Re: wishlist for 1.4.1?

2011-07-01 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, Jul 1, 2011 at 6:10 PM, John Fallows  wrote:
> How about adding NPANDAY-449 to the 1.4.1 list?
> Btw, I uploaded a patch rather than just checking in directly.  Is that how
> you want me to proceed for now, or would you prefer I just check in
> directly?

Go for it!  Commit then review should be the default, I don't see any
reason patches would need to be reviewed in advance.


Re: [VOTE] NPanday-1.4.0-incubating

2011-05-12 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 5:44 AM, Adelita Padilla  wrote:

> I'm happy to announce that NPanday-1.4.0-incubating is available and ready
> for your testing and voting.

On the user list someone was trying to download the 1.4.0-incubating
release, which isn't available yet (until the vote finishes

I wondered where they got the link, and it seems that the website has
already been updated saying 1.4.0-incubating is available as of May 6.
 That's not correct, it should have the date of the release
announcement when it happens, not the start of the vote.

(Not a huge deal at this point since it goes to a download page that
doesn't work, and the vote is almost finished anyway.  We can just fix
the date when it's known.)


Re: [VOTE] NPanday-1.4.0-incubating

2011-05-10 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, May 10, 2011 at 7:12 AM, Adelita Padilla
>  As of now, here's the tally of votes:
>  +1 (2 binding votes)
>  +1 (3 non-binding votes)
>  We still need one more binding vote, so we could open a [VOTE] in
> @general.

Hmm actually if you go ahead and open the vote on general@, you
might get another binding vote from there.  AIUI, it's all one vote
spread across the two lists, you just have to get three Incubator PMC

And since you're going to have to leave that vote open for the
requisite three days, might as well go ahead and get it started now
that you're pretty sure things are okay with the release.


Suggestion for user & dev list separation

2011-05-08 Thread Wendy Smoak
I notice there's a user having trouble with the as-yet-unreleased
(still being voted on, right?) 1.4.0-incubating version.

It might be a good idea to reserve the user list for discussion of
released software and general questions, while inviting anyone who is
using snapshots or helping to test releases over to the dev list to
get help and give feedback.

(He's already frustrated enough, I wouldn't try to move that
conversation, just something to consider adopting as a project


Re: [VOTE] NPanday-1.4.0-incubating

2011-05-07 Thread Wendy Smoak
I think it's nice to give the community a head start before opening
the vote to incubator-general@.  It does mean a longer voting period,
but that's probably fine for now.  Has someone checked the
license/notice/signature type things already?  -Wendy

On Sat, May 7, 2011 at 7:43 AM, Brett Porter  wrote:
> Maybe we should do that now (or at the start in future)? IT would allow for 
> some more timely feedback...
> On 07/05/2011, at 7:35 PM, Adelita Padilla wrote:
>> Hi Dennis,
>> As what Lars have mentioned, we are planning to send an official vote
>> request to general@incubator after the initernal voting.

Re: Meetup?

2011-04-11 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Mon, Apr 11, 2011 at 5:41 PM, Lars Corneliussen  

> should we meet on IRC in about 8 hours and 20 minutes? having some sleep now.
> for me that would be 8am +1 (Berlin) +1 (Daylight saving time).

Was there a call before this?  I vaguely recall something but can't
find it in my archives.

Would be nice to post the irc log or a summary for those who can't attend.


Re: Finding a date for NPanday 1.3.1 Finalizing Meetup

2011-03-31 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Thu, Mar 31, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Lars Corneliussen  
> See y'all in about 16 hours, then. 8:00 Friday for me. Second option on 
> doodle.

It's nice to meet "in person" once in a while, just please make sure
to bring decisions back to the list.

(That's in the middle of the night for me.  And I do enough conference
calls for work. ;) )


Re: [NPANDAY] Proposal to upgrade Java requirement to 1.6

2011-03-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Mar 15, 2011 at 7:36 AM, Adelita Padilla
> Currently there are new commits (r1080482), that causes a compilation error
> when building the source code in a Java 1.5 environment.
> Are there any objections, if we will upgrade the pre-requisite of NPanday to
> Java 1.6 instead of Java 1.5?

Fine with me.  (Is this something that can happen in a 1.2 -> 1.3
minor release or only in a major 2.0 -> 3.0 change?)


Re: [RESULT][VOTE] NPANDAY Version 1.3 Incubating

2011-03-12 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 12:42 AM, Josimpson Ocaba  wrote:
> Incubator Release Vote
> All releases by podlings must be approved by the TODO: link Incubator PMC. 
> The conventional process is for the podling to follow the usual Apache 
> process (including TODO: link release vote) and then call for a Incubator PMC 
> VOTE on the TODO: link general incubator list.
> I think that it only requires the approval from the Incubator PMC members 
> which our mentors are a member of.
> I think notifying @general should be fine, since we could also have asked for 
> a call on VOTE from there.

No, what you quoted clearly says, "and then call for a Incubator PMC
VOTE on the general incubator list."

Sorry I misled you on irc -- I saw that you had three Incubator PMC
member votes and didn't realize that you also have to post the [VOTE]
thread over there.  :(


Re: [NPanday] - Proposal for NPanday-361

2011-03-02 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Wed, Mar 2, 2011 at 3:56 PM, Lars Corneliussen  wrote:

> as it is readonly, settings is a bad name :(
> it wasn't readonly before liits commits. i changed it to support x86 builds 
> on my 64bit machine

I'm pretty sure Brett meant the normal Maven ~/.m2/settings.xml.
Maven only reads that file, it doesn't create or change it.


Re: Will there be a 1.3.1?

2011-03-01 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 6:14 PM, Josimpson Ocaba  wrote:
> On another note I think the votes that are needed for 1.3 to be official are 
> votes from you Wendy and Gavin's.

I commented elsewhere that I'm not set up to test anything on Windows
at the moment, so don't wait for me... any three Incubator PMC members
will do.  (You can see who by looking at .  You've got Brett and
Deng already, and it looks like Dennis plans to vote.)


Re: Will there be a 1.3.1?

2011-03-01 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Mar 1, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Lars Corneliussen  

> for several reasons I'd suggest to release a 1.3.1 soon.

Release early, release often. :)  I think we're waiting on a vote or
two for 1.3.0, so it would seem reasonable to either finish that up
first, or decide to abandon it.  (Would the current infrastructure
support having two staged releases at one time?)  Either way, I
wouldn't expect it to be too long before the next one, as you noted,
there are already plenty of fixes.


Re: [NPanday] - Proposal for NPanday-361

2011-02-28 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 6:13 AM, Adelita Padilla  wrote:
> Instead of having a profile (sounds error-prone), we could set the path as 
> property (we could use the 'localRepository' property) using a command line 
> switch (so it still match the behavior of Maven).
> So for example, user will input -DlocalRepository="D:\test\repository", 
> NPanday will assume that both settings.xml and npanday-settings.xml are 
> located in "D:\test" directory. Since npanday-settings.xml is generated, 
> NPanday will check on the specified directory for that file. If ever 
> npanday-settings.xml doesn't exist yet, NPanday will generate the file in 
> that specified path.
> Does it make sense?

No... a property called localRepository should be only the location of
the local repository.  Adding "magic" like expecting to find the
settings files one level up from that will get you into trouble.  What
if someone puts their local repository in f:\ ?  What if the user
doesn't have permission to write to the parent directory?

Maven uses the -s switch on the command line to point to the settings
file.   Is there any reason you need more than that?

Before you invent a property, does Maven already have one it knows
about for the regular settings.xml file?


Re: Ping: [VOTE] NPANDAY Version 1.3 Incubating

2011-02-23 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 1:34 AM, Josimpson Ocaba  wrote:

> Ping for those that have not yet voted for 1.3 Incubating :D

Unfortunately I'm not set up to test anything on Windows.

I did notice, however, that the staged artifacts are showing up in
search and browse on vmbuild, for example:

I started to open a bug against the repository staging/promotion
feature, then I realized it's running Archiva 1.3.x. :)

I would think staged artifacts should not be so visible, perhaps
un-checking 'scannable' for that repo would be good?  I tried
resetting my password to see if I have access to change it but I
haven't received an email yet.


Re: [NPanday] - Proposal for NPanday-361

2011-02-15 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Tue, Feb 15, 2011 at 5:58 AM, Adelita Padilla  wrote:
> For the possible fix for this issue, I'd agree with Terence's suggestion that 
> we have an additional NPANDAY profile set in the settings.xml.  A property is 
> set in the profile that will contain the path to where npanday-settings.xml 
> will be generated.  NPanday will check first if that certain profile is not 
> null, then check if the property is not null also.  The path specified in the 
> property will be the path where NPanday will generate the 
> npanday-settings.xml file.  If no profile/property is set, NPanday will 
> generate npanday-settings.xml in .m2 folder.

Here's the issue:

Adding a(nother) profile to settings.xml sounds error prone.  I'd
prefer to have it match the behavior of Maven as closely as possible,
which I think means using a command line switch.

How about just looking for that switch and assuming that settings.xml
and npanday-settings.xml are in the same place?  Is there any reason
for the NPanday settings to need to live in a different place than the
regular settings?

If so, then I suppose a property is the way to go.  But I would just
expect it to be set on the command line.

Because NPanday is the 'second' settings file, it will probably be
possible to set the property in settings.xml and it will be there by
the time NPanday wants it.  I don't think this should require a
'special' profile id.

Keep it simple. :)

Comment from the peanut gallery:  can you describe the problem you're
trying to solve when you propose a solution?  For someone just
scanning the mailing list, this doesn't make much sense out of
context.  But if you give more info you might get someone interested
enough to go read the full history (include a link to the issue
tracker?) and maybe even get involved to help.  At a minimum you'll
insert some information in the casual observer's brain about How Stuff


Re: [NPANDAY] NPanday-1.3-incubating now ready for testing

2011-01-22 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 3:32 AM, Adelita Padilla

> NPanday-1.3-incubating is now ready for testing!
> The binaries can be downloaded here -> 

Thanks!  Are there release notes and some instructions for
installing/using it published somewhere?


Re: [NPanday] NPanday 1.3-incubating released!

2011-01-19 Thread Wendy Smoak
On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 8:13 AM, Adelita Padilla
> I was able to successfully release npanday-1.3-incubating-RC1.
> The binaries can be downloaded here -> 
> However, I encountered several errors in doing so:

Thanks for pushing through and getting it to finish, that doesn't
sound like it was much fun!

The subject line of this thread caught my eye -- "released" at Apache
usually means that it has been voted on and is ready to be given to
users.  Maybe next time something like  'release candidate available
for testing' would be better? I think there are some examples on the
Maven dev list, they also do release candidates.

Now I'll have to see if I even have Windows anywhere to test this...


Re: svn commit: r1002923 - in /incubator/npanday/branches/npanday-vs2010-support: ./ components/dotnet-artifact/src/main/java/npanday/artifact/impl/ components/dotnet-artifact/src/main/resources/META-

2010-09-30 Thread Wendy Smoak
Was there an issue number for this?  Thanks, -Wendy

On Wed, Sep 29, 2010 at 9:43 PM,   wrote:
> Author: apadilla
> Date: Thu Sep 30 01:43:08 2010
> New Revision: 1002923
> URL:
> Log:
> * added patch submitted by crimmc for VS 2010 support
> * revised vsinstaller plugin to enable auto generation of addin file in VS2010
> * revised addin in template/NPanday.VisualStudio.Addin so that addin file 
> will be available in VS 2010 Addin Manager