Re: [NTG-context] devanagari rendering (2 errors)

2013-09-10 Thread Peter Graif
> it took me quite a while to notice that it's a side effect of two features 
> that are turned on
> you can play with
> \definefontfeature
>  [devanagari-one]
>  [devanagari-one]
>  [rphf=no]
> and
> \definefontfeature
>  [devanagari-one]
>  [devanagari-one]
>  [half=no]
> maybe Kai can have a look at it: as these are dealt with in a different we 
> probably don't need to enable them in the feature processor (even block them)
> btw, you can play with
> \showotfcomposition{file:chandas.ttf*devanagari-one}{l2r}{\char"0915 
> \char"094D \char"0930}
> to see what happens
> (i also noticed a few possible further optimizations but that's for later)
> Hans

Thanks, Hans.

Those are indeed the relevant features. Unfortunately, turning them off 
completely breaks other things. I have attached another demonstration below. 
The good news is that we can now produce proper devanagari by switching the 
features on and off as needed in the middle of words. I am understanding 
OpenType better now and I will try again to look at the relevant source code 


\definefont [DevaWith] [file:chandas.ttf*devyes at 14pt]
\definefont [DevaWithout] [file:chandas.ttf*devno at 14pt]


{\bf When rphf=yes (current default)}

r-first conjucts ([r]+[half]+\{consonant\}) work:

{\DevaWith [U+0930 \char"0930][U+094D \char"094D][U+0915 \char"0915]: 
\char"0930 \char"094D \char"0915 ~(correct)}

but r-second conjucts (\{consonant\} +[half]+[r]) don't:

{\DevaWith [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D][U+0930 \char"0930]: 
\char"0915 \char"094D \char"0930 ~(incorrect)}


{\bf When rphf=no}

r-first conjucts ([r]+[half]+\{consonant\}) stop working:

{\DevaWithout [U+0930 \char"0930][U+094D \char"094D][U+0915 \char"0915]: 
\char"0930 \char"094D \char"0915 ~(incorrect)}

but r-second conjucts (\{consonant\} +[half]+[r]) now work properly:

{\DevaWithout [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D][U+0930 \char"0930]: 
\char"0915 \char"094D \char"0930 ~(correct)}


{\bf When half=yes (current default)}

consonant clusters (\{consonant\}+[half]+\{consonant\}) work:

{\DevaWith [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D][U+0915 \char"0915]: 
\char"0915 \char"094D \char"0915 ~(correct)}

but word-final viramas (\{consonant\} +[half]) don't:

{\DevaWith [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D] : \char"0915 \char"094D 


{\bf When half=no}

consonant clusters (\{consonant\}+[half]+\{consonant\}) stop working:

{\DevaWithout [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D][U+0915 \char"0915]: 
\char"0915 \char"094D \char"0915 ~(incorrect)}

but word-final viramas (\{consonant\} +[half]) work properly:

{\DevaWithout [U+0915 \char"0915][U+094D \char"094D] : \char"0915 \char"094D 


With careful bracketing, it's possible to produce correct devanagari.

On: {\DevaWith 
\char"092E\char"0915\char"094D\char"0915\char"092E\char"0915\char"094D} (no 

Off: {\DevaWithout 
\char"092E\char"0915\char"094D\char"0915\char"092E\char"0915\char"094D} (no 

Mixed: {\DevaWith 
\char"0915\char"094D}} (perfect)

That's not sustainable for long texts, perhaps, but it's a great move in that 


Note: I've used the consonant [U+0915: {\DevaWith \char"0915}] here throughout, 
but you can substitute any consonant \{U+0915--U+0939, U+0958--U+095F\} and see 
the same patterns.

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Re: [NTG-context] devanagari rendering (2 errors)

2013-09-09 Thread Peter Graif

> Can you make a as-small-as-possible test file?
> Preferable with proper utf-8 sequences (+ comment mentioning 
> numbers/classes), good and wrong.
> I can probably figure it out but I cannot read or input easily this kind of 
> scripts.
> Hans

Sure thing. I don't understand how opentype features are represented nor how 
the ligature logic is dividd up between the font and the engine, so I'm not 
quite sure what information is helpful or relevant. But, here's a minimal 
document that contains all the problem sequences I've identified.

As a rough guide, here's another image with the current ConTeXt rendering in 
black and the desired rendering in red:

Is that the information you need? Or is there something else I can do?


\definefont [DevaOne] [file:chandas.ttf*devanagari-one at 16pt]

% The following combinations render incorrectly.
% They are all of the following form:
% {consonant(s)} + U+094D + U+0930
\char"0915 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0916 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0917 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0918 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0919 \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"091A \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"091B \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"091C \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"091D \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"091E \char"094D \char"0930 ~\crlf  
\char"091F \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"0920 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0921 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0922 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0923 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0924 \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"0925 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0926 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0927 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0928 \char"094D \char"0930 ~\crlf 
\char"0929 \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092A \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092B \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092C \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092D \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092E \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"092F \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"0930 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0931 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0932 \char"094D \char"0930 ~\crlf 
\char"0933 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0934 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0935 \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 
\char"0936 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0937 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0938 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0939 \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 

\char"0958 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"0959 \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095A \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095B \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095C \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095D \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095E \char"094D \char"0930 ~
\char"095F \char"094D \char"0930 ~ 

\crlf \crlf \crlf

% The following cominations also render incorrectly.
% The problem occurs at the end of words with sequences:
% {consonant(s)} + U+094D + [end of word]
\char"0915 \char"094D ~
\char"0916 \char"094D ~
\char"0917 \char"094D ~
\char"0918 \char"094D ~
\char"0919 \char"094D ~
\char"091A \char"094D ~
\char"091B \char"094D ~
\char"091C \char"094D ~
\char"091D \char"094D ~
\char"091E \char"094D ~\crlf
\char"091F \char"094D ~
\char"0920 \char"094D ~
\char"0921 \char"094D ~
\char"0922 \char"094D ~
\char"0923 \char"094D ~
\char"0924 \char"094D ~ 
\char"0925 \char"094D ~
\char"0926 \char"094D ~
\char"0927 \char"094D ~
\char"0928 \char"094D ~\crlf
\char"0929 \char"094D ~ 
\char"0929 \char"094D ~ 
\char"092A \char"094D ~ 
\char"092C \char"094D ~ 
\char"092D \char"094D ~ 
\char"092E \char"094D ~ 
\char"092F \char"094D ~ 
\char"0930 \char"094D ~
\char"0931 \char"094D ~
\char"0932 \char"094D ~\crlf
\char"0933 \char"094D ~
\char"0934 \char"094D ~
\char"0935 \char"094D ~ 
\char"0936 \char"094D ~
\char"0937 \char"094D ~
\char"0938 \char"094D ~
\char"0939 \char"094D ~ 

\char"0958 \char"094D ~
\char"0959 \char"094D ~
\char"095A \char"094D ~
\char"095B \char"094D ~
\char"095C \char"094D ~
\char"095D \char"094D ~
\char"095E \char"094D ~
\char"095F \char"094D ~ 

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[NTG-context] devanagari rendering (2 errors)

2013-09-09 Thread Peter Graif

I recently learned that ConTeXt-mkiv and LuaTeX now support devanagari fonts. 
An enormous thank you to Kai and Hans and anyone else involved in making that 
happen. I know it's a niche application, but for some of us it makes all the 

I ran some tests on the output and the rendering is lovely, even on the 
extremely complex ligatures. I noticed only two errors, both of which are 
simple to describe and consistent:

1) Conjuncts of the form (consonant + virama + र "ra") render the opposite 
sequence intended. For example:
[U+0915] [U+094D][U+0930] (क्र "kra") incorrectly produces the glyph intended 
for [U+0930][U+094D][U+0915] (र्क "rka").

2) Word-final virama causes words to render with a half-consonant at the end. 
They should instead display the whole-consonant with the virama diacritic. 
Half-consonants should be used only when conjoining with another subsequent 
consonant in the same word.

A picture, in case it's more helpful:

I tried to look at the code in hopes of offering a fix, but I'm afraid it was 
way over my head. If there's anything else I can do to help, I'd be happy for 
the opportunity.

Best regards,
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