Re: [NTG-context] (Mathe)Problem with $\tilde x$ and $\bar x$

2004-05-25 Thread Hans Hagen
At 20:24 25/05/2004, Helmut Schwertner wrote:
the example further down works fine with the latex standard fonts and e.g. 
eulervm, but not with fourier. Could somebody help me?

Thank you very much in advance,
% --example-
$\tilde x$ ~~=~~ Median, Zentralwert
$\bar x$ ~~=~~ Arithmetischer Mittelwert
probably the file math-fou.tex is incomplete, so if you can figure out what 
to add ...

you can use \showfont[fontname] to get a map

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] (Mathe)Problem with $\tilde x$ and $\bar x$

2004-05-25 Thread Adam Lindsay
Helmut Schwertner said this at Tue, 25 May 2004 20:24:58 +0200:

>the example further down works fine with the latex standard fonts and 
>e.g. eulervm, but not with fourier. Could somebody help me?

Hello, Helmut:

Try adding the following lines. They would normally go into math-fou.tex.

 \definemathsymbol [acute][accent] [mr] ["1]
 \definemathsymbol [grave][accent] [mr] ["0]
 \definemathsymbol [ddot] [accent] [mr] ["4]
 \definemathsymbol [tilde][accent] [mr] ["3]
 \definemathsymbol [bar]  [accent] [mr] ["9]
 \definemathsymbol [breve][accent] [mr] ["8]
 \definemathsymbol [check][accent] [mr] ["7]
 \definemathsymbol [hat]  [accent] [mr] ["2]
 \definemathsymbol [dot]  [accent] [mr] ["A]
 \definemathsymbol [mathring] [accent] [mr] ["6]

% and for fun:
 \definemathsymbol [otheralpha]   [ord] [mi] ["0B]
 \definemathsymbol [otherbeta][ord] [mi] ["0C]
 \definemathsymbol [othergamma]   [ord] [mi] ["0D]
 \definemathsymbol [otherdelta]   [ord] [mi] ["0E]
 \definemathsymbol [otherepsilon] [ord] [mi] ["0F]
 \definemathsymbol [otherzeta][ord] [mi] ["10]

Hopefully, Hans can add these for the next release. :D

 Adam T. Lindsay  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] m-bib sorting, etc.

2004-05-25 Thread Peter Münster
On Thu, 13 Mar 2003, Eckhart Guthöhrlein wrote:

> Am Donnerstag, 13. März 2003 16:13 schrieb Bruce D'Arcus:
> > > \setupbibtex[sort=author]
> > > \setuppublications[sorttype=bbl]
> >
> > If I understand correctly, if I have this code in the preamble and I
> > run BibTeX, the cont-au.bst file ought to be automatically used.  Is
> Yes. Another bug. You have to manually edit the aux file produced by the first
> tex run and replace cont-no by cont-au. Even worse: since the extension .aux
> is hard coded in bibtex, and since the file is written each time you run tex,
> you will have to do this before every bibtex run (i.e., every time you make
> changes to your bib database).

does anybody know, how to fix this bug?
If not, I'm going to try it...
Cheers, Peter

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[NTG-context] (Mathe)Problem with $\tilde x$ and $\bar x$

2004-05-25 Thread Helmut Schwertner
the example further down works fine with the latex standard fonts and 
e.g. eulervm, but not with fourier. Could somebody help me?

Thank you very much in advance,
% --example-
$\tilde x$ ~~=~~ Median, Zentralwert
$\bar x$ ~~=~~ Arithmetischer Mittelwert
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] pagination bug

2004-05-25 Thread Nigel King
The following minimum file does not paginate correctly. It overflows 
the second page. Removing the figure or the second level of itemization 
fixes the pagination. I have enclosed the text of the file and the file 
itself for ease of reproduction.

I am using the latest stable version from i-installer. I actually think 
I have had this problem before but not tracked it down.

  {big figure}
\dorecurse{10} {\item repeated}
\dorecurse{10} {\item repeated indent}
\dorecurse{7}{\input zapf \par\relax}

Description: TeX document

[NTG-context] Fwd: strange problem []

2004-05-25 Thread Adam Tee
On 05/25/04 19:04:36, Adam Tee wrote:
Hi all,
I have a small problem with a document I am processing. When I include  
a certain file , using \component productions, and process it I get the  
following error.

! Missing } inserted.


l.56 \stopappendices
However, if I run the file on its own it processes fine no errors.   
Does anyone know the solution to this as it is causing problems with  
some references.

Also, is there a way to easily adjust the distance between  
abbreviations and their infull versions on the Abbreviations page as I  
have some overlap ??

ntg-context mailing list

Re : [NTG-context] amsl: startcases/stopcases

2004-05-25 Thread David Munger
> Is there some way of telling startcases/stopcases to behave in
> mode?
Yup, I just changed a couple of things and now we have a
\startbigcases ... \stopbigcases for this. Will upload new
version soon.
Oh, great! I'm really looking forward to get this new version. By the  
way, would you be so kind to include some multiline equation  
environment? Something like (or better than)

 first part of very long equation
 second part of very long equation
 third part of very long equation
which I achieve at the moment by doing
   first part of very long equation
   \hskip 1.5em
   \\ \hfill
   second part of very long equation
   \\ \hfill
   third and part of very long equation
But this does not work as well I wish. I'd like to substitute the  
'\hskip 1.5 em' after the first line for a '\hfill' so that it always  
be the leftmost line, but the latter does nothing at all. So I have to  
put a '\hskip' and tweak the distance by hand.

Thanks for you help,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] amsl: startcases/stopcases

2004-05-25 Thread Giuseppe Bilotta
Thursday, May 20, 2004 David Munger wrote:

> Hello Giuseppe,

> I'm having a little trouble with the cases in amsl.

> Compiling this:

> \[
>   f(x) =
>   \startcases
> 0& \text{if $x < -\epsilon$} \\
> \frac12  & \text{if $x >  \epsilon$}
>   \stopcases
> \]

> results in an error around the \frac.

Hello David, sorry for the delay.

The problem is caused by \frac being defined in the newmat
module as

%D Better:


If you comment that line, it will compile flawlessly.

Hans, why would you want to allow \frac in text mode?

> Changing it to \dfrac makes the input compile ok, but
> typesets the cases in an ugly manner with really narrow
> spacing.


> Is there some way of telling startcases/stopcases to behave in display
> mode?

Yup, I just changed a couple of things and now we have a
\startbigcases ... \stopbigcases for this. Will upload new
version soon.

Giuseppe "Oblomov" Bilotta

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] RE: Two questions on Context

2004-05-25 Thread Willi Egger
Hi Roelof,
I do not understand this. I use the egnlish interface an use there
\completecontent at the beginning of the document
later on I use under each chapter title
\placecontent[criterium=chapter]. This gives me the required TOC inside 
each chapter.

So I am a bit puzzled.

Roelof Langman wrote:
Hi Willy,
Thanks! Using \setupbodyfont solves my first problem.
Unfortunately, using \plaatsinhoud[criterium=onderwerp] does not solve my
second problem. No table of contents is generated.
Cheers! Roelof

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