Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread runvnc
To me it seems clear that regular users generally prefer it the way it is. 
However I do not believe dom96 would make this post if he were not getting 
consistent feedback about this front potential adopters. I believe that signal 
should not be ignored. If the feature isn't being removed maybe it should be 
considered for some slight modification in terms of usage or documentation. 
Also I believe this is a microcosm of the larger challenge of user adoption and 
the boots-on-the ground recruitment process.

One thought is that since I believe people want things that are familiar or 
popular and don't want things that are unfamiliar, if there were some way to 
make case insensitivity a cool new programming thing rather than just weird, 
that could change the feature into an asset for recruitment. Not that that 
would be easy to do. But if someone who was popular and had a reputation as a 
programming guru made a post about why case insensitivity is the new better way 
to go and that was well received, that would be a thing. In my opinion people 
will follow a trend subconsciously and then rationalize all the logical reasons 
they did it without knowing that they were actually just following a trend.

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread canyonblue77
**I do not want a vote** , however, I think that "the decision makers" should 
read the thread and see if any arguments stand out to them or change their view 
and do what they feel best. That being said, I like @LibMan's third suggested 

  * The compiler should generate a warning, but treat them as same identifier.

That gives developers the freedom to focus on functional code but give the most 
anal retentive programmers the ability to quickly find and correct mismatched 

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread dom96
> PS: Can we not edit our own posts?

You can, don't you see a pencil button on your post?

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread shevegen
I just read that dom prefers "I want a vote" or "I don't want a vote", but 
actually I don't really care about the style insensitivity either way. I think 
many people who dislike it do so largely because they think of it as "impure" 
for people to have to care about style sensitivity (e. g. you are a noob if you 
were to rely on case sensitivity, such as PHP).

I myself do not see it that way simply because I actually think that the issue 
is between the human being, and the parser/lexer. So if it is not necessary, 
why should the parser care?

I give you another example. Python mandates () for methods; in ruby the () are 
optional unless something is ambigous. I prefer the ruby way. Why? First, you 
can use the () anyway in ruby so you get the same as in python, except for in 
python they are MANDATORY. And I really hate mandatory syntax rules that 
restrict me in how I operate. It is for a similar reason I hate python's 
mandatory indent, since I can not copy/paste into the interactive python.

This is why I think the style insensitivity is not really an issue save for 
people who think about "purity" of a language. But I don't really care either 
way enough to even want a vote, or not want a vote. There are so many other 
things to improve!

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread shevegen
PMunch wrote:

> And after having had to write some code in C and Ruby that doesn't have it 
> I'm > even more for it.

I can not speak for C but in ruby you can make use of aliases.


> def foo_bar end; alias foobar foo_bar

This may be excessive to want to do so manually but you could batch-generate 
aliases to these methods on your own. It is not the same as having it on the 
same top-level support for the whole language (to compile it), but since the 
claim was that "ruby does not have style insensitivity", I feel that claim is 
... weird because you could enforce it in different ways, probably even making 
use of rubocop's autocorrect option once you setup a style guide (either by 
also adding aliases as is perhaps, or using ruby code to do so).

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread shevegen
Personally I do not care either way. To me the issue of case sensitivity or not 
has never been one that existed.

For me personally the biggest problem is time :D - however had, past that 
point, I may wish to be able to use a "sub-dialect" of nim that is more 
light-weight in syntax. For example, things such as not having to use "var" to 
declare local variables and things like that.

I love syntactic flexibilty but I understand that this is not on the roadmap 
towards 1.x.

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread shevegen
PS: Can we not edit our own posts? I did want to edit it to clarify what I 
meant ... but I can not see an edit-button or so. I only see "reply", a heart 
icon, and the time ... quite strange forum here. Is it written in nim? :) I 
swear this also changes every some months... :P

Re: What'd I miss?

2018-11-21 Thread shevegen
> For me, coding is a hobby

For me too. My biggest issue altogether is lack of time. Ruby is my main 
language but I do not even get to write as much code a I once did, simply 
because I don't have the time. I still write code to solve things though, many 
trivial things that come up every day.

>From that point of view, looking at different projects every some weeks really 
>means that time passes by quickly, and lots of changes happening.

Re: In the response always 4000 byte by AsyncHtpp request

2018-11-21 Thread dom96
Use `readAll`: 

Re: What'd I miss?

2018-11-21 Thread twetzel59
Yay! No more `nil` deference on strings. Awesome!

@juancarlospaco Thanks! I'm happy about the pure functions.

Re: How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread mratsim
Don't cast to refs, strings or sequences, those types are tracked by the 
garbage collector and the cast will not register those pointers with the 
garbage collector.

Also I'm surprised you can have a typedesc field as in:

ListClass = ref object
typ : typedesc
pointR : ByteAddress


Re: How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread Jehan
Note that casting to a `ref` instead of a `ptr` is usually not safe.

In the response always 4000 byte by AsyncHtpp request

2018-11-21 Thread alexsad
Hi, please help, what do I do wrong?

proc getData(urlR: string): Future[(bool, string)] {.async.} =
  var client = newAsyncHttpClient()
  var r = await client.request(url = urlR)
  result = await

var r = waitFor 
echo r[0]
echo r[1].len
echo r[1]



Re: How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread kcvinu
Thank you mratsim. I will use ByteAddress instead of int. Anyway, Can you 
please guide me on this ? 

ListClass = ref object
typ : typedesc
pointR : ByteAddress

var x = new ListClass
x.typ = string
x.pointR = cast[ByteAddress](addr("A sample string"))

var y : seq[ListClass]
# Then later...
var z = cast[ref y[0].typ](y[0].pointR)
echo z[]  # Here i want to print "A sample string"


Re: How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread kcvinu
Ok, i 've got the partial answer. 

var s = cast[ref Sample](p)[]


Now, one question arises. Is it possible to keep the type name and use it when 
needed ? I mean ;

var abc = Sample
var p = cast[int](addr(abc))


By this time, i know p is an int form of a pointer which pointing to a Sample 
object. I can keep p in a seq. Similarly, how can i store the type name 
"Sample" in order to use later ?

Re: How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread mratsim
You can `cast[ptr T](yourInt)`, and to dereference: `yourPtr[]`.

Instead of `int` I strongly suggest you to use `ByteAddress`.

Here is an example of using pointer<->int conversion to align a pointer on 
64-bit boundary. 

import typetraits
const LASER_MEM_ALIGN = 64

func align_raw_data*(T: typedesc, p: pointer): ptr UncheckedArray[T] =
  static: assert T.supportsCopyMem
  let address = cast[ByteAddress](p)
  let aligned_ptr = block:
let remainder = address and (LASER_MEM_ALIGN - 1) # modulo 
LASER_MEM_ALIGN (power of 2)
if remainder == 0:
  cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](address)
  let offset = LASER_MEM_ALIGN - remainder
  cast[ptr UncheckedArray[T]](address +% offset) # +% interpret the 
operands as unsigned
  return aligned_ptr


How to convert integer to pointer

2018-11-21 Thread kcvinu
Hi all, I have 2 questions.

  1. How to convert an integer to pointer ?
  2. How to dereference that pointer ?

See this code sample 

type Sample =  object of RootObj
intVar : int
strVar : string

var abc = Sample
var p = cast[int](addr(abc))


So here i have an integer "p" and i need to convert it to a pointer again and i 
also need to get the data "abc" from that pointer. Any help would be 
appreciated. Thanks. 

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread DTxplorer
Case typos are not a big issue. Compilers errors messages will points you in 
the right line.

If you import C identifiers (or other languages) style insensitivity may 
introduce hard to find bugs. In some cases the compiler can silently replace 
a_thing by aThing . It's less common than typos, but it can takes lot of time 
to find because the program works without errors.

I don't ask for removing insensitivity, maybe it has more benefits than 
annoyances, I don't know. Do what you want but for newcomers, or bad 
programmers like me, please add a warning, or recommend people to change the 
names from foreign languages files.

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread lscrd
For me, this idea of voting is strange and even makes me uncomfortable. Does 
the creator of the language agree with this procedure? If this is not the case, 
we are following a wrong path here.

Moreover, are we going to vote for each presumably controversial topic, for 
instance the syntactically significant indentation? If would be the logical 
next step, but I’m not sure it will do any good to the language which will 
quickly look like some of these committee languages with lot of compromises to 
please a majority of users.

In fact, this is the first time I see such a fuss about case insensitivity. 
Before C, most languages were case insensitive. Now, if you choose 
insensitivity, you have to suffer recriminations from some users and have to 
justify why you don’t do as C does. It looks like programmers are getting more 
conservative nowadays.

Personally, I have used case sensitive and case insensitive languages without 
any problems. In both case, I write code in an insensitive way, following the 
style guide if it exists. Using case to differentiate identifiers is really the 
wrong thing to do. So, I can switch between Python and Nim without any 
difficulty despite Python being case sensitive (which, I think, is not the best 
choice for a language with implicit declaration).

Of course, case sensitivity is simpler for the user but may cause lot of 
problems later if someone misuses it. And we can be sure, it will happen. So 
case insensitivity is a better choice to avoid any problem. The only drawback 
are possible variations in the spelling of identifiers, but it can be solved 
with appropriate tools.

So, no vote for me. There are most important topics and this case sensitivity 
vs case insensitivity topic tends to become a little too much of a religious 

Re: Previously working threaded procedure not working in 0.19

2018-11-21 Thread Araq
Try `nim devel`, it contains a bugfix for this, that was also backported into 
0.19.2 (release pending).

Re: Should we get rid of style insensitivity?

2018-11-21 Thread PMunch
I'm against changing this, and I think a vote is superfluous so **I do not want 
a vote**.

When I first found Nim I though the style insensitivity was a bit strange. But 
the more I use it the more I like it. And after having had to write some code 
in C and Ruby that doesn't have it I'm even more for it. The fact of the matter 
is that you will never be able to get 100% of people to write in one style (and 
even if you did, is it dataBase or database, fileName or filename?), so all 
code that isn't style insensitive will be at risk of ending up as a mixed style 
project. It only takes one "bad" import. Sure you can fix this by making a lot 
of bindings, but why would you, when you can have style insensitivity for free.

Besides, apart from the ubiquitous object/instance differentiation (which Nim 
also has an exception for) it's widely regarded to be a bad idea to have 
style-sensitive identifiers anyways. Having a variable fileName and a procedure 
filename would just be confusing. The only case that can be made here is that 
an identifier like word1_word2 would collide with wo_rd1word2 which is a 
problem for a very small set of word combinations where both would be normal 
names but not the same. Couldn't think of any example of this though.

Besides style sensitivity is a relatively new concept. The only reason we have 
snake-case is because spaces can't be used in identifiers, and the only reason 
we have upper case letters as separate characters is that the ASCII group 
decided that it would result in safer encoding. The alternative was sending 
"Hello" as "Hello". The 
choice was made as missing the  would mean the 
entire rest of the document would be upper-case, which would be annoying.

Re: What'd I miss?

2018-11-21 Thread juancarlospaco
The `func` is more funky now. The `future` is now `sugar`. `httpbeast` is 
fastest Server (for JSON data). A lot of cool modules on Nimble.

Re: Nim Fibers?

2018-11-21 Thread frelars
I agree, but I do think it is a bit funny that you view your gadget as a 
blocking feature and fibers as something much less important. Both are equally 
"gadget"-y, as none are really needed for async io. Callbacks/promises/futures 
and optional posix threads will get you there.

In my view, fibers solve async io much better than async/await. Fibers look and 
feels like a thread and do not infect codebase with async/await constructs all 
over the place. And both can be made equally performant.

Is fibers critical, no. I think 1.0 is much more critical. A possible future 
fiber implementation depend on a stable 1.0 as you put it.