To me it seems clear that regular users generally prefer it the way it is. 
However I do not believe dom96 would make this post if he were not getting 
consistent feedback about this front potential adopters. I believe that signal 
should not be ignored. If the feature isn't being removed maybe it should be 
considered for some slight modification in terms of usage or documentation. 
Also I believe this is a microcosm of the larger challenge of user adoption and 
the boots-on-the ground recruitment process.

One thought is that since I believe people want things that are familiar or 
popular and don't want things that are unfamiliar, if there were some way to 
make case insensitivity a cool new programming thing rather than just weird, 
that could change the feature into an asset for recruitment. Not that that 
would be easy to do. But if someone who was popular and had a reputation as a 
programming guru made a post about why case insensitivity is the new better way 
to go and that was well received, that would be a thing. In my opinion people 
will follow a trend subconsciously and then rationalize all the logical reasons 
they did it without knowing that they were actually just following a trend.

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