Odp: Re: [NTG-context] The smallest instalation for work with ConTeXt and MetaFun (TeXLive8) ?

2003-10-07 Thread ^Nitram^

>> What may be wrong ?
> Does it help you ?

I'm a little 'confused' in installation of ConTeXt now ;)
Yours advices (and texmf.cnf from Hans) didn't works on my mobile
machine with previous (recommended) installation.
But today I tried install it on other computer and I:
- get 'generic basic' type of installation (with pictex(2) and 
- without any changes - works fine, but no polish characters and
- make plr fonts and metafun format - fine, but no metapost
- uncomment  \useMETAFUNformattrue, \reuseMPslotstrue,
  \runMPgraphicstrue, \runMPTEXgraphicstrue, \runutilityfiletrue
  in texmf/tex/context/base/cont-sys.ori and copy to cont-sys.tex
- everything works fine ;)

So, I will check it on my second computer - soon I will be expert in
ConTeXt instalation ;)))

PS. Thanks to everybody who helps me in my first steps in ConTeXt - 
tomorrow I send the link to (early beta version ;) visual 
creators of tables and flowcharts in ConTeXt...

Best regards

ntg-context mailing list

Re: [NTG-context] The smallest instalation for work with ConTeXt and MetaFun (TeXLive8) ?

2003-10-06 Thread Hans Hagen
At 04:35 06/10/2003, you wrote:

Anybody has an experience with TeXLive (8 or 7) - what is the smallest
installation type for working with ConTeXt and (absolutely necessary)
MetaFun - I tried 'generic basic' and 'generic recommended' but I
can't make MP graphics - I have a problem with it again ;(
% TeX Live texmf.cnf
%  Part 1: Search paths and directories.

% You can set an environment variable to override TEXMF if you're testing
% a new TeX tree, without changing anything else.
% You may wish to use one of the $SELFAUTO... variables here so TeX will
% find where to look dynamically.  See the manual and the definition
% below of TEXMFCNF.

% The main tree, which must be mentioned in $TEXMF, below:

% A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree.  

% User texmf trees can be catered for like this...

% A place where texconfig stores modifications (instead of the TEXMFMAIN
% tree).  texconfig relies on the name, so don't change it.

% Now, list all the texmf trees. If you have multiple trees,
% use shell brace notation, like this:
% The braces are necessary.

% The system trees.  These are the trees that are shared by all the users.

% Where generated fonts may be written.  This tree is used when the sources
% were found in a system tree and either that tree wasn't writable, or the
% varfonts feature was enabled in MT_FEATURES in mktex.cnf.

% Where to look for ls-R files.  There need not be an ls-R in the
% directories in this path, but if there is one, Kpathsea will use it.

% It may be convenient to define TEXMF like this:
% which allows users to set up entire texmf trees, and tells TeX to
% look in places like ~/tex and ~/bibtex.  If you do this, define TEXMFDBS
% like this:
% or mktexlsr will generate an ls-R file for $HOME when called, which is
% rarely desirable.  If you do this you'll want to define SYSTEXMF like
% this:
% so that fonts from a user's tree won't escape into the global trees.
% On some systems, there will be a system tree which contains all the font
% files that may be created as well as the formats.  For example
%   VARTEXMF = /var/lib/texmf
% is used on many Linux systems.  In this case, set VARTEXFONTS like this
% and do not mention it in TEXMFDBS (but _do_ mention VARTEXMF).

% Usually you will not need to edit any of the other variables in part 1. %

% WEB2C is for Web2C specific files.  The current directory may not be
% a good place to look for them.
WEB2C = $TEXMF/web2c

% TEXINPUTS is for TeX input files -- i.e., anything to be found by \input
% or \openin, including .sty, .eps, etc. 

% LaTeX-specific macros are stored in latex.  
TEXINPUTS.latex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.hugelatex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{latex,generic,}//

% Fontinst needs to read afm files.
TEXINPUTS.fontinst = .;$TEXMF/{tex{/fontinst,},fonts/afm}//

% Plain TeX.  Have the command tex check all directories as a last
% resort, we may have plain-compatible stuff anywhere.
TEXINPUTS.tex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{plain,generic,}//
% other plain-based formats
TEXINPUTS.amstex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{amstex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.ftex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{formate,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.texinfo = .;$TEXMF/tex/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.eplain  = .;$TEXMF/tex/{eplain,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.jadetex = .;$TEXMF/tex/{jadetex,generic,plain,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfjadetex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{jadetex,generic,plain,}//

% e-TeX.  
TEXINPUTS.elatex   = .;$TEXMF/{etex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.etex = .;$TEXMF/{etex,tex}/{generic,plain,}//

% PDFTeX.  This form of the input paths is borrowed from teTeX.  A certain
% variant of TDS is assumed here, unaffected by the build variables.
TEXINPUTS.pdftexinfo = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdflatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdftex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfelatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdfetex   = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% Omega.
TEXINPUTS.lambda = .;$TEXMF/{omega,tex}/{lambda,latex,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.omega = .;$TEXMF/{omega,tex}/{plain,generic,}//

% Context macros by Hans Hagen:
TEXINPUTS.context   = 

% cst

Re: [NTG-context] The smallest instalation for work with ConTeXt and MetaFun (TeXLive8) ?

2003-10-06 Thread Sebastian Rooks
^Nitram^ wrote:


Anybody has an experience with TeXLive (8 or 7) - what is the smallest
installation type for working with ConTeXt and (absolutely necessary)
MetaFun - I tried 'generic basic' and 'generic recommended' but I
can't make MP graphics - I have a problem with it again ;(
Of course 'full' installation works fine, but I have no idea what I
need in smaller installation to working fine...
Probably I forgot change something (again) in config files - in log I
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2003.10.6)  
6 OCT 2003 04:15
entering extended mode
%&-line parsing enabled.
\openout0 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `_back-mprun.mp'.
\openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `mprun.mp'.
[MP to PDF] (./_back-mpgraph.1) [2.2]
\openout5 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
mpost  -progname=mpost -mem=metafun _back-mpgraph

and no graphic in pdf. But when I run mpost _back-mpgrapg.mp I have
_back-mpgraph.1 file and another run of context includes graphic (this
one) to pdf. What may be wrong ?

It seems you didn't enable system commands via \write18{...}.
In your texmf-local\web2c\texmf.cnf do you have (as stated page 9 of 

* The WEB2C configuration *
Although not stricktly needed, ConTEXt will operate more smoothly when 
these features are set in the file texmf.cnf.
openout_any = a
shell_escape = t
allow_multiple_suffixes = f
The first line permits ConTEXt to open parent paths that can hold common 
The second line enables enables users to embed METAPOST code in their 
As a result, METAPOST is called automatically. The last line makes sure 
that when
opening files like somefile.tuo, TEX will not try to open 
somefile.tuo.tex first.
When you embed TEX code in a METAPOST definition, using btex ... etex, 
the next
line will use TEXexec to process that fragment in the case of using 
METAPOST directly.
MPXCOMMAND=texexec ­mptex

Does it help you ?


ntg-context mailing list

[NTG-context] The smallest instalation for work with ConTeXt and MetaFun (TeXLive8) ?

2003-10-05 Thread ^Nitram^

Anybody has an experience with TeXLive (8 or 7) - what is the smallest
installation type for working with ConTeXt and (absolutely necessary)
MetaFun - I tried 'generic basic' and 'generic recommended' but I
can't make MP graphics - I have a problem with it again ;(

Of course 'full' installation works fine, but I have no idea what I
need in smaller installation to working fine...

Probably I forgot change something (again) in config files - in log I
This is pdfeTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.11a-2.1 (Web2c 7.5.2) (format=cont-en 2003.10.6)  
6 OCT 2003 04:15
entering extended mode
 %&-line parsing enabled.
\openout0 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `_back-mprun.mp'.
\openout0 = `mpgraph.mp'.
\openout0 = `mprun.mp'.
[MP to PDF] (./_back-mpgraph.1) [2.2]
\openout5 = `_back-mpgraph.mp'.
mpost  -progname=mpost -mem=metafun _back-mpgraph

and no graphic in pdf. But when I run mpost _back-mpgrapg.mp I have
_back-mpgraph.1 file and another run of context includes graphic (this
one) to pdf. What may be wrong ?

Best regards,

ntg-context mailing list