Re: [ob] MEDC Everyone ?

2009-10-02 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Beautiful. Well done.


2009/10/2 Prasetyo, Hani

  Thanks Kang buat pencerahannya… I am confident now…

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *kang_ocoy_maen_saham
 *Sent:* Friday, October 02, 2009 2:13 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] MEDC Everyone ?

 Oh engga pak... Ini Asset-Play... saya sebenernya willing untuk keep ini
 barang sampe 2012-an, saat semua proyeknya selesai...

 saya emang selalu colek2 kalo barang ini udah kebawah... sebenernya
 ngarepnya malah jgn naek dulu krn pgnnya build posisi di harga bawah... hehe

 asetnya meyakinkan dan cash managementnya bagus biaya lifting relatif
 rendah hingga ada proteksi econimical downturn.

 Rationale saya nambah posisi sedikit lg krn takutnya mungkin ini naek krn
 ada insider yg masuk krn berita internal project2 bottlenecknya dah mulai
 membuka. saya takut ketinggalan kalo iya soalnya value assetnya memang bagus
 kalo bisa full jalan.

 kalo valuenya bisa ke un-lock. harusnya scr konservatif aja bisa maen
 di4000-ish dlm wkt 12 bulan kedepan.

 Value asli ini barang memang disegitu. selama ini memang terkunci krn
 eksekusinya banyak yg ke delay. kas internal amat memadai buat jalanin

 Kalo bisa Go secara berantai kira2 sesuai prioritas waktu proyek2
 terhambatnya yg kalo cair bisa jadi katalis adalah SBB :

 Block A Extensi (Temuan sudah siap diproduksi, buyer udah ada, hanya memang
 sudah expired izin nya dan sedang proses perpanjangan izin di BP MIGAS,
 begitu izin keluar duit lgsg dikucurin dan pembangunan lgsg dijalanin)

 Sarulla Geothermal (sempet alot krn PLN gak mau terima angka penawaran
 konsorsium MEDC di $6-$7, terakhir ada ketetapan Pemerintah untuk Panas Bumi
 batas atasnya di $8.6, mudah2an ini jg bisa mencair dan dapet titik temu)

 Senoro... (No Comment dah.. Politis banget.. saya jg benernya udah rada
 hopeless, harganya harus tinggi untuk bisa feasible dan butuh biaya gede
 sehingga komitmen pinjaman jangka panjang dan besar dr JBIC susah cari
 gantinya dlm waktu cepat)

 Area 47 (nah ini sebenrnya bisa jadi hidden jackpotnya MEDC, cadangan
 besar, Verenex berhasil menawarkan seluruh bagiannya disini (50 %) ke China
 Petrol di harga $450 juta. nilai segitu bisa diasumsikan jadi
 REPRODUCTIVE-VALUE MEDC yg harusnya bisa diambil buat adjustment asset
 MEDC. (di neraca MEDC Libya Prospect belon boleh masuk sebagai aset kecuali
 izin final sudah ditangan)

 ada kekhawatiran sedikit masalah declining produksi., terutama dependance
 sama maturing Rimau.

 tapi downfallnya emang hanya dalam jangka pendek, dan potential up-side
 story buat jangka panjangnya masih lebih banyak. institusi banyak yg belum
 masuk kesini tapi andai katakanlah Blok A, Sarulla, 47 atau senoro tiba2 ada
 perkembangan izin yg positif. kemungkinan ini bisa jadi target potensial
 juga. Bet-nya disitu.

 di tahun 2010 saya asumsikan minimal 2 dari 4 project diatas sudah ada
 finalisasi sehingga Kas bisa dikucurkan dan Value bisa di un-lock.

 im willing to hold up this counter until some years ahead of now, takutnya
 ada pemain cukup besar yg punya pemikiran sama dan sekarang mulai akumulasi
 barang. kalo ternyata cuman permainan perbandaran jangka pendek dan harga
 balik ke bawah.. ya kumpulin dikit-dikit lagi toh. hehe. ini barang kan
 emang ada isinya. mumpung masih bisa kurangin bobot di energy-exposure yg
 lain yg udah deket full value dan pindahin kemari. re-balancing ;P.

 --- In,
 Prasetyo, Hani hani.prase...@... wrote:
  Mantap dah kalo kang ocoy ajah confident... berdasarkan itungan akang,
  berape fair valuenya kang?
 On Behalf Of JsxTrader
  Sent: Friday, October 02, 2009 11:26 AM
  Subject: RE: [ob] MEDC Everyone ?
  Cakep, Looks Like FA in line dengan TA nih.. hehehe., diem2 si Akang
  aggressive juga ya..., hehe.., Gut Lak Kang..
  -Original Message-
  On Behalf Of kang_ocoy_maen_saham
  Sent: 02 Oktober 2009 11:11

  Subject: Re: [ob] MEDC Everyone ?
  I'm On... Adding The Initial Position... Keep The StreetGuide Prof...
  This email and any attachments are confidential and may also 


2009-10-02 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Mmmh... outflow??!!*

2009/10/2 boyz®

 Emang Ratu Aimee Indicator paling Top Markotop di OB
 Ga ada duanya hehehe,...


 2009/10/2 katrin

 Dah hijau tuh :d
 Yg mana yg mau di buangin ? :)
 *From: * ratuaimee
 *Date: *Fri, 02 Oct 2009 08:18:24 -
 *To: *
 *Subject: *[ob] PANAH ARJUNA

 Straight ya...

 Hari ini MERAH dulu. SELAMATKAN early next week.

 Lihat detik terakhir!

 The United Kingdom of Kalingga


Re: [ob] M E D C

2009-10-01 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Nice observation [?]*

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:34 PM, JsxTrader wrote:

 Offer 3100..., volume OK.., mulai ada kaki, get ready !

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:]
 On Behalf Of Aria Bela Nusa
 Sent: 01 Oktober 2009 15:13
 Subject: RE: [ob] M E D C
 Importance: High

 Pas denger di radio di jalan td (Smart FM - 96.9 FM) - malah dibilang2
 targetnya 6,000 - tapi nanti bulan Jan taon depan


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Re: [ob] Window Dressing Q3/09: Will it happen ?

2009-09-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*A rally requires money and I know the money is not there, geez I wonder
where it is now. I see the market makers are just switching from one basket
to another for the sake of market liquidity. Do you see what I see Embah?

I wonder if they're waiting for me. Well, here's my answer:

You can jack up as high as you want, I'm not interested at all.

But as always, it shouldn't pose any problem to professional traders as they
make fortune from noobs. He he... Well, good luck with your trades, be
careful and don't get busted by those pros (coz I know OB is full of noobs)

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 1:04 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 Window Dressing Q3/09: Will it happen ?

 Coba tunggu sekitar 10 menit sebelum bursa tutup


 - Tahun lalu tidak ada WD Q3/09 malah awal October jatuh...


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Re: [ob] Gempa di Sumbar

2009-09-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I'm okay.. (lolz like anyone cares..)*

On Wed, Sep 30, 2009 at 6:18 PM, Peter Alimin wrote:

 Kata tv infrastruktur rusak, telpon genggam tdk bs digunakan pak.
 Smoga rekan2 ob d sana tdk apa2.
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: JTT
 Date: Wed, 30 Sep 2009 10:51:11
 Subject: Re: [ob] Gempa di Sumbar

 Pak Tasrul are you OK? Ane BBM ente  ngga nyambung...

  --Original Message--
  From: ERWIN
  Subject: [ob] Gempa di Sumbar
  Sent: Sep 30, 2009 17:40

  Gempa 7,6 sr landa Sumbar.


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Re: [ob] Gempa di Padang

2009-09-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Oh my God, hopefully your fam is okay, Tasrul.. u take care.*


 Kebetulan tadi saya lagi di toko mertua waktu gempa,gocangan cukup kuat
 tapi syukurlah toko gak rubuh,saya buru buru pulang utk lihat rumah karena
 tlp putus,syukurlah rumah ortu dan mertua baik baik aja cuma ada pecahan
 kaca aja dari lemari. Saat ini saya lagi diluar agak jauh dari rumah dalam
 mobil sampai keadaan aman.Beberapa bangunan hancur termasuk salah satunya yg
 saya kirim ini, masalahnya sekarang listrik mati,Padang gelap gulita,
 battery BB tinggal satu baris mudah mudah flexi saya bisa bertahan
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


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Re: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

2009-09-29 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Yep!  Elaine sudah hilang barang since end of July. **[?] Kalau IDX naik
terus that's okay for me, obviously someone else still want to stay. I just
don't want to be greedy, that's all. Is it so hard to understand..? I guess
I won't bet my money if the reward is not big enough. After all, how much is
IDX performance since I left? 5%. Only 5% until now.

Maka nya Hans coba call Tasrul suruh cepat pulang biar IDX bisa up lagi. We
need fat bandar. lolz.. fat and culun.. mwahaha.. (I DIDN'T SAY THAT. BILLY

**wwuuusshh kabuuur.. [?]*

I have some questions..

   - *Why was Tasrul holding his crotch..?*
   - *Why was he leaning away from the girl in the middle?*
   - *What was thing in front of tasrul? some kind of black pipe or stick?*
   - *Where is JT?

*Tasrul's gesture was very different from Hans'  (is it him on the right?).
Learning how to read body gesture is interesting. You can instantly know
what's on one's mind.*
You can tell by the picture which one has high self-confidence, which one
has low self esteem (probably got mocked too much in his childhood), which
one has the feeling as the center of the attention, and which one has
suffered severe narcism.



 El ketahuan mau beli dibawah...
 Hehe... Canda
 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Grunk
 Date: Tue, 29 Sep 2009 00:40:15
 Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

 Udah berapa minggu EL bilang pasar akan jatuh kok gak jatuh2 ya?

 Atau EL kehilangan barang?

 --- Pada Sen, 28/9/09, Elaine Sui menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: Re: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity
 Tanggal: Senin, 28 September, 2009, 9:11 PM

 I believe the majority of OB members aren't eligible for short selling.

 2009/9/29 boyz®

 Sesi 2? yakin ntar malem DJI turun dalem?

 Kalo yakin ntar sesi2 Dow fut merah and Eropa minus dalem, boleh-2 aja
 nyuruh/rekomen orang untuk nge-short.
 lha kalo ntar regional makin IJO, and eropa Plus banyak... apa pada ngga
 gosong yg nge-short.


 2009/9/29 Elaine Sui

 Embah tidak salah, cuma posting too early. I think you should've done it on
 session 2.

 2009/9/29 Embah

 Salah sih biasa, engga usah maap

 Logika embah begini:
 - Kemarin Bozz salah posisi karena ternyata DJI

 Nah kalo Bozz udah salah posisi, biasanya dia mau mindahin
 ama market, jadi SCENARIO akan seperti begini
 - Dia akan angkat IHSG secepat KILAT (3 menit IHSG +30)
 (ini sudah jadi FAKTA)
 - Trader terpaksa akan BELI HARGA ATAS karena index naik
 terlalu cepat (ini juga FAKTA)

 Sesudah itu baru trader DIKERJAIN (mindahin kesalahan
 kemarin ke market) (ini belon

 Sesudah trader dikerjain, baru diangkat lagi kalo
 memang rencananya mau ngangkat.

 IHSG naik lagi +34, BUMI 3275 dicolek lagi minta

 [] On Behalf Of JT
 Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:46 AM
 Subject: RE: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's
 trading Opportunity

 Waduhhh, jgn Mbah, lagi mental di support jangan di
 Short..., mungkin maksud Mbah untuk DAY TRADE ya ?..., kalau utk day trade
 OK.., tapi kalo swing atau trend trading saya pikir kurang wise utk short,
 close to support level.., kalau supportnya JEBOL baru dah bisa kita
 maap kalo salah Mbah..


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of
 Sent: 29 September 2009 9:36
 Subject: [ob] Re: Short Selling,
 Today's trading Opportunity

 IHSG langsung naik +30 dalam 3 menit !!!

 Ideal banget buat ngeshort...

 --- In,
 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity
  - Dowjones rebound semalam dan biasanya IHSG akan
 ikut rebound.
  - IHSG akan rebound sekitar 20 sampe 30 point lalu
 turun lagi
  Gunakan momen ini sebagai:
  1. Short Selling Opportunity, short saat IHSG
 mencapai puncaknya pagi
 ini, short saham saham yg lagi
 reversal (UP Fractal) seperti BUMI
  2. Sell On strength opportunity
  - Lebih mudah ngeshort dengan tenang pada puncak
dari pada panik ngejar2 harga yg naik
 pagi ini.
  - Kalo engga bisa

Re: [ob] Kegocek lagi kah ?

2009-09-28 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Boyz, since you bring this sun tzu things up, can you please tell us why US
market rebounded last night, from your sun tzu perspective, and why IDX
should rebound as well.

On Mon, Sep 28, 2009 at 11:09 PM, jacob oen wrote:

 Kalau BOZZ sudah menerapkan Sun Tzu's the art of war strategy di Stock
 Market, apalagi Bozz selalu memiliki informasi penting, akurat dan pertama
 tentang apa pun yang berkaitan dan bisa dikaitkan dengan Pasar Modalakan
 menjadi sangat tidak mudah bagi para traders/investor kecil untuk mendapat
 keuntungan besar di Stock Market..

 Olehkarena itu...the only way for trader to defend themselves is to adopt
 the Survival methodIn a desperate situation, they fear nothing;
 when there is no way-out, they stand they think that Survivaland
 Fearlessness will drive Victory.


 *From:* boyz®
 *Sent:* Monday, September 28, 2009 9:29:57 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Kegocek lagi kah ?

 Itu lah bro Billy...

 Di pikir BOZZ itu culun kali ya, hehehe
 His tactic jauuuhhh lebih canggih, sumber daya manusia-nya jauh lebih
 smart, and perlengkapan perangnya jauh lebih lengkap dari average trader /
 investor. Begitu pula networking and sumber informasinya jauh lebih luas
 dari kita-2.

 ibarat kata, di art of war Sun Tzu aja ada 'trick'-nya:

 *All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when able to attack, we must
 seem unable; when using our forces, we must seem inactive; when we are near,
 we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make
 him believe we are near. Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder,
 and crush him.*

 *If your enemy is secure at all points, be prepared for him. If he is in
 superior strength, evade him. If your opponent is temperamental, seek to
 irritate him. Pretend to be weak, that he may grow arrogant. If he is taking
 his ease, give him no rest. If his forces are united, separate them. If
 sovereign and subject are in accord, put division between them. Attack him
 where he is unprepared, appear where you are not expected.**


 2009/9/28 billy_budiman92 billybudiman20@

 Yang jelas kalau semua pada takut bearish, bozz mana maksimal
 distribusinya, coba tembusin ke 2,500 wuihhh dijamin barang boss laris
 manis, hahahahhahahaaa


Re: [ob] Kegocek lagi kah ?

2009-09-28 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Perhaps you want to hear from me first? Fine [?]. Well, it might be because
market is seeing US companies have been trying everything to reduce their
overhead costs (thus maintaining their profitability) by doing layoffs and
mergers. (though reducing OHC is no way better than increasing Opr Rev, it
still a good thing, and will polish their ratios too)

And the rising of natural gas price brings good sentiment to gas producers
such as Energi and Medco. But I see so far the trading volumes are
relatively thin, so we may see a bit volatile market.

Now, give me your sun tzu.


On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 10:02 AM, boyz® wrote:

 Duh nanya-nya jgn yg susah2 dong, hon... :P

 On Tue, Sep 29, 2009 at 8:23 AM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Boyz, since you bring this sun tzu things up, can you please tell us why
 US market rebounded last night, from your sun tzu perspective, and why IDX
 should rebound as well.




Re: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

2009-09-28 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Embah tidak salah, cuma posting too early. I think you should've done it on
session 2.*

2009/9/29 Embah

 Salah sih biasa, engga usah maap maapan

 Logika embah begini:
 - Kemarin Bozz salah posisi karena ternyata DJI rebound.

 Nah kalo Bozz udah salah posisi, biasanya dia mau mindahin kesalahannya
 ama market, jadi SCENARIO akan seperti begini BIASANYA:
 - Dia akan angkat IHSG secepat KILAT (3 menit IHSG +30) (ini sudah jadi
 - Trader terpaksa akan BELI HARGA ATAS karena index naik terlalu cepat (ini
 juga FAKTA)

 Sesudah itu baru trader DIKERJAIN (mindahin kesalahan kemarin ke market)
 (ini belon

 Sesudah trader dikerjain, baru diangkat lagi kalo memang rencananya mau

 IHSG naik lagi +34, BUMI 3275 dicolek lagi minta DISHORT

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *JT
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:46 AM
 *Subject:* RE: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

  Waduhhh, jgn Mbah, lagi mental di support jangan di Short..., mungkin
 maksud Mbah untuk DAY TRADE ya ?..., kalau utk day trade sih OK.., tapi kalo
 swing atau trend trading saya pikir kurang wise utk short, too close to
 support level.., kalau supportnya JEBOL baru dah bisa kita short.., maap
 kalo salah Mbah..


 [image: jsc.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: 29 September 2009 9:36
 Subject: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

 IHSG langsung naik +30 dalam 3 menit !!!

 Ideal banget buat ngeshort...

  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...




  Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity



  - Dowjones rebound semalam dan biasanya IHSG akan ikut rebound.

  - IHSG akan rebound sekitar 20 sampe 30 point lalu turun lagi


  Gunakan momen ini sebagai:

  1. Short Selling Opportunity, short saat IHSG mencapai puncaknya pagi

 ini, short saham saham yg lagi reversal (UP Fractal) seperti BUMI

  2. Sell On strength opportunity



  - Lebih mudah ngeshort dengan tenang pada puncak IHSG

dari pada panik ngejar2 harga yg naik pagi ini.

  - Kalo engga bisa short sell, nonton aja...



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Re: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

2009-09-28 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I believe the majority of OB members aren't eligible for short selling.
Hee.. [?]*

2009/9/29 boyz®

 Sesi 2? yakin ntar malem DJI turun dalem?

 Kalo yakin ntar sesi2 Dow fut merah and Eropa minus dalem, boleh-2 aja
 nyuruh/rekomen orang untuk nge-short.
 lha kalo ntar regional makin IJO, and eropa Plus banyak... apa pada ngga
 gosong yg nge-short.


 2009/9/29 Elaine Sui

 *Embah tidak salah, cuma posting too early. I think you should've done it
 on session 2.*

 2009/9/29 Embah

 Salah sih biasa, engga usah maap maapan

 Logika embah begini:
 - Kemarin Bozz salah posisi karena ternyata DJI rebound.

 Nah kalo Bozz udah salah posisi, biasanya dia mau mindahin kesalahannya
 ama market, jadi SCENARIO akan seperti begini BIASANYA:
 - Dia akan angkat IHSG secepat KILAT (3 menit IHSG +30) (ini sudah jadi
 - Trader terpaksa akan BELI HARGA ATAS karena index naik terlalu cepat
 (ini juga FAKTA)

 Sesudah itu baru trader DIKERJAIN (mindahin kesalahan kemarin ke market)
 (ini belon

 Sesudah trader dikerjain, baru diangkat lagi kalo memang rencananya mau

 IHSG naik lagi +34, BUMI 3275 dicolek lagi minta DISHORT

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *JT
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 29, 2009 9:46 AM
 *Subject:* RE: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

  Waduhhh, jgn Mbah, lagi mental di support jangan di Short..., mungkin
 maksud Mbah untuk DAY TRADE ya ?..., kalau utk day trade sih OK.., tapi kalo
 swing atau trend trading saya pikir kurang wise utk short, too close to
 support level.., kalau supportnya JEBOL baru dah bisa kita short.., maap
 kalo salah Mbah..


 [image: jsc.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: 29 September 2009 9:36
 Subject: [ob] Re: Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity

 IHSG langsung naik +30 dalam 3 menit !!!

 Ideal banget buat ngeshort...

  --- In, jsx_consultant
 jsx-consult...@... wrote:




  Short Selling, Today's trading Opportunity



  - Dowjones rebound semalam dan biasanya IHSG akan ikut rebound.

  - IHSG akan rebound sekitar 20 sampe 30 point lalu turun lagi


  Gunakan momen ini sebagai:

  1. Short Selling Opportunity, short saat IHSG mencapai puncaknya pagi

 ini, short saham saham yg lagi reversal (UP Fractal) seperti BUMI

  2. Sell On strength opportunity



  - Lebih mudah ngeshort dengan tenang pada puncak IHSG

dari pada panik ngejar2 harga yg naik pagi ini.

  - Kalo engga bisa short sell, nonton aja...



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 No virus found in this incoming message.

 Checked by AVG -

 Version: 8.5.409 / Virus Database: 270.13.113/2400 - Release Date:
 09/28/09 05:51:00



Re: [ob] Re: OOT: Baik dan Buruk (1)

2009-09-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Whoa I never thought it'd be this hard to make money... I guess my way of
making money is very different. For me, those who get information first will
win. That is all.

One thing for sure, the capital market is the true form of capitalism and
it's made by the west. You just can't reject the fact that what we're in an
interconnected global market despite the economic power now is shifting to
the east.

(ps: I have a strong feeling that the 'guru' you mentioned above is a gold
trader, heee)

Capitalism also has downsides too, it tend to leverage everything to
maximize profit (albeit riskier), greed and fear also play major role in
capitalism so it moves like snowball effect (some call spiral effect) until
the bubble pops.

In math we call it Factorial Recursion. In TA you call it Fibonacci
Projection. In physics they call it nuclear fission.

So this 'Guru' is RIGHT. Whether we see it as a snowball, spiral, recursion,
fibonacci, fission, it only differs in our thought, but the LAW is always
the same.

(If you don't understand what I'm saying, it's okay. Nobody's perfect)


2009/9/27 EdwinKdr

 *--- In, Jacob Oen oenja...@... wrote:
  Sang Guru tentu tidak asing dengan apa yang terjadi di Dunia ini.
  Suatu ketika dia diminta untuk menjelaskan pepatah kesukaannya: Tidak
 ada baik atau buruk, melainkan *pikiran kitalah yang membuatnya begitu*.
  Inilah yang ia katakan:
  Tidakkah kamu lihat bahwa *apa yang dianggap sesak dalam kereta api
 dianggap meriah dalam diskotik*?.

 Disini mungkin kalo ditransformasikan ke saham adalah sbb :

 *Trade what you see not what you think* [image: :)]

 Ibarat kemampuan *mengerti tanpa THINK atau Berpikir*
 Kalo Suhu Ian kemarin bilang di milis saham itu adalah BLINK.

 atau *kemampuan berpikir tanpa berpikir.* [image: ;)]

 atau sedikit mengambil pembahasan topik Ilham yg disampaikan Pak Abu
 Sangkan - MetroTV saat bulan puasa kemarin

 kira2 demikian

 Lebah bisa membuat sarang dalam bentuk Hexagonal kemampuan apakah kira2
 yg dimiliki lebah ?

 Sebab lebah tdk bisa berpikir..iya tho ? [image: :)] pasti ada suatu
 kemampuan khusus yg diwahyukan YMK untuk lebah tsb.dimana bisa membuat
 sarang rapi berbentuk Hexagonal.

 Apalagi manusia. [image: :)]

 Trailer Bee Movie

 Mungkin berikut sedikit artikel tentang fenomena budaya yg saat ini
 muncul[image: :)]

 *Fight, argue,* dan *complain,* itulah ciri-ciri manusia yang disebut
 hidup di Barat. Tanpa perlawanan, tanpa adu argumentasi, orang dianggap
 tidak hidup di Barat. Intinya, melawan itu kuat, diam itu lemah, melawan
 itu cerdas, dan pasrah itu tolol.

 Dengan latar belakang berbeda, pola hidup ala Barat ini menyebar cepat
 melalui televisi, internet, radio, media, dan lainnya. Dengan bungkus seksi
 demokrasi, hak asasi manusia, semua dibawa ke Timur sehingga dalam banyak
 keadaan (angka bunuh diri naik di Jepang, Thailand mengalami guncangan
 politik, Pakistan ditandai pembunuhan politik), banyak manusia di Timur
 mengalami kebingungan roh Timur dengan baju Barat.

 Perhatikan kehidupan desa sebagai barometer. Tanpa banyak berdebat siapa
 yang akan menjadi presiden, ke mana arah masa depan, partai apa yang akan
 menang. Di desa yang banyak burungnya, tetapi manusianya banyak menonton
 televisi (sebagai catatan, realita di desa amat sederhana, tontonan di
 televisi amat menggoda), tema hidup setiap pagi adalah burung menyanyi,
 manusia mencaci.
 *Notes *: Sehingga saat ini untuk SEE saja, kita perlu untuk diajari
 lagi... [image: :p]

 BLINK biasanya dicapai oleh trader yg sudah mencapai level pencerahan
 keatas...[image: :)]

 *Level 3 The EUREKA Moment*

 *Pada akhir level 2, kamu akhirnya menyadari pokok permasalahan bukan
 terletak di system. Kamu menyadari bahwa kamu bisa mendapat profit bahkan
 jika hanya menggunakan system yang simpel seperti moving average saja tanpa
 ada indicator lain, jika kamu bisa menggunakan kepala kamu dan money
 management yang benar.*

 Pertanyaan selanjutnya

 *Apakah orang yg sudah mencapai Level Pencerahan keatas ? atau istilahnya
 mulai mejadi pendekar tangan kosong tdk memerlukan lagi atau harus
 meninggalkan BASIC SYSTEM ?*

 *Jawabannya *: *tentu tdk...sebenarnya justru harusnya dia lebih ahli
 menempatkan/memakai system2 yg dibutuhkan pada tempatnya.*

 Misalnya Chart(candle stick), Pattern atau penggaris gocengnya embah...he

 Level 3 ini menurut saya sangat penting, karena ini adalah *level titik
 Dimana sebenarnya antara level 1 dan 2 vs Level 4 dan 5 itu bisa jadi sama
 pengetahuannya tapi beda pemahamannya.(Perbedaan pengalaman atau jam

 Teknik umum dalam 

Re: [ob] FLU BABI

2009-09-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*What you mean is HIV...

HIV is not an airborne, water-borne or food-borne virus, and does not
survive for very long outside the human body. Therefore ordinary social
contact such as kissing, trading, shaking hands, coughing and sharing
cutlery does not result in the virus being passed from one trader to
another. (but you may still get swine flu after your ass was busted by a
bunch of condom-wearing boars [?]..sorry bad joke)

OB has virus on its own, isn't it.. the infamous 'I TOLD YOU' virus. It's
cheesy but damn it actually feels good sometimes. Even Tasrul and Embah do
this once in a while.

It's nothing about arrogance or self prophecies, it's just.. fun.

2009/9/27 CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)

 AIDS aja pada gak takut, kenapa ama pilek pada takut?

 AIDS dah jelas-jelas bahaya, tapi orang gak jalan-jalan pake kondom.
 Flu babi dah bikin orang-orang pake masker. Bwakakakak

 On 9/27/09, qasuari wrote:
  --- In, stefy graph stefijgr...@...
  1. Sepakat dengan Elaine bhw Swine Flu adalah penyakit buatan manusia.
  Swine Flu adalah proyek besar USA+WHO+Big farmacy companies.
  2. Kandungan vaksin Swine Flu sampai sekarang belum terbukti aman, halal
  dan tidak ada efek samping. Periksa tautan
  3. Sebenarnya tidak ada obat untuk semua jenis flu. Perawatan yang
  cespleng bagi semua jenis flu adalah istirahat, banyak minum air murni,
  banyak makan, usahakan badan tetap hangat termasuk jangan minum dan
  yang dingin2.
  4. Mari kita perangi bisnis jahat Swine Flu ini. Kenaikan saham2
  perusahaan farmasi hendaknya bukan karena isu Swine Flu.
  Sorry, SEND nya keduluan;
  Mo tau kapan Flu Burung (yang kemudian di'enhance' jadi Flu Babi ) di
  'Launching' ???
  Setelah ASIA meributkan penyakit KUKU dan MULUT ternak Sapi dari negeri
  Uncle Sam/ Kanada, yang mereka import. Check it out.
  Banyak hal memang yang 'menakjubkan' dari negeri sono yang sering
  kita menyadarinya.
  + +
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  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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Re: [ob] OOT: Baik dan Buruk (1)

2009-09-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Yea yea make fun of her as always. No wonder you wives are ugly..

*2009/9/27 boyz

 itu MIMPI kali, bro...


 2009/9/27 JT™

 Kalo thd salah satu rekan kita, yg sepertinya Cantik, Pintar, Sexy dan
 sedikit galak (you know who..) Padahal belum pernah ada yg ketemu, itu
 sebenernya Persepsi apa Fantasi ya Boss??. Hehe...


Re: [ob] OOT: Baik dan Buruk (1)

2009-09-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
Oh shit.. I did it again.. I'M SORRYYY...

2009/9/27 Elaine Sui

 *Yea yea make fun of her as always. No wonder you wives are ugly..

 *2009/9/27 boyz

 itu MIMPI kali, bro...


 2009/9/27 JT™

 Kalo thd salah satu rekan kita, yg sepertinya Cantik, Pintar, Sexy dan
 sedikit galak (you know who..) Padahal belum pernah ada yg ketemu, itu
 sebenernya Persepsi apa Fantasi ya Boss??. Hehe...


Re: [ob] BUMI Technical

2009-09-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*CIC, Glencore, Credit Suisse and Bumi Resources. What are they up to?
hmm... [?] Anyway, CIC main investment strategy is to invest worldwide
especially in 1. Natural Resources, 2. Technology, 3. Defense. These are
basically the sectors that remains laggard in China. (they are very strong
on financial, and manufacturing, CIC will NOT invest aggresively on these

CIC inv. policy is to invest passively, it means they will not seek nor want
to control/takeover any companies policy. They just want hedge against
inflation by pouring liquidity all over the world.

(I guess they don't like to hold US money so much hee)

Elaine* *

On Sat, Sep 26, 2009 at 1:13 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 - Gagal bermain diatas garis Coklat yaitu UPPER RESIST line dan
  turun lagi.
 - BUMI ada di Support penggaris Goceng --- HATI HATI 
 - Lebih baik hindari dulu BUMI sampai issue CIC didiscount
  oleh pasar


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Re: [ob] FLU BABI

2009-09-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Percaya tidak swine flu, bird flu, they were all man-made disease..?

anyway virus are fragile against sunlight so when you're feeling to catch
cold, get outside and walk for a while, preferably between 6AM to 9AM. It
really helps to increase your body immune system.

But this Swine Flu is quite scary if we're not careful..

2009/9/27 Bumi T

 Virus Flu Babi akan cepat menyebar pada musim dingin di negara Industri dan

 tentunya akan membuat permintaan vaksinasi Flu Babi meningkat.

 Investor boleh mencari tahu emiten mana di tanah air yang bisa memproduksi

 vaksinasi tsb.

  Berselancar lebih cepat.**http%3A//
 Internet Explorer 8 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! otomatis membuka 2
 halaman favorit Anda setiap kali Anda membuka browser.Dapatkan IE8 di


Re: [ob] Re: IHSG dan Oil 66

2009-09-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Mau panic? I'm serious.

2009/9/25 JT

  Agree Mbah.., meskipun global kurang mendukung, tapi IHSG keliatannya
 akan tetap di jaga ketat..., ini sdh terlihat sejak beberapa bulan lalu,
 kelihatannya ada target yg harus dicapai, ngga tau berapa..., level resiko
 sekitar 2350'an, kalau ada tekanan, mdh2an mantul disitu..., so far up trend
 belum terganggu.


 [image: jsc.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: 25 September 2009 13:55
 Subject: [ob] Re: IHSG dan Oil 66

 Pak Edwin,

 Memprediksi IHSG itu memang ada seninya karena kita

 berhubungan dengan sistem yg complex dan disamping itu

 ada orang gede (OG) yg punya Tujuan atau Target.

 Say OG punya target IHSG ke 2550 tapi market tidak mendukung,

 maka gerakan marketnya SUSAH DIPREDIKSI.

 Misalnya saat ini IHSG -33 tapi jika OG mau IHSG ke 2550

 maka hari ini IHSG bisa rebound ke +0. OG biasanya berusaha

 mengusahakan targetnya meskipun harus melawan market yg

 engga condusive yaitu minyak lagi turun.


Re: [ob] Re: IHSG dan Oil 66

2009-09-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*lolz what do you think I am, bandar? It rebounds by the way.. G20 pledges
for another stimulus (aka fund injection)...

2009/9/25 JT™

 can you do it? I am ok aja lah.., I don't know yg lain... :)

 Powered by TLKM BullBerry®

 “ Good Trade Comes To Those Who Wait “
 *From: * Elaine Sui
 *Date: *Fri, 25 Sep 2009 14:36:59 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Re: IHSG dan Oil 66

 *Mau panic? I'm serious.

 2009/9/25 JT

  Agree Mbah.., meskipun global kurang mendukung, tapi IHSG keliatannya
 akan tetap di jaga ketat..., ini sdh terlihat sejak beberapa bulan lalu,
 kelihatannya ada target yg harus dicapai, ngga tau berapa..., level resiko
 sekitar 2350'an, kalau ada tekanan, mdh2an mantul disitu..., so far up trend
 belum terganggu.


 [image: jsc.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:] On Behalf Of jsx_consultant
 Sent: 25 September 2009 13:55
 Subject: [ob] Re: IHSG dan Oil 66

 Pak Edwin,

 Memprediksi IHSG itu memang ada seninya karena kita

 berhubungan dengan sistem yg complex dan disamping itu

 ada orang gede (OG) yg punya Tujuan atau Target.

 Say OG punya target IHSG ke 2550 tapi market tidak mendukung,

 maka gerakan marketnya SUSAH DIPREDIKSI.

 Misalnya saat ini IHSG -33 tapi jika OG mau IHSG ke 2550

 maka hari ini IHSG bisa rebound ke +0. OG biasanya berusaha

 mengusahakan targetnya meskipun harus melawan market yg

 engga condusive yaitu minyak lagi turun.



Re: [ob] bumi?

2009-09-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*E.. did you say JUMP OUT? you're worried about the management
effectiveness, are you?

2009/9/25 Bagus Putra Perdana

 Harga Indikatif Eksekusi tuh yang di 4000 Bos, Bukan Dijaminkan Seharga
 Segitu, Yg Berarti Baru akan di execute sama CIC kalo harga market BUMI atau
 Intrinsic Value nya ke Unleash 12 % diatas 4000. selama harga BUMI gak
 keatas 4000 + 12 % ya CIC tetep santai karena beginipun udah dapet Coupon 12
 % plus sweetener.

 CIC ini institusi resmi pemerintah cina. wajar dia maen ekstra aman, One
 WaY Or another 19 % Minimum IRR udah dikunci ama dia.yg kena sial ya
 existing shareholder. Jujur, cek berapa Operating CF BUMI skrg, Cek Berapa
 EBT BUMI skrg, Visualisasikan angka itu ke-kick 250 Juta USD untuk tambahan
 beban bunga. berapa angka sisa buat shareholders?

 Nice Figure Eh? Not That Good, Unless TopLine bisa Tumbuh untuk compensate
 angka 250 Juta USD yg kebuang untuk Beban Bunga tadi (yg kalo pake acuan
 operating margin optimis di 35-33% aja minimal BUMI harus tambah revenue
 tahunan 650-700 juta USD ato setara 8-9 Juta Ton Produksi di harga ASP Coal
 $ 75/Ton, berapa Tambahan Produksi Tahun ini?, berarti tahun ini dan depan
 akan ada cash-burn yg non-produktif sebesar 250 Juta USD.)
  Skenario 19 Trilyun full dikonversi hanya mungkin kalo BUMI bener2 bisa
 unlock value nya secara nyata.

 Kebanyakan Institutional Player sudah Skeptis sama BUMI. siapa yg mau
 angkat dan beli diatas 4000 kalo Kinerja Operasi BUMI belun ada improvement

 BUMI harus Unlock Value nya dengan peningkatan kinerja operasional, bukan
 dengan akrobat akuisisi.

 Manajemen BUMI tau itu, dan seharusnya menunjukkan itikad ke arah situ. 1.9
 Bio USD, digunakan untuk keputusan yg benar, surely Rp 4000 is only a wink,
 but spend it for another sloppy moves, jump out the boat mate. they
 (management) were drilling up their own Hull...
  2009/9/25 albert naga

   diingat, bnbr dan bumi buy back saham bumi di harga 1700, dan sekarang
 dijaminkan ke cic seharga 4000, berarti bnbr dan bumi akan untung berapa?,
 untuk bnbr jelas akan menghapus kerugian yg 17 triliun itu, sedangkan untuk
 bumi sendiri, hutang2 nya akan lunas semua, akan menjadi perusahaan nett
 cash, setelah pinjaman dari cic di konversi menjadi saham, nah hitung aja
 sendiri mau dilepas apa hold?

 Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
 complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
 everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
 we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
 to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected...The test of all
 knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific “truth”.
 - Richard Feynman


Re: [ob] bumi?

2009-09-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I'm worried about CIC. They're just rich big fat sitting duck. You can
create a good looking proposal, walk to their office, tell them you have a
good investment opportunity, bring them to dinner at expensive restaurant.
Soon they will pour you with munnnyyy.

There's always be the magic words 'debt restruct' and that often happens on
Bakrie Group. I didn't say CIC is not smart, I'm just saying that Bumi mgt
is waay smarter (in a sarcastic way), and CIC is too big to watch over this
'naughty boy'..

I wonder, why did you pick BUMI?

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:24 PM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham wrote:

 To The Extreme, Yes Missy, I am deeply worried, hence my deep concern
 (C'mon I Hold Some Pile Of BUMI too in My Portfolio, i dont like to cash-in
 at this level and unload it now but if the shareholder value is furtherly
 ruined by bad cash management, sure miss, i'll jump the boat and bundle the
 gain. safety first, that is what i was ordered to ensure...)

 Current CashFlow Figure Is Already Bleak Enough Even without extra 250Mn
 P/A Cash Coupon Payment. U know what i was talkin... All that worth for
 equity holders is freecashflow...

 Things would be Okay If the 1.9 Bio is properly directed.(Uhm Can U Whisper
 Their Ears to do so ^_^...)

 What do u say about BUMI's Management Effectiveness Missy?

 Care Sharing Us Your PERSONAL Tought of them?

 Greatly Appreciated... Thanks Before...

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *E.. did you say JUMP OUT? you're worried about the management
  effectiveness, are you?


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Re: [ob] bumi?

2009-09-25 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Ehh, only one liner review for Bukit Asam? you know bukit asam is way below
their fair value.. hee [?] don't play hide and seek with me.

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:37 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:

 Having Declared They Got a 19 % IRR is not that bad El, Ultimately when 12
 % of it is already secured and Were Guaranteed by the rights to hold Account
 Receivables too.

 Why BUMI? Simple El.., The Price Level They Went Down Last Year, who didnt
 scoop them?!. i was avg down mine back then. that made my holding a bit
 bigger than it should be (damn i admit it, i didnt get out when it was 8000
 and i do have some initial position at 2800 ish before the lehman incident,
 so it would be quite clear i re-shape my position at some much bargain

 Why do i keep on flirt BUMI despite its Smart Management?

 another simple one Missy, we all know that well too..

 KPC! Indonesia Natives Gotta Have Some Chunks on that crownasset... Dang
 KPC is a really good one. a really good one...

 besides i dont just pick BUMI, I Have the chunk Of all Indonesia's Coal
 Proxy, with diffrent concentrated proportion of course...

 Its Not Easy To Double Production Level When Ure Producing At 50 Mn/Tonne

 So Far Only BUMI and ADARO sitting at those level.

 Adaro Is An Exact Opposing Stories of BUMI, Come Up With Lousy Balance on
 IPO, They Gradually Improved the Lousy-Mezzanine-Build Balance sheet to a
 more and more healthy one. Proceeds Of IPO (Which Held at Fairly Good Price)
 was mainly used for Buying The Stake Of the Minority shares which were
 before punching their Earning After taxes (though they too bought it at
 exact expensive price as high as the IPO price). nonetheless no destruction
 on shareholders value. the remains Internal Cash was demonstrated to be used
 all for Coal-related decision. that provide some good marks for the

 negative thing is its likely already reflected on the price. Full Value
 Level has been reached. but the upside is there though, for longer-period
 player, given the assuring action of the shareholders. they dont do reckless
 non-coal acquisition. that made the difference, the whole difference...

 PTBA has Best Asset, They were A sure winner.

 Infinite Period Of Contract with Infinite Amount Resources. Not Yet
 Materialized. But Time Is Our Friend With This One

 Problem is their execution is naturally lame and slowed. well what can we
 say?, they were SOE. Time and commitment as a long-term holder is always on
 the mental note when we were entering this one.

 ITMG is very Good on Free CashFlow Wise. Its Balance were mostly On Hard
 Assets, problem is limited amount of current Reserves. 10-11 Year Span at
 best now.

 INDY? Not A Pure Play on Coal, I have to see more on KIDECO. but its quite
 prident with cash management. so its a neutral one. i didnt enter these one
 though. under review and Yet to be tuned later on.

 Thanks For Ur Toughts Missy... U always bring a good point of view...
 On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 11:05 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *I'm worried about CIC. They're just rich big fat sitting duck. You can
 create a good looking proposal, walk to their office, tell them you have a
 good investment opportunity, bring them to dinner at expensive restaurant.
 Soon they will pour you with munnnyyy.

 There's always be the magic words 'debt restruct' and that often happens
 on Bakrie Group. I didn't say CIC is not smart, I'm just saying that Bumi
 mgt is waay smarter (in a sarcastic way), and CIC is too big to watch over
 this 'naughty boy'..

 I wonder, why did you pick BUMI?

  On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 10:24 PM, kang_ocoy_maen_saham wrote:

 To The Extreme, Yes Missy, I am deeply worried, hence my deep concern
 (C'mon I Hold Some Pile Of BUMI too in My Portfolio, i dont like to cash-in
 at this level and unload it now but if the shareholder value is furtherly
 ruined by bad cash management, sure miss, i'll jump the boat and bundle the
 gain. safety first, that is what i was ordered to ensure...)

 Current CashFlow Figure Is Already Bleak Enough Even without extra 250Mn
 P/A Cash Coupon Payment. U know what i was talkin... All that worth for
 equity holders is freecashflow...

 Things would be Okay If the 1.9 Bio is properly directed.(Uhm Can U
 Whisper Their Ears to do so ^_^...)

 What do u say about BUMI's Management Effectiveness Missy?

 Care Sharing Us Your PERSONAL Tought of them?

 Greatly Appreciated... Thanks Before...

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  *E.. did you say JUMP OUT? you're worried about the management
  effectiveness, are you?


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 Each piece, or part, of the whole

Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin... Puasa dan Trading

2009-09-23 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Ed, you're a wise man. Let me ask a question, what is true happiness?

2009/9/23 Edwin B

 --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
  tapisanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:
  - Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
  - Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
  - Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
  cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
  - Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
  pak JT lulus engga ?).
  Embah yakin orang orang yg berhasil menang saat puasa punya sifat yg
  LEBIH cocok untuk Trading saham, betoel engga pak JT ?.

 Mohon maap agak terlambat beberapa hari... [image: :)]


 Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
 Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
 Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu

 *Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT*

 Untuk warga OB yg merayakan turut Mengucapkan :



  Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
  tapi sanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:

  - Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
  - Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
  - Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
  cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
  - Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
  pak JT lulus engga ?).

 (Sekedar dongeng mumpung masih libur, by pass jika tdk perlu...) *[image:

 Berikut sedikit menambahkan definisi napsu dan mengalahkan hawa napsu dalam
 dongeng Wayang :
 dengan lakon[image: :)]



 Sumber :

 Uraian singkat tentang Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu ini
 berdasarkan Buku Tripama Watak Satrio dan Sastra Jendra karya Ir. Sri

 Secara harfiah *Sastra Jendra berasal dari kata sastra yang berarti tulis,
 ilmu atau kitab*. Sedangkan *jendra berarti milik raja atau 
 berarti keselamatan umat dan dunia semesta*.

 Sastra jendra dalam dunia pewayangan dikenal diajarkan oleh *begawan
 Wisrawa dan juga diajarkan oleh Bima dalam lakon Bima Suci atau Nawaruci*atau 
 Sena Rodra juga dikenal dengan lakon Bima Paksa.

 Konon syarat utama yang mutlak harus ditempuh bagi manusia yang ingin
 mencapai ilmu sastra jendra harus mampu menahan diri, atau mampu
 mengendalikan hawa nafsu, yaitu  *mampu menahan atau menyingkirkan nafsu
 angkata, nafsu perut, dan nafsu kelamin (cegah dahar lan guling) dengan
 jalan berpuasa.*

 *Nafsu angkara dalam pewayangan dilambangkan dengan Raksasa*, sedangkan*nafsu 
 guling dilambangkan dengan wanita.

 Resi Wisrawa pada waktu itu baru berhasil menyingkirkan nafsu perut
 (aluamah) dan nafsu amarah yang dilambangkan bahwa Resi Wisrawa berhasil
 membunuh secara sadis dan memotong-motong badan Raksasa Jambumangil, yaitu
 saudara misan Dewi Sukesi.

 Karena tindakan Resi Wisrawa itu maka hukum karma menimpa anaknya
 Kumbakarna. Kematian Kumbakarna dalam keadaan mengenaskan/mengerikan dalam
 perang Kera dan Ceritera Ramayana. Kematiannya dimulai dari telinga putus,
 tangan putus, kaki satu-persatu putus dan akhirnya lehernya terpisah dari
 badannya (gembung).

 Ini hukum karma tetapi sekaligus melambangkan keberhasilan Resi Wisrawa
 dalam menumpas/membunuh nafsu angkaranya, biarpun akhirnya ia tergelincir
 dalam nafsu kelamin dan dalam lembah kenistaan (ia melahirkan Rahwana atau
 Dasamuka yang melambangkan sepuluh nafsu angkara berasal dari lima nafsu
 Wusrawa dan lima Sukesi, yaitu *amarah, mutmainah, supiah, aluaman dah

 Sumber :

 Untuk mendapatkan ilham atau wisik.Ada tahapan atau tingkat yang harus
 dilakukan yaitu :

 *Tapaning jasad*, yang berarti mengendalikan daya gerak tubuh atau
 *Tapaning budi*, yang berarti menghindari perbuatan yang terhina dan
 segala hal yang bersifat tidak jujur.
 *Tapaning hawa nafsu*, yang berarti mengendalikan hawa nafsu atau sifat
 angkara murka dari diri pribadi.
 *Tapaning sukma*, yang berarti memenangkan jiwa.
 *Tapaning cahya*, yang berarti selalu awas(eling) dan waspada serta
 mempunyai daya visi sesuatu secara tepat.
 *Tapaning gesang*, yang berarti berusaha berjuang sebaik mungkin secara
 berhati-hati, kearah kesempurnaan hidup atau selalu taat kepada Tuhan Yang
 Maha Esa.

 Sumber :

 Dan berikut cerita selangkapnya [image: ;)]


Re: BLS: Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin... Puasa dan Trading

2009-09-23 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Sorry but there's no right or wrong in one's happiness as it's subjective.
Anyway how do you give (share?) your happiness to others? do you give them
money? do you share your sadness to others too or keep it to urself?

Boyz, Embah, JT, Rei, Fifi, Aimee, Art, what's your true happiness?*


 Wrong...the happiness is...when u can give the other part of ur
 happinessn make them happy...

 Terkirim dari telepon Nokia saya
 -Pesan Asli-
 Dari: Matt Nowo
 Terkirim:  23/09/2009 13:30:41
 Subjek:  Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin... Puasa dan Trading

 True happiness is when you have nothing more in need. :-)

 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT  TLKM

 -Original Message-
 From: Elaine Sui
 Date: Wed, 23 Sep 2009 13:27:32
 Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin... Puasa dan Trading

 *Ed, you're a wise man. Let me ask a question, what is true happiness?

 2009/9/23 Edwin B

  --- In, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
   tapisanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:
   - Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
   - Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
   - Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
   cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
   - Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
   pak JT lulus engga ?).
   Embah yakin orang orang yg berhasil menang saat puasa punya sifat yg
   LEBIH cocok untuk Trading saham, betoel engga pak JT ?.
  Mohon maap agak terlambat beberapa hari... [image: :)]
  Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
  Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
  Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
  *Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT*
  Untuk warga OB yg merayakan turut Mengucapkan :
   Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
   tapi sanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:
   - Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
   - Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
   - Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
   cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
   - Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
   pak JT lulus engga ?).
  (Sekedar dongeng mumpung masih libur, by pass jika tdk perlu...) *[image:
  Berikut sedikit menambahkan definisi napsu dan mengalahkan hawa napsu
  dongeng Wayang :
  dengan lakon[image: :)]
  Sumber :
  Uraian singkat tentang Sastra Jendra Hayuningrat Pangruwating Diyu ini
  berdasarkan Buku Tripama Watak Satrio dan Sastra Jendra karya Ir. Sri
  Secara harfiah *Sastra Jendra berasal dari kata sastra yang berarti
  ilmu atau kitab*. Sedangkan *jendra berarti milik raja atau
  berarti keselamatan umat dan dunia semesta*.
  Sastra jendra dalam dunia pewayangan dikenal diajarkan oleh *begawan
  Wisrawa dan juga diajarkan oleh Bima dalam lakon Bima Suci atau
 Nawaruci*atau Sena Rodra juga dikenal dengan lakon Bima Paksa.
  Konon syarat utama yang mutlak harus ditempuh bagi manusia yang ingin
  mencapai ilmu sastra jendra harus mampu menahan diri, atau mampu
  mengendalikan hawa nafsu, yaitu  *mampu menahan atau menyingkirkan nafsu
  angkata, nafsu perut, dan nafsu kelamin (cegah dahar lan guling) dengan
  jalan berpuasa.*
  *Nafsu angkara dalam pewayangan dilambangkan dengan Raksasa*,
 sedangkan*nafsu guling dilambangkan dengan wanita.
  Resi Wisrawa pada waktu itu baru berhasil menyingkirkan nafsu perut
  (aluamah) dan nafsu amarah yang dilambangkan bahwa Resi Wisrawa berhasil
  membunuh secara sadis dan memotong-motong badan Raksasa Jambumangil,
  saudara misan Dewi Sukesi.
  Karena tindakan Resi Wisrawa itu maka hukum karma menimpa anaknya
  Kumbakarna. Kematian Kumbakarna dalam keadaan mengenaskan/mengerikan
  perang Kera dan Ceritera Ramayana. Kematiannya dimulai dari telinga
  tangan putus, kaki satu-persatu putus dan akhirnya lehernya terpisah dari
  badannya (gembung).
  Ini hukum karma tetapi sekaligus melambangkan keberhasilan Resi Wisrawa
  dalam menumpas/membunuh nafsu angkaranya, biarpun akhirnya ia tergelincir
  dalam nafsu kelamin dan dalam lembah kenistaan (ia melahirkan Rahwana
  Dasamuka yang melambangkan sepuluh nafsu

Re: [ob] Re: Mohon maaf lahir dan bathin... Puasa dan Trading

2009-09-23 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I see.. your true happiness is one of a kind. It's called 'googling'..
lolz.. [?]

2009/9/23 Edwin saking Kediri

 Apalah artinya mengerti makna tanpa tersampikan dalam Perbuatan [image:

 Arti Kebahagiaan menurut Pak MT aja ya : [image: :-B]

 Kebahagiaan adalah kegembiraan dalam kedamaian yang penuh kesyukuran.

 How To Make...bla bla [image: :D]


 Tambahan Youtube [image: ;)]

 Djarum 76 mawar kembang desa

 Jadi...Sebutkan satu permintaan ? monggo...(laksanaken.) [image: :))]
 penting.  [image: :p]



 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Ed, you're a wise man. Let me ask a question, what is true happiness?
  2009/9/23 Edwin B edwin...@...

   --- In, jsx_consultant
Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
tapisanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:
- Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
- Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
- Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
- Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
pak JT lulus engga ?).
Embah yakin orang orang yg berhasil menang saat puasa punya sifat yg
LEBIH cocok untuk Trading saham, betoel engga pak JT ?.
   Mohon maap agak terlambat beberapa hari... [image: :)]
   Dalam kerendahan hati ada ketinggian budi
   Dalam kemiskinan harta ada kekayaan jiwa
   Dalam kesempatan hidup ada keluasan ilmu
   *Hidup ini indah jika segala karena ALLAH SWT*
   Untuk warga OB yg merayakan turut Mengucapkan :
Kemenangan yg terbesar bukanlah kemenangan melawan musuh
tapi sanggup menang melawan diri sendiri seperti:
- Sanggup menang melawan Basic Need seperti rasa haus dan lapar.
- Sanggup menang melawan Nafsu dasar seperti Nafsu Sex
- Sanggup menang melawan Fikiran buruk: Curiga, Iri hati, dengki,
cemburu, ingin memiliki yg bukan haknya.
- Sanggup menang melawan Kebiasaan: Merokok, Minum2, Trading (
pak JT lulus engga ?).



Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

2009-09-22 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*eh.. is this guy angry with me?*

2009/9/22 Hoki Tralala

 EL berisik ahh!!!
 Diam dunk EL.master mind-nya aja pada diem kok km pada teriak2..

 On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 1:38 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *China doesn't use free float for the renminbi yet their stock markets
 are among the best. Note that pegged currency only works if you have huge
 reserve, so It really depends.

 China has $2 trillions of fgn (USD) reserve, Japan has $1 trillions.
 Indonesia has $0.05 trillions (lol), so Renminbi and Yen are fixed, IDR is
 free float. In 1997 IDR was pegged to the USD (at IDR 2000 something)  but
 then when something bad come up, and if ppl sees that you don't have
 enough reserve, they may SHORT your currency.

 Same thing happened to poundsterling in 1992 (Soros made fortune on this
 one by shorting $10 billions worth of poundsterling, hell that's 1/5 of your
 total fgn reserve, so 5 ppl like soros technically can bring Indonesia

 That's why your govt is selling treasury bonds so much, so everyone will
 'protect' the IDR from falling. ehhh, those ppl at the govt are smart, so
 does your vice prosident, you have to trust them and let them work.


 Devisa bebas bagus untuk stock market,

 Sejak thailand kontrol devisa stock market nya ngga menarik lagi.

 Karena risk premium susah keluar mesti di kalkulasi dalam harga ...

 Bursa kite kan paling wu ... Kalo dikontrol menurut hitungan kasar ya
 jebol 1000 lah bej

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
 *From: * Matt Nowo
 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:34:25 +
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot
 Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Setauk saya yang telah menerapkan semacam Chilian tax di asean adalah
 malay n thailand. FDI/portfolio investment harus stay beberapa waktu.

 Indonesia, dalam UU no 24 thn 1999 menyatakan kita (memilih) menganut
 regime devisa bebas. Dalam kondisi aparatur negara yang belum tertib, maka
 agak riskan apabila menggunakan regime control devisa.

 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT  TLKM
 *From: * Wong Cilik
 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:41:54 +1000
 *To: *
 *Subject: *[ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money
 untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Den Bagus... Tulung tanya,

 Saya dengar Negara-negara Asean laen menerapkan pembatasan fluktuasi mata
 uang.  Cara mereka, dengan meminta dana Hot Money yang tidak melakukan FDI
 untuk masuk kontrak berjangka currency (jadi kurs masuk keluarnya sudah
 tidak terlalu besar lagi).

 Apakah Indonesia ada rencana untuk menerapkan sistem ini? Maksudnya untuk
 mengurangi spekulasi mata uang yang merusak sendi-sendi ekonomi.


Re: Bls: [ob] Simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?

2009-09-22 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Indonesia is well known to have bad public transportation (cmiw), so the
demand of private vehicle will be still high. If you have good, comfortable
and affordable MRT you won't need to buy a car. But don't worry about Astra
in the long run since they also play in infrastructure..**
*My 2 cents.*

2009/9/22 jsx_consultant

 --- In, w | i | d | h | i | e wid...@...
  Dollar uda di bawah 10rb, tp kenapa harga mobil ndak turun2 yah, (maaf
 mbah, OOT)

 Harga mobil ditentukan distributor/fabrikan untuk suatu periode,
 jadi berbeda misanya dengan harga computer yg importirnya banyak dan
 mereka bersaing harga.

 Jika importir 1 tidak mau nurunin harga maka akan ada distributor
 lain yg nurunin harga dan memaksa importir 1 nurunin harga.

  On Mobile with BlackBerry®
  -Original Message-
  From: jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Date: Tue, 22 Sep 2009 05:50:46
  Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?
  --- In, kobayashi mitsukuni
 ueno_kobayashi@ wrote:
   MBAH...hehhe...yg saya klik ini dapatnya ...dollar dgn gambar Bumi..jd
 dollarv tetap menguasai permukaan bumi bgt ya,...Mbah..?
   bingung nich...arah nya yg mana ya...?hahaha..haaa...
  Teori moneter klasik bilang nilai uang tergantung pada
  jumlah cadangan emas yg dipunyai bank central, jadi kalo
  dollar dicetak terus tapi jumlah cadangan emasnya tidak
  ditambah maka nilai uangnya berkurang.
  Tapi coba kita pake logika:
  - Uang itu adalah kertas, tepatnya surat utang. Negara yg
mengeluarkan uang punya commitment untuk membayar dengan
emas pada orang yg mengembalikan uang tsb pada negara
ybs. Jadi logikanya maka cadangan emasnya harus cukup untuk
meng cover semua uang yg beredar.
  - Tapi sistem ini sudah berakhir, umumnya jumlah uang jauh
lebih banyak daripada cadangan emas suatu negara.
  - Obligasi mirip dengan uang dalam arti dua duanya adalah
utang. Apakah emiten yg mengeluarkan surat utang harus punya
emas ?. Jawabannya tidak kan, jadi jumlah cadangan emas
suatu negara bukan satu satunya penentu nilai suatu mata
  Jadi faktor apa lagi yg menentukan nilai suatu mata uang:
  - Suku bunga, bertambah tinggi suku bunga yg ditawarkan,
bertambah kuat mata uang tsb.
  - Inflasi, bertambah besar angka inflasi suatu negara
maka makin turun nilai mata uangnya, agar orang mau
pegang terpaksa negara menawarkan suku bunga yg tinggi
untuk menutupi inflasi.
  - Cadangan devisa, utang antar negara harus disettle dengan
menggunakan cadangan devisa, jika cadangan devisanya kecil
maka resiko tidak bisa bayar besar (bangkrut secara moneter).
  - Cadangan devisa ditentukan oleh selisih export dan import,
Foreign investment dan kebalikannya, pelarian modal dan
  - Kemampuan bayar suatu negara tentunya tergantung pada
selisih penerimaan negara dikurangi pengeluaran negara,
kalo penerimaan negara besar tentunya uang dan obligasi
suatu negara diminati pasar.
  - Country Risk, kalo resiko politik suatu negara besar,
tentunya nilai mata uang nya lemah dan market meminta
rate yg premium.
  - Contry profile, kalo suatu negara atau pemerintahan suka
ngemplang, nunda bayar utang, sering minta rescheduling,
tentunya pasar meminta rate tambahan untuk mengcover
resiko dikemplang.
  - dll
  Jadi ada banyak faktor yg menentukan nilai mata uang, nah
  sekarang faktor apa yg membuat dollar masih dipegang orang
  meskipun orang bilang dollar mau ke goceng ?.
  Tanya satu lagi:
  - Kenapa kalo DJI naik, umumnya USD melemah terhadap mata
uang lainnya ?.
   Dari: jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Terkirim: Selasa, 22 September, 2009 10:53:52
   Judul: [ob] Simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?
   Ada yg tahu apa simbol USD Dollar index di Google finance ?
   Yahoo! sekarang memiliki alamat Email baru.
   Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan di domain baru @ymail dan
   Cepat sebelum diambil orang lain!
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  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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[ob] ETF

2009-09-22 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I'm thinking about ETF in IDX. What do you think about..

   - *All-Commodity ETF (GSCI benchmark)
   - *Bakrie Seven ETF (hey, can't live without 'em..lolz)
   - *All-Defensive ETF (consumers, telecomms, infrastructure)*
   - *Crude Oil ETF, USDIDR ETF, etc*

*Note that each ETF has its own SHORT version. (All commodity Short ETF,
Bakrie Seven Short ETF, etc). **Do you think these kind of products will
sell in IDX? Instead of buying individual stock, you can invest like a pro
by buying ETF. Please share your opinion..



Re: [ob] Mengapa Lehman Brothers di biarkan bangkrut ?

2009-09-21 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Dear all, it's Citigroup, an all-around financial service company, not
(just) Citibank, which is the banking arm and subsidiary of Citigroup..lmao
but okay whatever leh..

2009/9/21 t_bumi

 --- In, Jacob Oen oenja...@... wrote:
  Itu berati yang 37% milik public, salah satu-nya t_bumi and the gang
 (baca group) apa betul pak t_bumi?
  Sip : tbumi

 Citibank harga sahamnya akan turun karena :

 1) Pemerintah mau jual kepemilikannya ke investor. Pada saat

   pemerintah memberi suntikan dana ke Citibank, nilai saham

   Citibank disaat itu sekitar $3.25/Lbr dan diharga tsb pemerintah

   masuk ke Citibank, jadi ada kemungkinan besar investor akan

   beli saham tsb sesuai dgn harga di $3.25 dan bukan seperti

   harga market di $4.25 saat ini.

 2) Citibank akan melakukan reverse Stock dlm waktu dekat ini.

   Biasanya saham tsb akan turun seperti yg terjadi dgn AIG

   beberapa waktu lalu 20:1

 Kenapa tak beli saham Casino yang terbesar didunia yaitu WYNN

 yg akan IPO di Hongkong. WYNN ada juga di Las vegas dan Macau.

 Biasanya saham IPO kan bolanya masih panas.


 + +
 + + + + +
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
 + + + + +
 + +Yahoo! Groups Links

Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

2009-09-21 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*China doesn't use free float for the renminbi yet their stock markets are
among the best. Note that pegged currency only works if you have huge
reserve, so It really depends.

China has $2 trillions of fgn (USD) reserve, Japan has $1 trillions.
Indonesia has $0.05 trillions (lol), so Renminbi and Yen are fixed, IDR is
free float. In 1997 IDR was pegged to the USD (at IDR 2000 something)  but
then when something bad come up, and if ppl sees that you don't have enough
reserve, they may SHORT your currency.

Same thing happened to poundsterling in 1992 (Soros made fortune on this one
by shorting $10 billions worth of poundsterling, hell that's 1/5 of your
total fgn reserve, so 5 ppl like soros technically can bring Indonesia

That's why your govt is selling treasury bonds so much, so everyone will
'protect' the IDR from falling. ehhh, those ppl at the govt are smart, so
does your vice prosident, you have to trust them and let them work.


 Devisa bebas bagus untuk stock market,

 Sejak thailand kontrol devisa stock market nya ngga menarik lagi.

 Karena risk premium susah keluar mesti di kalkulasi dalam harga ...

 Bursa kite kan paling wu ... Kalo dikontrol menurut hitungan kasar ya
 jebol 1000 lah bej

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
 *From: * Matt Nowo
 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:34:25 +
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money
 untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Setauk saya yang telah menerapkan semacam Chilian tax di asean adalah
 malay n thailand. FDI/portfolio investment harus stay beberapa waktu.

 Indonesia, dalam UU no 24 thn 1999 menyatakan kita (memilih) menganut
 regime devisa bebas. Dalam kondisi aparatur negara yang belum tertib, maka
 agak riskan apabila menggunakan regime control devisa.

 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT  TLKM
 *From: * Wong Cilik
 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:41:54 +1000
 *To: *
 *Subject: *[ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money
 untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Den Bagus... Tulung tanya,

 Saya dengar Negara-negara Asean laen menerapkan pembatasan fluktuasi mata
 uang.  Cara mereka, dengan meminta dana Hot Money yang tidak melakukan FDI
 untuk masuk kontrak berjangka currency (jadi kurs masuk keluarnya sudah
 tidak terlalu besar lagi).

 Apakah Indonesia ada rencana untuk menerapkan sistem ini? Maksudnya untuk
 mengurangi spekulasi mata uang yang merusak sendi-sendi ekonomi.


Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

2009-09-21 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I dunno how to say, it's complicated, but it works ^_^ If you buy IDR
bonds, you really don't want the currency to decline.

China has the most US treasury bonds, so USD won't fall as it will hurt
their export. But the Fed keeps printing money to bail out their banks, so
China got to buy more US debts. China wants to diversify their reserve to
gold, but US has the most gold in the world, any attempt to buy large sum of
gold will drive the price higher. It's really a war..

To make it simple, you should think that currency (and gold) reserve as
EQUITY, and total debt as DEBT, so you will know which country has the best
DEBT to EQUITY ratio (DER)

High DER means the country is aggresive with its monetary policy but the
risk of bankruptcy (either default or devaluation) is also high. (but please
take careful proportion such as trade deficit/surplus, the nature of GDP -
service/manufacture/natural resources oriented, etc). So it depends.

Fed money printing is like to RIGHT ISSUE, more paper, less value. Diluted.

Ahhh... so tired, I need to take a bath rite now.. will continue later
..sorry..  no peeking or I will cut your testicles.. [evil laugh][?]


On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 7:49 PM, Bambang Irwanto bemben...@yahoo.comwrote:

 **right now, Indonesia Govt. Bond Outstanding is RP
 *I guest we'll stay at free float for some time with **$0.1 trillions outs
 bond and $0.05 trillions reserve.*
 *How could $0.1 trillions 'protect' the IDR from falling?
 --- On *Mon, 9/21/09, Pak AA* wrote:

 From: Pak AA
 Subject: Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money
 untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?
 Date: Monday, September 21, 2009, 6:58 PM

 As always you look smart lol ... you must be smart for real
 BTW, which vice president do you mean, the current VP or the next one
 who'll be in power in this October? Isn't it the finance minister's idea to
 sell treasury bond...

 On Mon, Sep 21, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ 

 *China doesn't use free float for the renminbi yet their stock markets
 are among the best. Note that pegged currency only works if you have huge
 reserve, so It really depends.

 China has $2 trillions of fgn (USD) reserve, Japan has $1 trillions.
 Indonesia has $0.05 trillions (lol), so Renminbi and Yen are fixed, IDR is
 free float. In 1997 IDR was pegged to the USD (at IDR 2000 something)  but
 then when something bad come up, and if ppl sees that you don't have
 enough reserve, they may SHORT your currency.

 Same thing happened to poundsterling in 1992 (Soros made fortune on this
 one by shorting $10 billions worth of poundsterling, hell that's 1/5 of your
 total fgn reserve, so 5 ppl like soros technically can bring Indonesia

 That's why your govt is selling treasury bonds so much, so everyone will
 'protect' the IDR from falling. ehhh, those ppl at the govt are smart, so
 does your vice prosident, you have to trust them and let them work.

 2009/9/18 mr_...@yahoo. com http://mc/compose?

 Devisa bebas bagus untuk stock market,

 Sejak thailand kontrol devisa stock market nya ngga menarik lagi.

 Karena risk premium susah keluar mesti di kalkulasi dalam harga ...

 Bursa kite kan paling wu ... Kalo dikontrol menurut hitungan kasar ya
 jebol 1000 lah bej

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone
 *From: * Matt Nowo inf...@gmail. 

 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 09:34:25 +
 *To: *obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot
 Money untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Setauk saya yang telah menerapkan semacam Chilian tax di asean adalah
 malay n thailand. FDI/portfolio investment harus stay beberapa waktu.

 Indonesia, dalam UU no 24 thn 1999 menyatakan kita (memilih) menganut
 regime devisa bebas. Dalam kondisi aparatur negara yang belum tertib, maka
 agak riskan apabila menggunakan regime control devisa.

 Sent from my BearBerry®
 powered by ISAT  TLKM
 *From: * Wong Cilik gajahpelanduk@ 

 *Date: *Fri, 18 Sep 2009 15:41:54 +1000
 *To: *obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. 
 *Subject: *[ob] Kang Bagus - Apakah Indonesia meminta Inflow Hot Money
 untuk masuk Kontrak Berjangka Currency?

 Den Bagus... Tulung tanya,

 Saya dengar Negara-negara Asean laen menerapkan pembatasan fluktuasi mata
 uang.  Cara mereka, dengan meminta dana Hot Money yang tidak melakukan FDI
 untuk masuk kontrak berjangka currency (jadi kurs masuk keluarnya sudah
 tidak terlalu besar lagi).

 Apakah Indonesia ada

Re: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm sorry I really can't disclose my pos
more than I'm allowed to.

Anyway, the US national reserve is 78% gold, while China is 0.9% and japan
2%, Indonesia only 3%. So even with the destruction of the dollar value (and
the rise of gold price), the US (not the dollar) will still be considered as
safe haven. Most european countries also have above 30%.

I have a crazy thinking, that whatever any country do, the westerns will
always outsmart everyone. If there's a war, though unlikely, all currencies
will fall (and all paper assets like stocks, bonds) and the Americans are
laughing to us while sitting a big pile of gold bullions.

They know that many countries are holding foreign currency (USD) as their
reserves, so the US WILL PRINT AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY CAN, that will bring up
the inflation, devaluate the USD and pushing the GOLD price up. That way,
everyone is INDIRECTLY paying for US debts. Obviously, they are not stupid.*

The Chinese are trying to diversify their reserve by buying other
commodities inc. gold, but I don't think they can catch up and I don't think
the US want to sell their gold reserve to anyone as gold is considered as
the base of the economy. I also read that historically Islam teaching
(sharia) considers gold as the true investment, which amazes me. **Is this
correct? *
I won't be so surprised if ppl will start talking about Keynesian Economy
and the Bancor anytime soon. lolz..

Embah sombong sekali tidak mau comment. [?][?]

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, iching_prediction wrote:

 ob kurang cewenya nih..pada love you seemua
 ke el..he..he

 --- In, [ M S ] wrote:
  Yup, it's heavy, but I hope ur slim and not heavy.
  Lop u full baby...
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:08:12
  Subject: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock
  *If you think these topics are too heavy, just be cool and say 'Elaine, I
  love you'. [?] Happy hari raya!
  On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
   *Dear all, would you like to share with me?
   **#1 About bonds:..
   I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my
   where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets, will
   take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock
   but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of the
   monetary condition.
   #2 About currency:...
   ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as we
   know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade surplus


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Re: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*[?][?] Please kasih Elaine technical juga Elaine senang.. [?][?]

Have you tried to analyze intermarket bandarmology?

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 5:25 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:


 Kalo soal macro economy, embah lebih baik dengerin Elaine dan
 expert ngomong, daripada menuh menuhin mailbox orang dengan posting engga
 bermutu. Embah pernah tahu soal Keynesian dll tapi sekarang
 sudah banyak yg lupa...

 Dari baca2 analisa macro tsb, embah gabungkan dengan analisa embah
 dengan pendekatan Technical dan bandarmologi dan hasilnya adalah
 Marketwise technical yg sering embah posting...

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm sorry I really can't disclose my pos
  more than I'm allowed to.
  Anyway, the US national reserve is 78% gold, while China is 0.9% and
  2%, Indonesia only 3%. So even with the destruction of the dollar value
  the rise of gold price), the US (not the dollar) will still be considered
  safe haven. Most european countries also have above 30%.
  I have a crazy thinking, that whatever any country do, the westerns will
  always outsmart everyone. If there's a war, though unlikely, all
  will fall (and all paper assets like stocks, bonds) and the Americans are
  laughing to us while sitting a big pile of gold bullions.
  They know that many countries are holding foreign currency (USD) as their
  reserves, so the US WILL PRINT AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY CAN, that will bring
  the inflation, devaluate the USD and pushing the GOLD price up. That way,
  everyone is INDIRECTLY paying for US debts. Obviously, they are not
  The Chinese are trying to diversify their reserve by buying other
  commodities inc. gold, but I don't think they can catch up and I don't
  the US want to sell their gold reserve to anyone as gold is considered as
  the base of the economy. I also read that historically Islam teaching
  (sharia) considers gold as the true investment, which amazes me. **Is
  correct? *
  I won't be so surprised if ppl will start talking about Keynesian Economy
  and the Bancor anytime soon. lolz..
  Embah sombong sekali tidak mau comment. [?][?]
  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, iching_prediction 
  iching_predict...@... wrote:
   ob kurang cewenya nih..pada love you seemua
   ke el..he..he
   --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@ wrote:
Yup, it's heavy, but I hope ur slim and not heavy.
Lop u full baby...
Sent from my BlackBerry®
powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
-Original Message-
From: Elaine Sui elainesui83@
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:08:12
Subject: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock
*If you think these topics are too heavy, just be cool and say
 'Elaine, I
love you'. [?] Happy hari raya!
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@ wrote:
 *Dear all, would you like to share with me?

 **#1 About bonds:..
 I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my
 where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets,
 take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock
 but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of
 monetary condition.

 #2 About currency:...
 ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as
 know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade
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Re: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Elaine suka memaksa ya? [?] thank's Embah. -500 is fine to me. Elaine bantu
ya.. Artomoro juga.. together we will have our super-discount!!! (no
actually I'll just wait until the market correct itself, I dunno how and I
dunno when [?])

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 6:41 PM, jsx_consultant wrote:

 Prediksi kedepan itu lebih banyak salahnya dari pada benernya.

 Tapi kalo anda insist, ini bayangan embah tentang IHSG kedepan.
 Dan prediksi inipun masih berubah setiap ada perkembangan macro
 economy yg BARU !!!

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *[?][?] Please kasih Elaine technical juga Elaine senang.. [?][?]
  Have you tried to analyze intermarket bandarmology?
  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 5:25 PM, jsx_consultant 
  jsx-consult...@... wrote:
   Kalo soal macro economy, embah lebih baik dengerin Elaine dan
   expert ngomong, daripada menuh menuhin mailbox orang dengan posting
   bermutu. Embah pernah tahu soal Keynesian dll tapi sekarang
   sudah banyak yg lupa...
   Dari baca2 analisa macro tsb, embah gabungkan dengan analisa embah
   dengan pendekatan Technical dan bandarmologi dan hasilnya adalah
   Marketwise technical yg sering embah posting...
   --- In, Elaine Sui elainesui83@
*Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm sorry I really can't disclose my
more than I'm allowed to.
Anyway, the US national reserve is 78% gold, while China is 0.9% and
2%, Indonesia only 3%. So even with the destruction of the dollar
the rise of gold price), the US (not the dollar) will still be
safe haven. Most european countries also have above 30%.
I have a crazy thinking, that whatever any country do, the westerns
always outsmart everyone. If there's a war, though unlikely, all
will fall (and all paper assets like stocks, bonds) and the Americans
laughing to us while sitting a big pile of gold bullions.
They know that many countries are holding foreign currency (USD) as
reserves, so the US WILL PRINT AS MUCH MONEY AS THEY CAN, that will
the inflation, devaluate the USD and pushing the GOLD price up. That
everyone is INDIRECTLY paying for US debts. Obviously, they are not
The Chinese are trying to diversify their reserve by buying other
commodities inc. gold, but I don't think they can catch up and I
the US want to sell their gold reserve to anyone as gold is
 considered as
the base of the economy. I also read that historically Islam teaching
(sharia) considers gold as the true investment, which amazes me. **Is
correct? *
I won't be so surprised if ppl will start talking about Keynesian
and the Bancor anytime soon. lolz..
Embah sombong sekali tidak mau comment. [?][?]
On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 1:22 PM, iching_prediction 
iching_prediction@ wrote:
 ob kurang cewenya nih..pada love you seemua
 ke el..he..he

 --- In, [ M S ] mimpi.saham@
  Yup, it's heavy, but I hope ur slim and not heavy.
  Lop u full baby...
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: Elaine Sui elainesui83@
  Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 23:08:12
  Subject: [ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock
  *If you think these topics are too heavy, just be cool and say
   'Elaine, I
  love you'. [?] Happy hari raya!
  On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui elainesui83@
   *Dear all, would you like to share with me?
   **#1 About bonds:..
   I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on
   where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your
   take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are
   but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view
   monetary condition.
   #2 About currency:...
   ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency
   know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade


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[ob] $10000000000000000000 question (and $0 answer)

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*My answer is:

[ob] Re: $10000000000000000000 question (and $0 answer)

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
oohh hell what did I just do.. omg sorry.. sorry..

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 8:08 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *My answer is:
 YES! The EXACT time is SOON AFTER it break 3450. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! SORRY I


Re: [ob] $10000000000000000000 question (and $0 answer)

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Oh come on, lots of ppl has insulted me many times, do you ever feel bad
about it, no? Course not. Don't be so sensitive bout everything unless
you're a girl.. lolz..

I found his question was rather funny that's all,.. I mean, he asked about
another 1000 rally, don't you think it's a bit too much for now? But I know
I shouldn't do that, so I'm sorry. Haryanto, I apologize for what I've done
to you. Please,..

By the way, you're insulting the US president. [?] Even if you're feeling
untalented, you shouldn't do that.

On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Berrack Obama berrack_ob...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Dear Ms Elaine Sui,

 U must feel so blessed with such a briliant mind and beautifull
 appeareance, yet please realise that not every human being are given such
 talents as u are.

 Please note that intteligent and beauty are not the most important things
 in this world.  There are more important things e.g.. attitude and the way u
 treat others.  Words spoken out from one's mouth express what lies inside
 the soul.

 So please reconsider and be wiser before u insult someone, remember, treat
 others the way u wanna be treated.

 Good Night, Have a nice holidays, and


 --- On *Fri, 9/18/09, Elaine Sui* wrote:

 From: Elaine Sui
 Subject: [ob] $1000 question (and $0 answer)
 Date: Friday, September 18, 2009, 1:08 PM

 *My answer is:
 YES! The EXACT time is SOON AFTER it break 3450. HAHAHAHAHAHA! ! SORRY I


Re: [ob] $10000000000000000000 question (and $0 answer)

2009-09-18 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I don't consider myself as a smart person, but it happens that I have
slightly more developed brain, better at creating wealth and dominate all
males in OB. That's all. [?] The outcome? Last year I was verbally raped by

(omg im just joking, come on... you're having a loong holiday, relax a bit
will ya..)

On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 6:25 AM, iching_prediction wrote:

 wah rame bener pas libur..pake berantem lagi..he..he..ane rasa ini mungkin
 disebabkan ego laki2. banyak yg nga ngerasa nga nyaman cewe lebih smart en
 powerfull. kalo ane sih biasa2 aja, cuma emang dunia ini tidak pernah adil,
 jadi untuk menyiasatinya cewe yg bener2 smart tidak akan terlalu menonjolkan
 diri agar terhindar dari hal2 negatif spt pelecehan,  nga dapet jodoh,

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Oh come on, lots of ppl has insulted me many times, do you ever feel bad
  about it, no? Course not. Don't be so sensitive bout everything unless
  you're a girl.. lolz..
  I found his question was rather funny that's all,.. I mean, he asked
  another 1000 rally, don't you think it's a bit too much for now? But I
  I shouldn't do that, so I'm sorry. Haryanto, I apologize for what I've
  to you. Please,..
  By the way, you're insulting the US president. [?] Even if you're feeling
  untalented, you shouldn't do that.
  On Fri, Sep 18, 2009 at 9:13 PM, Berrack Obama berrack_ob...@...wrote:
   Dear Ms Elaine Sui,
   U must feel so blessed with such a briliant mind and beautifull
   appeareance, yet please realise that not every human being are given
   talents as u are.
   Please note that intteligent and beauty are not the most important
   in this world.  There are more important things e.g.. attitude and the
 way u
   treat others.  Words spoken out from one's mouth express what lies
   the soul.
   So please reconsider and be wiser before u insult someone, remember,
   others the way u wanna be treated.
   Good Night, Have a nice holidays, and


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Re: [ob] BUMI maen lagi

2009-09-17 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Yestday ajak Elaine join, elaine tanya join apa, sedikit bantuan tidak
masalah. [?]

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 1:46 PM, boyz wrote:

 Wah, jangan nuduh gitu dong, darling.
 kamu lempar batu sembunyi tangan, nih... buang badan ke gw.
 Let's watch Elaine's action...

 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *Depends on boyz really. Let's see how good he is! Elaine tahu biasa boyz
 pintar goreng saham, coba bisa kasih gain for me or not.. ^_^  You better
 watch how he's doing today to learn how a real bandar works.



 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:11 AM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) wrote:

 Adaronya Elaine tuh masih belum kejorok


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Hans Kwee hanskwe...@gmail.comwrote:

 Komo di jorokin mbah...
 IHSG nya di kunci

 sabar2... orang sabar di sayang Tuhan...
 Cari THR susah2 gampang ya


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:17 AM, David Lau dj_davi...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Tenkiu abiss mbah... utk komandonya yg jelas  terarah.

 Mudah²an hr ini giliran saya utk dr THR dr BUMI.

 BUMIII Ready Or Not, I'm Comin...!


 In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

 *From:* jsx_consultant
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:09:25 AM
 *Subject:* [ob] BUMI maen lagi

 BUMI maen lagi



[ob] [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-17 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Dear all, would you like to share with me?

**#1 About bonds:..
I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my position
where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets, will you
take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock traders,
but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of the
monetary condition.

#2 About currency:...
ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as we all
know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade surplus have
been shrinking vs China (it means your import from China is much bigger than
your export). If this continues, you may get trade deficits, and deficits
may weaken your currency. (and may in return force me to sell bonds)*

#3 About stock:...
India has just having INFLATION on soft commodity sector (food), its ripple
effect may pick up the palm oil demand. (Please elaborate from
fundamental/technical pov). I think it should bring positive sentiment to
the plantation sector (palm oil, corn, soybean)

Embah, what do you think?


** No choice. It depends on your govt action.*

[ob] Re: [Night discussion] bonds, currency, and stock

2009-09-17 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*If you think these topics are too heavy, just be cool and say 'Elaine, I
love you'. [?] Happy hari raya!

On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:54 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Dear all, would you like to share with me?

 **#1 About bonds:..
 I took big bets on IDR bonds in the past months. If you were on my position
 where your main task is to PROTECT (instead of GROW) your assets, will you
 take the same strategy? If so, why? I know most of you are stock traders,
 but please share your opinion, at least from your point of view of the
 monetary condition.

 #2 About currency:...
 ID govt must be very careful with intervention to the currency as we all
 know that since they signed up with ACFTA, Indonesia's trade surplus have
 been shrinking vs China (it means your import from China is much bigger than
 your export). If this continues, you may get trade deficits, and deficits
 may weaken your currency. (and may in return force me to sell bonds)*

 #3 About stock:...
 India has just having INFLATION on soft commodity sector (food), its ripple
 effect may pick up the palm oil demand. (Please elaborate from
 fundamental/technical pov). I think it should bring positive sentiment to
 the plantation sector (palm oil, corn, soybean)

 Embah, what do you think?


 ** No choice. It depends on your govt action.*


[ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Damn, I'm good. [?]

On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000, 1H10. If
 you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please *wait until
 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz factories dump
 everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand about
 what I'm talking about.


Re: [ob] OOT: Mohon bantuan doa

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*If my calculation is right, you and your wife 'made' this baby nine months
ago, where BUMI was below 400. You were down, you wife came to you, then
[hohoho]. So you should name her after Bakrie.  ^_^

Anyway, congrats, man. Send my regards to your wife also.

2009/9/16 Thomas Frederick


 Thomas frederick, mohon bantu doa ya, hari ini menantikan my 1st child.
 Deg2an nihh gw. Hehehe lebih deg2an daripada saat bumi di AR-in kiri 10%
 tiap hari

 dokter bilangnya cewe,

 Meski sy kurang berkontribusi di ob, saya mohon doa ya..

 Semoga ibu dan bayinya selamat.

 Skrg udah bukaan 2, kontraksi 4 menitan.

 Yang tidak mengenal saya, maaf kalo saya memenuhi inbox anda.

 Semoga teman2 mau mengikhlaskan doa supaya anak saya lahir sehat jasmani
 dan rohaninya dan istri juga selamat. It would be a perfect gift.

 Kalo ada bandar yg mau ngasih kado stockpick jg boleh, lmyn utk nutup biaya
 RS. Heheehe Joking :p

 Utk mbah.. Thx utk milisnya di OOT-in


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Re: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Of course we can expect intervention from the Fed, but I have no idea
how... Any idea? Coz if the Americans want to boost their export, they can't
keep the 'strong dollar policy', right? Please do some research on this
policy, you may see that this one is merely a lip service just to keep their
bond holders (The ones that fund US = China and Japan) from selling their US

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:05 PM, Joe Grunk wrote:

 9.400-9.500 dulu deh.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Rei* menulis:

 Dari: Rei
 Judul: Re: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:39 AM

 5000 will be chaotic maybe for Indonesian't wants a stable

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 5:25 PM, 

 Sorry EL, Not Gonna Go to 5.000, for short term, akan dijaga

 Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin
 *From: * Elaine Sui 

 *Date: *Wed, 16 Sep 2009 17:09:11 +0700
 *Subject: *[ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please
 *wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz
 factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand about
 what I'm talking about.

 Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!


Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*u serious, Joe? gee thanks.

Oh yeah anyway like I said before I only keep bonds at this time, you may
not believe me but I made a sweet 2x% forex gain times some hundreds
billions then you get the picture of my position, thanks to the fall of the
USD. Please don't be angry with me. I just do what I have to do for my
clients. When IDR is strong enough, I will sell them, I promise [?]

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Joe Grunk wrote:

 yes, u'r good.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:09 AM

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please *wait
 until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why? cuz
 factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand about
 what I'm talking about.

  Apakah demonstrasi  turun ke jalan itu hal yang wajar?;_ylt=ArVePPHO1ZycmPLF76FARzLJRAx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080413223411AAeeuR2
 Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!


Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Umm, sorry my bad, I missed your posts. Well it's obvious that weak dollar
should push any commodities higher. Simple math, and everyone already knows
that. But FOR ME I'm more focused on the demand of the commodities themself
(inventories, etc), not just the price. So at this time I prefer to invest
in the debt market, I feel it'd be safer there.

You know initially my target for IDX this year was 'only' 2100 but then
Artomoro9 came and he broke my target.. lolz.. amazing. You don't have to
follow me though, cutey. What I did was common among investment planners.

What if IDX rallies to new all time high? Well, I'll be happy for you
traders. I do.


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:04 PM, boyz wrote:

 sekarang mah udah gini elaine baru deh ngomong forex...
 dulu ditanyain US dollar index kaga jawab :P


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:

 Err.., Do U Collecting the Back-End or the Mid-End of our FR Missy?

 foreigners concentration pick of our sovereign on their portfolio curve do
 tell their strategies..

 u can give me some clue of offshore perspectives to this lovely country..

 mind tellin me?

 our curve is a bit steepening too fast here.. u foreigners must be quite
 religiously bullish on our economy..

 well just dont cash out too soon okay ^_^.. have mercy...u dont do carry
 trade rite?.. ha

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *u serious, Joe? gee thanks.

 Oh yeah anyway like I said before I only keep bonds at this time, you may
 not believe me but I made a sweet 2x% forex gain times some hundreds
 billions then you get the picture of my position, thanks to the fall of the
 USD. Please don't be angry with me. I just do what I have to do for my
 clients. When IDR is strong enough, I will sell them, I promise [?]

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Joe Grunk wrote:

  yes, u'r good.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:09 AM

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please
 *wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why?
 cuz factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand
 about what I'm talking about.

  Apakah demonstrasi  turun ke jalan itu hal yang wajar?;_ylt=ArVePPHO1ZycmPLF76FARzLJRAx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080413223411AAeeuR2
 Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!

 31)  Reply (via web post);_ylc=X3oDMTJybDltaHQwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BG1zZ0lkAzE5MjQ5NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNycGx5BHN0aW1lAzEyNTMxMTIyNTI-?act=replymessageNum=192495|
 a new topic;_ylc=X3oDMTJldDhsMjVtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA250cGMEc3RpbWUDMTI1MzExMjI1Mg--
  + +
 + + + + +
 Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari

Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well I did tell you guys that I'm switching to triple A bonds, though I
missed on the gold price. China is desperately need diversification and they
can't buy too much gold without pushing up the price too far.

Interestingly enough, the US has the MOST gold in the world. It's been a
tricky business out there.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Umm, sorry my bad, I missed your posts. Well it's obvious that weak
 dollar should push any commodities higher. Simple math, and everyone already
 knows that. But FOR ME I'm more focused on the demand of the commodities
 themself (inventories, etc), not just the price. So at this time I prefer to
 invest in the debt market, I feel it'd be safer there.

 You know initially my target for IDX this year was 'only' 2100 but then
 Artomoro9 came and he broke my target.. lolz.. amazing. You don't have to
 follow me though, cutey. What I did was common among investment planners.

 What if IDX rallies to new all time high? Well, I'll be happy for you
 traders. I do.


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:04 PM, boyz wrote:

 sekarang mah udah gini elaine baru deh ngomong forex...
 dulu ditanyain US dollar index kaga jawab :P


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:

 Err.., Do U Collecting the Back-End or the Mid-End of our FR Missy?

 foreigners concentration pick of our sovereign on their portfolio curve
 do tell their strategies..

 u can give me some clue of offshore perspectives to this lovely country..

 mind tellin me?

 our curve is a bit steepening too fast here.. u foreigners must be quite
 religiously bullish on our economy..

 well just dont cash out too soon okay ^_^.. have mercy...u dont do carry
 trade rite?.. ha

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *u serious, Joe? gee thanks.

 Oh yeah anyway like I said before I only keep bonds at this time, you
 may not believe me but I made a sweet 2x% forex gain times some hundreds
 billions then you get the picture of my position, thanks to the fall of the
 USD. Please don't be angry with me. I just do what I have to do for my
 clients. When IDR is strong enough, I will sell them, I promise [?]

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Joe Grunk wrote:

  yes, u'r good.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:09 AM

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please
 *wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why?
 cuz factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand
 about what I'm talking about.

  Apakah demonstrasi  turun ke jalan itu hal yang wajar?;_ylt=ArVePPHO1ZycmPLF76FARzLJRAx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080413223411AAeeuR2
 Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!

 31)  Reply (via web post);_ylc=X3oDMTJybDltaHQwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BG1zZ0lkAzE5MjQ5NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNycGx5BHN0aW1lAzEyNTMxMTIyNTI-?act=replymessageNum=192495|
 a new topic;_ylc=X3oDMTJldDhsMjVtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA250cGMEc3RpbWUDMTI1MzExMjI1Mg--

Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Bandars IDX jahat sekali. Elaine tidak mau. I prefer not to join the herds,
no pun intended. [?] But thanks for asking, I will join later.*

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:35 PM, boyz wrote:

 No problemo, sweety...
 You always ignore me. Hehe...

 I think, there must be more investment planners that have higher target
 more than 2100 :)
 All time high still way to go, 15% upside. Do you really dont want to join?
 Come on, darling...


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:24 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *Umm, sorry my bad, I missed your posts. Well it's obvious that weak
 dollar should push any commodities higher. Simple math, and everyone already
 knows that. But FOR ME I'm more focused on the demand of the commodities
 themself (inventories, etc), not just the price. So at this time I prefer to
 invest in the debt market, I feel it'd be safer there.

 You know initially my target for IDX this year was 'only' 2100 but then
 Artomoro9 came and he broke my target.. lolz.. amazing. You don't have to
 follow me though, cutey. What I did was common among investment planners.

 What if IDX rallies to new all time high? Well, I'll be happy for you
 traders. I do.


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:04 PM, boyz wrote:

 sekarang mah udah gini elaine baru deh ngomong forex...
 dulu ditanyain US dollar index kaga jawab :P


 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:56 PM, Bagus Putra Perdana wrote:

 Err.., Do U Collecting the Back-End or the Mid-End of our FR Missy?

 foreigners concentration pick of our sovereign on their portfolio curve
 do tell their strategies..

 u can give me some clue of offshore perspectives to this lovely

 mind tellin me?

 our curve is a bit steepening too fast here.. u foreigners must be quite
 religiously bullish on our economy..

 well just dont cash out too soon okay ^_^.. have mercy...u dont do carry
 trade rite?.. ha

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *u serious, Joe? gee thanks.

 Oh yeah anyway like I said before I only keep bonds at this time, you
 may not believe me but I made a sweet 2x% forex gain times some hundreds
 billions then you get the picture of my position, thanks to the fall of 
 USD. Please don't be angry with me. I just do what I have to do for my
 clients. When IDR is strong enough, I will sell them, I promise [?]

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 8:57 PM, Joe Grunk joe_gr...@yahoo.comwrote:

  yes, u'r good.

 --- Pada *Rab, 16/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)
 Tanggal: Rabu, 16 September, 2009, 3:09 AM

 *Damn, I'm good.

 On Sat, Mar 21, 2009 at 8:45 AM, Elaine Sui 

 Anyway, good job everyone, have a nice weekend. Welcome idr...@5000,
 1H10. If you plan to buy cars, electronics or any import stuff, *please
 *wait until 2010 or late 2009, you may get a 50%-70% discount. Why?
 cuz factories dump everything they have from their warehouses.

 Try finding articles about* 'cheap money'* if you don't understand
 about what I'm talking about.

  Apakah demonstrasi  turun ke jalan itu hal yang wajar?;_ylt=ArVePPHO1ZycmPLF76FARzLJRAx.;_ylv=3?qid=20080413223411AAeeuR2
 Temukan jawabannya di Yahoo! Answers!

 31)  Reply (via web post);_ylc=X3oDMTJybDltaHQwBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BG1zZ0lkAzE5MjQ5NQRzZWMDZnRyBHNsawNycGx5BHN0aW1lAzEyNTMxMTIyNTI-?act=replymessageNum=192495|
 a new topic;_ylc=X3oDMTJldDhsMjVtBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE0BGdycElkAzE2NTIzNTUEZ3Jwc3BJZAMxNzA1MDAxNzc5BHNlYwNmdHIEc2xrA250cGMEc3RpbWUDMTI1MzExMjI1Mg--

Re: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Dear boyz, please don't disturb Mrs. Consultant...

mwaahahaha... sorry all..  [?]


2009/9/16 boyz

 that's why you admire him so much? or there's more reason?


 2009/9/16 fifi young

 Mbah mang gitu...menghanyutkan...wkwkwk...

 2009/9/16 boyz

 Hehehe abiz-nya gemezzz lihat respon mBah.


 2009/9/16 fifi young

 Boyz semangat betul seh...? hihi...

 2009/9/16 boyz

 Come on, mBah ...
 Dont miss a golden opportunity :)
 It may once in a life time opportunity.

 2009/9/16 fifi young

 Mbah ngeliatin YouTube terus sampe lupa saham...

 2009/9/16 jsx_consultant

 --- In,
 fifi young fifiyoun...@... wrote:

  Wah...Mbah mau dateng kalo uda dihadiahin
  SL-350 katanya...hihi...[?][?]

 Embah maunya mobil yg selain bisa dinaikin tapi harus
 bisa goyang seperti ini:

 - Yg lagi puasa jangan liat, ada gambar perempuan sexy !!!
 Kalo sampe batal, engga tanggung jawab yah...

  2009/9/15 Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
   *And the award goes to ... Mr. Reichi Rich...*
   2009/9/15 jku...@...
   Wah tahun depan PTBA bisa 4, dan bukan ngupi2 lagi. Cakeepp.
   Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
   *From: * Rei highwaysta...@...
   *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:54:35 +0700
   *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with
 volume,soprof jt om
   Wah boleh aja sih cuma tunggu konfirmasi dari pak JT dulu...kalo
   skrg, tapi ketemuannya Sept TAHUN DEPAN gimana? hahaha
   2009/9/15 jku...@...
   Kalo gitu pak Rei ane daftar duluan, keburu quota nya penuh.
   Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
   *From: * Rei highwaysta...@...
   *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:33:53 +0700
   *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with
 volume,soprof jt
   om tasrul
   Pak Boyz ikutan ya? Wah tapi kalo banyak warga OB yg ikut, ane
 kabur dah
   Kalo 5-6 org masih oke, lah kalo 50 org? huehehe :-))
   2009/9/15 boyz m457...@...
   Oke deh, abis lebaran kita tunggu traktiran kopi dari om Rei
   2009/9/15 JsxTrader jsxtra...@...
   ok.., nanti abis lebaran kite ngupi2 lagi ya boss, janji
   traktir..., hahaha..., canda...canda...
   BTW, sorry sir sms anda kemarin baru ane baca, soalnya
 kecampur sms2
   promosi yg bener2 menyebalkan, jadi saya jrng baca sms...,
   *From:* Rei highwaysta...@...
   *Sent:* Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:26:25 PM
   *Subject:* Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with
 volume,soprof jt
   om tasrul
   Boleh me dong.
   Masih lanjut nih ptba.
   On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, JT jsxtra...@... wrote:
   Kereennn, PTBA best performer for today lah ! Mantap
   Ane juga mau minta traktir Pak Rei Nih…, hehehe
   [image: ptba.png]
   -Original Message-
   From: m457...@... [mailto:m457...@...]
   Sent: 15 September 2009 16:26
   To: JT
   Subject: RE: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with
 volume,soprof jt
   om tasrul
   Udah closing nih prof. Cakep ga?
   Udah confirm boleh masuk, blom? hehe..
   Asik dah, ane ditraktir ngopi nih sama pak Rei :p



Re: [ob] CoratCoretInfo.... Wajah MEDC

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Medco should benefit from the rise of nat. gas price. Don't forget recently
Medco made an agreement to supply a total of two million tonnes a year of
LNG to Chubu Electric Power and Kansai Electric for 15 years (cmiw)

Fiveteen years!

2009/9/16 ari alex ari


- Sejak tgl 10/09/2009...proses akumulasi...
- Penutupan 16/09/2009...menunjukkan harga dalam trend naik.. menuju
3.100 (Konfirmasi TA)
- Indikator TA..trend turun... kondisi seperti ini...harga cenderung
mengikuti  indikator TAharga cenderung turun
- Kondisi di atas dapat berlawanan ... jika kekuatan beli cukup besar
di atas  akumulasi rata-rata volume transaksi 1 minggu terakhir...
kecenderungan harga dapat kembali kisaran 3.200 (awal agustus 09) ...
- Kinerja keuangan dalam 2 periode terakhir meningkat..



  New Email names for you!*
 Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
 Hurry before someone else does!


Re: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Anyway, the coal miners are being insanely bullish recently in US. Should
bring good sentiment (well I think it's just an adjustment of the underlying
currency though)

But who cares about fundamental?


On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:16 PM, jacob oen wrote:

 pppss a bit correction, Mrs. Consultant meant ibu Fifi?

 If yesEmbah is a Man

 He is a great man


 *From:* jacob oen
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 16, 2009 11:08:34 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 *Mrs. Consultant.. .???*


 I thought Embah is a Man, not woman! Is it true?

 It's OK, whatever she/he does not really matter, what matter
 most..she/he has contributed much to the growth OB members.

 Great job!..

 *From:* boyz
 *Sent:* Wednesday, September 16, 2009 10:52:55 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 Oke hon No more :p


 2009/9/16 Elaine Sui elainesui83@

 *Dear boyz, please don't disturb Mrs. Consultant.. .

 mwaahahaha.. . sorry all..



Re: Bls: [ob] Re: USDIDR 5000, I love you guys :)

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Tomolo Elaine join sedikit saja, for fun. Adaro can?

On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:21 PM, boyz wrote:

 On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 10:50 PM, boyz wrote:

 Come on, honey... you know lah, they are not that bad if you know what i
 If you can't fight them, join them. :) hehe...


 Umm... bukan niat ngajarin sih,
 But i think u should read and practise Sun Tzu's Art of War, hon.



Re: [ob] BUMI maen lagi

2009-09-16 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Depends on boyz really. Let's see how good he is! Elaine tahu biasa boyz
pintar goreng saham, coba bisa kasih gain for me or not.. ^_^  You better
watch how he's doing today to learn how a real bandar works.


On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:11 AM, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)

 Adaronya Elaine tuh masih belum kejorok


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 10:04 AM, Hans Kwee wrote:

 Komo di jorokin mbah...
 IHSG nya di kunci

 sabar2... orang sabar di sayang Tuhan...
 Cari THR susah2 gampang ya


 On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 9:17 AM, David Lau wrote:

 Tenkiu abiss mbah... utk komandonya yg jelas  terarah.

 Mudah²an hr ini giliran saya utk dr THR dr BUMI.

 BUMIII Ready Or Not, I'm Comin...!


 In Te Domine, Speravi Non Confundar In Aeternum

 *From:* jsx_consultant
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:09:25 AM
 *Subject:* [ob] BUMI maen lagi

 BUMI maen lagi


Re: [ob] Elaine buy ASII ???

2009-09-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I didn't do anything to Asia,.. umm no I mean Astra and Bukit Asam. I'm
just sitting here, eating snacks while messing with my FB page. Why Rei
doesn't like me to be happy?.. I thought OB is all about sharing happiness
and joy.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:09 PM, idx chivalry idx.chiva...@gmail.comwrote:

 Elaine, re u push ASII ???

 Ogden Nash - 
 The trouble with a kitten is that when it grows up, it's always a cat.


Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

2009-09-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*And the award goes to ... Mr. Reichi Rich...*


 Wah tahun depan PTBA bisa 4, dan bukan ngupi2 lagi. Cakeepp.


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:54:35 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 Wah boleh aja sih cuma tunggu konfirmasi dari pak JT dulu...kalo daftar
 skrg, tapi ketemuannya Sept TAHUN DEPAN gimana? hahaha


 Kalo gitu pak Rei ane daftar duluan, keburu quota nya penuh. Hehehe


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:33:53 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 Pak Boyz ikutan ya? Wah tapi kalo banyak warga OB yg ikut, ane kabur dah
 Kalo 5-6 org masih oke, lah kalo 50 org? huehehe :-))

 2009/9/15 boyz

 Oke deh, abis lebaran kita tunggu traktiran kopi dari om Rei :p


 2009/9/15 JsxTrader

 ok.., nanti abis lebaran kite ngupi2 lagi ya boss, janji lo
 traktir..., hahaha..., canda...canda...

 BTW, sorry sir sms anda kemarin baru ane baca, soalnya kecampur sms2
 promosi yg bener2 menyebalkan,  jadi saya jrng baca sms..., hehe


 *From:* Rei
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:26:25 PM
 *Subject:* Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt
 om tasrul

 Boleh me dong.
 Masih lanjut nih ptba.

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, JT wrote:

  Kereennn, PTBA best performer for today lah ! Mantap

 Ane juga mau minta traktir Pak Rei Nih…, hehehe


 [image: ptba.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: 15 September 2009 16:26
 To: JT
 Subject: RE: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 Udah closing nih prof. Cakep ga?

 Udah confirm boleh masuk, blom? hehe..

 Asik dah, ane ditraktir ngopi nih sama pak Rei :p




Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

2009-09-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I saw her vid and I must say she's very talented girl, you must be very
proud of her. *

2009/9/15 fifi young

 Kalo pake SLK 500 takut kecepetan,
 'ga bisa ngeceng cewe2 yang lewat...hahaha...

 2009/9/15 boyz

 Glek.. sesajen-nya mahal juga yah buat bikin mBah nongol. Hehehe...
 Kalo mBah jiwa muda sih, minta-nya SLK 500 Kompressor. :)


 2009/9/15 fifi young

 Wah...Mbah mau dateng kalo uda dihadiahin
 SL-350 katanya...hihi...[?][?]

 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui

 *And the award goes to ... Mr. Reichi Rich...*


 Wah tahun depan PTBA bisa 4, dan bukan ngupi2 lagi. Cakeepp.


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:54:35 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt
 om tasrul

 Wah boleh aja sih cuma tunggu konfirmasi dari pak JT dulu...kalo daftar
 skrg, tapi ketemuannya Sept TAHUN DEPAN gimana? hahaha


 Kalo gitu pak Rei ane daftar duluan, keburu quota nya penuh. Hehehe


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:33:53 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof
 jt om tasrul

 Pak Boyz ikutan ya? Wah tapi kalo banyak warga OB yg ikut, ane kabur
 dah hahahah
 Kalo 5-6 org masih oke, lah kalo 50 org? huehehe :-))

 2009/9/15 boyz

 Oke deh, abis lebaran kita tunggu traktiran kopi dari om Rei :p


 2009/9/15 JsxTrader

 ok.., nanti abis lebaran kite ngupi2 lagi ya boss, janji lo
 traktir..., hahaha..., canda...canda...

 BTW, sorry sir sms anda kemarin baru ane baca, soalnya kecampur sms2
 promosi yg bener2 menyebalkan,  jadi saya jrng baca sms..., hehe


 *From:* Rei
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:26:25 PM
 *Subject:* Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof
 jt om tasrul

 Boleh me dong.
 Masih lanjut nih ptba.

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, JT wrote:

  Kereennn, PTBA best performer for today lah ! Mantap

 Ane juga mau minta traktir Pak Rei Nih…, hehehe


 [image: ptba.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: 15 September 2009 16:26
 To: JT
 Subject: RE: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof
 jt om tasrul

 Udah closing nih prof. Cakep ga?

 Udah confirm boleh masuk, blom? hehe..

 Asik dah, ane ditraktir ngopi nih sama pak Rei :p




Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,so????prof jt om tasrul

2009-09-15 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I feel like I'm putting my neck on the line for Embah.* [?]

2009/9/15 tV.kun0

 Hasil BNBR yg dikumpulin buat embah desember nanti cukup ga yah buat beli
 sesajen?? Klo cukup, bu fifi bertanggung jawab niih hadirkan embah. Hehe..

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 *From: * boyz
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 23:31:38 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt om

 Glek.. sesajen-nya mahal juga yah buat bikin mBah nongol. Hehehe...
 Kalo mBah jiwa muda sih, minta-nya SLK 500 Kompressor. :)


 2009/9/15 fifi young

 Wah...Mbah mau dateng kalo uda dihadiahin
 SL-350 katanya...hihi...[?][?]

 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui

 *And the award goes to ... Mr. Reichi Rich...*


 Wah tahun depan PTBA bisa 4, dan bukan ngupi2 lagi. Cakeepp.


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:54:35 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt
 om tasrul

 Wah boleh aja sih cuma tunggu konfirmasi dari pak JT dulu...kalo daftar
 skrg, tapi ketemuannya Sept TAHUN DEPAN gimana? hahaha


 Kalo gitu pak Rei ane daftar duluan, keburu quota nya penuh. Hehehe


 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 *From: * Rei
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 21:33:53 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt
 om tasrul

 Pak Boyz ikutan ya? Wah tapi kalo banyak warga OB yg ikut, ane kabur
 dah hahahah
 Kalo 5-6 org masih oke, lah kalo 50 org? huehehe :-))

 2009/9/15 boyz

 Oke deh, abis lebaran kita tunggu traktiran kopi dari om Rei :p


 2009/9/15 JsxTrader

 ok.., nanti abis lebaran kite ngupi2 lagi ya boss, janji lo
 traktir..., hahaha..., canda...canda...

 BTW, sorry sir sms anda kemarin baru ane baca, soalnya kecampur sms2
 promosi yg bener2 menyebalkan,  jadi saya jrng baca sms..., hehe


 *From:* Rei
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 15, 2009 5:26:25 PM
 *Subject:* Re: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof
 jt om tasrul

 Boleh me dong.
 Masih lanjut nih ptba.

 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 4:40 PM, JT wrote:

  Kereennn, PTBA best performer for today lah ! Mantap

 Ane juga mau minta traktir Pak Rei Nih…, hehehe


 [image: ptba.png]

 -Original Message-
 From: []
 Sent: 15 September 2009 16:26
 To: JT
 Subject: RE: RE: [ob] Ptba break 14150 and with volume,soprof jt
 om tasrul

 Udah closing nih prof. Cakep ga?

 Udah confirm boleh masuk, blom? hehe..

 Asik dah, ane ditraktir ngopi nih sama pak Rei :p




Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*.. and Malaysia.
On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Lucky Trader soluckytra...@gmail.comwrote:

 *By creating a WAR ?...*
 US intends to keep hot issue with Iran  N Korea, just in case they need

 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Tony Prasetya tonyton...@yahoo.comwrote:

  Dear Elaine,

 From the EHM american dollar will be strong. If not they will find way to
 make it strong. How do they pay for oil, for example.

 *From:* Elaine Sui
 *Sent:* Monday, September 14, 2009 11:20:27 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation

 *You got mixed up between value and price. (Like weight vs mass,
 potential vs kinetic, astronomers vs astronauts). lolz I think I confuse you
 even more ya..

 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:12 AM, s|nnerman tv.k...@gmail.

  mmm…. I think I see what you mean…

 CMIIW, my understanding is that, all other currencies appreciate on USD,
 therefore it shows little or no value of appreciating?

 Darn… this currency thingy is so hard to comprehend…=(

 *From:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.[mailto:obrolan-bandar@
 yahoogroups. com] *On Behalf Of *CUMI.JK
 (Buy, TP 5000)
 *Sent:* Monday, September 14, 2009 11:05 AM

 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation

 I think it should be the same, if your currency appreciate also to USD.
 USD is only a medium of exchange, intermediary agent for the exchange of
 commodities to your own currency. Leave USD out of equation, and it should
 be simpler.

 Sell tins and CPO in Rupiah, Buy crude oil in Riyal, buy gold and diamond
 in Rand, buy heavy machine in Yen, buy durian monthong in Baht, import
 Shahrukh Khan in Rupee. It will be more interesting, eh?


  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:55 AM, s|nnerman tv.k...@gmail.

 Agree… but, isn’t that if you are holding USD?

 If however in other currencies (presumably will appreciate on USD), the
 value of commodities are cheaper??

 Sorry…. I am not good at this economy thingy…


 *From:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.[mailto:obrolan-bandar@
 yahoogroups. com] *On Behalf Of *CUMI.JK
 (Buy, TP 5000)
 *Sent:* Monday, September 14, 2009 10:20 AM

 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation

 Let's say that the value of commodities and energy are constant for now,
 but its prices are increasing because the currency is devaluating. The value
 of money is diminishing.


 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:28 AM, s|nnerman tv.k...@gmail.

 Thank you for your inputs sir,…

 I am sure you are just being humble..

 Currently China’s main problem is the devaluating USD.

 There’s no country in the world that would just sit quietly and see their
 money (treasury/reserve) diminishing.

 We have agreed that US is facing serious inflationary issue. And based on
 my discussion with Miss Elaine is that , do we see India, China and
 Indonesian markets able to push the commodity prices up?

 I am convinced that the energy and non-ferrous metal prices are

 However, with the devaluating in USD, I see the possibilities that China
 will diverse her reserve in various forms, including precious metals,
 non-ferrous metals, and energy. If that happens, will China able to push the
 prices north?!



 *From:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.[mailto:obrolan-bandar@
 yahoogroups. com] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
 *Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:07 PM

 *To:* obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation


 I am not expert on fundamental things but just a guy who keen to learn
 something on what happen to the economic. Since you put my name, I am
 trying to share some of view.

 Uhm so difficult questions. Perhaps we need to agree on future, is
 this inflationary is happening in US or contrary their currency is
 devaluating? I guess, both is ongoing. Inflation is the future threat
 of what US peoples is most worrying about. While it is ongoing where
 US dollar is devaluating to other currencies. There should be a trade
 off which we don't know what's gonna happen.

 Look at China, they have also problems with over capacity which will
 lead to deflation

Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*That was quick. lolz..

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 7:48 PM, Henri Purnawan henri.jc...@gmail.comwrote:

 Iran Gains U.S. Military Technology Through Malaysia Middlemen


 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 4:48 PM, anrusing data anru.s...@gmail.comwrote:

 ya, kaget juga si pembuat iklannya... ternyata ada divisi pembuat iklan di
 sana ya?

 On 14/09/2009, rangga_the_demon wrote:

 ..what a good view jeng elaine.u also think that indonesia VS
 Malaysia is one of well planned n created thing ...???...setujuh...!

 --- In,
 Wong Cilik gajahpelan...@... wrote:
  Hot Issue With Malaysia? What hot issue?
  Considering America
  - already have war in Afghan
  - and still tidying up in Iraq,
  - as well as conducting diplomacy with Iran
  - and North Korea,
  - plus a huge budget deficit from those wars/conflicts,
  I am rather sure they will not want to have another war anymore. They
  focus to their own problem. Healthcare, banking regulation, etc...
  So what is with Malaysia?
  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 6:20 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
   *.. and Malaysia.
   On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 12:56 PM, Lucky Trader soluckytrader@
   *By creating a WAR ?...*
   US intends to keep hot issue with Iran  N Korea, just in case they


Re: [ob] Harga Gas Naik +18%

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Actually natural gas price jumped almost 45% from bottom since early
september. Some big players in nymex think it's too cheap.

On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:22 AM, wrote:

 Yg Pasti Bukan 18%.
 Ada ada aja deh ..

 Powered By D-Mobile (Blackberry  Symbian) and D-On Line Trading (Web
 *From: * CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)
 *Date: *Tue, 15 Sep 2009 09:20:03 +0700
 *To: *
 *Subject: *Re: [ob] Harga Gas Naik +18%

 18 persen? 18 sen kaleee...


 On Tue, Sep 15, 2009 at 9:04 AM, wrote:

 Pls see attachment:

 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®


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Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Kiss you so much, Embah [?]*[?]

2009/9/15 Meiliany Halim

 Mbah, memang jagonya :). Thanks

 2009/9/15 Yuni

 Mantap mbah ... :))

 *Dari:* jsx_consultant
 *Terkirim:* Selasa, 15 September, 2009 09:23:38
 *Judul:* [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR


 Kalo OB rame banget artinya Tanda Alam mau jatoh...

 Sebaliknya kalo OB sepi banget artinya mau naek...

 Are You Ready for SABETAN THR ?.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!



Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Near closing bell lots of ppl will get angry with me. Let's see

2009/9/15 Rei

 EL sdh gak ada stock, koq ikut senang? hehehehe...

 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui

 *Kiss you so much, Embah [?]*[?]

 2009/9/15 Meiliany Halim

 Mbah, memang jagonya :). Thanks

 2009/9/15 Yuni

 Mantap mbah ... :))

 *Dari:* jsx_consultant
 *Terkirim:* Selasa, 15 September, 2009 09:23:38
 *Judul:* [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR


 Kalo OB rame banget artinya Tanda Alam mau jatoh...

 Sebaliknya kalo OB sepi banget artinya mau naek...

 Are You Ready for SABETAN THR ?.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!



Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*You're the first one who got angry.

2009/9/15 Joe Grunk

 Gimana kalau jatuh jg cuma koreksi wajar?

 Alias tidak seperti yg didengung2kan, IHSG 1600 atau bahkan 800?

 Yg FM gede mana bisa jualan.

 --- Pada *Sen, 14/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR
 Tanggal: Senin, 14 September, 2009, 8:12 PM

 *Near closing bell lots of ppl will get angry with me. Let's see

 2009/9/15 Rei 

 EL sdh gak ada stock, koq ikut senang? hehehehe...

 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui 

 *Kiss you so much, Embah *

 2009/9/15 Meiliany Halim 

 Mbah, memang jagonya :). Thanks

 2009/9/15 Yuni enj...@yahoo.comhttp://mc/compose?

 Mantap mbah ... :))

 *Dari:* jsx_consultant
 *Terkirim:* Selasa, 15 September, 2009 09:23:38
 *Judul:* [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR


 Kalo OB rame banget artinya Tanda Alam mau jatoh...

 Sebaliknya kalo OB sepi banget artinya mau naek...

 Are You Ready for SABETAN THR ?.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru yang
 Lebih Cepat hari ini!

  Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!*
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!

Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR

2009-09-14 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I never asked anyone to be angry with me..ddoohh... [?] What did I do
anyway.. [?]*

2009/9/15 Lucky Trader

 EL, gak baik di bulan yg baik ini bikin angry banyak orang...
 mending nunggu abis Lebaran aja

 Pls be consider,


 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui

 *You're the first one who got angry.

 2009/9/15 Joe Grunk

   Gimana kalau jatuh jg cuma koreksi wajar?

 Alias tidak seperti yg didengung2kan, IHSG 1600 atau bahkan 800?

 Yg FM gede mana bisa jualan.

 --- Pada *Sen, 14/9/09, Elaine Sui* menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR
 Tanggal: Senin, 14 September, 2009, 8:12 PM

 *Near closing bell lots of ppl will get angry with me. Let's see

 2009/9/15 Rei 

 EL sdh gak ada stock, koq ikut senang? hehehehe...

 2009/9/15 Elaine Sui 

 *Kiss you so much, Embah *

 2009/9/15 Meiliany Halim 

 Mbah, memang jagonya :). Thanks

 2009/9/15 Yuni enj...@yahoo.comhttp://mc/compose?

  Mantap mbah ... :))

 *Dari:* jsx_consultant
 *Terkirim:* Selasa, 15 September, 2009 09:23:38
 *Judul:* [ob] Re: Liburan Milis OB -- TAL: SABETAN THR


 Kalo OB rame banget artinya Tanda Alam mau jatoh...

 Sebaliknya kalo OB sepi banget artinya mau naek...

 Are You Ready for SABETAN THR ?.

 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru
 yang Lebih Cepat hari ini!

 Dapatkan alamat Email baru Anda!*
 Dapatkan nama yang selalu Anda inginkan sebelum diambil orang lain!



Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-13 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*US inflation means deflation for the rest of the world. US inflation means
the USD loses its value thus will affect consumer spending and since the US
is the biggest consumer in the world, it will have impact on foreign exports
to US. Lower export to US means less product to make that turns into massive
unemployment. Did you know, one third of Chinese new graduates are currently
jobless this year.

1. How severe will the US inflation impact on our country's (RI) economy and
stock exchange?
It supposedly will affect any country's USD denominated foreign reserves.
Most treasurers sell their USD and switch to gold (like China has been doing
all this time) or other instruments such as bonds.

Indonesia foreign debt is around IDR 1600 trillions. This means foreigners
sold/short USD, buy IDR (let's say @ IDR 10k/USD) to buy govt bonds at
premium. IF the dollar falls, let's say to 7k/USD, foreign investors will
see this as a capital gain and may sell them even at discount. Not good (for
you ^_^). Strong IDR is unfavorable though it has some positive effect on
the imported things like drugs, heavy machinery and oil consumption.

2. Will it drive the value of oil south? If so, could you please elaborate?!
I think oil will go nowhere for sometime and so do other commodities.

3. Many believe that if the US inflation do really happen, gold price shall
soars. Will the non-ferrous metal prices climb as well?
No. Gold is precious metal and used as hedge to inflation, nickel, copper
and tin are non ferrous (industrial).

4. Are there any stock that will rise along with inflation? If so, what
sector(s) would it be?
Embah has said this, company with USD debt  IDR revenue will benefit from
USD decline.

Best stock picks? I dunno, currently I only own bonds. lolz.. damn I'm good.
(Of course I will sell them when the price is good leh). I'm not trying to
scare anyone but we're at war (against economic turmoil), let's face it.

I'll tell you a trick: go contrarian on ANY STATEMENT from the officials. If
they''re pessimistic, BUY. If they''re optimistic and confident, SELL. Now
the fed has just said that the recession is easing, so... you know what to
do. Based on the damage of the financial system in the US, I think they need
at least ten years for recovery.

Buy on US weakness (which can be easily monitored by the strength of its
currency index. Chartists! Take note.)


2009/9/13 tV.kun0

 Dear Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pak Pengamat Market, Pak Yuta, Elaine  and
 other macro economic experts.

 Please allow newbie to ask a few questions related to macro economic issue.

 Recently I read some news regarding the threat of the US inflation. Below
 is some copy and paste from the articles.

 Buffett is sounding the warning that America's enormous and mushrooming
 public debt presents an enormous inflation risk. He points out that private
 savings and foreign loans won't adequately cover our huge borrowing.

 All that spending originates as borrowing, and there's no way it'll ever
 be repaid. It'll be inflated away by the Federal Reserve's monopoly on money
 creation. That will erode the value of the money in your pocket, in your
 bank account, and, yes, in your stock portfolio, too.

 My questions are:
 1. How severe will the US inflation impact on our country's (RI) economy
 and stock exchange?
 2. Will it drive the value of oil south? If so, could you please
 3. Many believe that if the US inflation do really happen, gold price shall
 soars. Will the non-ferrous metal prices climb as well?
 4. Are there any stock that will rise along with inflation? If so, what
 sector(s) would it be?

 Thanking you very much in advance for your time to answer.


 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT


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Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and others on US Inflation

2009-09-13 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*You got mixed up between value and price. (Like weight vs mass, potential
vs kinetic, astronomers vs astronauts). lolz I think I confuse you even more
ya.. [?]

On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 11:12 AM, s|nnerman wrote:

  mmm…. I think I see what you mean…

 CMIIW, my understanding is that, all other currencies appreciate on USD,
 therefore it shows little or no value of appreciating?

 Darn… this currency thingy is so hard to comprehend…=(

 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)
 *Sent:* Monday, September 14, 2009 11:05 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation

 I think it should be the same, if your currency appreciate also to USD.
 USD is only a medium of exchange, intermediary agent for the exchange of
 commodities to your own currency. Leave USD out of equation, and it should
 be simpler.

 Sell tins and CPO in Rupiah, Buy crude oil in Riyal, buy gold and diamond
 in Rand, buy heavy machine in Yen, buy durian monthong in Baht, import
 Shahrukh Khan in Rupee. It will be more interesting, eh?


  On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 10:55 AM, s|nnerman wrote:

 Agree… but, isn’t that if you are holding USD?

 If however in other currencies (presumably will appreciate on USD), the
 value of commodities are cheaper??

 Sorry…. I am not good at this economy thingy…


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)
 *Sent:* Monday, September 14, 2009 10:20 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation

 Let's say that the value of commodities and energy are constant for now,
 but its prices are increasing because the currency is devaluating. The value
 of money is diminishing.


 On Mon, Sep 14, 2009 at 9:28 AM, s|nnerman wrote:

 Thank you for your inputs sir,…

 I am sure you are just being humble..

 Currently China’s main problem is the devaluating USD.

 There’s no country in the world that would just sit quietly and see their
 money (treasury/reserve) diminishing.

 We have agreed that US is facing serious inflationary issue. And based on
 my discussion with Miss Elaine is that , do we see India, China and
 Indonesian markets able to push the commodity prices up?

 I am convinced that the energy and non-ferrous metal prices are overvalued.

 However, with the devaluating in USD, I see the possibilities that China
 will diverse her reserve in various forms, including precious metals,
 non-ferrous metals, and energy. If that happens, will China able to push the
 prices north?!



 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *YUTA
 *Sent:* Sunday, September 13, 2009 11:07 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] To: Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pengamat Market and
 others on US Inflation


 I am not expert on fundamental things but just a guy who keen to learn
 something on what happen to the economic. Since you put my name, I am
 trying to share some of view.

 Uhm so difficult questions. Perhaps we need to agree on future, is
 this inflationary is happening in US or contrary their currency is
 devaluating? I guess, both is ongoing. Inflation is the future threat
 of what US peoples is most worrying about. While it is ongoing where
 US dollar is devaluating to other currencies. There should be a trade
 off which we don't know what's gonna happen.

 Look at China, they have also problems with over capacity which will
 lead to deflation but in the other hand they are very sensitive on
 commodities fluctuation which will trigger to inflation. Confuse,
 right? Then it does make sense where China is also curbing both
 (Commodities inflation and US dollar deflation) by diversing their
 reserve, at least for my perspective of thinking.

 I believe what peoples wiat is how US government will end the stimulus
 and their method take out the liquidity from the market. Once they
 increase the interest rate, stock and market will negatively react.
 And once it happen, as you aware, the US dollar will increase their
 value which other currency should follow (to increase interest rate)
 as well. You can imagine if accross the universe is raising their
 interest rate from one to another place .

 That's the comment from newbie too...Doesn't answer your question. Fool

 To Seniors, please correct if something wrong...

 2009/9/13 tV.kun0
  Dear Pak Hendra Bujang, Embah, Pak Pengamat Market, Pak Yuta, Elaine  and
 other macro economic experts.

Re: [ob] BNBR 300......

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*(somehow Embah is smiling on this news [?]) Can somebody please give me the
list of participant. I just want to know how many ppl have joined this
charity program **[?]Anyway, thank you everyone. Well I have no idea on how
this will end but keep the spirit high.**
2009/9/10 kobayashi mitsukuni

 Peroleh Laba, Saham BNBR Menuju Rp 300

  10/09/2009 - 12:40
  Peroleh Laba, Saham BNBR Menuju Rp 300
 Wahid Ma'ruf

 (* /Dokumen*)

 *INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Saham Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR) dalam jangka
 menengah akan terus bergerak menuju Rp 300 dengan kinerja keuangan perseroan
 yang saat ini sudah membukukan laba sekitar Rp 22 miliar di semester I 2009.

 Hal itu dikatakan pengamat pasar modal, Willy Sanjaya kepada *INILAH.COM*,
 Jakarta Kamis (10/9). Ke depan prospek saham BNBR akan terus terangkat
 dengan kinerja saat ini yang sudah mulai mendapat laba sekitar Rp 22 miliar,
 padahal tahun lalu masih rugi sekian triliun, katanya.

 Pada perdagangan sesi I hari ini, saham BNBR naik Rp 2 ke Rp 134 dengan
 volume 719,773 unit saham senilai Rp 47,87 miliar sebanyak 956 kali
 transaksi. Dalam jangka menengah saham BNBR akan menuju Rp 200 bahkan dapat
 ke level Rp 300. BNBR merupakan perusahaan holding yang kuat, dia invetasi
 ke banyak sektor dan dapat membalikan dari rugi menjadi untung dalam waktu
 yang relatif cepat, katanya.

 Apalagi sentimen pasar terhadap pemilihan ketua umum sangat terbuka bagi
 Aburizal Bakrie akan dapat mendongkrak saham-saham Bakrie Seven. Dengan
 demikian BNBR sebagai holding akan ikut terdongkrak naik. Dorongan terbesar
 datang dari anak usahanya yaitu BUMI yang saat ini kinerja keuangannya
 membaik dengan beban utang yang sudah mulai berkurang. [hid]

 Apakah Anda Yahoo!?
 Lelah menerima spam? Surat Yahoo! memiliki perlindungan terbaik terhadap


Re: [ob] DJIA MACD Optimized

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
**“ Maaf Lahir Bathin” juga dari Elaine and to everyone else. GBU.**

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:27 AM, Tasrul wrote:

  Sama-sama Pak dan juga buat Obers yang lain “ Maaf Lahir Bathin”


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Darwin Gunawan
 *Sent:* Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:26 AM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] DJIA MACD Optimized

 Pak Tasrul,

 Selamat Lebaran ya.

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Tasrul wrote:

 Semoga deh... ane mudik dulu besok, jadi maaf kalau postingnya mungkin akan
 jarang sampai tgl 3 Okt

 -Original Message-
 From:[mailto:] On
 Behalf Of Hans Kwee
 Sent: Thursday, September 10, 2009 11:17 AM
 Subject: Re: [ob] DJIA MACD Optimized

 Cakep p Tasrul...

 MACD DOW mental di support up trend line...
 Kasih GC lagi

 lanjutkan deh...


 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 11:11 AM, Alex
  TQ... Om Tasrul..
  On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Tasrul
  Apa masih belum yakin ?
  PT. Overseas
  Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower Lt.16
  Jl. Jend.Sudirman Kav.54-55
   Jakarta - 12190, Indonesia
   Phone 62.21.5277008
  DISCLAIMER: This email and any files transmitted with it are
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  use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. Any use of
  information contained herein (including, but not limited to, total or
  partial reproduction, communication or distribution in any form) by
  other than the named addressee(s) is prohibited. Please notify the
  immediately if you have received this e-mail by mistake and delete this
  e-mail from your system. Please note that any views or opinions
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  this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily
  those of the company. PT. Overseas Securities accepts no liability for
  damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.


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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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 Darwin Gunawan


Re: [ob] BNBR 300......

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I see no one has replied but you. Damn..
2009/9/10 Rei

 Don't worry. I still keep for Mbah...

 2009/9/10 Elaine Sui

 *(somehow Embah is smiling on this news [?]) Can somebody please give me
 the list of participant. I just want to know how many ppl have joined this
 charity program **[?]Anyway, thank you everyone. Well I have no idea on
 how this will end but keep the spirit high.*
 2009/9/10 kobayashi mitsukuni

 Peroleh Laba, Saham BNBR Menuju Rp 300

  10/09/2009 - 12:40
  Peroleh Laba, Saham BNBR Menuju Rp 300
 Wahid Ma'ruf

 (* /Dokumen*)

 *INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Saham Bakrie  Brothers Tbk (BNBR) dalam jangka
 menengah akan terus bergerak menuju Rp 300 dengan kinerja keuangan perseroan
 yang saat ini sudah membukukan laba sekitar Rp 22 miliar di semester I 2009.

 Hal itu dikatakan pengamat pasar modal, Willy Sanjaya kepada *INILAH.COM
 *, Jakarta Kamis (10/9). Ke depan prospek saham BNBR akan terus
 terangkat dengan kinerja saat ini yang sudah mulai mendapat laba sekitar Rp
 22 miliar, padahal tahun lalu masih rugi sekian triliun, katanya.

 Pada perdagangan sesi I hari ini, saham BNBR naik Rp 2 ke Rp 134 dengan
 volume 719,773 unit saham senilai Rp 47,87 miliar sebanyak 956 kali
 transaksi. Dalam jangka menengah saham BNBR akan menuju Rp 200 bahkan dapat
 ke level Rp 300. BNBR merupakan perusahaan holding yang kuat, dia invetasi
 ke banyak sektor dan dapat membalikan dari rugi menjadi untung dalam waktu
 yang relatif cepat, katanya.

 Apalagi sentimen pasar terhadap pemilihan ketua umum sangat terbuka bagi
 Aburizal Bakrie akan dapat mendongkrak saham-saham Bakrie Seven. Dengan
 demikian BNBR sebagai holding akan ikut terdongkrak naik. Dorongan terbesar
 datang dari anak usahanya yaitu BUMI yang saat ini kinerja keuangannya
 membaik dengan beban utang yang sudah mulai berkurang. [hid]

 Apakah Anda Yahoo!?
 Lelah menerima spam? Surat Yahoo! memiliki perlindungan terbaik terhadap



Re: [ob] Harvard study: Businesses not ready for H1N1 flu

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Oh my God! how could I miss this one... why now ppl start talking about
this scary stuffs.. unemployment, deflation, now H1N1.. but the markets are
still on the uptrend. Why...why... [?][?]

Crazy frickin market.. lolz [?]
* *

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:27 AM, dunia ini indah pusatdu...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Harvard study: Businesses not ready for H1N1 flu

 Published: Wednesday September 9, 2009

 Harvard study: Businesses, including food industry, unprepared for possible
 swine flu outbreak

 BOSTON -- Many American businesses are unprepared to deal with widespread
 employee absenteeism in the event of an outbreak of swine flu, according to
 a Harvard School of Public Health study released Wednesday.

 The survey found that two-thirds of the more than 1,000 businesses
 questioned nationwide said they could not maintain normal operations if half
 their workers were out for two weeks. Four out of every five businesses
 expect severe problems if half their workers are out for a month.

 What we found is that a minority of businesses have started some sort of
 emergency planning, said Robert Blendon, a professor of health policy and
 leader of the project sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
 Prevention. Most, I don't think, have thought through the implications of
 something so widespread.

 Companies designated by the Department of Homeland Security as critical
 to the security and economic vitality of the nation, including those in the
 food supply chain, energy and finance, were no more likely to have a plan
 than non-essential businesses, Blendon said.

 Companies may have been fooled into complacency by the relative mild nature
 of the first wave of swine flu that swept the U.S. last spring, and are too
 concerned about the overall economic situation to worry about future
 problems, he said.

 The survey found that about three-quarters of businesses offer paid sick
 leave for some employees, but only 35 percent offer paid leave for workers
 who need to stay home to take care of sick family members or children forced
 to stay home if schools are closed.

 Those policies should be loosened during an outbreak, Blendon said. If
 this hits, there is really need for some flexibility.

 The survey also found that nearly half of all companies required a doctor's
 note before granting someone sick leave, and about 70 percent required a
 note before someone can return to work, yet few had considered getting rid
 of that policy during a medical emergency.

 The CDC is suggesting that companies waive that rule during a flu pandemic
 to relieve strain on overworked doctor's offices, said agency spokesman Glen

 Associated Industries of Massachusetts, which includes 6,500 companies in
 the state from the small to the Fortune 500, is urging its members to

 Companies have to prepare now because the flu spreads so quickly there
 won't be enough time to make these business-critical decisions when it
 hits, said Karen Choi, the organization's senior vice president of
 management and human resources services.

 Companies need to train workers to handle the jobs of absent colleagues and
 need to determine which jobs can be handled remotely from home, she said.

 The telephone survey, conducted between July 16 and August 12, included
 interviews with human resources officers at 1,057 randomly selected
 businesses across the U.S. It included samples of small businesses with 20
 to 99 employees; medium companies with 100 to 500 employees; and large
 businesses with more than 500 workers. It had a margin of error of plus or
 minus 4.2 percentage points.

 The information from the survey is already being used by the CDC to advise
 businesses, said agency spokesman Nowak.

 This is another burden employers are going to have to face in an already
 difficult year, Choi said.

 On the Web:

 Harvard School of Public Health,

 Department of Health and Human Services swine flu business guidance,


 + +
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 kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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Re: [ob] THR nya diambil lg yak.. :(

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Reason? how about Astratel? [?]

2009/9/10 boyz

 2009/9/10 cipto_jh

 Wah.. yg lebih berwenang aka sip buat nebak td di ASII itu GL biasanya
 atau GL perlente mungkin cuman pak Oen tu pak Boyz.. ane mah nyoba blajar
 'mbaca' tadi dari chart menitan.. bener gtu kan pak.. hehehe

 wah sama2 belajar kita pak :)
 Kalau dari chart 5 menitan, kelihatannya lagi membentuk CupHandle tuw.



Re: [ob] Harvard study: Businesses not ready for H1N1 flu

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well at least I'm not lying, mate. Bad things usually come unexpectedly.
Not really about stock market, but more on the general economy.

Rei, you are an investor, right? Tell me, are you confident with the
recovery? Or should I ask, with the crippling of USD value, soaring gold (as
hedge of US hyperinflation + China demands for diversification), high
unemployment rate and weak consumer demand, is it really a recovery after

I need an opinion from a true investor like you.

On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:43 PM, Rei wrote:

 I told you virus is sensed
 I read this article this morning...

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 9:36 PM, Elaine Sui wrote:

 *Oh my God! how could I miss this one... why now ppl start talking about
 this scary stuffs.. unemployment, deflation, now H1N1.. but the markets are
 still on the uptrend. Why...why... [?][?]

 Crazy frickin market.. lolz [?]

 On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 12:27 AM, dunia ini indah 

 Harvard study: Businesses not ready for H1N1 flu

 Published: Wednesday September 9, 2009

 Harvard study: Businesses, including food industry, unprepared for
 possible swine flu outbreak

 BOSTON -- Many American businesses are unprepared to deal with widespread
 employee absenteeism in the event of an outbreak of swine flu, according to
 a Harvard School of Public Health study released Wednesday.

 The survey found that two-thirds of the more than 1,000 businesses
 questioned nationwide said they could not maintain normal operations if half
 their workers were out for two weeks. Four out of every five businesses
 expect severe problems if half their workers are out for a month.

 What we found is that a minority of businesses have started some sort of
 emergency planning, said Robert Blendon, a professor of health policy and
 leader of the project sponsored by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
 Prevention. Most, I don't think, have thought through the implications of
 something so widespread.

 Companies designated by the Department of Homeland Security as critical
 to the security and economic vitality of the nation, including those in the
 food supply chain, energy and finance, were no more likely to have a plan
 than non-essential businesses, Blendon said.

 Companies may have been fooled into complacency by the relative mild
 nature of the first wave of swine flu that swept the U.S. last spring, and
 are too concerned about the overall economic situation to worry about future
 problems, he said.

 The survey found that about three-quarters of businesses offer paid sick
 leave for some employees, but only 35 percent offer paid leave for workers
 who need to stay home to take care of sick family members or children forced
 to stay home if schools are closed.

 Those policies should be loosened during an outbreak, Blendon said. If
 this hits, there is really need for some flexibility.

 The survey also found that nearly half of all companies required a
 doctor's note before granting someone sick leave, and about 70 percent
 required a note before someone can return to work, yet few had considered
 getting rid of that policy during a medical emergency.

 The CDC is suggesting that companies waive that rule during a flu
 pandemic to relieve strain on overworked doctor's offices, said agency
 spokesman Glen Nowak.

 Associated Industries of Massachusetts, which includes 6,500 companies in
 the state from the small to the Fortune 500, is urging its members to

 Companies have to prepare now because the flu spreads so quickly there
 won't be enough time to make these business-critical decisions when it
 hits, said Karen Choi, the organization's senior vice president of
 management and human resources services.

 Companies need to train workers to handle the jobs of absent colleagues
 and need to determine which jobs can be handled remotely from home, she

 The telephone survey, conducted between July 16 and August 12, included
 interviews with human resources officers at 1,057 randomly selected
 businesses across the U.S. It included samples of small businesses with 20
 to 99 employees; medium companies with 100 to 500 employees; and large
 businesses with more than 500 workers. It had a margin of error of plus or
 minus 4.2 percentage points.

 The information from the survey is already being used by the CDC to
 advise businesses, said agency spokesman Nowak.

 This is another burden employers are going to have to face in an already
 difficult year, Choi said.

 On the Web:

 Harvard School of Public Health,

 Department of Health and Human Services swine flu business guidance,


 + +
 + + + + +

Re: [ob] THR nya diambil lg yak.. :(

2009-09-10 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Means? come on, smarty..*

2009/9/10 boyz

 Dont ask me the reason, dear... :)It is said Astratel now own 62% PT.
 Marga Mandala Sakti.


 2009/9/10 Elaine Sui

 *Reason? how about Astratel? [?]

 2009/9/10 boyz

 2009/9/10 cipto_jh

 Wah.. yg lebih berwenang aka sip buat nebak td di ASII itu GL biasanya
 atau GL perlente mungkin cuman pak Oen tu pak Boyz.. ane mah nyoba blajar
 'mbaca' tadi dari chart menitan.. bener gtu kan pak.. hehehe

 wah sama2 belajar kita pak :)
 Kalau dari chart 5 menitan, kelihatannya lagi membentuk CupHandle tuw.




Re: [ob] Re: Maff, tapi bersiaplah untuk melihat IHSG ke 2,500 (Papah Lauren Creation)

2009-09-08 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*JT's out, **Art's out. **Dean's out. These great men are like disease to us
(that's a compliment!). [?]

On Tue, Sep 8, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Prasetyo, Hani wrote:

  Pak JT minta chartnya BUMI  plat merah ya pak (ANTM, PGAS, TINS)..


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Cougar Boy
 *Sent:* Tuesday, September 08, 2009 4:26 PM
 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Re: Maff, tapi bersiaplah untuk melihat IHSG ke 2,500
 (Papah Lauren Creation)

 Mn...gak terlalu meyakinkan sih indexnya

 cuman beberapa saham menunjukan strong reversal.

 saya yakin pak JT hari ini pasti bolak-balik lihat volume.. am I right ??

 2009/9/8 boyz

 Semalem ane udah nonton joged India, om HMin...

 Debit Inflow cukup deras gak nih? padat merayap?


 2009/9/8 Cougar Boy

 yang sudah kosong..kalau BEI close 2370 gimana ??

 perlahan tapi value dah 3.2T

 per 15:40

 2009/9/8 jsx_consultant

 Pak DE,

 Ini papah Lauren mau mgasih THR INSTAN dalam 2 minggu ini.

 Mohon opini terakhirnya sebelum meninggalkan OB ?.

 Engga jadi sekolah deh... hehehe...

 --- In,
 Embah jsx-consult...@... wrote:
  Maff, tapi bersiaplah untuk melihat IHSG ke 2,500 (Papah Lauren Creation)
  - Mohon reviewnya apakah prediksi ini cukup Valid ???


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Re: Bls: [ob] Woiii BOZZZZZ Mana nih THR Nya BOZZZ.... ?

2009-09-07 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Told'ja. [?]

2009/9/7 ueno_kobayashi


 *Iya nich BOSSsaya juga sh Paceklik nich...*

 *hehhehehe..kemarau panjang..*



 --- In, Ki Bango Tongtong
 kibangotongt...@... wrote:
  THR nya lusa kali, THR = Tunjangan Hari Rabu
  Sent from my BuyBakrie®
  Power by DEWA
  -Original Message-
  From: AB asepbuh...@...
  Date: Mon, 7 Sep 2009 15:17:44
  Subject: Bls: [ob] Woiii BOZ Mana nih THR Nya BOZZZ ?
  sudah tidur aja
  kagak ada THR...bang...
  Dari: troyanese troyan...@...
  Terkirim: Senin, 7 September, 2009 13:55:03
  Judul: [ob] Woiii BOZ Mana nih THR Nya BOZZZ ?
  Capek nih nungguin. wkwkwkwkwk
  Buat sendiri desain eksklusif Messenger Pingbox Anda sekarang! Membuat
 tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah.



Re: [ob] 090909.....

2009-09-07 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*When you reverse the numbers, it would spell 606060 or triple 6, Vicarius
Filii Dei, the number of the Beast. But what I do know that Beasts usually
refer to strong, big, horned creatures.. like bulls! [?]

2009/9/7 ueno_kobayashi

 wah sebentar lagi hari RABU tgl o9 bulan 09..tahun buntut 09..

 wah...kok sama dgn nick Jendral Arto...JENDRAL A9...?

 apa yg akan terjadi dihari tersebut ya..?

 apa Jendral akan bagi2 THR yaa...?

 atau Iching bisa tolong prediksikan..

 apa kira2 yg bisa terjadi dihari tersebut..

 keberuntungan utk untuk kita2 pemain saham...?




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Re: [ob] Re: Iching buat prediksi saham

2009-09-06 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*What do you think about me? which level am I? Just curious. Thanks, Ed.


2009/9/6 edwinkdr

  Buat saya yg paling penting, usaha agar portofolio ijo, dengan modal
  tidak punya kemampuan sbg. peramal atau paranormal.

 Wah sebenarnya kalo membaca pernyataan dari Bapak Win ini, sptnya Bapak
 sudah menapaki level Trader 3, bahkan mungkin lebih [image: B-)]


 *Level 3 The EUREKA Moment*   [image: :]

 Pada akhir level 2, kamu akhirnya menyadari pokok permasalahan bukan
 terletak di system. *Kamu menyadari bahwa kamu bisa mendapat profit bahkan
 jika hanya menggunakan system yang simpel seperti moving average saja tanpa
 ada indicator lain, jika kamu bisa menggunakan kepala kamu dan money
 management yang benar.*


 Level pencerahan ini membuat otak kamu menyadari satu hal yang penting, di
 dunia ini tidak ada seorang pun yang mampu memprediksi secara akurat apa
 yang akan terjadi pada market 30 detik kemudian.

 *Notes :*
 Sebenarnya inti dari pernyataan kalo dibahasakan mungkin spt ini -- CMIIW
 [image: :-s]

 Apakah penting bagi kita untuk tahu sebelum kejadian (Weruh Saderenge
 Winarah). jika hal tersebut ternyata tidak cukup membawa manfaat bagi kita
 secara lahir dan bathin.  [image: :-B]

 Boleh jadi apa yg kita ketahui  dan kita ungkapkan sebelum kejadian itu
 benar. akan tetapi pertanyaan sebenarnya...sudah siapkah kita menghadapi
 hal tersebut  saat benar2 datang dan seberapa besarkah manfaat yg dibawanya
 untuk kita dan lingkungan kita dimana kita ada?[image: :-/]

 Lebih bermanfaat yg mana
 Misal sajadia tahu akan terjadi bencana(dengan tanda2 alam) dan cerita
 kemana2 sebagai hal yg mistis.dan tdk tahu apa yg harus dilakukan sehingga
 saat bencana benar2 terjadi akhirnya mati juga. atau mereka yg sama sekali
 tdk tahu akan terjadi bencana tapi secara alami merasakan adanya gejala2
 tersebut dan bersiap2. dan saat memang bencana itu benar2 datang, dia
 selamat dan menyelamatkan banyak orang tanpa terlalu banyak cerita kemana2 
 :D] (responsif)

 Percaya atau tdk[image: B-)]

 Tuhan pasti telah memperhitungkan semuanya, jika kita meyakiniNya karena
 semua akan indah pada waktuNya...[image: ;)]
 Lebih penting Paham pesan Tuhan tentang apa yg harus kita lakukan daripada
 sekedar tahu apa yg akan terjadi yg belom tentu hal tersebut bermanfaat
 ataupun ada sebagai tanggung jawab yg Tuhan kehendaki untuk dilakukan. [image:

 Dimana untuk memahami pesan tsb kita perlu untuk mengendalikan hawa napsu
 (donya cilik) sebelum mengendalikan alam sekitar kita(ndonya gedhe)...Ojo
 rumangsa bisa tapi bisa'a rumangsa -- jangan merasa bisa, tapi biasakanlah
 untuk bisa merasakan, sehingga kita tahu apa yg harus dilakukan... [image:

 * Biasanya yg semakin ga logis itu yg paling hebat.*  [image: :))]

 Dan berikut ini tambahan artikel yg mungkin agak aneh [image: :D]
 Lontar yg dibaca Raden Paku (Sunan Giri)  peninggalan dari ayah beliau Syeh
 Wali Lanang. tentang macam ilmu manusia [image: :-B]

 Mumpung Weekend dan lagi bengong berikut saya resume Artikel-nya : [image:

 *Ilmu manusia*

 *Mengetahui arti bahasa adalah kuncinya. Kesungguhan yg pasti, adalah yg
 perlu benar2 dimengerti. Jangan takut biaya. Bukan emas, bukan dirham, dan
 bukan pula harta benda. Karena sebenarnya hanya niat ikhlas yg diperlukan.
 * [image: :)]

 *Ilmu manusia Pertama *adalah ilmu kamanungsan yg lahir dari jalan indrawi
 dan melalui laku kamanungsan.

 *Ilmu manusia kedua* adalah ilmu kasampurnaan yg lahir melalui
 pembelajaran langsung dari Sang Khalik.

 Untuk yg kedua ini, ia terjadi melalui 2 cara, yaitu dari luar dan dari

 Yang dari luar, dilalui dg cara belajar. Sedangkan yg dari dalam, dilalui
 dg jalan bertapa ( bertafakur ).

 Adapun bertafakur secara batin sepadan dg belajar secara lahir. Belajar
 memiliki arti pengambilan manfaat oleh seorang murid dari laku seorang guru.

 Sedangkan tafakur memiliki makna batin, yaitu *suksma seorang murid yg
 mengambil manfaat dari suksma sejati*, ialah *jiwa sejati*.

 *Suksma sejati dalam olah ngelmu memilki pengaruh yg lebih kuat
 dibandingkan berbagai nasehat dari ahli ilmu dan ahli nalar*. Ilmu2
 seperti itu tersimpan kuat pada pangkal suksma, bagaikan benih yg tertanam
 dalam tanah, atau mutiara di dasar laut.
 ilmu merupakan kekuatan seperti benih atau tepatnya seperti 
 tumbuh2an.*Apabila suksma sang murid sudah matang, ia akan menjadi seperti 
 pohon yg
 berbuah, atau seperti mutiara yg sudah dikeluarkan dari dasar laut.

 *Jika kekuatan badaniah mengalahkan jiwa, berarti murid masih harus terus
 menjalani laku prihatin dalam olah ngelmu dg menyelami kesulitan demi
 kesulitan dan kepenatan demi kepenatan, dalam rangka menggapai manfaat.*

 *Jika Cahaya Rasa mengalahkan macam2 indra, berarti murid lebih
 membutuhkan sedikit tafakur daripada 

Re: [ob] Re: Iching buat prediksi saham

2009-09-06 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Thanks, Ed. [?]

2009/9/6 edwinkdr

 Level 5 dech buat El [image: :)]

 1. Trading/Invest-nya Banyakan Untung (stabil)
 2. jadi bintang di OB
 3. suka memberi saran
 4. dan menjadi superstar ya kemarin...[image: :))]

 Trader Level 5
 *Level 5 Unconscious Competence*

 Inilah level puncak dari seorang trader, inilah level utopia, kamu telah
 menguasai emosi kamu dan kini kamu* trading dengan account yang terus
 membesar* tiap harinya dari kumulatif profit yang kamu peroleh.

 *Kamu akan jadi bintang di trading chat room*, dan orang-orang akan
 mendengarkan apa yang kamu katakan, kamu kenal dengan pertanyaan mereka,
 karena kamu ada diposisi mereka 2 tahun yang lalu.
 *Kamu akan memberikan saran bagi mereka*, namun kamu tahu bahwa kebanyakan
 dari mereka tidak akan mendengarkannya karena mereka masih trader level 1.

 *Kamu tidak akan mempunyai masalah financial lagi*, kamu mampu membeli
 semua benda yang tersedia untuk dijual, kamu bisa membeli pulau dan trading
 disana asalkan ada jaringan internet, kamu bisa pindah ke hotel bintang 5,
 dan menjadi penghuni tetap disana.

 *Kamu mempunyai penghasilan seperti seorang superstar,* kamu bisa membuat
 buku sendiri, kamu bisa trading dengan margin yang tanpa batas, dan account
 kamu akan berlipat-lipat dari account awal.

 (waktunya kaburrr [image: B-)] tuing 2x)


 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *What do you think about me? which level am I? Just curious. Thanks, Ed.
  2009/9/6 edwinkdr edwin...@...

Buat saya yg paling penting, usaha agar portofolio ijo, dengan modal
tidak punya kemampuan sbg. peramal atau paranormal.
   Wah sebenarnya kalo membaca pernyataan dari Bapak Win ini, sptnya Bapak
   sudah menapaki level Trader 3, bahkan mungkin lebih [image: B-)]
   *Level 3 The EUREKA Moment* [image: :]
   Pada akhir level 2, kamu akhirnya menyadari pokok permasalahan bukan
   terletak di system. *Kamu menyadari bahwa kamu bisa mendapat profit
   jika hanya menggunakan system yang simpel seperti moving average saja
   ada indicator lain, jika kamu bisa menggunakan kepala kamu dan money
   management yang benar.*
   Level pencerahan ini membuat otak kamu menyadari satu hal yang penting,
   dunia ini tidak ada seorang pun yang mampu memprediksi secara akurat
   yang akan terjadi pada market 30 detik kemudian.
   *Notes :*
   Sebenarnya inti dari pernyataan kalo dibahasakan mungkin spt ini --
   [image: :-s]
   Apakah penting bagi kita untuk tahu sebelum kejadian (Weruh Saderenge
   Winarah). jika hal tersebut ternyata tidak cukup membawa manfaat bagi
   secara lahir dan bathin. [image: :-B]
   Boleh jadi apa yg kita ketahui dan kita ungkapkan sebelum kejadian itu
   benar. akan tetapi pertanyaan sebenarnya...sudah siapkah kita
   hal tersebut saat benar2 datang dan seberapa besarkah manfaat yg
   untuk kita dan lingkungan kita dimana kita ada?  [image: :-/]
   Lebih bermanfaat yg mana
   Misal sajadia tahu akan terjadi bencana(dengan tanda2 alam) dan
   kemana2 sebagai hal yg mistis.dan tdk tahu apa yg harus dilakukan
   saat bencana benar2 terjadi akhirnya mati juga. atau mereka yg sama
   tdk tahu akan terjadi bencana tapi secara alami merasakan adanya
   tersebut dan bersiap2. dan saat memang bencana itu benar2 datang, dia
   selamat dan menyelamatkan banyak orang tanpa terlalu banyak cerita
 kemana2 [image:
   :D] (responsif)
   Percaya atau tdk[image: B-)]
   Tuhan pasti telah memperhitungkan semuanya, jika kita meyakiniNya
   semua akan indah pada waktuNya...[image: ;)]
   Lebih penting Paham pesan Tuhan tentang apa yg harus kita lakukan
   sekedar tahu apa yg akan terjadi yg belom tentu hal tersebut bermanfaat
   ataupun ada sebagai tanggung jawab yg Tuhan kehendaki untuk dilakukan.
   Dimana untuk memahami pesan tsb kita perlu untuk mengendalikan hawa
   (donya cilik) sebelum mengendalikan alam sekitar kita(ndonya
   rumangsa bisa tapi bisa'a rumangsa -- jangan merasa bisa, tapi
   untuk bisa merasakan, sehingga kita tahu apa yg harus dilakukan...
   * Biasanya yg semakin ga logis itu yg paling hebat.* [image: :))]
   Dan berikut ini tambahan artikel yg mungkin agak aneh [image: :D]
   Lontar yg dibaca Raden Paku (Sunan Giri) peninggalan dari ayah beliau
   Wali Lanang. tentang macam ilmu manusia [image: :-B]
   Mumpung Weekend dan lagi bengong berikut saya resume Artikel-nya :
   *Ilmu manusia*
   *Mengetahui arti bahasa adalah kuncinya

Re: [ob] Re: So lazy market...

2009-09-04 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*I'm smart so.. ane juga bisa tahu betawi lah. Easy. [?]

Elaine* *
On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 2:07 PM, qasuaribo wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Well I never control or manipulate anything, if market goes up after I
  leave then what exactly the problem? I'm with the good guys ^_^ But I see
  that the market goes nowhere, it's locked. By who? I dunno, perhaps by
  bozz. Or Embah. Or Artororo.  [?] I plan to come back sometimes in late
  Oct/early Nov, you make sure I get my discount leh..lolz [?]
  All I know right now the market makers are on guard stance, means they
  what you long, and they long what you short. Double kill, while waiting
  more influx of funds, so I expect to see a very tight trading range (if
  insist to waste your worthless time watching lazy market), or have no
  trading at all.
  Of course you can still make money if you're good, esp from lowcaps.

 OK dah kalo ntu Ane setuju banget, AGREE gitu loh !!!. BOZZ kite juga tau
 ade orang SONO yang juga minta DISCOUNT lagi, i.e. kemaren FORTIS minta -8%
 2 bulan kedepan, mengkenye IDX dibikin gini dah... ENTE JUAL ANE BELI, ENTE
 BELI ANE JUAL ya kan ??? qeqeqeqeqeqqq...

 Jadi EL mendingan gabung lagi dah ma kita-kita ... hahahahaa...
 BTW heran gue ..ENGLISH ama BETAWI koq bisa 'nyambung' yaa???


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[ob] So lazy market...

2009-09-03 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Very dry, cannot go up or down and it will just stay there. So much since I
left lolz.. [?] I'm sorry...


Re: [ob] Re: So lazy market...

2009-09-03 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well I never control or manipulate anything, if market goes up after I
leave then what exactly the problem? I'm with the good guys ^_^ But I see
that the market goes nowhere, it's locked. By who? I dunno, perhaps by your
bozz. Or Embah. Or Artororo.  [?] I plan to come back sometimes in late
Oct/early Nov, you make sure I get my discount leh..lolz [?]

All I know right now the market makers are on guard stance, means they short
what you long, and they long what you short. Double kill, while waiting for
more influx of funds, so I expect to see a very tight trading range (if you
insist to waste your worthless time watching lazy market), or have no
trading at all.

Of course you can still make money if you're good, esp from lowcaps.

On Fri, Sep 4, 2009 at 11:24 AM, qasuaribo wrote:

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Very dry, cannot go up or down and it will just stay there. So much
 since I
  left lolz.. [?] I'm sorry...

 Nice try.hehehehe. Lha koq kemaren baru bilang kagum ama IDX yang gak
 nyungsep kayak SSX. Abis ditinggal malah mabur keatas . qeqeqeqeqqq...
 piye to qie...???


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Re: [ob] Re: ADES - gerombolan kah ? atau ada data baru

2009-09-02 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Well Oentoeng was successfully disarmed a terrorist fund. Good job!

2009/9/2 phoenix.siver

 Pak Oen n teman2..

 Saya mau share dikit neh ttg korban GL. Bbrp hari lalu saya tunggu teman di
 MC Cafe sarinah lalu dihampiri 1 org pria spt org Malay gitu. Bicara in

 Habis bla2 dikit trus dia tanya agama saya lalu curhat kalo dia minta di
 doakan saham dia. Dia tulis di tissue yaitu L***I. . Wadu. Dia
 blg dia sudah lost banyak di saham itu.

 Pak Oent...mudah2 an ga bertambah banyak korban seperti org itu ya.

 BTW org itu hrsnya ketemu Pak Oent, minta duitnya dibalikkin at least utk
 ongkos plg ke KL aja.. (hihihihi)

 Saya ga tau motif dia apa tak lama saya lsg pergi saja...tatuttt don't like
 to talk 2 stranger.
 Gals hati2 ma pria asing ya...

 Semoga semua mahluk bernahagia..


 --- In, oentoeng_qq oentoeng...@...
  --- In, tjetjun asiastar@ wrote:
   ada yang punya idea, lihat cara mainnya yah gerombolan.
  Sebelumnya perhatikan saham2 3 liners dimana terjadi peningkatan vol
 maupun frek...
  Tips singkat yg akurasinya di atas 80%...
  1. Beli sore jual besok paginya
  2. Jangan beli saat harga saham tsb sdh kelap kelip.
 Artinya running trade sdh dipenuhi random order.
  3. Kalau toh harga tdk pake random order lihatlah chart anda.
 Jangan beli harga di ketinggian.
  Note: Kalau tidak bisa mengamalkan 3 tips di atas, pesen saya jangan
 coba2 trading di saham2 3 liners (baca kurang likuid), karena 80% anda
 berpeluang BERTEMU dg GL.
  Pawang GL


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Re: [ob] oot: ti ati kalo nyopet.

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Are you bearish now dear? Good.

2009/9/2 artomoro9

 ti ati kalo nyopet.

 bulan puasa kalo nyopet biasanya SIAL.

 bisa bonyok di gebukin massa.

 kecuali anda sekelas raja copet spt prof JT.

 lagian kalo ada yang ngajak copet, tanyain dengan jelas: nyopet apa?  di
 harga berapa?
 biar kagak bonyok sendirian di tinggal kabur. hehehe..


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Re: [ob] oot: ti ati kalo nyopet.

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Only if he can nuke -1000pts like last year leh [?] Art should be able to do
it easily right?

2009/9/2 Rei

 EL, not good! You will have to submit your nude pic [?][?]

 2009/9/2 Elaine Sui

 *Are you bearish now dear? Good.

 2009/9/2 artomoro9

 ti ati kalo nyopet.

 bulan puasa kalo nyopet biasanya SIAL.

 bisa bonyok di gebukin massa.

 kecuali anda sekelas raja copet spt prof JT.

 lagian kalo ada yang ngajak copet, tanyain dengan jelas: nyopet apa?  di
 harga berapa?
 biar kagak bonyok sendirian di tinggal kabur. hehehe..


  Mencari semua teman di Yahoo! Messenger?*
 Undang teman dari Hotmail, Gmail ke Yahoo! Messenger dengan mudah



Re: Bls: [ob] BUMI (TP Rp3,800) - Citigroup: Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play on Better Thermal Coal Outlook

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*You look pissed, you also mocked other ppl here. What's wrong, dear?

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 11:32 AM, artomoro9 wrote:

 ane tanya kang BAGUS dulu yee..


 --- Pada *Rab, 2/9/09, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)*menulis:

 Dari: CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000)
 Judul: [ob] BUMI (TP Rp3,800) - Citigroup: Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play
 on Better Thermal Coal Outlook
 Tanggal: Rabu, 2 September, 2009, 11:20 AM

 Kali aja pingin ngelawan Jendral Art,
 atau jendral Art mo beli di 2225, jual di 3800?


 -- Forwarded message --

 *Bumi Resources (BUMI.JK)*

 *Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play on Better Thermal Coal Outlook*

 *Upgrade to Buy/High Risk; Raising target price to Rp3,800 *— Robust

 growth outlook and high FCF yield lead us to upgrade our rating to Buy/High

 Risk from Sell/Speculative. The market is pricing in benchmark coal price
 of c.

 US$76/ton; meaning upside risks to our US$80-90/ton forecasts for 2010-11.

  *Supportive coal price outlook *— Citi’s commodities team recently raised

 thermal coal price forecasts for 2010-11 to US$80-90/ton from US$70, citing

 structural improvement. Prospects of China becoming a sustained net

 of coal provides upside risks to medium and long-term coal price forecasts.

  *Sanity check *— Our IDR3,800 target price imputes an EV/reserve of

 USD5.4/ton (6.8% of 2010E Japan benchmark price of US$80/ton). This

 compares favorably with the implied EV/reserve from Tata’s acquisition at

 US$4/ton (7.3% of 2007 benchmark price of US$55/ton). Our ‘floor valuation’

 estimate is Rp2,700/share based on DCF and Tata’s implied EV/reserve


 *Convertible Bond – Double-Edged Sword *— With coupon rate of 9.25%,

 latest US$375m convertible bond is not cheap. Bumi’s capped call option

 reduces the potential dilution risk while its equity swap position
 (essentially a

 leveraged long position in Bumi’s stock) is an unequivocal signal to us

 management is bullish on Bumi’s medium and long-term outlook.

 *Transfer of Coverage *— We are transferring coverage of BUMI.JK to Kim

 Sjamsudin from Margarett Go.

 Lebih aman saat online.
 Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih 
  dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. Dapatkan
 IE8 di 


Re: Bls: [ob] BUMI (TP Rp3,800) - Citigroup: Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play on Better Thermal Coal Outlook

2009-09-01 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Both of you are just kids! [?]

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 12:14 PM, artomoro9 wrote:

 Ure the Man!


 --- Pada *Rab, 2/9/09, Bagus Putra Perdana*menulis:

 Dari: Bagus Putra Perdana
 Judul: Re: Bls: [ob] BUMI (TP Rp3,800) - Citigroup: Upgrade to Buy:
 Leveraged Play on Better Thermal Coal Outlook
 Tanggal: Rabu, 2 September, 2009, 12:03 PM

 DUMP lg sedikit Jendral., angka Citi terlalu fokus sama 2010-2011.
 Less cushion for the downside. Hit it. 2600 and lower. Baru enak liat
 FCF yieldnya. Ure the Man!

 On 9/2/09, artomoro9
  ane tanya kang BAGUS dulu yee..
  --- Pada Rab, 2/9/09, CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) 
  Dari: CUMI.JK (Buy, TP 5000) 
  Judul: [ob] BUMI (TP Rp3,800) - Citigroup: Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play
   Better Thermal Coal Outlook
  Tanggal: Rabu, 2 September, 2009, 11:20 AM
Kali aja pingin ngelawan Jendral Art,
  atau jendral Art mo beli di 2225, jual di 3800?
  -- Forwarded message --
  Bumi Resources (BUMI.JK)
  Upgrade to Buy: Leveraged Play on Better Thermal Coal Outlook
  Upgrade to Buy/High Risk; Raising target price to Rp3,800 — Robust
  growth outlook and high FCF yield lead us to upgrade our rating to
  Risk from Sell/Speculative.. The market is pricing in benchmark
  coal price of c.
  US$76/ton; meaning upside risks to our US$80-90/ton forecasts for
   Supportive coal price outlook — Citi’s commodities team
  recently raised its
  thermal coal price forecasts for 2010-11 to US$80-90/ton from
  US$70, citing
  structural improvement. Prospects of China becoming a sustained
  net importer
  of coal provides upside risks to medium and long-term coal price
   Sanity check — Our IDR3,800 target price imputes an
  EV/reserve of
  USD5.4/ton (6..8% of 2010E Japan benchmark price of US$80/ton).
  compares favorably with the implied EV/reserve from Tata’s
  acquisition at
  US$4/ton (7.3% of 2007 benchmark price of US$55/ton). Our ‘floor
  estimate is Rp2,700/share based on DCF and Tata’s implied
   Convertible Bond – Double-Edged Sword — With
  coupon rate of 9.25%, Bumi’s
  latest US$375m convertible bond is not cheap. Bumi’s capped call
  reduces the potential dilution risk while its equity swap position
  (essentially a
  leveraged long position in Bumi’s stock) is an unequivocal signal
  to us that
  management is bullish on Bumi’s medium and long-term outlook.
  Transfer of Coverage — We are transferring coverage of
  BUMI.JK to Kim Kwie
  Sjamsudin from Margarett Go.
Akses email lebih cepat. Yahoo! menyarankan Anda meng-upgrade
  ke Internet Explorer 8 baru yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! Dapatkan di

 Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to
 the complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In
 fact, everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because
 we know that we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things
 must be learned only to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be
 corrected...The test of all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is
 the sole judge of scientific “truth”. - Richard Feynman


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 Coba Yahoo! Mail baru yang LEBIH CEPAT. Rasakan bedanya sekarang!


Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%

2009-08-31 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Seems like my decision to get out of the market in late July is not that
bad, as late July/early august happened to be the year highest of Shanghai
Index. I'm a bit surprised with IDX though, very tough market.

Give me 50% discount. Hmmm...

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:42 PM, wrote:

 Mantabb ...

 Ayo kite sorong kiri komo dikit lagi yuk ...

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

 *From*: noto prawiro
 *Date*: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 23:29:05 -0700 (PDT)

 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%
 skrng sudah -6,4%

 --- On *Mon, 31/8/09, Aria Santoso* wrote:

 From: Aria Santoso
 Subject: Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%
 Date: Monday, 31 August, 2009, 1:27 PM

 santai aja..., kalo dji nanti malem ijo tebel besok kita panen

 Ferry wrote:
  Hayoo loe..


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 Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
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Re: [ob] amazing bagus putra perdana

2009-08-31 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Ah, so nice of you.

2009/8/31 artomoro9

 gak papa mas BOYZ.

 SSE makin merah kok.

 ntar sekalian kita jeblosin ke 2250 kalo gitu.


 --- Pada *Sen, 31/8/09, boyz* menulis:

 Dari: boyz
 Judul: Re: [ob] amazing bagus putra perdana
 Tanggal: Senin, 31 Agustus, 2009, 1:51 PM

 ja..ja..jadi ???
 range-nya brp kang ocoy ?
 jendral arto udah terlanjur jualan banyak tuh... :p


 2009/8/31 Bagus Putra Perdana 

  Book Asset adjustment Pak, semacam shortcut  cari asset adjustment. ini
 tools iseng sayah yang sebenernya gak reliable tapi buat ngitung ekstra
 kilat sih lumayan. basisnya adalah premis bahwa aset ekuitas minimal harus
 kasih ROE diatas 15-16% untuk justifikasi boleh dihargai 1X BV.

 jadi ROE premium diatas 16% itu berhak mendapat rating lebih, dan rating
 BV Premim sekian X nya itu adalah ROE / ROE pasar dipangkat 1.5 karena
 asumsinya kelebihan excess dari ROE dapat direinvestment sehingga book value
 (aset bagi pemegang ekuitas) bisa compound lebih cepat. aset yang punya ROE
 25% secara logis bisa Compound lebih cepat nilai asetnya dari aset yg
 generate ROE 15% sehingga nilai BV secara economicnya layak dihargai lebih
 tinggi. pangkat 1.5 asumsi holding period 5 tahun pak dan kalo asumsi
 holding period diatas 10 tahun dan earningnya terlihat sustain dan visible
 saya juga suka kasih angka pangkat 2. ini itungan iseng aja sih. biasa buat
 itungan kasar sebelun saya masuk lebih dalem buat bottom up.

 wah iya salah hitung sodara2... tengkyu pak irwan, mohon dipersori ini
 salah itung soalnya sambil sahur rada ngantuk2 ngitungnya.

 emang saya rada kurang enak pake Texas BA enakan pake kalkulator casio

 sori-sori salah itung yang bener angka pak irwan.. nah range nya
 berubah lagi dah tuh kan..

 (ROE 40.87% karena saya perhitungkan level ini hanya akan sustain untuk
 jangka waktu 5 tahun jadi pangkatnya 1.5. di depan itu ROE 40.87% bisa
 reinvested constant agak terlalu demanding)

 Tools cepet aja Pak, Aproximasi awal. in the end decision mesti tetep cek
 balance en sustainable earning masa depan sih. ini tools kalo lagi rada
 males bikin input model pro forma sih pak...

 2009/8/31 Irwan Napitupulu irwannapitupulu@ 

 Ulasan Pak Bagus sangat menarik.

 Ada sedikit pertanyaan dari saya tentang hitungan terkait valuasi
 khususnya yg saya kutipkan di bawah.

 Bisa dijelaskan kenapa memakai angka pangkat 1.5?

 Alasan memakai ROE BUMI / ROE Market dan kemudian dikalikan dengan
 angka BV nya BUMI kira2 hasilnya menunjukkan angka apa ya?

 Oh ya, dari angka2 yg dikasih di bawah, kalkulator saya menghasilkan
 bukan 4,136bio USD tapi 7,128bio USD. Bisa tolong dicek lagi, takutnya
 saya yang salah hitung.

 Kalau memang 7,128bio USD, saya dapat angka harga sahamnya malah Rp3765.

 Terima kasih ya sebelumnya.


 2009/8/31 Bagus Putra Perdana 

  Tapi BUMI masih dalam kondisi operasi yang baik jadi gak mungkin di
  likuidasi. So we take another approach to value its asset. Ini rumus
  sederhana singkat aja. (ROE BUMI / ROE Market) ^ 1.5 dikali BV (pangkat
  untuk mengakomodasi Re-investment rate 5 tahun dan kali ini memakai
 full BV
  karena mengasumsikan Intangible berperan juga untuk menggenerate
  = ((40.87 % / 16 %) ^ 1.5 ) * 1,746 Bio USD = 2.37 * 1,746 = 4,136 Bio
  = 4,136 Bio USD / Shares Outstand = Rp 2200

 Each piece, or part, of the whole nature is always an approximation to the
 complete truth, or the complete truth so far as we know it. In fact,
 everything we know is only some kind of approximation, because we know that
 we do not know all the laws as yet. Therefore, things must be learned only
 to be unlearned again or, more likely, to be corrected... The test of
 all knowledge is experiment. Experiment is the sole judge of scientific
 “truth”. - Richard Feynman

  Dapatkan nama yang Anda sukai!*
 Sekarang Anda dapat memiliki email di dan


Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%

2009-08-31 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Why ask? I thought you don't believe me.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 2:14 PM, JoLind wrote:

 How about BNBR???


 *From:* [mailto:] *On Behalf Of *Elaine Sui
 *Sent:* Monday, August 31, 2009 3:09 PM

 *Subject:* Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%

 *Seems like my decision to get out of the market in late July is not that
 bad, as late July/early august happened to be the year highest of Shanghai
 Index. I'm a bit surprised with IDX though, very tough market.

 Give me 50% discount. Hmmm...


 On Mon, Aug 31, 2009 at 1:42 PM, wrote:

 Mantabb ...

 Ayo kite sorong kiri komo dikit lagi yuk ...

 Sent from my AXIS Worry Free BlackBerry® smartphone

 *From*: noto prawiro
 *Date*: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 23:29:05 -0700 (PDT)

 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%

 skrng sudah -6,4%

 --- On *Mon, 31/8/09, Aria Santoso* wrote:

 From: Aria Santoso
 Subject: Re: [ob] Shanghai -4%
 Date: Monday, 31 August, 2009, 1:27 PM

 santai aja..., kalo dji nanti malem ijo tebel besok kita panen

 Ferry wrote:
  Hayoo loe..


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 New Email names for you!*http:/
 Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail.
 Hurry before someone else does!


Re: [ob] amazing bagus putra perdana

2009-08-31 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*One question, does BUMI desperately need large sum of additional cash (for
non operating)? If you think so, BUMI goes nowhere.

2009/8/31 Bagus Putra Perdana

 Opini Personal Yah.., Saya ngerasanya skrg Bos Art mungkin Pemain Yg
 aslinya ngerti FA atau secara Natural cukup menguasai kapan dan bagaimana
 masuk-keluar dari suatu saham. dengan kata lain Bos Art is a smart
 seller-smart buyer.

 begini ; BUMI akan announce Laporan Keuangannya. kemungkinan besar earning
 Jump, (ASP Naik, Hampir pasti, kemudian akan diikuti oleh gelombang Upgrade
 TP dr riset sekuritas), tapi sekali lagi Ini adalah highlight dari sisi
 EARNING. bukan Free Cash.

 kenapa ini penting ? karena kalo BUMI naik maka BUMI akan terlihat murah di
 mata orang awam (Market awam akan fokus kepada earning, PE, PEG), tapi akan
 terlihat Mahal di mata private buyer atau Institutional Investor (akan
 jadi EXIT POINT yg ideal untuk cash-in dan pindah sasaran)

 paling tidak ada 2 hal yang sudah cukup umum di kalangan Institutional
 Investor Jangka Panjang ;

 Kenaikan Laba sudah masuk dalam Model Perhitungan. pertanyaannya bagi
 kami bukan Laba tapi sebanyak apa kekuatan penghasil laba ini berubah
 (Peningkatan hasil Produksi dari sisi volume, adakah kenaikan yang permanen)

 Level Free Cash. karena Earning cenderung Ilusi biasanya investor institusi
 fokus pada free cash karena excess cash adalah hasil yang bisa
 didistribusikan kepada pemegang ekuitas (dengan 4 cara ; Dividen, Pelunasan
 Hutang, Penggunaan dana secara bijak untuk akuisisi/ekspansi, Buyback
 saham). Free Cash Flow wise, cash realization BUMI memang baik dan tinggi
 (operating cashflow/Net Income = diatas 1). tapi paling tidak 2-3 tahun ini
 BUMI akan masuk periode Capital-Intensive untuk aset yang belum bisa
 langsung revenue contribution sebelum 2013.

 artinya apa? scr accrual accounting multiple, Earning Yield akan tinggi,
 tapi Free Cash Flow Yield tidak. ini akan berdampak pada proteksi atas
 downside apabila terjadi resiko yang tidak diinginkan, umumnya ini bisa
 dikesampingkan tapi berhubung ini Bakrie dan cukup banyak Yellow Flag maka
 ini jadi mental note bahwa ; katakanlah Full Value adalah 100 %, maka exit
 point yg bijak adalah sebelum mencapai 100 %, mungkin di 90 % dari full
 value sudah lebih baik exit untuk cari lagi barang yang masih 60 % dari full

 ada lagi yang lain, BUMI akan masuk periode capital Intensive, jika Arus
 Kas Operasi tidak bisa mencukupi kebutuhan Investasi ini, maka jalan
 satu-satu nya adalah issuance credit atau equity. credit market masih mau
 kasih debt untuk BUMI tapi biasanya dengan jaminan Aset Coal nya, atau
 dengan CB yang sebenernya ini terbilang baik dan inovatif tapi saya juga gak
 pernah dapet akses untuk tau siapa aja buyer dan termin nya krn ini bukan
 pasar obligasi konvensional seperti yang lain serhingga resiko dapat diukur
 (maksudnya kaya yg laen tuh kaya biasa dirating, dicatat, di PE -in ke
 publik). 2-2nya dalah implikasi riil yang harus dihadapi existing
 shareholder BUMI skrg terkait kebutuhan CAPEX BUMI ke depan. melihat hutang
 bertambah dan aset coal jadi jaminan atau merasakan dilusi{ kalo ada
 equity raising lagi.

 buat saya pribadi, saya lebih terbiasa pakai angka free cash flow dan apa
 yg saya nanti adalah berita operasi Perseroan kalo ada yang baik ini akan
 ngangkat apresiasi saya terhadap EPV perseroan. tapi andai Sell Side
 keluarin berita dan upgrade ke katakanlah 100-125% dari full value versi
 saya. saya bersiap untuk unload untuk pindah bobot ke counter lain karena
 memang bisa aja masih naik terus di pasar but i would simply be playing
 greater fool.

 nah itu saya, meskipun oversees dana cukup besar, saya bukan market maker.
 saya hanya beraksi pada dua titik ekstrim, kalo dikasih murah, atau ditawar
 mahal. diantara itu saya cuman bisa diem.

 yang sedikit beda adalah Bos Art , Pak Oen dan Kolega2nya. mereka ini
 market maker. mereka mungkin paham FA dan menghadapi situasi strategi yg
 sama seperti saya, Ingin dapat FREE CASH FLOW YIELD yang bisa kompensasi
 Required Return mereka. gimana caranya kalo Free Cash sendiri tidak berubah
 banyak?. ha. DITURUNIN aja Price nya sampe ke level bisa beli di level yg
 ekuivalen Free Cash Flow Yield sesuai Required Return.

 Bold or Smart Eh?, Hard To Be Done. Moves Market, Moves Against Headwind
 sometimes (frontal menghadapi berita dan sentimen pasar dan riset2

 Thats Why I Highly Respect This Kind Of Guys. Without Them Daring, I Wont
 Get Chance To Buy Cheap or Sell Expensive. Coz I Aint A Market Maker...

 BTW ngomongin BUMI berat euy.. ada yg ringan2 gak.. umpan lambung donk, yg
 kecil2 gitu 2-3rd liner kalo istilahnya Bos Oen., ya buat studi kasus
 bareng2 aja gituh... hehe..

 2009/8/31 jacob oen

 *Red Flag BUMI ;** *

- Sempat Ada Koreksi atas Laporan Keuangan Audit yang sudah Publish
dengan Angka yang Cukup Material (dan Auditornya juga bukan Afiliasi 

Re: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept

2009-08-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*The only good thing is BNBR, the rest are locked.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:48 PM, ichingprediction wrote:

 bnbr sampe akhir tahun bagus (liat #179743), unsp nga maen

 --- In, funky81.tra...@... wrote:
  Om Iching, BNBR ama UNSP dung :) bisa gak?
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: ichingprediction iching_predict...@...
  Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 12:30:26
  Subject: Re: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept
  nga maen unvr bos
  --- In, Spiderman nadyakho@ wrote:
   Kalo UNVR ichingnya bagaimana boss?
   Sent from my   StrawBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ
   -Original Message-
   From: ichingprediction iching_prediction@
   Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 11:54:14
   Subject: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept
   Stagnation (hex 12.3.4) to Gradual Progress (hex 53).
   Intinya : kebalikan dari PGAS
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Re: Bls: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept

2009-08-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Not for me, but for Embah -- the cutest guy in OB! Anyway, hopefully you
still keep them until christmas '09. 5 lots, that's all I'm asking for, it's
nothing compared Embah's 9yrs of dedication for OB and all of us.

On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:55 PM, Charles Atmaja charles_3...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Hahahah... Elaine mah tetep... BNBR :))

 ok d... agree dah Ms EL :)

 *Dari:* Elaine Sui
 *Terkirim:* Minggu, 30 Agustus, 2009 19:51:30
 *Judul:* Re: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept

 *The only good thing is BNBR, the rest are locked.

 On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 7:48 PM, ichingprediction iching_prediction@ wrote:

 bnbr sampe akhir tahun bagus (liat #179743), unsp nga maen

 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com,
 funky81.trader@ ... wrote:
  Om Iching, BNBR ama UNSP dung :) bisa gak?
  Sent from my BlackBerry®
  powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
  -Original Message-
  From: ichingprediction iching_prediction@ ...
  Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 12:30:26
  To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
  Subject: Re: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept
  nga maen unvr bos
  --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.,
 Spiderman nadyakho@ wrote:
   Kalo UNVR ichingnya bagaimana boss?
   Sent from my   StrawBerry®
   powered by Sinyal Kuat BEJ
   -Original Message-
   From: ichingprediction iching_prediction@
   Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 11:54:14
   To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups.
   Subject: [ob] INCO hingga 4 Sept
   Stagnation (hex 12.3.4) to Gradual Progress (hex 53).
   Intinya : kebalikan dari PGAS
    - - --
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   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
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  - - --

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  Lebih bergaul dan terhubung dengan lebih baik.*
 Tambah lebih banyak teman ke Yahoo! Messenger sekarang!


[ob] Chinese speaking Jesus :)

2009-08-30 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui

Well if God said so, then we follow [?]


Re: [ob] Japan’s Jobless Rate Hits Record 5.7% in Blow to Aso

2009-08-28 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Okay, now bloomberg is blowing up unemployment AND deflation issue. What's
next? Debt crisis? But no worry, I'd love to see  NSX, RL, RX9 or 350Z, or
things 120' LCD TV at discount price. [?] Int rates will be very low and
inflation will be near zero, good things for shoppers!

On Fri, Aug 28, 2009 at 6:50 PM, dunia ini indah pusatdu...@yahoo.comwrote:

 Japan’s Jobless Rate Hits Record 5.7% in Blow to Aso

 Aug. 28, 2009 (Bloomberg) -- Japan’s unemployment rate rose to a record 5.7
 percent in July and deflation worsened, dealing a blow to Prime Minister
 Taro Aso on the eve of an election that polls indicate his ruling Liberal
 Democratic Party will lose.

 The jobless rate rose more than economists estimated, surpassing the
 previous record 5.5 percent last seen in April 2003, the statistics bureau
 said today in Tokyo. Consumer prices dropped an unprecedented 2.2 percent
 from a year earlier.

 Yukio Hatoyama’s Democratic Party of Japan may end the LDP’s 54-year grip
 on power as jobs vanish in the wake of the country’s worst postwar
 recession. Household spending slid 2 percent last month, indicating Aso’s
 cash handouts as part of a 25 trillion yen ($267 billion) stimulus plan are
 failing to spur demand among consumers whose wages are falling.

 “The economy is the key factor for the election,” said Masamichi Adachi,
 senior economist at JPMorgan Chase  Co. in Tokyo. “Voters naturally direct
 their frustrations about the slumping economy at the incumbent government.”

 The yen traded at 93.69 per dollar at 1:05 p.m. in Tokyo from 93.60 before
 the reports were published. The Nikkei 225 Stock Average gained 0.2 percent.
 The yield on Japan’s 10-year bond rose one basis point to 1.31 percent.

 The DPJ is projected to win more than 320 of 480 seats in the Aug. 30
 lower-house election, according to an Asahi newspaper survey published
 yesterday. Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano said this week the opposition party
 is “engulfing Tokyo like a massive wave.”

 Exports Tumble

 Companies from Toyota Motor Corp. to Japan Airlines Co. are scaling back
 and cutting jobs as sales weaken at home and abroad. Exports fell 36.5
 percent in July, a tenth monthly drop, as demand from all of the nation’s
 major markets deteriorated.

 Economists surveyed by Bloomberg predicted the unemployment rate would
 increase to 5.5 percent from 5.4 percent in June. The rate is the highest
 since the government began collecting the data in 1953, a year after the
 U.S. military occupation ended. The LDP has governed Japan for all but 10
 months since 1955.

 More than $2 trillion in stimulus plans worldwide helped the world’s
 second-largest economy grow at an annual 3.7 percent pace last quarter, the
 first expansion in more than a year. Economists expect growth will weaken in
 coming quarters once the government cash injections are exhausted.

 Job Prospects

 The jobs-to-applicants ratio, a leading indicator of employment trends,
 fell to a record 0.42 in July, meaning there are only 42 positions for every
 100 candidates, the Labor Ministry said today. The number of unemployed rose
 by 200,000 from June, the biggest increase since March.

 “We are very far from a solid recovery,” said Yuichi Kodama, chief
 economist at Meiji Yasuda Life Insurance Co. in Tokyo. “There’s a high risk
 for a more serious labor adjustment going forward” as companies offload
 workers they no longer need, he said.

 Toyota, Japan’s biggest automaker, said this week that it will shut down a
 domestic assembly line as sales plunge. Japan Airlines, Asia’s largest
 carrier by sales, may cut 5,000 jobs in three years, Kyodo News reported.
 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings Ltd., Japan’s largest department store chain,
 plans to eliminate 1,000 jobs by March, Nikkei English News said.

 The jobless rate would be around 12 percent if all of Japan’s excess
 workers were considered unemployed, according to Takahide Kiuchi, chief
 economist at Nomura Securities Co. in Tokyo.

 ‘Want a Promise’

 Hisako Abe, 53, signed up for a computer-training course in an effort to
 find regular work.

 “I want to be a full-time employee, or at least have a part-time job that’s
 stable,” Abe, who was laid off in April, said at an unemployment office in
 Tokyo. “I want a promise that they won’t fire me right away.”

 Deflation is also threatening the recovery. Last month’s drop in prices
 excluding fresh food, which matched economists’ estimates, was the steepest
 since the survey began in 1971.

 “Nothing can stop prices from falling now, given that demand has
 deteriorated so much,” said Masaaki Kanno, a former central bank official
 and now chief economist at JPMorgan Chase  Co. in Tokyo.

 Consumers, whose spending accounts for more than half of the economy, may
 delay purchases if they expect goods to get cheaper. That would erode
 profits and force companies to keep cutting wages, which tumbled an
 unprecedented 7 percent in June.

 Bank of Japan board member 

Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Yes, you guys are good, I know. Anyone else want to share some success
story here? The I-am-good kinda story? The hey-I-can-do-this story? Perhaps
you can quote some older posts, just to tell how good you guys are [?]

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:43 PM, wrote:

 For Elaine,

 Last time when it fall, I didn't sell any of my stock in my portfolio and
 now still doing not too bad. Even though it might be a lot better if I sell
 and Buy at the bottom. But I would not know when to BUY / ENTER.

 Lucky averaging down when the market down help me.

 So it really doesn't matter if idx goes to 1000 because I know it will come
 back up hard!

 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT

 -Original Message-
 From: Joe Grunk

 Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 00:26:00
 Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

 Saya sih dari dulu sih gak percaya EL.

 Klo cuma iseng2 untuk rumor sih bolehlah. EL masalahnya gede banget
 portfonya jadi gak lincah, gak bisa lompat kanan kiri. Jadi Saya maklum.
 Sebab klo ikut EL gak bisa untung guede Tp saya salute ama dia.

 Tentunya Mbah -owner ob- juga dongg.

 Ini juga baru sempet baca2 OB setelah sekian lama gak liat. Kebanyakan
 email, jadi blm sempet.

 NOTE: mbah, bandarmologi udah dipatenin loh ama orang lain. Bener gak?

 --- Pada Sel, 25/8/09, Elaine Sui menulis:

 Dari: Elaine Sui
 Judul: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..
 Tanggal: Selasa, 25 Agustus, 2009, 11:40 PM

  You don't have to.


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:10 PM, ivan wrote:

 Cewek yg satu ini emang nyolot...
 Lama2 gw gak percaya deh ama loe EL...

 Sent from my BullBerry® SmatphoneFrom:  Elaine Sui

 Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:59:57 +0700
 Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

  What if IDX went below 1000, do you still hold?


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Rei wrote:

 Most likely invest till my target prices is met for my stocks.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Elaine Sui

 lolz!!  nah, I gave up on IDX since end
 of July.., but no worry lah. Still can make profit with careful day trading,
 right. Or you invest forever...


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 A good sign if regional markets are DOWN, not when UP lol

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 I take that as a good sign... :-)

 2009/8/26 Elaine Sui

  Can't go anywhere without permission.
 IDX is locked.


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, VF ™

 Shanghai : 1,8%
  Nikkei : 1,48%
  Hangseng : 0,46%
  STI : 0,16%
  DOW F +16
  - VF -


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 Lebih Cepat hari ini!


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Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Coz I'm good, that's why [?]  most ppl do that.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 3:34 PM, b3tonsportz wrote:

 hahahaha quoting old post to show how good you are, sounds like what you
 used to do in the past. *peace*

 --- In, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... wrote:
  *Yes, you guys are good, I know. Anyone else want to share some success
  story here? The I-am-good kinda story? The hey-I-can-do-this story?
  you can quote some older posts, just to tell how good you guys are [?]
  On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 2:43 PM, vaulst...@... wrote:
   For Elaine,
   Last time when it fall, I didn't sell any of my stock in my portfolio
   now still doing not too bad. Even though it might be a lot better if I
   and Buy at the bottom. But I would not know when to BUY / ENTER.
   Lucky averaging down when the market down help me.
   So it really doesn't matter if idx goes to 1000 because I know it will
   back up hard!
   Sent from my BlackBerry�
   powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
   -Original Message-
   From: Joe Grunk joe_gr...@...
   Date: Thu, 27 Aug 2009 00:26:00
   Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..
   Saya sih dari dulu sih gak percaya EL.
   Klo cuma iseng2 untuk rumor sih bolehlah. EL masalahnya gede banget
   portfonya jadi gak lincah, gak bisa lompat kanan kiri. Jadi Saya
   Sebab klo ikut EL gak bisa untung guede Tp saya salute ama dia.
   Tentunya Mbah -owner ob- juga dongg.
   Ini juga baru sempet baca2 OB setelah sekian lama gak liat. Kebanyakan
   email, jadi blm sempet.
   NOTE: mbah, bandarmologi udah dipatenin loh ama orang lain. Bener gak?
   --- Pada Sel, 25/8/09, Elaine Sui elainesu...@... menulis:
   Dari: Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
   Judul: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..
   Tanggal: Selasa, 25 Agustus, 2009, 11:40 PM
You don't have to.
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:10 PM, ivan ipan...@... wrote:
   Cewek yg satu ini emang nyolot...
   Lama2 gw gak percaya deh ama loe EL...
   Sent from my BullBerry� SmatphoneFrom:  Elaine Sui
   Date: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:59:57 +0700
   Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..
What if IDX went below 1000, do you still
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
   Most likely invest till my target prices is met for my stocks.
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
   lolz!!  nah, I gave up on IDX since
   of July.., but no worry lah. Still can make profit with careful day
   right. Or you invest forever...
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
   A good sign if regional markets are DOWN, not when UP lol
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
   I take that as a good sign... :-)
   2009/8/26 Elaine Sui elainesu...@...
Can't go anywhere without
   IDX is locked.
   On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, VF � vnnfortuna...@...
   Shanghai : 1,8%
Nikkei : 1,48%
Hangseng : 0,46%
STI : 0,16%
DOW F +16
- VF -

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 Lebih Bersih, Lebih Baik, Lebih Cepat - Rasakan Yahoo! Mail baru
   Lebih Cepat hari ini!
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Re: [ob] DEFLASI jepang capai rekor pada Juli

2009-08-27 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*There has been deflationary spiral in Japan for the last decade. Anyway,
the markets have been dry this month, I wonder where all the money goes..

2009/8/28 Thomas Frederick

 *Harga konsumen inti Jepang turun 2,2 persen pada Juli dari setahun *
 *sebelumnya, merupakan rekor laju tercepat sebagai deflasi terdalam di
 ekonomi nomor dua dunia, *
 *data resmi menunjukkan Jumat. *

 *Harga inti, yang tidak termasuk makanan segar yang mudah berubah, jatuh
 untuk kelima bulan *
 *berturut-turut, setelah penurunan 1,7 persen pada bulan Juni, kata
 pemerintah. Dibandingkan *
 *dengan bulan Juni, harga inti turun 0,2 persen bulan lalu. *

 *Deflasi** semakin dalam meskipun *
 *baru-baru ini ada tanda-tanda perbaikan dalam ekonomi Jepang, yang
 kembali ke pertumbuhan *
 *positif pada kuartal kedua 2009, keluar dari resesi parah berkepanjangan.

 Wa ini si elaine mulai pake horornya dengan berita DEFLASI.
 Ciamik dah

  *Thank You! *
 *ThomaS FredericK*


Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

2009-08-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*What if IDX went below 1000, do you still hold?

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Rei wrote:

 Most likely invest till my target prices is met for my stocks.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *lolz!! [?] nah, I gave up on IDX since end of July.., but no worry lah.
 Still can make profit with careful day trading, right. Or you invest
 forever... [?]


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 A good sign if regional markets are DOWN, not when UP lol

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 I take that as a good sign... :-)

 2009/8/26 Elaine Sui

 *Can't go anywhere without permission. IDX is locked.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, VF ™ 

 Shanghai : 1,8%
 Nikkei : 1,48%
 Hangseng : 0,46%
 STI : 0,16%
 DOW F +16
 - VF -


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Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

2009-08-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:02 PM, mekindascrewel

 Hush .. Elaine ..

 Pamali ah ...


 *From*: Elaine Sui
 *Date*: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 12:59:57 +0700
 *Subject*: Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

 *What if IDX went below 1000, do you still hold?

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Rei wrote:

 Most likely invest till my target prices is met for my stocks.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *lolz!! [?] nah, I gave up on IDX since end of July.., but no worry lah.
 Still can make profit with careful day trading, right. Or you invest
 forever... [?]


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 A good sign if regional markets are DOWN, not when UP lol

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 I take that as a good sign... :-)

 2009/8/26 Elaine Sui

 *Can't go anywhere without permission. IDX is locked.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, VF ™ 

 Shanghai : 1,8%
 Nikkei : 1,48%
 Hangseng : 0,46%
 STI : 0,16%
 DOW F +16
 - VF -


 + +
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Re: [ob] Gocekan kah..

2009-08-26 Terurut Topik Elaine Sui
*Nope. Just asking. I just thought someone may got scared of it heee... [?]

On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 1:02 PM, Rei wrote:

 Why? U bearish again? :-)

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:59 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *What if IDX went below 1000, do you still hold?

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Rei wrote:

 Most likely invest till my target prices is met for my stocks.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Elaine Sui elainesu...@gmail.comwrote:

 *lolz!! [?] nah, I gave up on IDX since end of July.., but no worry lah.
 Still can make profit with careful day trading, right. Or you invest
 forever... [?]


 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 A good sign if regional markets are DOWN, not when UP lol

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:39 PM, Rei wrote:

 I take that as a good sign... :-)

 2009/8/26 Elaine Sui

 *Can't go anywhere without permission. IDX is locked.

 On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 12:31 PM, VF ™

 Shanghai : 1,8%
 Nikkei : 1,48%
 Hangseng : 0,46%
 STI : 0,16%
 DOW F +16
 - VF -


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