Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-12 Thread jibal
> I had never actually considered C to be a 'weakly typed' language. There seem 
> to be various opinions on that particular subject both for and against.

There is far less debate about whether C is weakly typed than there is about 
what the term means. I used the language for 40 years and served on the C 
language standards committee and I've never seen any sign of a debate on this 
issue -- no one has ever called C strongly typed. I could point to printf and 
casting of pointers to other pointer types (or to and from void* without even 
needing a cast) or even to integers (when I started using C you didn't even 
need a cast) as glaring examples. 

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-11 Thread Araq
Yeah, file an issue. They work like in C++ or other languages, the first usage 
binds the type to the type variable other usages check for consistency with the 
bound type. As mratsim already explained:

> The signature of the proc is proc +[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T T is bound to 
> uint32 in the first case, and we can convert uint16 to uint32 losslessly. In 
> the second case, T is bound to uint16 and we can't convert uint32 to uint16 
> losslessly.


Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-11 Thread mp035
@Araq Should I raise an issue? Also would you be able to elaborate on 'how 
generic parameters work'?

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread Araq
IMO it's just a system.nim bug caused by misunderstandings about how generic 
parameters work.

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mp035
@mashingan >tldr; if the size of integer is important, always opt to explicit 
conversion That seems to be very good advice. I was considering defining my own 
operators, but it seems like the first option is the most sensible.

@mratsim I had never actually considered C to be a 'weakly typed' language. 
There seem to be various opinions on that particular subject both for and 
against. I can see what you are saying though, C is definitely **more** weakly 
typed than Nim, and I had not considered the differences in philosophy.

Thanks again everyone for your advice. 

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mp035
@mashingan >tldr; if the size of integer is important, always opt to explicit 
conversion That seems to be very good advice. I was considering defining my own 
operators, but it seems like the first option is the most sensible.

@mratsim I had never actually considered C to be a 'weakly typed' language. 
There seem to be various opinions on that particular subject both for and 
against. I can see what you are saying though, C is definitely **more** weakly 
typed than Nim, and I had not considered the differences in philosophy.

Thanks again everyone for your advice. 

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mratsim
I'd also add to @mashingan answer than Nim is a strongly typed language. 
Lossless conversion are made explicit for safety reason, we don't want you to 
lose information or data by something done under-the-hood and very 
time-consuming to debug.

Other strongly typed languages might just plain prevent you from promoting 
uint16 to uint32 implicitly.

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mashingan
_tldr; if the size of integer is important, always opt to explicit conversion_

* * *

you can define your own `+` operator for your case

proc `+`(x: uint16, y: uint32): uint32 = x.uint32 + y


But then the definition then become tedious if you have to define another with

proc `+`(x: uint32, y: uint64): uint64 = x.uint64 + y


again and again. So the `+` is defined as generic. Since generic doesn't know 
which type should it bind to, so it's logical choice to bind to first argument.

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mp035
@cdome, thanks for the suggestion, but I am working with serial protocols 
involving integers of different lengths, so lenientops is not much help. It 
works by converting between int and float. @mratsim, thank you for the 
explanation. As an experienced user (I've seen your sig many times) can you 
shed some light on why the language imposes this restriction? Nim is an 
extremely complicated language making it quite difficult to learn. It seems to 
be a very poor design choice to overly complicate even this most basic of 
operations by imposing operand order. Is there an underlying advantage 
somewhere that I am missing? What is wrong with promoting either operand (the 
way every other language ever invented does)? This is not intended to be a 
rant, I'm just trying to understand the motivation. Thanks again for your 

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread cdome
there is module in standard library: lenientops.

it should help

Re: Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mratsim
The signature of the proc is

proc `+`[T: SomeInteger](x, y: T): T


T is bound to uint32 in the first case, and we can convert uint16 to uint32 
losslessly. In the second case, T is bound to uint16 and we can't convert 
uint32 to uint16 losslessly.

Confusion on implicit integer conversion.

2019-09-10 Thread mp035
Hi, I have a simple question. The Nim manual says that integer operations will 
promote the smaller of the two to the larger, but that behavior only seems to 
hold true with specific operand order, eg:

`` var arg1:uint32 var arg2:uint16

arg1 = 10 arg2 =12 echo(arg1 + arg2) #works echo(arg2 + arg1) #fails ``

Why does the order of addition matter?