Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2008-04-06 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne sobota 29. decembra 2007 je Aditya Mahajan napisal(a):
> \def\mycite{\dodoubleempty\domycite}
> \def\domycite[#1][#2]%
> {\doifdefinedelse{mycite:#2}
> {\cite[#1][#2]}
> {cite author, title, etc.% I don't remember the exact commands
>   \setvalue{mycite:#2}{done}}

Thanks, this did the trick :]

Now I'm confident enough in my little scribbled-up solution to put it online:


gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-29 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne sobota 29. decembra 2007 je Aditya Mahajan napisal(a):
> This way, \mycite will give the complete citation the first time, and only
> the number when used later on. This does not take care of the
> compatibility method of cite, viz. \cite{ref}.

Hmmm, I'll try this later. Thanks for the code though. I hope I will be able 
to implement it.

> > Also in connection with that — is it possible (already) to utilise
> > \useskip so that not only the empty space of the missing field, but also
> > it's separators (e.g. \inserteditor{ed: }{, }{}) are being skipped?
> I am not sure I understand. From what I remember, if the editor is not
> present, only the last field will be used, so there will be no separators.

That makes sense. I probably misunderstood in which entry/command I should put 
the \unskip command. It works nicely now, thank you :]

Cheers and all the best in 2008,

gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-29 Thread Aditya Mahajan

Hi Matija,

I can provide partial answers to your questions.

On Sat, 29 Dec 2007, Matija Šuklje wrote:

* this might  be a tough one — (at least in Slovenia's legal circles) legal
documents get cited for the first time (e.g. with \cite) the same way as in
the bibliography (full name, abbrev, journal, all changes etc.), but for each
next time the same legal act gets cited only it's abbrevation should be used.

Once I needed something similar for abbreviations. When the abbreviation 
is used for the first time include the full meaning of the abbreviation in 
parenthesis, later, only use the abbreviated form. The approach that I 
followed was approximately


   {cite author, title, etc.% I don't remember the exact commands

This way, \mycite will give the complete citation the first time, and only 
the number when used later on. This does not take care of the 
compatibility method of cite, viz. \cite{ref}.

Also in connection with that — is it possible (already) to utilise \useskip so
that not only the empty space of the missing field, but also it's separators
(e.g. \inserteditor{ed: }{, }{}) are being skipped?

I am not sure I understand. From what I remember, if the editor is not 
present, only the last field will be used, so there will be no separators.

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-29 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne petek 28. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
> Your pf_ul.tex had a spurious (or incomplete) \insert command at
> the end, that is what was causing an error problems "Missing number".

Yes, I figured that out not too long after I posted my files. Sorry about 

> For the footnoted references, this seems to work:

Thanks, I've reused this macro of yours to make it fit my needs better.

> You are operating on the border of what is doable for the current
> bibliographic module, and I have no time to spend a month on a rewrite
> just now, so if this is still not good enough, you are out of luck.

With your help I managed to get together something useable. It's not perfect 
yet, but since the text I'm working on now is not that important and the next 
text where I would need a lot of different types of bibliography is still 
more then half a year away — there is no rush. Not that I would be bold 
enough to call this a bug's more of a "feature request" if you will.

During the process of learning how the bib module in ConTeXt works I came to 
these suggestions:
* an autodetection/setting for \cite (e.g. \setupcitelayout) that works like 
\setuppublicationlayout, but outputs to the "cite field"
* an autodetection/setting for \cite (e.g. in \setupcite) that works similar 
then \*author, \*sep, \*etal and \*etallimit in \setuppublicationlist when it 
comes to many authors in the citation field.
* an autodetection/setting for \cite similar to the above with a script that 
would automatically shorten titles to the first X words, if the title 
exceeded Y characters or words; where X and Y could be set up
* this might  be a tough one — (at least in Slovenia's legal circles) legal 
documents get cited for the first time (e.g. with \cite) the same way as in 
the bibliography (full name, abbrev, journal, all changes etc.), but for each 
next time the same legal act gets cited only it's abbrevation should be used.

Also in connection with that — is it possible (already) to utilise \useskip so 
that not only the empty space of the missing field, but also it's separators 
(e.g. \inserteditor{ed: }{, }{}) are being skipped?

Thanks a million!


p.s. all I have to do now is get some headers etc. ...but I think that should 
be doable even with my limited skills.
p.p.s. I'm attaching the files a) if anyone finds any obvious faults in it and 
b) for anyone who could make use of the pf_ul.tex definitions.

gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje
%%% Splošne definicije

% za pravila PF UL
\input pf_ul
\def\avtor{Matija Šuklje}
\def\mentor{as. mag. Luka Tičar}
\def\tip{seminarska naloga}
\def\naslov{Konkurenčna klavzula v delovni pogodbi}
\def\kljucnebesede{delovno pravo}

% moji lastni linki
\useURL[author-email][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

%%% Začetek teksta


%%% Kazalo in uvod s povzetki



\input knuth

{\en		% začasno spremeni jezik v angleščino

\input knuth

%%% Vsebina naloge

	\section[1]{Prvo poglavje}

\input tufte


\input knuth

tuki citiram, veš?

knjiga\citat[, str. 12][pavcnik_teorija] \crlf
več avtorjev ... \citat[, str. 102-232][kusej_uvod] \crlf
članek v zborniku \zbornik[, str. 5][raz_purity] \crlf
pa še en Bavconov članek \clanek[][bavcon_zkp] \crlf
ena Galičeva objava v ZZR \clanek[][galic_vloga] \crlf

pa še zakon\zakon[33. člen][SPZ]


%%% Appendix


\stoptext% definicije dodatnega polja za skrajšane naslove in avtorje

% definicije dodatnih polj potrebnih za pravne vire

%%% knjige

\title{Teorija prava}
\kratko{Teorija prava}
\kauthor{M. Pavčnik}
\revision{2. izdaja}
\pubname{Cankarjeva založba}

\title{Uvod v pravoznanstvo}
\kauthor{G. Kušej, M. Pavčnik, A. Perenič}
\revision{ponatis 3. spremenjene in dopolnjene izd.}
\pubname{Uradni list Republike Slovenij

Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-28 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Matija Šuklje wrote:
> Dne četrtek 27. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
>> The solution is probably along the lines of
>> [...]
>> More tomorrow, maybe. You have picked the worst possible time to ask
>> me about computer stuff. ;-)
> Thanks, will try tomorrow. My day has been amazingly awful as well. I'll 
> probably just do additions to the pf_ul.tex file where I think I'm on halfway 
> familiar ground already.

Your pf_ul.tex had a spurious (or incomplete) \insert command at
the end, that is what was causing an error problems "Missing number".

For the footnoted references, this seems to work:

% two new fields, for use in \mycite

%  footnote-based definition of \cite, with extra data
% this adds the reference to the publication list
% in the back:
% you can get all single-valued fields with this
% \commands (title,issue,journal etc.) but not the
% \author,\artauthor and \editor because they have
% special arguments:
\getcitedata[avtor][#2] to \localavtor
\getcitedata[kratko][#2] to \localkratko
% you may want more fields and/or better formatting:
\footnote{\localavtor, \localkratko, #1}%

% use is like so:
This is known\mycite[str. IV-VI in XI][bavcon_zkp]

% this setup needs the extra \avtor and \kratko in the bbl file :
\title{Na rob peti noveli zakona o kazenskem postopku}
\kratko{Na rob}
 \avtor{L. Bavcon}
\journal{Pravna praksa}

You are operating on the border of what is doable for the current
bibliographic module, and I have no time to spend a month on a rewrite 
just now, so if this is still not good enough, you are out of luck.

Best wishes,

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-27 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne četrtek 27. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):
> The solution is probably along the lines of
> [...]
> More tomorrow, maybe. You have picked the worst possible time to ask
> me about computer stuff. ;-)

Thanks, will try tomorrow. My day has been amazingly awful as well. I'll 
probably just do additions to the pf_ul.tex file where I think I'm on halfway 
familiar ground already.



gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-27 Thread Taco Hoekwater
Matija Šuklje wrote:
> Dne četrtek 27. decembra 2007 je Matija Šuklje napisal(a):
>> From what I can tell the main problem is that in legal circles it's
>> considered bad form to cite (the short one) right next to the cited text.
>> The much preferred way is "below the line" in the footer.
> I think I solved the problem with footnotes now by using 
> \footnote{\cite[extras={, p. 12}][ref]} ...but I'm still not happy with too 
> little information produced by \cite and not having a working 
> \placepublications
> Any help appreciated.

The solution is probably along the lines of

 \getcitedata[kratko][#1] to \shorttitle
 \getcitedata[avtor][#1] to \shortauthor %define this bibfield first!
 \expanded{\footnote{\shortitle, \shortauthor ...}}%

More tomorrow, maybe. You have picked the worst possible time to ask
me about computer stuff. ;-)

If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-27 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne četrtek 27. decembra 2007 je Matija Šuklje napisal(a):
> From what I can tell the main problem is that in legal circles it's
> considered bad form to cite (the short one) right next to the cited text.
> The much preferred way is "below the line" in the footer.

I think I solved the problem with footnotes now by using 
\footnote{\cite[extras={, p. 12}][ref]} ...but I'm still not happy with too 
little information produced by \cite and not having a working 

Any help appreciated.


gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje
% definicije dodatnega polja za skrajšane naslove

% definicije dodatnih polj potrebnih za pravne vire

%%% knjige

\title{Teorija prava}
\kratko{Teorija prava}
\revision{2. izdaja}
\pubname{Cankarjeva založba}

%%% zborniki

\title{The Purity of the Pure Theory of Law}
\kratko{The Purity}
\journal{Norms and Normativity — Critcal Perspectives on Kelsenian 
\editor{}[S. L.]{}{Paulson}
\editor{}[B.]{}{Litschewski Paulson}
\pubname{Clarendon Press}

%%% članki v revijah

\title{Na rob peti noveli zakona o kazenskem postopku}
\kratko{Na rob}
\journal{Pravna praksa}

%%% članki v revijah, ki izhajajo letno

\title{Vloga sodnika pri spodbujevanju sodnih poravnav}
\kratko{Vloga sodnika}
\journal{Zbornik znanstvenih razprav}

%%% pravni viri

%TODO — zlo grdi hack-i na mestih — nekak morš rešt to :/
\title{Stvarnopravni zakonik}
\title_eng{Law of Property Code}
\organization{Državni zbor RS}
\journal{Ur. l. RS}
\spremembe{18/2007 Skl.US: U-I-70/04-18}
\pubyear{2002}\month{10}\day{17}% datum objave
\yearfiled{2003}\monthfiled{1}\dayfiled{1} % datum začetka veljave  
%%% TODO — boljšo definicijo

\stoppublication% za pravila PF UL
\input pf_ul
\def\avtor{Matija Šuklje}
\def\mentor{as. mag. Luka Tičar}
\def\tip{seminarska naloga}
\def\naslov{Konkurenčna klavzula v delovni pogodbi}
\def\kljucnebesede{delovno pravo}

% moji lastni linki
\useURL[author-email][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


% \startfrontmatter
\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },conversion=Romannumerals,location=right]



\input knuth

{\en		% začasno spremeni jezik v angleščino

\input knuth

% \stopfrontmatter
% \startbodymatter
\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },right={ od \lastpagenumber},location=right]

\chapter{Kr en poglavje}

\section[1]{Prvo poglavje}

\input tufte


\input knuth

tuki citiram, veš? \footnote{\cite[extras={ str. IV-VI in XI}][bavcon_zkp]}

% \placepublications

% \stopbodymatter
% \page
% \startappendices


% \stopappendices
\stoptext%d Tu so ConTeXt definicije oblike ipd., kot so predpisane za seminarske
%d in diplomske naloge na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
%c Avtor: Matija Šuklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c Avtor dovoljuje (in spodbuja) uporabo vsebino tega „dela“ pod pogoji v licenci GPL.

%d This are the ConTeXt definitions of layout etc. as perscribed for writing a thesis
%d on the Law faculty, University of Ljubljana
%c Author: Matija Šuklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c The author permits (and encourages) the usage of this "work" under the terms of the GPL licence.

%%% splošne definicije dokumenta

% jezik, UTF-8 in velikost papirja

Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-27 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne sreda 26. decembra 2007 je Matija Šuklje napisal(a):
> * for each cititation to have a reference number in superscript and
> Romannummerals next to the citation
> * a footnote on the "same" page in the form like "T. Hoekwater, BIB (2006),
> pp. 2-4"
> * and in the appendix a list with longer forms like "Hoekwater, Taco:
> BIBLIOGRAPHIES (2. edition), Oxford press, London 2006"

How I *imagined* it could be made — but failing at it miserably:

* I defined a separate field 'kratko' in the .bbl file for shortened titles.
* I *thought* that \cite would produce a numbred reference (e.g. [IV], or [4]) 
in the place in the text where I'm calling up \cite (just the number, not 
the 'extras' — e.g. \cite[extras={ str. 2-5}])
* I planned to convience \cite to place the content plus it's extras to form a 
footnote with a short(-ish) citation format — using 'kratko' instead 
of 'title' fields, skipping some fields, different layout etc.
* and then to convience \placepublications to write a long citation format — 
using 'title', adding other fields, different layout etc.

I thought that you can do that by defining (also for each 'type') a different 
setup for what \cite shows and for what and how things are placed in the 
\placepublications ...I thought that's what \setupcite (for \cite) and 
\setuppubplications and \setuppublicationlist (for \placepublications) are.

...slowly I'm beginning to think that either ConTeXt's bib module is not 
matching my (faculty's) needs or that I just simply don't understand how it 

From what I can tell the main problem is that in legal circles it's considered 
bad form to cite (the short one) right next to the cited text. The much 
preferred way is "below the line" in the footer.

I'm really sorry if I'm annoying, but I just can't figure it out.


gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
If your question is of interest to others as well, please add an entry to the 

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Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-26 Thread Matija Šuklje
Dne sreda 26. decembra 2007 je Taco Hoekwater napisal(a):

ad 1. & 2.:
Thanks, works like a charm :]

>Solution: none. it is not possible to combine 'short' citation
>and mainmatter/backmatter/appendices. (this problem is nasty, but
>quite hard to fix).

Damn. What I need to do is:
* for each cititation to have a reference number in superscript and 
Romannummerals next to the citation
* a footnote on the "same" page in the form like "T. Hoekwater, BIB (2006), 
pp. 2-4"
* and in the appendix a list with longer forms like "Hoekwater, Taco: 
BIBLIOGRAPHIES (2. edition), Oxford press, London 2006"

I don't know if I made this clear. But RTFM-ing and reading some examples on 
the Wiki brought me just this far and now I'm dead again.

>Workaround: only use visible ASCII in your file names (for now,
>I intend to fix this).

done ...didn't imagine UTF-8 filenames to cause problems in ConTeXt though. 
Anyway, it's not that annoying and thanks for explaining this to me.

> * You have to be a bit more careful about the \startpublication
>- watch out for extra space characters. The only ones that are
>  ignored are the ones just before a key.

so that's why people add % at the end of them? nice failsafe mechanism :]

> * The \author command inside bbl files takes three arguments:


> Finally, if you want to have 'short' keys in the publication list,
> it makes sense to add a set up like this:

I still don't understand this one, but I'm not even 

> After all those changes, fixes, and workarounds, I ended up with the
> attached files.

Thanks. I tried to apply what I thought relevant to my document and it 
somewhat worked, but then I suppose I broke it again. And I'm too lame to 
figure out what and how to fix it. Sorry that I'm such a pain in the arse :/

I'm attaching the newly-fixed-and-broken-again files

> /tex/context/user

would ~/.texmf/ be a suitable place?

Again, thanks *A LOT* for your help. I had a hunch that the good dozen of 
different types of citation that our faculty demands would make my life 
miserable for a while. I just hope ConTeXt will make it all worth after the 
macros and definitions are done.


gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje
% za pravila PF UL
\input pf_ul
\def\avtor{Matija Šuklje}
\def\mentor{as. mag. Luka Tičar}
\def\tip{seminarska naloga}
\def\naslov{Konkurenčna klavzula v delovni pogodbi}
\def\kljucnebesede{delovno pravo}

% moji lastni linki
\useURL[author-email][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },conversion=Romannumerals,location=right]



\input knuth

{\en		% začasno spremeni jezik v angleščino

\input knuth


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },right={ od \lastpagenumber},location=right]

\chapter{Kr en poglavje}

\section[1]{Prvo poglavje}

\input tufte


\input knuth

tuki citiram, veš? \cite[][bavcon_zkp]




\stoptext% definicije dodatnega polja za skrajšane naslove

% definicije dodatnih polj potrebnih za pravne vire

%%% knjige

\title{Teorija prava}
\kratko{Teorija prava}
\revision{2. izdaja}
\pubname{Cankarjeva založba}

%%% zborniki

\title{The Purity of the Pure Theory of Law}
\kratko{The Purity}
\journal{Norms and Normativity — Critcal Perspectives on Kelsenian 
\editor{}[S. L.]{}{Paulson}
\editor{}[B.]{}{Litschewski Paulson}
\pubname{Clarendon Press}

%%% članki v revijah

\title{Na rob peti noveli zakona o kazenskem postopku}
\kratko{Na rob}
\journal{Pravna praksa}

%%% članki v revijah, ki izhajajo letno


Re: [NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-26 Thread Taco Hoekwater

Matija Šuklje wrote:


I'm just making my first real document in ConTeXt and although I'm thinking 
more and more how this was a great idea. I also decided to simultaneously 
write an external document/module containing all definitions to fit the 

But as a newbie, of course, I stumbled upon some beginner's problems:

1. Chapter heading is not like I would expect — I would like to have the line 
above the chapter as long as the one below it

You need a \noindentation in the  setuphead command:


this is not very obvious, but the \hairline is indented just like
a normal paragraph if you don't add the \noidentation.

2. The empty page at the end of the document annoys me and doesn't want to go 

This is a FAQ: Large documents that have front- and backmatters
are likely books, and books should have an even number of pages. On a
small document (article, letter), you would simply not use the section
block commands at all.

In any case, from the wiki page

comes this solution/workaround


3. The citations won't show any content, neither does the list of publications 
— I'm clearly doing something very wrong here. What I want is numbered 
citation with short references at the bottom and full references in the list 
of publications in the appendices.

Here you've hit a number of problems, some of which are in the bib
module, not your doing.

* the module does not currently support all types of \cite across
  section block boundaries, and that is why you do not get output
  from your \cite commands.

  Solution: none. it is not possible to combine 'short' citation
  and mainmatter/backmatter/appendices. (this problem is nasty, but
  quite hard to fix).

* the module also has a different problem; this time with your file
  name (konkurenčnaklavzula_context.tex). One of the internal
  references the bib module creates attaches the input file name to
  a reference, and if the document name is not 7-bit ascii this
  apparently fails. It is something I have never tested.

  Workaround: only use visible ASCII in your file names (for now,
  I intend to fix this).

* You have to be a bit more careful about the \startpublication
  - watch out for extra space characters. The only ones that are
ignored are the ones just before a key.
  - if a value contains equals signs, square brackets, or commas,
you have to wrap it in braces.

* The \author command inside bbl files takes three arguments:


* monthconversion takes a 'conversion specifier', not a macro
  name. So you need this instead:


Finally, if you want to have 'short' keys in the publication list,
it makes sense to add a set up like this:


After all those changes, fixes, and workarounds, I ended up with the
attached files.

4. If I want to include 'pf_ul.tex' and 'moja_bibliografija.bbl' into my 
user's local modules in Linux, where should I place the link to them? It's a 
bit annoying to have to place links to them in each directory where I make a 
new new file that uses them. And clearly, there will be many yet to come!

The normal place would be


in one of the  directories that is searched by context. You have
to re-run maketexlsr after adding files to that directory, and then
context should be able to find your files just like it knows where
knuth.tex etc. are.

Best wishes,
%d Tu so ConTeXt definicije oblike ipd., kot so predpisane za seminarske
%d in diplomske naloge na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
%c Avtor: Matija Å uklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c Avtor dovoljuje (in spodbuja) uporabo vsebino tega „dela“ pod pogoji v licenci GPL.

%d This are the ConTeXt definitions of layout etc. as perscribed for writing a thesis
%d on the Law faculty, University of Ljubljana
%c Author: Matija Å uklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c The author permits (and encourages) the usage of this "work" under the terms of the GPL licence.

%%% splošne definicije dokumenta

% jezik, UTF-8 in velikost papirja

%%% za informacije v PDF, pobere podatke iz definicij glavnega dokumenta

% da dela UTF-8 tudi v PDF kazalu in informacijah o dokumentu
\input spec-tst

% pobere iz glavnega dokumenta definicije in jih zapiše v informacije v PDF
	keyword={\tip, \kljucnebesede}

% ustvari kazalo v PDF

%%% kazalo


[NTG-context] First document — problems with bi b module and layout

2007-12-25 Thread Matija Šuklje

I'm just making my first real document in ConTeXt and although I'm thinking 
more and more how this was a great idea. I also decided to simultaneously 
write an external document/module containing all definitions to fit the 

But as a newbie, of course, I stumbled upon some beginner's problems:

1. Chapter heading is not like I would expect — I would like to have the line 
above the chapter as long as the one below it

2. The empty page at the end of the document annoys me and doesn't want to go 

3. The citations won't show any content, neither does the list of publications 
— I'm clearly doing something very wrong here. What I want is numbered 
citation with short references at the bottom and full references in the list 
of publications in the appendices.

4. If I want to include 'pf_ul.tex' and 'moja_bibliografija.bbl' into my 
user's local modules in Linux, where should I place the link to them? It's a 
bit annoying to have to place links to them in each directory where I make a 
new new file that uses them. And clearly, there will be many yet to come!

If anything I just wrote doesn't make much sense, I excuse myself ...I'm 
tired, tried to learn and hack together this definitions the whole day today 
and didn't sleep much yesterday either.


gsm: +386 41 849 552

aim: hookofsilver
icq: 110183360
jabber/g-talk: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
yahoo: matija_suklje
% za pravila PF UL
\input pf_ul
\def\avtor{Matija Šuklje}
\def\mentor{as. mag. Luka Tičar}
\def\tip{seminarska naloga}
\def\naslov{Konkurenčna klavzula v delovni pogodbi}
\def\kljucnebesede{delovno pravo}

% moji lastni linki
\useURL[author-email][mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },conversion=Romannumerals,location=right]



\input knuth

{\en		% začasno spremeni jezik v angleščino

\input knuth


\setuppagenumbering[left={stran },right={ od \lastpagenumber},location=right]

\chapter{Kr en poglavje}

\section[1]{Prvo poglavje}

\input tufte


\input knuth

tuki citiram, veš? \cite[ZOFVI] \cite[neki]




k=ZOFVI,% key, po katerem citiraš
t=zakon,% tip publikacije je zakon
s=ZOFVI,% short citation
\title{Zakon o organizaciji in financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja}
\journal{Uradni list Republike Slovenije}


a={Matija Šuklje}
\title{Neki nekastga}
\author{Matija Šuklje}
\stoppublication%d Tu so ConTeXt definicije oblike ipd., kot so predpisane za seminarske
%d in diplomske naloge na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani
%c Avtor: Matija Šuklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c Avtor dovoljuje (in spodbuja) uporabo vsebino tega „dela“ pod pogoji v licenci GPL.

%d This are the ConTeXt definitions of layout etc. as perscribed for writing a thesis
%d on the Law faculty, University of Ljubljana
%c Author: Matija Šuklje, [EMAIL PROTECTED],
%c The author permits (and encourages) the usage of this "work" under the terms of the GPL licence.

%%% splošne definicije dokumenta

% jezik, UTF-8 in velikost papirja

%%% za informacije v PDF, pobere podatke iz definicij glavnega dokumenta

% da dela UTF-8 tudi v PDF kazalu in informacijah o dokumentu
\input spec-tst

% pobere iz glavnega dokumenta definicije in jih zapiše v informacije v PDF
	keyword={\tip, \kljucnebesede}

% ustvari kazalo v PDF

%%% kazalo


%%% oblika poglavij ipd.

% zgenerira okoli naslova prvo stran na podlagi definicij iz glavnega dokumenta in datuma ob generiranju
	before={\startalignment[middle] Univerza v Ljubljani \crlf Pravna fakult