I guess nobody has ever tried this. I will try to setup an environment and
test, to see if this is possible. I will write on this thread what I find
(problems for me probably XD).

El lun., 24 feb. 2020 a las 10:32, jorgeeflorez . (<
jorgeeduardoflo...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> Hi,
> reading
> https://jackrabbit.apache.org/oak/docs/query/lucene.html#persisting-indexes
> I see that is possible to take indexes out the node store (in my case the
> mongoDB node store). There, I see the following:
> If the backend NodeStore supports clustering then index data would not be
>> accessible on other cluster nodes
> If I understand this correctly, if I take out an index to a folder in the
> same server Mongo is running, Oak instances running in other servers will
> not be able to access the index (because is no longer in the Mongo
> database). But, if that folder is "visible" to the other servers, the index
> would be visible and accessible?
> Thanks.
> Jorge

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