Wishlist: Ideal UI library for Nim

2023-06-26 Thread treeform
ng three separate apps for the web, Android, and iOS. * * * With [fidget](, I discovered that writing a simple UI library is not that difficult. I have proven that it's possible to target the web (WASM and JS mode), Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and Linux with a sin

procs: forward declaration

2023-06-15 Thread treeform
No need for fancy function pragmas or using exportc, you could just use function references: #mylib.nim var userDefinedFunction*: proc(value:int) proc mylibFunction*() = userDefinedFunction(1) Run #myapp.nim import mylib

error: could not load:(libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll

2023-06-14 Thread treeform
I am not sure what you mean by "terminate the file to it"? You want to send a file? Post or multipart? Or you want to download response to a file?

error: could not load:(libcrypto-1_1-x64|libeay64).dll

2023-06-09 Thread treeform
te our own HTTP getter that uses OS API and does not require the DLLs: <>

Atlas shrugged...

2023-06-09 Thread treeform
Wow this is great. I am glad to see progress in this area. I am glad we have a better dependency resolution! It's a big pain point for nimble. With the environments, will atlas be able to install Nim like choosenim?

End of function in Nim binary

2023-06-06 Thread treeform
I have done this in I used objdump to disassemble the binary, then parsed the objdump dwarf text format. The text format contains information about where functions start and end, as well as whether they get broken up into multiple chunks or have multiple 'ret

How to get operating system information in nim-lang?

2023-06-04 Thread treeform
I was trying to make one a long time ago: <> I would just grab the code that gets the info you want out of the lib.

Atlas shrugged...

2023-05-28 Thread treeform
It's great that there is more competition with Nimble. I'm glad there is more work in this space. After the compiler, package management is the next most interacted-with thing. Why did you choose "installs the minimal required version" instead of maximum? We currently assume Nimble will grab a

Nimble for Nim v2

2023-05-24 Thread treeform
What package resolution strategy does Atlas use? Does it download all the Nimble files first, then does a version solver? The problem with Nimble we run into again and again is that it starts installing packages and then runs into conflicts with later packages. There is no ahead of time solver.

“NIM” backronyms

2023-05-22 Thread treeform
Nim is mine!

clarification on nim v2 removal of parallel & spawn

2023-05-19 Thread treeform
Please don't use `thready`: From the readme: ⚠️ WARNING: This library is a WIP and not ready to be used yet. ⚠️

Atomic ARC

2023-05-08 Thread treeform
I love the Atomic ARC. Initially, I entertained the idea of having both a ref and thread-safe atomic ref. However, upon further reflection, I don't reckon it's a good idea. Numerous refs come from libraries that you can't edit. Sure, refs can influence one another, such as all refs of an atomic

Bug in Nim Std/Json?

2023-05-03 Thread treeform
I think you want some thing like this: import puppy, webby/multipart let req = newRequest(";) req.verb = "POST" req.headers["Authorization"] = "Bearer " & readFile("OPENAI_API_KEY.txt") var parts: seq[MultipartEntry]

fetching data from many small .txt files

2023-05-03 Thread treeform
Have you though of maybe doing an initial step puts all of your small files into a database or some sort of in memory store? Using a bunch of small files as normal runtime operation is not a great idea. You are at the mercy of inefficient file system no matter which way you slice it.

Bug in Nim Std/Json?

2023-05-03 Thread treeform
I think I see another error: image and mask needs to be actual image bytes, as in readFile("pic.png") not the string "pic.png"

Usability of ARC/ORC in multi threaded code.

2023-05-03 Thread treeform
Some times I wish there was a `safe ref object` that gave us Java or C# semantics. Not every ref needs to be safe, just the ones passed between threads. It ok to take a little performance hit by always having a lock around ref inc/dec and cycle scan.

How can I return a tuple of arrays from a proc. Having difficulty with proc signature

2023-05-03 Thread treeform
Maybe? proc createFuzzyDataStructs(fuzzyTable: TableRef[string, string]): tuple[array[0..arrSize, string], array[0..arrSize, string]] = Run

Bug in Nim Std/Json?

2023-05-02 Thread treeform
are creating a single entry for the entire json line. But each field in the json needs its own part entry. See my multi part encoder here: <>

a problem with refs on the js backend

2023-04-28 Thread treeform
This appears to be an error and should be fixed. You should add this as an issue. If you are looking for a workaround: I find using 'ref seq' kind of strange. Sequences are already kind of a 'ref array', so you are making a 'ref ref array'. I think if you just used a normal 'seq', things

Nimforms - A simple GUI library for Windows

2023-04-11 Thread treeform
Why do you have to call `createHandle` so much? What is the significance of having a handle vs not?

My Nim Development Weekly Report (4/2)

2023-04-11 Thread treeform
Thank you for your update as always! I am excited about "compiler support for object construction shorthand". Are there docs on how to use `=dup` correctly?

2.0 RC new and old

2023-04-11 Thread treeform
I don't see any problem here. I don't have to fully rewrite everything for new versions. I manage a plethora of Nim libraries such as Pixie, Vmath, Jsony, Boxy, Bumpy, Ws, Webby, Chroma, and so on. Yes, some changes are required to transition between Nim versions, but they are minor. Keeping up

State of HTTP Servers in Nim

2023-04-07 Thread treeform
I totally understand your sentiment. It's frustrating when things don't work efficiently, but have you seen modern project stacks? In my opinion, Nim does a pretty good job compared to the commonly used Python, Node, PHP, and Java for "toy" webservers. I've seen real product sites where the

Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare

2023-04-06 Thread treeform
I have used maybe 15 years ago when browsers had support for WebSocket was just rolling out. I would not use today because browsers have had full support for WebSocket for like a decade. Just like people stopped using JQuery when browser support got good enough.

Nim in production #2: 100k+ WebSocket connections on one small VM, lots of CPU and RAM to spare

2023-04-05 Thread treeform
I want to **highlight** that this is based on the [mummy]( webserver that does not use Nim's `asyncdispatch`, but instead uses OS threads, ORC memory management, and a custom HTTP parser. It's all forward-looking to Nim 2.0. It has a really cool model where all

My Nim Development Weekly Report (3/26)

2023-03-27 Thread treeform
Ringabout, thank you for all of their hard work and for keeping us updated! Your efforts are truly appreciated. I'm really excited about this week's developments. It looks like we've got two things that I'm particularly interested in: I'm thrilled to see that the system.any bug that I reported

Do you miss these compact syntaxes?

2023-03-20 Thread treeform
t of my `new*` function are just shortening of the default constructor. This would eliminate the dumbest of my code. See: <> <

Make Nim docker images official?

2023-03-13 Thread treeform
I also would like to have a "green official badge." Its always an uphill battle to get Nim adopted and used at large organizations. The green badge will remove a little bit of friction.

My Nim Development Weekly Report (2/26)

2023-02-28 Thread treeform
I really like the {.push checks: off} pragma. I'll use that for sure! I am sure what `default(Default)` is it like `new(Default)`? Is `default` a language keyword? It looks like "abolish using passes in the compiler" will help a little with memory use? Is Nim single pass? I though that was

Nim in production: 350+ HTTP requests per second on a very modest VM

2023-02-21 Thread treeform
There are some stress tests for mummy, see the readme: But I don't think synthetic stress tests are useful here, besides telling you it's good enough. They pretty much converge to the same value. If you just run the webserver that does practically

My Nim Development Progress Weekly

2023-02-20 Thread treeform
We need more of this! It it's hard to puzzle what is going on just based on commits. We might be able to figured out what happened, but not why it happened.

Proposal for Nim 2.0: Documented way to get Nim "Hello, world" to run on Android and IOS

2023-02-17 Thread treeform
opular. I have examples here though: <> I don't think its a good use of Nim's time to try to make it a mobile language as Gooogle and Apple will fight you every inch of the way.

Nim job at Reddit, Internal Data Tool, US Remote, $198,200 - $297,300.

2023-02-16 Thread treeform
Hey so, Nim jobs are hard to come by, especially at well known company like Reddit. I want to post this on this forum to see if any one is interested, and has the required backend and data experience: What makes this exciting is that you will

Nim vs the 6 languages I learned before it

2023-02-13 Thread treeform
Everything thing has tradeoffs, everything is complex, but if you look around, Nim is the best.

what's with deepCopy?

2023-02-05 Thread treeform
Don't you need to copy all of the refs too? Or does that some how does it too?

Minimising of using imports in the same project

2023-01-31 Thread treeform
Nim trims unused code and does not generate duplicate code. So you can import anything you want but if you only use function, only it will be included in the binary. If you really want to save space in your exe I written a tool to analyze it: <> I

Why I stopped programming in Nim

2023-01-31 Thread treeform
About antivirus on Windows, as a person who has shipped a commercial windows app that was regularly hit by anti virus. There is almost nothing you can do except wait. Windows antivirus companies mark your program as a virus when you .exe looks different from anything it saw before. The reports

Current available paths to move computation to GPU

2023-01-23 Thread treeform
What do you want to do? If it's part of a game, graphics/physics/sound you probably want shady or another shading language. If its compute for AI/mining/data-crunching you are after you probably want Cuda or OpenCL. I wrote shady. Shady could support structs, I am focused on other things and

-d:useMalloc fixes memory leak, but I don't know why

2023-01-02 Thread treeform
You might be running into this: Nim has its own free pool that OS does not know about. OS might think memory is increasing but its just the internal free pool getting bigger.

Nim version 2.0 RC1

2022-12-21 Thread treeform
I am having issues updating through choosenim: > choosenim devel Switched to Nim #devel > choosenim update devel Updating devel Downloading Nim devel from GitHub [##] 100.0% 0kb/s Extracting devel.tar.gz

Nim version 2.0 RC1

2022-12-21 Thread treeform
OMG Its here! Don't panic, donttt panaicc

Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?

2022-12-20 Thread treeform
Pixie is just a vector graphics library it does not do clicks or open windows. But we did write boxy and windy which you can use together with pixie to make games and other interactive things: <> <> And there is

Tutorial for nim pixie graphics?

2022-12-19 Thread treeform
Have you seen <> ? What kind of tutorials would you like to see?

Strange timings for threads

2022-12-15 Thread treeform
Allocating 2GB on my server kills the program. So I changed it to allocate 200MB instead. real0m0.483s user0m0.231s sys 0m0.243s real0m0.450s user0m0.242s sys 0m0.206s real0m1.637s user0m1.023s sys

Best practices for initializing objects?

2022-12-12 Thread treeform
You can also structure your code so that "initial all zeros" objects are valid objects. Make first Enums start out Undefined or Empty, if you do actions on the object it can check for nils and initialize them. This is what Nim's `seq` does.

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2022-12-12 Thread treeform
I made a new video tutorial here: One thing that can be difficult when generating assets for a game is keeping the style consistent. In this video I show how I generate multiple variations of an asset while keeping a consistent style between them.

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2022-12-05 Thread treeform
I made a video showing how to use AI to make 2D assets: AI has completely changed the way gamedevs should create game assets. Now you can generate amazing assets with a simple workflow. In this video I show how I'm genrating some cool 2D space ship

Basic window graphics library?

2022-12-02 Thread treeform
You can also look at boxy: <> Here is also a youtube vide about what makes boxy great: <> A ton of examples on how to use it here: <> To get a

Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.

2022-11-17 Thread treeform
@GavinRay Thank you for using pushbullet! We put a ton of work and love into it. @jasonfi My "ORM" needs are massive, as its not a run time database were you fetch objects with a where clause. I need analytics, natural language processing and a bit of machine learning. I need not only joins,

Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.

2022-11-15 Thread treeform
I started to work at Reddit when data team was quite small and got to choose my own tech, back then the tool was not that important for reddit as it is now. Founding Pushbullet was great but it did not use Nim, wish I would know about Nim back then. Same with game Istrolid, i wish I would have

Why I enjoy using the Nim programming language at Reddit.

2022-11-14 Thread treeform
One of the ways to make Nim popular if more big or well known companies admit to using Nim in production. I work at Reddit which is a big well known company and here is a post on the official Reddit Tech Blog talking about my experience. Please I need you to spread the word that a company liker

How to import a C array of unknown size?

2022-10-30 Thread treeform
UncheckedArray is the correct type but you need a `ptr` to it. You can't `let ... UncheckedArray` because it can't be modified by anything then. Try using `var ... ptr UncheckedArray[char]` instead.

How do I turn binary file data into hex representation

2022-10-17 Thread treeform
40: 80 3E 00 00 .. .. .. ..-.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .>.. Run See here on how to use: <>

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2022-09-11 Thread treeform
Not right now. The seed as random. In the future I will add UI to allow you to use fixed seed. Then you will be able to use the same prompt produce exactly the same image.

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2022-09-11 Thread treeform
We have a brain box that does the UI and job queue. Then we have GPU workers grabbing work from a job queue to generate the images. They just use simple HTTP polling for now. We started just by running GPUs we already have at home but now we also rent some cloud GPUs for more capacity.

Show Nim:, a new web Stable Diffusion runner

2022-09-10 Thread treeform
Hey everyone, I've become very excited about Stable Diffusion this past couple weeks so I have built a website to generate images. The server is written in Nim of course. Check it out at Examples: [link](

Nimble and two different C files with the same name

2022-08-19 Thread treeform
I don't know how to solve your main problem, it feels like a c compiler bug? But implement gzip decompression in native nim and is very fast, beating or matching zlib. It also uses different SIMD for x86 and arm. Maybe no need to wrap libdeflate?

Anti-virus at work prevents the use of Nim binaries

2022-08-18 Thread treeform
Nim team is doing stuff to make this better: But it's really your anti-virus software that is at fault here... As a person who has shipped a commercial windows app that was regularly hit by anti virus. There is almost nothing you can do except wait. Antivirus

Show Nim: CSS Grid layout engine!

2022-08-16 Thread treeform
This is really cool! Great progress.

Show Nim: New Pixie 5.0 release with significant performance improvements

2022-08-15 Thread treeform
If you want absolutely smallest PNG files i recommend using some thing like [pngcrush]( or tinypng that you linked. Our aim was to write a "pretty good" PNG writer with balanced compression and speed. * For super compression using some thing like

Why is db_postgres so slow?

2022-08-15 Thread treeform
library I have an async pool of 10 connections: <> \- the async does not really improve performance but does provide comfort when using from other async code. Nim-Postgres layer speed is never been my bottleneck its always just internal postgres query time.

Best websocket library?

2022-08-11 Thread treeform
I also use <> (my own library) in production for the last 3 or so years. No issues.

fidget - vmath - vector graphics undeclared identifier

2022-08-10 Thread treeform
Yes fidget only support images. In figma use export as PNG and use the PNG of your vector element in fidget. Before the plugin was made layoutAlign did not have "Inherit". They have sense added it. Just delete those lines with layoutAlign: laInherit and it should continue to work.

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