Re: Nimbus, an Ethereum 2.0 client written in Nim

2018-08-02 Thread dom96
This is awesome! Keep up the great work guys :) > AsyncDispatch2, an alternative to asyncdispatch, tradeoffs and design in the > README. But please, please, consider pushing this stuff upstream. Fracturing something so fundamental is a really bad idea.

Re: How should I contribute documentation?

2018-08-02 Thread dom96
Yes, the stdlib is in dire need of more documentation. For the `options` module specifically I don't think documentation for specific procedures is what is needed. We need documentation at the top of each module explaining its purpose, along with small and specific examples (that are cook-book

Re: script of the day, to work with multiple nim packages

2016-11-15 Thread dom96
For those interested: I plan to solve this in Nimble by implementing what is described in this comment: []( > Btw the yes program just spams "y" lines on

Re: New website released!

2017-04-19 Thread dom96
yeah, dropdowns are a no-go. Especially when considering that they don't support mobile at all. @StefanSalewski: > > Statically typed and compiled, it provides unparalleled performance in an > > elegant package. > > If you check the exact meaning of "unparalleled" you may get: "having no >

Re: lapack solver

2016-08-26 Thread dom96
I'm currently working with Pandas/Matplotlib in Python. They are very good libraries and I would love to see them wrapped in Nim. So for what it's worth, you have my support :)

Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-14 Thread dom96
**I'm pleased to announce that Nim in Action is now in print.** I just received one of the very first printed copies, which means that if you bought the printed book you should receive a copy soon as well! Some pictures of the finished product: [(more

Re: What can Nim learn from Crystal

2017-08-13 Thread dom96
> Crystal has gotten a highly distinguished mention in this month's update > summary of the prestigious TIOBE prog lang popularity index: > >> The top programming languages are in a long term decline: both Java and C >> have all time low scores in the TIOBE index. And almost all of the other top

Re: Is winnim still usable with nim 0.17.3?

2017-11-16 Thread dom96
Replied to your issue on GitHub [](

Re: choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer

2017-05-08 Thread dom96
**@sdwfrost** just a case of compiling it for ARM and releasing the binary. It would be nice if I could automate the building of these binaries somehow, building on Windows, macOS and Linux takes too much time already.

Nim in Action is 50% off over the weekend

2016-12-30 Thread dom96
I know there are still people hunting for a discount code so I figured it would be a good idea to create a new thread for this. Manning is celebrating the new year with a 50% off discount (`dotd123016`) on all their books over this weekend: [](

Re: Nim in Action is now officially in print!

2017-08-16 Thread dom96
50% off today only for those of you who haven't had a chance to pick up a copy yet See []( for details.

Re: GUI programming

2016-12-17 Thread dom96
**@Mennohexo** asking in a single thread is enough, stop creating new threads. I will delete the 3 that you have created because at this point it is just spam. Be patient and wait for a response from someone knowledgeable on this topic.

Re: nimble question

2018-02-13 Thread dom96
Run `nimble develop` in your library's directory, then simply add a `requires` in your new project for that library.

Re: Perfecting Nim

2018-04-24 Thread dom96
This is a thread that I wanted to create myself in preparation for v1. Thank you for creating it. For everyone reading this thread: **please let us know your opinions of what needs to go before v1 is released.** I'll probably read everyone's answers later, but here is the quick small list off

Re: Please , can we stop spams?

2017-05-20 Thread dom96
**@dataman** there is no "attitude" we just miss new people sometimes (that's a forum issue that needs to be fixed), apologies.

There is a problem in password reset

2018-07-18 Thread dom96
You've possibly got an older Nim in your PATH, check with `which nim` and `nim -v`.

Re: Nim Robot the Second

2017-05-20 Thread dom96
Awesome! I'd love to see an article on how you put all of this together. I can even let you publish it on if you'd like.

Re: Mascot

2017-03-17 Thread dom96
Sure. You can run it locally, grab the source here: []( (btw PRs are always welcome in case you want to help :))

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread dom96
> And about 840px, top menu is start hiding most right items of menu, so on > IPhones 5s/6/6plus its only Blog, Features and a small part of Install is > accessible. On Google Nexus 4/5/6 situation a little bit better, you will > have access to Install and part of Documentation top menu items.

Nim core developers wanted

2017-02-13 Thread dom96
Me and @Araq have been discussing what to do with the BountySource donations (thanks @flyx for pushing us). Since several months now we've received a fairly consistent amount of money from the bounty source campaign. Now that we are confident that this is sustainable, we'd like to spend the

Re: Though about identifiers in text editors.

2018-04-04 Thread dom96
> This choice force the user to follow the naming convention, otherwise, the > highlighting becomes inconsistent and annoying. Yeah, that's precisely why it's done and you should follow it. It's that simple. Why not make the compiler enforce it? Because there are genuine cases where it's just

Re: High resolution Nim logo

2016-12-01 Thread dom96
Here you go: [](

Re: Testing private functions

2017-09-02 Thread dom96
There is not. But I don't think it's correct to be testing private functions, testing the public ones should be enough. The only way to test them is to put the tests in the same file.

Re: What do you think about Redox and Electron?

2017-01-17 Thread dom96
**I have admittedly only skimmed this thread but it does seem like the discussion has gotten a bit heated here. Please cool it and have a respectful discussion.** > I listed some popular projects. The purpose of this is to think about Nim: > > * Why don't Nimers develop an os system? > * Why

Re: How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)

2017-01-11 Thread dom96
Thank you for taking the time to write this up. Unfortunately I don't have any suggestions on what we can do to improve the current situation. > The solution? Prefixing or more-explicit-but-far-less-obvious naming. This is > exactly what's happening in Julia (which shares a lot of concepts with

Re: Weird error when trying to install sdl2 with nimble

2017-01-07 Thread dom96
It looks like your Nim installation is outdated. Can you update it and try again?

Re: A wish for Nim conferences

2017-11-25 Thread dom96

Re: Receiving strings of uncertain length over recv() | net.Socket

2017-10-05 Thread dom96
Nope, this is simply how sockets work. Your protocol needs to specify how big the message is, or use some character to act as a message separator (for example `\r\l`.)

Re: httpclient extraHeaders not working

2016-08-24 Thread dom96
@OderWat: Yes, this is already the case with the `AsyncHttpClient`. I plan to introduce a `HttpClient` also which will deprecate the current synchronous API.

Re: Irclogs

2016-07-12 Thread dom96
Hrm, I thought I fixed this here: []( I guess not. But it's not a critical bug. Feel free to create a PR if you can figure out the

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-11-03 Thread dom96
Hello @gneu and thank you for purchasing my book. I have made a conscious decision to omit some things from the book, Nim is a large language and space is limited. Unfortunately term rewriting macros/templates didn't make the cut. The reason is that I personally haven't used them much, as such

Re: Winim - Nim's Windows API and COM Library

2017-01-16 Thread dom96
> Very nice but I think it should adhere to NEP-1. I think we should just call it the "style guide", it's not even called `NEP-1` in the [wiki anymore](

Re: Times module for JavaScript backend questions

2017-03-21 Thread dom96
I think your PR is fine. But it needs to be tested, the best way to create a reliable times module is to create lots of tests for it. For #2, and other questions around why things are the way they are in the code, git blame is your friend. It's very likely that it was added through some other

Re: Help with asynchronously downloading file

2016-08-18 Thread dom96
Sorry. Not AsyncHttpServer, I meant AsyncHttpClient :)

Re: Export docs? Submodules?

2017-08-27 Thread dom96
If I understand you correctly, you want the doc gen to show the documentation for exported modules inside the module that exports it?

Re: A "future" LOC affects a "past" LOC!

2018-01-27 Thread dom96
I've run into things like this in the past and the reason for them usually is a stack corruption. Unfortunately I don't have any magic ways to debug this. I can see that you're using raw pointers so it's likely that you're doing something unsafe incorrectly, so I would start by carefully

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-07-01 Thread dom96
For anybody still looking to buy Nim in Action, you can use code `wm070116lt` today to get 50% off [](

Re: When will ``future`` become the present?

2016-08-06 Thread dom96
Yeah... I suppose it is. But it's not a high priority right now.

Re: Injecting JS in web page

2017-11-29 Thread dom96
I made this: [](

Re: HELP!! Mentioning Nim is resulting in the drain of all my karma at Hacker News.

2017-05-09 Thread dom96
**@vonH** People told you why they downvoted you. And no, it's not time for a "Nim Evangelism Strikeforce", this isn't something to aim for. It's time to write thoughtful comments that encourage developers to use Nim, not "drive-by" comments that give our community a bad name.

Re: Howto: convert nim string encoding with Javascript

2017-02-24 Thread dom96
I'm a bit confused, how does GDB and JavaScript relate here?

Re: a proc returning void creates 1 arg, not 0: breaking generic code

2018-03-29 Thread dom96
> @timothee > > Why don't you write D as d? Please learn to write Nim with a capital letter. > This is disrespectful at least. I seriously doubt @timothee meant it in a disrespectful way. This is a programming forum, not a parliamentary chambers so no need to call people out for such things.

Re: Need help with async client/server

2018-03-12 Thread dom96
In regards to some other things written here: > I'm "pretty sure" that I observed in Windows that asyncdispatch would use > multiple different threads to run the code. It doesn't, and it cannot do that unless you pass `--threads:on`. This is assuming that Windows doesn't do something weird

Re: Please , can we stop spams?

2016-12-22 Thread dom96
There are two solutions: * Ever new user's first post needs to be approved by a moderator. * We introduce a flagging mechanism, so that forum users can flag spam and once enough people flag it the post becomes invisible. Of course, we can do both too. I think this is how HN works and it's

Re: slice from openarray?

2018-01-06 Thread dom96

Re: Simple Python-like class macro and some python-like procedures (print, input, range, others)

2017-08-27 Thread dom96
> Thanks to you I noticed there are finally proper AST nodes for doc-comments I'm fairly sure we had AST nodes for doc comments since forever. > I can't write print as an simple procedure because Nim doesn't have > keyword-only arguments Not quite, you can't write it because you cannot mix

Re: RFC: How best to provide examples for newbies

2016-08-06 Thread dom96
As far as examples are concerned we definitely want to have more of them, but they need to be short. I have already said this in **@jlp765**'s PR. Take a look at these for example:

Re: Nim core developer wanted

2017-02-28 Thread dom96
> Do you already know when he will start and what will be the focus? Starting this Friday and the focus will likely be related to concepts (which zahary actually implemented originally).

Re: choosenim - the Nim toolchain installer/multiplexer

2017-05-09 Thread dom96
**@mashingan** what returns 403? For now it's 32bit only. Support for 64bit will come.

Re: Nim 1.17.2: nimble test Fails

2018-01-08 Thread dom96
> Nim v1.17.2 *0.17.2 > When I try nimble test I get this error: That does seem like there is something wrong. No idea what, but it might help if you reinstall Nim. How did you install it btw? If not via choosenim then I suggest you give it a go. > .. but there is no nimble folder inside

Re: floating point output formating

2017-11-07 Thread dom96
@jzakiya I have read a lot in this post, but due to my own lack of time I decided to skip most of it (so apologies if somebody mentioned this already). Why doesn't Nim have better docs? Some reasons: * Nim doesn't have full-time employees working on it (this is also why telling us "you

Re: Partial casing is foo_bar

2018-01-22 Thread dom96
> Araq if you want to succeed with this language you need to realize how silly > it is to have style insensitive name parsing. It really isn't that big of a deal. Don't judge a book by its cover. Try the language and if you find some genuine problems with style insensitivity then report them.

Re: NimSym to docs link?

2017-11-16 Thread dom96
I don't think that's possible. Although that would be a nice feature.

Re: Mascot

2017-03-17 Thread dom96
Yes, we are working on a new website design incorporating that logo.

Re: Nimble: Refresh failed

2017-11-08 Thread dom96
Like I said, it's probably fixed in that PR.

Re: Love nim but at the same time starting to hate it...

2016-07-07 Thread dom96
> Having said that, we should really expand the pragma annotations only after a > mouse click. The problem with this is that users won't be able to search for certain pragmas in the documentation. But perhaps it's not that big of a deal.

Re: Strange iterators

2018-01-08 Thread dom96
> There is system.finished which can be used with iterators. I still think some > kind of would be of great help with readability/usability of > iterators. I do sort of agree. Maybe you could ask @Araq what he thinks about this

Re: Nim Backend Support Plans? JS Backend Sample

2018-01-11 Thread dom96
> I predict that soon Nim will compile to DNA, subatomic particles, music > videos, sexual fantasies, and even tactless bizarre forum rants that go on > and on and don't really have a point... Don't mistake Nim for Haxe : P

Re: AsyncSocket delimeter

2016-08-03 Thread dom96
Unfortunately not, but others have suggested this so perhaps it is a good idea to make a more generalised `recvLine`. Could you create an issue for this please?

Re: Introducing Nimoy: A minimal experimental actor library

2017-03-31 Thread dom96
Nice! I'm curious how it performs, do you have any plans for creating some benchmarks?

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-07-01 Thread dom96
**@moigagoo** thanks, will correct!

Re: book delayed again

2017-04-19 Thread dom96
Argh, least you could have done @Fungi is create a new thread instead of derailing this one. But never matter. Good news is, here is an article with an excerpt from my book: [](

Re: "timeinterval" type conversion problem

2017-11-16 Thread dom96
You can add a `TimeInterval` to a `TimeInfo` and then use `times.format` (I think)

Re: Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship

2017-01-09 Thread dom96
**This thread is now officially locked*.** @Araq wanted me to remove this thread, and I may still do so. But in the interest of transparency and historical significance I would like for threads such as this to remain. * The forum doesn't actually support locking, but I will delete any other

Re: postContent with custom header

2018-01-24 Thread dom96
You need to give more info. This example shows how to handle posting data: []( Without knowing what data you want to send I can't help much more.

Re: New website released!

2017-04-20 Thread dom96
> @Stefan_Salewski, as i mentioned before site is not usable on resolution > less, then 840px, so its not usable on tiny cell phone displays, its only > usable on big cell phone displays. In what way is it unusable? > Navigation becomes much more harder, try to find link on forum or github >

Re: Nim core developer wanted

2017-02-15 Thread dom96
Updated the first post with the deadline.

Re: httpclient extraHeaders not working

2016-08-24 Thread dom96
I think you might need to add another `division` at the end of the `headers`.

Re: How could we make code readability better on third-party plateforms? (Github/Gitlab/Bitbucket/etc.)

2017-01-12 Thread dom96
**@vsajip** I think you may need to write `echo strfmt.fmt("{0:-12s} {1:s}", sectname, line)`. But yes, that is a cryptic message.

Re: How can I detect redundant imports?

2017-03-15 Thread dom96
> As far as I can tell VS Code does not support it. It does.

Re: how to fix ambiguous call's.

2018-03-03 Thread dom96
1\. I'm not entirely sure what the purpose of your `contains` proc is, but you should _probably_ fix it by creating a ` distinct string` and having your `contains` proc work on that. Really, you should actually rename your `contains` proc to something else because `contains` should always

Re: Been away for 9 months. What changed? Need some help to get back on track.

2017-08-26 Thread dom96
> However, the new web site doesn't make that easy to do. The files sit in the > webnews directory of the repository, but how you access them from the web > site is a mystery to me. You access them from the blog: []( Why isn't this

Re: Increasing Nim exposure

2018-01-18 Thread dom96
@bli Thank you for taking the time to write down the pains you've experienced while learning Nim > Look here for instance: > []( > Two questions only, none answered. I didn't

Re: What is picknim?

2017-01-10 Thread dom96
Nice spotting. Yes, that's precisely what it is But who knows how long it will take before it's ready for use.

Re: Having trouble wrapping foo->bar

2018-01-08 Thread dom96
Yeah, I guess my answer was incomplete. You need the `importc` and `header` pragmas on the type as well.

Re: httpclient.nim and twice set-cookie

2016-09-01 Thread dom96
Yes, this is a known bug that needs to be solved.

Re: Nimble: Refresh failed

2017-11-07 Thread dom96
oh sorry, I guess it's supposed to be `~/.nimble/packages_official.json`

Re: Nim t-shirt (San Francisco)

2017-12-01 Thread dom96
Sounds like we need to create a Nim user's map Sorry to hear about the t-shirt size btw

Re: Increasing Nim exposure

2018-01-18 Thread dom96
@jzakiya Thank you for these suggestions and for writing up that longer post, it was an interesting read. Please don't be dissuaded by the replies to this thread so far. Your suggestions are good, here are my requests/thoughts: > Having access to various Ruby article feeder sites I recently

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-08-25 Thread dom96
Last chance to get 50% off Nim in Action! Use code `pbbutcherlt`: [](

Re: Version 0.15 released!

2016-10-03 Thread dom96
You guys might want to double check that. The file was missing from the server so it's likely it only started working for you after it was uploaded, not due to a change in install path or the addition of admin privileges. But I guess that's possible too :)

Re: Plans regarding named tuples

2017-02-27 Thread dom96
What is the rationale for removing named tuples?

Re: IOError when compiling from VSCode's internal terminal

2017-11-26 Thread dom96
Only way for us to figure this out is for you to grab a debug compiler to get a stack trace. You'll need to bootstrap manually for that though.

Re: programming ligatures

2016-08-31 Thread dom96
Awesome. It's really nice to see some Nim love in this font :D


2017-12-22 Thread dom96
Hello everyone, I have some good news. We have successfully obtained a stand at FOSDEM 2018 (taking place on 3 & 4 February 2018 in Brussels). You can see a list of all the stands here: []( Now comes the time to invite you all to

Re: Hacktoberfest project contributions?

2017-10-02 Thread dom96
Be sure to also look at the [nimble]( and [choosenim]( issues. There aren't many and they're pretty well labelled so you can easily go through them all.

Re: Incredible Nim vs lame rust censorship

2016-12-31 Thread dom96
I'm afraid I had to edit your post myself.

Re: Unable to reply?

2018-03-06 Thread dom96
New users are in moderation mode by default so that's probably what the issue was.

Re: postContent with custom header

2018-01-25 Thread dom96
There is no need for this procedure to be exported. You should use the `post` procedure which uses this `format` proc: [](

Re: Nim in Action is now available!

2016-08-18 Thread dom96
Nim in Action is 50% off until the 25th of August using code `pbbutcherlt`: []( Perfect opportunity to grab it if you haven't already. It's almost finished

Re: Nimble: Refresh failed

2017-11-06 Thread dom96
This is fixed in this PR (I hope) []( As a workaround you can download the packages.json file manually and place it into ~/.nimble/packages.json

Re: Cannot compile httpserver2.nim

2016-08-12 Thread dom96
The sockets module is deprecated so that suggests that the example you are trying to compile needs to be updated. In general I think all the examples that are bundled with Nim need to be cleaned up, see the documentation for the asynchttpserver for a more up to date example of a HTTP server.

Re: HomeBrew + Nim Tools (nimble, nimsuggest)

2016-10-20 Thread dom96
Hello! Welcome to the Nim forum :) I think that for Nim HEAD the idea is to use the included install_nimble.nims script to install Nimble. Would that be acceptable? Thank you for taking the time to update the Homebrew recipe!

Re: Proxy difficulties

2017-06-04 Thread dom96
Ahh, looking at the headers that httpclient sends again it seems like it's buggy. The `Host` header is completely wrong. Please report this on GitHub: []( In case you're interested in trying to fix it, here is the

Re: GTK 3.20 Nim wrapper

2016-12-26 Thread dom96
50% off Nim in Action today []( :)

Re: Can't send email via port 587 with TLS

2018-01-29 Thread dom96
Tried with `useSsl = true`?

Re: How to

2017-10-01 Thread dom96
> "It needs to be as short as possible" > > Why? Is that your personal preference, or is there some actual technical > reason for this? There is no technical reason, it's just easier for users to use your package if its name is short. Writing `import mylongpackagethatisawesome` everywhere

Re: Does anyone have a rough ETA for v1?

2017-11-16 Thread dom96
My current upper estimate: 1 year Lower estimate: 6 months Araq would have loved to have it out by the end of this December, but I think I'm blocking him a bit (stdlib needs a review).

Re: Wrap C++ procedure / Parameter type float / shared library

2017-12-07 Thread dom96
Try `importc`, `importcpp` assumes the first parameter is a class instance.

Re: Nim logo - What colour?

2018-03-03 Thread dom96
The logo on the home page is the official logo. The variation in the readme is another accepted alternative. Others are deprecated.

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