Re: [NTG-context] New math feature requests

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Tue, 8 Aug 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

> Hi Hans and Taco,
> I am back with some more math request

Forgot a small request: Can this be added to core-mat.tex


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] New math feature requests

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
Hi Hans and Taco,

I am back with some more math request---one alignment construct, one 
inner math alignment construct, and one formula tagging request. These 
are primarily to "complete" the context math environments. I am 
posting here rather than on the dev list, so that other math users can 
also contribute. This is a loong mail.

1. Multiline equations (they are called multline equations in amsmath)

This is used to write multiline formulas (where alignement does not 
make sense). The first line is left aligned, the last line is 
rightaligned and all the middle lines are middle aligned.

The entire formula gets only one number. If the formulas are numbered 
on the right, then the formula number is located on the last line; if 
the formulas are numbered on the left, then the formula number is 
located on the first line.

The alignment of a single line can be changed.

The first and the last line have a gap equal to \multlinegap from the 
text border. If the formula is numbered, the gap is used only for the 
line without the number.

I do not know what is a good syntax for this command. First of all, I 
think we should call it multiline (rather than multline as in ams). 
Then we can have

   \NC f(x) = ax \NR
   \NC + bx + c + \NR
   \NC e \NR

This should come out as (assuming formulas are numbered on the right)

   5pt gap
|---f(x) = ax| < left aligned
|  + bx + c  +   | < middle aligned
|   + e  (1) | < right aligned

If the formulas are numbered on the left
|(1) f(x) = ax   |
|   + bx + c +   |
|  + e---|
5pt gap

If there is no placeformula in the front then

|---f(x) = ax |<-- left aligned (5pt gap)
|+ bx + c +   |<-- middle aligned
|   + e---|<-- right aligned with 5pt gap

If should be possible to get the 2nd line right aligned by using

\NC f(x) = ax\NR
\NC[align=right] + bx + c +  \NR
\NC  +e  \NR

I am not sure of the syntax and the above \NC...\NR is just to 
illustrate the point.

PS: I do not use multline of amsmath frequently. If someone does use 
it, please read this carefully to ensure that I did not misread the 

2. In amsmath, most of alignment constructs exist in two forms: outer 
and inner. The mathalignment implemented in core-mat.tex corresponds 
to outer alignment. The inner alignment is same as outer alignment, 
but is only as wide as necessay. The most common amsmath inner 
alignment constructs are aligned and gathered. It is easiest to 
explain by means of an example. Suppose I want to type

   a x + b y = c `\
   } (simultaneous equations)
   d x + e y = f  /

I want to be able to do


 \NC ax + by \EQ c \NR
 \NC dx + ey \EQ f \NR
   \quad \text{(simultaneous equations)}

One crude way to implement this is as follows

   %Whatever corresponds to left=
   % I do not know how to do this in terms of hboxes
   \vskip-\baselineskip %There should be a better way
   \startformula \startalign[n=2]}

   \stopalign \stopformula
   \egroup%end of framed
   % Whatever correspons to right=

 \NC ax + by \EQ c \NR
 \NC dx + ey \EQ f \NR
   \quad \text{(simultaneous equations)}

I am sure that this definition can be improved. The innermath 
environments should take three types of options 
(n=...,m=,distance=,etc, that are passed to \startalign; 
left=...,right=..., that put the left and right delimiters; and 
location=high|low|lohi that align the innermath environment to the 
baseline. Notice that the crude definition that I have given does not 
handle location nicely.

I know Tex's limitation of scaling left and right delimiters on both 
sides of the math centerline, making it difficult to handle left|right 
and location correctly. It there is no easy fix, left|right can be 
left out.

Such a construct will take care of aligned, gathered and split 
environments of amsmath.

3. Formula tagging

amsmath allows formulas to be tagged. I will explain amsmath's 
behaviour and hope that Hans can come up with the context way of doing 
such things.

Occasionally, one wants to tag a formula, e.g.

\placefomrula[a] \startformula
   a x = b

\placetaggedformula[b]{*} \startformula
   x = \frac {b}{a}

should come out as

 a x = b  (1)
 x = b/a  (*)

Notice that ( and ) correspond to left and right in setupformulas. It 
should also be possible to place a tag without these brackets, so

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Mojca Miklavec wrote:

> On 8/7/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
>>> (I'll spare you the fun with sections for some other time,) but since
>>> you reminded me that I might have some questions left, here you have
>>> another one: how do I replace hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes with
>>> "spaces/line breaks"?
>>> does what I want, but none of the following works:
>> \catcode`-=\active \def-{ }
> I tried that one already, but it didn't work. Now I figured out that
> it was because of nesting the definitions (perhaps even some
> interference with negative numbers?), not because of wrong definition
> on itself.
> I'm sorry.
> Mojca
> (But my fear is that the whole problem is too complex anyway (tables,
> ...) to be solved elegantly.)

You should not be writing tables in abstracts!

Here is my attempt. Seems to work correctly for simple text, 
references, simple markup etc. Try anything too fancy and you are in 
trouble. I changed the name to start stop stats, as I was mistyping 
startstatistics :-).




   {% treat non-breakable space as a normal one
 % treat endash, emdash and - as normal space
 \def-{ }
 %\setupframed[align=normal]%Frames do not work correctly

 \setbox0\vbox\bgroup  % \tracingall -)
 \forgetall \nohyphens \hsize1mm}

 \dontcomplain %Why do I still get overfull \hbox warnings
 \beginshapebox \unvcopy0 \endshapebox
 \unvbox0 %Uncomment for debug
 \par lines: \the\noflines\space
 words: \NOfLines\par\egroup}




\ShowStats{abc~def ghi-jkl -- mno --- prs}

\ShowStats{abc-def -- ghi --- jkl}

\ShowStats{a, b}


\ShowStats{We do some great things in \in{section}[a]}
% I do not know the internals, but section 1 seems unbreakable

\ShowStats{$a=b$} %What did you expect? It may be possible to treat
   %each math token as mathord and allow it to break
   %but that will not give any better results.

This is a test

\ShowStats{\startformula a = b + c \stopformula}

\ShowStats{\framed{This is a test}}

\ShowStats{\starthiding Another test \stophiding Does this work?}
% Buffers do not work and fail silently.

\ShowStats{This is {\bf Bold} and {\it Italic}}

\ShowStats{\input tufte}


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] safe way of writing arguments

2006-08-07 Thread Jano Kula

Is it safe to leave spare comma at the end of the key=value list or 
other list of arguments?

It is not nice, but when adding/commenting arguments in readable way 
(one per line) it's faster and while experimenting with parameters one 
doesn't have to care about the last comma adding or removing it back and 
forth, for example:





Jano Kula

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
> in such case you need to add a \dontleavehmode to force tex into
> starting a paragraph

Is that better than using \noindentation (suggested by the other
Mahajan)?  The one problem with it that I found is an extra space in
indentation for the first paragraph. I guess it's because there's a
space in horizontal mode somewhere that isn't being ignored (as it
would have been in vertical mode)?


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 8/7/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
> > (I'll spare you the fun with sections for some other time,) but since
> > you reminded me that I might have some questions left, here you have
> > another one: how do I replace hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes with
> > "spaces/line breaks"?
> >\catcode`~=13\let~=\space
> > does what I want, but none of the following works:
> >\def\-{\space}
> >\def-{\space}
> >\let\-=\space
> >
> \catcode`-=\active \def-{ }

I tried that one already, but it didn't work. Now I figured out that
it was because of nesting the definitions (perhaps even some
interference with negative numbers?), not because of wrong definition
on itself.

I'm sorry.


(But my fear is that the whole problem is too complex anyway (tables,
...) to be solved elegantly.)

{\setbox0\vbox\bgroup  % \tracingall -)
 \forgetall \nohyphens \hsize1mm
 % treat non-breakable space as a normal one
 % treat en-dash as a normal one
 \catcode`-=\active \def-{ } % ERROR
 \beginshapebox \unvcopy0 \endshapebox
 #1\crlf\unvbox0\crlf words: \NOfLines\crlf}


abc~def ghi-jkl -- mno --- prs

% works OK
%abc-def -- ghi --- jkl
% \catcode`-=\active \def-{ }
%abc-def -- ghi --- jkl

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> From:Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> The current release has version 2006.08.04
> After updating I see a slightly earlier date:
>   CtxTools | context version: 2006.08.02 23:31
>> * some identation problems removed
> I just tested yesterday's example of paragraph indention combined with
> before= and after= keys in setuphead, and it has the same problem
> (indenting the before hairline and the first text line after the
> heading).
in such case you need to add a \dontleavehmode to force tex into starting a 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On 8/7/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
>> Mojca Miklavec wrote:

>> yeah, a famous tex master piece!
 But of course, you will not write anything like this in an abstract

>> hm, let me provide a word counter for that one before you get the idea to 
>> ask for it -)
> Whom did you have in mind? I would never have thought about asking
> such a question. ;)
>> \starttext
>> \setbox0\vbox\bgroup  % \tracingall -)
>> \forgetall \nohyphens \hsize1mm
>> \let\bye\egroup \bgroup
>> \let~\catcode~`76~`A13~`F1~`j00~`P2jdefA71F~`7113jdefPALLF
>> A@@FfPARR717273F737271P;ADDFRgniPAWW71FPATTFvePA**FstRsamP
>> AGGFRruoPAqq71.72.F717271PAYY7172F727171PA??Fi*LmPA&&71jfi
>> Fjfi71PAVVFjbigskipRPWGAUU71727374 75,76Fjpar71727375Djifx
>> :76jelse&[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> RrhC?yLRurtKFeLPFovPgaTLtReRomL;PABB71 72,73:Fjif.73.jelse
>> B73:jfiXF71PU71 72,73:PWs;AMM71F71diPAJJFRdriPAQQFRsreLPAI
>> I71Fo71dPA!!FRgiePBt'el@ lTLqdrYmu.Q.,Ke;vz vzLqpip.Q.,tz;
>> ;Lql.IrsZ.eap,qn.i. i.eLlMaesLdRcna,;!;h htLqm.MRasZ.ilk,%
>> s$;z zLqs'.ansZ.Ymi,/sx ;LYegseZRyal,@i;@ TLRlogdLrDsW,@;G
>> LcYlaDLbJsW,SWXJW ree @rzchLhzsW,;WERcesInW qt.'oL.Rtrul;e
>> doTsW,Wk;[EMAIL PROTECTED] aHAHHFndZPpqar.tridgeLinZpe.LtYer.W,:jbye
>> \egroup
>> \newcounter\NOfLines
>> \beginshapebox \unvcopy0 \endshapebox
>> \reshapebox{\doglobal\increment\NOfLines}
>> \getnoflines{\ht0}
>> lines: \the\noflines
>> words: \NOfLines\par
>> % \unvbox0
>> \stoptext
> (I'll spare you the fun with sections for some other time,) but since
> you reminded me that I might have some questions left, here you have
> another one: how do I replace hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes with
> "spaces/line breaks"?
> does what I want, but none of the following works:
\catcode`-=\active \def-{ }


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Idris Samawi Hamid wrote:
> On Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:07:49 -0600, Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  
> wrote:
>> A very short list of changes is given below. As usual, there is an
>> html page with more detailed release notes available on the Wiki, see:
> Does that include the core-fig change
> \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox to \fighei
> into
> \global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox to \fighei
> so that figures work in global RL?


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Idris Samawi Hamid
On Mon, 07 Aug 2006 03:07:49 -0600, Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

> A very short list of changes is given below. As usual, there is an
> html page with more detailed release notes available on the Wiki, see:

Does that include the core-fig change

\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\vbox to \fighei


\global\setbox\foundexternalfigure\naturalvbox to \fighei

so that figures work in global RL?


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client:
ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] environment files and indenting

2006-08-07 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
Not sure what I'm doing wrong here, but this is the minimal example I
could make.  The environment file ne.tex contains

\startenvironment ne

And the test file is

\environment ne
x = 10

texexec'ing test.tex says:

Overfull \hbox (17.62474pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 4--4

But if I inline the environment file, to get

\startenvironment ne
x = 10

then texexec doesn't produce any overfull \hbox.

My guess is that the 17.6247pt overage is the amount of medium
indenting, and somehow the display math mode is getting confused and
trying to indent itself?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 8/7/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
> Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> yeah, a famous tex master piece!
> >> But of course, you will not write anything like this in an abstract
> >> :-)
> >>
> hm, let me provide a word counter for that one before you get the idea to ask 
> for it -)

Whom did you have in mind? I would never have thought about asking
such a question. ;)

> \starttext
> \setbox0\vbox\bgroup  % \tracingall -)
> \forgetall \nohyphens \hsize1mm
> \let\bye\egroup \bgroup
> \let~\catcode~`76~`A13~`F1~`j00~`P2jdefA71F~`7113jdefPALLF
> A@@FfPARR717273F737271P;ADDFRgniPAWW71FPATTFvePA**FstRsamP
> AGGFRruoPAqq71.72.F717271PAYY7172F727171PA??Fi*LmPA&&71jfi
> Fjfi71PAVVFjbigskipRPWGAUU71727374 75,76Fjpar71727375Djifx
> :76jelse&[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> RrhC?yLRurtKFeLPFovPgaTLtReRomL;PABB71 72,73:Fjif.73.jelse
> B73:jfiXF71PU71 72,73:PWs;AMM71F71diPAJJFRdriPAQQFRsreLPAI
> I71Fo71dPA!!FRgiePBt'el@ lTLqdrYmu.Q.,Ke;vz vzLqpip.Q.,tz;
> ;Lql.IrsZ.eap,qn.i. i.eLlMaesLdRcna,;!;h htLqm.MRasZ.ilk,%
> s$;z zLqs'.ansZ.Ymi,/sx ;LYegseZRyal,@i;@ TLRlogdLrDsW,@;G
> LcYlaDLbJsW,SWXJW ree @rzchLhzsW,;WERcesInW qt.'oL.Rtrul;e
> doTsW,Wk;[EMAIL PROTECTED] aHAHHFndZPpqar.tridgeLinZpe.LtYer.W,:jbye
> \egroup
> \newcounter\NOfLines
> \beginshapebox \unvcopy0 \endshapebox
> \reshapebox{\doglobal\increment\NOfLines}
> \getnoflines{\ht0}
> lines: \the\noflines
> words: \NOfLines\par
> % \unvbox0
> \stoptext

(I'll spare you the fun with sections for some other time,) but since
you reminded me that I might have some questions left, here you have
another one: how do I replace hyphens, en-dashes and em-dashes with
"spaces/line breaks"?
does what I want, but none of the following works:

Thanks to the magicians,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Nicolas Grilly
I'm sorry to come with another problem related to character alignment...

My natural tables are enclosed in a \starttableau \stoptableau pair
that breaks character alignment:


These command is defined this way:


Why does it break column alignment? Is it normal?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] custom itemize

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Fri, 4 Aug 2006, Renaud AUBIN wrote:

> % frenchitemize
> \setbox0=\hbox{--~}
> \def\indenteddash#1{\hskip\parindent--~}
> \definesymbol[indentdash][\indenteddash]
> \def\startfrenchitemize{\startitemize[indentdash,packed,joinedup,intext][indentnext=yes,width=\dimexpr
> \parindent + \wd0 \relax]}
> \def\stopfrenchitemize{\stopitemize}
> % frenchenumerate
> \setbox1=\hbox{0.~}
> \def\indentedfrenchnumber#1{\hskip\parindent#1.~}
> \defineconversion[frenchnumber][\indentedfrenchnumber]
> \def\startfrenchenumerate{\startitemize[frenchnumber,packed,joinedup,intext][stopper={},indentnext=yes,width=\dimexpr
> \parindent + \wd1 \relax]}
> \def\stopfrenchenumerate{\stopitemize}

There is \setupitemgroup and \defineitemgroup for this kind of things. 
So you can do

[indentnext=yes,width=\dimexpr \parindent + \wd0 \relax]


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] indenting after section headings with before, after keyvals

2006-08-07 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
> I think that the command is \noindentation.

Thanks, that does the trick.

For future ConTeXt releases, should the no-indentation be handled
automatically by \section (e.g. it would wrap the section including
the before and after material in an environment with \parindent=0pt)?
Or is it better to have the user explicitly specify what they want?


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Nicolas Grilly wrote:
> But what do you think about a simpler solution:
> - In \def\popTBL, don't add line \resetcharacteralign
> - In \def\dobTABLE, move \resetcharacteralign just before \bgroup
> On my computer, it fixes the bug without adding something to
> \def\popTBL. Is it correct?

Sure ! I feel a bit more comfortable cleaning up at the
originating spot, but your solution works just as well.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Nicolas Grilly
Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> This should do it:
>  {\ifnum\TBLlevel>\plusone
> \globalpopmacro\rowTBL
> \globalpopmacro\colTBL
>   \else
> \global\intablefalse
>   \fi
>   \resetcharacteralign % Do this here !!
>   \doglobal\decrement\TBLlevel\relax}

Yes, it works! :-)

But what do you think about a simpler solution:

- In \def\popTBL, don't add line \resetcharacteralign
- In \def\dobTABLE, move \resetcharacteralign just before \bgroup

On my computer, it fixes the bug without adding something to
\def\popTBL. Is it correct?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] indenting after section headings with before, after keyvals

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Sun, 6 Aug 2006, Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:

> The text after section headings is normally not indented, even if
> \setupindenting[yes] is given -- which looks good and was a pain to get
> right in my plain TeX days.  But the "don't indent that" code seems to
> get confused if before= and after= values are given in the heading
> setup.
> Below is a minimal example (using context 2006.07.24 10:49) showing that
> the 'before' hairline is indented, and the "Indented?" text after the
> 'after' hairline is indented.  All is fine without the \setupindenting
> or the \setuphead line.  Is there an easy fix that I missed?  I tried
> throwing in \noindent into the before or after keys but no luck.

I think that the command is \noindentation.

> \setuphead[section][before={\hairline\blank},after={\nowhitespace\hairline}]

Use instead


> \setupindenting[medium,yes]
> \starttext
> \section{First}
> Indented?
> \stoptext

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] buffers

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

> On Mon, 31 Jul 2006, Hans van der Meer wrote:
>> The ConTeXt manual tells me on page 237:
>>  You can define your own buffer with:
>>  \definebuffer[...]
>>  ... name
>>  After this command /getbuffer and \typebuffer are available where
>> buffer is the name of the buffer.
>> I do:
>>  \definebuffer[left]
>>  \startbuffer[left]
>>  left\crlf
>>  \stopbuffer
>>  \typeleft
>> and it gives me the error:
>>  ! Undefined control sequence.
>> \typeleft ->\dodotypebuffer
>>   [left][def-3]
>> l.92 \typeleft
>> then I try:
>>  \typebuffer[left]
>> this gives a typeset message [file examdoc-def-2.tmp does not exist]
>> (file examdoc.tex being the containing tex file)
>> when I try
>>  \getbuffer[left] or \getleft
>> nothing at all seems to happen?
>> Why doesn't it work according to the manual?
>> Or do I misunderstand the manual completely?
> If you just want to "tag" buffers, you do not need to define new ones.
> You can simply do
> \startbuffer[test]
> Hello world
> \stopbuffer
> \typebuffer[test]
> \getbuffer[test]
> Defining new buffers is useful if you do not want to call buffers by
> some other name. This does not allow you to "tag" the buffers. There
> is also a bug in core-buf.tex due to which \type did not work.
> \unprotect
> \def\dodefinebuffer[#1][#2]%
>   {\iffirstargument % else problems
>  \doglobal\increment\nofdefinedbuffers
>  \letvalue{\??bu#1\c!number}\nofdefinedbuffers
>  \letvalue{\??bu#1\c!paragraph}\v!no
>  \setevalue{\e!start#1}%
> {\noexpand\dostartbuffer[#1][def-\nofdefinedbuffers][\e!start#1][\e!stop#1]}%
>  \setevalue{\e!get#1}%
>  \setevalue{\e!type#1}%
>% TYPO: was
>% {\noexpand\dodotypebuffer[#1][def-\nofdefinedbuffers]}%
>  \getparameters[\??bu#1][#2]%
> \protect

Hans, was this fixed. There is a typo in core-buf.tex and it is still 
present in latest "updateable" version (2006.08.02).


> \definebuffer[Example]
> \startExample
>   Hello again
> \stopExample
> \typeExample %The above fix is needed for this.
> \getExample
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] adding an icon (flushed left) in a displayed formula with equation number

2006-08-07 Thread Aditya Mahajan
On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> David Arnold wrote:
>> All,
>> We have:
>> \placeformula[eq:commonb]
>> \startformula
>> \stopformula
>> This gives us a centered equation with an number pushed to the right
>> edge of the page (I probably should say text area).
>> What we'd like to do, just in this one example (not globally), is add
>> a little "smiley face" icon on the same line as the displayed
>> equation and equation number, but pushed to the left edge of the page
>> (I probably should say text area).
>> Possible?
> It should be possible to do this using a special version of \startalign,
> but I cannot figure it out. Maybe Aditya can help?

Here is one solution. Explaination inline.

% I do not know what you want for a smiley, so I use square instead


This is the basic idea. Have an alignment structure with three blocks, 
each block of 1 column, put the simley in the first block, the 
equation in the second block, and keep the third block empty. The 
trick here is to have {\em 1 fil} in the distance.

 [n=1,m=3,distance=3em plus 1 fil]

\placeformula[+] \startformula \startdosmiley
   \NC \smiley \NC (1)^2 + (\sqrt{4x+13})^2 = (2x)^2 \NC  \NR[+]
\stopdosmiley \stopformula

Ah, it works. So we can add some syntax sugar around this, so that the 
formula is easier to key in.

 {\startformula \startdosmiley
   \NC \smiley \NC}

 {\NC \NR[+]
  \stopdosmiley \stopformula}

\placeformula[+] \startsmileyformula
   (1)^2 + (\sqrt{4x+13})^2 = (2x)^2

If you only want a smiley without the equation, it also works.

   (1)^2 + (\sqrt{4x+13})^2 = (2x)^2


Can you send me how you make a smiley. I will then put the code in 
myway on alignment.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

This should do it:

  \resetcharacteralign % Do this here !!

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Nicolas Grilly wrote:
> I completely reinstalled ConTeXt and tried one more time with the
> attached file, and I confirm it doesn't work correctly on my computer.
> I attached another test file, simpler than the previous one.

I dont know what was wrong before, you are right, this is wrong
now on my machine as well (perhaps my machine^H^H^H^H^H I was
confused). I will check this again.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Renaud AUBIN

Nicolas Grilly a écrit :

> I completely reinstalled ConTeXt and tried one more time with the
> attached file, and I confirm it doesn't work correctly on my computer.
> I attached another test file, simpler than the previous one.
> Thanks,
> Nicolas

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Renaud AUBIN

freshly processed...

Taco Hoekwater a écrit :

Nicolas Grilly wrote:
  Hereunder is the output of texexec --check on
my computer. Everything

seems okay. Can you send me your test file in order I launch it on my


Your own file (attached). Can someone else try this, please?

ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Nicolas Grilly

I completely reinstalled ConTeXt and tried one more time with the
attached file, and I confirm it doesn't work correctly on my computer.

I attached another test file, simpler than the previous one.



On 8/7/06, Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Nicolas Grilly wrote:
> Hereunder is the output of texexec --check on my computer. Everything
> seems okay. Can you send me your test file in order I launch it on my
> computer?

Your own file (attached). Can someone else try this, please?


ntg-context mailing list

Garden - Conseil en Marketing & Datamining
Nicolas Grilly
Tel +33 1 45 72 48 78
Mob +33 6 03 00 25 34

Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Nicolas Grilly wrote:

Hereunder is the output of texexec --check on my computer. Everything
seems okay. Can you send me your test file in order I launch it on my

Your own file (attached). Can someone else try this, please?


Description: TeX document
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Nicolas Grilly
Hereunder is the output of texexec --check on my computer. Everything
seems okay. Can you send me your test file in order I launch it on my

TeXExec | current distribution: web2c
TeXExec | context source date: 2006.08.04 22:23
TeXExec | format path: . c:/tex/texmf-project/web2c/unsetengine
c:/tex/texmf-extra/web2c/unsetengine c:/tex/texmf/web2c/unsetengine
c:/tex/texmf-mswin/web2c/unsetengine c:/tex/texmf-project/web2c
c:/tex/texmf-fonts/web2c c:/tex/texmf-local/web2c
c:/tex/texmf-extra/web2c c:/tex/texmf/web2c c:/tex/texmf-mswin/web2c
TeXExec | start of analysis
TeXExec | processing document 'texexec'
TeXExec | tex processing method: context
TeXExec | writing option file
TeXExec | using randomseed 798
TeXExec | tex engine: pdftex
TeXExec | tex format: cont-en
TeXExec | progname: context
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.0-beta-20060213 (Web2c 7.5.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2006.08.04 22:23  fmt: 2006.8.7  int: english  mes: english

language: language en is active

system  : cont-new loaded
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
color   : palette rollover is available
system  : cont-old loaded
loading : Context Old Macros
system  : cont-fil loaded
loading : Context File Synonyms
system  : cont-sys loaded
bodyfont: 12pt rm is loaded
language: patterns en->ec:ec->1->2:3 uk->ec:ec->2->2:3 de->texnansi:tex
nansi->3->2:3 de->ec:ec->4->2:3 fr->texnansi:texnansi->5->2:3 fr->ec:ec->6->2:3
 es->ec:ec->7->2:3 pt->texnansi:texnansi->8->2:3 pt->ec:ec->9->2:3 it->texnansi
:texnansi->10->2:3 it->ec:ec->11->2:3 nl->texnansi:texnansi->12->2:3 nl->ec:ec-
>13->2:3 cz->il2:il2->14->2:3 cz->ec:ec->15->2:3 sk->il2:il2->16->2:3 sk->ec:ec
->17->2:3 pl->pl0:pl0->18->2:3 pl->ec:ec->19->2:3 pl->qx:qx->20->2:3 loaded
specials: tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system  : loaded
specials: loading definition file tpd
specials: loading definition file fdf
specials: fdf loaded
specials: fdf,tpd loaded
systems : system commands are enabled
systems : begin file texexec at line 1
fonts   : resetting map file list
fonts   : using map file: texnansi-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: original-base
fonts   : using map file: ec-public-lm
fonts   : using map file: ec-base
fonts   : using map file: original-ams-base
fonts   : using map file: original-ams-euler
fonts   : using map file: original-public-lm
(c:/tex/texmf-local/tex/context/base/pdfr-ec.tex) [1.1]
systems : end file texexec at line 3
Output written on texexec.pdf (1 page, 23276 bytes).
Transcript written on texexec.log.
TeXExec | runtime: 0.297
TeXExec | processing document 'texexec'
TeXExec | tex processing method: context
TeXExec | writing option file
TeXExec | using randomseed 387
TeXExec | tex engine: pdftex
TeXExec | tex format: cont-nl
TeXExec | progname: context
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.141592-1.40.0-beta-20060213 (Web2c 7.5.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2006.08.04 22:23  fmt: 2006.8.7  int: dutch  mes: dutch

taal: taal nl is actief

systeem : cont-new geladen
systems : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex
kleur   : palet rollover is beschikbaar
systeem : cont-old geladen
loading : Context Old Macros
systeem : cont-fil geladen
loading : Context File Synonyms
systeem : cont-sys geladen

Re: [NTG-context] texfont produces faked ligatures with ec encoding

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Andreas Schneider wrote:
> \setuppapersize[A4][A4]
> \mainlanguage[de]
> \language[de]
> \enableregime[windows]
> \setupencoding[default=ec]
> %\loadmapfile[]
> \usetypescriptfile[type-eleggar]
> \usetypescript[eleggar]
> \setupbodyfont[eleggar,11pt]
> \setupbodyfontenvironment[default][em=italic]
> \starttext
since you're typesetting german ... why not using the texnansi encoding instead 
of the flawed ec encoding? 


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] visualising evolution from one version to another

2006-08-07 Thread Peter Münster
On Sun, 6 Aug 2006, Aditya Mahajan wrote:

> But what should happen if you change markup? What if a \bf is
> changed to \it or a \framed is added around a bit of text?
> Marking differences in math is altogether a different story.

Yes, of course, I'll need to adjust manually in such cases.
But I'm already quite lucky, because with word-diff, the task was much
easier than I've ever hoped.

My intention is, to be prepared, if one of my colleagues, who are all used
to MS-Office, would ask for such a diff-document one day.
Now I'm able to generate such a document.
(My problem at work is, that I'm the only one not using MS-Office.)

Cheers, Peter

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texfont: installed font only works with pdftex

2006-08-07 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Taco Hoekwater wrote:

Andreas Schneider wrote:

but xdvi gives error messages like [...]

My guess is that you have to copy the final  file you used
to the folder where dvips (and xdvi, which looks in the same
place normally) looks for encoding files.

I created a symlink in my private texmf tree (ec.enc -> lm-ec.enc) and ran 
texhash, and after that it was all the same. Anyway, this would not 
explain why I have the same symptom with the texnansi encoding, too.

Maybe it helps debugging that dvips gives different error messages:

This is dvips(k) 5.95a Copyright 2005 Radical Eye Software (
' TeX output 2006.08.07:1402' ->
Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `pi' undefined

Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `product' undefined

Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `ffl' undefined

Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `ffi' undefined

Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `ff' undefined

Warning: module writet1 of dvips (file bgjr.pfb): glyph `dotlessj' undefined

Also I get a slightly different result: With gv I can see some umlauts in 
the postscript file (ä, ö, ü work, but ß does not). Instead of the 
ligatures there are only spaces.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> From:Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>The current release has version 2006.08.04
> After updating I see a slightly earlier date:
>   CtxTools | context version: 2006.08.02 23:31
>>* some identation problems removed
> I just tested yesterday's example of paragraph indention combined with
> before= and after= keys in setuphead, and it has the same problem
> (indenting the before hairline and the first text line after the
> heading).

Yes the fix was for something else ;-)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Nicolas Grilly wrote:
> Hello Taco,
> Thanks for this new release. But it seems the fix for the bug "column
> alignment in natural tables" doesn't work.
> I installed and tried this new release with the examples Peter and I
> posted some days ago on this list and the columns of last table are
> still mis-aligned.
> Or I have a problem with my ConTeXt installation, or there is an issue
> with the bug fix. Any advice?

Works for me. what does   texexec --check   have to say?

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> From:Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>The current release has version 2006.08.04
> After updating I see a slightly earlier date:
>   CtxTools | context version: 2006.08.02 23:31

It looks like the new release is only in 'current' and not in 'latest'.


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Sanjoy Mahajan
From:Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> The current release has version 2006.08.04

After updating I see a slightly earlier date:

  CtxTools | context version: 2006.08.02 23:31

> * some identation problems removed

I just tested yesterday's example of paragraph indention combined with
before= and after= keys in setuphead, and it has the same problem
(indenting the before hairline and the first text line after the


`Never underestimate the evil of which men of power are capable.'
 --Bertrand Russell, _War Crimes in Vietnam_, chapter 1.
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Nicolas Grilly
Hello Taco,

Thanks for this new release. But it seems the fix for the bug "column
alignment in natural tables" doesn't work.

I installed and tried this new release with the examples Peter and I
posted some days ago on this list and the columns of last table are
still mis-aligned.

Or I have a problem with my ConTeXt installation, or there is an issue
with the bug fix. Any advice?


On 8/7/06, Taco Hoekwater <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am pleased to announce that the new ConTeXt release from Hans Hagen
> can be downloaded as of now from the Pragma ADE website or one of its
> mirrors.
> The current release has version 2006.08.04
> A very short list of changes is given below. As usual, there is an
> html page with more detailed release notes available on the Wiki, see:
> New features since  2006.07.28:
> * \framed (and -text) now support an [indenting=] key
> * support for russian hyphenation
> * new version of the bib module
> * \[lL]commaaccent character definitions
> Bugfixes:
> * column alignment in natural tables
> * image inclusion:
>* bounding box discovery using rli files fixed
>* fix for Aleph in global TRT documents
>* some still-needed definitions from former supp-pdf re-instated
> * disappearing subtextblocks
> * unicode table 002 fix
> * some identation problems removed
> Happy TeXing,
> Taco Hoekwater
> ___
> ntg-context mailing list

Garden - Conseil en Marketing & Datamining
Nicolas Grilly
Tel +33 1 45 72 48 78
Mob +33 6 03 00 25 34
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] adding an icon (flushed left) in a displayed formula with equation number

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

David Arnold wrote:
> All,
> We have:
> \placeformula[eq:commonb]
> \startformula
> \stopformula
> This gives us a centered equation with an number pushed to the right  
> edge of the page (I probably should say text area).
> What we'd like to do, just in this one example (not globally), is add  
> a little "smiley face" icon on the same line as the displayed  
> equation and equation number, but pushed to the left edge of the page  
> (I probably should say text area).
> Possible?

It should be possible to do this using a special version of \startalign,
but I cannot figure it out. Maybe Aditya can help?


ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metafun & \sometxt: should black be "black" or "textcolor"?

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> On 8/7/06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
>> Mojca Miklavec wrote:
>>> The "real problem" appears in the following figure where the first
>>> black is ignored and the second one is not, so it's rather
>>> inconsistent:
>> It is not really inconsistent, the rule is very simple:
>>all use of "withcolor " upto the first non-zero color
>>is ignored by metapost.
> OK, I "give up". I just have to reimplement the terminal to fist store
> everything and then write out the black stuff before anything else ;)
i adapted context to default to black so don't worry


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metafun & \sometxt: should black be "black" or "textcolor"?

2006-08-07 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 8/7/06, Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> >
> > The "real problem" appears in the following figure where the first
> > black is ignored and the second one is not, so it's rather
> > inconsistent:
> It is not really inconsistent, the rule is very simple:
>all use of "withcolor " upto the first non-zero color
>is ignored by metapost.

OK, I "give up". I just have to reimplement the terminal to fist store
everything and then write out the black stuff before anything else ;)

> > I can image a "fair solution" to draw "withcolor black" in black and
> > to let the parts with no explicit color and an empty drawoptions()
> > string to use the "default color" (perhaps with gsave/grestore). But
> > I'm not entitled to judge about it.
> Yes, that's what I thought. But I need to patch metapost for
> that, so that solution won't be available in a reliable way
> for quite some time yet.

I realise that and I'll try to implement in an independant way.

> > In any case I'll have to use a solution which will not depend on this
> > behaviour. Is there any chance to get "withcolor somecolor", where
> > "somecolor" is the color set with "textcolor=somecolor"?
> Maybe withcolor \MPcolor{textcolor} ? (I am guessing)

Something that seems to work after some trial-and-error:

But I'm guessing as well. Let's wait for the next bug in the module then ;)

I now used


% \MPextensions, should be specific to \startGNUPLOTgraphic
if unknown context_gplot: input ; fi;
% overloading
gp_color_foreground := \MPcolor{textcolor};
gp_color_lt[-2] := gp_color_foreground;

(because there's probably no way to put \MPcolor{textcolor} to *.mp file)

But now there's a minor problem. I have to initialize
"\setupcolors[textcolor=blue]" *before* loading the gnuplot module,
otherwise it's all black.

In contrast, if I use


a graphic here will be blue
a graphic here will be red, but text will still be blue



a graphic here will be black
a graphic here will be black, but text will still be blue

I suspect what's going on: as long as textcolor= is undefined,
\@@cltextcolor will expand to black and remain black even if I set
"textcolor=something" later. If it's initialised before loading the
module, it will expand to some color and if I change
"textcolor=someothercolor" later, the color will follow the new

What's the best remedy for it? (And sorry for way too many questions.)


(some files to play with are under
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Renaud AUBIN


A suggestion for the next release:

diff type-buy.tex type-buy.tex.20060804
<   \definefontsynonym [MathBeta]  [LucidaNewMath-Demibold]
>   \definefontsynonym [MathBeta]  [LucidaNewMath-DemiBold]
<   \definefontsynonym [MathBetaBold]  [LucidaNewMath-Demibold] % ??
>   \definefontsynonym [MathBetaBold]  [LucidaNewMath-DemiBold] % ??
<   \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-Demibold]  [lbmd]
>   \definefontsynonym [LucidaNewMath-DemiBold]  [lbmd]

DemiBold causes problems here... Demibold seems to work cleanly...


Taco Hoekwater a écrit :

>Hello all,
>I am pleased to announce that the new ConTeXt release from Hans Hagen
>can be downloaded as of now from the Pragma ADE website or one of its
>The current release has version 2006.08.04
>A very short list of changes is given below. As usual, there is an
>html page with more detailed release notes available on the Wiki, see:
>New features since  2006.07.28:
>* \framed (and -text) now support an [indenting=] key
>* support for russian hyphenation
>* new version of the bib module
>* \[lL]commaaccent character definitions
>* column alignment in natural tables
>* image inclusion:
>   * bounding box discovery using rli files fixed
>   * fix for Aleph in global TRT documents
>   * some still-needed definitions from former supp-pdf re-instated
>* disappearing subtextblocks
>* unicode table 002 fix
>* some identation problems removed
>Happy TeXing,
>Taco Hoekwater
>ntg-context mailing list

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Hans Hagen
Mojca Miklavec wrote:
yeah, a famous tex master piece!
>> But of course, you will not write anything like this in an abstract
>> :-)
hm, let me provide a word counter for that one before you get the idea to ask 
for it -) 


\setbox0\vbox\bgroup  % \tracingall -) 
\forgetall \nohyphens \hsize1mm
\let\bye\egroup \bgroup
Fjfi71PAVVFjbigskipRPWGAUU71727374 75,76Fjpar71727375Djifx
RrhC?yLRurtKFeLPFovPgaTLtReRomL;PABB71 72,73:Fjif.73.jelse
B73:jfiXF71PU71 72,73:PWs;AMM71F71diPAJJFRdriPAQQFRsreLPAI
I71Fo71dPA!!FRgiePBt'el@ lTLqdrYmu.Q.,Ke;vz vzLqpip.Q.,tz;
;Lql.IrsZ.eap,qn.i. i.eLlMaesLdRcna,;!;h htLqm.MRasZ.ilk,%
s$;z zLqs'.ansZ.Ymi,/sx ;LYegseZRyal,@i;@ TLRlogdLrDsW,@;G
LcYlaDLbJsW,SWXJW ree @rzchLhzsW,;WERcesInW qt.'oL.Rtrul;e
doTsW,Wk;[EMAIL PROTECTED] aHAHHFndZPpqar.tridgeLinZpe.LtYer.W,:jbye

\beginshapebox \unvcopy0 \endshapebox


lines: \the\noflines
words: \NOfLines\par

% \unvbox0


  Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE
  Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands
 tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 |

ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] Context 2006.08.04 released

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Hello all,

I am pleased to announce that the new ConTeXt release from Hans Hagen
can be downloaded as of now from the Pragma ADE website or one of its

The current release has version 2006.08.04

A very short list of changes is given below. As usual, there is an
html page with more detailed release notes available on the Wiki, see:

New features since  2006.07.28:

* \framed (and -text) now support an [indenting=] key
* support for russian hyphenation
* new version of the bib module
* \[lL]commaaccent character definitions

* column alignment in natural tables
* image inclusion:
   * bounding box discovery using rli files fixed
   * fix for Aleph in global TRT documents
   * some still-needed definitions from former supp-pdf re-instated
* disappearing subtextblocks
* unicode table 002 fix
* some identation problems removed

Happy TeXing,

Taco Hoekwater

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texfont produces faked ligatures with ec encoding

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Andreas Schneider wrote:
> it doesn't complain, but xdvi gives error messages like

My guess is that you have to copy the final  file you used
to the folder where dvips (and xdvi, which looks in the same
place normally) looks for encoding files.

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texfont produces faked ligatures with ec encoding

2006-08-07 Thread Andreas Schneider

On Mon, 7 Aug 2006, Andreas Schneider wrote:

Now I've found lm-ec.enc in another texmf tree. When I copy lm-ec.enc to
the directory where I run texfont, it works fine.

Unfortunately it only works with pdftex, i.e. texexec --pdf and pdflatex.
With texexec or latex it does not work. For example, if I run texexec over 
the simple sample file





Dies ist ein Text, der in ElegantGaramond erscheinen soll.
Er enthält auch {\it kursive} und {\bf fette} Teile.

{\em Hervorgehoben}

Einige Zeichen: "`, "', --, "<, ">
Ligaturen: fi, fl, ff, ffi, ffl
Aufgelöste Ligaturen: f"|i, f"|l

Umlaute: ä, ö, ü, ß, Ä, Ö, Ü; "a, "o, "u, "s


it doesn't complain, but xdvi gives error messages like

xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 228 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 18 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 16 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 21 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 19 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 20 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 28 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 29 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 246 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 252 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 255 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 214 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 220 is mapped to .notdef in font ec-raw-bgjr (page 
1), replacing by whitespace.

and ligatures and umlauts are not displayed. With the texnansi encoding, I 
get similar results:

xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 228 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 132 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 147 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 150 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 12 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 8 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 246 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 252 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 223 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 214 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.
xdvi.bin: Warning: Character 220 is mapped to .notdef in font texnansi-raw-bgjr 
(page 1), replacing by whitespace.

How can I solve this? (Since I've got a postscript printer, I would like 
to have tex -> dvi -> ps working.)

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] counting the words in a TeX document

2006-08-07 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 8/6/06, Aditya Mahajan wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Aug 2006, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> > Base on those three answers I got a more clear idea of two (different,
> > but complementary) methods that might be sensible:
> >
> > a) ctxtools --wordcount filename[tex|pdf]
> > to do the wordcount for the whole document using pdftotext + ruby regexp
> >
> > b)
> > \usemodule[wordcount]
> >
> > whatever
> >
> > \startstatistics[name][words|letters|lines]
> > some more-or-less plain text
> > \stopstatistics
> >
> > whatever
> >
> > and according to Aditya's idea, run a (ruby) regular expression
> > (insead of detex) on it which would write the nicely formatted desired
> > number to the output/log file. (I don't know if it's possible to use
> > the first approach for the second problem, but it doesn't make sense
> > to complicate things too much.)
> If you have a script that counts words in a Context document, the
> second approach is straight forward. Write everything to a buffer and
> run the script on the buffer. However, such a mechansim will never be
> perfect (or close to perfect) in the sense of parsing arbitrary input.

The most dummy solution that I could think of (using slightly modified
Hans's ruby script):



\executesystemcommand{ruby wordcount.rb \jobname-#1.tmp}%

\protect \doifnotmode{demo}{\endinput}

... but a friend who asked me for a favour actually wants to use
abbreviations and bibliography as well, so only the first method (to
create PDF first) would work. He currently keeps copy-pasting the
resulting PDF to Word and uses Word's statistics to cound the words
and/or characters for him.

But I guess that his wishes will have to wait for some more time in this case.

> But of course, you will not write anything like this in an abstract
> :-)

Nevertheless, I love the story (and esp. the document which creates it)!

All the best,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metafun & \sometxt: should black be "black" or "textcolor"?

2006-08-07 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> The "real problem" appears in the following figure where the first
> black is ignored and the second one is not, so it's rather
> inconsistent:

It is not really inconsistent, the rule is very simple:

   all use of "withcolor " upto the first non-zero color
   is ignored by metapost.

> I can image a "fair solution" to draw "withcolor black" in black and
> to let the parts with no explicit color and an empty drawoptions()
> string to use the "default color" (perhaps with gsave/grestore). But
> I'm not entitled to judge about it.

Yes, that's what I thought. But I need to patch metapost for
that, so that solution won't be available in a reliable way
for quite some time yet.

> In any case I'll have to use a solution which will not depend on this
> behaviour. Is there any chance to get "withcolor somecolor", where
> "somecolor" is the color set with "textcolor=somecolor"?

Maybe withcolor \MPcolor{textcolor} ? (I am guessing)

Cheers, Taco
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] metafun & \sometxt: should black be "black" or "textcolor"?

2006-08-07 Thread Mojca Miklavec
On 8/7/06, Hans Hagen wrote:
> Taco Hoekwater wrote:
> > Hi Mojca,
> >
> > Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> >
> >> But the other \sometxt was indeed red - withcolor seems to work, but
> >> only conditionally. And I have some weird examples of two texts one
> >> after another. In some cases (if something else is drawn inbetween and
> >> a color changed twice), then the second text will be black. But it's
> >> quite unpredictable (that one might even be bug in my code, so I don't
> >> want to complain before I have an example).
> >>
> >
> > Ok, I looked into this again, and I was definately wrong.
> >
> > The actual problem appears to be that metapost does not write a
> > color switch for 'black' when it appears at the start of a file,
> > it simply assumes the start color is black. This could be
> > considered a bug in MetaPost or a missing feature in ConTeXt
> > (i have not decided yet :-)).
> >
> > Quick fix: You can start your MP code with an explicit color
> > initialization.
> >
> >\startMPcode
> >   special "0 setgray";
> >   ..
> >\stopMPcode
> >
> >
> > A hack, I know. MetaPost should be able to distinguish between
> >draw p
> > and
> >draw p withcolor (0,0,0)
> > but currently it can't (because the structure is initialized
> > as (0,0,0)). It is not quite a bug either, because there may
> > well be MP code out there that depends on this.
> > In fact, probably code by Knuth, Hobby, Jacko, and Hans ;-)
> >
> >
> in meta-pdf.tex:
> \chardef\blackoutMPgraphic\plusone
> \def\finishMPgraphic
>   {\stopMPresources
>  {\forgetall
>   \hbox
> {\PDFcode{q \MPxscale\space 0 0 \MPyscale\space \MPxoffset\space 
> \MPyoffset\space cm}%
>  \ifcase\blackoutMPgraphic\or\PDFcode{0 g 0 G}\fi
>  \lower\MPyshift\box\scratchbox % unscaled shift
>  \PDFcode{Q}}}%
> \starttext
> \color[red]{\startMPcode
> draw fullcircle scaled 5cm ;
> draw btex test etex ;
> \stopMPcode red}
> \startreusableMPgraphic{test}
> draw fullcircle scaled 5cm ;
> draw btex test etex ;
> \stopreusableMPgraphic
> \color[red]{red \reuseMPgraphic{test} red}
> \stoptext

Thanks! This indeed solves the problem. However, I'm not sure any more
whether blackoutMPgraphic should be true or false by default.

One of my old files (when I was learning metapost from the manual):

def star (expr size, n, pos) =
for a=0 step 360/n until round(360*(1-1/n)) :
draw (origin -- (size/2,0))
rotatedaround (origin,a) shifted pos ;
endfor ;
enddef ;

beginfig(803) ;
pickup pencircle scaled 2mm ; star(2cm,5,origin) ;
endfig ;

{A five||point star drawn by \METAPOST.}
{\color[green]{\externalfigure[pentastar]}} % I wanted it to be green

I tried that one once more because I remember that I was very happy to
be able to color the star from outside without modifying the figure
itself (I didn't use any explicit color to make it black though).

I don't mind it either way (now that I know how to switch it on or
off), but I'm not sure if there are not other people using the same
trick as well.

The "real problem" appears in the following figure where the first
black is ignored and the second one is not, so it's rather

\chardef\blackoutMPgraphic 0

draw \sometxt{blue} withcolor black;
draw \sometxt{red} shifted (1.5cm,0) withcolor red;
draw \sometxt{black} shifted (3cm,0) withcolor black;

I can image a "fair solution" to draw "withcolor black" in black and
to let the parts with no explicit color and an empty drawoptions()
string to use the "default color" (perhaps with gsave/grestore). But
I'm not entitled to judge about it.

In any case I'll have to use a solution which will not depend on this
behaviour. Is there any chance to get "withcolor somecolor", where
"somecolor" is the color set with "textcolor=somecolor"?

Thanks a lot,
ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] texfont produces faked ligatures with ec encoding

2006-08-07 Thread Andreas Schneider
On Sun, 6 Aug 2006, Thomas A. Schmitz wrote:
> No, I never had problems with Umlauts.

Now I've found lm-ec.enc in another texmf tree. When I copy lm-ec.enc to 
the directory where I run texfont, it works fine.

> What you can also try is this: if you open EC.enc, you'll find a couple 
> of LIGKERN instructions at the beginning of the file. These seem to 
> confuse some utilities so they don't include the default ligatures 
> anymore. So what you can do: just delete lines 1-27 of EC.enc, so the 
> first line is
> /ECEncoding [% now 256 chars follow
> Then save this new file in the directory where you run texfont so it
> will be found first. You can discard it afterwards.

With this trick, it works as well.

Thanks for your help

ntg-context mailing list