[ns] plz reply Link state problem

2010-04-21 Thread waqar haq


im running link state routing protocol successfully that is
rtproto ls here it uses only hop count to find the shortest path from
src to dtn route.cc we can see that i want to find the shortest path
from src to detn using bandwidth and delay(propagation and queuing
delay) how to add delay and bandwidth to route.cc to find the shortest
path. pls help me and guide me

thanking all

[ns] plz reply Link state problem

2010-04-20 Thread waqar haq


im running link state routing protocol successfully that is
rtproto ls here it uses only hop count to find the shortest path from
src to dtn route.cc we can see that i want to find the shortest path
from src to detn using bandwidth and delay(propagation and queuing
delay) how to add delay and bandwidth to route.cc to find the shortest
path. pls help me and guide me

thanking all

[ns] Link state problem

2010-04-19 Thread waqar haq


im running link state routing protocol successfully that is
rtproto ls here it uses only hop count to find the shortest path from
src to dtn route.cc we can see that i want to find the shortest path
from src to detn using bandwidth and delay(propagation and queuing
delay) how to add delay and bandwidth to route.cc to find the shortest
path. pls help me and guide me

thanking all

[ns] Link state problem

2010-04-19 Thread waqar haq


im running link state routing protocol successfully that is
rtproto ls here it uses only hop count to find the shortest path from
src to dtn route.cc we can see that i want to find the shortest path
from src to detn using bandwidth and delay(propagation and queuing
delay) how to add delay and bandwidth to route.cc to find the shortest
path. pls help me and guide me

thanking all

[ns] Link state problem

2010-04-18 Thread waqar haq


im running link state routing protocol successfully that is
rtproto ls here it uses only hop count to find the shortest path from
src to dtn route.cc we can see that i want to find the shortest path
from src to detn using bandwidth and delay(propagation and queuing
delay) how to add delay and bandwidth to route.cc to find the shortest
path. pls help me and guide me

thanking all

[ns] Link state problem

2010-04-16 Thread waqar haq

can anybody tell me how to enable load balancing and bandwidth count
features of link state

plz plz help me

[ns] Link state routing Algo problem

2010-04-09 Thread waqar haq


well its quite easy to use link state routing protocol in ns2

simply use

$ns rtproto LS

but what if we have to do load balancing and also want routing agent to
consider link bandwidth before taking routing decisions.
Aare there any options ???

Thnxs in Advance

[ns] multipath problem

2010-04-02 Thread waqar haq

 well i was trying to insert multiple routes to node
but following error are comming

below is the code
plz reply

Agent/rtProto/SLRA instproc madd-route {peerAddr dst check nodeid} {
  $self instvar nextHop_
  global multi test target_list
  puts "check $check"
  set node_ [$self id2handle $nodeid]
  set dest_ [$self id2handle $dst]
  if { $multi !=1} {
  puts "for subnet $dst the link is $peerAddr"
  set ns_ [Simulator instance]
  set nullAgent_ [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
  set a [$dest_ set address_]
  set b [$ns_ link $node_ $peerAddr]
  if { $test == 1 } {
   lset target_list 0 $b
   set test 2
   } else {
  lappend target_list $b
  puts " target list $target_list"

   if { $check == 1 } {
if { $nextHop_($dest_) != "" } {
   $node_ delete-route [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst) $nullAgent_
   $node_ add-routes $dst $target_list
   $node_ set multipath_ 1

it gives following error

ns: _o371 madd-route 3 5 1 2: can't read "class::": no such variable
while executing
"warn "$class::$proc cannot install multiple routes""
invoked from within
"if !$multiPath_ {
if {[llength $ifs] > 1} {
warn "$class::$proc cannot install multiple routes"
set ifs [lindex $ifs 0]
$self add-route $id [$ifs he..."
(procedure "_o16" line 3)
(Node add-routes line 3)
invoked from within
"$node_ add-routes $dst $target_list"
(procedure "_o371" line 44)
(Agent/rtProto/SLRA madd-route line 44)
invoked from within
"_o371 madd-route 3 5 1 2" [/code]

[ns] Multipath routing problem

2010-03-28 Thread waqar haq


i m writing a routing Algo. for the wired network
i have write most of the code and now working with load balancing issue

i have formulated it and have also write the code

but problem is after sensing a congestion in a network or getting link
utilization high

it calls my method madd-routes which add multiple routes for load balancing
but the problem is that

it only shift the traffic for once

i have found that ns2 send traffic in round robin when multipath_ is set to
as define in ns notes

what would be the problem???

here is the code snippet

Agent/rtProto/SLRA instproc madd-route {peerAddr dst check nodeid} {
$self instvar nextHop_

global multi
puts "check $check"
set node_ [$self id2handle $nodeid]
set dest_ [$self id2handle $dst]

puts "for subnet $dst the link is $peerAddr"
set ns_ [Simulator instance]
set nullAgent_ [$ns_ set nullAgent_]
set a [$dest_ set address_]
set b [$ns_ link $node_ $peerAddr]

lappend target_list $b

if { $check == 1 } {
if { $nextHop_($dest_) != "" } {
$node_ delete-route [$dst id] $nextHop_($dst) $nullAgent_
$node_ add-routes $dst $target_list
$node_ set multipath_ 1
set $multi 1

# check is use to to check whehter all routes are added in terget list and
is #controlled in c++

[ns] Multipath routing info

2010-03-20 Thread waqar haq


i m doing some load balancing stuff i have multiple routes to destination in
my routing table

can you tell me how i can use these routes for load balancing

i have searched and find out that we have to set multipath to 1 then it uses
it all the routes in round robin fashion

any info or pointers are welcome


[ns] getting link queue class prob

2010-03-15 Thread waqar haq

hi to all

well these are problems i m facing now

i was trying to get nos of bytes currently contain in a Que

after searching i have found that queue class contain a packetqueue object
that have a protected variable "bytes_"
i have done this to get a queue handle

set queulimt  [[[$ns link $node $nbr ] set queue_] set limit_]

it gives me max nos of packet queue can contain

i found no way to communicate the queue class in c++
and  finds out that queue doesnt have any command funtion

then i turn back to droptail queue classs and find out that it contain a
command function and also contain base class queue::command();
but i havent found any implementation of queue::command()

further more when i try to write my own command funtion in existing queue
base class it gives an errror of unknown split object

then i done this ,
set queu  [[[$ns link $node $nbr ] set queue_]

 then i took the refrence back to my c++ code

there i done this

Queue *q;
q=argv[9]  /// as it comes at postion 9

it gives a segmentation fault error

then i tries to create a bind object like

 bind("byte_", tmpq);

and in tcl i set it with queu handle

$self set byte_ $queue

and in c++

   Tcl::instance().evalf("puts \"bytes %d\"",tmpq->byteLength());

output was 0 at that time

do you have any other idea about this

[ns] queue split object prob

2010-03-12 Thread waqar haq

hi to all

plz do reply, i m in die hard need

i was trying to get nos of bytes currently contain in a que

after searching i have found that queue class contain a packetqueue object
that hav a protected variable "bytes_"

i have done this to get a queue handle

set queu [[[$ns link $node $nbr ] set queue_] set limit_]

it gives me max nos of packet queue can contain

but i want to communicate queue c++ class ,but finds out that queue doesnt
have any command funtion

then i turn back to droptail queue classs and find out that it contain a
command function and also contain queue::command();

but i havent found any implementation of queue::command()

further more when i try to write my own command funtion in existing queue
base class it gives an errror of unknown split object

can any any one tell me whats really hapning and it there any thing i can do
to get bytes_ value in my program

thnks alot

and plz do reply

[ns] getting queue limit prob

2010-03-09 Thread waqar haq

hi to all
m trying to get a queue limit using this code

set queue [[$ns_ link $node $nbr] set queue_]
set queueli [$queue queue_in_bytes_]
puts "queuuelimit $queueli"

i have used simple drop tail queue
after getting handle of queue from link
i tried to use queue_in_bytes as its bind with tcl i have checked in
droptail class in c++
but its was not working , it says

set savedInfo $errorInfo
error "error when calling class $cls: $args" $..."
(procedure "_o46" line 2)
(SplitObject unknown line 2)
invoked from within
"$queue queue_in_bytes_"

help me out plzz

[ns] LInk bandwidth issue plz reply

2010-02-24 Thread waqar haq

hi to all
plz do reply m in despratre need of it

i have implented a routing algo and i want to get information about how much
the link is utilized

and further more

can anyone tell me how

an you tell me how to get bandwith of a link

i tried the following scheme but its not working

set ns_ [Simulator instance]
set link_ [$ns_ link $node $nbr]
set bw [$link_  bw?]
puts "bandwidh $bw"

and in ns-link i wrote a proc

Link instproc bw? {} {
 $self instvar bandwidth_
 $link_ set b $bandwidth_
 return $b


but its not working

[ns] how to get link utilization info

2010-02-23 Thread waqar haq

hi to all

i have implented a routing algo and i want to get information about how much
the link is utilized

and further more

can anyone tell me how

an you tell me how to get bandwith of a link

i tried the following scheme but its not working

set ns_ [Simulator instance]
set link_ [$ns_ link $node $nbr]
set bw [$link_  bw?]
puts "bandwidh $bw"

and in ns-link i wrote a proc

Link instproc bw? {} {
 $self instvar bandwidth_
 $link_ set b $bandwidth_
 return $b


but its not working

[ns] getting link bandwith prob

2010-02-21 Thread waqar haq

hey hi to all

can you tell me how to get bandwith of a link

i tried the following scheme but its not working

set ns_ [Simulator instance]
set link_ [$ns_ link $node $nbr]
set bw [$link_  bw?]
puts "bandwidh $bw"

and in ns-link i wrote a proc

Link instproc bw? {} {
 $self instvar bandwidth_
 $link_ set b $bandwidth_
 return $b


but its not working

thnks in advance

[ns] creating to new adder classifier problem

2010-02-14 Thread waqar haq

i have created a routing algorithm by further inherating it from


i want my Algo to receive all packet that is received by the node should
also recieved by my agent too
wat would be the solution???

and i have learned tht it would be easy to create a addr classifier if so

can you tell me how to create

give me some link about it


[ns] tcp and udp on same node problem

2010-02-14 Thread waqar haq

hey hi 2 all

well i have created my routing protocol and it works gud

when i use udp simulate -- it works fine

when i use tcp simulate it also works fine---

but when i use both as a source at same node at a time  tcp doesn't
simulate or no simulation is performed only routing packets are animated

can you suggest ??

[ns] how to Create Adr classifier

2010-02-11 Thread waqar haq

Hello and to all

i have created a routing algorithm by further inherating it from


i want my Algo to receive all packet that is received by the node
wat would be the solution???

and i have learned tht it would be easy to create a addr classifier if so

can you tell me how to create

give me some link about it


[ns] Add-route is not working

2010-02-10 Thread waqar haq

i have implemented a routing algorithm for wired network

after calculating routes

i called a function from c++ to tcl that does following

 $node_ add-route $subnet $peerAddr
 puts "$node_ add-route $subnet $peerAddr"


every thing is going fine and simulation ends without any error

but no data traffic is generated
and when i dump the routes i found no routes added in nodes routing table

can any one tell me whats really the problem is


[ns] size of packet and Application traffic

2010-02-07 Thread waqar haq


i have tried to create a routing algo for the wired network

i follow the dv and use dv tcl script where neccessay and port almost
everything in c++,

every thing is going fine

but there are some problem too

i don't how to set size_ of my packet consequently, in trace file it put 0
in packet size

and my application layer traffic is not started

when simulation begin it computes routing info and simulated routing traffic
,and then stop .i dont why it is not sending data traffic

i also install route in appropriate node but no data traffic still

[ns] Directed broadcast

2010-02-05 Thread waqar haq


can any one tell me how to send a directed broadcast
actually i want to send the packet to all interface except the one from
which i receive

i tried a loop but it gives me Event scheduler error with wrong event id

plz help me

[ns] Multiple destination

2010-02-04 Thread waqar haq

hi ya

can any one tell me how to send a packet to multiple destination

i have tried a scheme but it wont work

i put the target in the loop

this is just a code
for the demonstrtion

for (NNode *n = ntable_->node_; n != NULL; n = n->next) {
   if (n->status == DIRECT && n->link != pip->src_.addr_) {
Tcl::instance().evalf("puts \"SLP send from %d  to link: %d on
port %d by: %d\"",index.addr_ , n->link,n->port, pip->src_.addr_ );
//Packet *t = Agent::allocpkt();
hdr_SLRA* tslra = hdr_SLRA::access(t);
hdr_ip* tip = hdr_ip::access(t);
hdr_cmn* tcmn = hdr_cmn::access(t);
tip->daddr() = n_dest;
tip->dport() = n->port;
tip->saddr()= index.addr_;
tip->sport()= index.port_;

after running the scirpt i got wrong event id error

can any body help me