hello team,

I'm, ironically, struggling to set-up an app with repository and a
lucene index in place.

As soon as I add the index definitions, the async index thread dies and
I have no exceptions in the logs.

I know the thread dies as I can't see any more it rolling in the logs
nor I can see it in the thread dumps. Extract of logs at

The repository I'm setting up is pretty straight forward

As soon as I remove the index definition I can see the async index
rolling through the logs every 5 seconds.

Any ideas? Looks like we have some silent exception happening that is
killing the async index thread but I didn't find the spot yet.

I can see two problems here: one is the async thread should not die and
the second is probably due to index configuration.

Running on oak 1.5.9 with segment-tar 0.0.10 and jackrabbit 2.13.2


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