hi jorge

that should be easy to do by configuring your system to trigger the 
'AccessControlAction' upon user/group creation. this action is part of the 
default action provider implementation and you can configure the desired 
privileges granted for users and group, respectively.

in the OSGi console the provider is labeled "Apache Jackrabbit Oak 
AuthorizableActionProvider" and the corresponding configuration option 
"Configure AccessControlAction: User Privileges".

the documentation for the actions is located at 

there should be tests available in oak-core that illustrate the behavior if you 
wanted to see it in action.

hope that helps

From: jorgeeflorez . <jorgeeduardoflo...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2019 2:34 PM
To: oak-dev@jackrabbit.apache.org
Subject: ldap user permission


I am currently implementing user login using a ldap server. So far so good.
I am able enter to the repositories and when the user that is logging in
doesn't exist in the repository, it is automatically created.

I am seeing that the created users have no privileges (which makes sense).
Unfortunately, I am using a property from the authorizable to get the
modules the user can see in the application. And when a new user logs in,
he is not able to get its own authorizable and I cannot read the property.
Is there an "easy" way to assign, to the user that is created
automatically, jcr:read to it's own authorizable's path?

If there is not I think I will go with the alternative. Just check if he
has the permission, if not, grant it before getting its own authorizable...


Jorge Eduardo Flórez

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