[nysbirds-l] age of Corn Crake

2017-11-08 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone agree with me when I say this bird looks to be a juvenile?  It doesn't seem to have the gray typical of adults on the breast, throat, and face.  I'm also glad it's not being as secretive as they are supposed to be.  What a great bird. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 2

[nysbirds-l] Corn Crake death

2017-11-09 Thread Andrew Block
It's very sad to hear the Corn Crake is dead, but not surprised at all.  I figured it would be hit by a car at some point.  Just wish it had lasted a little longer for more people to see.  Oh well.  It was a great bird for those who saw it.  Probably a once in a lifetime sighting in the US for e

Re: [nysbirds-l] Fwd: [ebirdsnyc] Van Cortlandt Park Virginia Rail & Black-throated Green Warbler

2017-11-20 Thread Andrew Block
That's interesting.  That's where I had my first Virginia Rail back in the 1980's.  I guess they are there regularly.  Cool. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4629 Phone: 914-963-3080; Cell: 914-319-9701  www.flickr.c

[nysbirds-l] FOS Fox Sparrows in Scarsdale

2017-11-20 Thread Andrew Block
I had my first of season Fox Sparrows today in my friends yard at 167 Old Army Rd. with a mixed flock of juncos and other birds.  There were at least two of them.  Such gorgeous birds. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 107

[nysbirds-l] Barred Owl along Rte. 9

2017-11-24 Thread Andrew Block
On my way home this evening just before it got totally dark I had a Barred Owl fly east to west across Rte. 9 in Wappingers Falls just north of CR28.  It flew across about 12 feet above the road. Pretty cool.  New county bird:-) Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, A

Re: [nysbirds-l] Astonishing High Count for Common Raven, Suffolk Co., LI

2017-12-01 Thread Andrew Block
Nice sighting.  It is very rare for around here to see so many in a flock, but out West they are frequently seen in medium sized flocks sometimes much larger usually at a feeding site such as a dead large mammal.  I have personally seen a flock of 80-100 in Unity, Maine, back in the mid 80's fly

[nysbirds-l] Black-headed Gull still in Five Islands?

2017-12-16 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone know if the Black-headed Gull is still at Five Islands Park?  It hasn't been reported in awhile.  I have a friend coming to look for it tomorrow since he missed it at PBP.  Thanks. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co., New

Re: [nysbirds-l] OCWA or MGWA

2017-12-19 Thread Andrew Block
Boy, after seeing the Macgillivray's in Highlands, NJ yesterday and seeing the photos of this bird, I can see the similarities for sure.  But the MacGillivray's did not have those light edgings as Shai notes and seemed a little brighter overall and the throat seemed different too.  I'd lean towa

Re: [nysbirds-l] Ithaca rarities

2018-01-03 Thread Andrew Block
Thanks Kevin for sending this report.  I'd love to see those incredible numbers of Redheads and the Tufted Duck, but it's a little far for me right now.  It's always nice to hear about sightings in the rest of NYS other than down here.  I wish more people would do this on this listserv.  I'm gla

[nysbirds-l] extralimital crane flock

2018-01-21 Thread Andrew Block
I know it's not in NY, but just wanted report that a good sized flock of 15 adult and immature Sandhill Cranes is wintering in Manville, Somerset Co., NJ, along the Manville Causeway and is reliably visible to all.  It is nice to see suck a large flock so close and in the northeast.  Hopefully t

[nysbirds-l] Red-shouldereds in Van Cortlandt Park

2018-01-25 Thread Andrew Block
I had two Red-shouldered Hawks in the northern section of Van Cortlandt Park near the Forest Ave./Lee Ave. intersection in Yonkers.  This is right on the border of Yonkers and the Bronx.  They were about 100feet in from the street.  It's so nice to see this species so regularly now after being s

[nysbirds-l] New Park in Jamaica Bay and list of birds from there for anyone interested

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Block
I'm glad to hear they are finally making those former dumps into a park.  I just hope they don't develop them to much as they are excellent for birds as they are now.  I worked on both of the landfills for a year in '06 and '07 doing bird surveys and hazing of geese and gulls and know first hand

[nysbirds-l] Barred Owl in Scarsdale

2018-02-13 Thread Andrew Block
Just forwarding a message that my friend in Scarsdale had a Barred Owl in her yard the other night calling and flying around.  It was probably going after the rabbits running around her yard.  She's had Great Horneds before but never a Barred.  Nice yard bird. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consultin

[nysbirds-l] Wallkill River NWR to Shwangunk NWR birds

2018-02-20 Thread Andrew Block
2/20/18 - Wallkill River N.W.R. area to Shawangunk N.W.R., Orange Co., NY several Black and Turkey Vulturesmany Canada Geeseseveral Mallards 4 Ring-necked Ducks1 Hooded Merganserseveral Common Mergansers2 Bald Eagles (Wallkill River just s. of the village)10+ Northern Harriers1 Cooper's Hawksever

[nysbirds-l] In memorium: The Carolina Parakeet

2018-02-21 Thread Andrew Block
This email is in memorial to the Carolina Parakeet (Conuropsis carolinensis) on the 100th anniversary, today 2/21/18, of its official extinction.  Since it doesn't get the acknowledgement it deserves as did the Passenger Pigeon on its anniversary, I wanted to at least say something in memorium. 

[nysbirds-l] Wallkill River & Shawangunk Grasslands NWR birds

2018-03-18 Thread Andrew Block
3/18/18 - Wallkill River & Shawangunk Grasslands NWRs, Orange & Ulster Co.s, NY many of both vulturesmany Canada Geese4 Mute Swans3 American Wigeons (one may have been the male Eurasian that's been around but to far to see without scope, was hanging by itself)several Mallardsseveral Northern Pint

[nysbirds-l] Are the Golden Eagles still at Stissing Mtn?

2018-03-26 Thread Andrew Block
I was wondering if the Golden Eagles are still wintering around Stissing Mountain.  I haven't seen any reports in a long time from there so was wondering.  I was there on saturday and yesterday and had an adult and two juvenile bald eagles on and adjacent to Conklin Hill and there's a nest of t

[nysbirds-l] Mourning Dove nest

2018-03-28 Thread Andrew Block
I had a Mourning Dove pair on their nest yesterday at my Dad's place in Bronxville.  I think that's the earliest I've seen one.  Poor things built the nest in a spruce right by one of those annoying very bright LED security lights beaming down on them all night.  Cool stuff.  I think that's also

[nysbirds-l] Bronx River birds

2018-04-07 Thread Andrew Block
4/7/18 - Bronx River, Crestwood and Bronxville, NY 3 Canada Geese on nests6 Green-winged Teals6 Palm Warblers3 Yellow-rumped Warblers1 Osprey2 Turkey Vultures1 Eastern Phoebe2 Carolina Wrens3 Black Ducks Plus usual birds for this time of year.  Also had some very frisky and active muskrats.  Lots

[nysbirds-l] Swifts in the chimney

2018-04-13 Thread Andrew Block
I was out in my yard caring for my plants and I heard some faint chittering coming from the unused chimney in my house.  I couldn't figure out where it was coming from at first but then realized it was in the chimney!  We've always had swifts flying around the house but it never occurred to me t

[nysbirds-l] extralimital Wilson's Plover

2018-04-29 Thread Andrew Block
For anyone interested there is a Wilson's Plover at Milford Pt. in Milford, CT as of now.  Went to see it this afternoon and it was giving great looks.  There were also some Piping Plovers, Black-bellied Plovers and some American Oystercatchers. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20

[nysbirds-l] Whip-poor-will in my yard in Yonkers!

2018-04-30 Thread Andrew Block
I just had a Whip-poor-will calling in my yard or on my house!  I can't tell if it's sitting on the house or what since I'm hearing it so close and on all sides of the house.  That is a first for Westchester for me and quite a nice yard bird.  Never expected that! Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consu

[nysbirds-l] more owls in Scarsdale

2018-04-30 Thread Andrew Block
I forgot to post last week that my friend had another owl in her Scarsdale yard on Old Army Rd.  This time it was a Great Horned.  Very nice. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4629  www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/al

[nysbirds-l] Pileated Woodpecker in Yonkers

2018-05-01 Thread Andrew Block
This morning I had a Pileated Woodpecker flying fairly high across Central Park Ave. from the Barnes and Noble side to the opposite side and land in a dead tree.  A first for that area.  Kind of an unusual place to see them.  Good to know they're around there. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consultin

[nysbirds-l] Saxon Woods Co. Park birds

2018-05-05 Thread Andrew Block
5/5/18 - Saxon Woods Co. Park, Mamaroneck, Westchester Co., NY 1 Great Egret3 Canada Geese6 Wood Ducks1 GADWALL (Gedney Pond)1 American Black Duck4 Mallards3 Ospreys2 Killdeer1 Spotted Sandpiper2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers1 Great Crested Flycatcher1 Eastern Phoebe2 Warbling Vireos5 Blue Jays2 Northe

[nysbirds-l] Red-headed Woodpecker at NYBG

2018-05-12 Thread Andrew Block
I got a second hand report that there is as of yesterday an adult  Red-headed Woodpecker at the bottom of Azalea Way hanging out in that area.  A good bird to get anywhere but very rare at the Garden. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester C

[nysbirds-l] Central Park birds

2018-05-13 Thread Andrew Block
I was in Central Park this am for the Japan Day festivities and to try for the continuing Kirtland's Warbler.  I got the warbler at 8:15am at the usual spot on West Drive just north of 91st. next to the reservoir.  It gave wonderful close views of course because I left my camera in the car.   Wh

Re: [nysbirds-l] Mississippi Kite, East Hampton

2018-05-26 Thread Andrew Block
Nice bird Anthony.  That's the 5th kite seen within the last hour in NY, CT, and RI.  Two were just seen in CT, two in RI, and yours.  That's the most in one day I've heard of in our general area. Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co.,

[nysbirds-l] Kites everywhere!

2018-05-28 Thread Andrew Block
It's interesting the number of Mississippi Kites being reported in the last two days in NY, RI, and CT.  Yesterday two were in CT, two in RI, and one on LI reported all within an hour of each other and then the one now on LI.  Hopefully they are going to be nesting.  It's a good sign that two of

[nysbirds-l] turkey on car in scasdale

2018-06-08 Thread Andrew Block
My friend who lives in Scarsdale just showed me photos of a turkey walking down her driveway and then sitting on the roof of her car!  An unusual site to see when going out to your car in the morning:-) Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester

[nysbirds-l] N. Rough-winged Swallow nest

2018-06-17 Thread Andrew Block
When I was at the TDBank on Central Ave. in Yonkers yesterday I was surprised to see a N. Rough-winged Swallow flying low around the parking lot and then go in and out of one of the drains on the wall of the back part of the property.  Pretty cool.  Confirmed breeding:-) Andrew Andrew v. F. Bloc

[nysbirds-l] Liberty Loop Trail, Wallkill River NWR

2018-06-17 Thread Andrew Block
I spent the day today at Wallkill River NWR and started early at the Liberty Loop Trail.  I hadn't been there at this time of year in a long time, probably not since I was doing inventories there in the early 2000's.  I was pleased to see how many cool birds were now breeding there that I didn't

Re: [nysbirds-l] Black-bellied Whistling Ducks

2018-06-24 Thread Andrew Block
Very nice birds to get.  I had two with the redhsank in Brooklyn back in the '90's.  Wish they'd come into Westchester once in a while:-) Andrew Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist 20 Hancock Avenue, Apt. 3 Yonkers, Westchester Co., New York 10705-4629  www.flickr.com/photos/conuropsis/albums

[nysbirds-l] extralimital spoonbill and whistling ducks in NJ

2018-07-03 Thread Andrew Block
Hi all, Just to let people know I saw 10 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks and an immature Roseate Spoonbill in NJ this morning.  I wonder if the ducks on LI are strays from this flock since these were only an hour or so away and have been there about a week or so.  The ducks were in Monroe Twp. and

[nysbirds-l] Scarsdale flight

2018-10-29 Thread Andrew Block
While at my friends home in Scarsdale this am I had a small movement of birds going through.  I had a Winter Wren, 3 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, a Fox Sparrow, several White-throated Sparrows, a Red-breasted Nuthatch, some Yellow-rumped Warblers, some Dark-eyed Juncos, a few Tufted Titmice, a couple

[nysbirds-l] White-tailed Kite

2010-08-01 Thread Andrew Block
>From 3:30 to 4:00pm the White-tailed Kite in Stratford, CT was observed and >was there when I left at 4.  I had to wait about 1 1/2 hours before it showed again but I figured it would be back since kites do circuits when hunting and i was right.  It's a beautiful bird.  Good luck to those who

[nysbirds-l] Jamaica Bay birds

2010-08-12 Thread Andrew Block
8/12/10 - Jamaica Bay W.R., Broad Channel, NY Time:  9:15am to 2pm Observers:  Andrew Block and Binghamton group (Dan, Dave, and Rich) many Double-crested Cormorants 1 AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN 1 Great Blue Heron 6+ Great Egrets 8+ Snowy Egrets 3 Black-crowned Night-Herons 10+ Glossy Ibis 50+ Mute

[nysbirds-l] Siscouit Reserve location

2010-08-13 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone out there in bird land ever hear of Siscouit Reserve?  I believe it's in Westchester County somewhere but can't remember where.  Any help would be nice. Andrew   Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Field Biologist & Eco-tour Leader 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New Y

[nysbirds-l] first hummer

2010-08-24 Thread Andrew Block
The hummers are migrating.  I had my first of the year today at my feeder.  Just hope all the bees on the oriole feeder don't scare it away. Andrew   Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Field Biologist & Eco-tour Leader 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: (

[nysbirds-l] NYBG & Bronx River Pathway birds

2010-08-28 Thread Andrew Block
8/28/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  10am to 3pm Observers:  Andrew Block 1 Green Heron 22+ Wood Ducks 18+ Mallards 1 Red-tailed Hawk 5 Mourning Doves 4 Ruby-throated Hummingbirds 1 Belted Kingfisher 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers 1 Downy Woodpecker 1 Hairy Woodpecker 2 Northern Flickers 3

[nysbirds-l] common nighthawks & sharpies

2010-08-31 Thread Andrew Block
Had 9 common nighthawks and 3 sharp-shinned hawks fly past my home last night.  It's interesting to note that this is the only time of year I see nighthawks around here anymore. Andrew   Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Field Biologist & Eco-tour Leader 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchest

[nysbirds-l] Rockefeller S.P.P. birds

2010-09-06 Thread Andrew Block
9/5/10 - Rockefeller S.P.P., Pocantico Hills, NY Time: 2pm to 5pm Observers:  Andrew Block, Mark Schwartz 2 Magnolia Warblers 3 Black-throated Green Warblers 1 Blackpoll Warbler 1 Northern Parula 2 Common Yellowthroat 2 Warbling Vireos 1 Red-eyed Vireo 3 Hairy Woodepeckers 2 Northern Flickers 3

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds

2010-09-08 Thread Andrew Block
9/8/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY 15+ Wood Ducks 18+ Mallards 2 Wild Turkeys 1 Black-crowned Night-Heron 1 Red-tailed Hawk 2 Mourning Doves 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 Downy Woodpecker 3 Northern Flickers many American Robins several Gray Catbirds 10+ European Starlings 2 Common Yellowthroats

[nysbirds-l] Tennessee Warbler and others

2010-09-10 Thread Andrew Block
Just had a nice adult Tennessee Warbler, female Common Yellowthroat and Red-eyed Vireo in my yard.  The TEWA and vireo were in the same Hercule's Club tree so was able to get good comparisons.  The warbler also came down to my birdbath.  Also just had a female hummer at the feeder. Andrew   An

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds

2010-09-15 Thread Andrew Block
9/15/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  2pm to 5:30pm Observers:  Andrew Block 45+ Mallards 12+ Wood Ducks 1 Great Blue Heron 3 Mourning Doves 3 Chimney Swifts 5+ Ruby-throated Hummingbirds 3 Red-bellied Woodpeckers 1 Downy Woodpecker 2 Blue Jays 2 Black-capped Chickadees 3+ Red-breasted

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds

2010-09-18 Thread Andrew Block
9/18/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  10am to 3pm Observers:  Andrew Block, Martin Carney, Sue & Frank O'Rourke, and garden birding group 10+ Wood Ducks 30+ Mallards 1 American Black Duck 2 Wild Turkeys 1 Double-crested Cormorant 1 Great Blue Heron 6+ Ospreys 1 Sharp-shinn

[nysbirds-l] handicapped hummer

2010-09-26 Thread Andrew Block
Had a handicapped hummer at my feeders today.  It had a growth or something around it bill about halfway up and couldn't get its bill in far enough to eat.  It looked a little bedraggled which might have been caused by its perdicament.  It was sad to see but it is survival of the fittest.  Hope

[nysbirds-l] Lenoir Hawkwatch

2010-10-03 Thread Andrew Block
10/3/10 - Lenoir Preserve Hawkwatch, Yonkers, NY Time:  9:30am to 12:30pm Observers:  Andrew Block, Doug Bloom, Orlando Hidalgo, and BRSS group several Canada Geese 7 Double-crested Cormorants 1 Black Vulture 6+ Turkey Vultures 3 Ospreys 5 Bald Eagles 1 Northern Harrier 4+ Sharp-shinned Hawks 3

[nysbirds-l] Hummingbirds galore!

2010-10-06 Thread Andrew Block
I just had an immature male Ruby-throated Hummer at the feeders.  Until this fall I hadn't had hummers later that 9/25.  This fall we've had atleast 6 different hummers visiting the feeders.  We've had a hummer almost every day since the beginning of september.  For the last two or three weeks w

[nysbirds-l] birds galore at the birdbath

2010-10-07 Thread Andrew Block
I was sitting today using the computer and looked out my dining room window and saw alot of action at my birdbath and feeders.  At the birdbath were Scarlet Tanager, American Robin, American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Blue Jay, Gray Catbird and at the oriole feeder was the male hummer from y

[nysbirds-l] warblers still coming thru my yard

2010-10-17 Thread Andrew Block
I'm looking at a female common yellowthroat at my birdbath now so I guess some warblers are still coming thru my area even though we had our big oak taken down yesterday.  Unfortunately the male hummer left about 4 days ago, the latest I've ever had a hummer. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consul

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds incl. Yellow-breasted Chat, Blue-headed Vireo, 8 spp. of sparrows

2010-10-23 Thread Andrew Block
10/23/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  10:30am to 5:30pm Observers:  Andrew Block 10 Double-crested Cormorants 40+ Canada Geese 1 Wood Duck 50+ Mallards 3 Red-tailed Hawks 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 2 Cooper's Hawks 2 Merlins 2 Wild Turkeys 7+ Rock Pigeons 5 Mourning Doves 1 B

[nysbirds-l] Jones Beach SP birds incl. some goodies

2010-10-24 Thread Andrew Block
10/24/10 - Jones Beach State Park, Wantagh, NY Time:  9am to 1pm Observers: Andrew Block, Doug Bloom, Mike Bochnik, Bernie Conway, and BRSS/HRAS group hundreds of Double-crested Cormorants 1 Great Egret 1 Great Blue Heron 60+ Snow Geese (incl. one Blue Goose) many Canada Geese many Brants

[nysbirds-l] Sarah Lawrence College birds

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew Block
10/30/10 - Sarah Lawrence College, Kimball Ave., Yonkers, NY Time:  8am to 10am Observers:  Andrew Block, Linda Blakely, Fred Baumgarten and birding group 1 Canada Goose 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 Herring Gull 2 Rock Pigeons 5 Mourning Doves 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers 1 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 1

[nysbirds-l] phoebe eating bees

2010-10-30 Thread Andrew Block
I have a Eastern Phoebe sitting on my hummer feeder poles trying to catch the honey bees that are visting them.  Didn't expect that.  Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229; F

[nysbirds-l] Captree SP fees

2010-11-01 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone know if they are still charging fees during the week at Captree? Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229; Fax: 914-771-8036 -- NYSbirds-L List Info: http://w

[nysbirds-l] Captree birds, no dove, yes kingbird

2010-11-01 Thread Andrew Block
11/1/10 - Captree State Park, L.I., NY Time:  3:30pm to 6:15pm Observers:  Andrew Block 2 Common Loons many Double-crested Cormorants 30+ Brants 12+ Canada Geese 1 American Black Duck 1 Merlin many gulls of usual 3 spp. several Rock Pigeons 2 Northern Flickers 1 Eastern Phoebe 1 WESTERN KINGBIRD

[nysbirds-l] COGD on yahoo

2010-11-03 Thread Andrew Block
There's a blurb on the dove on the yahoo news under the local heading.  Who'dve thought it would make such a headline. Andrew   Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229begin_of_the_skype

[nysbirds-l] Captree SP/Jones Beach SP birds incl. shrike and ground dove

2010-11-03 Thread Andrew Block
11/3/10 - Captree S.P./Jones Beach S.P., L.I., NY Time:  3:15pm to 6pm Observers:  Andrew Block many Double-crested Cormorants several Canada Geese many Brants several American Black Ducks hundreds of Black Scoters 4 Red-breasted Mergansers 4 Northern Harriers 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk 1 Cooper&#

[nysbirds-l] NYBG bird

2010-11-05 Thread Andrew Block
Just wanted to report a beautiful Barred Owl at NYBG.  Unfortunately it is located in a spot that isn't open to the public.  This is only the 2nd or 3rd time I've seen one there in the 20+ years I've been going there. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglew

[nysbirds-l] yard birds

2010-11-12 Thread Andrew Block
I had a female Purple Finch at the feeders today which was the first at a feeder in years.  Looks like it might be a good winter for finches.  There are already a good number of finches down and some reports of grosbeak and Boreal Chickadee.  My friend in Maine had some Bohemian Waxwings in his

[nysbirds-l] CT Fork-tailed Flycatcher

2010-11-19 Thread Andrew Block
Went to see the adult Fork-tailed Flycatcher in Stamford, CT at Cove Island Park.  Got there around 7:15 and stayed til about 8 :15.  It was there giving great views, some as close as 20ft or so.  It was very active feeding on various berries and just moving around.  Quite a nice bird to get in

[nysbirds-l] unusual cowbird help

2010-11-20 Thread Andrew Block
I had a female type cowbird at my feeder yesterday that wasn't the typical female brown-headed.  I watched it for about 15 minutes at my window feeder and just automatically said brown-headed female and didn't take a photo.  Now I wish I had.  It occurred to me last night while parusing my bird

[nysbirds-l] cowbird variant help

2010-11-21 Thread Andrew Block
Just had 6 Brown-headed Cowbirds at my feeders, 5 males, 1 female.  The bird i described the other day was not there though.  I am thinking, though it matches descriptions of Bronzed Cowbird, it was probably a very rare dark female Brown-headed.  It would be nice to see it again. Andrew  Andrew

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds

2010-11-27 Thread Andrew Block
11/ 27/10 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  10am to 12pm Observers:  Andrew Block 10 Canada Geese (8 banded) 50+ Mallards 1 Cooper's Hawk 2 Red-tailed Hawks 1 Peregrine Falcon 15+ Mourning Doves 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers 1 Downy Woodpecker 5+ Blue Jays 4+ Black-capped Chickadees 4 T

[nysbirds-l] Northern Lapwing yes

2010-11-28 Thread Andrew Block
Had the Northern Lapwing in Storrs, CT at around 3:30pm today.  It was out of view, but about 10 minutes after I got there it was flushed (unfortunately) by some birders.  Would've liked to had longer looks but atleast got nice views of it circling and flying.  Very nice state bird.  Who would'v

[nysbirds-l] CP Varied Thrush yes

2010-11-29 Thread Andrew Block
I had the Central Park female Varied Thrush at 1:40pm today after waiting for about a half hour.  It gave great looks in the sun. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229begin_of

[nysbirds-l] Shrike id.

2010-12-01 Thread Andrew Block
I'm one of the many who tend to lean towards a small Northern.  Many birds and mammals have smaller than normal individuals in the population.  I agree the bird has a few characteristics of Loggerhead but to me most of the identifying points such as bill hook size & color, behavior, body color,

[nysbirds-l] Loggerhead Shrike late reports

2010-12-02 Thread Andrew Block
Well since everyone else is putting their two cents in on late LOSHs I'll say I had one on the Putnum CBC back in the early 90's in January.  And I'm still not convinced about the id of the LI shrike. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronx

[nysbirds-l] Hermit Warbler on L.I yes

2010-12-05 Thread Andrew Block
Went to look at the Hermit Warbler (probable first fall female) at Sunken Meadow SP this am at 9:20.  It gave great close views for the ten minutes I was there and was still there when I left.  Pretty nice.  It's amazing that this bird showed up almost exactly 8 years to the date at the bird I

[nysbirds-l] American Kestrel in Elmsford

2010-12-07 Thread Andrew Block
Had a male American Kestrel on the median of the Sprain Brook Parkway/I-287 intersection in Elmsford.  I haven't had a kestrel in several years in southern Westchester.  Pretty cool. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester

[nysbirds-l] House Sparrow homing instinct question

2010-12-12 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone know how strong the homing instinct is with House Sparrows?  I would presume it's not that strong but don't know.  Thanks. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229; F

[nysbirds-l] Red-shouldered Hawk in yard

2010-12-14 Thread Andrew Block
I'm looking at an adult Red-shouldered Hawk in my yard in almost the same exact place one was last February.  I'm willing to bet it's the same one.  Cool. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Pho

[nysbirds-l] female Cooper's Hawk back in my yard

2010-12-15 Thread Andrew Block
I guess the hawks like it here.  The female adult Cooper's Hawk that was here yesterday is sitting in a tree near where the Red-shouldered hawk was a few hours ago.  Was able to get some nice photos of it but not full frame like the other.  By the way the Red-shouldered was seen about a half hou

[nysbirds-l] female Cooper's back

2010-12-19 Thread Andrew Block
Had a great close look out my window at the female Cooper's Hawk under my feeding station.  To bad my camera wasn't at hand.  It was on top of and next to my sparrow trap trying to get at the sparrows in it.  It flew off when it saw me after a few seconds.  Pretty cool.  A beautiful bird.  Noc

[nysbirds-l] dead Snowy Egret at Bornx Zoo

2010-12-19 Thread Andrew Block
A friend of mine called me tonight to tell me about the immature Snowy Egret he found in the Pere David's Deer exhibit at the Bronx Zoo today.  He saw it floating in the stream that flows thru the front of the enclosure.  He notified a keeper who said they'd take it for a necropsy.  It's a shame

[nysbirds-l] Calliope Hummingbird yes

2010-12-23 Thread Andrew Block
Had the Calliope Hummingbird today at about 3:15pm in Guilford, CT.  It was mostly sitting in the red cedar but also went to the feeder a few times.  It's amazing it's surviving in this arctic cold. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxvi

[nysbirds-l] Cooper's hawk pair

2010-12-27 Thread Andrew Block
The adult female Cooper's Hawk was back today spending all day in its favorite tree.  It was joined briefly by an adult male a few moments ago.  To bad they weren't here yesterday for the CBC. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, W

[nysbirds-l] Cooper's Hawk drama (not for the faint hearted)

2010-12-28 Thread Andrew Block
The adult female Cooper's Hawk was back today and provided some amazing looks and hunting behavior.  Yesterday a single grackle showed up at my feeders and was back again today.  Well the hawk zeroed in on the grackle and chased it into an arborvitae next to my hybrid southern magnolia.  The ha

[nysbirds-l] directions to LeContes sparrow?

2011-01-09 Thread Andrew Block
After getting to Middle Country Rd where do you turn to get into the airport?  I've never been to the area and have never seen directions on how to get into the airport itself so was wondering how everyone gets in.  Also, do you just drive onto the tarmacs or what? Thanks. Andrew  Andrew v. F.

[nysbirds-l] LeConte's Sparrow no

2011-01-09 Thread Andrew Block
Went to look for the LeConte's Sparrow around 3pm to dusk with no luck but did have many Savannah Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlarks, and 2 Horned Larks.  I heard someone scared the sparrow away before I got there.  Surprise, surprise. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologi

[nysbirds-l] Hermit Thrush & Cooper's hawk at the feeders

2011-01-17 Thread Andrew Block
Just had a Hermit Thrush at my window feeder.  Hadn't had one in the yard all winter so it was nice to finally get one.  Also, the resident female Copper's Hawk just attacked the flock of Mourning Doves (15+) that comes to my feeders.  Once again it missed though did get some feathers.  Got some

[nysbirds-l] Hermit Thrush question

2011-02-06 Thread Andrew Block
My Hermit Thrush was back again today feeding on the window feeder.  I'm surprised it's eating the mix b/c I think of them as fruit and insect eaters.  I put out a window feeder filled with dried meal worms and it's not even touching them.  Does anyone out there have the same problem?  If so an

[nysbirds-l] Clements updates?

2011-02-08 Thread Andrew Block
Does anyone know if the Clements checklist updates have been posted somewhere yet?  It says on the cornell site that they'd be posted in early january.  Well it's early february and they're still not up as far as I can see.  Just wondering. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildl

[nysbirds-l] Eastern Long Island birds & others

2011-02-13 Thread Andrew Block
2/13/11 - Montauk Pt. S.P. & vicinity, Suffolk Co., NY 3 Red-throated Loons 4 Common Loons 5 Horned Grebes many Canada Geese 12+ Brants 20+ Mute Swans 100+ American Black Ducks 3 Greater Scaup many Common Eiders thousands of Black Scoters thousands of White-winged Scoters thousands of Surf Scoters

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds

2011-02-16 Thread Andrew Block
2/16/11 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  1pm to 2:30pm Observers:  Andrew Block 8 Rusty Blackbirds 1 Great Horned Owl (on guard, gorgeous) 3+ Red-breasted Nuthatches 2 White-breasted Nuthatches 1 American Robin 1 Northern Mockingbird 3 American Goldfinches 7+ Dark-eyed Juncos 5+ White

[nysbirds-l] Common Redpolls in yard

2011-02-20 Thread Andrew Block
Just had two Common Redpolls at my feeding station.  This is only the second time in 39 years we've had them, go figure. Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229; Fax: 914-771-803

Re: [nysbirds-l] Another Example of Unethical Behavior

2011-02-22 Thread Andrew Block
Here, Here.  I'm glad so many people responded to the unbelievable actions of this person.  As I've said before not all but many if not most so called photographers have no scruples and will do anything to get close to their quarry.  You would think that when this guy found the end of the trail

[nysbirds-l] 2 Fox Sparrows now plus thrush

2011-03-07 Thread Andrew Block
I know have two gorgeous Fox Sparrows at my feeding stations.  They are such beautiful birds.  The Hermit Thrush is still putting in appearences aswell.  Spring must be close cause all the birds are more vocal and the grackles have arrived back at the feeders and nesting trees.   Andrew  Andrew

[nysbirds-l] Pink-footed Goose yes, Red-headed Woodpecker yes

2011-03-09 Thread Andrew Block
3/9/11 - Washington Lake & Cedar Park Cemetery, Washington Twp. & Saddle River Park, Ridgewood, NJ   Time:  9:45am to 4:30pm Observers:  Andrew Block   - Washington Lake/Cedar Park Cemetery   1 Great Blue Heron 4 Turkey Vultures many Canada Geese 1 PINK-FOOTED GOOSE (4:20pm, cemetery, v

Re: [nysbirds-l] long belated Mitred Parakeet report

2011-04-03 Thread Andrew Block
d the birds should be there within a couple of days!   Seth Ausubel Forest Hills, NY   From:bounce-13647422-3714...@list.cornell.edu [mailto:bounce-13647422-3714...@list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Andrew Block Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2011 11:56 AM To: NYS Birds Subject

[nysbirds-l] NYBG birds incl. Prothonotary and other warblers

2011-04-18 Thread Andrew Block
4/18/11 - NY Botanical Garden, Bronx, NY Time:  2pm to 2:40pm Observers:  Andrew Block, Margaret Falk All seen from one spot down by lake below science lab: 5 Wood Ducks 1 Red-tailed Hawk 3 Northern Flickers 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker 1 Blue-headed Vireo 3 Blue Jays 2 Tree Swallows 2 Northern

[nysbirds-l] Bronx River Pathway birds

2011-04-29 Thread Andrew Block
4/29/11 - Bronx River Pathway, Scarsdale to Bronxville, NY Time:  3 to 6pm Observers:  Andrew Block 2 Great Egrets 2 Turkey Vultures several Canada Geese 7 Wood Ducks 8 Green-winged Teals severall Mallards 1 Killdeer 1 Solitary Sandpiper 3 Rock Pigeons 4 Mourning Doves 3 Red-bellied Woodpeckers

[nysbirds-l] no birds but Nymphalid at my oriole feeder

2011-05-06 Thread Andrew Block
Well I haven't gotten any birds at my fruit feeder yet, but amazingly did get a fresh Question Mark who is still there.  That's the first butterfly I've ever had at a feeder whether intentionally or unintentionally.  Pretty cool, hope more come.  I do hope the oriole and catbirds don't pick it o

[nysbirds-l] found Canon camera eyepiece at Doodletown

2011-05-21 Thread Andrew Block
Just wondering if anyone out there lost a Canon camera eyepiece at Doodletown recently?  I found one yesterday there.  If you did let me know and I'll mail it to you.  Andrew  Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New Yo

[nysbirds-l] Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks still there and Upland Plovers at Blue Chip

2011-05-24 Thread Andrew Block
Was able to see the 5 Black-bellied Whistling-Ducks at Wallkill River NWR's Liberty Loop Trail at 8am today.  They were actually north of Oil City Rd. in the second impoundment on the left where all the mallards and pipers are.  Had nice looks as they flew around and fed.  Observed them til 8:30

Re: [nysbirds-l] Sandhill Crane

2011-06-05 Thread Andrew Block
They are closed until further notice so I hope it was seen from the road.   Andrew v. F. Block Consulting Naturalist/Wildlife Biologist 37 Tanglewylde Avenue Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York 10708-3131 Phone: 914-337-1229; Fax: 914-771-8036 From: "li_bir

[nysbirds-l] hummer at feeder

2011-06-10 Thread Andrew Block
For the second time in three days I had a female Ruby-throated Hummingbird join the male Baltimore Oriole and catbirds at the feeders.  I was very surprised since they don't breed around where I live and they should've been through by now.  I guess it's just a late migrant north.  Pretty neat.

[nysbirds-l] oriole female question

2011-06-27 Thread Andrew Block
I just had the two male Baltimore Orioles and juvenile oriole at my feeders together.  It just occurred to me that maybe the other "male" just might be a female with male colors.  I know some females can look similar to males but are usually obviously female but this one is identical to the male

[nysbirds-l] Wallkill River NWR birds: 3 out of 4 rarites seen

2011-07-18 Thread Andrew Block
7/17/11 - Wallkill River NWR, Sussex, NJ Time:  7:15am to 3pm Observers:  Andrew Block 25+ Great Blue Herons 3 Great Egrets 1 Green Heron 1 WHITE IBIS (juv. seen well after scared up by idiot in very low flying Cessna) 2 Turkey Vultures several Canada Geese several Wood Ducks several Mallards 1

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