[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. Sept. 20, 2024: Green-winged Teal, Common NIghthawk, 9 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-20 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday September 20, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Hooded Merganser, Common Nighthawk, 9 Species of 
Wood Warblers.

Canada Goose - around 30
Wood Duck - 1 female continues at the Pool
Mallard - around 60
Green-winged Teal - 1 female Harlem Meer (Deb - early)
Hooded Merganser - 1 female continues at the Pool
Mourning Dove - around 20
Common Nighthawk - 2 (1 continuing perched south of Turtle Pond, 1 flyover)
Chimney Swift - 1
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 in Jewelweed at the Oven (Deb - after lunch)
Herring Gull - around 20
Great Black-backed Gull - 3 or 4
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 at Reservoir (Deb - after lunch)
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Harlem Meer
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 or 4 (one perched)
Belted Kingfisher - 1 heard only at the Oven (Deb - after lunch)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 2 or 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 4
Eastern Phoebe - 6
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 Harlem Meer (Scott Brevda)
Red-eyed Vireo - 1 Harlem Meer
Blue Jay - 8-10
American Crow - 3, others heard
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 (Paul Curtis - Nutter's Battery, the Pool)
House Wren - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Carolina Wren - 1 heard along the Loch
Gray Catbird - 6-8
Brown Thrasher - 1 Great Hill (Paul Curtis)
Northern Mockingbird - 2 (Conservatory Garden, Green Bench)
Swainson's Thrush - 1 south side Turtle Pond (Deb - after lunch)
American Robin - around 50
House Finch - 3
Dark-eyed Junco - 2 or 3 (Block House, Great Hill)
White-throated Sparrow - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 7
Northern Waterthrush - 1 or 2 at the Pool (Dan Stevenson and Scott Brevda)
Black-and-white Warbler - 6
Common Yellowthroat - 2 Harlem Meer
American Redstart - 5
Northern Parula - 5
Magnolia Warbler - 3 (Nutter's Battery, Compost (Caren Jahre), the Pool)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 5
Palm Warbler - 12-15
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Nutter's Battery
Northern Cardinal - 3 or 4

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. Sept. 19, 2024: Philadelphia Vireo, 12 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Tennessee and Nashville Warblers

2024-09-19 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday September 19, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: American Kestrel, Blue-headed and Philadelphia Vireos, 12 Species 
of Wood Warblers including Tennessee and Nashville Warblers. 

Canada Goose - heard
Mourning dove - 25-35
Chimney Swift - 10-15
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Herring Gull - 5 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Turtle Pond (Bob - early)
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature Ramble
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult uphill from Boathouse Cafe
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Ramble
Northern Flicker - 6 or 7
American Kestrel - 2 overhead near Boathouse Cafe
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 (Castle, Tupelo Field)
Blue-headed Vireo - 2 (Maintenance Field, Top of the Point)
Philadelphia Vireo - 1 Top of the Point
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 12-15
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3 or 4
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1 King of Poland
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 continues at Tupelo Field
Carolina Wren - 2 east of Maintenance Field
House Wren - 1 Ramble
Gray Catbird - 14-16
Brown Thrasher - 4-6
Veery - 2 Tupelo Field
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush - 1 Maintenance Field (Bob - early)
Swainson's Thrush - 30-35
Wood Thrush - 2 or 3
House Finch - 4
Dark-eyed Junco - 1 Tupelo Field
White-throated Sparrow - 1 Tupelo Field (Caren Jahre)
Common Grackle - flock of 70-80 (Bob - early)
Ovenbird - 2 or 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 5-7
Tennessee Warbler - 2 (Maintenance Field, south side Turtle Pond)
Nashville Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field (Scott Brevda)
Common Yellowthroat - 6-8
American Redstart - 8-10
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Yellow Warbler - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 5 or 6
Black-throated Green Warbler - 2 south side Turtle Pond
Northern Cardinal - 7-9
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 4 or 5

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Monday 9/16 - 21+ Warbler species

2024-09-16 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Monday, September 16th -

A minimum of 21 species of migratory American warblers were found in the park 
thru the day Monday, including by those walking independently or in small 
groups, as well as those who lead or participate with not-for-profit 
organizations and institutions which have bird conservation and science-based 
education among top priorities.  Observers and photographers, as on every day 
while migration is in peak periods, have been out and about at all hours and in 
many sectors of this park.

The birds being seen at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan are among the great 
numbers of migrants all around the city for which guided walks are also 
offered, and continue thru the season into late autumn, for such not-for-profit 
organizations as the NYC Bird Alliance, the Linnaean Society of New York, and a 
number of other not-for-profit orgs with collective memberships into the 
thousands of individual supporters. Many observers of the birds being seen in 
N.Y. City now and all year round are members and supporters, as well as 
volunteers with such organizations, which richly deserve the support they 
receive in their work.

Thanks to all who offer support to conservation, education, and science.

Good birding to all,
Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Sept. 16, 2024: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 13 Species of Wood Warblers including Tennessee Warbler

2024-09-16 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday September 16, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Belted Kingfisher, Hairy Woodpecker, 13 
Species of Wood Warblers including Tennessee Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 14
Mourning Dove - 35-40
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 Shakespeare Garden (Bob Katz)
Chimney Swift - 25-30
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2 (Tupelo Field, Shakespeare Garden)
Herring Gull - 3 or 4 flyovers
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 west side of the Lake (Karen Evans)
Osprey - 1 flyover seen from Oven on Sunday's walk
Belted Kingfisher - 1 perched at Oven (Bob - early) seen later as a flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 Ramble
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 hatch-year male Weather Station
Northern Flicker - 5 or 6
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Strawberry Fields (Caren Jahre)
Red-eyed Vireo - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 8-10
American Crow - 6-8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 (Strawberry Fields, Gill Overlook)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 female Tupelo Field
Carolina Wren - 2 or 3
House Wren - 2 (Strawberry Fields, Vista Rock)
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Brown Thrasher - 1 Maintenance Field (Bob - early)
Swainson's Thrush - 3 or 4
American Robin - 20-25
House Finch - 8-10
White-throated Sparrow - 1 Top of the Oven
Common Grackle - 4 or 5
Ovenbird - 3
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Balcony Bridge
Black-and-white Warbler - 15-20
Tennessee Warbler - 1 Vista Rock
Mourning Warbler - 1 Shakespeare Garden (Karen Evans)
Common Yellowthroat - 5 or 6
American Redstart - 10-15
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 3 or 4
Yellow Warbler - 1 Strawberry Fields
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 Vista Rock
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 2 (male Wagner Cove (Bob - early), female top of 
the Point)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Shakespeare Garden (Caren Jahre)
Northern Cardinal - 8-10
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 4 or 5

At Bryant Park, the Yellow-breasted Chat and Lincoln's Sparrow were reported 
again today. Other birds this afternoon  included a male Scarlet Tanager, a 
male Mourning Warbler, an adult male American Redstart, Magnolia Warbler, 
several Ovenbirds, one or two Northern Waterthrushes, Song and White-throated 
Sparrows, and at least ten Common Yellowthroats.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sunday, 9/15 - 25 Warbler species, many more migrants

2024-09-15 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Sunday, September 15th -

In addition to the migratory warblers that are still coming in good diversity 
in the county and more-generally in the local area, Central Park had at least 
95 total species of native wild birds on Sunday. Among that diversity were at 
least 7 species of waterfowl, with Wood Duck and Hooded Merganser, Gadwall and 
N. Shovelers, plus Green-winged Teal also still there, and the usual suspects 
of Mallards, and Canada Geese. As flyovers, at least there were late-day 
American Black Ducks.

Solitary and Spotted Sandpipers each continued in the park, and for 
vireo-variety, there were still up to five species of those with the 
least-common for Central being an ongoing White-eyed Vireo, and not the 
lately-multiple Philadelphia Vireos of this past week. Of thrushes, many 
observers have still been pulling out Veery for the middle of September, and 
more of Wood, Swainsons, and Gray-cheeked, as well as some gray-cheeked types 
of Thrushes, with a -possibility- some are Bicknells. Ruby-crowned Kinglets and 
Brown Creepers in small numbers give a sense of impending shifts in the 
seasonal abundance of various migratory species, some of which - the two latter 
species - will also winter thru in modest numbers here. A lot of other migrants 
were again still present in the park, and amongst those passing over were a 
number of raptor species topped by Ospreys in high numbers. Also passing at 
least very late in the day were more Common Nighthawks - the time of year to 
seek those is sooner rather than later.

The warbler species seen in Central Park on Sunday September 15th included all 
of the below, all seen by multiple observers and many also photographed, in all 
parts of the park, and for all of the day by the many people and about for all 
of the day. It is very possible that more species than the 25 listed here were 
found. Many species were found in the multiple, and the trend has been for a 
slow readjustment of which species are more-common, but American Redstart is 
still rather numerous and as always are rather readily seen, not skulking as 
some or very high in still-dense deciduous foliage.

Worm-eating Warbler - multiple observers.
Northern Waterthrush
Black-and-white Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Mourning Warbler - many observers.
Common Yellowthroat
American Redstart - still v. numerous.
Cape May Warbler - multiple locations.
Northern Parula - numerous.
Magnolia Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler - multiple, and a few of apparent western form.
Pine Warbler
Myrtle -a.k.a Yellow-rumped- Warbler
Yellow-throated Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilsons Warbler

The above noted birds and many many more not noted above were all seen by 
individuals, small informal groups, and by some who lead guided not-for-profit 
walks in the interest of science and conservation, with accredited non-profit 
organizations and institutions - such as the NYC Bird Allliance, the American 
Museum of Natural History and the Linnaean Society of New York, among other 
non-profits. Thanks to these many keen. courteous, quiet observers and of them, 
also many photographers for many sightings, and reports including to the non-X 
alerts and of course to eBird with the Macaulay Library media archives.

Many birds of far-more species were seen throughout N.Y. County, in N.Y. City 
on Sunday, and some sightings for all of the county may be in a near-future 

Good last-week of summer -calendar summer, not that of southbound 
bird-migration!- birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Sept. 15, 2024: Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, 11 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-15 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday September 15, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, 11 Species of Wood Warblers 
including Bay-breasted Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 16
Mallard - 5 or 6
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Chimney Swift - 40-50
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2 (Tupelo Field, Oven)
Herring Gull - 5 flyovers
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature Ramble
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult Ramble
Red-bellied Woodpecker - a few heard
Downy Woodpecker - 1 below Captain's Bench
Northern Flicker - 5 or 6
American Kestrel - 1 male (Ruogu)
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 (Belvedere Castle, Captain's Bench)
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 Saturday Gill Overlook (Paul Curtis)*
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-12
Blue Jay - 8-10
American Crow - 4 or 5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 Maintenance Field (Paul Curtis)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 continues in the Ramble
Carolina Wren - 1 Evodia Field
House Wren - 1 east of Maintenance Field
Gray Catbird - 10-15
Brown Thrasher - 7-9
Veery - 1 Ramble
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush - 1 Evodia Field (David Barrett)
Swainson's Thrush - 10-15
Wood Thrush - 1 or 2 Ramble
American Robin - 25-30
Baltimore Oriole - 1 hatch-year male Belvedere Castle
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 12-16
Common Yellowthroat - 3 or 4
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 6-8
Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 Captain's Bench
Yellow Warbler - 2 or 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 (King of Poland, Warbler Rock)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle (Rougu)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 or 4
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle
Northern Cardinal - 6-8
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3 or 4

*Inadvertently omitted from yesterday's list.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, & N.Y. County, NYC -Sat., 9/14- 24+ Warbler spp., 6 Vireo spp., Y-br. Chat, many more migrants

2024-09-15 Thread Tom Fiore
New York County -in N.Y. City- including Manhattan -with Central Park-
and Randalls, Governors, and Roosevelt islands and the adjacent waters and 
skies-above -
Saturday, September 14 -

At Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, a Yellow-breasted Chat continued on a 
lengthening stay, with many observers again. Also seen there on Saturday were 
Lincolns Sparrow and a selection of other migrants including multiple warbler 
species - among them male Mourning Warbler.

At Randalls Island on Saturday, 2 Philadelphia Vireos were seen and 
photographed, as well as a broad selection of seasonal migrants, which in sum 
included over 16 species of warblers, and specialties of the location 
Yellow-crowned Night Herons as well as Snowy Egrets, and such varied migrants 
as Gray-cheeked Thrush, Savannah Sparrows, as well as over 200 Laughing Gulls, 
in a location which is known to bring in nice gull numbers, and special gulls 
at some times of year.

For Philadelphia Vireos, those were seen all around the county, and nowhere by 
more observers, yet again on Saturday, than in Central Park, after the multiple 
sightings and photos by not-for-profit guided walk leaders and many 
participants in prior days, and still again Saturday - in addition, a 
relatively-almost-rarer species -for this county- White-eyed Vireo added to 
that full complement of 6 northeastern-breeding Vireo species being seen just 
in Central Park, with still-early Blue-headed, and very slightly-late-ish 
Yellow-throated Vireos as well as Warbling, and many Red-eyed Vireos. All of 
the last 4 noted vireo species were also found in some other parks and 
greenspaces of N.Y. County on Saturday.

The warbler migrations have been pushing through the region at a good clip 
lately and yet some species starting to get very slightly late for timings are 
still being seen. At Central Park, a minimum of 23 species of migratory 
American warblers were found on Saturday, with many observers who were out and 
about in all sectors of that park at all daylight hours.

Common Nighthawks were still moving thru in the county on Saturday, as were 
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds, the latter in many flowered-garden areas. Other 
neotropical-wintering species still around in Central Park -and elsewhere in 
the county- included such migrants as Great Crested Flycatcher, thrushes of 
at-least these species - Wood, Gray-cheeked, Swainsons and Veery, as well as 
possible Hermit and some that simply may have gone in to checklsting as 
gray-cheeked-type thrushes, also still appearing have been Scarlet Tanagers.

Purple Finch sightings, including in Central Park, have been scant but multiple 
recently, and that after the ongoing, and now-daily finds of Red-breasted 
Nuthatches in a number of locations, including multiple places within Central 

Raptor migrations are ongoing recently, and a nice selection of species have 
been seen passing thru the county, even with less than ideal winds for a few 
recent days, which may be continuing on 9-15. In the coming two weeks or less, 
the likely peak of Broad-winged Hawk movements for the month are likely, and 
more so if some steady northwesterly winds arrive.

Far more birds could be mentioned - for all parts and each island of N.Y. 
County, for Saturday - with over 130 species in all for the entire county on 
the day, and even in just one park, Central with its vast numbers of daily 
observers in the peak times of migrations, more than 95 species of native, wild 
birds on Saturday.

Thanks to all of many keen, courteous and quiet, ever-dedicated observers and 
photographers, for so many excellent sightings and reports,

with good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Sat. Sept. 14, 2024: Philadelphia Vireo (4), 13 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-14 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park, NYC
Saturday, September 14, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Traill's 
Flycatcher, Philadelphia Vireo (4), 13 Species of Wood Warblers including Cape 
May and Black-throated Green Warblers, Rose-breasted Grosbeak. 

Mallard - 6
Mourning Dove - 35-45
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 2 Tupelo Field
Chimney Swift - 15-20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3 or 4
Herring Gull - 5 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 flyover
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Lake
Accipiter species - 1 Ramble
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult uphill from Boathouse
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 male Upper Lobe
Northern Flicker - 6-8
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 or 3
Traill's Flycatcher - 1 (Willow or Alder Flycatcher) Maintenance Field
Philadelphia Vireo - 4 (2 Tupelo Field, 1 Gill Overlook, 1 Warbler Rock)
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 10-15
American Crow - 15-20 including at least 2 hatch-year birds
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 Warbler Rock
Cedar Waxwing - flyover flock of around a dozen (Deb - early)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 Tupelo Field
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4
Gray Catbird - 10-15
Brown Thrasher - 4
Swainson's Thrush - 60-70
American Robin - 25-30
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 2 in Ramble
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Oven
Black-and-white Warbler - 10-12
Common Yellowthroat - 4
American Redstart - 15-20
Cape May Warbler - 3
Northern Parula - 25-30
Magnolia Warbler - 4 or 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 6 or 7
Pine Warbler - 1 Humming Tombstone (Annie Plum)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3
Canada Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field (Deb - early)
Northern Cardinal - 8-10
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 5 or 6


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. Sept. 13, 2024: Yellow-bellied and Least Flycatchers, 11 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-13 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday September 13, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Solitary Sandpiper, Yellow-bellied and Least Flycatchers, Cedar 
Waxwing, 11 Species of Wood Warblers including Prairie Warbler, Rose-breasted 

Canada Goose - 29
Wood Duck - 1 female at the Pool
Northern Shoveler - 5 Harlem Meer
Mallard - 21
Mourning Dove - around 20
Chimney Swift - 18
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 2 (Grassy Knoll, Loch)
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 west end of the Pool
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Harlem Meer
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 (1 immature, 2 adults)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 seep at the Loch
Northern Flicker - 3
American Kestrel - 1 female Fort Clinton (Scott Brevda)
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 (Plant Nursery, Lily Ponds (Caren Jahre))
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 west end of the Pool (Scott Brevda)
Least Flycatcher - 1 High Meadow (Scott Brevda)
Red-eyed Vireo - 1 or 2 Loch
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 3, others heard
Cedar Waxwing - 1 hatch-year bird just south of Conservatory Garden
Carolina Wren - 2 (Nutter's Battery, Harlem Meer)
Gray Catbird - 4-6
Northern Mockingbird - 2 Plant Nursery
Veery - 2 or 3 Loch
Swainson's Thrush - 1 just south of Conservatory Garden
American Robin - around 20
House Finch - 1 below Fort Clinton
American Goldfinch - 2 Wildflower Meadow
Common Grackle - 2 or 3
Ovenbird - Loch (Peter Haskel, Dan Stevenson)
Northern Waterthrush - 2 at the Pool
Black-and-white Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 3 or 4
American Redstart - 10-15
Northern Parula - 2 (High Meadow (Caren Jahre), Pool (Dan Stevenson))
Magnolia Warbler - 7
Yellow Warbler - 2 between Plant Nursery and Conservatory Garden
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 2 or 3 males Fort Clinton
Prairie Warbler - 1 between Plant Nursery and Conservatory Garden (Paul Curtis)
Canada Warbler - 1 Harlem Meer below Fort Clinton (Dan Stevenson)
Northern Cardinal - 4
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 or 2 Loch (Peter Haskel, Dan Stevenson)

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - 21 warbler spp, C. Nighthawks, many more migrants

2024-09-13 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Thursday, September 12 -

At least 21 species of migratory American warblers were found in Central Park 
on Thursday morning, 9-12, with all of those seen by multiple observers and 
many in guided walks led for nonprofit orgs, as well as many independent 
observers, small groups, and photographers as well. Both the Ramble area and 
the northern parts of the park yielded many of these, however there were also 
migrants in other sections of the park as well.

Common Nighthawks were enjoyed in flight by many on a mild, even summerlike 
early eve. at Central Park, again. Yellow-billed Cuckoos have been seen and 
photographed by many for multiple days, in several parts of the park. An 
Olive-sided Flycatcher was among the flycatcher species on the day, Thursday. 
Both of our usual nuthatch species were again found on the day, with multiples 
of each, Red-breasted and White-breasted seen by many. As has been for a week 
or longer, nice numbers of hummingbirds were again present, especially where 
attractive flowers also were, all of these hummers shown to be Ruby-throated 

Solitary and Spotted Sandpipers each continued as did Wood Ducks and N.
Shovelers, all rather regular for many days now. Over all of the park on 
Thursday, nearly 90 species of native and wild birds were found just for 

Thanks to the many keen and courteous observers and photographers, including 
the multiple leaders and participants on not-for-profit guided walks which help 
support conservation and evidence-based science, for so many sightings and 
media offered thru alerts including as-always the eBird plus Macaulay Library 

At Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, an ever-popular Yellow-breasted Chat 
continued on, as did more than one Mourning and other migratory warbler 
species, plus a freshly arrived Savannah Sparrow in addition to other ongoing 
sparrows, with these being seen by those on a guided walk led by G. Willow in 
support of the not-for-profit NYC Bird Alliance.  As some observers are 
pointing out, there is bird activity out next to Fifth Ave. in the 40th to 42nd 
Street landmark lions library entrance and greenery there, with the bulk of 
Bryant Park proper just west of the library building providing many additional 
species, all generally listed as from Bryant Park, whether in walks going to 
one portion or both in this square bounded by Fifth Ave. to the east, Sixth 
Ave. for the west street boundary. There can be more migrants and lingering 
birds in this patch than one might think, on first arriving there, the more so 
in this peak migration period.

Many more parks and greenspaces in N.Y. County have also continued to produce a 
lot of migrant birds and surely will continue to, for a lot of observers all 
around the county.

Good warm-week birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. Sept. 12, 2024: Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, 11 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-12 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday September 12, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper, 11 
Species of Wood Warblers including Cape May and Canada Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 12
Mallard - 36
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 2 (Evodia Field)
Chimney Swift - 20-25
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3
Herring Gull - 5 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 Turtle Pond (Caren Jahre)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 Evodia Field
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 or 3
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-12
Blue Jay - 4-6
American Crow - 10-15
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3
Cedar Waxwing - around 25 in 4 flocks
Brown Creeper - 1 Warbler Rock (Caren Jahre)
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 1 Evodia Field feeding on Ewodia berries
Swainson's Thrush - 15-20
Wood Thrush - 2 (Tupelo Field, Evodia Field)
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 1 in the Ramble
Northern Waterthrush - 1 south shore Turtle Pond
Black-and-white Warbler - 5 or 6
Common Yellowthroat - 3
American Redstart - 30-35
Cape May Warbler - 3 (Dan Stevenson)
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 3 or 4
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 uphill from Boathouse
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 5
Canada Warbler - 1 hatch-year Warbler Rock
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Tues., Sept. 10 - Red-headed WP, 22+ warbler spp., many more migrants

2024-09-11 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Tuesday, Sept. 10th -

A Red-headed Woodpecker in first-fall plumage -lacking any red in the head at 
that age- was seen and photographed by many, many observers, in parr with so 
many out in the morning on guided bird walks by the non-profit org. The 
Linnaean Society of New York, and also seen by other observers, some affiliated 
with other non-profit organizations and institutions of this city. This 
at-least seems likely to be the same individual bird seen the day before at the 
Ramble area. However it is entirely possible that more than one of this species 
are taking up a temporary residence - we have had a maximum -once- of up to TEN 
Red-headed Woodpeckers just within Central Park in one past, somewhat long-ago 
overwintering season, which is the highest maxima for the county in any one 
year as well. In many past years, though, there have been several or more of 
this species spending parts of the colder months of the year, particularly but 
not-exclusively within Central Park.

Up to 22 or more migratory Warbler species were still found in Central Park on 
Tuesday and a fair number of the species present wre in good to fairly-strong 
numbers, all around. There were upticks of some species such as N. Parula, and 
Wilsons Warbler. While no report came thru for any Connecticut Warblers on 
Tuesday, anywhere in the park or in the same county, that species ought to be 
watched for in coming days and weeks, this being peak time for fall occurrences 
in the region. Many other migrants continued to be found as well. A nice tally 
of Common Nighthawks in the late-day to dusk hour for Central Park, and also 
some seen elsewhere around Manhattan. The quite numerous Ruby-throated 
Hummigbirds have been enjoying the many lush flowers still available in local 
parks, gardens, and other plantings.

- - -
At Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, the long-lingering Yellow-breasted Chat 
was again present and so were some other migrants including various warblers, 
and Lincolns Sparrow among the other, more-common migrant sparrows. Excellent 
birds were also being seen from many locations all thru New York County.

Thanks to all of many many keen observers and photographers out and about on 
Tuesday for so many sightings.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Mon., 9/9 - Red-headed WP, CT Warbler +25 more warbler spp., more migrants

2024-09-09 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Monday, September 9th -

A young Red-headed Woodpecker was seen Monday morning thanks to B. Bomkamp and 
B. Van Doren, near the north arm of the Lake in Central Park, by the n-w sector 
of the Ramble, perhaps the same bird lingering a while in that area, or just as 
possibly a new or more-recent arrival.

Another report, for Monday 9-9, of Connecticut Warbler, at the Loch in Central 
Parks northern sector, this also might be a lingering individual, or could be a 
newer arrival there - but highly unlikely the same individual Connecticut that 
was seen in a different part of the same park -a good way farther south- on 

The other warbler species present in Central Park on Monday 9-9 included the 
following -
Worm-eating Warbler
Northern Waterthrush
Blue-winged Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Mourning Warbler - photod and observed by Turtle Pond early and late in day on 
Monday, plus others in park.
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart - still seeming the most numerous species of warbler around.
Cape May Warbler
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Pine Warbler
Myrtle -a.k.a Yellow-rumped- Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler - few remained.

As an additional note, none of the sightings noted above and anywhere herein 
had the euphemism -early- attached to the sighting, and all species were 
observed by more than one person, with most being seen by many different 
observers at various times and locations. Cape May and Black-throated Green 
Warbler sightings seen by multiple -non-early- observers - as were all of above.

Many birders commented on the high numbers of hummingbirds being found, just in 
this one park, but also in many more locations around Manhattan as well. All 
presumed or proven to be Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.

Many more migrants and some resident birds were seen on Monday 9-9 at Central 
Park, the below listing includes some of those -

Common Loon - flyover.
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Green Heron - getting a bit late.
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Bald Eagle
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk - few, passage migrants.
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
American Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
feral Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Common Nighthawk - dusk.
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Belted Kingfisher
- Red-headed Woodpecker - as noted at top of this report, a young bird, lacking 
a red hood.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Least Flycatcher
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Empidonax-genus Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Yellow-throated Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Common Raven
American Crow
Fish Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Veery - modest numbers.
Gray-cheeked Thrush -some of possible Bicknells- but many of such best left 
simply as gray-cheeked types.
Swainsons Thrush
Hermit Thrush - very scant, and still quite early for this county.
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
House Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Song Sparrow
Lincoln's Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Baltimore Oriole
Purple Finch
House Finch
American Goldfinch
and perhaps some additional species as well for Central Park on Monday 9-9.

- -
Of interest as early-arrivers were sightings of some Atlantic Brant passing 
Inwood Hill Park in northern Manhattan, and Brown Creeper photod in Washington 
Square Park in the Greenwich Village area of Manhattan, these each noted for 
Mondays nice influx and passage of more migrants to and thru the county.

- - -
Species of note -for this county- at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, besides 
the ongoing Yellow-breasted Chat seen by now by more than 400 observers, and 
likely more with passersby also included were a continuing Marsh Wren, 
continuing Lincolns Sparrow, and continuing Mourning Warblers in at least 2 
parts of this relatively-compact park with its various shrub-hedgerows and 
flower plantings as well as fairly-thin plantings of trees. There have been at 
least one-dozen warbler species reliably seen at Bryant Park so far this month, 
also showing ther

[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Sept. 9, 2024: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 16 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-09 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday, September 9, 2024
OBS:Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 16 Species of Wood Warblers including 
Blue-winged, Cape May and Black-throated Green Warblers. The Yellow-breasted 
Chat, Marsh Wren, and Mourning Warblers, etc. continue at Bryant Park where 
many friendly and hyper-vigilant birders will help you find them. 

Canada Goose - 12-18
Mallard - around 30
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 Tupelo Field
Chimney Swift - 10-15
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3
Herring Gull - 4 or 5 flyovers
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Wagner Cove
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 King of Poland
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4 or 5
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 (south side of Turtle Pond, Vista Rock (David Barrett))
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 east side of Belvedere Castle (Bob - early)
Warbling Vireo - 1 Ladies' Pavilion
Red-eyed Vireo - 6-8
Blue Jay - 5-7
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 3
Carolina Wren - 3
Gray Catbird - 10-12
Northern Mockingbird - 1 Gapstow Bridge
Veery - 7-9
Wood Thrush - 1 or 2 in the Ramble
American Robin - 20-25
House Finch - 3 males
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Gapstow Mudflat (Paul Curtis)
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field (Dan Stevenson and Paul Curtis)
Black-and-white Warbler - 8-10
Common Yellowthroat - 5
American Redstart - 25-30
Cape May Warbler - 1 east of Castle (Bob - early)
Northern Parula - 8-10
Magnolia Warbler - 1 Maintenance field
Yellow Warbler - 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 (Ladies' Pavilion, Upper Lobe Lawn)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 east of Castle
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 4
Pine Warbler - 1 Strawberry Fields (Caren Jahre)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Wagner Cove (Bob - early)
Canada Warbler - 1 south side of Turtle Pond (Paul Curtis)
Northern Cardinal - 4-6
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3 (Mary Kate Horbac)

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Sept. 8, 2024: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Hairy Woodpecker, 13 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-08 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday September 8, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Hairy Woodpecker, 13 Species of Wood Warblers 
including Blue-winged, Cape May, and Prairie Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 31
Mallard - 4
Mourning Dove - 45-55
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 or 2 (Captain's Bench (Paul Curtis), Tupelo Field 
Chimney Swift - 15-20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 west of Persimmon Slope
Herring Gull - 4 flyovers
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 male King of Poland
Northern Flicker - 5 or 6
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4 or 5
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-12
Blue Jay - 8-10
American Crow - flock of 15-20
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 or 3
Carolina Wren - heard
House Wren - 1 Belvedere Castle
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 3 or 4
Wood Thrush - 2 Evodia Field
American Robin - 20-25
Common Grackle - 10-15
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field
Black-and-white Warbler - 6 or 7
Common Yellowthroat - 2 (Tanner's Spring, Sparrow Rock (Deb - early))
American Redstart - 18-20
Cape May Warbler - 2 north end of Maintenance Field
Northern Parula - 6 or 7
Magnolia Warbler - 1 west of Persimmon Slope (Paul Curtis)
Yellow Warbler - 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Pine Warbler - 1 female Shakespeare Garden
Prairie Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle (Annie Plum)
Canada Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field (E. J. Bartolazo)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Sept. 7, 2024: 11 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Hooded Warbler

2024-09-07 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday September 7, 2024
OBS:Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Eastern Phoebe, 11 Species of Wood Warblers including Hooded and 
Cape May Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak. 

Canada Goose - 16
Mallard - 8
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Chimney Swift - 8-10
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 4
Herring Gull - 5-7 flyovers
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 at the Oven
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult Maintenance Field (Dan Stevenson)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 6-8
Great Crested Flycatcher - 5-7
Eastern Phoebe - 2 south side of Turtle Pond
Red-eyed Vireo - 35-40
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - flyover flock of 20-25
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Carolina Wren - 2 or 3
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 4 or 5
Wood Thrush - 2 Evodia Field
American Robin - 30-40
Song Sparrow - 1 Belvedere Castle
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Azalea Pond
Black-and-white Warbler - 6-8
Common Yellowthroat - 3
Hooded Warbler - 1 female west of Persimmon Slope
American Redstart - 30-35
Cape May Warbler - 1 north Maintenance Field
Northern Parula - 5 or 6
Yellow Warbler - 1 Ramble (Dan Stevenson)
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Bow Bridge Island (Dan Stevenson)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Ramble
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 uphill from Boathouse (Annie Plum)
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male Belvedere Castle
Northern Cardinal - 6-8
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 female Belvedere Castle (Liza Meneades)


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. Sept. 6, 2024: Wood Duck, Belted Kingfisher, 9 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-06 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday September 6, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Wood Duck, Solitary Sandpiper, Belted Kingfisher, 9 Species of Wood 
Warblers including Blue-winged Warbler. In addition, Chris Ang photographed a 
Tennessee Warbler in the Conservatory Garden.

Canada Goose - 46
Wood Duck - 1 female at the Pool
Mallard - 28-30
Mourning Dove - 10-12
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 north side of the Loch
Solitary Sandpiper - 2 at the Pool
Herring Gull - 1 flyover
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 Harlem Meer
Great Blue Heron - 1 or 2 (Harlem Meer and flyover)
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Belted Kingfisher - 1 calling at the Loch
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 or 2
Downy Woodpecker - 2 (Harlem Meer, Pool)
Northern Flicker - 4
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 at the Pool
Warbling Vireo - 1 at the Pool
Red-eyed Vireo - 1 at the Pool
Blue Jay - 2 or 3
American Crow - 2 Conservatory Garden
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 Compost
Gray Catbird - 4-6
Northern Mockingbird - 3
American Robin - 15-20
House Finch - 4-6
Common Grackle - 2 or 3
Northern Waterthrush - 1 or 2 at the pool
Blue-winged Warbler - 2 Loch
Black-and-white Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 4
American Redstart - 19 or 20
Northern Parula - 3
Magnolia Warbler - 1 at the Pool
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 north side of the Loch
Canada Warbler - 1 Loch (Tyler)
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - recent migrants, including Connecticut Warbler

2024-09-06 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - thru Friday, Sept. 6th -

First up, the Connecticut Warbler seen and photographed at The Loch on Tuesday, 
Sept. 3rd is an archived sighting in eBird with dim -but seemingly 
fully-confirming photos- in the Macaulay Library to accompany. This is the 
apparent first of that species to have been photo-documented with a public 
report this year in the county, and thus for Central Park, and as an additional 
note, that species has been showing regionally in small numbers overall so far, 
while more can be expected, in appropriate habitat and sometimes -esp. in urban 
areas- in some odd and unexpected sites.

Thru Friday, as well as on Thursday, 9-5 and 9-6, even without major passages 
of migrants on preceding nights there have been up to 17 or more warbler 
species present in Central Park each day, and also many more migrant species.

- - -
The well-watched Yellow-breasted Chat at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan was 
seen there by many, thru Thursday 9-5. Adding to the records of Y-br. Chats was 
one that had been released from a rehab in Manhattan, into nearby Central Park, 
on Wed., Sept. 4th, that being well-after a sighting of a chat in the same area 
but at the end of August, as seen by numerous observers then. For part of 
Friday, 9-6, it was not possible to fully access all of Bryant Park due to a 
planned event. Even so, a Mourning Warbler and some other warbler species have 
been noted from that location and more is likely to be seen once the park is 
open to all for bird observations. A Sora was also -reported- with a likely 
injury, from that location, as of Friday.
. . . .
>From Sept. 3rd, there are a number of sightings of Philadelphia Vireos in 
>Manhattan, and that includes one at the southern end of Manhattan - on the 
>same day as Central Park had at least one more for the season.

More to report in the weekend with a likely fresh passage of many more migrants 
for all of the region, including thru New York County in N.Y. City.

Good birding to all, and thanks to many keen and reliable observers and 

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Thu. Sept. 5, 2024: Hairy Woodpecker, Nine Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-05 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park, NYC
Thursday September 5, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob

Highlights: Hairy Woodpecker, Nine Species of Wood Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 18
Mallard - 9
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Chimney Swift - 10-15
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Tupelo Field
Herring Gull - 4 or 5 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Turtle Pond
Cooper's Hawk - 1 adult female Summer House
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 Tupelo Field
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 Captain's Bench
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 or 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Evodia Field
Empidonax Flycatcher - 2 Ramble
Warbling Vireo - 2 Ramble
Red-eyed Vireo - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 4 or 5
American Crow - 4 or 5
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 (uphill from Boathouse, Shakespeare Garden)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 south side of Turtle Pond
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4
Gray Catbird - 4-6
Veery - 2 or 3
American Robin - 15-20
Common Grackle - 6-8
Ovenbird - 1 south side of Turtle Pond
Blue-winged Warbler - 4
Black-and-white Warbler - 4 or 5
Common Yellowthroat - 3
American Redstart - 14-16
Northern Parula - 5 or 6
Magnolia Warbler - 2 south side of Turtle Pond
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 (uphill from Boathouse, Tupelo Field)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 2 males Ramble
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6

Deb Allen

RIP birding legend Sandy Komito, who has no doubt already ticked a Great Auk 
and a Moa in the great beyond.


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Sept. 2, 2024: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 14 Warbler Species

2024-09-02 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday September 2, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, 14 Warbler Species 
including Blue-winged, Cape May, and Black-throated Green Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 42
Wood Duck - 1 at the Pool (Edmund Berry)
Gadwall - 1 Pool (Edmund Berry)
Mallard - 10
Mourning Dove - 45-55
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 3 Maintenance Field
Herring Gull - 8
Great Blue Heron - 1 Lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2 (Oven, Upper Lobe)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 female Captain's Bench
Northern Flicker - 5 or 6
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 (Strawberry Fields, Summer House)
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 Persimmon Slope (Edmund Berry)
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 or 2
Warbling Vireo - 2
Red-eyed Vireo - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 8-10
Carolina Wren - 5 or 6
Gray Catbird - 10-12
Northern Mockingbird - 1 hatch-year Sparrow Rock (Deb - early)
Veery - 5-7
Wood Thrush - 2 (Evodia Field, Summer House)
American Robin - 35-40
Baltimore Oriole - 2 (Oven, Tupelo Field)
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 5 or 6
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Bow Bridge
Blue-winged Warbler - 2 (Captain's Bench, Azalea Pond)
Black-and-white Warbler - 4 or 5
Common Yellowthroat - 5 or 6
American Redstart - 20-25
Cape May Warbler - 1 Cedar Hill (Bob - early)
Northern Parula - 3 or 4
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Yellow Warbler - 2 Bow Bridge
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 (Cedar Hill, The Oven (Paul Curtis))
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 Cedar Hill (Bob - early)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female east of Azalea Pond
Black-throated Green Warbler - 2 (Strawberry fields, east of Azalea Pond)
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male Maintenance Field
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Sept. 1, 2024: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, American Kestrel, 10 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-09-01 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC - Ramble and Turtle Pond
Sunday September 1, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: An overcast day with high humidity yielded the expected early 
September uptick in Ruby-throated Hummingbird numbers, an American Kestrel, 
some Empidonax flycatchers, and ten Species of Wood Warblers including 
Blue-winged Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 20
Mourning Dove - 25-30
Chimney Swift - 4-6
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 5
Herring Gull - 3-5 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 Lake
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Ramble
Northern Flicker - 2 (Evodia Field, Belvedere Castle)
American Kestrel - 1 flyover Captain's Bench (Mark Siegeltuch, Paul Curtis)
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4 or 5
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 west side of the Point
Empidonax Flycatcher - 2 or 3
Warbling Vireo - 1 singing Maintenance Field
Red-eyed Vireo - 5
Blue Jay - 6-8
Carolina Wren - 2 or 3 heard
House Wren - 1 Bow Bridge
Gray Catbird - Gray Catbird - 5-7
Veery - 5
Wood Thrush - 3
American Robin - 10-15
Common Grackle - 4 or 5
Ovenbird - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Gill Source
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 Captain's Bench
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 or 4
Common Yellowthroat - 2 or 3
American Redstart - 15-20
Northern Parula - 3 or 4
Magnolia Warbler - 3 or 4
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 4 or 5
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Evodia Field
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 8/31 - 22+ Warbler spp, many more migrants

2024-09-01 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday, August 31st -

The at-least 22 species of migratory American warblers seen in all of Central 
Park, over the day on Saturday included what appears to be a male Golden-winged 
Warbler seen by multiple observers in the area of The Loch at the Parks north 
end. It may be that this has tinges of plumage showing indications of a hybrid, 
but those hints may be only products of viewing in tough lighting conditions 
under almost all-overcast skies. The 22 species was achieved without that 
warbler in the tally for the day. Worm-eating Warbler was another among 
somewhat less-common warblers seen on the day, and in the Ramble area of the 
park alone, at least 18 warblers were noted by observers all thru the day and 
including groups on not-for-profit guided walks.

Also appearing, again, were various flycatchers including some Empidonax, and 
amongst those at least Yellow-bellied and Least being well-identified, also 
present again were Yellow-billed Cuckoos, and at dusk at least one, likely 
more, Common Nighthawk was seen. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks and Scarlet Tanagers 
were yet again a part of the mix of species. Red-breasted and White-breasted 
Nuthatches are being seen daily as of all of later August in this one park, as 
are at least 30 more regular species of this late-summer season and without 
having strong migrations on all nights and days. A few observers noted a 
slightly-early -for Central Park- Field Sparrow.

The long-lingering Hooded Merganser was photographed at the CP reservoir, and 
also still present are Wood Duck, Gadwall, and at the Meer, at least 2 
non-brilliant N. Shovelers, as well as the typical motley waterfowl.

Thanks to many keen, quiet, courteous observers and photographers for so many 
Much more to report on, and for all of N.Y. County, after the holiday weekend 
has completed.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Aug. 31, 2024: 12 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Blue-winged and Pine Warblers

2024-08-31 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday, August 31, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: 12 Species of Wood Warblers Including Blue-winged and Pine Warblers.

Canada Goose - 20
Mallard - 1 Turtle Pond
Mourning dove - 25-30
Chimney Swift - 7-10
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 3
Herring Gull - 6-8
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Turtle Pond
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Upper Lobe (David Barrett and Kris Mirasola)
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 adult east of Maintenance Field
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 2 in the Ramble
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2
Empidonax Flycatcher - 3 or 4
Warbling Vireo - 2 (Belvedere Castle, Ramble)
Red-eyed Vireo - 5
Blue Jay - 6-8
Fish Crow - 1 heard
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 3
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4 heard
Gray Catbird - 6 or 7
Northern Mockingbird - 1 Sparrow Rock
Veery - 4 or 5 Summer House
Wood Thrush - 2 Evodia Field
American Robin - 25-30
American Goldfinch - 3 Sparrow Rock
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 3 or 4
Ovenbird - 1 Tupelo Field
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 or 2 (Captain's Bench (Kris Mirasola), Oven)
Black-and-white Warbler - 6-8
Common Yellowthroat - 2 or 3
American Redstart - 30-35
Northern Parula - 5 or 6
Magnolia Warbler - 7 or 8
Yellow Warbler - 2 or 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 5 or 6
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male uphill from Boathouse Cafe
Pine Warbler - 1 female Cedar Hill
Canada Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Thurs.-Friday, Aug. 29-30th - Y-br. Chat, Red-headed WP, 19 Warbler spp., etc.

2024-08-31 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Thursday and Friday, August 29th and 30th -

A Yellow-breasted Chat came out - in bits and pieces of views - for multiple 
observers later in the day on Friday, 8-30 at Central Parks small so-called 
Sparrow Rock area - well east of the West Drive park roadway - west of the 
Great Lawn, an area that has regularly had skulking and uncommon to rare 
species of migrants and visitant birds over the decades. As to Chats, we might 
keep in mind that a bit of region-wide movement of Chats, all of the 
Yellow-breasted species of course, have been moving thru and showing in 
multiple states, and in other parts of the N.Y. City region more-locally 
lately. There is a chance that more than one of these could be in N.Y. County 
just now, and even that more than the one is in Central Park. That one Chat was 
still around to very early Saturday, the last day of August. Patience is key, 
in most chat-searching

A young Red-headed Woodpecker that was found by M. Rakowski on Thursday in the 
Central Park Ramble also had the same sharp observer, who often leads 
not-for-profit guided bird walks in that park and has done so for many years, 
finding an even-dozen species of warblers on Thursday. Her reports are also 
confirmed in eBird. Some of the early-moving Red-headed Woodpeckers in 
southbound migration will stay around but some may also move on quickly. All of 
autumn - and beginning now, of course - is a good time to watch out for that 
species, and to remember that they can and will migrate diurnally, in active 

Central Park has had well over 100 species noted in just the 2 days time of 
this report - 8-29 and 8-30. For all of August to early on the final day of the 
month, more than 155 species have shown in N.Y. County, but that number is 
modest by comparison with other counties adjacent, some 4 of which are also 
boroughs of N.Y. City, and which have open-sea and bay shorelines, or lengthy 
parts of shores along the western L.I. Sound.

Many many migrants have been passing in the final week of August, and on some 
nights, the numbers simply going over through the night have been vastly more 
than any numbers seen in daylight as stop-ins, drop-ins, or even with any 
sky-watching for diurnal movements, mostly in mornings and with some observers 
also out in evenings to twilight. A good start to the season for Common 
Nighthawks, and certainly more of them expected. The passage of Ruby-throated 
Hummingbirds headed south - in daylight hours - also was ongoing, with some 
days providing modest numbers dropping in to well-flowered areas for feeding.

Among so many warbler species, there have been a nice number of Blackburnian 
Warblers in various plumages, but certainly more of many other species still 
being commonly found, such as American Redstarts. The coming few days are 
likely to provide some fresh movement, and an update to all of the county's 
migrants will be offered as well.

Thanks to many keen, quiet, courteous observers and photographers out and about 
in warmer and cooler days, showers and in hot sun, and all that the weather has 
delivered, for finding and reporting so many birds, via the Discord alerts in 
particular as well as regular sightings via eBird listings and alerts and with 
the Macaulay Library archives for media.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu., Aug. 29, 2024: 10 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-08-29 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday August 29, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob. 

Highlights: Cedar Waxwing, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Veery, Wood Thrush, Ten 
Species of Wood Warblers including Blue-winged and Cape May Warblers. An 
immature Red-headed Woodpecker was reported at Evodia Field in the Ramble by 
Miriam Rakowski. 

Canada Goose - 12
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Chimney Swift - 15-20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Herring Gull - 5-10 flyovers
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond
Cooper's Hawk - flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 male Summer House
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 6-8
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 5-10
Cedar Waxwing - 3 hatch-years
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 3
Carolina Wren - 2 in the Ramble
Gray Catbird - 4 or 5
Wood Thrush - 2 Evodia Field
American Robin - 15-20
Baltimore Oriole - 6-8
Common Grackle - 4-6
Ovenbird - 3
Blue-winged Warbler - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 5
American Redstart - 12-15
Cape May Warbler - 3
Northern Parula - 1 Tupelo Field
Magnolia Warbler - 2 Shakespeare Garden
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female Warbler Rock
Canada Warbler - 2 Ramble
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Wed., 8/28 - ongoing migration

2024-08-29 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Wed., August 28th -

For all of the park and all day, from before daybreak thru dusk, when some 
Common Nighthawks were moving overhead, there were just over 100 species of 
native and wild birds found in, and moving over the park. Many as on recent 
days were species of migratory warblers. Likely the most numerous of those were 
again American Redstart, with some other species also in numbers and some 
species in lowered numbers from the prior day.

There were still some Cape May and Bay-breasted Warblers in the park in more 
than a few locations, and the watery bathing-spots were as-expected somewhat 
active as the day progressed. In the park entire, there are at least a dozen of 
these, in separated areas, that does include inside the Central Park zoo 
grounds. At the Pool in Central Park's northwest, a Solitary Sandpiper was 
still to be seen on Wednesday.

A few apparently first of the season Northern Shovelers came to the water-body 
known as the Meer, and to ,the reservoir in Central Park. The long-lingering, 
early Hooded Merganser was still present there as are Wood Ducks, Gadwalls, and 
sundry usual Canada-turfgrass geese, and Mallards.

- - -
Far more can be elaborated on migrations for there and other locations in N.Y. 
County as migration is again strong around the region into Thursday morning.

A bright male Mourning Warbler was among the birds still lingering at Bryant 
Park in midtown Manhattan, seen and well-photographed again, on 8-28. That and 
some other birds are not representative of the most-recent migrations, however.

Thanks to many additional observers and photographers all around the park, for 
many reports, which come in via Discord alerts and as eBird alerts, regular 
reports, and those which are rather hidden to fast-search efforts, and for 
word-of-mouth sightings noted, and others given privately as is still also 

Good birds,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Aug. 26, 2024: Green Heron, Red-breasted Nuthatch, Black-throated Blue Warbler

2024-08-26 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday August 26, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: A bit slow today - Green Heron, Red-breasted Nuthatch, 
Black-throated Blue and other Wood Warblers.

Canada Goose - 29
Mallard - 9
Mourning Dove - 25-30
Chimney Swift
Herring Gull - a few flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 at the Pond
Green Heron - 1 at the Pond
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 Azalea Pond
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 2
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4-6
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 Hernshead
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 Maintenance Field
Warbling Vireo - 1 Hernshead (Karen Evans)
Red-eyed Vireo - 6 or 7
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 1 Swampy Pin Oak
Carolina Wren - 1 Riviera
Gray Catbird - 6-9
Veery - 4 or 5
American Robin - around 20
House Finch - 2 Strawberry Fields
Baltimore Oriole - 1 young male Laupot Bridge
Common Grackle - 5 or 6
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Gapstow mudlfat
Common Yellowthroat - 1 female Gapstow mudflat
American Redstart - 12
Magnolia Warbler - 2 Azalea Pond
Yellow Warbler - 1 Summer House
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 (2 males and 1 female (Caren Jahre) Laupot and 
Gill Overlook)
Canada Warbler - 1 Summer House
Northern Cardinal - 8-10
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 Laupot

On the subject of Red-breasted Nuthatches: It's so nice to have our efforts to 
keep track of these birds in NYC noticed, but why did Mr. Fiore headline his 
post "Red-breasted Nuthatch occurrence in N.Y. City, summer 2024". Then later 
in the body of the post, in a classic bit of bait and switch, refer to these 
reports as coming from "around N.Y. City". How many counties would that 

Here is what Bob and I can find on eBird for the 5 boroughs of NYC:
There are no reports of RBNUs in NYC for June 2024.

There are two reports of RBNUs from Brooklyn in July 2024 (both from Greenwood 
Cemetery) - and zero reports from anywhere else in NYC.

In August 2024, reports regarding RBNUs have come in from four boroughs (Staten 
Island has no reports), and the majority (>80%) have come in since 23 August 
(less than five days ago). There are about 20-25 total reports.

As we look over the ebird reports from Central Park, we note that several of 
the reports from Sunday (25 August), came from people on our bird walk!

These birds are often in deciduous trees at this time of year, and are much 
more difficult to find now than they will be later in the season. However, they 
are very social birds and will respond to calls. 

In any case, it's likely that we will see an irruption, with nice numbers of 
these birds downstate this fall and winter, although we do not expect it to be 
a major irruption.

Looking forward to the next cold front,

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Aug. 25, 2024: Red-breasted Nuthatch, 11 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Cape May and Blackburnian Warblers

2024-08-25 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday August 25, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Broad-winged Hawk, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Red-breasted 
Nuthatch*, 11 Species of Wood Warblers including Cape May and Blackburnian 
Warblers. It was heartening to see one of the Great Crested Flycatchers dining 
on a Spotted Lanternfly. We’ve also seen Yellow-billed Cuckoos and 
Baltimore Orioles eating these invasive insects.

Canada Goose - 25-30
Mallard - 5
Mourning dove - 30-40
Chimney Swift - 3 or 4
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Tupelo Field
Herring Gull - 3-5 flyovers
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond (David Barrett)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 or 4
Broad-winged Hawk - 1 perched in the Ramble
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 2
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3 (at Evodia Field one caught and ate a Spotted 
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 Evodia Field
Warbling Vireo - 1 Locust Grove (Andrea Hessel)
Red-eyed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 5-10
Barn Swallow - 5-10
Red-breasted Nuthatch - 3 in 3 locations*
Carolina Wren - heard
Gray Catbird - 4 or 5
American Robin - 15-20
American Goldfinch - 2 Pinetum
Baltimore Oriole - 3
Red-winged Blackbird - 1 near Boathouse (Sabina Schumacher)
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 1 Tupelo Field
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Laupot Bridge (Carl Howard)
Black-and-white Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 2 (Bow Bridge, Shakespeare Garden)
American Redstart - 7-10
Cape May Warbler - 1 east of Evodia Field
Magnolia Warbler - 1 Balancing Rock/Captain's Bench (Alexandra Wang)
Blackburnian Warbler - 2 (male and female) Tupelo Field (Paul Curtis)
Yellow Warbler - 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 Tupelo Field
Canada Warbler - 1 Captain's Bench/Balancing Rock
Northern Cardinal - 7 or 8

*We had three Red-breasted Nuthatches on our bird walks today at three 
different locations. In our experience, when we see these birds in late August, 
it suggests an irruption year for the species. If we see the first ones in 
mid-July to early August, we might expect a major irruption. Gus Keri found 
(and recorded on video) the first migrant RBNUs in the NYC area about ten days 
ago in Brooklyn.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. Aug. 24, 2024: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 12 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-08-24 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday August 24, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Twelve Species of Wood Warblers including 
Blackburnian and Cape May Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 22
Mallard - 20
Mourning Dove 30-40
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 1 east of Evodia Field (Karen Evans)
Chimney Swift - 10-20
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Tupelo Field
Laughing Gull - 1 flyover Reservoir (Deb - 6:12am)
Herring Gull - 14
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 adult Reservoir (Deb - around 6:45am)
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 flyover
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond (David Barrett)
Cooper's Hawk - 1 adult female Captain's Bench/Balancing Rock
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 or 2
Northern Flicker - 5
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4 or 5
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Maintenance field
Warbling Vireo - 1 east of Evodia Field
Red-eyed Vireo - 3 or 4
Blue Jay - 5-10
American Crow - 4 or 5
Gray Catbird - 4-6
Wood Thrush - 1 hatch-year Summer House
American Robin - 8-10
House Finch - 1 male Sparrow Rock (Deb-around 7am)
Baltimore Oriole - 6-8
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 2 Ramble
Northern Waterthrush - 2 Ramble
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 or 4
Common Yellowthroat - 1 Maintenance Field
American Redstart - 5-7
Cape May Warbler - 1 Evodia Field (Scott Brevda)
Magnolia Warbler - 1 between Summer House and Warbler Rock
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 male uphill from Boathouse (Paul Curtis)
Yellow Warbler - 3 or 4
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 4 or 5
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Belvedere Castle
Canada Warbler - 4
Northern Cardinal - 6-8 including a singing male

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. Aug. 23, 2024: Hooded Merganser,10 Species of Wood Warblers including Worm-eating and Wilson's Warblers

2024-08-23 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC - North End
Friday August 23, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, 10 Species of Wood Warblers including 
Worm-eating and Wilson's Warblers, Solitary Sandpiper, Eastern Phoebe.

Canada Goose - around 30
Wood Duck - 1 female at the Pool
Mallard - 15
Hooded Merganser - 1 first-summer female at Pool (the species is rare in the 
park in summer)
Mourning Dove - 5 or 6
Chimney Swift - 3 flying very low over Nutter's Battery
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Conservatory Garden (Caren Jahre)
Solitary Sandpiper - 2 at the Pool
Herring Gull - a few flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 Harlem Meer
Great Blue Heron - 2 Harlem Meer
Cooper's Hawk - 1 eating a rat in the Ramble after lunch (thanks Patrick)
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 or 2 near Conservatory Garden
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 Nutter's Battery
Downy Woodpecker - Conservatory Garden
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 at the Pool
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3 (2 calling to each other at the Blockhouse (Caren Jahre))
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 probable Least Flycatcher Lily Ponds
Eastern Phoebe - 1 at the Pool
Red-eyed Vireo - 2
Carolina Wren - 1 Loch, another heard
Gray Catbird - 4 or 5
Northern Mockingbird - 3 or 4
American Robin - around 20
House Finch - 1 male Loch
American Goldfinch - 1 male Wildflower Meadow (Scott Brevda)
Song Sparrow - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Common Grackle - 4
Worm-eating Warbler - 1 at the Pool (Scott Brevda)
Northern Waterthrush - 2 at the Pool
Black-and-white Warbler - 5
Common Yellowthroat - 1 Loch (Scott Brevda)
American Redstart - 20-25
Northern Parula - 1 Loch
Magnolia Warbler - 2 or 3 at the Loch (Mary Kate Horbac and Caren Jahre)
Yellow Warbler - 3 (1 Harlem Meer Island (Paul Curtis), 2 Pool (Caren Jahre)
Canada Warbler - 5
Wilson's Warbler - 1 at the Pool
Northern Cardinal - 5


I you go to the Conservatory Garden to look for hummingbirds, please be advised 
that the garden is under construction and may be entered from the north and the 
south sides, but there is no entrance or exit from Fifth Avenue, and it's not 
possible to cross between the north and south sides. 


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - thru Thursday, 8/22 - 27 Warbler spp, many more migrants

2024-08-23 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
into Thursday-Friday, August 22nd - 23rd -

Starting off with the migratory American warbler species seen into - and on - 
Thursday, August 22nd for ALL of Central Park and as seen by many, many dozens 
of observers, independently watching and photographing - ALL of the following 
were seen into Thursday, at Central Park - a majority of these species were in 
the multiple, and a few were well into double-digits numbers, within this one 
park on Thursday. Some of the other migrants and regular birds of this park are 
additionally listed below the warblers. Many of these birds are also starting 
to be seen for Friday, August 23rd.

Worm-eating Warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Northern Waterthrush
Blue-winged Warbler
Black-and-white Warbler
Tennessee Warbler
Nashville Warbler
Mourning Warbler
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Warbler
American Redstart
Cape May Warbler - multiple, as ongoing and new arrivals for some days by now.
Northern Parula
Magnolia Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Yellow Warbler
Chestnut-sided Warbler
Bay-breasted Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Pine Warbler
Myrtle -a.k.a Yellow-rumped- Warbler
Prairie Warbler
Black-throated Green Warbler
Canada Warbler
Wilsons Warbler
and -
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret - flyovers
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal
Hooded Merganser
Bald Eagle
Cooper's Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Least Sandpiper
American Woodcock
Laughing Gull
Ring-billed Gull
American Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
feral Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Black-billed Cuckoo
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Olive-sided Flycatcher
Eastern Wood-Pewee
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher
Acadian Flycatcher
Alder - Willow type Empidonax-genus Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
Yellow-throated Vireo - at least several, multiple observers, photos.
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Blue Jay
Common Raven
American Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - multiple, and having been seen for much of August in 
the park.
Swainson's Thrush
Wood Thrush
American Robin
Gray Catbird
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
House Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing
Scarlet Tanager
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow - present all summer in the park.
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Bobolink - modest nos. of flyovers.
Red-winged Blackbird
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole
Baltimore Oriole
House Finch
American Goldfinch

There are likely some additional species that are not listed above which have 
occurred and there are as is typical various additional species having been 
seen in other parts of N.Y. County, of which Central Park is just a small 
fraction of the available bird habitat.

In the coming weeks we will announce some not-for-profit organizations public 
birding walks for the area. Thanks to all keen, quiet, courteous observers and 
photographers representing the diversity of the city and the world, for local 
sightings and many reports of all these birds, via the much-used Discord 
alterts and as-always via eBird and its RBA as well as thru the associated 
Macaluay Library online, for excellent digital media.

An update on some of the birds all around N.Y. County will also be given in 
coming days.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. Aug. 22, 2024: 11 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Blue-winged, Mourning, and Cape May Warblers

2024-08-22 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday August 22, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Eleven Species of Wood Warblers including Blue-winged, Mourning, 
and Cape May Warblers, Yellow-billed Cuckoo, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, 
Cooper's Hawk, Hairy Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher.

Canada Goose - 12
Mallard - 7
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - heard (David Barrett)
Chimney Swift - 6-8
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 chasing Blue Jay (Maintenance Field)
Herring Gull - 6
Double-crested Cormorant - 1 Reservoir
Cooper's Hawk - 1 adult Ramble (David Barrett)
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Hairy Woodpecker - 1 male Captain's Bench/Balancing Rock (Bob - early)
Northern Flicker - 1 Tupelo Field
Great Crested Flycatcher - 3
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3
Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - 1 Ramble
Red-eyed Vireo - 6-8
Blue Jay - 8-10
Barn Swallow - 2 Turtle Pond
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 uphill from Boathouse Cafe (David Barrett)
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4
Gray Catbird - 6-8
American Robin - 10-15
Baltimore Oriole - 11-13
Common Grackle - 6-8
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field
Black-and-white Warbler - 3-5
Mourning Warbler - 1 male Evodia Field (Jordan Spindel)
American Redstart - 9-12
Cape May Warbler - 1 hatch-year female King of Poland (Bob - early)
Northern Parula - 1 female Maintenance Field
Magnolia Warbler - 3 or 4
Yellow Warbler - 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 4 or 5
Canada Warbler - 1 Tupelo Field
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. Aug. 19, 2024: Least and Solitary Sandpipers, Osprey, Wood Thrush, Wood Warblers

2024-08-19 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday August 19, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Least and Solitary Sandpipers, Osprey, Wood Thrush, Wood Warblers. 
Least Sandpiper is rare for Central Park. 

Canada Goose - 6 on the Lake, others on the Pond
Mallard - many at the Pond
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Chimney Swift - 3 or 4
Least Sandpiper - 1 in juvenal plumage at the Pond and adjacent Gapstow Mudflat
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 at the Pond and adjacent Gapstow Mudflat
Great Blue Heron - 1 adult at the Pond (Betsy Radley)
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond
Green Heron - 1 at the Pond
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Wagner Cove
Osprey - 1 flyover Maintenance Field
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2
Downy Woodpecker - 1 Balancing Rock
Northern Flicker - 5-7 including some hatch-year birds
Great Crested Flycatcher - 6-8
Least Flycatcher - 1 Tupelo Field
Red-eyed Vireo - 6-8
Blue Jay - 4 or 5
Carolina Wren - 5 or 6
Gray Catbird - 3 or 4
Northern Mockingbird - 2 (Ramble and the Pond)
Wood Thrush - 1 Warbler Rock
American Robin - 10-15
Common Grackle - 8-10
Ovenbird - 1 Gill Overlook
Northern Waterthrush - 4
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 or 4
American Redstart - 10
Northern Parula - 1 Warbler Rock (Bob - early a.m.)
Northern Cardinal - 8-10


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. and Sun. Aug 17-18, 2024: 9 Species of Wood Warblers, Least Sandpiper, Laughing Gull

2024-08-18 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday August 17 and Sunday August 18, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Nine Species of Wood Warblers including Blue-winged and Canada 
Warblers, Least Sandpiper, Laughing Gull. 


Canada Goose - around 25
Mallard - 4
Mourning Dove - 25-30
Chimney Swift - at least 15
Least Sandpiper - 1 Gapstow Bridge (Sandra Critelli, thanks to Eric Mathern)*
Laughing Gull - 2 adults Reservoir (Deb - 7am)
Herring Gull - 43
Double-crested Cormorant - 2 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond
Green Heron - 1 at the Pond (Sandra Critelli)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern flicker - 3
Great Crested Flycatcher - 5
Eastern Kingbird - heard Turtle Pond
Red-eyed Vireo - 6-8
Blue Jay - 15-20
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 between Warbler Rock and Summer House
House Wren - 2 Shakespeare Garden
Carolina Wren - 3 or 4
Gray Catbird - 4 or 5
American Robin - 5-10
House Finch - 3 or 4
Baltimore Oriole - 4 or 5
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Blue-winged Warbler - 2 Ramble
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 or 4
Common Yellowthroat - 1 Shakespeare Garden
American Redstart - 30-40
Northern Parula - 2 Ramble
Magnolia Warbler - 1 east of Maintenance field
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3
Canada Warbler - 1 male Iphigene's Walk (Coral Aviles)
Northern Cardinal - 5-10
* Rare for Central Park. Photos from @alexcritelli1 and @CeceSurfs posted on X 
On Sunday early rain led to a later start than usual and fewer warblers on the 
walk (Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, and Northern Parula). Other 
highlights were a Great Blue Heron at Balcony Bridge and an Empidonax 
flycatcher at the Castle.


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Friday Aug. 16, 2024: Solitary Sandpiper, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia and Other Warblers, Scarlet Tanager

2024-08-16 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday August 16, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Solitary Sandpiper, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Veery 
Chestnut-sided, Magnolia and Other Warblers, Scarlet Tanager. It was good to be 
back in Central Park. Excellent bird spotting, especially by Scott Brevda, Kate 
Wollin, and Mary Kate Horbac. 

Canada Goose - 37
Gadwall - 4
Mallard - 24
Mourning Dove - several
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 Wildflower Meadow (also reported at Conservatory 
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 west end of the Pool
Laughing Gull - flyover Harlem (Deb - around 7:30am)
Herring Gull - a few flyovers
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 or 3 including one perched at the Pool
Red-bellied Woodpecker - heard
Northern Flicker - 2
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 at the Pool
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 Azalea Pond
Warbling Vireo - 1
Red-eyed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 3
House Wren - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Carolina Wren - 2 Lily Ponds
Gray Catbird - 3 or 4
Northern Mockingbird - 3 or 4
Veery - 1 Azalea Pond
American Robin - around a dozen
House Finch - male and female
American Goldfinch - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Common Grackle - 1
Ovenbird - 1 or 2 at Azalea Pond
Northern Waterthrush - 1 Loch
Black-and-white Warbler - 3
Common Yellowthroat - 2 at the pool
American Redstart - 7 or 8 including an adult male at the Blockhouse
Magnolia Warbler - 1 Loch
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Loch
Scarlet Tanager - 1 Azalea Pond
Northern Cardinal - 5

The find of the day was a Cerulean Warbler photographed by @Gigpalileo at 
Azalea Pond late in the morning reported on "X" via @mbalerter.


Looking forward to more warblers tomorrow,

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. June 2, 2024: Multiple Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Olive-sided Flycatcher

2024-06-02 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday June 2, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Multiple Yellow-billed Cuckoos, Olive-sided Flycatcher. 

Canada Goose - 2 Turtle Pond
Wood Duck - 1 male Turtle Pond
Mallard - 16 (including a dozen ducklings)
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Yellow-billed Cuckoo - 3
Chimney Swift - 3 or 4
Herring Gull - 4 or 5 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 6-8 flyovers
Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 pairs
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - pair Maintenance Field
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 pairs
Eastern Kingbird - 1 Turtle Pond Dock
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 Ramble
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Evodia Field
Warbling Vireo - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Red-eyed Vireo - 4
Blue Jay - 1 East Drive at 80th Street
Tufted Titmouse - 1 continuing in the Ramble
Barn Swallow - 1 Turtle Pond
Cedar Waxwing - 6
Wood Thrush - 2 males singing in the Ramble
American Robin - 30-40
House Finch - 10-15
White-throated Sparrow - 1 Swampy Pin Oak
Baltimore Oriole - pair at nest
Red-winged Blackbird - 4-6
Common Grackle - 9-12
American Redstart - 3
Magnolia Warbler - 1 female east end of Turtle Pond
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 female Gill Overlook
Canada Warbler - 1 singing male Ramble
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5

Eastern Red Bat - Turtle Pond
Eastern Cottontail - north end of Maintenance Field

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. June 1, 2024: Mourning Warbler and Eight Other Species of Wood Warblers

2024-06-01 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday June 1, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Mourning Warbler and Eight Other Species of Wood Warblers. At 
lunchtime today three Mourning Warblers and a Blackburnian Warbler were 
reported in Bryant Park. ( 
https://twitter.com/mbalerter/status/1796948737241104585 )

Canada Goose - 19
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - 6:05am)
Mallard - 20
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Herring Gull - 19
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 11
Great Egret - 2 Reservoir - Deb - 6:45am)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 flyovers
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 Ramble
Downy Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Northern Flicker - pair plus one
Great Crested Flycatcher - pair Tupelo Field
Eastern Kingbird - 1 Turtle Pond
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Azalea Pond
Empidonax Flycatcher - 2 (Ramble, Turtle Pond)
Warbling Vireo - 1 Maintenance Field
Red-eyed Vireo - 5
Blue Jay - 5 or 6 including pair collecting nesting material
Tufted Titmouse - 1 continuing in the Ramble
Barn Swallow - 5 or 6 with 2 birds sitting on nests
Gray Catbird - 6-8
Wood Thrush - 2 singing in Ramble
American Robin - 30-40
House Finch - 10-15 (adults and juveniles)
Song Sparrow - 4 (3 singing)
Baltimore Oriole - 2 males and active nest
Red-winged Blackbird - 5-7
Common Grackle - 10-15 including adult feeding young at Maintenance Field
Black-and-white Warbler - 2 females Ramble
Mourning Warbler - 1 male top of the Point
Common Yellowthroat - 2 (male, female) Belvedere Castle
American Redstart - 2 Ramble
Northern Parula - 2 (Swampy Pin Oak, Balancing Rock)
Magnolia Warbler - 3 or 4
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle
Blackpoll Warbler - 3 females
Canada Warbler - 2 (King of Poland (Bob - early), Weather Station)
Northern Cardinal - 9 or 10


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. May 31, 2024: Mourning Warbler, Nesting Birds

2024-05-31 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday May 31, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Mourning Warbler, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Nesting Birds. 

Canada Goose - 17
Mallard - 9 adults plus 2 ducklings
Mourning Dove - 8
Chimney Swift - 5 or 6
Double-crested Cormorant - 5
Great Blue Heron - 1 immature Island Harlem Meer
Great Egret - 1 foraging at Harlem Meer, plus at least 10 flyovers
Snowy Egret - 1 flyover
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 flyovers (1 adult, 2 immature birds)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 (1 adult male, 2 juveniles - nest empty)
Downy Woodpecker - 1 male Loch
Northern Flicker - 1 male working on old Red-bellied Woodpecker nest
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 or 3
Warbling Vireo - 3 adults (one nest - nestlings fed)
Blue Jay - 4
Barn Swallow - 1 flyover Harlem Meer
Cedar Waxwing - 15 or 16
House Wren - 1 heard
Gray Catbird - 4 or 5
American Robin - nests with young
Baltimore Oriole - 1 adult male Plant Nursery (Scott Brevda)
Red-winged Blackbird - 10
Common Grackle - around a dozen including 2 juveniles
Mourning Warbler - 1 male singing north of the west side of the Pool (found by 
American Redstart - 1 immature male singing north of the west side of the Pool
Magnolia Warbler - 1 at the Loch (Paul Curtis)
Northern Cardinal - 4
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 male Great Hill (Caren Jahre)

*@FoodvsF  https://twitter.com/FoodvsF/status/1796551319635026108/photo/1
Charles also photographed a male Indigo Bunting at the Great Hill. See 
@BirdCentralPark for this and other New York County bird reports.
Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Mon. May 27, 2024: Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided and Other Wood Warblers

2024-05-27 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park, NYC
Monday May 27, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandidoPhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Memorial Day Highlights: Blackburnian, Chestnut-sided and Other Wood Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 6
Mallard - 15-16 including a hen and ducklings on Turtle Pond
Mourning Dove - 50-60
Chimney Swift - 4-6
Herring Gull - 3 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 4-6
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3 (2 adults, 1 second-year)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 female Shakespeare Garden
Great Crested Flycatcher - pair in the Ramble
Eastern Kingbird - 1 Belvedere Castle (one of the pair nesting at Turtle Pond)
Warbling Vireo - 3 or 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 3 or 4
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Ramble
Cedar Waxwing - 15-20
Gray Catbird - 5-7
Wood Thrush - 3
American Robin - 20-25
House Finch - 8-10
Baltimore Oriole - 2 or 3
Red-winged Blackbird - 5 or 6
Common Grackle - 5-10
American Redstart - 5 or 6
Northern Parula - 2 (Humming Tombstone, Strawberry Fields)
Magnolia Warbler - 4 or 5
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 female Strawberry Fields
Yellow Warbler - 1 female Belvedere Castle (Bob and Deb - early)
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle (Bob and Deb - early)
Blackpoll Warbler - 3
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC -Sunday, May 26- 18+ Warbler spp., Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, etc.

2024-05-27 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Sunday, May 26th -

Again on Sunday, Central Park had at least 18 species of migratory American 
warblers, as found by a great many observers, zero of them reporting any 
sightings as -early- as a euphemism. Some species were much diminished in 
numbers from some peak days earlier in this month, yet a few species of the 
warblers continued to show in double-digits for the park on Sunday. At least 
several Yellow-bellied Flycatchers were among the Empidonax-genus of 
flycatchers seen and carefully identified by multiple observers. This included 
that last species of Empidonax within the Ramble area of the park Sunday, and 
also seen by multiple observers in the Ramble area was Gray-cheeked Thrush, 
again carefully identified eliminating the possible Bicknells from the choices 
amongst migrating Catharus-genus thrushes, on Sunday.

Thanks to quiet, courteous observers and photographers for many reliable 
identifications, made with care, including birds pointed out by leaders of 
not-for-profit guided bird walks done near-daily in this park for the migration 
seasons, offered by such organizations as the NYC Bird Alliance, the Linnaean 
Society of New York, the American Museum of Natural History, and multiple other 
non-profit organizations working for the advancement of conservation and 
science in the best interests of the birds, and for education in and of our 
natural world.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. May 26, 2024: Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, Blackburnian, black-throated Green and Other Warblers

2024-05-26 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday May 26, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, Blackburnian, Black-throated Green 
and other Wood Warblers.

Canada Goose - 6
Mallard - 10
Mourning Dove - 50-60
Chimney Swift - 5-10
Herring Gull - 10-15
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir (Deb - 7am)
Double-crested Cormorant - 12-15
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 flyover Turtle Pond
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - pair Tupelo Field
Eastern Kingbird - 1 female Belvedere Castle
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 or 3
Warbler Vireo - 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-12
Blue Jay - 4 or 5
American Crow - 1 flyover
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Balancing Rock
Cedar Waxwing - 15-20
House Wren - 1 Swedish Cottage
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush - 1 Azalea Pond
Wood Thrush - 3
American Robin - 30-40
House Finch - 10-15 including adults feeding juveniles
White-throated Sparrow - 2 Ramble
Baltimore Oriole - 1 male south of Maintenance Field
Red-winged Blackbird - 6-8
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 1 Azalea Pond (Bob - early)
Common Yellowthroat - 1 King of Poland
American Redstart - 6-8
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Blackburnian Warbler - 3 (2 males, 1 female)
Yellow Warbler - 1 female east side of Turtle Pond
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3
Blackpoll Warbler - 5 or 6
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 female east side of Turtle Pond
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 5/25 - 18+ Warbler spp, both Cuckoo spp, many more migrants

2024-05-25 Thread Tom Fiore
A highlight bird for the county even when seen - and photographed - by a sole 
observer, is the probable first -photo-documented- of its species for New York 
County, a Tricolored Heron, seen on May 25th and nicely photod in flight, as it 
passed over Randalls Island and reported by A. Cunningham, one of a modest 
number of birding regulars at all seasons to that island location in recent 
years. A photo set of that heron is now archived in the Macaulay Library, via 
the eBird report of same.

Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday, May 25th -

At least 18 species of migratory American warblers were found in the park on 
the day, with an approximation of order of abundances per species shown just 
below in a list of those warblers. Yellow-billed and Black-billed Cuckoos were 
seen again, as both have been over the recent weeks of this month at this park, 
and elsewhere in N.Y. County.

Warblers in a rough listing of abundances for Saturday at Central Park -

American Redstart, Blackpoll, Yellow, Magnolia, Bay-breasted, Tennessee, 
Black-throated Blue, Canada, Ovenbird, Chestnut-sided, Northern Parula, 
Blackburnian, Wilsons, Northern Waterthrush, Black-and-white, Blue-winged, 
Black-throated Green, and last-listed but hardly least of the many sightings 
from far more than 200 total observers over the entirety of the park and thru 
all of the day, Mourning Warbler.

Many of the warblers are and recently have been females, quieter and not quite 
as colorful to stand out in all the lush, dense foliage of the final weekend of 
the month. There certainly might have also been a few additional species of 
other warblers still working thru for the day, and not noted above.

The entire range of expected Empidonax-genus flycatchers were being found, some 
only calling rather than giving what passes for sping-territorial songs, and 
some as is typical here mostly-silent. Among most vocal in recent days have 
been the multiple Acadian Flycatchers within all of Central Park, for which any 
pairs of the latter ought to be watched, if lingering long as a pair in the 
park, or anywhere in the county.

Many more migrants are continuing to pass through. Thanks to all of the quiet, 
keen, courteous birders, including a number of bird walk leaders on 
not-for-profit guided walks, and also many independent observers and 
photographers not with organized group walks, for so many good sightings.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. May 15, 2024: Black-billed Cuckoo, Acadian Flycatcher, 8 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-25 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday May 15, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Black-billed Cuckoo, Acadian Flycatcher, 8 Species of Wood 

Canada Goose - 20
Brant - flyover flock of 200+ birds (Deb - 6:15am)
Gadwall - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - 6am)
Mallard - 20
Mourning Dove - 50-60
Black-billed Cuckoo - 1 Top of the Point and Azalea Pond
Chimney Swift - 7-10
Herring Gull - 25
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 20-25
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 perched over Central Park West (David Barrett)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Ramble
Northern Flicker - 1 Ramble
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 Ramble
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 3 or 4
Acadian Flycatcher - 1 calling at Humming Tombstone
Warbling Vireo - 2-4
Red-eyed Vireo - 6-8
Blue Jay - 5-7
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Evodia Field near feeders
Barn Swallow - 3
Cedar Waxwing - 25-35 (a few flocks)
Gray Catbird - 6-8
Wood Thrush - 3
American Robin - 40-50
House Finch - 3
White-throated Sparrow - 1 Laupot Bridge
Song Sparrow - 1 singing north end Reservoir (Deb - early)
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 6-8
Common Grackle - 10-15
American Redstart - 6-8
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Yellow Warbler - 1 female King of Poland
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Blackpoll Warbler - 3
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Gill Overlook
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male Azalea Pond (Cliff)
Canada Warbler - 1 male Evodia Field (Caren Jahre)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. May 23, 2024: Green Heron, Acadian Flycatcher, 11 Warbler Species

2024-05-23 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday May 23, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights in spite of the rain: Green Heron, Acadian Flycatcher, 11 Species of 
Wood Warblers including Bay-breasted and Blackburnian Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 6
Mallard - 8
Mourning Dove - 50-60
Chimney Swift - 8-10
Herring Gull - 4 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 6
Green Heron - 1 Turtle Pond
Black-crowned Night-Heron - flyover Belvedere Castle
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 top of the Oven
Northern Flicker - 3
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 calling at Swampy Pin Oak
Eastern Kingbird - 2 Turtle Pond
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 2 Ramble
Acadian Flycatcher - 1 south side of Tupelo Field
Empidonax Flycatcher - 1 Magic Bush
Warbling Vireo - 2 Upper Lobe (Bob - early)
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-12
Blue Jay - 6-8
American Crow - 2 flyovers (Bob - early)
Tufted Titmouse - heard in Ramble (Bob - early)
Barn Swallow - 1 flyover Maintenance Field
Cedar Waxwing - 25-35
House Wren - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 10-12
Swainson's Thrush - 1 Magic Bush
Wood Thrush - 3
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 1 male Evodia Field feeders (Bob - early)
Baltimore Oriole - 2 or 3
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 8-10
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 females
American Redstart - 8-10
Northern Parula - 3 or 4
Magnolia Warbler - 6-8
Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 female Belvedere Castle in Honeylocust
Blackburnian Warbler - 2 (male and female) Weather Station
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Balancing Rock
Blackpoll Warbler - 8-10
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 female Belvedere Castle in Honeylocust
Magnolia Warbler - 1 Weather Station
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Belvedere Castle in Honeylocust (Dan Stevenson)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Mon., 5/20 - 24 Warbler spp., other migrants, etc.

2024-05-21 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Monday, May 20th -

At least 24 species of migratory American Warblers were present in Central Park 
on Monday, all of these 24 seen by multiple observers, and none noted under any 
such euphemism as -early-. Mourning Warbler was among the warbler species, and 
also found were now-late Pine, and slightly-late Palm Warblers.

Also seen Monday were 5 vireo species - White-eyed, Yellow-throated, 
Blue-headed, Warbling, and Red-eyed Vireos. Other species found included actual 
Scarlet Tanagers, and both of the expected Oriole species, Rose-breasted 
Grosbeaks, and at least 4 species of Catharus-genus thrushes, with Veery, 
Swainsons, Gray-cheeked, and Hermit Thrush, plus Wood Thrush comprising the 5 
definite thrushes on Monday.

Ravens have been seen and heard near daily at Central Park all of this year so 
far, and local area birders living not far from the Cathedral of St. John the 
Divine in Amsterdam to Morningside Aves, north of W. 111th Street, have been 
closely observing all of the daily progress of the well-known nesting at that 
site for months, starting with that raven pairs nest construction, earlier this 

Thanks to the many quiet and courteous observers and photographers out and 
about, observing so many migrant, visiting, and resident birds.

Good birding,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. May 20, 2024: Common Raven, 16 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-20 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday May 20, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Common Raven, 16 Species of Wood Warblers.

Canada Goose - 8
Mallard - 10
Mourning Dove - 60-70
Herring Gull - 7-10 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 4 or 5
Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2 (adult, immature) Lake
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 1 on the Point
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Swampy Pin Oak (Karen Evans)
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 Strawberry Fields (Dan Stevenson)
Warbling Vireo - 3 or 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
Common Raven - 2 very vocal birds overhead*
Cedar Waxwing - 8
House Wren - 1 Swedish Cottage
Gray Catbird - 10-15
Swainson's Thrush - 3
Wood Thrush - 3 or 4 including pair at Maintenance Field
American Robin - 40-50 including 2 fledged juveniles
House Finch - 3 or 4
Baltimore Oriole - 4 or 5
Common Grackle - 5-10
Ovenbird - 3 or 4
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 5 9r 6
Tennessee Warbler - 1 singing at the Oven (Bob - early)
Common Yellowthroat - 2 or 3
American Redstart - 7 or 8
Cape May Warbler - 1 female Summer House
Northern Parula - 3 or 4
Magnolia Warbler - 4 or 5
Bay-breasted Warbler - 4
Yellow Warbler - 3
Blackpoll Warbler - 4 or 5 (mostly females)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Strawberry Fields
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 Belvedere Overlook (Karen Evans)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3
Canada Warbler - 1 male Strawberry Fields (Caren Jahre)
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male singing at Balancing Rock (Bob - early)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

*The young Common Ravens at the Cathedral of St. John the Devine have fledged, 
and were perched on the building when I visited this afternoon. One of them 
flew short distances several times in the space of half an hour, perhaps 
stimulated by an adult that flew around carrying a mouse. Many thanks to 
Malcolm Morris for letting me know about this nest.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. May 19, 2024, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Yellow-throated Vireo, 17 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-19 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday May 19, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Yellow-throated Vireo, 17 Species of 
Wood Warblers including Tennessee, Cape May, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, 
Canada, and Wilson's Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 16
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - 6:45am)
Mallard - 10 including hen with 3 ducklings
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Chimney Swift - 4-8
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 uphill from Boathouse
Herring Gull - 25 + flyovers
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir (Deb - 7am)
Double-crested Cormorant - 25-30
Great Egret - 1 flyover
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 adult Lake
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 on the Point
Northern Flicker - 2 or 3
Eastern Kingbird - pair north Maintenance Field
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 Humming Tombstone (Paul Curtis)
Warbling Vireo - 3 or 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-15
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
Tufted Titmouse - 1 south of Maintenance Field
Barn Swallow - 6 (3 nests)
Cedar Waxwing - 5 or 6
Gray Catbird - 15-20
Swainson's Thrush - 3 or 4
Wood Thrush - 4 or 5, at least 3 singing in the Ramble
American Robin - 40-50
House Finch - 1 male north Maintenance Field
Song Sparrow - 1 singing north Reservoir (Deb - 7am)
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 16-20
Ovenbird - 5-10
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 4 or 5
Tennessee Warbler - 1 singing at Balancing Rock
Common Yellowthroat - 5 or 6
American Redstart - 3 or 4
Cape May Warbler - 1 south of Maintenance Field
Northern Parula - 10-12
Magnolia Warbler - 8-10
Bay-breasted Warbler - 3 or 4
Blackburnian Warbler - 4 or 5
Yellow Warbler - 5 or 6
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3
Blackpoll Warbler - 4 or 5
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3
Canada Warbler - 2 (Point, Azalea Pond)
Wilson's Warbler - 2 (male and female) Strawberry Fields (Deb)
Scarlet Tanager - 3 or 4
Northern Cardinal - 7 or 8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. May 18, 2024: Variety of Thrushes, 18 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-18 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday May 18, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Veery, Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's, Swainson's, and Wood Thrushes. 18 
Species of Wood Warblers including Tennessee, Cape May, Bay-breasted, and 
Blackburnian Warblers. 

Canada Goose - 13 plus 4 goslings at the Point
Wood Duck - 1 male continuing on the Reservoir (Deb - 5:45am)
Mallard - 7
Mourning Dove - 45-55
Chimney Swift - 7-10
Herring Gull - 15-20
Great Black-backed Gull - 2 Reservoir (Deb - 6am)
Double-crested Cormorant - 10
Great Egret - 1 Reservoir (Deb - 5:45 am)
Turkey Vulture - 1 flyover
Osprey - 1 flyover
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 4 or 5
Eastern Kingbird - pair building a nest
Warbling Vireo - 4 or 5
Red-eyed Vireo - 10-15 (some paired)
Blue Jay - 5-10 including nesting birds
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Evodia Field
Barn Swallow - 6 (at least 2 nests)
Cedar Waxwing - 4-6
House Wren - pair Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 20-30
Veery - 2 or 3
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush - 3 or 4
Swainson's Thrush - 5-7
Wood Thrush - 4-6
American Robin - 40-50
House Finch - 3 or 4
White-throated Sparrow - 3 or 4
Song Sparrow - 1 continuing Reservoir (Deb - early)
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4 including nest with eggs
Red-winged Blackbird - 5-7
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 25-30
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 3 or 4
Tennessee Warbler - 1 singing south of Maintenance Field
Common Yellowthroat - 5-7
American Redstart - 6-8
Cape May Warbler - 2 (male south side Turtle Pond, female Persimmon Slope)
Northern Parula - 6-8
Magnolia Warbler - 4-6
Bay-breasted Warbler - 3 or 4
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 female south side Turtle Pond (Kris Mirasola)
Yellow Warbler - 4 or 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 female Tupelo Field (Bob - early)
Blackpoll Warbler - 8-10
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 or 4
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 female Locust Grove
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3 or 4
Canada Warbler - 1 south of Maintenance Field
Scarlet Tanager - 4 or 5
Northern Cardinal - 6-8
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 female south side Turtle Pond


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 5/18 - Bicknell’s Thrushes, Summer Tanager, 24+ warbler spp., etc.

2024-05-18 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday, May 18th -

At least several Bicknells Thrushes, along with some dozens of Gray-cheeked 
Thrushes, and Wood Thrushes, Swainsons Thrushes, plus Veery were present in 
Central Park including in the Ramble area, on Saturday, with numbers of quiet 
observers listening to the calls and songs -of the actual birds- for help on 
confirming identifications. There also were, as is normal, a good many of the 
gray-cheeked type thrushes which may have pertained to bicknelli, but also may 
have been gray-cheeked and were left as being identified as one of those two 
closely related and appearing taxa.

Summer Tanagers also continued for Saturday, in Central Park, an ongoing great 
run for that species, with Scarlet Tanagers also ongoing there and all around 
the county.

At least 24 species of migratory American warblers were found on Saturday, with 
Blackpoll Warblers coming in good numbers now, and possibly edging other of the 
warbler species as most numerous for Saturday. Also featuring nicely were still 
numbers of Bay-breasted Warblers. American Redstarts are still going in modest 
to fairly-high numbers. Many species of migrants were in less-than-maximum 
numbers for this time in the month of May.

Central Park alone had well over 110 species of birds, with some of those being 
seen mostly as flyovers -Snowy Egret as an example- and that total number of 
species not even close to higher big-migration-day tallies of species already 
this month, in that one park.

Foliage is in a state that nearly resembles summer season with native trees, 
shrubs, and many forbs. Thanks to all of many, many birders who are respecting 
the needs of migratory, breeding, and visiting birds by observing quietly at 
all times.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. May 17, 2024: Laughing Gull, Common Raven, Sixteen species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-17 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday May 17, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Not bad for a slow day. Spotted Sandpiper, Laughing Gull, Eastern 
Wood-Pewee, Sixteen species of Wood Warblers including Hooded, Bay-breasted, 
Chestnut-sided, and Black-throated Green Warblers.

In addition: Wolfgang Demisch reported both a male Wood Duck and a male Gadwall 
continuing at the Reservoir. A male Blackburnian Warbler continued at 91st 
Street and the West Dive, reported by Gig @Gigpalileo and Suresh @SEaswarNYC.

Canada Goose - 14
Mallard - 9
Mourning Dove - 8-10
Chimney Swift - at least 9
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 female at the Pool
Laughing Gull - 1 adult Reservoir
Herring Gull - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Double-crested Cormorant - 6 plus flyovers
Great Egret - 9 or 10 flyovers
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover adult
Red-bellied Woodpecker - male north of Wildflower Meadow, others heard
Downy Woodpecker - 2 (male and female)
Northern Flicker - 1 High Meadow
Eastern Wood-Pewee - 1 Wildflower Meadow
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 Children's Glade (Paul Curtis)
Warbling Vireo - 3
Red-eyed Vireo - 4-6
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 3
Common Raven - 3 noisy birds over the Great Hill
Tufted Titmouse - heard at the Loch
Barn Swallow - 1 Harlem Meer
Cedar Waxwing - 4-6
House Wren - 1
Gray Catbird - 8-10
Veery - 1 Loch (Paul Curtis)
Swainson's Thrush - 3
American Robin - around a dozen
House Finch - 5 or 6
White-throated Sparrow - 2 or 3
Baltimore Oriole - heard
Red-winged Blackbird - 5 or 6
Common Grackle - 10-12
Ovenbird - 3
Northern Waterthrush - 1 at the Pool
Black-and-white Warbler - 8 or 9 (all females)
Common Yellowthroat - 4 or 5
Hooded Warbler - 1 singing male north of East Blowdown
American Redstart - 5 or 6
Northern Parula - 5 or 6
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Bay-breasted Warbler - 5
Yellow Warbler - 3 (Phyllis Newman)
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3 (Li, Dan Stevenson)
Blackpoll Warbler - 4 or 5 including 1 female
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 4
Yellow-rupmped Warbler - 2 High Meadow
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 north of East Blowdown (Kim Sturgis)
Wilson's Warbler - 1 at the Pool after lunch (Tom Walsh)
Scarlet Tanager - 2 (female Great Hill, male Pool (Scott Brevda))
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6

Thanks everyone for the great bird spotting,

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. May 13, 2024: Willow Flycatcher, Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's, 20 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-13 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday May 13, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Willow Flycatcher, Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush, 20 Species of 
Wood Warblers including Nashville, Cape May, Bay-breasted, Blackburnian, and 
Prairie Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting. 

Canada Goose - 8
Mallard - 20-25
Mourning Dove - 45-55
Herring Gull - 12
Double-crested Cormorant - 15-20
Great Egret - 1 Reservoir (Bob - early)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Lake
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Northern Flicker - 2 or 3
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 Ramble
Eastern Kingbird - 2 Belvedere Castle
Willow Flycatcher - 1 vocalizing south side Turtle Pond
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 Ramble near Evodia Field (Paul Curtis)
Warbling Vireo - 3 or 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 1 flyover
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Ramble
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 Ramble
Cedar Waxwing - 2 or 3 Belvedere Castle (Karen Evans)
House Wren - 1 Tupelo Field
Gray Catbird - 10-15 including one nest
Veery - 1 Upper Lobe
Gray-cheeked/Bicknell's Thrush - 1 Upper Lobe (Edmund Berry)
Wood Thrush - 3 or 4
American Robin -20-25
House Finch - 4 females
American Goldfinch - 1 male at the Pond (Deb - after lunch)
White-throated Sparrow - 2 or 3
Song Sparrow - 1 heard
Swamp Sparrow - 1 Tupelo Field
Eastern Towhee - 2 (male Gill (Scott Brevda), female Wagner Cove)
Baltimore Oriole - 4 or 5
Red-winged Blackbird - 5 or 6
Common Grackle - 8-10
Ovenbird - 10-15
Northern Waterthrush - 4
Black-and-white Warbler - 10-15
Nashville Warbler - 2 Summit Rock (Bob - early)
Common Yellowthroat - 15-20
American Redstart - 8-10
Cape May Warbler - 5
Northern Parula - 8-0
Magnolia Warbler - 6-8
Bay-breasted Warbler - 2 (the Point, Tupelo Field)
Blackburnian Warbler - 5
Yellow Warbler - 4 or 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3
Blackpoll Warbler - 3
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 6 or 7
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2 or 3
Prairie Warbler - 1 Upper Lobe (Edmund Berry)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 Summit Rock (Bob - early)
Canada Warbler - 1 south of Weather Station (Karen Evans)
Wilson's Warbler - 3 or 4
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male Strawberry Fields (Peter Haskel)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 female Oven (Karen Evans)
Indigo Bunting - 1 Summit Rock (Bob - early)


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. May 12, 2024: 18 Species of Wood Warblers, Spotted Sandpiper, Indigo Bunting

2024-05-12 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday May 12, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Spotted Sandpiper, Eighteen Species of 
Wood Warblers including Tennessee, Cape May, Bay-breasted, and Prairie 
Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting. 

Canada Goose - 6
Mallard - 8
Mourning Dove - 35-45
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 male uphill from Boathouse
Spotted Sandpiper - 2 Oven
Herring Gull - 10-12 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 6
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Ramble
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Eastern Kingbird - 3
Warbling Vireo - 2 Upper Lobe
Red-eyed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 4 or 5
Tufted Titmouse - 1 Ramble
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 Ramble
Cedar Waxwing - 8
House Wren - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 15-20
Veery - 3 or 4
Swainson's Thrush - 3
Wood Thrush - 1 singing Maintenance Field
American Robin - 40-50
White-throated Sparrow - 8-10
Baltimore Oriole - 7 or 8
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 15-20
Northern Waterthrush - 2 (Oven, Upper Lobe)
Black-and-white Warbler - 8-10
Tennessee Warbler - 1 singing west of Belvedere Castle
Common Yellowthroat - 10-15
American Redstart - 6-8
Cape May Warbler - 3
Northern Parula - 9-12
Magnolia Warbler - 9 or 10
Bay-breasted Warbler - 1 female Balancing Rock (Annie Plum}
Yellow Warbler - 1 west side of Belvedere Castle
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 3 or 4
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 male Belvedere Castle
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 5-7
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 3 or 4
Prairie Warbler - 2 (Turtle Pond Island, Belvedere Castle)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3
Wilson's Warbler - 1 male Summer House
Scarlet Tanager - 2 (male and female) Balancing Rock
Northern Cardinal - 6-8
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3 females
Indigo Bunting - 1 male Top of the Point


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. May 11, 2024: Red-headed Woodpecker, 20 Species of Wood Warblers

2024-05-11 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday May 11, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Red-headed Woodpecker, Orchard Oriole, 
20 Species of Wood Warblers including Tennessee, Hooded, Cape May, 
Bay-breasted, and Blackburnian Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted 
Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting. 

Canada Goose - around 20
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - 6am)
Gadwall - pair Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mallard - 10-15
Mourning Dove - 25-35
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 male east of Maintenance Field
Herring Gull - around 10
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 20-25
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1 adult Oven
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 nests under construction (Eu. Starling problem at 
one already)
Downy Woodpecker - 2 (top of Oven, Azalea Pond)
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 Summer House
Eastern Kingbird - 3
Eastern Wood-Peewee - 2 Ramble (Sandra Critelli, Karen Evans, Dan Stevenson, 
Peter Haskel)
Blue-headed Vireo - 2 or 3
Warbling Vireo - 6-8
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 8-10 with 4 nests
Tufted Titmouse - 1 west side of Ramble
Barn Swallow - 4 (2 nests under construction Reservoir (Deb - 6:30am)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 south of Tupelo Field (Ryan Serio)
Cedar Waxwing - flyover flock of 10
House Wren - 3
Gray Catbird - 20-25
Veery - 2 or 3
Swainson's Thrush - 2 Ramble
Hermit Thrush - 1 Upper Lobe
Wood Thrush - 4 or 5
American Robin - 35-45 (many nests)
House Finch - 2 or 3 Ramble
White-throated Sparrow - 20-25
Song Sparrow - 4
Lincoln's Sparrow - 2 (south side of Turtle Pond)
Eastern Towhee - 3 or 4 (males and females)
Orchard Oriole - 1 second-year male southwest Reservoir bridge (Deb - 7:05am)
Baltimore Oriole - 10-12
Red-winged Blackbird - 9-12
Common Grackle - 20-25
Ovenbird - 10-15
Northern Waterthrush - 2 (Upper Lobe, Turtle Pond)
Black-and-white Warbler - 9-12
Tennessee Warbler - 1 singing male uphill from Boathouse
Common Yellowthroat - 25-30
Hooded Warbler - 2 (1 male, 1 female) Tupelo Field
American Redstart - 6-8
Cape May Warbler - 3 or 4
Northern Paula - 12-16
Magnolia Warbler - 8-10
Bay-breasted Warbler - 2 on the Point
Blackburnian Warbler - 4 or 5
Yellow Warbler - 4 or 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 4 or 5
Blackpoll Warbler - 2 (Point, Ramble)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 or 4
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5 or 6
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male on the Point (Paul Curtis)
Canada Warbler - 2 (Point, Upper Lobe)
Wilson's Warbler - 2 (Summer House, Point)
Scarlet Tanager - 1 female Summer House
Northern Cardinal - 8-10
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 2 females (Maintenance Field, Ramble)
Indigo Bunting - 1 male Summer House

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. May 9, 2024: 22 Wood Warbler Species, Common Loon, Yellow-throated Vireo

2024-05-10 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday May 9, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Common Loon, Spotted Sandpiper, Yellow-throated Vireo, 22 Wood 
Warbler Species including Worm-eating, Tennessee, Bay-breasted, Cape May and 
Blackburnian Warblers.

In addition to the warblers listed below: a Cerulean Warbler was reported first 
at the Loch by Benny Romero @Benny33946306 and by Peter Neski and subsequently 
seen/heard by others in the North Woods. A Mourning Warbler was reported at the 
Great Hill/Children's Glade ( 
https://twitter.com/mbalerter/status/1788641799679979995 )

Canada Goose - 10-15
Mallard - 5-10
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Chimney Swift - 6-10
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 Oven
Herring Gull - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Common Loon - 2 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 15-20
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Red-bellied woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Northern Flicker - 2 or 3
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 (Gill Overlook, Oven)
Eastern Kingbird - 3
Yellow-throated Vireo - 2 (Weather Station Circle (Annie Plum), Ramble (Paul 
Blue-headed Vireo - 3 or 4
Warbling Vireo - 3 or 4
Red-eyed Vireo - 8-10
Blue Jay - 3 active nests
American Crow - flock of 8-10 (Bob - late)
Common Raven - 1 flyover at Oven (Bob - late)
Tufted Titmouse - 1 at Oven
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3 or 4
Cedar Waxwing - flyover flock of 10
House Wren - 3
Gray Catbird - 15-20
Veery - 3 or 4
Swainson's Thrush - 4 or 5
Hermit Thrush - 2 or 3
Wood Thrush - 2 or 3
American Robin - 50-60
House Finch - 8-10
American Goldfinch - 2 Tupelo Field (Bob - early)
White-throated Sparrow - 15-20
Eastern Towhee - 3 or 4
Baltimore Oriole - 5-7
Red-winged Blackbird - 7 or 8
Common Grackle - 15-20
Ovenbird - 10-14
Worm-eating Warbler - 1 Loch (Caren Jahre and Deb - after lunch, found by 
Northern Waterthrush - 2 (Upper Lobe (Dan Stevenson), Oven)
Blue-winged Warbler - 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 20-25
Tennessee Warbler - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Nashville Warbler - 2 or 3
Common Yellowthroat - 12-16
American Redstart - 5-8
Cape May Warbler - 4 or 5
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 8-12
Bay-breasted Warbler - 6 (5 males, 1 female)
Blackburnian Warbler - 1 male south side Turtle Pond (Paul Curtis)
Yellow Warbler - 4 or 5
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 4 or 5
Blackpoll Warbler - 2 Ramble
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 5 or 6 including 2 females
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 6 or 7
Black-throated Green Warbler - 5 or 6
Canada Warbler - 1 male Bow Bridge
Wilson's Warbler - 3 or 4
Scarlet Tanager - 2 (male Gill Overlook, female Weather Station Circle)
Northern Cardinal - 8-10
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 2 or 3

Sorry for the delay in reporting,

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Thursday, May 9 - Cerulean Warbler

2024-05-10 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

The singing male Cerulean Warbler at the north woods area of the park on 
Thursday, May 9th was seen by a fair number who were in that area, or tried 
later in the day for it. The visibility factors now, even for various birds 
which may be singing well, is tough with the now summer-like extent of leaf-out 
in almost all of the many types of trees growing there, and more generally as 
to early May leafout in the broader region, particularly where less affected by 
cooler marine air. Thanks to all who were sharing reports of this 
always-much-hoped-for species, for N.Y. City. This was at least the 2nd 
Cerulean male to be found on Manhattan island so far this May, or just within 
the past week here. Many other migrants also continue to be seen, far more than 
100 species each day even just for Central Park, including some flyover 
sightings from there.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. May 6, 2024: 16 Wood Warbler Species, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting

2024-05-06 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday May 6, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Common Loon, Yellow-throated Vireo, 16 Wood Warbler Species 
including Worm-eating, Nashville, and Prairie Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, 
Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Indigo Bunting. 

Canada Goose - 11
Mallard - 17
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Herring Gull - 6-8
Common Loon - 2 continue on Reservoir (Bob - early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 8-10
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 top of the Oven
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 2 (Upper Lobe Lawn, south side Turtle Pond)
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 southwest Reservoir (Bob - early)
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 Ramble
Warbling Vireo - 1 heard Upper Lobe
Red-eyed Vireo - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 2 nests
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 or 3
House Wren - 1 King of Poland
Gray Catbird - 5 or 6
Veery - 2 (Oven, Ramble)
Wood Thrush - 3 or 4
American Robin - 40-50
House Finch - 2 or 3
Chipping Sparrow - 3 or 4
White-throated Sparrow - 10-15
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 Magic Bush* (Bob - early)
Eastern Towhee - 5-7
Baltimore Oriole - 3
Red-winged Blackbird - 4 or 5
Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male Top of the Oven
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 3 or 4
Worm-eating Warbler - 2 (Strawberry Fields, Upper Lobe Lawn)
Northern Waterthrush - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 south side Turtle Pond (Dan Stevenson)
Black-and-white Warbler - 5 or 6
Nashville Warbler - 1 Ramble
Common Yellowthroat - 5 or 6
American Redstart - 3
Northern Parula - 9-12
Magnolia Warbler - 2 (Azalea Pond, Belvedere Castle Overlook)
Yellow Warbler - 3 or 4
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 southwest Reservoir (Bob - early)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male south side Turtle Pond (Caren Jahre)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5 or 6
Prairie Warbler - 2 (Strawberry Fields (Paul Curtis), King Of Poland)
Black-throated Green Warbler - 3 or 4
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male Strawberry Fields (Dan Stevenson)
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 1 male Upper Lobe Lawn
Indigo Bunting - 1 male Summit Rock (Bob - early)

*The Magic Bush is across the West Drive from the southern part of the Pinetum.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. May 5, 2024: Least Flycatcher, 14 wood Warbler Species

2024-05-05 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday May 5, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights on a cool and overcast morning: Great Crested and Least Flycatchers, 
14 wood Warbler Species including Worm-eating, Nashville, and Cape May 
Warblers, Scarlet Tanager. 

Canada Goose - 6
Mallard - 3
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Herring Gull - 4 or 5 flyovers
Great Egret - 1 Turtle pond
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 4
Great Crested Flycatcher - 1 Ramble
Least Flycatcher - 1 Lake north of Bow Bridge
Blue-headed Vireo - 3
Warbling Vireo - 2 Ramble
Red-eyed Vireo - 1 Ramble
Blue Jay - 6 or 7
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 4
Cedar Waxwing - flock of 5
House Wren - 1 Shakespeare Garden
Gray Catbird - 10-15
Hermit Thrush - 2 or 3
Wood Thrush - 1 singing in the Ramble
American Robin - 40-50
House Finch - 3
White-throated Sparrow - 10-15
Eastern Towhee - 1 female in Ramble (Edmund Berry)
Baltimore Oriole - 5
Red-winged Blackbird - 6
Common Grackle - 9-12
Ovenbird - 6
Worm-eating Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field
Black-and-white Warbler - 7
Nashville Warbler - 2 Ramble
Common Yellowthroat - 2 south side of Turtle Pond
American Redstart - 1 male Summer House
Cape May Warbler - 1 east of Humming Tombstone
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 3
Yellow Warbler - 2 males Belvedere Overlook
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 2 Ramble
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Summer House
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" south side of Turtle Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 6-8
Scarlet Tanager - 1 male Belvedere Castle
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., May 4th- Summer Tanager, 28+ warbler spp, Bobolinks, E. Bluebird, many more migrants, etc.

2024-05-05 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday, May 4th -

A female-plumaged Summer Tanager was located in the far-north woods of the park 
on Saturday morning, continuing for multiple observers thru the day. Thanks to 
all there for helping some keep up with this bird, in the increasingly leafy 

Also seen early Saturday, just a bit west, by a separate group of observers, 
was an Eastern Bluebird, a species which is less regular in the month of May 
here, and when found at all, often by very keen observers, perhaps familiar 
with the sometimes subtle call of a passage migrant.

At least 3, and very likely somewhat more Bobolinks came thru the park in 
earliest hour, probably not lingering as they were on the move when noticed at 
first light, by calls as well as by spring-male plumage. Also seen, again were 
a modest number of E. Kingbirds moving past, those additional to the few having 
started to show in the park on probable territory, as is so for a wide number 
of migrant birds which arrived in recent days or weeks.

The 28 migratory American warbler species found on the day in Central Park 
included multiples of almost every species, perhaps including the 
Orange-crowned reliably seen by independent observers on the day, and for such 
warblers as Blue-winged, Cape May, Tennessee, Wilsons, Worm-eating, 
Bay-breasted, Prairie, Chestnut-sided, and all others of total of 27 besides 
the one Orange-crowned, there were more than 5 individuals at minimum, and for 
many of the commonest species on the day, were represented by 15 to more than 
40 of their specIes for the day in just this one park. Still the most common 
were Myrtle, also still referred to as Yellow-rumped, of all the warbler spp, 
and also quite numerous were Magnolia, Ovenbird, and Common Yellowthroat as 
well, with American Redstart increased yet-again. The night prior DID feature a 
nice migration even if not one of the most impressive of this season so far, in 
this area or for this county specifically.

Further, some parks, in particular in early morning, may have had higher 
numbers of total warblers, although diversity was found nearly highest from 
Central Park, with thanks to the hundreds of quiet and keen watchers out for 
all of Saturday in all sectors of that park. For the county, a tally of at 
least 30 warbler species was made as the singing male Cerulean Warbler in the 
Cabrini Woods of northern Manhattan added to that count, with 1 further species 
also noted for the day. In Central, even Pine Warbler was seen reliably to give 
still more diversity in the American warblers found on the day.

The lately-lingering Buffleheads continued at the Central Park reservoir, and 
the pair of Green-winged Teal also lingered on at The Pool, of Centrals n-w 
sector. Wood Duck also continued for the long long stay, the drake which seems 
to be fond of some mallards.

More than 100 species of wild, native birds were found on Saturday at Central 
Park alone, seen by far, far more than that number of observers. The count of 
species for all of Manhattan was higher, and a good bit higher still for all of 
the county. One of the additional highlights from Governors Island again were a 
nice flock of Purple Sandpipers at the rocky shores there, again this also 
within New York County, for Saturday, 5-4.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Sat. May 4, 2024: 17 Wood Warbler Species incl. Orange-crowned, Worm-eating, and Cape May Warblers

2024-05-04 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park, NYC
Saturday May 4, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob

Highlights: Common Loon, 4 Species of Vireos including Yellow-throated Vireo, 
Veery, Wood Thrush, 17 Wood Warbler Species including Orange-crowned, 
Worm-eating, and Cape May Warblers, Scarlet Tanager, Rose-breasted Grosbeak.

Canada Goose - 16 (4 nests)
Gadwall - pair continues at the Reservoir
Mallard - 13
Bufflehead - 3
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Herring Gull - 20-30
Great Black-backed Gull - 3
Common Loon - 2 continue Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - around 20
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 immature flying from the Point to the Oven
Turkey Vulture - 1 flyover
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - pair at Bow Bridge
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 Weather Station
Blue-headed Vireo - 3
Warbling Vireo - 1 Weather Station
Red-eyed Vireo - 2 or 3
Blue Jay - 4 or 5
Barn Swallow - 2 north end Reservoir (Deb - early)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3 or 4
Cedar Waxwing - 1 east of Azalea Pond
House Wren - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Veery - 1 Ramble
Hermit Thrush - 3 or 4
Wood Thrush - 2 or 3 Ramble
American Robin - 50-60
Chipping Sparrow - 1 Ramble
White-throated Sparrow - 10-15
Song Sparrow - 4
Eastern Towhee - 3
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 8-10
Ovenbird - 4 or 5
Worm-eating Warbler - 1 Maintenance field
Northern Waterthrush - 2 (Oven, Ramble)
Black-and-white Warbler - 5 or 6
Orange-crowned Warbler - 1 Maintenance Field
Nashville Warbler - 1 Boathouse Hill
Common Yellowthroat - 1 male south side Turtle Pond
Cape May Warbler - 2 (Gill Overlook, Tupelo Field)
Northern Parula - 10-15
Magnolia Warbler - 2 males Ramble
Yellow Warbler - 2 or 3
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 Azalea Pond (Ryan Serio)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 male Ramble
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 male Weather Station Circle
Palm Warbler - 2 "Yellow" south side Turtle Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 4 or 5
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male Gill Overlook
Scarlet Tanager - 1 female south side Turtle Pond (Bob - early)
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - 3 or 4


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. May 3, 2024: Solitary Sandpiper, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Clay-colored Sparrow, Warblers

2024-05-03 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday May 3, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Osprey, Bald Eagle, Clay-colored Sparrow, Rusty 
Blackbird, Warblers including Blackpoll and Black-throated Green Warblers.

Canada Goose - 4 including pair nesting at Harlem Meer
Gadwall - pair continues at the Pool
Mallard - 10
Green-winged Teal - pair continues at the Pool
Mourning Dove - a dozen
Chimney Swift - 2
Solitary Sandpiper - 1 at the Pool
Herring Gull - several flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - a few flyovers
Great Egret - 5 or 6 flyovers, one perched at the Meer
Osprey - 1 fishing at the Harlem Meer at around 8am
Bald Eagle - 1 flyover 4th-year bird with head and tail not completely white
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - heard
Northern Flicker - 3
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 High Meadow
Warbling Vireo - 1 Green Bench (Scott Brevda)
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 1 flyover
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 or 2 at the Loch (Chris)
House Wren - heard in 4 locations
Gray Catbird - 5 or 6
Hermit Thrush - 1 Children's Glade
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 5
American Goldfinch - 2 at the Loch
Chipping Sparrow - 7
Clay-colored Sparrow - 1 continued at Strawberry Fields
Field Sparrow - 1 Green Bench (Scott Brevda)
White-throated Sparrow - 20-25
Swamp Sparrow - 1 at the Loch
Eastern Towhee - 1 male North Woods
Baltimore Oriole - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 8
Rusty Blackbird - 1 at the Pool
Common Grackle - 4
Ovenbird - 3
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 at the Pool
Northern Waterthrush - 3 (Caren Jahre)
Black-and-white Warbler - 6 or 7
Common Yellowthroat - 1 female at the Pool (Anindya Seng)
American Redstart - 1 High Meadow
Northern Parula - 10-12
Yellow Warbler - 1 High Meadow (Caren Jahre)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 male High Meadow
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 10-15
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male High Meadow
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. May 2, 2024: Clay-colored Sparrow, Spotted Sandpiper, 17 Species of Wood Warblers, Indigo Bunting, Veery

2024-05-02 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday May 2, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Spotted Sandpiper, Common Loon, Veery, Clay-colored Sparrow, 17 
Species of Wood Warblers, Indigo Bunting.

Canada Goose - 14
Mallard - 8-10
American Black Duck - 2 (male and female) Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Spotted Sandpiper - 1 Reservoir (Bob - 6:30 am)
Herring Gull - 30-40
Great Black-backed Gull - 6
Common Loon - 2 (1 in breeding plumage) (Bob - early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 15-20
Great Egret - 1 Reservoir (Bob & Deb - early)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 2 (immature at the Point, adult Lake)
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 1 male at the Point
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Warbling Vireo - 3 (pair and single)
Red-eyed Vireo 3 (pair and single)
Blue Jay - 6-8
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5 or 6
House Wren - 2 or 3
Veery - 1 north of the Oven (Xander Vitarelli)
Hermit Thrush - 4 or 5
Wood Thrush - 4 or 5
American Robin - 30-40
Chipping Sparrow - 1 Strawberry Fields (m.ob. and Deb - after lunch)
Clay-colored Sparrow - 1 Strawberry Fields (m.ob. and Deb - after lunch)
Field Sparrow - 1 Maintenance field
White-throated Sparrow - 25-30
Swamp Sparrow - 1 cut at the Point
Eastern Towhee - 3 females
Baltimore Oriole - 2 Ramble
Red-winged Blackbird - 4 or 5
Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male top of the Oven
Common Grackle - 8-10
Ovenbird - 3 or 4
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Blue-winged Warbler - male Summer House
Black-and-white Warbler - 8-10 including some females
Nashville Warbler - 1 Gill Overlook (Bob - early)
Common Yellowthroat - 3
American Redstart - 2 males in the Ramble
Northern Parula - 15-20
Magnolia Warbler - 2 males in the Ramble
Yellow Warbler - 2 (1 male, 1 female) Ramble
Chestnut-sided Warbler - 1 male east of Azalea Pond (Annie Plum)
Blackpoll Warbler - 1 Ramble (Paul Curtis)
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 3 males
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" south side of Turtle Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 7-9
Black-throated Green Warbler - 2 or 3 males
Canada Warbler - 1 heard at the Oven (David Barrett)
Northern Cardinal - 3 or 4 males
Indigo Bunting - 1 male summer House (Dan Stevenson)


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park - Turtle Pond

2024-04-29 Thread Debbie Becker

Spring migration is on!  Observed today on the south side of Turtle Pond in 
Central Park. 

Black and white warbler
Nashville warbler 
Black throated blue warbler
Black throated green warbler 
Palm warbler
Yellow rumped warbler
Northern Parula
Yellow warbler 
Common yellowthroat
Canada Warbler
Pine Warbler
Rose breasted Grosbeak
Baltimore Oriole
Scarlet tanager
Ruby crowned Kinglet
Gray Catbird
Red eyed vireo
Blue headed vireo
Yellow throated vireo
Hermit thrush
Wood thrush -Ramble
Red winged blackbird
American Robin
Great crested Flycatcher
Least Flycatcher 
Song sparrow
Swamp sparrow
Field sparrow -Ramble
Chipping sparrow -Ramble
White throated sparrow
Downy woodpecker
Red bellied woodpecker
Northern Flicker
House finch
American Goldfinch
Mourning Dove 
Great Egret
Green heron
Canada Goose

Good Birding,
Debbie Becker

Check out BirdingAroundNYC on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/4jdMz/2cN9X/a


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sunday, 4/28 - Summer Tanager, 25+ Warbler spp., many other migrants.

2024-04-29 Thread Tom Fiore
A surprise Pileated Woodpecker continuing at Governors Island was again noted 
and documented by multiple observers however, the last of such sightings for 
Sunday appeared to come only in earliest hour past noon, and not later in the 
day despite some seeking. There were again finds of Purple Sandpiper at 
Governors Island, up to 4 of that latter species, at a usual location on the 
rocky shore of that island, with at least several observers, photos. Governors 
Island overall saw some nice migration passage thru the weekend, with a variety 
of species - in mostly-modest numbers. Some of the migrants seen were new to 
the year at Governors Isalnd, which is within New York County and lies a bit 
south of the south tip of Manhattan island, and just west of western Brooklyn.
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Sunday, April 28th -

At least one adult-spring-male Summer Tanager was seen and heard in the park by 
some experienced observers on Sunday, with Scarlet Tanagers in the multiple. 
Again noted amongst the flycatcher tribe were E. Kingbirds - seen reliably, 
Great Crested Flycatchers, Least Flycatchers, E. Phoebes, and possibly other 
flycatcher species - not heard vocalizing. Both Orchard and Baltimore Orioles 
were seen and heard in the multiple, as were Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. Indigo 
Buntings continued to be relatively uncommon so far, and with some having 

A minimum of 25 species of migratory American warblers were found in Central 
Park on Sunday, collectively seen by many hundreds of observers. New arrivals 
-apparently- by this weekend just-past were Blackburnian and Canada Warblers, 
and there were at least slightly more of a few recently-arrived species of 
warbler such as Tennessee, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, American Redstart, and 
Black-throated Blue Warblers. The lingering Yellow-throated Warbler which 
continued singing regularly was the least-common species seen for the weekend 
amongst all of these warblers on recent days here. Firstly below, a list of 
warblers known to have occurred for this Sunday, many also seen on Saturday as 
well. Following the listing of warblers, a list that includes many of the other 
species seen on Sunday at Central Park by many, many observers.

Blue-winged Warbler - multiple.
Tennessee Warbler - multiple.
Nashville Warbler - multiple.
Northern Parula - multiple.
Yellow Warbler - multiple.
Chestnut-sided Warbler - multiple.
Magnolia Warbler - multiple.
Cape May Warbler - multiple.
Black-throated Blue Warbler - multiple.
Myrtle -a.k.a. Yellow-rumped- Warbler - multiple, with many females and-or 
drabber individuals also pushing thru.
Black-throated Green Warbler - multiple.
Blackburnian Warbler - multiple, but not many as of Sunday.
Yellow-throated Warbler - the one singing bird moving and had-moved slightly, 
within the Ramble area of the Park, with vast numbers of observers.
Pine Warbler - multiple, lately with more and more females and-or drabber 
birds, but still some adult-spring males about.
Prairie Warbler - multiple.
Palm Warbler - multiple.
Black-and-white Warbler - many.
American Redstart - multiple.
Worm-eating Warbler - multiple.
Ovenbird - many.
Northern Waterthrush - multiple.
Louisiana Waterthrush - multiple, but the preceding waterthrush species now is 
the more-common of these.
Common Yellowthroat - multiple, with females also showing well.
Hooded Warbler - multiple, but not many.
Canada Warbler - few, so far.

N.B. - There were some likely hybrid-types among the Blue-winged Warbler 
sightings and this also is prime-time for the possible appearances of 
Golden-winged Warbler passage and arrivals, and that species, and-or its 
hybrid-mixed forms, ought to be watched for. An Orange-crowned Warbler was seen 
on Sat. April 27th, at Central Park, perhaps still present to Sunday. There 
were a few reports of still-other warbler species which may be anticipated for 
coming days.

Golden-crowned Kinglet was still present in Central Park at-least thru 
Saturday, as was Brown Creeper, and both might have been ongoing into Sunday. A 
few additional Swainsons Thrushes were showing by Sunday, that also so of 
elsewhere in New York County. The most-regular of the brown-backed thrush 
species was still Hermit Thrush, with Wood Thrush and Veery also around in 
lower numbers.

Other species in or passing-over Central Park on Sunday included -
Common Loon - flyovers on some early-mornings passages including on Sunday, 
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret - including multiple, regular flyovers, more often seen from the 
northern half of Central Park as flyovers.
Snowy Egret - flyovers which are rather regular, esp. for the northern half of 
Central Park and adjacent neighborhoods.
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal - still ongoing at The Pool, in the parks n-w quadrant.
Bufflehead - at the reservoir with multiple observers.

[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. April 28, 2024: 12 Species of Wood Warblers, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager

2024-04-28 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday April 28, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: 12 Species of Wood Warblers including Yellow-throated Warbler, 
Eastern Kingbird, Wood Thrush, Scarlet Tanager.

Others reported Orchard Oriole, Summer Tanager, and Rose-breasted Grosbeak. In 
addition, the Pileated Woodpecker continued on Governor's Island today with 
many observers. 

Canada Goose - 8
Mallard - 15 including a hen with 3 ducklings on the Lake near the Boathouse
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Herring Gull - 5-10 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 4
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 or 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Eastern Kingbird - Evodia Field (Bob - early)
Blue-headed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 6-8
American Crow - 4 or 5
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 9-12
Cedar Waxwing - 1 Azalea Pond
House Wren - 1 west of Belvedere Castle
Gray Catbird - 3 or 4
Hermit Thrush - 10-15
Wood Thrush - 3 singing
American Robin - 40-50
Chipping Sparrow - 5-7
White-throated Sparrow - 20-30
Swamp Sparrow - Swampy Pin Oak (Paul Curtis)
Eastern Towhee - 3
Baltimore Oriole - 3 males
Red-winged Blackbird - 6-8
Common Grackle - 10-15
Ovenbird - 1 Evodia Field
Northern Waterthrush - 3
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 west of Weather Station
Black-and-White Warbler - 3 or 4
Northern Parula - 2 (Azalea Pond and south side Turtle Pond)
Yellow Warbler - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Black-throated Blue Warbler - 1 heard before walk (Bill Heck)
Palm Warbler - 5-7 "Yellow"
Pine Warbler - 3 (1 male, 2 females)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 30-40
Yellow-throated Warbler - 1 continued in Mugger's Woods
Black-throated Green Warbler - 2 (west of Weather Station, Evodia Field (Bob 
and J. Bitetti - early))
Scarlet Tanager - 1 female Evodia Field (Bob and John Bitetti - early)
Northern Cardinal - 6-8


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. April 27, 2024: 9 Species of Wood Warblers incl. Yellow-throated Warbler, Yellow-throated Vireo

2024-04-27 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday April 27, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on an unseasonably cold morning: Common Loon, Yellow-throated and 
Blue-headed Vireos, Nine Species of Wood Warblers Including Yellow-throated 

Canada Goose - 15
Mallard - 11
Bufflehead - 3 (2 males, 1 female) Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Chimney Swift - 1 Turtle Pond
Herring Gull - 17
Great Black-backed Gull - 3
Common Loon - 2 continue at the Reservoir (Deb - early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 11
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 or 4
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Evodia Field feeders
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 King of Poland (found by Alice Deutsch)
Blue-headed Vireo - 3
Blue Jay - 9-12
American Crow - 3 or 4
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 8-10
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 Belvedere Castle (Bob and Deb - early)
Carolina Wren - 2 or 3
House Wren - 1
Hermit Thrush - 8-10
Wood Thrush - 1 Gill Overlook
American Robin - 60-70
House Finch - 3 or 4
Purple Finch - 1 female Tupelo Field (Ryan Serio)
American Goldfinch - 8-10
Chipping Sparrow - 15-18
White-throated Sparrow - 30-40
Eastern Towhee - 3
Baltimore Oriole - 1 male continuing south side of Turtle Pond
Red-winged Blackbird - 8-10
Common Grackle - 15-20
Ovenbird - 1 Ramble
Nashville Warbler - 1 Azalea Pond
Northern Parula - 1 male Azalea Pond
Palm Warbler - 4 or 5 "Yellow"
Pine Warbler - 1 female Upper Lobe (Karen Evans and Dan Stevenson)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5 or 6
Yellow-throated Warbler - 1 continuing Evodia Field
Prairie Warbler - 1 male continuing near Turtle Pond Dock
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male Azalea Pond
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Good luck to all birders chasing the Governor's Island Pileated Woodpecker.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat., 4/27 - Yellow-throated Warbler continues, etc.

2024-04-27 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

On Saturday, April 27th a singing male Yellow-throated Warbler was continuing 
within the Ramble area of Central Park in same areas as for Friday. There were 
at least 18 additional warbler species in the same park for Saturday, 27th. 
More reports in due course for the good ongoing migration, which is occurring 
widely now.

A Little Blue Heron that had been in the Ramble - lakeshore - for Friday 
morning was seen to fly off by midday of Friday, high and perhaps exiting 
Manhattan completely by Friday. Those who came seeking that heron later in the 
day added to the observers of the above-noted warbler which many ultimately saw 
well, at various hours thru all of Friday, and still present for Saturday.
Elsewhere in Manhattan and again going back to Friday 4-26, an adult male Blue 
Grosbeak that appears to be a bit injured or ill was again seen and well 
photographed in the areas it has been lingering, on the lower east side East 
Village area and sometimes in private property, where NO one should trespass 
for any reasons. That bird has been looked at in-situ by qualified rehabbers 
yet it is mobile and has continued to feed.

Thanks to the many quiet and keen observers of many migrants and visiting or 
resident birds.

good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. April 26, 2024: Great Blue and Little Blue Herons, Hooded and Yellow-throated Warblers

2024-04-26 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday April 26, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Great Blue Heron, Tree Swallow, Cedar Waxwing, Hooded and 
Yellow-throated Warblers. 
Liam Brock found a Little Blue Heron at the Oven, subsequently seen by many 

Canada Goose - around 20
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb after lunch)
Gadwall - pair at the Pool
Mallard - around 20
Green-winged Teal - a pair continued at the Pool
Bufflehead - 3 (2 females, and 1 immature male)
Mourning Dove - 20-30
Chimney Swift - at least 5 over the Harlem Meer
Herring Gull - around a hundred
Great Black-backed Gull - 4
Double-crested Cormorant - 8
Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover Harlem Meer
Great Egret - 2 or 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 (1 perched Loch, 1 flyover)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5, one working on a nest at Conservatory Garden
Blue-headed Vireo - 2 (Conservatory Garden (Paul Curtis), Green Bench)
Blue Jay - half-a-dozen, but 2 pairs nesting at the north end
American Crow - 4
Tree Swallow - flyover Harlem Meer
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 5 or 6
Cedar Waxwing - 6
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Ramble
Northern Mockingbird - 2 or 3
Hermit Thrush - 8-10
American Robin - 15-20
House Finch - 4-6
American Goldfinch - 3 or 4
Chipping Sparrow - 1
White-throated Sparrow - around 30
Eastern Towhee - 2 (Wildflower Meadow (Scott Brevda), Loch)
Red-winged Blackbird - 8-10 including 2 females
Common Grackle - 10-15
Louisiana Waterthrush - 3
Northern Waterthrush - 3 or 4
Black-and-white Warbler - 2 males (Pool and Loch)
Hooded Warbler - 1 continuing male west end of the Loch at the Seep
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 at the Pool (Anindya Seng)
Yellow-throated Warbler - 1 ranging between Evodia and Tupelo Field (Brad Kane)
Northern Cardinal - 6 or 7 including a female on a nest for at least a week


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Friday, 4/26 -L.B. Heron (rare there), rep't. of Yellow-thr. Warbler, many other migrants

2024-04-26 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -

On Friday morning, April 26th, a LITTLE Blue Heron was a fine surprise in this 
park, at the south end of the Ramble and east of landmark Bow Bridge, not 
unexpected at all in a number of other sites in N.Y. City, but decidedly rare 
for the island of Manhattan over the long history of bird-observation there. 
Many many observers of this breeding plumaged adult bird, with many more 
arriving to look in the afternoon of Friday. Thanks to Liam Brock for this 
great new find for the spring season - and it looks for this modern era, also. 
Plenty of nice photos will be found of this lovely heron in the Macaulay 
Library archives, via many eBird reports.

NB, this may well be the first of this heron species at Central Park to be 
documented for the -modern and eBird era, with earlier sightings, even -if- 
photographed or videotaped and that with actual tape ! - seemingly not in any 
historical databases. It is not the first occurrence of the species in Central 
Park, historically. In a period of extensive non-work over a period of time at 
The Meer area in the parks northern end, in the 1990s, there were many unusual 
and interesting migrant and other birds stopping in, with relatively little to 
near-zero visual documentation on some species occurring then, at a piece of 
temporary, but not brief, bird and wildlife habitat in a site which was very 
long ago, a part of great wetlands in Manahatta - that area is still a 
low-lying naturally wetter sector due to geology and hydrology of the area.

A first-of-year-here Yellow-throated WARBLER at the Central Park Ramble was 
reported and confirmed in eBird for Friday morning as well, an additional 
prompt for a lot of seekers to get in to that park all thru the day and simply 
get out anywhere for birds on the move, and check out some of this good 
migration. Also a presumed first for Manhattan this spring, on Thursday, 
Tennessee Warbler - singing - seen at the south sector of Central Park, and 
perhaps elsewhere on the day.

More than 100 species of native birds were found for Friday 4-26 in this one 
park, with a fair number of the species noted from the previous days of 
sightings-reports. Multiple male-plumaged Hooded Warblers are just one of many 
- 19-plus species by mid-afternoon - of the migratory American warbler species 
enjoyed again, the latter Hoodeds showing nicely in at least 4 different 
sectors of that park and watched by well-over 100 total observers, in multiple 
sectors of that one park.

Flycatchers including Least and Great Crested, along with E. Kingbird and E. 
Phoebe, four or more species of expected vireos including White-eyed Vireo, 
Orchard and Baltimore Orioles, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, still-good sparrow 
variety and, likely the first-of-spring Yellow-billed Cuckoo are all part of 
the ongoing colors and diversity in late-Aprils ongoing migration. The 2 
Green-winged Teals also remained at The Pool, in the n-w sector of Central 
Park, while waterfowl in general has been diminishing here in variety, as is 
expected by about now in this location.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Thurs., 4/25 - Am.Bittern, 20+ Warbler species, more migrants

2024-04-26 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Thursday, April 25th -

For many observers who made it both into the fading daylight, as well as hours 
earlier on Thursday, the American BITTERN first noted and reported by Elizabeth 
Paredes, in the heart of the Ramble area of the park was a highlight of the day 
in that park.
At not-far-away Riverside Park on Manhattans west edge, and north of W. 110 
St., an adult male BLUE Grosbeak in healthy active condition was a very nice 
find by some of the parks crew, and with T. Bolster, crew who work in that 
sector of that attractive linear park, which has some great old trees and 
patches of other habitats. That grosbeak was also seen by additional birders 
and well photographed into the afternoon on Thursday. The Riverside Park 
Grosbeak was mainly seen just a bit west of the eastern retaining or perimeter 
wall, from the western-most path within the park proper, and both up in leafing 
out trees as well as foraging at low and ground levels at times.
Back in Central Park -only- a minimum of twenty migratory American warblers 
were found on Thursday, with at least a few being new reports of the spring in 
the county. The male Prothonotary Warbler seen by so many in Central Park all 
of Wednesday went missing for Thursday, by all known reports and despite much 
seeking for that. A great deal of migration had occurred on Wed night, both 
incoming and outgoing for Manhattan overall and of course much of the wider 

Warblers seen by multiple observers on Thursday just in Central Park included -
Black-throated Blue -at least several in disparate locations within the park, 
all seen we’re sometimes-singing males-,
Hooded -minimum of 3 different adult male Hoodeds in 3 separate areas, all 
giving songs or calls at times-,
Magnolia - at least one in the southern sector of the park below the 72nd St 
cross-drive in large elms, which we’re fairly active early in the day, 
less so later-
And - low-multiples of Blue-winged,
American Redstart,
N. Parula,
Black-throated Green,
Cape May,
and Nashville Warbler,
plus modest increases of Myrtle - still called yellow-rumped Warbler by many 
and having more females along with ongoing males passing, esp for those 
observing early morning diurnal flight passage as is occurring much more this 
second half of April,
many more of Black-and-white Warblers but numbers still dominated by males for 
and far more of Ovenbirds which Park-wide were into nice double-digits as some 
walked right along less-used paths and some also maintained caution in trees or 
as well as multiples of Pine and Palm Warblers, both of the Waterthrush 
species, of course Northern getting to be the more-numerous of them already,
plus Common Yellowthroats in multiple areas.

There were a few other migrant warbler species spoken of from some folks out 
thru the day in Central Park, and well could have been at least a few 
additionals to those listed above.

For just a sampler of some other migrants that increased within Central Park by 
Thursday 4-25, some increases were seen for E. Kingbirds, yet more Warbling 
Vireos as well as 4 other expected vireo species, and some of the later-moving 
sparrows such as White-crowned Sparrow showing in the modest multiple and some 
singing well, for bright colors, at least a few Scarlet Tanagers, Orchard 
Orioles, more of Baltimore Orioles, and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks as well as 
Purple Finches, and the —report of— Summer Tanager on the day. 
Still present were at least a few Least Flycatchers and Great Crested 
Flycatchers each vocalizing at times since their arrivals here. Indigo Buntings 
also continued but in low numbers so far, as the main arrivals for those and a 
vast many other migratory species are yet to come this spring.

Far more species were noted on Thursday in this one park and yet-more for all 
of New York County, in N.Y. City on the day. The above only a select sampler of 

Thanks to the many observers including leaders of the not-for-profit birding 
walks and their many participants all of whom are assisting in efforts for bird 
conservation, diversity and science based education.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. April 25, 2024: Blue-winged, Nashville, Hooded, Yellow, Prairie and Black-throated Green Warblers

2024-04-25 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday April 25, 2024
OBS:Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Osprey, Bald Eagle, Purple Finch, Baltimore Oriole, Blue-winged, 
Nashville, Hooded, Yellow, Prairie and Black-throated Green Warblers.

Roger Pasquier reported two Summer Tanagers at the Maintenance Field. Annie 
Plum reported a Rusty Blackbird and Northern Waterthrush at the Pool.  

Canada Goose - 8
Mallard - 6
Mourning Dove - 40-50
Herring Gull - 4 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 6 or 7
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond (Bob - early)
Osprey - 1 flyover
Bald Eagle - 1 flyover adult
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Northern Flicker - 5 or 6
Blue-headed Vireo - 4 or 5
Warbling Vireo - 4
Blue Jay - 8-10
Common Raven - 1 flyover Maintenance Field
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 25-35
Cedar Waxwing - 1 Maintenance Field (Bob - early)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - 1 Maintenance Field (Bob - early)
House Wren - 1 Vista Rock (Belvedere Castle)
Gray Catbird - 2 Ramble
Hermit Thrush - 8-10
American Robin - 50-60
House Finch - 1 male Evodia Field feeders (Arthur)
Purple Finch - 5 females Tupelo Field
American Goldfinch - 3 or 4
Chipping Sparrow - 25-30
Field Sparrow - 1 Maintenance Field
Dark-eyed Junco - 2 or 3
White-throated Sparrow - 25-30
Eastern Towhee - 8-10
Baltimore Oriole - 1 male south side of Turtle Pond (Caren Jahre)
Red-winged Blackbird - 4 or 5
Common Grackle - 20-25
Ovenbird - 1 heard Azalea Pond (David Barrett)
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 east of Azalea Pond
Black-and-white Warbler - 4 or 5 males
Nashville Warbler - 2 Ramble
Common Yellowthroat - 1 Belvedere Castle (Bob - early)
Hooded Warbler - 1 male Warbler Rock
Northern Parula - 1 male east of Azalea Pond (Paul Curtis)
Yellow Warbler - 1 east of Azalea Pond
Palm Warbler - 4 "Yellow"
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 5 or 6
Prairie Warbler - 1 male south side Turtle Pond
Black-throated Green Warbler - 1 male east side Azalea Pond (David Barrett)
Northern Cardinal - 5 or 6

Birds continuing at the Reservoir on Tuesday April 24th included a Gadwall 
pair, 1 male Northern Shoveler, 12 Buffleheads, 1 female Ruddy Duck, and 2 
Common Loons (1 in near breeding plumage).

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park/Manhattan, NYC - Wed., 4/24 - Blue Grosbeak, 18+ Warbler spp., more migration

2024-04-25 Thread Tom Fiore
Manhattan, New York City, with Central Park featuring a lot in below sightings,
from just Wednesday, April 24th -

The ongoing BLUE Grosbeak was still at the VillageView rose garden and vicinity 
in Manhattans lower east East Village area, thru all of Wednesday, and again as 
many have observed, this bright breeding-plumaged male has some sort of 
injuries and at times, may look lethargic yet, has continued to feed and fly at 
least weakly around in the areas it has been for some days now. Hopefully it 
may still be recovering, if the main issue was a concussive injury by a 
building or window strike.

- - -
With up to 18 or more migratory American Warbler species, it was a good day for 
Manhattan and a lot of birds and their observers certainly made Central Park a 
place to be or to watch, with multiple not-for-profit guided walks out and 
about from early to end of the day Wednesday.

Highlights are many from Central Park alone and at least some birds new to the 
year and this spring were found around the park, of course that bright male 
PROTHONOTARY Warbler being among the well-noted and highly-observed birds.  For 
other warblers there also were these, at least - Nashville Warbler, Northern 
Parula, Yellow Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Myrtle a.k.a. Yellow-rumped Warbler, 
Black-throated Green Warbler, Pine Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Palm Warbler, 
Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Worm-eating Warbler, Ovenbird, 
Northern Waterthrush, Louisiana Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, and Hooded 
Warbler.  There may have been a couple of additional newly-arrived warbler 
species in by Wednesday as well.  Some, indeed most of the species were seen in 
the multiple, that is, more than just one individual - the Prothonotary is 
presumed only the one male, even with some reports that that one male had 
wandered into the Ramble area at times away from the Turtle Pond. - - - N.B., 
in the region, such species of warbler as Cerulean have arrived in 
breeding-locations, and so far a few males are in place. - - - and, more 
generally, a good many migrant birds have arrived to some breeding areas, some 
barely or not having been noted - yet! - from local migrant-watch sites such as 
Central Park for example.  Many birds flew on to preferred breeding areas, or 
mostly have done so, which is not unusual, and also accords with the leafout of 
so many trees in the areas just north and near N.Y. City by now.

Some additional highlighted species from Wednesday alone, at Central Park -
Common Loon

Great Egret
Snowy Egret
Green Heron
Wood Duck
Northern Shoveler
Bald Eagle
Broad-winged Hawk
Solitary Sandpiper
Spotted Sandpiper
Chimney Swift
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Least Flycatcher
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
Eastern Kingbird
White-eyed Vireo
Blue-headed Vireo
Yellow-throated Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Northern Raven
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Bank Swallow - multiple flyovers.
Barn Swallow 
Black-capped Chickadee
Red-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
House Wren
Winter Wren
Marsh Wren - seen by many including early-birder C. Roberto et al, and also 
late in day on not-for-profit guided bird walks.
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Hermit Thrush
Wood Thrush
Gray Catbird
Brown Thrasher
Cedar Waxwing
Tanager species - in north end of park, by a description a LIKELY Summer 
Tanager male, northwest sector.
Eastern Towhee
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow
Red Fox Sparrow - getting late for these.
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Slate-colored Junco
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - multiples, into double-digits for all of the park, 
including males and female birds.
Indigo Bunting
Rusty Blackbird
Orchard Oriole - this species is also on-territory in a few sites in 
Manhatttan, thru this week.
Baltimore Oriole - still few.
Purple Finch - multiple in multiple areas of the park and these are also 
appearing WIDELY in the county and in the region now.
House Finch - also and always present in Central Park and the county.
Pine Siskin - very scant, some have passed thru along with the Purple Finch 
movements and the increases of the next-listed finch species.
American Goldfinch - have increased in past week generally.

--- the above are ONLY some highlights and not a list of all species for the 
county, the island of Manhattan, and nor even for Central Park.   Additional 
creatures in Central Park have included E. Red Bat, and some of the other 
-usual- mammals including Coyote, as well as Eastern Cottontail Rabbit, 
groundhog, chipmunk and so on.  Vast variety of arthropods are out and insects 
are a great part of that diversity, some offering good feeding for hungry 
migrant-arrivals of so many birds.

Thanks to the many observers out and about from -some- before sunrise to dusk, 
and to the many reporting via the -non-X- ale

[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC - Prothonotary Warbler, Wed, 4/24

2024-04-24 Thread Tom Fiore
On Wednesday, April 24th, Christian Cooper found a singing male Prothonotary 
Warbler around Turtle Pond in Central Park, in Manhattan, N.Y. City. A great 
many observers to see and hear this beauty, with thanks to Chris!  Plenty of 
additional migrant species were also seen in this park, and elsewhere in New 
York County, N.Y City, on the day, some will be reported on at a later time.  
If that Prothonotary Warbler is not re-found at the Turtle Pond, it may be 
worth checking at any additional shores of any waters in the vicInity or even 
farther within that park. Thanks also to the many who kept putting out word of 
this ever-popular warbler species presence.

Good birds,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sat.- Sunday, 4/20-21 - 12 Warbler spp., many more migrants, etc.

2024-04-22 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Saturday and Sunday, April 20-21st

Some of the many species seen for the weekend just in or over Central Park are 
listed below, including the at-least 12 species of migratory American warblers.

Common Loon - multiple early-morning flyovers, and a couple still on the CP 
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret
Snowy Egret - flyovers
Green Heron
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Canada Goose
Atlantic Brant - few flyovers
Wood Duck - lingering male.
American Black Duck - few.
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal - same lingering pair at The Pool.
Lesser Scaup - 3, with 2 bright males to Sat., 4-20.
Bufflehead - few lingering or passing.
Hooded Merganser - 2 females, lingering, reservoir.
Red-breasted Merganser - hen, reservoir.
Ruddy Duck - few remained.
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Broad-winged Hawk - at least one flyover; also some seen from elsewhere around 
Manhattan, etc.
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
Virginia Rail - as first noted in ebird reporting from Sat., 4-20 at The Pond 
area in s.-e. part of park. Many observers all day Sunday.
American Coot
Laughing Gull - reservoir plus a few flyovers.
Ring-billed Gull
American Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
feral Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Chimney Swift - multiple flyovers continuing and passing all of past week and 
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - several, into Sunday.
Belted Kingfisher
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker
Eastern Phoebe
Great Crested Flycatcher
White-eyed Vireo - one.
Blue-headed Vireo - multiple, fairly good numbers.
Yellow-throated Vireo - continuing.
Warbling Vireo - few.
Red-eyed Vireo - few.
Northern Raven - several sightings.
Blue Jay
American Crow
Fish Crow - increased, and calling in some areas.
Tree Swallow
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Barn Swallow - the 3 swallow species listed have been regular in Central Park 
all the past week and weekend.
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
House Wren - multiple.
Winter Wren - good passages, thru Sunday at Central Park.
Golden-crowned Kinglet - few, lingering thru Sunday.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - many.
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Hermit Thrush - many.
Wood Thrush - several, this species also seen this past week in some other 
Manhattan locations.
American Robin
Gray Catbird - still in v. modest numbers.
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher
European Starling
House Sparrow
Cedar Waxwing - nice numbers for all of the park.
Eastern Towhee - multiple.
Chipping Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Vesper Sparrow - N. end area.
Savannah Sparrow
Red Fox Sparrow - still some in various areas of the park, including within the 
Ramble and elsewhere.
Song Sparrow
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow - many.
Slate-colored Junco - small numbers remained.
Northern Cardinal
Rose-breasted Grosbeak - at least several, and not the first days of occurrence.
Indigo Bunting - several. This species has been appearing lately in a few other 
Manhattan locations as well.
Red-winged Blackbird
Rusty Blackbird - several, continuing.
Common Grackle
Brown-headed Cowbird
Orchard Oriole - several, and singing. Additionally seen in some other sites in 
Manhattan, including where they have bred.
Baltimore Oriole - few, and some not all that vocal.
Purple Finch - multiple, but in v. modest numbers.
House Finch
American Goldfinch - fairly good numbers passing.
Northern Parula - at least several thru the weekend.
Yellow Warbler - several, thru the weekend.
Myrtle -a.k.a. Yellow-rumped- Warbler - modest numbers for what are still to 
come thru.
Black-throated Green Warbler - at least several, in various sectors of Central 
Pine Warbler - still passing, in modest numbers.
Prairie Warbler - several in various areas of the park, this species also 
elsewhere in Manhattan.
Palm Warbler - many, continuing in many areas.
Black-and-white Warbler - multiple, scattered thru the park in modest numbers.
Ovenbird - few, widely scattered locations including the Ramble of Central Park.
Northern Waterthrush - multiple.
Louisiana Waterthrush - at least a few lingered thru both days of this weekend.
Common Yellowthroat - scarce, but newly-arrived singing males are around, also 
in a few other sites in Manhattan.
and quite likely some additional species for Central Park alone this weekend.

- - -
The Blue Grosbeak was still in the Manhattan lower-East Village area at and 
near East 3rd-4th Streets thru Sunday, 4-21 and was photographed in that area 
again, with multiple observers.
An adult-male-plumaged Hooded Warbler had continued in Madison Square Park in 
Manhattan into at-least April 19th, possibly still there into the weekend.
Seaside Sparrow had been confirmed from the Pier 44 area -W. 44th St.- of 
Manhattan's Hudson River shore from back on April 16th.

- - - -
We are seein

[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. April 21, 2024: Common Loon, Virginia Rail, Blue-headed Vireo, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Sparrows and Warblers

2024-04-21 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday April 21, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on a cold, partly sunny day: Common Loon, Blue-headed Vireo, 
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Field, Fox and Swamp Sparrows, Louisiana Waterthrush, 
Black-and-white, Palm, and Pine Warblers. A Virginia Rail seen Saturday 
continued north of the Gapstow Bridge Mud Flat, and was seen by several of the 
birders from our group, among others, after lunch*. Bradley Kane reported a 
Prairie Warbler at Turtle Pond. 

Canada Goose - 14, eggs visible in one of the nests
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mallard - 6
Bufflehead - 8
Hooded Merganser - 2 females Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 2 females Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 60-70
Virginia Rail - 1 north of Gapstow Bridge Mudflat (after lunch)*
Herring Gull - 12
Common Loon - 3 Reservoir (Deb and Signe Hammer)
Double-crested Cormorant - 8
Green Heron - 1 reported at Turtle Pond
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 5
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Blue-headed Vireo - 2 (Tupelo Field, Bow Bridge)
Blue Jay - 9-12
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 15-20
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Laupot Bridge (Sandra Critelli), Maintenance Field)
Winter Wren - Evodia Field (Sandra Critelli)
Hermit Thrush - 8-10
American Robin - 50-60, some on eggs
House Finch - 1 male Evodia Field
American Goldfinch - 5 or 6
Chipping Sparrow - 25-30
Field Sparrow - 7
Fox Sparrow - 1 Evodia Field (Sandra Critelli)
White-throated Sparrow - 60-70
Song Sparrow - 3
Swamp Sparrow - 2 (Upper Lobe (Edmund Berry), Turtle Pond)
Eastern Towhee - 7 or 8 including 2 females
Red-winged Blackbird - 5-7
Common Grackle - 10-15
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 at the Oven
Black-and-white Warbler - 1 Laupot Bridge (Sandra Critelli)
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" Belvedere Castle
Pine Warbler - 1 female Weather Station
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

*For photos and video of the Virginia Rail and other Central Park bird reports 
see the Manhattan Bird Alert maintained by David Barrett on X/Twitter 


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. April 20, 2024: FOS Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Warblers, Lingering Waterfowl

2024-04-20 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday April 20, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Wood Duck, Lesser Scaup, Hooded and Red-breasted Mergansers, Common 
Loon, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Five Species of Wood Warblers, Blue-headed 
Vireo, Fox Sparrow. 

Canada Goose - 7
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - early)
Northern Shoveler - 2 males Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mallard - 4
Lesser Scaup - 3
Bufflehead - 5
Hooded Merganser - 2 females Reservoir
Red-breasted Merganser - 1 Reservoir (David Barrett)
Mourning Dove - 50-60
Ruby-throated Hummingbird - 1 male Belvedere Castle (first-of-season)
Ring-billed Gull - 1 Reservoir
Herring Gull - around 20
Great Black-backed Gull - 2 Reservoir
Common Loon - 1 in near-breeding plumage Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 6
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 6 or 7
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 female tupelo Field
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Blue-headed Vireo - 4
Blue Jay - 8-10
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 40-50
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1 east side of Belvedere Castle
Cedar Waxwing - 2 Maintenance Field
House Wren - 1 Belvedere Castle (Anindya Seng)
Brown Thrasher - 3 (Kris Mirasola)
Hermit Thrush - 6-8
American Robin - 50-60
House Finch - 2 or 3
American Goldfinch - 1 Evodia Field feeders
Chipping Sparrow - 20-30
Fox Sparrow - Tanner's Spring (Sandra Critelli, Karen Evans, Dan Stevenson)
White-throated Sparrow - 60-70
Eastern Towhee - 6 or 7
Red-winged Blackbird - 4-6
Common Grackle - 20-25
Louisiana Waterthrush - 2 or 3
Black-and-white Warbler - 2 (Belvedere Castle, Tupelo Field)
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" Belvedere Castle
Pine Warbler - 2 (male Shakespeare Garden, female Tupelo Field)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 4 or 5
Northern Cardinal - 6 or 7


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. April 19, 2024: Spring Migrants

2024-04-19 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC - North end
Friday April 19, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Osprey, Six Species of Wood Warblers including Black-and-white 
Warbler and both Waterthrushes, Sparrows including Chipping, Field, Savannah 
and Eastern Towhee, Blue-headed Vireo, Rusty Blackbird. 

Canada Goose - 21
Mallard - 6
Green-winged Teal - pair continued at the Pool
Ruddy Duck - 1 male Harlem Meer
Mourning Dove - a dozen
Chimney Swift - flock of around 20 over the Meer
Herring Gull - flyover
Double-crested Cormorant - 10-12
Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover Meer (after lunch)
Great Egret - 6-8 flyovers, and 1 perched at the Meer
Osprey - 2 Meer (after lunch) 1 catching a Brown Bullhead, the other carrying a 
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 1 Loch
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 male Grassy Knoll
Northern Flicker - half-a-dozen
Blue-headed Vireo - 4 (Dan Stevenson)
Blue Jay - pair building a nest and a few others
Tree Swallow - reported at the Meer by PhillippeSoriano
Northern Rough-winged Swallow - 6-8
Barn Swallow - reported at the Meer by Ruben Giron
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 15-20
Brown Creeper - 1 Loch (Scott Brevda)
Carolina Wren - heard Conservatory Garden
Winter Wren - 3
Brown Thrasher - 1 Loch (Caren Jahre)
Northern Mockingbird - 1 or 2 (Conservatory Garden and Plant Nursery)
Hermit Thrush - 5 or 6
American Robin - 30-40
Chipping Sparrow - 10-12
Field Sparrow - 1 Grassy Knoll (Scott Brevda)
Dark-eyed Junco - 1 or 2 Grassy Knoll
White-throated Sparrow - 30-40
Savannah Sparrow - 2 Grassy Knoll
Song Sparrow - 4 or 5
Swamp Sparrow - 2 (Loch and Pool)
Eastern Towhee - 3 or 4
Red-winged Blackbird - 10-12 including a couple of females
Rusty Blackbird - 1 male in breeding plumage at the Pool (Caren Jahre)
Common Grackle - 10-12
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 at the Pool
Northern Waterthrush - 1 at the Pool
Black-and-white Warbler - 1 male at the Loch (Caren Jahre)
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" at the Meer (Dan Stevenson)
Pine Warbler - 1 female Green Bench (Caren Jahre and Anindya Seng)
Yellow-rumped Warbler - male at the Pool (Russell Boehner)
Northern Cardinal - female on nest (Scott Brevda)


The Crabapple Allees at the Conservatory Garden are open.


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park Monday AM 4/15

2024-04-15 Thread Emily Tenenbaum
Hi birders,

I've been birding for about 9 months, so this is my first spring migration
season—it's very exciting!

The below list is from this morning (4/15) 8-9am

*Highlights: Black-and-white Warbler, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, Blue-gray
gnatcatchers, and Palm Warblers*

~8 Canada Goose
4 Mallards
~35-40 Rock pigeon
7 Double-crested cormorant
5-7 Blue Jays
2 American Crows
2 Red-winged blackbirds
6-8 Ruby-crowned Kinglets
4 Blue-gray gnatcatchers
1 Black-and-white Warbler
7-10 Palm Warblers
1 American Goldfinch
~30 European Starlings
1 Hermit Thrush
30-40 American robins
~40 House sparrows
2 White-throated sparrows
4 Chipping sparrows
5-7 Dark-eyed Juncos
~6 Northern Cardinals

Lots of gnatcatchers, palm warblers, and ruby-crowned kinglets by Hernshead
on the Lake.

Happy spring migration birding!🌷

Emily Tenenbaum


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun, April 14, 2024: Warblers and Other Spring MIgrants, Lingering Waterfowl

2024-04-14 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday April 14, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Northern Shoveler, Bufflehead, Common Loon, Great Egret, 
Blue-headed Vireo, Cedar Waxwing, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Brown Creeper, Winter 
Wren, Field Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Brown-headed Cowbird, Black-and-white 
Warbler, Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler. At the North End the male Hooded Warbler 
was seen at the Loch again today - as reported on @BirdCentralPark. 

Canada Goose - 16
Northern Shoveler - 1 male Reservoir (Deb-early)
Mallard - 18-22
Bufflehead - 12 (Deb and Signe Hammer)
Hooded Merganser - 2 females Reservoir (Deb and Signe Hammer)
Ruddy Duck - 2 Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 45-50
American Coot - 6 (Signe Hammer)
Herring Gull - 15
Common Loon - 2 Reservoir (Deb-early)
Double-crested Cormorant - 9 or 10
Great Egret - 1 Turtle Pond (Mary Kate Horbac)
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 2nd-year just south of the Oven
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 adults
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Northern Flicker - 6-8
Blue-headed Vireo - 1 north of Tupelo near steps to Castle
Blue Jay - 9-12
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 10-15
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 2 Ramble
Cedar Waxwing - 1 Maintenance Field
Brown Creeper - 1 Belvedere Castle
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - between Willow Rock and the Riviera (Abby)
Winter Wren - 1 mouth of the Gill (Mark Siegeltuch)
Northern Mockingbird - 1 flyover Maintenance Field
Hermit Thrush - 3 or 4
American Robin - 80-100
House Finch - 2 males Evodia Field feeders
American Goldfinch - 4 or 5
Field Sparrow - 4
Dark-eyed Junco - 10
White-throated Sparrow - 40-50
Song Sparrow - 6
Eastern Towhee - 4 or 5 including 1 female
Red-winged Blackbird - 6-8
Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male Evodia Field feeders
Common Grackle - 25-30
Black-and-white Warbler - 1 Mugger's Woods (Edmund Berry)
Palm Warbler - 3 "Yellow"
Pine Warbler - 1 female Belvedere Castle and Shakespeare Garden
Northern Cardinal - 5-7


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park Birds 4/13/24

2024-04-14 Thread Debbie Becker
In a four-hour tour of the Ramble we spotted:

Black and white warbler
Louisiana Waterthrush
Pine warbler
Palm warbler
Yellow-rumped warbler
Eastern Phoebe
Ruby Crowned Kinglets
Golden crowned kinglets
Hermit Thrush
Brown Thrasher
American Robin
Catbird - FOY
Eastern Towhee
Song sparrow
Field Sparrow 
White throated sparrow
House Finch
American Goldfinch
Winter Wren
Brown creeper
Red-winged Blackbirds
Red bellied woodpecker 
Downy woodpecker 
Yellow bellied sapsucker
Northern Flicker
Northern Cardinal
Mourning doves
Blue jays 
Turkey Vulture
American Kestrel
Red-tailed Hawk 
Northern Shoveler 
Canada Goose 

Good Birding,
Debbie Becker

Join us for a Birdwalk every Saturday: 

Check out BirdingAroundNYC on Meetup https://meetu.ps/c/4jdMz/2cN9X/a


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Saturday, 4/13 - 7 Warbler spp., W-e Vireo, etc.

2024-04-13 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City
Saturday, April 13th -

An adult-male-plumaged Hooded Warbler was seen by many dozens of observers at 
Central Parks north end, the warbler moving about a bit as is rather typical of 
these, in this park in particular, and an early-alert -from a non-X source- got 
so many more birders out to the sector of the park for this species, and then 
as well as the most-usual, dependable way of learning of birds seen in this 
park year-round, eBird, has a number of sets of photos with the Macaulay 
Library archives and one is linked-to here, thanks to one photographer of many 
on the scene in the morning, R. Li - https://macaulaylibrary.org/asset/617311908

A lingering Northern Parula was seen by multiple observers and also 
photographed again, in the parks north end, with one photo linked-to here in 
the Macaulay Library, and thanks to G.and T. Plowman - 

One of the Black-and-white Warblers of the day for Central Park was seen by 
multiple observers in the heart of the Ramble area. At least several Louisiana 
Waterthrushes were present in the park for Saturday as well. With the 
more-common now Pine, Palm and Myrtle Warblers, we had a minimum of 7 migratory 
American Warblers in Central Park on the day.

Also among the 75-plus species of birds collectively seen for Central on 
Saturday was a White-eyed Vireo, the 2nd of 2 vireo species now having shown so 
far this year there, the first having been a Blue-headed Vireo on April 9th. 
Rusty Blackbird was again seen in several sites within Central Park on Saturday.

Two lingering hen Hooded Mergansers were on the reservoir of Central Park thru 
the day Saturday, those being seen by multiple observers - as is so of almost 
every one of the 75-plus birds on the day, in this one park. Thanks to so many 
keen watchers, photographers, and reporters among whom many work and-or 
volunteer with not-for-profit organizations which support bird conservation 
N.Y. City and beyond.
Elsewhere but still in Manhattan, a part N.Y. County, a Purple Sandpiper was 
lingering to Saturday the 13th, at Pier 26 off the lower west of Manhattan, 
along the Hudson River. Thanks to amongst other observers, A. Evans of 
Manhattan for reports and photos.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. April 13, 2024: Common Loon, Lingering Waterfowl and Early Spring Migrants

2024-04-13 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday April 13, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on a cool, blustery, drizzly morning: Common Loon, Ruby- and 
Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Creeper, Brown Thrasher, Hermit Thrush, Field 
Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Pine, Palm, and Yellow-rumped Warblers. In addition, a 
male Hooded Warbler was reported at the Loch this morning (check 
@BirdCentralPark maintained by David Barrett for updates). 

Canada Goose - 13
Northern Shoveler - 1 male Reservoir (Deb-early)
Mallard - 10
Bufflehead - 7
Ruddy Duck - 2 (Deb-early)
Mourning Dove - 35-45
American Coot - 3
Herring Gull - 5 flyovers
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir (Wolfgang Demisch saw 3 there on Friday)
Double-crested Cormorant - 6 or 7
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 Ramble
Northern Flicker - 10-15
Blue Jay - 10-15
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 6-8
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 4 or 5
Brown Creeper - 2 (Castle Overlook, Shakespeare Garden)
Brown Thrasher - 3
Hermit Thrush - 1 Turtle Pond
American Robin - 80-100
House Finch - 1 male Evodia Field
American Goldfinch - 4 or 5
Field Sparrow - 4
Dark-eyed Junco - 6-8
White-throated Sparrow - 50-75
Song Sparrow - 2 Locust Grove
Eastern Towhee - 6-8
Red-winged Blackbird - 4-6 males
Common Grackle - 20-25
Pine Warbler - Belvedere Castle (Scott Brevda)
Palm Warbler - 3 "Yellow"
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 Bow Bridge
Northern Cardinal - 8-10

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC Thurs, 4/11 - 8 warbler spp among 80+ species on the day

2024-04-11 Thread Tom Fiore
At Central Park, in Manhattan N.Y. City for Thursday, April 11th -

At least 8 migratory American warbler species were present, a few species still 
in good numbers after Tuesday and Wednesday having had such strong arrivals. 
The 8 warbler species seen on April 11 at Central Park include Northern Parula 
- singing male, photos taken, Yellow Warbler, still quite early, roaming parts 
of the north end assuming just 1, Black-and-white Warblers - 2, Pine Warblers - 
minimum of ten, Palm Warblers - minimum of 35, in many areas of the park, 
Louisiana Waterthrushes -multiple locations again on Thursday, Myrtle Warblers 
- far fewer than Pine or, in particular Palm for all of the park on Thursday. 
The lingering Ovenbird was also still present where it has been, in the 
southeast sector of the park.

An excellent selection of sparrows and members of that group were again found, 
and Rusty Blackbirds also were again seen. Red-throated as well as Common Loon 
were each present on the Central Park reservoir into the afternoon of April 
11th, as was Hooded Merganser, and other lingering waterfowl. Multiple N. 
Rough-winged Swallows were seen again and a few Tree Swallows as well for 
Thursday in the park. A lot more birds could be mentioned, as well. Many 
observers were out thru most of the day, with multiple not-for-profit guided 
bird walks also going at various times and locations within the park. Thanks to 
the many who contributed sightings and also photographs of a wide variety of 
these birds.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Thu. April 11, 2024: 4 Species of Wood Warblers and Other Spring Migrants

2024-04-11 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Thursday April 11, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren, 
Brown Thrasher, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Brown-headed 
Cowbird, Louisiana Waterthrush, Palm, Pine, and Yellow-rumped Warblers. Uptick 
in numbers of Double-crested Cormorants and Ruby-crowned Kinglets.

Canada Goose - 8
Northern Shoveler - 2 Turtle Pond
Gadwall - pair Reservoir
Mallard - around 15
Bufflehead - 1 male Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 35-45
Herring Gull - 25-35
Double-crested Cormorant - 15-20
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 adult Lake
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 Ramble
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 5 or 6 males
Downy Woodpecker - 4
Northern Flicker - 10-12
Eastern Phoebe - 2 Ramble
Blue Jay - 10-12
American Crow - 4 flyovers
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 20-25
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5-7
Crown Creeper - 2 Ramble
Winter Wren - 1 Laupot Bridge
Brown Thrasher - 1 south side of Turtle Pond
Hermit Thrush - 2 Ramble
American Robin - 80-100
House Finch - 3 or 4
Chipping Sparrow - 3 or 4
Field Sparrow - 1 uphill from Boathouse Cafe
Dark-eyed Junco - 5-10
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Song Sparrow - 1 Turtle Pond
Eastern Towhee - 5 or 6 males
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4 males
Brown-headed Cowbird - 1 male top of Oven
Common Grackle - 20-25
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 south side Turtle Pond
Palm Warbler - 2 Belvedere Castle
Pine Warbler - 1 female Maintenance Field
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 7-9
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Monday, 4/8 - increased warbler numbers, esp Palm Warbler

2024-04-08 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City -
Monday the day of solar eclipse, April 8th -

Of the American migratory warblers noted by many, many keen observers on the 
day there were these total numbers from all of the park -

Louisiana Waterthrush - minimum 4, probably more.
Palm Warbler - minimum 25, with more of fresh arrivals seeming to land in north 
sector of park.
Pine Warbler - minimum 12, with some additional females but mostly bright males.
Myrtle Warbler - that good-old is-new name, and just small numbers.

There were at least 70 species of wild birds seen on the day in and over 
Central Park, that being a collective tally from the many fine observers, 
including some guiding not-for-profit bird walks which at this time of year, 
are increasingly held, with many participants joining such walks.

Excellent bird sightings also continue from many additional locations around 
Manhattan and from New York County which encircles that isle plus two further 
sizable isles.

Good birding to all,

Tom Fiore


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Mon. April 8, 2024: Four Wood Warbler Species

2024-04-08 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Monday April 8, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Louisiana Waterthrush, Palm Warbler, Pine Warbler, Yellow-rumped 

Canada Goose - 5-10
Mallard - 4 or 5
Mourning Dove - 30-40
Herring Gull - 6 flyovers
Double-crested Cormorant - 3 or 4
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 adult Ladies' Pavilion
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 soaring over the West Side
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 1 male Strawberry Fields
Downy Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Northern Flicker - 6 or 7
Eastern Phoebe - 5 or 6
Blue Jay - 10-15
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5 or 6
Winter Wren - 1 along the Gill
Hermit Thrush - 1 Ramble
American Robin - 50-60
House Finch - 6-8
American Goldfinch - 3 including a breeding-plumaged male
Chipping Sparrow - 1 Strawberry Fields (Caren Jahre)
Fox Sparrow - 3 or 4
Dark-eyed Junco - 5-10
White-throated Sparrow - 40-50
Song Sparrow - 3 or 4
Swamp Sparrow - 1 west side of Balcony Bridge
Red-winged Blackbird - 3 or 4
Common Grackle - 8-10
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 Ramble
Palm Warbler - 1 "Yellow" south Turtle Pond
Pine Warbler - 1 male south Turtle Pond
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 2 - east Turtle Pond
Northern Cardinal - 4 or 5

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. April 7, 2024: Lingering Waterfowl and Spring Migrants

2024-04-07 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday April 7, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Northern Shoveler, Bufflehead, American Coot, Black-crowned 
Night-Heron, Merlin, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby- and Golden-crowned kinglets, Brown 
Creeper, Hermit Thrush, Chipping Sparrow, Field Sparrow, Fox Sparrow, Eastern 
Towhee, Pine Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 20-25
Northern Shoveler - 12
Malland - 15-20
Bufflehead - 2 Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 30-40
American Coot - 4
Herring Gull - 18
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 4
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 second-year Lake
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 4 or 5 (all males)
Downy woodpecker - 3 or 4
Northern Flicker - 4
Merlin - 1 south of Maintenance Field
Eastern Phoebe - 2 or 3
Blue Jay - 10-15
American Crow - 6-8 flyovers
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 or 3
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 3
Brown Creeper - 2 Ramble
Hermit Thrush - 1 Ramble (Bob - early)
House Finch - 7-9
American Goldfinch - 3 or 4
Chipping Sparrow - 1 or 2 Sparrow Rock
Field Sparrow - 1 Sparrow Rock (Alexandra Wang)
Fox Sparrow - 5
Dark-eyed Junco - 20-25
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Song Sparrow - 3 or 4
Eastern Towhee - 1 male Shakespeare Garden
Red-winged Blackbird - 8-10 males
Common Grackle - 15-20
Pine Warbler - 1 male continuing at Evodia Field feeders
Northern Cardinal - 6-8



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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. April 6, 2024: Am. Woodcock, Osprey, Turkey Vulture, and Other Spring Migrants

2024-04-07 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday April 6, 2024
OBS:Robert DeCandido, PhD, m.ob.

Highlights: Wood Duck, American Woodcock, Red-throated Loon, Turkey Vulture, 
Osprey, Cooper's Hawk, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown 
Creeper, Winter Wren, Brown Thrasher, Hermit Thrush, House Finch, American 
Goldfinch, Fox Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Eastern Towhee, Pine Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 22
Wood Duck - pair Turtle Pond
Northern Shoveler - 30
Mallard - 15
Mourning Dove - 30-40
American Woodcock - 1 Ramble
Herring Gull - 5-10 flyovers
Red-throated Loon - 1 Reservoir (Sandra Critelli)
Double-crested Cormorant - 3 or 4
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 4
Turkey Vulture - 31 (Sandra Critelli)
Osprey - 1
Cooper's Hawk - 1 Ramble
Red-tailed Hawk - 2 or 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 6-8 (all males)
Downy Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Northern Flicker - 3 or 4
Eastern Phoebe - 5 or 6
Blue Jay - 10-15
American Crow - 4-6
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 2 or 3
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 3 or 4
Brown Creeper - 2 or 3
Winter Wren - 3
Brown Thrasher - 2 Maintenance Field (Karen Evans and Dan Stevenson)
Hermit Thrush - 4 or 5
American Robin - 50-60
House Finch - 5-7
American Goldfinch - 3 or 4
Fox Sparrow - 4-6
Dark-eyed Junco - 3 or 4
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Song Sparrow - 5-7
Swamp Sparrow - 1 Evodia Field (Annie Plum)
Eastern Towhee - 2 males Shakespeare Garden
Red-winged Blackbird - 8-10 males
Common Grackle - 20-30
Pine Warbler - 1 male continuing at Evodia Field feeders
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Fri. April 5, 2024: Green-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, Loons, Pine and Yellow-rumped Warblers

2024-04-05 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Friday April 5, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

The winds overnight were not in our favor. Nevertheless we saw some good birds 
here and there: Green-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, Red-throated and Common Loons, 
Turkey Vulture, Osprey, Eastern Phoebe, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, 
various Sparrows, Pine and Yellow-rumped Warblers. [Louisiana Waterthrush was 
reliably reported from the Pool and the Ramble (see the Manhattan Bird Alert 
@BirdCentralPark on "X" aka twitter for details)). 

Canada Goose - around 20 plus pairs starting to nest at the Reservoir
Northern Shoveler - around 40
Gadwall - pair south end of Reservoir
Mallard - around 20
Green-winged Teal - pair at the Pool
Lesser Scaup - 1 female continuing at the Reservoir
Bufflehead - 18
Hooded Merganser - 4 females
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 males continue at the Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 13
Mourning Dove - 20-25
American Coot - 4
Herring Gull - around 40
Great Black-backed Gull - 3
Red-throated Loon - 1 continuing at the Reservoir
Common Loon - 1 continuing at the Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 8-10
Great Blue Heron - 1 flyover
Turkey Vulture - 2 over Conservatory Garden (Mary Kate Horbac and Paul Curtis)
Osprey - 1 male over the Grassy Knoll
Red-tailed Hawk - 4 or 5
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4 heard
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2
Downy Woodpecker - 2 (more in the Ramble)
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Eastern Phoebe - 10-12
Blue Jay - 5-7
American Crow - 2 flyovers
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 1 male at the Pool
Brown Creeper - 1 North Woods
Carolina Wren - heard Conservatory Garden
Winter Wren - 1 east end of the Loch
Hermit Thrush - 2 North End
American Robin - 30-40
House Finch - 3
Fox Sparrow - 5 or 6 (Caren Jahre and Paul Curtis)
Dark-eyed Junco - 45-50
White-throated Sparrow - 50-60
Song Sparrow - 25-30
Swamp Sparrow - 2 (east end of Loch, Plant Nursery)
Eastern Towhee - 1 singing male Grassy Knoll
Red-winged Blackbird - 5 or 6
Common Grackle - very few
Pine Warbler - 1 male Evodia Field feeders
Yellow-rumped Warbler - 1 east end of the Pool (Paul Curtis)
Northern Cardinal - 10-12

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. March 31, 2024: Lesser Scaup, R-b Merganser, Loons and Herons

2024-03-31 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday March 31, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights on a warm spring day: Lesser Scaup, Red-breasted Merganser, 
Red-throated and Common Loons, Great Blue and Black-crowned Night Herons, Great 
Egret, Eastern Phoebe, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Hermit Thrush, Fox and Swamp 

Canada Goose - 22
Wood Duck - 1 or 2 males (Reservoir & Turtle Pond)
Northern Shoveler - 40
Gadwall - 1 male Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mallard - 15
Lesser Scaup - 1 female Reservoir (Deb - early)
Bufflehead - 30
Hooded Merganser - 4 or 5 females
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 (adult and young males) Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 4 
Mourning Dove - 20-25
American Coot - 5
Herring Gull - 20-25
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Red-throated Loon - 1 north end Reservoir
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 5
Great Blue Heron - 3 northbound flyovers (Bob - early)
Great Egret - 1 west side of Lake
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 3
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature male near Boathouse
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 5 or 6 males
Downy Woodpecker - 6-8
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
American Kestrel - 1 northbound flyover Pinetum
Eastern Phoebe - 4 or 5
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
American Crow - 2 flyovers
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5
Northern Mockingbird - heard-only
Hermit Thrush - 1 Evodia Field near feeders (Sandra Critelli)
American Robin - 80-100
House Finch - 3 or 4 
American Goldfinch - 1 Evodia Feeders
Fox Sparrow - 4
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Song Sparrow - 11
Swamp Sparrow - 1 Balcony Bridge (Bob - early)
Red-winged Blackbird - 3-5
Common Grackle - 20-25
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

On Saturday Dan Stevenson and Karen Evans saw an American Woodcock at Triplet's 
Bridge. Apologies for the late report.

Happy Easter,

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sat. March 30, 2024: Loon and Waterfowl, Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrush

2024-03-30 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Saturday, March 30, 2024
OBS:Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on a breezy morning: Wood Duck, Green-winged Teal, Lesser Scaup, 
Red-breasted Merganser, Red-throated Loon, Common Loon, Ruby- and 
Golden-crowned Kinglets, Hermit Thrush, Fox Sparrow. 

Canada Goose - 25
Wood Duck - 1 male at the Pool (Deb - early)
Northern Shoveler - 250-260
Mallard - around 30
Green-winged Teal - pair continues at the Pool (Deb - early)
Lesser Scaup - 1 continues at the Reservoir
Bufflehead - 20-25
Hooded Merganser - 3 (all female)
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 (adult and immature males) Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 4
Mourning Dove - 25-35
American Coot - 6
Herring Gull - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 2 Reservoir
Red-throated Loon - 1 continues north end Reservoir
Common Loon - 3 (2 immature, 1 adult in breeding plumage (David Barrett))
Double-crested Cormorant - 3
Cooper's Hawk - 1 in Ramble (David Barrett)
Red-tailed Hawk - 2
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 5 males (Caren Jahre)
Downy Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Northern Flicker - 3
Eastern Phoebe - 1 near Boathouse
Blue Jay - 5 or 6
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 Shakespeare Garden (Mark Siegeltuch)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 3
Hermit Thrush - 1 Evodia Field near feeders
American Robin - 80-100
House Finch - 3
American Goldfinch - 1 Evodia Field
Fox Sparrow - 4 or 5
White-throated Sparrow - 50-60
Song Sparrow - 7-9
Red-winged Blackbird - 6-8
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Cardinal - 8-10 including a pair duetting at Maintenance Field


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC, Fri. March 29, 2024, Lesser Scaup, R-b Merganser, R-t Loon, Co. Loon, Kinglets, E. Phoebe, Sparrows

2024-03-29 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park, NYC - North End and Reservoir
Friday March 29, 2024
OBS: Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on a sunny, blustery day: Wood Duck, Lesser Scaup, Red-breasted 
Merganser, Red-throated Loon, Common Loon (3), Ruby-and Golden-crowned 
Kinglets, Eastern Phoebe, Field and Swamp Sparrows.

Canada Goose - 26
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir
Northern Shoveler - around 160
Mallard - around 20
Green-winged Teal - pair continues at the Pool
Lesser Scaup - 1 Reservoir
Bufflehead - 26
Hooded Merganser - 3
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 13
Mourning Dove - a dozen
American Coot - 6
Herring Gull - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Red-throated Loon - 1 Reservoir
Common Loon - 3 (one in breeding plumage) Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 5 (Mary Kate Horbac)
Red-tailed Hawk - flyover adult North Meadow Ballfields (twigs on Mus. of the 
City on NY again)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Downy Woodpecker - 2
Northern Flicker - 2
Eastern Phoebe - 9 or 10
Blue Jay - 4
American Crow - flyover flock of 6
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 11 or 12
Carolina Wren - 2 Conservatory Garden
Northern Mockingbird - 1 Conservatory Garden
American Robin - 35-40
Field Sparrow - 2 Green Bench
Dark-eyed Junco - 3
White-throated Sparrow - more than 50
Song Sparrow - 10
Swamp Sparrow - 1 Plant Nursery (Scott Brevda)
Red-winged Blackbird - 7
Common Grackle - a dozen
Northern Cardinal - 5


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. March 24, 2024: Lesser Scaup, Red-throated & Common Loon, E. Phoebe, Winter Wren

2024-03-24 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday March 24, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights on a sunny and blustery morning: Lesser Scaup, Red-throated & 
Common Loon, Cooper's Hawk, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe, 
Golden-crowned Kinglet, Winter Wren, Fox Sparrow, Eastern Towhee. 

Canada Goose - 35
Northern Shoveler - around 60
Mallard - 7
Lesser Scaup - 1 Reservoir
Bufflehead - 24
Hooded Merganser - 1 immature male Turtle Pond
Ruddy Duck - 4
Mourning Dove - 50-60
American Coot - 6
Herring Gull - 5
Great Black-backed Gull - 1 Reservoir
Red-throated Loon - 1 Reservoir
Common Loon  1 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 3
Cooper's Hawk - immature male Ramble
Red-tailed Hawk - pair from San Remo circling over the Ramble*
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 6-8 males
Downy Woodpecker - 4
Northern Flicker - 3 males
Eastern Phoebe - 3 or 4
Blue Jay - 8-10
American Crow - 1 flyover calling
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 3 (Signe Hammer)
Winter Wren - 1 at the Gill
American Robin - 30-35
House Finch - 3 or 4
Fox Sparrow - 2 west side of the Ramble
Dark-eyed Junco - 4 or 5
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Song Sparrow - 3
Eastern Towhee - 1 male Locust Grove (Dan Stevenson)
Red-winged Blackbird - 2 males Locust Grove (Sandra Critelli)
Common Grackle - 20-30
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

*A Red-tailed Hawk pair (the female "Octavia" paired with a new male) is 
nesting again on 5th Avenue and 74th Street as reported by Melody Andres 
earlier in the week, the pair already documented by several photographers.

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. March 17, 2024: Common & Red-throated Loons, E. Phoebe, Pine Warbler

2024-03-17 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday March 17, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Wood Duck, Red-breasted Merganser, Common & Red-throated Loons, 
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Eastern Phoebe, Ruby-and Golden-crowned Kinglets, 
Eastern Phoebe, Fox Sparrow, Pine Warbler. 

Canada Goose - 10
Wood Duck - 1 male Turtle Pond
Northern Shoveler - 54
Gadwall - 1 male Reservoir (Signe Hammer)
Bufflehead - 30-35 (high number for the Reservoir)
Hooded Merganser - 7
Red-breasted Merganser - 2 (adult male and young male) Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 40-50
American Coot - 6 or 7
Herring Gull - 34
Great Black-backed Gull - 3
Red-throated Loon - 1 Reservoir
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir
Double-crested Cormorant - 3
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature male eating a rat at Azalea Pond
Red-tailed Hawk - 3 (2 pairs building nests)
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 5 or 6 (including possible nest site at Turtle Pond 
(Sandra Critelli))
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 3 or 4 (all males)
Downy Woodpecker - 4
Northern Flicker - 4 or 5
Eastern Phoebe - 2 in the Ramble
Blue Jay - 10-12
American Crow - flock of 10
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 3
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 10-15
American Robin - 50-60
Fox Sparrow - 1 Ramble (Bob - early)\
Dark-eyed Junco - 7
Song Sparrow - 3 (2 singing)
Eastern Towhee - 1 male continuing Shakespeare Garden
Red-winged Blackbird - 1 singing male Bow Bridge
Common Grackle - 15-20
Pine Warbler - 1 Pinetum (Kris Mirasola)
Northern Cardinal - 5-7


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park, NYC - Sunday, March 17 - migrants and longer-staying birds

2024-03-17 Thread Tom Fiore
The Townsends Solitaire found by Tomas Kay on March 16th, an apparent 
first-record for Greene County, NY, was found again on Sunday morning, March 
17th, with a nice annotated eBird report and photos / audio, from K. Cronin; 
see his eBird report at the link immediately below - and thanks to T. Kay for 
the great -!- initial find, also thank-you to A. Burke who first alerted this 
NYS list to this sighting. It is rather-likely that the Solitaire may stay in 
the general area so long as food for it is in decent supply, but of course this 
can be a shy species, tricky to see well at times, even where the species is 
vastly more regular, out-west. Good luck to any trying for this Catskills 

- - - -
Central Park, Manhattan, N.Y. City - Sunday, March 17th, 2024

Some of the birds found on the day in -and over- Central Park on St. Patrick's 
Day 2024 are listed below.

... The -Great- Egret has landed... and has been seen in multiple other sites 
as well, in N.Y. County NYC. -p.s. - not the firsts of this year, but some of 
the first which have landed and are hunting in some of the usual egret-haunts 
for this just-before spring day. Four Warbler species were in Central Park, of 
which the only in numbers are Pine Warblers, a welcome hint of 
its-almost-spring on the calendar, and for our local migrations. There are 
certainly many more of the Pines yet to arrive in coming weeks. Very good 
numbers of Golden-crowned Kinglets have arrived, with many-dozens easily just 
for all of Central Park, March 17th.

Red-throated Loon - continuing at the reservoir of Central Park.
Common Loon - also continuing at the reservoir of Central Park. Yes, there are 
more than 1.
Pied-billed Grebe
Double-crested Cormorant
Great Blue Heron
Great Egret - there were more than one, but there also have been fly-overs.
Black-crowned Night-Heron
Turkey Vulture
Canada Goose
Wood Duck
American Black Duck
Northern Shoveler
Green-winged Teal - ongoing at the Pool in the parks northwest quadrant.
Hooded Merganser
Red-breasted Merganser - two were still present to Sunday, March 17th, at C.P. 
Common Merganser - present in Central Park on the reservoir at-least to Friday, 
March 15th.
Ruddy Duck
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk
Cooper's Hawk
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
American Kestrel
Peregrine Falcon
American Coot
American Woodcock - multiples of these have come in at Central Park. They also 
have come to other parks - not-only in Bryant Park, where at least 1 was still 
being found as of Sunday.
Ring-billed Gull
American Herring Gull
Great Black-backed Gull
feral Rock Pigeon
Mourning Dove
Belted Kingfisher
Owl - undisclosed locations, for this park.
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Downy Woodpecker
Hairy Woodpecker
Yellow-shafted Flicker - multiple, recent arrivals of these.
Eastern Phoebe - many-multiple, in many areas and also scattered across all of 
the county, city, region by now.
Blue Jay
Northern Raven
American Crow
Fish Crow
Tree Swallow
Black-capped Chickadee
Tufted Titmouse
Red-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch
Brown Creeper
Carolina Wren
Winter Wren - in the multiple, as some have recently arrived. This is the 
species around now; House Wrens are not arrived yet. Carolina Wren also 
continues and ought-not be confused for a House Wren.
Golden-crowned Kinglet - many in this past week, some in modest little flocks 
in some locations.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - most if not all being found may have over-wintered, at 
least locally.
Eastern Bluebird
Hermit Thrush - still those which overwintered... which are in the multiple - 
and around this county as well.
American Robin
Gray Catbird - multiple, but not many, and all in this park and region now were 
locally overwintered birds.
Northern Mockingbird
Brown Thrasher - multiple, but not many, all now being locally-overwintered 
European Starling
Cedar Waxwing
Orange-crowned Warbler - in addition to the at-least several others in N.Y. 
County, one at Central Park is a local overwinterer, and possibly had been 
previously at a nearby park.
Myrtle -a.k.a. Yellow-rumped-group- Warbler - overwintered, and a few may have 
sneaked-in from likely nearby wintering places.
Pine Warbler - in the multiple, including multiple singing males in various 
locations, as well as drab ones, which had overwintered. The brighter new 
arrivals are just-that, new in the past week.
Palm Warbler - early for Central Park, following the few that showed up already 
in N.Y. City - some or all possibly wintered much closer to here than, for 
example, some Caribbean location.
Eastern Towhee - some movement in the area, with slightly more locations this 
past week than thru the winter... although early for any true migratory 
mass-movements of this species here. And there had been more than just 2 in 
Central Park all winter long.
Chipping Sparrow - rece

[nysbirds-l] Central Park, and N.Y. County, NYC - thru March 14

2024-03-15 Thread Tom Fiore
Central Park, in Manhattan - and elsewhere throughout New York County -in N.Y. 
City including Randalls Island and Governors Island and skies above, and 
adjacent waters.
March sightings thru Thursday, March 14th -

A plethora of highlights could be listed, with few being state-rare, and many 
being standard and expected arrivals of spring-season migrants, such as Eastern 
Phoebes, a smattering of early and some overwintered warblers - Palm, Pine 
including bright singing males of this sp. at Central Park as well as the drab 
one there which overwintered, rarely-noted in recent weeks but ongoing, 
Orange-crowneds, several that overwintered, including at least one at Randalls 
Island, and a fine recent one at Canal Park in lower Manhattan, also a 
near-certain overwintered individual, and Myrtle Warbler also probably -and 
definitely-for-some of those- overwintered locally; a mass-movement of sparrows 
this week with very notable numbers of Red Fox Sparrows arriving this week, as 
well as other sparrow spp.; E. Meadowlarks in a few sites, Rusty Blackbirds in 
low-modest numbers as new arrivals. And plenty more: various raptors, our 2 
spp. of vultures, the owls of native species which have included up to 4 spp., 
in this month, 3 of those within Central Park as well as elsewhere in the 
county, Kinglets of both of our species, with arrivals of some additional 
Golden-crowned, in addition to the wintering individuals of each Kinglet sp., 
as well as the now-expected movement of American Woodcocks of which some get 
stuck in midtown or other parts of urban Manhattan, but also many that have 
been coming thru at Central and multiple other parks and both of the 
other-islands of the county, plus Wilsons Snipe in several locations, and 
more-common Killdeer, with one that lingered at Central Park for a while - 
Sheep Meadow when closed to public entry, out there with the many American 
Robins; and, the long-showing Purple Sandpiper[s] of lower Manhattans Pier 26, 
at least one of the latter species still there into March 14th.

We can expect more arrivals here in the coming weeks, even just-ahead of 
calendar-spring. Some of these to be reported in due course.

In the list of sightings below, all of the species noted from Central Park are 
marked with -CP- many of these same species were also being found in multiple 
other sites in N.Y. County. A number of birds were seen in specific sites, such 
as Randalls or Governors Island, or northern Manhattan, or in parts of lower 
Manhattan, as well or in some instances, exclusively.

Atlantic Brant
Canada Goose -CP- and also, unless noted as such, seen in many other locations 
around N.Y. County.
Mute Swan
Wood Duck -CP-
Northern Shoveler -CP-
Gadwall -CP-
Mallard -CP-
American Black Duck -CP-
Mallard x American Black Duck hybrid -CP-
Northern Pintail
Green-winged Teal -CP-
Ring-necked Duck -CP-
Greater Scaup
Greater/Lesser Scaup - Aythya sp.
Long-tailed Duck
Bufflehead -CP-
Common Goldeneye -one, CP- And, mainly seen in low numbers, off Randalls and 
Governors Islands nearby waters, in this month and previous recent months.
Hooded Merganser -CP-
Common Merganser -CP-
Red-breasted Merganser -CP-
Ruddy Duck -CP- And, n.b., this species also has been somewhat regular at parts 
of the upper East River off Manhattan, in varying, usually modest, numbers in 
recent weeks.
Pied-billed Grebe -CP-
Rock Pigeon -CP-
Mourning Dove -CP-
American Coot -CP-
Killdeer (CP) And, mainly noticed elsewhere in sites where regularly-seen, 
which does include sites in Manhattan such as Sherman Creek.
Purple Sandpiper - pier 26, lower Manhattan to March 14th -
American Woodcock -CP- And, in many, many additional locations all around the 
county, which includes those few seen by now-100s of observers at Bryant Park, 
where this species is regularly seen and often stays a long while.
Wilson's Snipe - several, in several sites including first at Governors Island, 
soon followed by Randalls Island, and other locations.
Bonaparte's Gull - one report from the East River.
Ring-billed Gull -CP-
American Herring Gull -CP-
Iceland Gull -CP-
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Glaucous Gull
Great Black-backed Gull -CP-
Red-throated Loon -CP- And, multiples in other areas, esp. NY Harbor, East 
River, and etc.
Common Loon -CP-
Great Cormorant
Double-crested Cormorant -CP-
Great Blue Heron -CP-
Great Egret
Black-crowned Night-Heron -CP-
Black Vulture
Turkey Vulture -CP-
Osprey -CP- flyby on March 14th, modestly early.
Northern Harrier
Sharp-shinned Hawk -CP-
Cooper's Hawk -CP-
Sharp-shinned/Cooper's Hawk
Bald Eagle -CP- And, many many sightings elsewhere in / over the county this 
Red-shouldered Hawk -CP-
Red-tailed Hawk -CP- And, nesting or nest-making all around the county, many 
owl species - 4 have been seen this month, all of those native to the region.
Belted Kingfisher -CP-
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -CP-
Red-bellied Woodpecker -CP-
Downy Woodpecker -CP-
Hairy Woodpecker -CP-
American Kestrel -CP-

[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. March 10, 2024: Common & Red-throated Loons, Cooper's Hawk, White-breasted Nuthatch, E. Towhee

2024-03-10 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday March 10, 2024
Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Common Loon, Red-throated Loon, Cooper's Hawk, White-breasted 
Nuthatch, House Finch, Dark-eyed Junco, Song Sparrow, Eastern Towhee. 

Canada Goose - around 30
Northern Shoveler - 200-250
Gadwall - 1 male Reservoir
Mallard - 36
Bufflehead - 20-25
Hooded Merganser - 5
Ruddy Duck - 2 Reservoir
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 30-40
American Coot - 4
Herring Gull - 25-30
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Common Loon - 2 Reservoir
Red-throated Loon - 1 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Cooper's Hawk - 2 or 3
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 (nesting material carried to San Remo and 74th & 5th 
Ave. nests on Friday (Bob))
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Blue Jay - 6 or 7
American Crow - 5
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 Willow Rock
American Robin - 20-30
House Finch - 2 (male & female) Evodia Field feeders
Dark-eyed Junco - 1 Pinetum
White-throated Sparrow - 30-40
Song Sparrow - 3 singing
Eastern Towhee - 1 continuing male Shakespeare Garden
Red-winged Blackbird - 2 in Ramble
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

A first-winter Glaucous Gull continued at the Hunt's Point Fish Market in the 


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Mar. 3, 2024: Co. Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe. Co. Loon, Cooper's Hawk, Brown Thrasher, E. Towhee

2024-03-03 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday March 3, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen m.ob.

Highlights on a beautiful, warm, spring-like morning: Wood Duck, Common 
Merganser, Pied-billed Grebe. Common Loon, Cooper's Hawk, Brown Thrasher, 
Eastern Towhee. 

Canada Goose - 150-200
Wood Duck - 1 male Lake near the Point
Northern Shoveler - 160-170
Mallard - 10
Bufflehead - 18
Hooded Merganser - 9-10
Common Merganser - 2 Reservoir
Ruddy Duck - 3
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 southeast Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 20-25
American Coot - 5
Herring and Ring-billed Gulls - around 30
Great Black-backed Gull - 4
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir
Cooper's Hawk - 2 (Evodia Field, Turtle Pond)
Red-tailed Hawk - 1 flyover
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 3 or 4
Downy Woodpecker - 2 or 3
Blue Jay - 6-8
American Crow - 2-4
Brown Thrasher - 1 south side Turtle Pond (Caren Jahre)
American Robin - 10-15
House Finch - 4 or 5, some singing
White-throated Sparrow - 20-30
Eastern Towhee - 1 male Shakespeare Garden (Kris Mirasola)
Red-winged Blackbird - 3-5
Common Grackle - 10-15
Northern Cardinal - 6-8

Other taxa: a Coyote appeared near the Turtle Pond island again this morning, 
spotted by Kris Mirasola. This is probably the animal we saw last week.

On Friday evening, March 1st, @r2junot made a thermal video of a large owl, 
probably a Barred Owl, in Central Park, posted to twitter.com, a.k.a. X here:


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Jan. 21, 2023: Common Loon, Ring-necked Duck, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper

2024-01-21 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday January 21, 2023
OBS: Robert DeCandico, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Common Loon, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Brown Creeper. In addition, 
three Ring-necked Ducks were reported at the Reservoir by Wolfgang Demisch 
shortly before lunchtime. 

Canada Goose - 400-500
Northern Shoveler - around 400
Mallard - 30-40
Bufflehead - 2 Reservoir
Hooded Merganser - 11
Ruddy Duck - 380
Mourning Dove 30-40
Herring and Ring-billed Gulls - around 50
Common Loon - 1 Reservoir
Cooper's Hawk - 2 Ramble
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2 Great Lawn
Downy Woodpecker - 1 female top of the Oven
Northern Flicker - 2 Great Lawn
Blue Jay - 8-10
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 2 (1 Gill Overlook, 1 Upper Lobe (Dan Stevenson)
White-breasted Nuthatch - 1 or 2 in the Ramble
Brown Creeper - 1 Maintenance Field (David Barrett)
American Robin - 5-10
Dark-eyed Junco - 2 Pinetum
White-throated Sparrow - 40-50
Northern Cardinal - 9-12


Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Jan. 14, 2024: Green-winged Teal, Pied-billed Grebe, Black-crowned Night-Heron, Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets

2024-01-14 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday January 14, 2024
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob.

Highlights: Green-winged Teal, Pied-billed Grebe, Black-crowned Night-Heron, 
Ruby- and Golden-crowned Kinglets. 

Canada Goose - 400+
Northern Shoveler - 400-450
Mallard - around 50
Mallard x American Black Duck - 1 male Reservoir
Green-winged Teal - 4 at the Pool (Deb - early)
Bufflehead - 3
Hooded Merganser - 6
Ruddy Duck - around 250
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 Reservoir
Mourning Dove - 80-100
American Coot - 1 Reservoir
Ring-billed and Herring Gulls - around 100
Great Black-backed Gull - 3
Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Hernshead (Sandra Critelli)
Cooper's Hawk - 1 immature Chez Armando (top of Oven) (Bob - early)
Red-tailed Hawk - 3
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 2 (Pinetum & Great Lawn)
Northern Flicker - 2 Great Lawn
Downy Woodpecker - 3
Blue Jay - 10-15
American Crow - 2 Great Lawn
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 west side of Great Lawn (Sandra Critelli)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5
Northern Mockingbird - northwest Pinetum
American Robin - 15-20
House Finch - 2 southwest Great Lawn
White-throated Sparrow - 60-80
Red-winged Blackbird - 2 Great Lawn
Northern Cardinal - 8-10

Deb Allen


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[nysbirds-l] Central Park NYC, Sun. Dec. 31, 2023: Pied-billed Grebe, Peregrine Falcon, Brown Creeper, Brown Thrasher

2024-01-01 Thread Deborah Allen
Central Park NYC
Sunday December 31, 2023
OBS: Robert DeCandido, PhD, Deborah Allen, m.ob. 

Highlights: Pied-billed Grebe, Peregrine Falcon, Brown Creeper, Ruby-and 
Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Thrasher.

Canada Goose - 225-250
Wood Duck - 1 male Reservoir
Northern Shoveler - 400-500
Mallard - 125-175
American Black Duck - 2 Lake
Bufflehead - 10
Hooded Merganser - 19
Ruddy Duck - around 90
Pied-billed Grebe - 1 Reservoir (Deb - early)
Mourning Dove - 40-50
American Coot - 4
Herring and Ring-billed Gulls - 65
Great Black-backed Gull - 5
Sharp-shinned Hawk - 1 flyover immature (Deb - early)
Cooper's Hawk - 1 or 2
Red-tailed Hawk - 4 or 5
Red-bellied Woodpecker - 4 or 5
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker - 3
Northern Flicker - 2 Great Lawn
American Kestrel - 1 flyover
Peregrine Falcon - 1 adult perched Central Park West at 90th
Blue Jay - 10-15
American Crow - 25-30
Ruby-crowned Kinglet - 1 Triplet's Bridge (Bob - early)
Golden-crowned Kinglet - 5
Brown Creeper - 1 Triplet's Bridge (Bob - early)
Carolina Wren - pair Maintenance Field
Brown Thrasher - 1 Great Lawn
Northern Mockingbird - 1 Locust Grove
American Robin - 20-30
White-throated Sparrow - 75-100
Eastern Towhee - 1 Shakespeare Garden Saturday 12/20 (Caren Jahre)
Red-winged Blackbird - 1 Great Lawn in Sweet Gum
Northern Cardinal - 9-12

@Gigpalileo reported 2 Fox Sparrows at Swampy Pin Oak in the Ramble on Sunday 
on Twitter/X.

Andrew Block's Townsend's Warbler was reported again Sunday on Independence 
Avenue in Riverdale. The Townsend's has mostly been seen in a conifer adjacent 
to a driveway on private property. The Christmas Count MacGillivray's Warbler 
continued nearby, although there is currently no access to the best viewing 
spot in the parking lot of the Schervier Rehabilitation and Nursing Center.

Deb Allen
Happy New Year to All


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