Re: Procedure overloading with explicit parameters

2020-06-26 Thread lqdev
I'm surprised noone answered OP's question so far. So going back: 

proc fac(0): int = 1
proc fac(n: int): int = n*fac(n-1)


Since Nim is not a functional, but imperative language, you would use runtime 
flow control in this case: 

proc fac(n: int): int =
  if n == 0: 1
  else: n * fac(n - 1)


Re: Compiling problem

2020-04-10 Thread lqdev
Nim requires you to use consistent spacing around binary expressions. So you 
can do no spaces on both sides, `a+b`, one space, `a + b`, two spaces `a + b` 
but you can't do one space on the left and no spaces on the right, `a +b`. As 
people said, this is a quirk of the command syntax `someProc arg1, arg2`.

Re: Why does typechecking of generic procs only occur when used?

2020-01-07 Thread lqdev
This is a side effect of how generics are implemented.

I don't know the exact details, but an obvious implementation would be to just 
store the AST of the generic proc until it needs to be instantiated; later, 
when the proc is called, we know the generic params passed to the proc, so we 
can easily inject the passed params into the current scope as typedescs. You 
can imagine something like this happening:

# our proc is this:
proc f[T](a: T): T =
  result = a

# the following statement might yield in this
echo f[int](1)
# because f[int] wasn't instantiated yet, we declare it.
# keep in mind that this proc is not visible to the user.
  type T = int # the passed generic param, now as a typedesc
  # this proc actually gets semchecked, instead of the original generic proc
  proc f_int(a: T): T =
result = a
  # the generic proc is "substituted"
  echo f_int(1)


Keep in mind that the above explanation is an oversimplification.

This was probably a sane design decision. Consider this example:

proc add[T](a, b: T): T = a + b


When the semchecker checks the proc, how does it know if what's done is legit? 
Some person may pass a seq here, which would obviously not work. Checking all 
the generic types, etc. right where the proc is declared would only add to the 
complexity of the compiler. Simply instantiating the proc when needed and 
checking it then is a much simpler and much faster approach.

Re: Practical examples showing how macros lead to better code?

2019-12-14 Thread lqdev
[euwren]( uses macros to create a DSL 
that allows its users to easily add scripting support to their programs.

import euwren

  Greeter = object
target*: string
proc newGreeter(target: string): Greeter = Greeter(target: target)
proc greet(greeter: Greeter) = echo "Hello, " & & "!"

var wren = newWren()
[new] newGreeter


Then, scripts like this can be executed using ``:

import "greeter" for Greeter

var greeter ="world")
greeter.greet() // -> Hello, world! = "Nim"
greeter.greet() // -> Hello, Nim!


Because Wren is a C library, you'd normally have to deal with a low-level, 
verbose API full of passing pointers around and other unsafe things. euwren 
abstracts that away, and provides a much more user friendly API that doesn't 
require non-idiomatic code to be used.

euwren's `foreign()` is a prime example of how macros can lead to cleaner and 
more maintainable code: reading a list of names is much easier than reading 
through a bunch of `addProc` and `addClass` calls with low level procs mixed 
inbetween. This makes every proc you bind consistently the same, no matter what 
it is, which embraces the DRY rule.

Re: euwren – a high-level wrapper for the Wren scripting language with a user-friendly DSL

2019-12-11 Thread lqdev
I've been working on this project a lot, and I'm finally able to say it's 
(almost) feature complete. Since the last release, I have added things like:

  * name aliasing
  * enum support
  * automatic Wren glue code generation
  * exception handling

and much more quality of life improvements. Feel free to check out the 

Re: euwren – a high-level wrapper for the Wren scripting language with a user-friendly DSL

2019-12-02 Thread lqdev
euwren 0.3.0 is out! This release introduces the ability to interact with Wren 
from Nim.


Re: Advent of Nim 2019 megathread

2019-12-01 Thread lqdev
I'm kind of late to the party, but here goes. 

euwren – a high-level wrapper for the Wren scripting language with a user-friendly DSL

2019-11-17 Thread lqdev
Recently, I have been working on euwren, a high level wrapper for 

The idea behind euwren is to be _the king of Wren wrappers_ , one that uses a 
user-friendly DSL and that makes wrapping Nim procs a piece of cake. All you 
have to do is list the things you need in the VM, and voila! The VM is ready to 
execute some Nim code.

The wrapper is highly WIP, but the most essential things are ready to be used. 
You can find the wrapper [here](

Feel free to suggest any features you'd like to see, or any bugs you find. I'll 
be happy to take care of them.

Re: How to avoid recursive module dependency ?

2019-11-17 Thread lqdev
When you have types that depend on each other, you must place them under one 
`type` section—there's no way of avoiding that.

Re: _MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim

2019-10-11 Thread lqdev
It's probably a problem with shader linking, I'll try adding the `#version 330` 
core directive into all shaders.

Re: _MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim

2019-10-02 Thread lqdev
This is a weird thing that started happening recently, I guess it said The 
futex facility returned an unexpected error code. It's bothering me too, but it 
doesn't affect the actual gameplay, it only occurs when you close the window or 

Re: _MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim

2019-10-02 Thread lqdev
Exactly, rapid links _all_ libraries statically to avoid dependency hell.

Re: _MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim

2019-10-02 Thread lqdev
Indeed, the game was inspired by VV quite a lot ;) Apart from that, my 
inspirations were Hollow Knight and maybe a few others.

_MEM.RECALL();, a game for Open Jam 2019 written in Nim

2019-10-01 Thread lqdev
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to announce the release of _MEM.RECALL();, a game I made for Open 
Jam 2019.

You can find the game here:

  * [](
  * [GitHub](

Keep in mind that the game _may_ be buggy at times, especially in the audio 
department. My audio library is still unfinished, so please report any issues 
you find [here](

Hope you enjoy the game! 

Re: 1.0.0 is here

2019-09-23 Thread lqdev
Congratulations to all Nim developers! So happy that 1.0 is finally here. I'd 
also like to thank the community for being such a warm welcoming group. You're 
all awesome :)

Re: Where is nimbase.h ?

2019-08-31 Thread lqdev
nimbase.h is located in your Nim installation, under the `lib` directory. If 
you installed using choosenim, you .can find your installations in 

Re: pibench2 – A multi-threaded performance benchmark written in Nim

2019-03-23 Thread lqdev
Hmm, strange. My CPU load is 100% during the benchmark, almost constantly (with 
tiny fluctuations to 99%).

pibench2 – A multi-threaded performance benchmark written in Nim

2019-03-22 Thread lqdev

I'd like to announce a new small project of mine – pibench2. It's a 
multi-threaded performance benchmark, written in Nim.


Feel free to share your scores. Mine is 5.9649s with the default settings, on 
an AMD Ryzen 5 1600 (overclocked to 3.8GHz). 

Is it possible to add a proc after a proc in a macro?

2019-03-16 Thread lqdev
I don't know how to put this into the right words, so let me give you an 

macro someTransformation(proc1: NimNode): NimNode =
  # create a "wrapper" proc for proc1

proc someProc(a, b: float): float =
  result = a * 2 + a / b

someTransformation(someProc) # this should create a new proc based off of 


Is this possible? AFAIK `someProc` will be passed as an `nnkIdent` to 
`someTransformation`, but I need to pass the AST of the proc itself. 

Re: Wrapping an object without generics

2019-03-05 Thread lqdev
I think the `variant` package is exactly what I need. I can't really use object 
variants, since I don't know what kind of data is going to be stored within the 
object declaration itself (the user declares their own type and stores it 
within the object).

Re: Odd behavior with pairs on string and runeAt

2019-03-04 Thread lqdev
I'm fairly certain `runeAt` is supposed to be used alongside the `unicode` 
module's `runes` iterator and all the other procs, for Rune indexing in a plain 
string (not a `seq[Rune]`).

Wrapping an object without generics

2019-03-04 Thread lqdev

I need to store some user data in an object, but I don't know what is the 
object's type at compile time. I need to store those wrappers in a `seq`, but I 
don't know a wrapper's generic type, as it's specified by the user.

What would be the best, safest solution to achieve this? I'd like to point out 
that I know what kind of user data is stored in the wrapper, so the user won't 
even notice the wrapper – plain data will be passed to them.


  Wrapper[T] = object
userData: T

# this won't work, as ``Wrapper`` has to have a generic type annotation
var wrappers: seq[Wrapper]


Should a `pointer` be used in this situation? Or is there a safer alternative?

Re: Fuzzy matching on table keys

2019-02-13 Thread lqdev
Well, it sort of did. When implementing the `hash` method however, I realized 
it's not that simple, and decided to use something like this:

import tables

  FnSignatureTable = ref object
signatures: TableRef[string, seq[FnSignature]]


Then I store all signatures in the table with their names as keys, and use an 
index operator with a signature as the key. I then compare the inputted 
signature with all the others in the seq, to see if any one matches.

Fuzzy matching on table keys

2019-02-12 Thread lqdev

I want to perform fuzzy matching on table keys. What I mean by that, is:

import tables

  Fn = proc (args: varargs[string]): int
  FnSignature = tuple
name: string
arity: int
argTypes: seq[string]

var signatures = newTable[FnSignature, Fn]()

signatures.add(("print", 1, @["any"])) do (args: varargs[string]) -> int:

echo signatures[("print", 1, @["string"])] # should return the first added 
element, because ``any`` describes any type


>From what I know about hash tables, it's not as simple as adding an equality 
>operator overload to `FnSignature`. How do I achieve what I'm talking about?

Re: Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev
I wasn't able to create a MCVE, that's why I didn't include it in the post.

Buggy concepts

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev

I have been trying out Nim's concepts for the past few days, and I have to say: 
they're far from stable. In simple use cases they work, but when you add 
advanced OOP techniques into the mix, you get an amalgamate of compiler errors 
and meaningless exit codes.

So far, concepts are very unpredictable, take my current project as an example: 

I tried to create an interface for a proper `RodVM`, to avoid cyclic imports 
(and add some modularity). Unfortunately, it didn't work out, because for some 
reason, the compiler crashed with exit code 1 without any reason on 
compilation. I wasn't able to trace down where the issue is, so I went for a 
different model:

I decided to use a `RodBaseVM` class, which didn't help at all. I still needed 
concepts to define a meta-type, that would describe a type that implements the 
required methods of a VM, but failed miserably, with a cryptic compiler error:

Error: internal error: getTypeDescAux(tyProxy)
No stack traceback available
To create a stacktrace, rerun compilation with ./koch temp c 


I get that concepts are still in development, but I expected that the compiler 
would at least give me some line numbers, but no. That never happened.

Overall, I think the overall idea behind concepts is brilliant: they're much 
more powerful and modular than interfaces, however, they still need a lot of 
work to be considered stable.

TL;DR: Don't use concepts. Not yet, at least.

Re: Concatenate identifiers in template

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev
Thank you!

Concatenate identifiers in template

2019-01-30 Thread lqdev

I would like to concatenate two identifiers in a template, like so:

template myTemplate(id: untyped, body: untyped): untyped =
  proc r##id() = # I've seen it done this way in C


Is this possible without the use of macros?

Re: Convert float to its corresponding bytes?

2019-01-26 Thread lqdev
Thank you very much, this is exactly what I need. I was thinking about using 
casts but wasn't really sure if it's safe.

Convert float to its corresponding bytes?

2019-01-26 Thread lqdev

I was wondering if it's possible to convert a `float64` into 8 `uint8` s. To be 
more precise, I need to add the `float64` into a `seq[uint8]`, and then have a 
way of converting the corresponding bytes back to a `float64`.

Can this be achieved? If so, how?

Re: Use continue statement on parent loop

2019-01-25 Thread lqdev
I just solved my issue by adding another variable. Thanks anyway

Use continue statement on parent loop

2019-01-25 Thread lqdev

I'm trying to use a continue statement in the following fashion:

block first:
  for i in 0..<10:
for j in 0..<5:
  if j == 3: continue first


However, the compiler reports that `continue` cannot have a label.

How can I achieve this?

Global procedure access?

2019-01-16 Thread lqdev
I don't know if I titled my problem correctly, but this is what I'm trying to 

proc a(n: int) =

proc b() =


I know this example would recur infinitely, but my actual use case breaks `a` 
on a condition.

I already tried using tables, but it's not really possible since my procedures 
have different signatures:

import tables

var myProcs = initTable[string, proc ()]() # this is where the plan fails

myProcs.add("a") do (n: int):

myProcs.add("b") do ():


Is there any way for me to achieve this?

Enum is undefined in template scope?

2019-01-05 Thread lqdev

I'm currently doing some more advanced "macro magic", and have stumbled upon a 
weird error:

  TokenKind* = enum
rtLParen, rtRParen # ()
rtLBracket, rtRBracket # []
rtLBrace, rtRBrace # {}
  Token* = object
kind: TokenKind

template token(name: untyped, stmts: untyped): untyped {.dirty.} =
  proc name(input: string): Token =

template literal(lit: string, kind: untyped): untyped {.dirty.} =
  if input == lit: result = Token(kind: kind)

token lParen:
  literal("(", rtLParen)


For some reason the compiler fails: 

../src/rod/tokenizer.nim(24, 39) Error: undeclared field: 'rtLParen'


Even though `rtLParen` clearly is defined.

I want to achieve a template that expands like so: 

literal("(", rtLParen)
# into:
if input == "(": result = Token(kind: rtLParen)

literal(")" rtRParen)
# into:
if input == ")": result = Token(kind: rtRParen)

# etc


What am I doing wrong?

Re: Compiling with GCC optimizations disabled

2019-01-03 Thread lqdev
Oh, I just forgot the `-g` flag. Thank you anyways!

Compiling with GCC optimizations disabled

2019-01-03 Thread lqdev
Is it possible to pass `-O0` to C in order to disable all optimizations? I have 
a problem with a C library I'm compiling and accessing from Nim, and I want to 
see what I'm doing wrong more clearly.

I tried to pass `--passC:"-O0"` and `passC="-O0"` but both seem to have no 
effect on debugging information in Valgrind.

Re: Use GC_ref on a pointer

2019-01-02 Thread lqdev
Oh, of course! That was a mistake on my behalf, but also part of what I wanted 
to do – I wanted to allocate some memory to store a pointer, but storing the 
struct itself seems like a better idea.

Re: Use GC_ref on a pointer

2019-01-02 Thread lqdev
Well, maybe instead of asking you to solve my problem let me ask a more general 
question about pointers: From what I understand, `ptr T` is untracked by the 
GC. So can I just do something like this? 

  MyObj = object
x: int

proc newMyObj(): MyObj =
  result = MyObj(x: 42)

proc allocMyObj(): ptr MyObj =
  result = cast[ptr MyObj](alloc(sizeof(ptr MyObj)))
  result[] = newMyObj()


Or will this cause some sort of memory problems?

I'm asking this question because I'm not very experienced with such low-level 
programming, and my application uses pretty much what I've shown in the example 
(except `alloc()` isn't used directly, but it more or less resembles what I'm 
doing in my code)

Re: Use GC_ref on a pointer

2019-01-02 Thread lqdev
I need to pass around some data between Nim and C, and this 
`someCAllocFunction` returns a void pointer. I tried casting it to a `ptr 
MyType` and setting its value using `point[] = MyType()` (in reality I'm using 
an object with some fields, and the object is initialized in a separate 
function). But then, in a callback I passed to C, I'm trying to access my data 
again, but a `SIGSEGV` is raised. 

instance of TestAutowrenType
Traceback (most recent call last)
gc.nim(289)  unsureAsgnRef
gc.nim(185)  decRef
SIGSEGV: Illegal storage access. (Attempt to read from nil?)


Here's the source code of my program: 

I understood this as the GC removing my object while it's passed around in C 
code, and that's why I wanted to mark it as referenced.

Use GC_ref on a pointer

2019-01-02 Thread lqdev
I have a type stored in C, that's a pointer to a type.

  MyType = object

var point = cast[ptr MyType](someCAllocFunction(sizeof(ptr MyType)))
GC_ref(point) # this doesn't work, because GC_ref expects a ``ref T``, 
``seq[T]``, or ``string``


How can I achieve this?

Re: Convincing my friend about Nim

2019-01-01 Thread lqdev
First, I'd like to thank you for all the answers. You really gave me some good 
knowledge about how I could approach my friend. However, he's found another 
argument I really can't beat with my own knowledge. He says Nim's unreadable 
for programmers coming from other languages.

My main contr-argument was that you can always read the documentation; heck, 
the tutorial for the language is well-written and easy to understand. But he 
keeps bragging that he doesn't want to read any docs; he just wants to 
understand code in any language.

For me, that really shows his ignorance and lazyness. It's not really hard to 
deduce Nim's language features, some may be easier to deduce than others, but 
if I wouldn't know Nim and read the codebase of, for example, `nimforum`, as 
@Araq suggested, I'd at least try to understand the code using my knowledge 
from other languages. I probably wouldn't understand what `proc` means, or 
``*`, or how generics are written, but by looking at more source code I'd be 
able to deduce what at least 2 of those 3 examples do (can you guess which is 
the hardest to deduce?). But the fact is, every developer is different, some 
may be too lazy to even look at something's source code, or too lazy to try and 
deduce the functions of different operators. You cannot develop software 
without the use of documentation, and that's what he doesn't understand and 
keeps bragging about.

Again, thank you for all the answers, and happy new year!

Re: Could not load

2018-12-31 Thread lqdev
So I decided to link the lib statically, doing the following steps:

  1. In my `nim.cfg` I added `--dynlibOverride:wren`
  2. In my source code I added this:

when sizeof(int) == 4:
  when defined(windows):
const wrenDynlib = "libwren-32.dll"
  elif defined(macosx):
const wrenDynlib = "libwren-32.dylib"
const wrenDynlib = ""
elif sizeof(int) == 8:
  when defined(windows):
const wrenDynlib = "libwren-64.dll"
  elif defined(macosx):
const wrenDynlib = "libwren-64.dylib"
const wrenDynlib = ""
{.link: currentSourcePath.splitPath.head / wrenDynlib .}


There's probably a cleaner way btw, but I did this for testing.

ld doesn't return any errors, but my application itself does: 

/home/[user]/Coding/Nim/rapid/src/rapid: error while loading shared 
libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Error: execution of an external program failed: 
'/home/[user]/Coding/Nim/rapid/src/rapid '


Convincing my friend about Nim

2018-12-31 Thread lqdev

First of all, I don't want to hate on other languages, or anything. I don't 
have anything against other languages' syntaxes, and I'm OK with people using 
them. But I have a friend who has recently "turned against me" – when I started 
using Nim, he started being really angry (no, really, he just started saying 
I'm stupid, etc) that I'm not using a normal (multiple quotes 
intentional) language. His main argument is Nim's syntax, even though he's 
never really tried to code in the language. He's pretty much a C# fanboy, he 
says the syntax is perfect and "it can run on many platforms" (I strongly 
disagree with that).

My main argument is that if he'd finally start coding in an ergonomic language 
like Python or Nim, he'd finally feel how easy it is to write and read code in 
it. What he dislikes the most, is the indentation-based syntax, and a few other 
"weirdnesses" you don't see in typical languages.

First of all, he states that not having such an indentation-based syntax allows 
for more freedom, even though he doesn't indent his code badly. I think this 
argument is just stupid, taking into account all of his programming practices.

But the main deal is about the syntax features themselves. I'm going to use 
this code sample to describe the problems he has with the syntax: 

  Box[T] = object
value: T

proc box*[T](value: T): Box[T] =
  result = Box(value: value)


First of all, he really dislikes the lack of brackets, and the "misuse" of 
them. As I said, he's really used to C#, and thinks the generics syntax is 
stupid. His problem with it is the use of squared brackets `[T]` instead of 
angled brackets ``. I thought it was a weird decision too, but later found 
out it didn't really clash with the rest of the language and worked really 
well. Pretty much all of his jokes now rely on this argument, even though it's 
a preference and he shouldn't hate the language just because his preferences 
are different.

Next up, an "invalid" argument. He says macros are dumb, and you could just 
write code normally without them. I sort of agree with him, but no. Macros are 
really useful, especially when you have to write a ton of repetitive code when 
you want to embed a scripting language for your application, or something 

His last argument is that Nim is not very popular. I left it for last, because 
it's not an argument – you can't judge something by how popular it is.

I tried approaching him with a quote from Araq:

> Nim's target audience is the enlightened/misguided programmer who doesn't 
> understand why there should be more than one programming language.

And yet, he keeps being stubborn about his opinion.

How can I convince him to at least stop hating the language so much, or to 
change his decision and try out the language?

Re: Could not load

2018-12-31 Thread lqdev
I don't want to rely on the end-user to compile and install `` 
themselves, that's why I wanted to provide the lib with my application. Could 
static linking work there? If so, how can I achieve it with a wrapper that uses 
the `dynlib` pragma everywhere?

Could not load

2018-12-31 Thread lqdev

I'm trying to use @geotre's Wren wrapper for Nim, but I can't get dynamic 
linking to work. Here's my folder structure with the relevant files:

└── src
├── lib
│   └── wren
│   ├── info.txt
│   ├── LICENSE
│   ├──
│   ├── src
│   │   ├── wren
│   │   │   └── libwren.nim
│   │   └── wren.nim
│   └── wren.nimble
└── rapid.nim


The wrapper's `libwren.nim` file depends on the `libwren.(dll|dylib|so)` 
dynamic library, and I'm putting it into my `src` folder, as you can see above. 
The wrapper unfortunately isn't available on Nimble, so I had to include it in 
my `lib` folder. `` has been compiled from the official repo: 
[](, using 
the command `make shared`, on a 64-bit machine.

Now, the problem is, my application runs into an error: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
could not load:


This is the program's output when compiled with the `-d:nimDebugDlOpen` switch 
(Nim also says `` is missing, but I'm not going to use PCRE in my 
final application so I stripped it from the output).

Re: PEG.js-like API for the pegs module

2018-12-27 Thread lqdev
That's not an option, I'm not using the JavaScript backend.

PEG.js-like API for the pegs module

2018-12-26 Thread lqdev

I'm looking for an easier API for `pegs` that would for easy AST building. 
PEG.js allows for something like this:

  = ident:Ident args:CallArgs { return { type: "call_method", ident, args } 


Unfortunately I don't see anything similar for Nim's built-in `pegs` module, is 
something like this possible with macros, or something like this?

Find all procs annotated with a pragma

2018-12-25 Thread lqdev

I'm trying to achieve something like this:

proc someProc() {.script.} =
  # do stuff

# then use each proc annotated with {.script.} as a proc argument


I was thinking I could use pragmas to build a compile-time sequence of procs 
with the script pragma, but I don't know how to do so.

Is what I'm trying to do possible, and if it is, how can I achieve it?

Re: Using var object in a proc that is the object's property

2018-12-20 Thread lqdev
Oh wait, it's a pointer! Mistook it as a reference (those are what I never 
used, I use pointers on a daily basis because of OpenGL).

Re: Using var object in a proc that is the object's property

2018-12-20 Thread lqdev
How do I pass the `ptr SomeWrapper` to `registerEvents`? I never used pointers 
in Nim before.

Using var object in a proc that is the object's property

2018-12-20 Thread lqdev

I'm trying to do something like this:

  Events = object
onload, onfail: proc (name: string)

  SomeWrapper = object
events: Events
onload, onfail: proc (name: string)

proc registerEvents(wrapper: var SomeWrapper) = = proc (name: string) = echo "loaded " & name; 
wrapper.onload(name) = proc (name: string) = echo "failed to load " & 
name; wrapper.onfail(name)


But the following error is thrown: 

$ nim c mutability.nim
Hint: used config file 
'/home/daknus/.choosenim/toolchains/nim-0.19.0/config/nim.cfg' [Conf]
Hint: system [Processing]
Hint: mutability [Processing]
mutability.nim(11, 65) Error: illegal capture 'wrapper' of type  which is declared here: mutability.nim(10, 20)


So far I understand the problem (when `wrapper` is destroyed, `events` may 
still persist as a reference somewhere, and then the implementations of 
`events.onload` and `events.onfail` would access illegal memory, and cause a 
segmentation fault, which in my real use case is very unlikely as the lifetime 
of the hypothetical `events` never exceeds the lifetime of the `wrapper`), but 
I don't know how to fix it.

Re: Undefined reference to proc with {.importc.}

2018-12-17 Thread lqdev
Cool! However, I wanted to make one myself to learn the Nim FFI capabilities.

Re: Undefined reference to proc with {.importc.}

2018-12-16 Thread lqdev
I tried that, same error thrown by ld.

Undefined reference to proc with {.importc.}

2018-12-16 Thread lqdev

I'm trying to make a [Wren]( wrapper for Nim, but I have 
trouble understanding Nim's FFI. So far I've got a folder structure like this:

- wren.nim
- wren/
  - incl/
- wren.h
- wrapper.nim
  - vm/(...)


The `src/wren/vm` folder's contents can be found here: 

I tried using the `importc` macro in `wrapper.nim` like this: 

# tell the C compiler to look for the wren header
# unfortunately this must be done as Nim doesn't copy the .h filed from the 
header pragma to its compile cache
from os import splitPath
{.passC: "-I" & currentSourcePath.splitPath.head.}

const h = "wren.h"

  WrenConfiguration* {.importc, header: h.} = object

proc wrenInitConfiguration*(cfg: ptr WrenConfiguration) {.importc: 
"wrenInitConfiguration", nodecl.}


However, when I try and test if the `wrenInitConfiguration` proc works, I get 
this error:

/usr/bin/ld: /home/[username]/.cache/nim/test1_d/wren_test1.c.o: in 
function `NimMainModule':
wren_test1.c:(.text+0x95e): undefined reference to `wrenInitConfiguration'
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status


What am I doing wrong, and how can I make a wrapper properly?

Cross-compiling from Linux to Windows using the -d:mingw flag

2018-12-02 Thread lqdev

I am trying to cross-compile to Windows using the MinGW toolchain. Here's what 
I'm doing:

$ nim c -d:mingw --cpu:amd64 src/uitest.nim


However, a regular Linux executable is produced. How can I compile an exe file 
for Windows?