Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-22 Thread Francesc Altet
A Friday 22 February 2008, Stefan van der Walt escrigué:
 Hi Travis,

 On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:14:07PM -0600, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
  In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it
  would reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed
  in the same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.
  For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with
  * Boolean masks

 I've tried to use this before, but an IndexError (0-d arrays can't be
 indexed) is raised.

Yes, that's true, and what's more, you can't pass a slice to a 0-d 
array, which is certainly problematic.  I think this should be fixed.

  * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]

 This, especially, seems like it could be very useful.

Well, if you want to create a x[..., newaxis], you can always use 
array([x]), which also works with scalars (and python scalars too), 
although the later does create a copy :-/

 Could I ask that we also consider implementing len() for 0-d arrays?
 numpy.asarray returns those as-is, and I would like to be able to
 handle them just as I do any other 1-dimensional array.  I don't know
 if a length of 1 would be valid, given a shape of (), but there must
 be some consistent way of handling them.

If 0-d arrays are going to be indexable, then +1 for len(0-d) returning 


0,0   Francesc Altet
V   V   Cárabos Coop. V.   Enjoy Data
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-22 Thread Lisandro Dalcin
Travis, after reading all the post on this thread, my comments

Fist of all, I'm definitelly +1 on your suggestion. Below my rationale.

* I believe numpy scalars should provide all possible features needed
to smooth the difference between mutable, indexable 0-d arrays and
inmutable, non-indexable builtin Python numeric types.

* Given that in the context of generic multi-dimensional array
processing a 0-d array are more natural and useful concept that a
Python 'int' and 'float', I really think that numpy scalars shoud
follow as much as possible the behavior of 0-d arrays (of course,
retaining inmutability).

* Numpy scalars already have (thanks for that!) a very, very similar
API to ndarrays. You can as for 'size', 'shape', etc ( BTW, why
scalar.fill(x) does not generate any error). Why do not add
indexing as well?

* However, I'm not sure about the proposal of supporting len(), I'm -0
on this point. Anyway, if this is added, then 0-d arrays should also
have to support it. And then... len(scalar) or len(0-d-array) is going
to return 0 (zero)?


On 2/21/08, Travis E. Oliphant [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would
  reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the
  same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.

  For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with

 * Boolean masks
 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
 * Empty tuple x[()]

  I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these particular
  cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of the value would
  be possible).

  This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause
  any backward compatibility issues.

  Any opinions from the list?

  Best regards,

  -Travis O.

  Numpy-discussion mailing list

Lisandro Dalcín
Centro Internacional de Métodos Computacionales en Ingeniería (CIMEC)
Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Industria Química (INTEC)
Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas (CONICET)
PTLC - Güemes 3450, (3000) Santa Fe, Argentina
Tel/Fax: +54-(0)342-451.1594
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Damian Eads
In MATLAB, scalars are 1x1 arrays, and thus they can be indexed. There 
have been situations in my use of Numpy when I would have liked to index 
scalars to make my code more general.

It's not a very pressing issue for me but it is an interesting issue. 
Whenever I index an array with a sequence or slice I'm guaranteed to get 
another array out. This consistency is nice.

In [1]: A=numpy.random.rand(10)

In [2]: A[range(0,1)]
Out[2]: array([ 0.88109759])

In [3]: A[slice(0,1)]
Out[3]: array([ 0.88109759])

In [3]: A[[0]]
Out[3]: array([ 0.88109759])

However, when I index an array with an integer, I can get either a 
sequence or a scalar out.

In [4]: c1=A[0]
Out[4]: 0.88109759

In [5]: B=numpy.random.rand(5,5)

In [5]: c2=B[0]
Out[5]: array([ 0.81589633,  0.9762584 ,  0.7231,  0.12700816, 

Although c1 and c2 were derived by integer-indexing two different arrays 
of doubles, one is a sequence and the other is a scalar. This lack of 
consistency might be confusing to some people, and I'd imagine it 
occasionally results in programming errors.


Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
 reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the 
 same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.
 For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with
 * Boolean masks
 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
 * Empty tuple x[()]
 I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these particular 
 cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of the value would 
 be possible).
 This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause 
 any backward compatibility issues.
 Any opinions from the list?
 Best regards,
 -Travis O.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Konrad Hinsen wrote:
 On 21.02.2008, at 08:41, Francesc Altet wrote:

 Well, it seems like a non-intrusive modification, but I like the  
 to remain un-indexable, mainly because it would be useful to raise an
 error when you are trying to index them.  In fact, I thought that when
 you want a kind of scalar but indexable, you should use a 0-d array.

 I agree. In fact, I'd rather see NumPy scalars move towards Python  
 scalars rather than towards NumPy arrays in behaviour.
A good balance should be sought.  I agree that improvements are needed, 
especially because much behavior is still just a side-effect of how 
things were implemented rather than specifically intentional.
 In particular,  
 their nasty habit of coercing everything they are combined with into  
 arrays is still my #1 source of compatibility problems with porting  
 code from Numeric to NumPy. I end up converting NumPy scalars to  
 Python scalars explicitly in lots of places.
This bit, for example, comes from the fact that most of the math on 
scalars still uses ufuncs for their implementation.  The numpy scalars 
could definitely use some improvements.  

However, I think my proposal for limited indexing capabilities should be 
considered separately from coercion behavior of NumPy scalars.  NumPy 
scalars are intentionally different from Python scalars, and I see this 
difference growing due to where Python itself is going.  For example, 
the int/long unification is going to change the ability for to 
inherit from int.   I could also forsee the Python float being an 
instance of a Decimal object or some other infinite precision float at 
some point which would prevent inheritance for the numpy.float object.   

The legitimate question is *how* different should they really be in each 
specific case.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Damian Eads
While we are on the subject of indexing... I use xranges all over the 
place because I tend to loop over big data sets. Thus I try avoid to 
avoid allocating large chunks of memory unnecessarily with range. While 
I try to be careful not to let xranges propagate to the ndarray's [] 
operator, there have been a few times when I've made a mistake. Is there 
any reason why adding support for xrange indexing would be a bad thing 
to do? All one needs to do is convert the xrange to a slice object in 
__getitem__. I've written some simple code to do this conversion in 
Python (note that in C, one can access the start, end, and step of an 
xrange object very easily.)

def xrange_to_slice(ind):
 Converts an xrange object to a slice object.
 retval = slice(None, None, None)

 if type(ind) == XRangeType:
 # Grab a string representation of the xrange object, which takes
 # any of the forms: xrange(a), xrange(a,b), xrange(a,b,s).
 # Break it apart into a, b, and s.
 sind = str(ind)
 xr_params = [int(s) for s in 
 retval = apply(slice, xr_params)
 raise TypeError(Index must be an xrange object!)
 return retval

On another note, I think it would be great if we added support for a 
find function, which takes a boolean array A, and returns the indices 
corresponding to True, but over A's flat view. In many cases, indexing 
with a boolean array is all one needs, making find unnecessary. However, 
I've encountered cases where computing the boolean array was 
computationally burdensome, the boolean arrays were large, and the 
result was needed many times throughout the broader computation. For 
many of my problems, storing away the flat index array uses a lot less 
memory than storing the boolean index arrays.

I frequently define a function like

def find(A):
  return numpy.where(A.flat)[0]

Certainly, we'd need a find with more error checking, and one that 
handles the case when a list of booleans is passed (or a list of lists). 
Conceivably, one might try to index a non-flat array with the result of 
find. To deal with this, find could return a place holder object that 
the index operator checks for. Just an idea.


I also think it'd be really useful to have a function that's like arange 
in that it supports floats/doubles, and also like xrange in that 
elements are only generated on demand.

It could be implemented as a generator as shown below.

def axrange(start, stop=None, step=1.0):
 if stop == None:
 stop = start
 start = 0.0
 (start, stop, step) = (numpy.float64(start), numpy.float64(stop), 

 for i in xrange(0,numpy.ceil((stop-start)/step)):
 yield numpy.float64(start + step * i)

Or, as a class,

class axrangeiter:

 def __init__(self, rng):
 An iterator over an axrange object.
 self.rng = rng
 self.i = 0

 def next(self):
 Returns the next float in the sequence.
 if self.i = len(self.rng):
 raise StopIteration()
 self.i += 1
 return self.rng[self.i-1]

class axrange:

 def __init__(self, *args):
 axrange(start, stop, [step])

 An axrange object is an iterable numerical sequence between
 start and stop. Similar to arange, there are 
 elements in the sequence. Elements are generated on demand, 
which can
 be more memory efficient.
 if len(args) == 1:
 self.start = numpy.float64(0.0)
 self.stop = numpy.float64(args[0])
 self.step = numpy.float64(1.0)
 elif len(args) == 2:
 self.start = numpy.float64(args[0])
 self.stop = numpy.float64(args[1])
 self.step = numpy.float64(1.0)
 elif len(args) == 3:
 self.start = numpy.float64(args[0])
 self.stop = numpy.float64(args[1])
 self.step = numpy.float64(args[2])
 raise TypeError(axrange requires 3 arguments.)
 self.len = max(int(numpy.ceil((self.stop-self.start)/self.step)),0)

 def __len__(self):
 return self.len

 def __getitem__(self, i):
 return numpy.float64(self.start + self.step * i)

 def __iter__(self):
 return axrangeiter(self)

 def __repr__(self):
 if self.start == 0.0 and self.step == 1.0:
 return axrange(%s) % str(self.stop)
 elif self.step == 1.0:
 return axrange(%s,%s) % (str(self.start), str(self.stop))
 return axrange(%s,%s,%s) % (str(self.start), 
str(self.stop), str(self.step))

Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
 reduce code complexity to 

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Travis E. Oliphant
Damian Eads wrote:
 While we are on the subject of indexing... I use xranges all over the 
 place because I tend to loop over big data sets. Thus I try avoid to 
 avoid allocating large chunks of memory unnecessarily with range. While 
 I try to be careful not to let xranges propagate to the ndarray's [] 
 operator, there have been a few times when I've made a mistake. Is there 
 any reason why adding support for xrange indexing would be a bad thing 
 to do? All one needs to do is convert the xrange to a slice object in 
 __getitem__. I've written some simple code to do this conversion in 
 Python (note that in C, one can access the start, end, and step of an 
 xrange object very easily.)
I think something like this could be supported.   Basically, 
interpreting an xrange object as a slice object would be my presumed 

-Travis O.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On Feb 21, 2008, at 16:03, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

 However, I think my proposal for limited indexing capabilities  
 should be
 considered separately from coercion behavior of NumPy scalars.  NumPy
 scalars are intentionally different from Python scalars, and I see  
 difference growing due to where Python itself is going.  For example,
 the int/long unification is going to change the ability for to
 inherit from int.

True, but this is almost an implementation detail.

What I see as more fundamental is the behaviour of Python container  
objects (lists, sets, etc.). If you add an object to a container and  
then access it as an element of the container, you get the original  
object (or something that behaves like the original object) without  
any trace of the container itself. I don't see why arrays should  
behave differently from all the other Python container objects -  
certainly not because it would be rather easy to implement.

NumPy has been inspired a lot by array languages like APL or Matlab.  
In those languages, everything is an array, and plain numbers that  
would be scalars elsewhere are considered 0-d arrays. Python is not  
an array language but an OO language with the more general concepts  
of containers, sequences, iterators, etc. Arrays are just one kind of  
container object among many others, so they should respect the common  
behaviours of containers.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Konrad Hinsen apparently wrote:

 What I see as more fundamental is the behaviour of Python container 
 objects (lists, sets, etc.). If you add an object to a container and 
 then access it as an element of the container, you get the original 
 object (or something that behaves like the original object) without 
 any trace of the container itself. 

I am not a CS type, but your statement seems related to
a matrix behavior that I find bothersome and unnatural::

 M = N.mat('1 2;3 4')
matrix([[1, 2]])
matrix([[1, 2]])

I do not think anyone has really defended this behavior,
*but* the reply to me when I suggested that a matrix 
contains arrays and we should see that in its behavior
was that, no, a matrix is a container of matrices so this is 
what you get.

So a possible problem with your phrasing of the argument
(from a non-CS, user point of view)
is that it fails to address what is actually contained
(as opposed to what you might wish were contained).

Apologies if this proves OT.

Alan Isaac

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On Feb 21, 2008, at 18:08, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 I do not think anyone has really defended this behavior,
 *but* the reply to me when I suggested that a matrix
 contains arrays and we should see that in its behavior
 was that, no, a matrix is a container of matrices so this is
 what you get.

I can't say much about matrices in NumPy as I never used them, nor  
tried to understand them. The example you give looks weird to me.

 So a possible problem with your phrasing of the argument
 (from a non-CS, user point of view)
 is that it fails to address what is actually contained
 (as opposed to what you might wish were contained).

Most Python container objects contain arbitrary objects. Arrays are  
an exception (the exception being justified by the enormous memory  
and performance gains) in that all its elements are necessarily of  
identical type. A float64 array is thus a container of float64 values.

BTW, I am not a CS type either, my background is in physics. I see  
myself on the user side as well.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Eric Firing
Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 Hi everybody,
 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
 reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the 
 same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.
 For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with
 * Boolean masks
 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
 * Empty tuple x[()]
 I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these particular 
 cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of the value would 
 be possible).
 This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause 
 any backward compatibility issues.
 Any opinions from the list?
 Best regards,
 -Travis O.


You have been getting mostly objections so far; maybe it would help if 
you gave a simple specific example of how your proposal would simplify code.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Alan G Isaac
On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Konrad Hinsen apparently wrote:
 A float64 array is thus a container of float64 values. 

Well ... ok::

 x = N.array([1,2],dtype='float')
 x0 = x[0]
type 'numpy.float64'

So a float64 value is whatever a numpy.float64 is,
and that is part of what is under discussion.
So it seems to me.

If so, then expected behavior and use cases seem relevant.


PS I agree that the posted matrix behavior is weird.
For this and other reasons I think it hurts the matrix 
object, and I have requested that it change ...

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Charles R Harris
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:30 PM, Travis E. Oliphant [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  You have been getting mostly objections so far;
 I wouldn't characterize it that way, but yes 2 people have pushed back a
 bit, although one not directly speaking to the proposed behavior.

I need to think about it a lot more, but my initial reaction is also
negative. On general principle, I think scalars should be different from
arrays. Perhaps you could give some concrete examples of why you want the
new behavior? Perhaps there will be other approaches that would achieve the
same end.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Stefan van der Walt
On Thu, Feb 21, 2008 at 12:08:32PM -0500, Alan G Isaac wrote:
 On Thu, 21 Feb 2008, Konrad Hinsen apparently wrote:
  What I see as more fundamental is the behaviour of Python container 
  objects (lists, sets, etc.). If you add an object to a container and 
  then access it as an element of the container, you get the original 
  object (or something that behaves like the original object) without 
  any trace of the container itself. 
 I am not a CS type, but your statement seems related to
 a matrix behavior that I find bothersome and unnatural::
  M = N.mat('1 2;3 4')
 matrix([[1, 2]])
 matrix([[1, 2]])

This is exactly what I would expect for matrices: M[0] is the first
row of the matrix.  Note that you don't see this behaviour for
ndarrays, since those don't insist on having a minimum of

In [2]: x = np.arange(12).reshape((3,4))

In [3]: x
array([[ 0,  1,  2,  3],
   [ 4,  5,  6,  7],
   [ 8,  9, 10, 11]])

In [4]: x[0][0]
Out[4]: 0

In [5]: x[0]
Out[5]: array([0, 1, 2, 3])

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Stefan van der Walt
Hi Travis,

On Wed, Feb 20, 2008 at 10:14:07PM -0600, Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
 reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the 
 same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.

 For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with
 * Boolean masks

I've tried to use this before, but an IndexError (0-d arrays can't be
indexed) is raised.

 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]

This, especially, seems like it could be very useful.

 This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause 
 any backward compatibility issues.
 Any opinions from the list?

This is maybe a fairly esoteric use case, but one I can imagine coming
across.  I'm in favour of implementing the change.

Could I ask that we also consider implementing len() for 0-d arrays?
numpy.asarray returns those as-is, and I would like to be able to
handle them just as I do any other 1-dimensional array.  I don't know
if a length of 1 would be valid, given a shape of (), but there must
be some consistent way of handling them.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Anne Archibald
On 21/02/2008, Stefan van der Walt [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  Could I ask that we also consider implementing len() for 0-d arrays?
  numpy.asarray returns those as-is, and I would like to be able to
  handle them just as I do any other 1-dimensional array.  I don't know
  if a length of 1 would be valid, given a shape of (), but there must
  be some consistent way of handling them.

Well, if the length of an array is the product of all its sizes, the
product of no things is customarily defined to be one... whether that
is actually a useful value is another question.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Eric Firing
Travis E. Oliphant wrote:

 You have been getting mostly objections so far;
 I wouldn't characterize it that way, but yes 2 people have pushed back a 
 bit, although one not directly speaking to the proposed behavior.  
 The issue is that [] notation does more than just select from a 
 container for NumPy arrays.   In particular, it is used to reshape an 
 array to more dimensions:  [..., newaxis]
 A common pattern is to reduce over a dimension and then re-shape the 
 result so that it can be combined with the un-reduced object.  
 Broadcasting makes this work if the dimension being reduced along is the 
 first dimension.  But, broadcasting is not enough if you want the 
 reduction dimension to be arbitrary:
 y = add.reduce(x, axis=-1)  produces an N-1 array if x is 2-d and a 
 numpy scalar if x is 1-d.

Why does it produce a scalar instead of a 0-d array?  Wouldn't the 
latter take care of your use case, and be consistent with the action of 
reduce in removing one dimension?

I'm not opposed to your suggested change--just trying to understand it. 
I'm certainly sympathetic to your use case, below. I dimly recall 
extensive and confusing (to me) discussions of numpy scalars versus 0-d 
arrays during your heroic push to make numpy gel, and I suspect the 
answer is somewhere back in those discussions.


 Suppose y needs to be subtracted from x. 
 If x is 2-d, then
   x - y[...,newaxis]
 is the needed code. But, if x is 1-d,  then
   x - y[..., newaxis]
 returns an error  and a check must be done to handle the case 
 separately.  If y[..., newaxis]  worked and produced a 1-d array when y 
 was a numpy scalar, this could be avoided.
 -Travis O.
 Numpy-discussion mailing list

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-21 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 21.02.2008, at 18:40, Alan G Isaac wrote:

 x = N.array([1,2],dtype='float')
 x0 = x[0]
 type 'numpy.float64'

 So a float64 value is whatever a numpy.float64 is,
 and that is part of what is under discussion.

numpy.float64 is a very recent invention. During the first decade of  
numerical arrays in Python (Numeric), typ(x0) was the standard Python  
float type. And even today, what you put into an array (via the array  
constructor or by assignment) is Python scalar objects, mostly int,  
float, and complex.

The reason for defining special types for the scalar elements of  
arrays was efficiency considerations. Python has only a single float  
type, there is no distinction between single and double precision.  
Extracting an array element would thus always yield a double  
precision float, and adding it to a single-precision array would  
yield a double precision result, meaning that it was extremely  
difficult to maintain single-precision storage across array  
arithmetic. For huge arrays, that was a serious problem.

However, the intention was always to have numpy's scalar objects  
behave as similarly as possible to Python scalars. Ideally,  
application code should not see a difference at all. This was largely  
successful, with the notable exception of the coercion problem that I  
mentioned a few mails ago.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

[Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-20 Thread Travis E. Oliphant

Hi everybody,

In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the 
same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.

For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with

* Boolean masks
* Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
* Empty tuple x[()]

I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these particular 
cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of the value would 
be possible).

This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause 
any backward compatibility issues.

Any opinions from the list?

Best regards,

-Travis O.

Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-20 Thread Francesc Altet
A Thursday 21 February 2008, Travis E. Oliphant escrigué:
 Hi everybody,

 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it
 would reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed
 in the same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.

 For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with

 * Boolean masks
 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
 * Empty tuple x[()]

 I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these
 particular cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of
 the value would be possible).

 This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause
 any backward compatibility issues.

 Any opinions from the list?

Well, it seems like a non-intrusive modification, but I like the scalars 
to remain un-indexable, mainly because it would be useful to raise an 
error when you are trying to index them.  In fact, I thought that when 
you want a kind of scalar but indexable, you should use a 0-d array.

So, my vote is -0.


0,0   Francesc Altet
V   V   Cárabos Coop. V.   Enjoy Data
Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-20 Thread Konrad Hinsen
On 21.02.2008, at 08:41, Francesc Altet wrote:

 Well, it seems like a non-intrusive modification, but I like the  
 to remain un-indexable, mainly because it would be useful to raise an
 error when you are trying to index them.  In fact, I thought that when
 you want a kind of scalar but indexable, you should use a 0-d array.

I agree. In fact, I'd rather see NumPy scalars move towards Python  
scalars rather than towards NumPy arrays in behaviour. In particular,  
their nasty habit of coercing everything they are combined with into  
arrays is still my #1 source of compatibility problems with porting  
code from Numeric to NumPy. I end up converting NumPy scalars to  
Python scalars explicitly in lots of places.


Numpy-discussion mailing list

Re: [Numpy-discussion] Matching 0-d arrays and NumPy scalars

2008-02-20 Thread dmitrey
Travis E. Oliphant wrote:
 Hi everybody,

 In writing some generic code, I've encountered situations where it would 
 reduce code complexity to allow NumPy scalars to be indexed in the 
 same number of limited ways, that 0-d arrays support.

 For example, 0-d arrays can be indexed with

 * Boolean masks
 * Ellipses x[...]  and x[..., newaxis]
 * Empty tuple x[()]

 I think that numpy scalars should also be indexable in these particular 
 cases as well (read-only of course,  i.e. no setting of the value would 
 be possible).

 This is an easy change to implement, and I don't think it would cause 
 any backward compatibility issues.

 Any opinions from the list?

 Best regards,

 -Travis O.

As for me I would be glad to see same behavior for numbers as for arrays 
at all, like it's implemented in MATLAB, i.e.
ok, for numpy having at least possibility to use
print a[0]
would be very convenient, now atleast_1d(a) is required very often, and 
sometimes errors occur only some times later, already during execution 
of user-installed code, when user usually pass several-variables arrays 
and some time later suddenly single-variable array have been encountered.
I guess it could be implemented via a simple check:
if user calls for a[0] and a is array of shape () (i.e. like 
a=array(80)) then return a[()]

Numpy-discussion mailing list