
I've got a problem with *syncmaster *and *syncslave *Oak run modes. I
runned *syncmaster *mode and after this I runned *syncslave *but I wasn't
receiving any information from both threads - it looked the both thread are
hanged. So I connected with *jconsole* to *syncmaster *thread and check
"Status" Mbean. It contained information that the thread was starting. I
also tried to find Status Mbean in *syncslave *bean, but it was missing.
Both *syncmaster *and *syncslave * were not giving any output.

The commands I used :
java -jar -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote oak-run-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
syncmaster --secure false --port 8023

java -jar -Dcom.sun.management.jmxremote oak-run-1.1-SNAPSHOT.jar syncslave
--secure false --port 8023

I also tried to connect to AEM SP1 with *syncslave* but It was not
responding and only hang on, too.

I'd appreciate any help with that.

Best regards,

*Kamil Ciecierski*
Software Engineer

Cognifide Polska Sp. z o. o.
Skype: kamilc89

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