[ob] Putusan MA

2009-08-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Bantuan pihak asing untuk pemilu -- dalam uraiannya kayaknya ditolak tuh . 
masih ada putusan lain masih dibacakan

Re: [ob] Hasil mk jam 2

2009-08-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
satu lagi ttg DPT kata MA DPT tidak berpotensi menambah jumlah suara, kayaknya 
tetep satu putaran.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsxtrader jsxtra...@... wrote:

 Market sama sekali ngga bikin saya stress..., yg bikin saya stress 
 pertanyaan-pertanyaan model dibawah, apalagi yg pada japri..., hahaha, ampun 
 Tenang dulu lah.., kita tunggu aja berita MK..
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Candra Wu wu_candra@ wrote:
  Senior, advise dong.
  Jual atao hold saja
  Udah mulai panik nih
  -Original Message-
  From: Peter Alimin milis222@
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 14:22:41 
  To: OBobrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: RE: [ob] Hasil mk jam 2
  ML Indonesia mulai ngamuk tuh..dijualin semua bUMN!
  sptnya dia tau sesuatu!?
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  From: dholiaq@
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 07:21:00 +
  Subject: Re: [ob] Hasil mk jam 2

Updatenya ya pak
  Sent from my BlackBerry® powered by INDOSAT
  From:  Ferry 
  Date: Wed, 12 Aug 2009 14:16:37 +0700
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: RE: [ob] Hasil mk jam 2

   Lagi dibaca'in tuch di Metro TV From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Dean Earwicker
  Sent: Wednesday, August 12, 2009 2:14 PM
  To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
  Subject: Re: [ob] Hasil mk jam 2   Kalo benar bahwa price discount 
  everything (harga mendahului berita),
   entah lah.. gw ga megang barang ini.. wkwkwk
   2009/8/12 Kidod25 kidod25@:
AdA yg udah tahu? Mau jadi jualan kaos dan sablon nih

  What can you do with the new Windows Live? Find out

Re: [ob] BUMI +12,3% vs IHSG 0,8%

2009-07-31 Terurut Topik eddytj99
om nirwan bakrie ruar biasa, dahsyat

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, metallicbull9 metallic.b...@... 

 Nubie makin binun...
 Mbah nyuruh belanja BUMI, BNBR mau digendong...
 Master DE bilang bahwa minggu depan bakal di short, jadi mestinya kita jualan 
 hari ini...
 nubie beneran binun...
 Mbah, pencerahan, please...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dean Earwicker dean.earwicker@ wrote:
  Sptnya bozz bakal short dengan ganas, tapi minggu depan, bukan
  sekarang, karena pengamatan saya hari ini adalah proses distribusi
  yang SEMPURNA from the bozz. Fuih, hari ini banyak pelajaran yang bisa
  dipetik tentang bandarmologi.

[ob] Re: Managers Like China, India, Indonesia Stks - DJ Poll...

2009-07-30 Terurut Topik eddytj99
China's used FDI down 17.9% in H1
Updated: 2009-07-30 14:36
Comments(0) PrintMail

China's used foreign direct investment (FDI) dropped 17.9 percent year-on-year 
to $43.01 billion in the first half of the year, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) 
announced at a press conference today.

The decline was mainly driven by an investment plunge in the financial sector, 
which shrunk 48.3 percent year-on-year, or $1.56 billion, according to the 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Aria Bela Nusa ariab...@... wrote:

 DJ MARKET TALK:Managers Like China, India, Indonesia Stks-DJ Poll
 China, India, Indonesia stocks were fund managers' top picks in July,
 according to Dow Jones' monthly Asia fund poll, as increased optimism
 about economic outlook whet appetite for emerging market investments.
 Managers active in region were fairly concentrated in China, India,
 Indonesia as well as Hong Kong. Managers had neutral or underweight
 stance on other Asian countries. Anticipated domestic growth in India,
 China, Indonesia spurring on investors.

[ob] cpo malaysia

2009-07-27 Terurut Topik eddytj99
MARKET TALK: Malaysia Palm Oil Exports Up On India, E.U. Buying
Monday, July 27, 2009

Malaysia's palm oil exports 10% higher on month during July 1-25 period due to 
rise in shipments to India, E.U., U.S., Pakistan

[ob] Teroris

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Rabu, 22/07/2009 14:04 WIB
Nur Said dan Ibrahim Bukan Pelaku
Dua Pelaku Bom di Marriott dan Ritz Kembali Misterius
Siapa sebenarnya pelaku bom bunuh diri di JW Marriott Jakarta dan The 
Ritz-Carlton? Dengan dipastikannya Nur Said dan Ibrahim bukan sebagai pelaku 
bom, kini identitas dua pelaku bom kembali misterius.

sumber detik.com

[ob] cpo price (malaysia)

2009-07-22 Terurut Topik eddytj99
time 14:32
Kontrak Aug'09=M$2146 down 34=1,56%
Kontrak Sep'09=M$2112 down 43=2,00%
Kontrak Oct'09=M$2100 down 43=2,01%

[ob] Re: Awas Bumi ke 3000...!

2009-07-21 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Kata Bang Napi, Waspadalah

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ueno_kobayashi ueno_kobaya...@... 

 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, artomoro9 artomoro9@ wrote:
  Tp bumi 3000, 19 agustus 09. Semoga. Agak lama memang tapi sebulan dapat 
  gain 60%  cuma di bumi. High risk high return. Disclaimer ONTHEWAY.
Yahoo! Mail Kini Lebih Cepat dan Lebih Bersih. Rasakan bedanya 
  sekarang! http://id.mail.yahoo.com
   ANTM dan BUMI lagi balapan nich ke 2000
   Yang mana tg Finish dulu ya...?
   seru juga nich...
   saat ini posisi
   score hampir seimbang

[ob] CEO Holcim

2009-07-16 Terurut Topik eddytj99
CEO/Presdir Holcim meninggal dunia di Rumah Sakit.

[ob] Re: Ada bom baru di muara angke

2009-07-16 Terurut Topik eddytj99
ledakan deket pintu tol angke, dari sebuah mobil

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... 


Re: [ob] Suku Bunga Berpeluang Turun Menjadi 6%

2009-07-13 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Budget deficit tops $1 trillion for first time
Federal budget deficit tops $1 trillion for first time, could reach $2 trillion 
by fall
* By Martin Crutsinger, AP Economics Writer
* On Monday July 13, 2009, 8:20 pm EDT
WASHINGTON -- The federal deficit has topped $1 trillion for the first time 
ever and could grow to nearly $2 trillion by this fall, intensifying fears 
about higher interest rates, inflation and the strength of the dollar.

The deficit has been widened by the huge sum the government has spent to ease 
the recession, combined with a sharp decline in tax revenues. The cost of wars 
in Iraq and Afghanistan also is a major factor.

The soaring deficit is making Chinese and other foreign buyers of U.S. debt 
nervous, which could make them reluctant lenders down the road. It could also 
force the Treasury Department to pay higher interest rates to make U.S. debt 
attractive longer-term.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, h...@... wrote:

 Kalau turun terus deposito akan lebih tidak menarik lagi.
 Dana perbankan akan masuk pasar modal dan pasar uang. Moga2 ya...
 Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Sinyal Bagus XL, Nyambung 
 -Original Message-
 From: Vic victor_speran...@...
 Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2009 00:24:56 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [ob] Suku Bunga Berpeluang Turun Menjadi 6%
 Suku Bunga Berpeluang Turun Menjadi 6%
 JAKARTA. Ada gelagat, tingkat bunga acuan akan terus melorot hingga akhir 
 tahun. Jika sekarang suku bunga acuan alias BI Rate masih 6,75%, ada peluang 
 ia akan turun menjadi 6%. Maklum, perkiraan inflasi tahunan 2009 hanya 
 sekitar 4% saja.
 Salah satu indikasinya adalah hasil pembahasan Panitia Anggaran DPR Senin 
 (13/7) malam. Wakil Ketua Panitia Anggaran DPR Suharso Monoarfa 
 mengungkapkan, rapat menetapkan perkiraan rata-rata suku bunga Sertifikat 
 Bank Indonesia (SBI) 3 bulan di semester II 2009 akan luruh menjadi 6,4%.
 Tapi, Deputi Gubernur BI Hartadi Sarwono belum berani berkomentar mengenai 
 seberapa besar perkiraan BI Rate hingga akhir tahun nanti. Jika inflasi bisa 
 turun menjadi 4% sepanjang tahun, bunga bisa turun, katanya tanpa memberi 
 Ekonom Bank BII Juniman dan ekonom Standard Chartered Eric Alexander Sugandi 
 juga sama-sama memperkirakan BI Rate bisa turun jadi 6%. Asalkan, inflasi 
 tahunan bisa tetap rendah di antara 3,7% - 4,5% selama 2009.
 Yang jelas, kemarin, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) sudah menurunkan lagi 
 bunga wajar penjaminan untuk simpanan di bank umum sebesar 0,25% menjadi 
 7,25%. Bunga wajar untuk Bank Perkreditan Rakyat (BPR) juga turun 0,25% 
 menjadi 10,75%. Sedangkan bunga wajar simpanan valuta asing (valas) tidak 
 berubah, tetap 2,75%.
 Kepala Eksekutif LPS Firdaus Djaelani bilang, pertimbangan LPS penurunan 
 bunga penjaminan karena bank secara telah menurunkan suku bunga simpanan. 
 Saat ini likuiditas perbankan sudah membaik. Turunnya bunga penjaminan kami 
 harapkan bisa membantu bank untuk menurunkan biaya dananya, kata Firdaus 

[ob] cpo malaysia

2009-07-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Intertek Reports 
Malaysia's palm oil exports in July 1-10 totaled at 419,100 metric tons, up 
44,8% vs 289,437 tons of palm oil in June 1-10

SGS Reports
Malaysia's palm oil exports in July 1-10 totaled 387,379 metric tons, up 38%, 
tons vs 280,927 tons during June 1-10 and 433,024 in May 1-10.

Million Ton (MPOB)
CPO ProductionMay=1,39 - Jun=1,44 up 3,63%
Stock - crude May=0,724- Jun=0,720 down 0,50%
Stock - processed May=0,646- Jun=0,684 up 5,86%

[ob] Re: cpo malaysia

2009-07-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
bottom price kemarin coba ditekan  dibawah M$2000, keliatan 
tidak bisa ditekan lagi, dan membal main diatas M$2000.
Time 09:47 
Aug=M$2033 up 0,15%
Sep=M$2027 up 0,85%
Oct=M$2025 up 0,50%

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Intertek Reports 
 Malaysia's palm oil exports in July 1-10 totaled at 419,100 metric tons, up 
 44,8% vs 289,437 tons of palm oil in June 1-10
 SGS Reports
 Malaysia's palm oil exports in July 1-10 totaled 387,379 metric tons, up 38%, 
 tons vs 280,927 tons during June 1-10 and 433,024 in May 1-10.
 Million Ton (MPOB)
 CPO ProductionMay=1,39 - Jun=1,44 up 3,63%
 Stock - crude May=0,724- Jun=0,720 down 0,50%
 Stock - processed May=0,646- Jun=0,684 up 5,86%

[ob] cpo malaysia

2009-07-10 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Harga CPO Malaysia dan roterdam jadi acuan pasar dunia.

Produksi juni naik 3,6% dibanding mei
Persediaan juni naik 2,5% dibanding mei
Trend produksi juli s/d Nop ada kemungkinan semakin meningkat (sifat alami 
tanaman sawit),
bilamana demand tetap rendah maka akan over supply efeknya price
turun lagi.

[ob] Re: Switching Ke Non Komoditi

2009-07-10 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Malaysia's palm oil exports in the July 1-10 period are estimated up 38% on 
month at 387,379 metric tons, cargo surveyor »

Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 44.8% on month during the July 1-10 period to 
419,100 metric tons compared with 289,437 tons in »

Demand 1-10 july cukup tinggi.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Data Saham datasaha...@... wrote:

 Saham-saham berbasis komoditas sedang terkoreksi karena minyak turun tembus 
 di bawah US$ 60/barel...saham-saham di sektor banking properti dan infra 
 bakal naik mengingat inflasi makin rendah, rupiah menguat/stabil dan tentu 
 saja para fund manager akan rebalancing portofolio dari komoditas ke non 

[ob] Big Discount

2009-07-09 Terurut Topik eddytj99
1. Car Dealers
The firm's July incentives include 0% financing for 60 months on select 2009 
models or up to $4,000 in cash back. Current Chrysler owners are eligible for 
up to $1,000 cash back when they purchase select 2008 and 2009 models.

2. Home Furnishings
At Pier 1 more than 1,000 items are selling at up to 50% off sticker price. A 
curved-back counter stool is selling for $60, down from $149, and an ornate 
wooden storage box sells for $100, down from $150. At Crate  Barrel, a veranda 
arm chair and side table sell for $139 and $50, respectively, down from $216 
and $100.

3. Apparel
At Macy's, a women's Tommy Hilfiger coat sells for $91, down from $182, and a 
men's Ralph Lauren cotton suit is down to $299 from $495. J.C. Penney's 
Christmas in July sale features 40% to 60% discounts on jewelry and an 
additional 10% discount online, leaving a pair of 18-karat gold earrings at 
$53, down from $169. Ann Taylor's semi-annual sale features discounts of up to 
60% off apparel, including tops starting at $13.

4. Electronics
Amazon is offering discounts of up to 40% on a variety of consumer electronics. 
A Samsung 52-inch LCD HDTV is selling for $1,700, a 15% discount, and Denon 
headphones are selling for $427, 39% below the usual price.
This week, Dell is offering savings of $50 to $234 on its laptops. The Inspiron 
15 laptop is selling for $399, down from an original price of $449, and the 
Studio 15 is selling for $649, down from $854.
Hewlett-Packard is offering rebates of $75 to $300 throughout the summer on its 
desktops. Until July 7, HP is offering a discount of upwards of $400 on the 
Pavilion p6150t series.

5. Full-Service Restaurants
Applebee's 2-for-$20 deal, includes one appetizer and two entrees. Outback 
Steakhouse introduced a new menu in February with 15 meals under $15, including 
a six-ounce sirloin steak with grilled shrimp and a baked potato

[ob] Re: DJI rebound nanti malam ? -- I TOLD YOU

2009-07-09 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Index BEI ketinggian ya mbah dibanding lainya.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Untuk long term, kita harus BACK TO REALITY dan bukan IMPIAN,
 Embah kirimkan REALITAS
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
  Ok memang rebound Mbah. Jadi kemarin Bozz cuma kontrarian saja utk
  (mengocok) para trader2 yg kalap menyerbu bursa (cmiiw...saya ngaku
  juga sih tapi setelah saham incaran minus banyak).
  Tapi...apakah rebound ini akan berlangsung lama? (oil akan kembali ke
  mis.) Kalo cuma 1 hari ya repot hehe tapi mungkin time frame Mbah itu
  ST? Thanks Mbah.
  2009/7/9 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@
   Rebound kan:
   - Index saham Coal +4%
   - Index saham Mining +3,4%
   Coba pikir yg tadi pagi MEMBABI BUTA menghajar komoditi saat
   bursa buka siapa ?.
   Apakah orang TOLOL ? atau orang yg punya MISI ?.
   Dari caranya bergerak terlihat dia punya MISI, Apakah misinya
   Sepertinya lebih cenderung ke MENEKAN KEBAWAH...
   --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
   Rei highwaystar91@ wrote:
Maksudnya Mbah? (siaga 1 sdh dicabut sama mbah) Kenapa bilang aman
motif masih blm jelas? Trims Mbah!
2009/7/9 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@

 Posting ini embah buat tapi pagi sebelum bursa buka, dan
 saat ini:
 - DJI Future +60
 - Eropa lagi naik kencang
 - Copper +2%

 Tapi untuk menghindarkan SETAN GUNDUL muncul lagi besok,
 untuk sementara jangan AVERAGE DOWN saham BUMI, ANTM, INCO, TINS
 dan KOMODITI lainnya kecuali nanti malam Harga Komoditas
 rebound kencang...

 Jadi biarkan SETAN GUNDUL ini maen sendirian, sepertinya
 SETAN GUNDUL ini punya MISI yg belum jelas motifnya,
 apakah itu:
 - Kesal ama Hasil Pilpres atau
 - Dia sangat bearish dengan Komoditi atau
 - Mau mengurung duit Trader atau
 - Motif lainnya

 Jadi TENANG AJA... SBY the Super Star ada dibelakang kita,
 kecuali Regional dan Komoditi TIDAK TERKENDALI. Tapi melihat
 situasi sore ini, nampaknya malah mau REBOUND

 Engga usah begadang, sudah aman, SIAGA 1 untuk dicabut
 ama embah.

 --- In
 jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ wrote:
  DJI rebound nanti malam ?
  Kata SBY: Lanjutkan... HAHAHA...


[ob] Re: Kim Eng Indonesia Equity Daily, 10 Jul 09

2009-07-09 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Warren Buffett says second stimulus might be needed
9 Jul 2009,
WASHINGTON: Legendary investor Warren Buffett said in an interview aired on 
Thursday unemployment could hit 11 per cent and a second stimulus
package might be needed as the economy struggles to recover from recession. 

Ç--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, KC kathleen_chu...@... wrote:

 government is optimistic that inflation in 2009 to come as low as 4%. By such,
 the government sees there are ample rooms for monetary policy. The Minister of
 Finance Sri Mulyani expects the central bank to lower its BI rate to 6%. 
 President Yudhoyono said that infrastructure will be the priority in his 
 five-year term to boost growth and reduce poverty. Bappenas (The National
 Development Planning Agency) estimate infrastructure spending of Rp1430t in
 2009-2014. Of which, 29% or Rp415t will come from government budget, while the
 remaining will come from local and foreign investors. 
 political issue, Head of Campaign team for President Yudhoyono, Hatta Radjasa,
 said that the president is open for every coalition, including with Golkar and
 PDI-P. Separately, Fachmi Idris from Golkar Party said that it is unlikely 
 his party will become an opposing party.  
 •    Bank
 Mandiri (BUY): Lead bank consortium in US$210m loan disbursement 
 •    Total
 Bangun Persada (BUY): Revised down revenue target 
 •    Bank
 BRI (HOLD): scored Rp5t credit in May 2009 
 •    Astra
 Agro (UNDER REVIEW): CPO production grew 1.1% in 1H09 
 •    Matahari:
 Bond cancellation 
 •    Banking:
 Cautious banks resulted in increased un-disbursed loan 
 •    Economy:
 Government expects inflation at 4% 
 •    Davomas:
 1Q09 results 
 our chartist desk 
 •    IDX: We
 can see double top at 2116 level.  If it breaks at that level,  we
 believe market would reach our near target of 2139. Pay attention to
 infrastructure and golden cross stocks. Today’s trading range is between
 1974-2030-2057 (support) and 2113-2143-2199
 •    KLBF: The
 price was successfully backed above moving average 25 day, with reverse up
 money flow. TRADING BUY   
 •    MNCN:
 Technically rebound signaled from middle line of Bollinger band and go up 
 flow. TRADING BUY  
 Checked by
 AVG - www.avg.com
 Version: 8.5.375 / Virus Database: 270.13.8/2226 - Release Date: 07/09/09

Re: [ob] 1 putaran?

2009-07-08 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Tanya, apakah hari kamis ada kemungkinan SELL on NEWS !!!
Kan sebelumnya banyak yg memprediksi kalu No 2 pasti menang.
Crude Oil turun ke 62, CPO dibawah M$2000, DJuscl:IND =185,16
Dow lagi meriang. Eforia pilpres bikin index naik apa tdk riskan
untuk investasi bagi investor baru.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ueno_kobayashi ueno_kobaya...@... 
wrote: --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, JT™ jsxtrader@ wrote:  
 We got strong, very strong signal about it 'Intraday-nya' CAKEP !!   :) 
   Smoga.  Sent From BullBerry®TA is not 100% Fool Proof, Never 
Trade Without Stop Order  ---    
YES      Cukup satu puteran...     Sudah BREAK OUT     
Volume Chart dan semua indikator sudah mendukung     TARIK HABIS sampai 
Penutupan BOSS..

[ob] Re: Dari Facebook Billy

2009-07-08 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Kawan kawan jangan terjadi lagi nyangkut yach, kemarin masih nyangkut di zona 
nyangkut belum balik jangan ditambah nyangkut lagi.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, pieter prawira pieterpraw...@... wrote:

 dow plus 0.18 % as alcoa result, oil rebound to 61, CONTINUE win. Maybe
 IHSG can plus 3-5 %, hehehehehe. Today. Bullish : PGAS, UNTR, INCO,
 ANTM. Bearish : BLTA. God Please Bless me today ya, so I can finished
 it well. Are you ready to facing the bull ?. Now I am Boarding to
 Surabaya, Good Bye Semarang,incridible city with nice person. GBU
   Lebih aman saat online. Upgrade ke Internet Explorer 8 baru dan lebih 
 cepat yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! agar Anda merasa lebih aman. Gratis. 
 Dapatkan IE8 di sini! 

[ob] cpo price

2009-07-07 Terurut Topik eddytj99
harga cpo malaysia, makin gawat dibawah M$2000
jam 11:02 harga kontrak
aug'09=M$2000 turun 70=3,38%
sep'09=M$1992 turun 77=3,72%
oct'09=M$1993 turun 79=3,81%

[ob] Re: cpo price

2009-07-07 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Maret'09 Rentang harga CPO M$ 1900 - M$ 2000 (BMD Malaysia)
Rentang harga saham produsen cpo di BEI maret'09
AALI 12.850 - 14.250
LSIP  3.000 - 3.500
INDF  840   - 990
SGRO 1.120  - 1.280
TBLA  190   - 210
UNSP  295   - 325
GZCO  79- 88

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 harga cpo malaysia, makin gawat dibawah M$2000
 jam 11:02 harga kontrak
 aug'09=M$2000 turun 70=3,38%
 sep'09=M$1992 turun 77=3,72%
 oct'09=M$1993 turun 79=3,81%

[ob] Re: hore...Pilpres tetap dilaksanakan

2009-07-06 Terurut Topik eddytj99
hasil akhir akan diputuskan oleh MK paling lambat sore ini.
KPU bicara kalau kurang surat suara bisa dicetak hari SELASA kapasitas cetak 10 
juta/hari. hari RABU pemilu, kapan kirim surat suaranya. oohhh iya KPU punya 
LAMPU ALADIN buat distribusi surat suara. Prediksi bisa kacau balau harap2 
jangan jadi IRAN kedua.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ueno_kobayashi ueno_kobaya...@... 

 Pilpres 08 July 2009 tetap dilaksanakan...!
 Semoga Sukses Lancar..
 Dan Apapun hasilnya semoga dapat diterima 
 dgn lapang dada oleh para peserta kontestan..!
 Mari bersama sama kita vSukseskan Pilpres..
 Hidup Indonesia!

[ob] Re: to Embah : BSE - 4.3% Apa ada data error?

2009-07-06 Terurut Topik eddytj99
bse -4,29% hangseng tiba2 -1,12%, crude oil mendadak ambles jadi $64,22 
sedkitar jam 15:17 wib ADA APAKAH ?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Ian Mahendra ian.mahen...@... wrote:

 BSE -4.3 %. Nggak salah nih? Apa ada data error?
   Get your preferred Email name!
 Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail.com

[ob] Re: to Embah : BSE - 4.3% Apa ada data error?

2009-07-06 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jam 14:21 bse -5,03%, future cpo anjlok juga sekitar 2,83%
ada apa ya ?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 bse -4,29% hangseng tiba2 -1,12%, crude oil mendadak ambles jadi $64,22 
 sedkitar jam 15:17 wib ADA APAKAH ?
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Ian Mahendra ian.mahendra@ wrote:
  BSE -4.3 %. Nggak salah nih? Apa ada data error?
Get your preferred Email name!
  Now you can @ymail.com and @rocketmail.com

[ob] crude oil

2009-07-02 Terurut Topik eddytj99
setelah china menaikkan bahan bakar sekarang India menaikkan harga bahan bakar.

Government hikes petrol prices by Rs 4, diesel by Rs 2
2 Jul 2009, 0720 hrs IST, ET Bureau

NEW DELHI: The government on Wednesday raised pump prices of auto fuels to stem 
the losses of state-owned retailers that sell petrol and diesel
below cost price, revealing its intention to deregulate the sector.

Petrol will be costlier by Rs 4 a litre and diesel by Rs 2 a litre from 
Wednesday midnight. Prices of cooking gas and kerosene were left untouched, as 
it could affect the poorer sections of the society. 

[ob] Flood in china

2009-07-02 Terurut Topik eddytj99
1,52 juta hektar of crops kena banjir, tanda2 nya permintaan CPO akan naik lagi.

Heavy rain, floods across China kill 95

Updated: 2009-07-02 15:38

The heavy rainfall in China has taken 95 lives so far and 21 people are still 
missing, according to a published report Wednesday.

The Office of State Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters (SFCDRH) said 
that 22 provinces were affected by floodwater and extreme weather conditions, 
with a total economic loss of 10.78 billion yuan ($1.58 billion) as of June 30.

The floods have also wreaked havoc on 22.8 million mu (1.52 million hectares) 
of crops, and 57,000 houses, it said.

Zhang Zhitong, deputy director of SFCDRH told Xinhua that they have raised the 
flood alert to level #8547; and will continue to closely monitor the situation.

At the same time, the National Meteorological Center said there remains a 
strong possibility of heavy rainstorms in Guizhou, Guangxi, Guangdong, Jiangxi, 
Hunan, Fujian, Zhejiang, and Fujian provinces.

[ob] El Nino

2009-07-02 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Commodities fears after El Niño alert

By Javier Blas,Commodities Correspondent

Published: July 1 2009 17:41 | Last updated: July 1 2009 17:41

The emergence of El Niño, a weather phenomenon that could dramatically 
influence commodities markets as it brings drought conditions to south-east 
Asia, seems all but certain, Australia's weather office said on Wednesday.

More evidence of a developing El Niño event has emerged during the past 
fortnight, and computer forecasts show there's very little chance of the 
development stalling or reversing, Australia's Bureau of Meteorology said in a 

A month ago, the bureau said that the odds of an El Niño were above 50 per 
cent. Australian officials on Wednesday said they could declare officially an 
El Niño event in the next few weeks, promising an update as early as next week.

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-07-02 Terurut Topik eddytj99
time 10:08 harga kontrak
Aug'09=M$2129 down 61=2,79%
Sep'09=M$2130 down 45=2,07%
Oct'09=M$2130 down 50=2,29%

[ob] cpo

2009-06-30 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Crude Palm Oil
USDA Attache: Pakistan Veg oil Imports Seen At Record In 09-10
Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pakistan's vegetable oil imports are forecast at a record 2.35 million tons in 
the 2009-10 marketing year, up 13% from last year

SGS Reports
Malaysia June 2009 Palm Oil Exports
(30 Jun, 2009)
Malaysia's palm oil exports in June totaled 1.23 million metric tons, 
unchanged, tons vs 1.23 million tons in May . 

[ob] crude oil

2009-06-29 Terurut Topik eddytj99
JUNE 30, 2009
China Lifts Retail Fuel Prices by 8%-10%, Aiding Suppliers

BEIJING -- China raised retail prices for gasoline and diesel by about a tenth, 
the latest in a series of adjustments designed to bring the country's fuel 
costs more in line with international fluctuations.

[ob] crude oil

2009-06-29 Terurut Topik eddytj99
JUNE 30, 2009

Militants Hit Oil Supplies in Nigeria


WARRI, Nigeria -- Militants attacked two installations operated by Anglo-Dutch 
oil giant Royal Dutch Shell PLC in the Niger Delta on Monday, sending world oil 
prices higher and complicating government efforts to bring peace to the region.

Two oil-well clusters supplying Shell's Forcados oil-export terminal in Delta 
State were bombed by militants, spokesmen from Shell and the Nigerian military 
confirmed, just days after Nigerian President Umaru Yar'Adua unveiled an 
amnesty offer to militants.

Some production has been shut in as a precautionary measure, while we 
investigate to determine what really happened, a Shell spokesman said. He 
didn't specify the amount affected by the bombings.

Another oil-company manager based in the region said the effect was severe, 
closing down at least 100,000 barrels a day in exports in Shell's western Delta 
region and further crimping Nigeria's oil output.

We can't produce because we don't know what it did to the infrastructure, the 
manager said. It's pretty catastrophic, both financially and environmentally.

On Monday, crude oil closed at the highest point in 2½ weeks, as traders 
reacted to supply threats. Light sweet crude for August delivery settled at 
$71.49 a barrel, up 3.4% on the New York Mercantile 

[ob] cpo news

2009-06-29 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Govt plans to import up to 1 mn tonnes crude palm oil
29 Jun 2009, 1808 hrs IST, Nidhi Nath Srinivas, ET Bureau

India is planning to again build up its public stocks of imported cooking oil 
as prices are expected to creep up in the coming festival months.
The oil would be sold in one-litre packs through ration shops to families below 
the poverty line..

According to a fresh proposal before Cabinet, the government plans to ask 
state-owned trading companies - STC, MMTC and PEC, to import up to 1 million 
tonnes over the next one year, said a food ministry official on condition of 

These companies would have to import crude palm oil, the world's cheapest oil, 
and get it refined and packed locally for sale to state governments, which in 
turn will deliver it to ration shops. For this the Central government is 
willing to pay a subsidy of Rs 15/kg to make good any losses that these 
companies incur while selling the oil to states..

[ob] cpo news

2009-06-25 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Palm oil set to boost share of edible oils mart
Published: 2009/06/25

LONDON: Palm oil is well-placed to raise its share of total world oils and fats 
consumption as it has higher yields than other oilseeds, a long productive 
life, and is cheap to produce, delegates told a conference yesterday.

Paul Nellens, a member of the executive committee of SIPEF N.V., a palm oil 
producer, told the Public Ledger's Edible Oils 2009 conference that palm oil 
output had surged to 43 million tonnes last year from around 2 million tonnes 
30 years ago.

He said palm oil had increased its share of the consumption of the world's 
leading 17 oils and fats to 27.5 per cent in 2008/09 from 13.9 per cent in 
1990/91, which he attributed to the high yields per hectare of palm oil 
compared to alternatives.

Palm oil is a strong competitor when compared with other oilseeds, Nellens 

He said yields per hectare of an efficient Indonesian palm oil plantation were 
six times higher than rapeseed yields in Canada, and noted that palm oil 
required a lower input of chemicals and fossil fuels than alternative oilseeds.

Peter Hadsley-Chaplin, joint managing director of M.P. Evans Group Plc, a palm 
oil producer, said palm oil could be 10 times more productive than soya oil.

Palm oil is a perennial crop with a long productive life of around 25 years 
that is cheap to produce compared with other oils, he said.

The two-day conference ends today.- Reuter

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-25 Terurut Topik eddytj99
time 15:37 harga bergejolak
kontrak jul'09=M$2365 naik 85=3,73%
  ,,aug'09=M$2344 naik 89=3,95%
  ,,sep'09=M$2338 nail 88=3,91%

[ob] cpo news

2009-06-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
MARKET TALK: Malaysia Cash Palm Olein Eases On Weak Buying

[Dow Jones] Malaysia cash palm olein trades lower on weak buying interest.
Buyers are keeping to the sidelines on concerns there may be some near-term
downside in prices, says executive at Kuala Lumpur-based brokerage. Cash palm
olein for July/August/September likely traded at $695/ton vs $700/ton yesterday.
Cash CPO for prompt shipment offered MYR20 lower at MYR2,300/ton. (LSL)

Call us in Kuala Lumpur: 60 03 2026 1233

[ob] cpo news

2009-06-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
MARKET TALK: BMD CPO Down On Likely Lower July Chinese Demand

[Dow Jones] BMD CPO futures down on concerns palm oil exports to China in July
may fall. Exports to China may be half of what was exported in June, says
Kuala Lumpur-based trader; adds subdued cash market weighing on prices. Cargo
surveyor Intertek estimated palm oil shipments to China at 230,202 tons for June
1-20 period, up 29.27% on month. Trader in Singapore pegs short-term support at
MYR2,230, next support at MYR2,218. Benchmark BMD September CPO futures trading
MYR21 lower at MYR2,265/ton. (LSL)

Call us in Kuala Lumpur : +(603) 2026 1233;

[ob] Re: Harga CPO RI, jadi patokan CPO dunia

2009-06-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
data2 statistik mengenai cpo indonesia masih kurang akurat dibanding data2 
statistik cpo malaysia. jadi kalau akan jadi patokan masih jauh yah dibanding 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, DR dadiresmawa...@... wrote:

 Kabarnya, harga CPO RI, saat ini jadi patokan harga CPO dunia. Berarti 
 patokan cpo malaysia tdk dipakai lagi dong? Bursa kita bisa tentukan harga 
 cpo untuk dunia ?  atau gimana?

[ob] Re: Fw: Credit Suisse - Asia Palm Oil sector; Watch out for 30 June USDA report – soy planting is expected to be significantly higher

2009-06-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Malaysia's June 1-25 Palm oil Exports Rise 3.9% On Mo-Intertek

KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)–Malaysia's palm oil exports rose 3.9% on month
during the June 1-25 period to 1.02 million metric tons compared with 979,327
tons sold in the first 25 days of the previous month, cargo surveyor Intertek
Agri Services said Thursday.
The figure is above market expectations, which pegged shipments to be
unchanged or fall 1%-2% on month.
Another surveyor, SGS (Malaysia) Bhd., is expected to issue its estimates
later Thursday.

By Lim Shie-Lynn, Dow Jones Newswires; +(603) 2026 1233 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Joe Grunk joe_gr...@... wrote:

 ● CS Asia palm oil sector 23 JUN 
 Year-to-date, palm oil prices have peaked at 
 RM2,880/tonne (t) in
 mid-May to current levels of about 
 Negatives for vegetable oil prices: 1) Germany will 
 cut 2009
 biodiesel blending target to 5.25% from 6.25% originally 
 2) speakers in 2009 Indonesia Palm Oil Conference expect 
 oil prices to decline to US$550-600/t; 3) vegetable oil 
 at Indian ports hit an all-time high; and 4) 30 June USDA 
 report on
 actual soy plantings will show a higher area than the 
 Positive for vegetable oil prices is 
 Oil World projects the stock-touse
 ratio for global 17 oils and fats will 
 decline to 10.3% in the
 2009/10 season versus 10.4% in the current 
 2008/09 season.
 We remain bearish on palm oil, as we expect 
 supply to recover
 (reversal of tree stress, seasonally high production) 
 while exports
 to wane (exports to India unsustainable, restocking is 
 Maintain UNDERWEIGHT on Malaysian palm oil stocks 
 OVERWEIGHT on Indonesian palm oil players. El Nino is the 
   Mulai chatting dengan teman di Yahoo! Pingbox baru sekarang!! Membuat 
 tempat chat pribadi di blog Anda sekarang sangatlah mudah. 

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jam 14:30 lho koq tambah naik yah
kontrak jul =M$2281 naik 94=4,30%
kontrak aug =M$2260 naik 103=4,77%
kontrak sep =M$2258 naik 105=4,87%

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 pagi banyak yang short lalu jam 10:36 rebound naik
 kontrak jul'09=M$2226 naik 39=1,78%
 kontrak aug'09=M$2207 naik 49=2,27%
 kontrak sep'09=M$2205 naik 48=2,23%
 mudah2 an harga pagi tadi bottom price future contract

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jam 16:38 tambah naik lagi yah
kontrak jul=M$2309 naik 122=5,58%
kontrak aug=M$2290 naik 132=6,12%
kontrak sep=M$2288 naik 133=6,17%

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 jam 14:30 lho koq tambah naik yah
 kontrak jul =M$2281 naik 94=4,30%
 kontrak aug =M$2260 naik 103=4,77%
 kontrak sep =M$2258 naik 105=4,87%
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddytj99@ wrote:
  pagi banyak yang short lalu jam 10:36 rebound naik
  kontrak jul'09=M$2226 naik 39=1,78%
  kontrak aug'09=M$2207 naik 49=2,27%
  kontrak sep'09=M$2205 naik 48=2,23%
  mudah2 an harga pagi tadi bottom price future contract

[ob] cpo news

2009-06-23 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Palm oil futures posts best gain in 7 weeks
Published: 2009/06/24


PALM oil futures yesterday posted their best gain in seven weeks as soybean 
prices climbed and investors deemed four days of declines as excessive. 
JPMorgan  Co. also raised its palm oil price forecast by 17 per cent.

Soybean oil is a substitute for palm oil, and changes in the price can 
influence trends in the tropical commodity. The most-active soybean futures 
contract in Chicago advanced as much as 1.5 per cent, the first rise in four 

From now till February 2010, soybean supply is expected to remain tight, 
Simone Yeoh of JPMorgan Securities (Malaysia) and Aditya Srinath of PT JP 
Morgan Securities Indonesia wrote in a report received yesterday by e-mail.

[ob] soros

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Soros: Worst of global crisis is over
Published: 2009/06/22
BILLIONAIRE hedge fund manager George Soros said the worst of the global 
financial crisis is over, and called for new international regulations to 
maintain open markets.

Definitely, the worst is behind us, Hungarian-born Soros said in an interview 
yesterday with Polish television station TVN24.

He called the crisis the most serious in his lifetime, adding, This is the end 
of an era. The question is what's going to come out of it in the future.

Without new international regulations, globalisation will fall apart, 
possibly spawning a system of state capitalism like the one that exists in 
China, he said.

Soros, who recently returned from China, said the world's third-largest economy 
is growing in strength because the country was relatively unaffected by the 
crisis. -- Bloomberg

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-22 Terurut Topik eddytj99
pagi banyak yang short lalu jam 10:36 rebound naik
kontrak jul'09=M$2226 naik 39=1,78%
kontrak aug'09=M$2207 naik 49=2,27%
kontrak sep'09=M$2205 naik 48=2,23%
mudah2 an harga pagi tadi bottom price future contract

[ob] Re: AALI

2009-06-21 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Astra Agro Withdraws 8,000 Tons CPO Offered Fri; Bids Too Low
Tagged with: CPOCrude Palm OilCrude Palm Oil Tender

JAKARTA (Dow Jones)–Indonesia's PT Astra Agro Lestari (AALI.JK) Friday said
in a statement it withdrew 8,000 metric tons of crude palm oil offered in an

The oil was withdrawn as the bids made were lower than the company's offer
prices of IDR6,955-IDR7,205 a kilogram.

Another auction is expected Monday.
-By Fawziah Selamat, Dow Jones Newswires; 62 21 3983 1277;

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Hans h...@... wrote:

 Teknana jual pada aali menghasilkan trend turun 6 hari. 
 1 hari sebelumnya sebuah blue dot dari Hans AMTA swing Trading system
 candle reversal terbentuk pada hari jumat.
 menanti konfirmasi untuk mental ke atas.
 berikut gambar AALI
 Tulisan di atas bukanlah suatu rekomendasi beli atau jual, melainkan suatu 
 petunjuk untuk menginterpretasikan sebuah pola atau indikator tertentu.
 Informasi di atas seharusnya digunakan hanya oleh investor yang memahami 
 resiko dalam trading saham, komoditi mau pun forex. 
 Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang disebabkan oleh 
 penggunaan tulisan di atas.
 Jadwal Pelatihan
 11 Juli  2009
 Pisikologi Trading dan Teknik Trading 
 25 Juli 2009
 Optimalisasi Indikator Modern TA
 Info lebih lanjut:
 021-71057898 / Email mariana_str...@... 
 27 Juni 2009 
 Pengoperasaian MetaStock
 4 Juli 2009 
 Kursus Modern TA
 18 Juli 2009
 Bandar Ditektor
 Info lebih lanjut:
 08161354769 / 08111 8000 77 dg Angelo

[ob] oil news

2009-06-21 Terurut Topik eddytj99
2nd UPDATE:Nigeria Militants Say They Attacked Shell Pipelines
Tagged with: Crude Oil


(Updates with additional statement by militants, other details.)

IBADAN, Nigeria (Dow Jones)–Two major oil pipelines belonging to Royal Dutch 
Shell PLC (RDSA) have been attacked in different locations by a militant group 
in Nigeria's southeast Rivers state, a spokesman for the group said Sunday.

Jomo Gbomo of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta, or MEND, 
said in a statement that the Shell pipelines located at Adamakiri and Kula were 
attacked in the early hours Sunday.

He said the Adamakiri pipeline was pounded at about 2:30 a.m. local time, 
before the Kula pipeline was attacked 30 minutes later.

Officials of Shell and the military in the Niger Delta were not immediately 
available to comment on the attacks.

If both attacks are confirmed, it will be the second time MEND fighters would 
have attacked and damaged Shell facilities in the Niger Delta in the past 
several days.

MEND earlier in June claimed responsibility for the damage to Shell's 
TransForcados trunk line at Chamomile creek.

Gbomo added in the statement that MEND had been reliably informed that the 
Chevron Corp. (CVX) airstrip in Escravos was used by the military as staging 
area for the jet fighters and helicopter gunships used in the attacks and 
bombing of civilian communities in Gbaramatu kingdom of Delta state.

He said Chevron will pay a price in double measure for allowing its 
facilities to be used in committing atrocities against the host communities 
where it drills oil and gas.

He said Chevron had repeated the same mistake by Shell against communities of 
the Ogoni. The Ogonis had prohibited Shell from carrying on oil exploration in 
their area in the Niger Delta due to alleged Shell atrocities against Ogoni 
people and environmental degradation.

Earlier this month, MEND attacked and blew up oil wells owned by Chevron in 
southern Delta state. The movement said it attacked Chevron's Makaraba oil well 
3 and 5, along with its trunk line and gas lifts, and the Otunana oil well 1, 
along with its gas lift trunklines.

MEND and other militant groups in the Niger Delta have since February 2006 
kidnapped local and foreign oil workers and damaged several oil and gas 
pipelines. They have succeeded in cutting Nigeria's oil export by around 1 
million barrels, according to official estimates.

The militants said they are fighting for a bigger share of the huge oil wealth 
from the region. MEND has spurned President Umaru Yar'Adua's offer of an 
amnesty for militants who laid down their arms and embraced peace.

-By Obafemi Oredein, For Dow Jones Newswires; 234-2-7510489

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-19 Terurut Topik eddytj99
tekanan jual sesi 2 di future kontrak cpo malaysia

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jam 15:10 wib
tiap hari turun terus
kontrak juli'09=M$2370 turun 32=1,33%
kontrak Aug;09 =M$2343 turun 37=1,55%
kontral sep'09 =M$2338 turun 36=1,52%

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik eddytj99
India MMTC Floats 18.000-Ton RBD Palm Olein Import Tender
Tagged with: Crude Palm Oilpalm olein

MUMBAI (Dow Jones)–India's state-run MMTC Ltd. (513377.BY) has issued a tender 
to import 18,000 metric tons of refined, bleached and deodorized palm olein, it 
said in a statement Thursday.
The vegetable oil is for delivery in July at southern Kakinada port, MMTC said. 
The last date for submitting bids is June 23.

-By Debiprasad Nayak, Dow Jones Newswires; 91-22-61456105;

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 pagi2 dihajar kebawah sampai serem liatnya tapi sekarang jam 10:09 rebound 
 kontrak juli'09=M$2337 naik 26=1,13%
 kontrak aug'09 =M$2315 naik 15=0,65%
 kontrak sep'09 =M$2314 naik 13=0,56%

[ob] vegetable oil stock

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Rotterdam Vegetable Oil Stocks – Jun 17

LONDON (Dow Jones)–Rotterdam vegetable oil stocks in metric tons.

PALM OIL 92,568 -- CPO stock 

[ob] El Nino impact

2009-06-18 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Other traders kept an eye out for the brewing El Nino 
weather condition, which the Australian Bureau of Meteorology said had more 
than a 50 per cent chance of developing.

El Nino brings hotter weather and less rain to top producers Malaysia and 
Indonesia and can aggravate biological tree stress and lead to lower palm oil 
yields 12 months later.

But investment bank Credit Suisse said the current low yield period could end 
in June given that it only lasts for six to nine months, although top planters 
like IOI Corp and Asiatic have not shown an improvement in production.

We believe this could be attributed to the location (of these companies') 
plantations in Sabah and Johor (states) (which) were particularly adversely 
affected in early 2009 due to excessive rainfall, Credit Suisse said in a note 
to clients.

Palm oil output growth in Malaysia will stay weak for the next two years 
because an aggressive replanting scheme and hot weather will aggravate yield 
stress in oil palms, an industry regulator said on Tuesday.

In the Malaysian physical market, no trades were done for June delivery in the 
southern and central regions as sellers were hoping the market would recover, 
one dealer said.


2009-06-17 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Goldman Sachs sangat confident crude oil dapat mencapai harga $85 by the end of 
2009, permintaan rebound mulai awal June katanya.

The investment cutbacks warned about by Shell's Van der Veer only make that 
more likely. In its World Energy Outlook 2008, released last November, the IEA 
warned that production declines from existing supplies would keep the market 
tight and called for $26 trillion in new infrastructure spending worldwide over 
the next two decades. Right now, the opposite is happening. In May, the IEA 
said it expected a 21% drop in oil and gas investment budgets globally in 2009 
compared to 2008, or nearly $100 billion less. A cautious OPEC has said that a 
lot of its member countries' new drilling projects remain on hold.

Meanwhile, there are signs that a demand recovery could be on the way in Asia. 
China's crude consumption averaged 7.6 million barrels per day in April, 
according to Allidina, the highest level on record, amid reports that the 
government was stockpiling commodities. Goldman Sachs was confident enough of a 
demand rebound to come out in early June with a price target of $85 a barrel 
for West Texas Intermediate crude by the end of 2009 and $95 by the end of 2010.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, HOTMONEY vividtra...@... wrote:

 EU bikin Head And Shoulder
 2009/6/17 Kidod25 kido...@...
  semakin dolar menguat maka IHSG turun, begitu juga Rupiah makin letoi. Isu
  yg penting adalah tgl 23 Juni 09 sidang FOMC, akankah Fed naikkin rate?
  + +
  + + + + +
  Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
  kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
  + + + + +
  + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[ob] sgro

2009-06-17 Terurut Topik eddytj99
INILAH.COM, Jakarta - PT Sampoerna Agro (SGRO) akan membayarkan dividen tunai 
sebesar Rp 90 per lembar saham atau 32% dari laba tahun buku 2008.

Demikian disampaikan Direktur Corporate Affair SGRO, Hadi Fauzan, usai Rapat 
Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) di Jakarta, Kamis (18/6). Dividen akan 
dibayar 29 Juli nanti, ujarnya.

[ob] Re: DOW OIL

2009-06-15 Terurut Topik eddytj99
pelaku pasar DOW menantikan keluarnya indikator ekonomi hari ini
tgl 16 Building Permits, PPI, Housing Starts, Capacity Utilization, Indutrial 
Prod. Tgl 17 keluar indikator CPI, Crude Inventories, Current accounts.
Semoga indikator lebih bagus.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, john.nuel john.n...@... wrote:

 thanks untuk prof JT yang selalu memberi ketenangan ke kite2... arigato...
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, JT jsxtrader@ wrote:
  Dow, semalam turun lumayan dalem, tapi masih on track UP TREND, volume
  penurunan semalam kecil sekali, looks like hanya retracement., demikian juga
  dengan Oil, masih on track dan belum ada indikasi trend akan patah.,
  kesimpulan sementara, both indices still ok, no selling pressure
  detected..., secara TA, it is safe to say hanya koreksi biasa, bukan
  Anyway,  it is NOT LIKE what we used to see sebelum maret dimana saat itu
  trend DOW masih turun terus dan keep making LH  LL
  Happy Trading  Good Luck

[ob] intertek report

2009-06-14 Terurut Topik eddytj99
(15 Jun, 2009)
Malaysia's palm oil exports in June 1-15 totaled at 560,416 metric tons, dn 10% 
vs 624,052 tons of palm oil in May

(10 Jun, 2009)
Malaysia's palm oil exports in June 1-10 totaled at 289,437 metric tons, dn 28% 
vs 403,934 tons of palm oil in May 1-10

[ob] Re: $75 Oil Will Kill The Economic Recovery Dead

2009-06-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Buat bacaan.
Dikutip dari hasil penelitian sdr Efendi Arianto on December 25, 2007 

Harga CPO akan terus meningkat karena selain sentimen tentang pencarian bahan 
bakar alternatif termasuk biofuel berbahan baku CPO, juga karena peningkatan 
permintaan dari dua konsumen terbesar dunia, yakni India dan China, sejalan 
dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi di kedua negara tersebut yang saat ini mencapai 8-10 
persen per tahun.

Sentimen tentang pemanfaatan minyak sawit menjadi bahan bakar nabati muncul 
ketika harga minyak bumi (crude oil) naik secara tajam di tahun 2007, dari 
sekitar US$50 menjadi US$90 per barrel. 

Pengujian statistik korelasi harga minyak sawit dengan harga minyak bumi pada 
periode 1999-2007 menunjukkan bahwa minyak sawit dan minyak bumi memang 
berkorelasi positif sebesar 0.68. Pada periode 2006-2007, korelasi pergerakan 
harga minyak sawit dan minyak bumi adalah 0.73. Sementara jika dilihat 
pergerakan pada periode 1999-2005 korelasinya hanyalah 0.14. Korelasi sangat 
positif sebesar 0.97 terjadi di tahun 2007 sejalan dengan meningkatnya sentimen 
penggunaan minyak sawit untuk bio-diesel.

Hasil pengujian korelasi dan regresi harga minyak sawit dan minyak bumi pada 
berbagai periode (1999-2007, 1999-2005, 2006-2007 dan 2007) terdapat pada Tabel 
1. Pengujian ini dilakukan berdasarkan data bulanan harga minyak sawit 
(Rotterdam) yang penulis dapatkan dari web PT SMART Tbk . Sedangkan harga 
minyak bumi penulis peroleh dan olah dari data historis minyak bumi yang 
disediakan oleh Energy Information Administration, official energy statistics 
from the U.S. Government.
Tabel 1. Uji Regresi Harga Minyak Sawit dan Minyak Bumi
Dari hasil uji regresi pada Tabel 1 di atas, maka dengan menggunakan data pada 
periode 2007, hubungan antara minyak sawit (CPO) dengan minyak bumi (CO) dapat 
dituliskan sebagai:

CPO = 82.82 + 10.05*CO

harga minyak saat ini sekitar $72, kalau pakai rumus diatas maka
harga cpo=82,82+10,05x72=$806,42
harga kemarin CIF Rotterdam $755.


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, dunia ini indah pusatdu...@... wrote:

 $75 Oil Will Kill The Economic Recovery Dead
 Friday, June 12 2009 By Dirk van Dijk, CFA
 Will Rising Oil Prices Prevent a Recovery?
 The following two charts (and the comments in between them) are part of a 
 very interesting article by James 
 Hamilton. The collapse in oil prices last fall acted as a key economic 
 stabilizer and helped ameliorate the 
 economic decline.
 It showed up in two key places. The first was in the trade deficit numbers, 
 which have shown a very dramatic 
 improvement over the last year (see here and here). The other place it showed 
 up was in retail sales, since a 
 dollar spent at the gas pump is a dollar that can not be spent elsewhere.
 Since last Christmas, prices at the pump have climbed sharply, as shown in 
 the first graph. While prices are still 
 far below the levels of a year ago, the current levels are high enough to 
 start hurting, especially those who have 
 seen their incomes drop due to the recession. Dr. Hamilton calculates that 
 the current prices would be consistent 
 with energy taking up over 6% of total personal consumption expenditures, up 
 from 4.85% back in December.
 As the second graph shows, that would be about the share of spending energy 
 had back in the mid-1980’s. The mid-
 1980’s were not exactly the worst period of our economic history, so such a 
 level in and of itself should not be a 
 real problem for the economy. And we faced a far more serious problem with 
 energy prices in the 1970’s than we did 
 even at the worst energy price levels we saw a year ago.
 Still, this is coming at a time when the economy is still very fragile. 
 Retail spending on goods other than energy 
 face strong headwinds from both the need for consumers to rebuild their 
 personal balance sheets (pay down past 
 debts and build up savings) and from much worse personal income statements 
 (unemployment, hours and wages cut, 
 lower interest rates on savings). This is just one more unhelpful factor that 
 will pressure sales, particularly for 
 stores that sell discretionary items, including clothing stores like The Gap 
 (GPS) and appliance stores like Rex 
 Stores (RSC) and HH Gregg (HGG). Higher oil prices are of course good news 
 for the energy sector, but for the 
 overall economy high energy prices are a significant negative.
 The rise in oil prices does not seem to be consistent with the overall 
 weakness of the world economy, but there are 
 several reasons why it just may be sustained or extended, even in the absence 
 of a global economic rebound. The 
 first is that oil is a good hedge against future inflation, and given the 
 expansion of the Fed balance sheet, that 
 may be a very serious concern down the road. Currently the bigger threat is 
 deflation, but it will be hard for the 
 Fed to sop up all the 

[ob] China PPI

2009-06-11 Terurut Topik eddytj99
China's PPI down 7.2% in May
Updated: 2009-06-10 13:28
Comments(0) PrintMail

China's producer price index (PPI), a major measure of inflation at the 
wholesale level, in May fell 7.2 percent year on year, the National Bureau of 
Statistics (NBS) announced Wednesday.

The decline compared with a 6.6-percent drop in April and a 4.6-percent fall in 
the first quarter from the same period last year.

Producer prices of production materials fell 8.8 percent in May and those of 
consumption goods were down 1.9 percent, the NBS said in a statement.

[ob] CPO

2009-06-11 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Written on 11 Jun, 2009 at 11:20 in Market Talk Palm Oil 

[Dow Jones] BMD CPO futures up, tracking stronger soyoil, crude oil futures, 
traders say. Benchmark Nymex crude providing good support for CPO prices. 
Combined with stronger soyoil futures in after-hours trade, CPO prices are 
likely to stay in positive

[ob] Re: CPO

2009-06-11 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Written on 11 Jun, 2009 at 8:41 in Market Talk Palm Oil 

0058 GMT [Dow Jones] Singapore palm oil stocks may outperform as continued 
strength in crude oil price, which should bode well for crude palm oil (CPO) 
prices, provides boost.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Written on 11 Jun, 2009 at 11:20 in Market Talk Palm Oil 
 [Dow Jones] BMD CPO futures up, tracking stronger soyoil, crude oil futures, 
 traders say. Benchmark Nymex crude providing good support for CPO prices. 
 Combined with stronger soyoil futures in after-hours trade, CPO prices are 
 likely to stay in positive

[ob] Re: CPO

2009-06-11 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Sebelum harga vegetable oil naik seiring dengan recovery ekonomi, India nimbun 
dulu yang banyak.

Written on 12 Jun, 2009 at 11:09 in Crude Palm Oil 

Buoyed by heavy purchases this year, India's vegetable oil inventories at ports 
have reached an all-time high of 700,000-800,000 metric tons, traders and 
importers said late Thursday.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Written on 11 Jun, 2009 at 8:41 in Market Talk Palm Oil 
 0058 GMT [Dow Jones] Singapore palm oil stocks may outperform as continued 
 strength in crude oil price, which should bode well for crude palm oil (CPO) 
 prices, provides boost.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddytj99@ wrote:
  Written on 11 Jun, 2009 at 11:20 in Market Talk Palm Oil 
  [Dow Jones] BMD CPO futures up, tracking stronger soyoil, crude oil 
  futures, traders say. Benchmark Nymex crude providing good support for CPO 
  prices. Combined with stronger soyoil futures in after-hours trade, CPO 
  prices are likely to stay in positive

[ob] Re: Respon Mappi, Beli BUMI DEWA

2009-06-10 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jadi kesimpulan berita ini adalah boleh beli dewa dong

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Data Saham datasaha...@... wrote:

 INILAH.COM, Jakarta †Pergerakan saham PT Bumi Resources (BUMI)
 pada perdagangan Rabu (10/6) diprediksikan melanjutkan penguatan
 seiring trend naiknya harga minyak dunia. Investor direkomendasikan buy atas 
 saham produsen batubara thermal ini.
 Ikhsan Binarto, analis PT Optima Securities memprediksikan
 pergerakan saham BUMI hari ini menguat. Pasalnya, penguatan harga
 minyak mentah yang sudah merangkak menuju level US$ 70 per barel akan
 mendorong kenaikan harga-harga komoditas termasuk batubara. 
 BUMI sebagai produsen batubara thermal diutungkan oleh kenaikan ini.
 Akibatnya, di pasar modal saham sejuta umat ini akan mendapat apresiasi
 positif dari pelaku pasar. 
 “BUMI akan bergerak menguat pada kisaran Rp 2.050 hingga Rp 2.200.
 Namun kecenderungan ke arah Rp 2.200 lebih kuat dibandingkan ke arah Rp
 2.050,” katanya kepada INILAH.COM, di Jakarta, semalam.
 Pada penutupan perdagangan kemarin, Selasa (9/10) saham BUMI
 ditransaksikan menguat 25 poin (1,20%) ke level Rp 2.100 dengan harga
 tertinggi Rp 2.150 dan harga terendah Rp 2.050. Sedangkan volume
 transaksi mencapai 184,4 juta lembar saham senilai Rp 388,3 miliar dan
 frekuensi 4.345 kali. 
 Menurut Iksan, jika level resistan Rp 2.100 berhasil ditembus BUMI,
 penguatan berikutnya bergerak pada angka Rp 2.300. Ikhsan
 merekomendasikan buy untuk BUMI. 
 Selain itu, terkait hasil evaluasi Masyarakat Profesi Penilai
 Independen (Mappi), menurutnya, justru pelaku pasar harus melakukan
 antisipasi selain terhadap BUMI juga saham PT Darma Henwa (DEWA).
 “Investor direkomendasikan beli juga untuk saham DEWA. Karena yang
 diakuisisi adalah saham DEWA,” paparnya. 
 Sedangkan pengaruhnya terhadap BUMI menurutnya paling-paling
 persoalan harga akuisisi apakah wajar atau tidak. Itupun tidak akan
 berpengaruh signifikan terhadap BUMI. Pasalnya, kalaupun terlalu mahal,
 akan direvisi sesuai dengan harga wajarnya. 
 “Misalnya saja harga yang cocok bagi BUMI di level Rp 340 per lembar
 sementara Mappi misalnya menilai harga wajarnya di Rp 300 maka DEWA
 akan tetap diakuisi,” imbuhnya. Karena itu, Ikshan meyakini peluang
 BUMI untuk melanjutkan akuisisi tiga perusahaan sebelumnya sangat
 Lebih lanjut, Ikhsan Binarto mengatakan selain faktor Mappi dan
 harga minyak, sepertinya tidak ada lagi yang berpengaruh pada
 pergerakan BUMI hari ini. Pemberitaan perekonomian yang melegakan juga
 membantu harga minyak naik lantaran investor mulai meningkatkan
 “Kemungkinan BUMI masih bisa menguat seiring semakin meningkatnya harga 
 minyak dunia. Itu saja sentimennya,” jelasnya. 
 Sementara itu, Bapepam-LK merencanakan akan melakukan konferensi pers terkait 
 hasil review Yanuar Bey dan opinion fairness
 yang dilakukan Mappi. Jika tidak ada halangan akan ada konpres, namun
 kita lihat dulu ya, tegas Ketua Bapepam-LK Ahmad Fuad Rahmany di
 Gedung Bapepam, kemarin.
 Ia mengakui, kemarin Bapepam-LK sudah menerima dokumen fairness opinion
 dari Mappi. Namun, ia mengakui belum membacanya. Bapepam juga
 merencanakan Rabu (10/6) ini akan melakukan pemanggilan terhadap Mappi.
 Kita panggil MAPPI baru kita ambil sikap, jelasnya. [E1]

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-06-09 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Nirgunan Tiruchelvam, an analyst at Royal Bank of Scotland Asia Securities 
(Singapore) Pte Ltd who boosted his palm oil price forecast last month, 
yesterday raised his recommendation on Wilmar International Ltd, the biggest 
supplier of cooking oil in China, to buy from sell.

Tiruchelvam also increased the 12-month stock price target for Wilmar to S$5.36 
from S$2.20 in a report. The stock traded today at S$4.90.
time 14:00wib sesi 2
kontrak jun'09 = M$ 2,480 turun 12 = 0,48%
kontrak jul'09 = M$ 2,496 naik 27 = 1,09%
kontrak aug'09 = M$ 2,490 naik 30 = 1,26%

[ob] ISAT

2009-06-04 Terurut Topik eddytj99
data bloomberg rupiah 10060

Re: [ob] USDIDR 10,000

2009-06-04 Terurut Topik eddytj99
bloomberg 9975

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Thomas Frederick thomaszone_2...@... 

 Di saya idr sudah 9975.. Yang bener yg mana nihh??
 -Original Message-
 From: yosua sutardjana yosua_2...@...
 Date: Thu, 4 Jun 2009 21:17:40 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] USDIDR 10,000
 pak tasrul..di RTI usd 10220,beneran nich?pada out dong?
 --- On Fri, 6/5/09, Tasrul tas...@... wrote:
 From: Tasrul tas...@...
 Subject: [ob] USDIDR 10,000
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Friday, June 5, 2009, 10:51 AM
 Mantap….    Tasrul         
  PT. Overseas SecuritiesResearch 
  Plaza Bapindo Mandiri Tower lt.16tas...@overseas. co.id        
 Jend.Sudirman Kav.54-55           
            Jakarta †12190, 
 Phone 62.21.5277008                
 Fax    62.21.5277009                  DISCLAIMER: This 
 email and any files transmitted with it
  are confidential and/or protected by intellectual property rights and 
 intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are 
 addressed. Any use of the information contained herein (including, but not 
 limited to, total or partial reproduction, communication or distribution in 
 any form) by persons other than the named addressee(s) is prohibited. Please 
 notify the sender immediately if you have received this e-mail by mistake and 
 delete this e-mail from your system. Please note that any views or opinions 
 presented in this email are solely those of the author and do not necessarily 
 represent those of the company. PT. Overseas Securities accepts no liability 
 for any damage caused by any virus transmitted by this email.   

[ob] ISAT

2009-06-03 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Rupiah menguat Rp 102,5 -- Rp 10.157,5 (bloomberg)

Re: [ob] You are part of the resistance, OB salvation

2009-06-01 Terurut Topik eddytj99
luarbiasa tingginya, kalo tiba2 tsunami beneran datang gak kebayang ... 
panic selling yah

- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, conx_2003 conx_2...@... wrote:

 We've been fighting a long time. We are out numbered by BD. Working around 
 the clock,without quit. Humans have a strength that cannot be measured. This 
 is MBAH. If you are listening to this,you are the resistance. 
 sorry mbah mohon ijin minjem nama buat humor aja
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, fifi young fifiyoung03@ wrote:
  What a surprising statement...
  Anyway, do whatever you think is best for you,
  I wish you all the best.
  But don't leave us too long,
  nanti lehernya puanjaaang.. hehe... [?][?][?]
  2009/6/1 JsxTrader jsxtrader@
Dear Mbah,
   Senang sekali rasanya melihat Mbah sudah BULISH kembali..,  jujur saya
   sempat kecewa waktu Mbah kelihatannya kehilangan semangat tempo hari…, 
   melawan saya ngga berani, yg bisa saya lakukan cuma keep posting bullish 
   supaya Mbah berubah pikiran…, hehehe.
   Well, sebentar lagi, kalau Yg Diatas mengijinkan, kita akan masuk IHSG
   2000… fuiiihhh.., dipikir-pikir gile juga yah, perasaan baru kemarin kita
   down to 1100, it was about 900 point down.., bener2 ngga kerasa…., banyak
   sekali suka dukanya yg tidak akan pernah saya lupakan..., well, semoga 
   nyangkuter semakin berkurang, syukur-syukur kalau sdh bisa balik modal
   apalagi kalo cuan…
   NOW, I think it's the time for me to take a vacation from OB…, sebenernya
   sudah lama pingin take a break and jadi inpestor waktu IHSG masih jauh
   dibawah (I promised to EL to do so), tapi keasikan trading jadi keterusan
   dah… hehe.
   Well,  I will still be in the market but not as a Short Term Trader tapi
   semi-semi inpes lah…, atau tepatnya LONG PULL trading, which is just my
   dream.., cape juga jadi copet, ane mau kerja `kantoran' aja dah…, ngga 
   monitor tiap hari…, hehe…., dan kebetulan ada usaha di sector rill yg 
   perhatian lebih besar.
   About IHSG, Technically Speaking.., No questions we are in BULLISH MARKET,
   kalo ada yg bilang ini Bear Rally, ask him/her.., ente pegang barang 
   Most probable mereka masih full of cash…, kalo nanti ada koreksi, ngga 
   buru-buru disikapi negative.., biar bagaimanapun koreksi dibutuhkan dan 
   membuat index lebih sehat lagi…, please remember this.
   To all my fellow OB'er…,  ane ngaso dulu ye.., you will be doing just 
   I am sure `Sarimin' disuruh trading juga bisa cuan…. Hehe,  kalau anda 
   cuan dalam market seperti ini, pasti ada yg salah…, cari tau dulu kenapa
   sebelum melanjutkan trading…., yg terpenting, jangan termakan provokasi,
   always CONSULT your own Chart sebelum mengambil sikap thd info yg anda
   terima…, remember, ini OB Bung !! banyak BD disini dengan berbagai macam
   kepentingan dan karakter.
   To BOZZ  Bang BD…, maap'in ane kalo selama ini sering nge'gerecokin and
   ngeledek'in ya…, From now on, I will be a nice boy dah, and ane bakal
   bantuin bang BD dgn cara inpes.., inpes.., inpes…, hehe…,  After All, 
   you Bang for all of the cuan selama ini.
   Ok guys, I take a break for a while and I'll see you UP THERE…., Keep
   The Trading Spirit Alive !!
   Very Best Regards,


Re: [ob] SENEN ade BIG BANG .....

2009-05-31 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Manohara pulang dengan izin suami, kata teman karib Tengku TT
Jimadie Shah Othman | Jun 1, 09 1:20pm
Model terkenal Indonesia, Manohara Odelia Pinot bukan dilarikan atau melarikan 
diri, tetapi pulang dengan izin suaminya, Tengku Temenggung Kelantan, kata 
teman karib pasangan tersebut.

Manohara dalam sidang akhbar di Jakarta semalam mendakwa dia didera oleh 
suaminya, Tengku Temenggung Kelantan.

manohara odlia pinot kelantan 260509Tengku Temenggung (Tengku Muhammad Fakhry 
Petra) tidak ada apa-apa (masalah). Manohara pulang dengan izinnya, kata Mohd 
Soberi Shafii kepada Malaysiakini pagi ini.

Bukan dilarikan atau melarikan diri, tetapi pulang dengan izin, tegasnya lagi.

Beliau juga menafikan berlakunya kekecohan antara pihak istana dan ibu 
Manohara, Daisy Fajarina di sebuah hotel di Singapura semalam.

Menurutnya, dalam kejadian di Hotel Royal Plaza itu, Manohara membuat keputusan 
pulang ke Jakarta setelah pertemuan panjang selama tujuh jam dengan ibu dan 
kakaknya Dewi Seri Asih.

Bagaimanapun, Mohd Soberi mendakwa apa yang dikatakan Manohara dalam sidang 
akhbar di Jakarta itu menurut arahan dan skrip ibunya semata-mata.

Dia (Manohara) takut pada ibunya. Dia hanya ikut suruhan ibunya. Ini semua 
telah ditetapkan oleh ibunya.

'Atur rancangan'

Di waktu kecilnya, beliau pernah melihat kegarangan ibunya menyiksa orang gaji 
ketika di Perancis dahulu, katanya.

Sehubungan itu, Mohd Soberi menafikan bekas model berumur 17 tahun itu didera 
secara fizikil, emosi dan seksual, termasuk disuntik hormon bagi menambahkan 
berat badan oleh Tengku Muhammad Fakhry.

Tindakan Manohara cuma (diatur supaya) mengiyakan segala cakap ibunya selama 
ini, kata Mohd Soberi yang juga seorang ahli perniagaan itu.

manohara odelai pinot mother daisy fajarina 230409Mohd Soberi (foto) juga 
berkata, Daisy telah mengatur rancangan awal bagi membawa pulang anaknya itu.

Dia (Daisy) sudah aturkan. Di hotel, krew televisyen Singapura sudah ikut dia. 
Sampai di lapangan terbang di Jakarta, (Manohara) terus dibawa ke stesen 
televisyen untuk diwawancara, tambah Mohd Soberi.

Ditanya sama ada pasangan diraja itu akan bercerai, beliau berkata: 
Terserahlah kepada Manohara. Kalau ingin bercerai, kita ikut proses 
perceraian. Tengku TT (Tengku Temenggung) ambil sikap serah (keputusan) kepada 
Manohara, katanya.

Beliau mendakwa, putera ketiga Sultan Kelantan itu juga tidak menyalahkan pihak 
kedutaan Indonesia atau Amerika Syarikat kerana membantu membawa keluar 
isterinya daripada kota Singa itu.

Pemeriksaan perubatan

Beliau tidak salahkan kerajaan. Beliau tidak minta kerajaan selesaikan masalah 
keluarganya. Rakyat Malaysia tidak bodoh untuk memperalatkan kerajaan untuk 
kepentingan sendiri, katanya.

manohara odelia pinot tengku kelantan royal indonesia model controversy 210409 
02Media Indonesia melaporkan, Manohara dibantu kedutaan Indonesia dan Amerika 
Syarikat di Singapura untuk kembali ke Jakarta.

Dia dilaporkan tiba di negara seberang itu kira-kira 7 pagi waktu Indonesia.

Bekas model itu dilaporkan akan mengadakan pemeriksaan kesihatan pagi ini, 
selain pemeriksaan psikiatri.

Hasil pemeriksaan perubatan itu dilaporkan akan diserahkan kepada peguamnya.

Mengulas perkara itu, Mohd Soberi berkata, Tengku TT mengalu-alukan pemeriksaan 
perubatan itu.

Tengku TT alu-alukan. Sudah sampai masanya untuk menunjukkan bukti, katanya.

Usaha Malaysiakini menghubungi Daisy di Jakarta setakat ini belum berhasil. 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Cak Osop be_tra...@... wrote:

 kalo Market Naik Cuan Gede Ku Tunggu Jandamu Manohara
 --- On Mon, 6/1/09, Kabu Nusi megasho...@... wrote:
 From: Kabu Nusi megasho...@...
 Subject: Re: [ob] SENEN ade BIG BANG .
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:17 AM
 ndak usah bakar Pak, cukup stop ekspor, armada ambalat pindah ke selat malaka 
 dan kepulauan riau ... harga naik BMD, local bs punya alasan untuk hike the 
 domestic price   
 --- On Mon, 6/1/09, Cougar Boy boysngi...@gmail. com wrote:
 From: Cougar Boy boysngi...@gmail. com
 Subject: Re: [ob] SENEN ade BIG BANG .
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 4:08 AM
 ganyang malaysia
 bakar kebut sawit
 biar CPO naek :D
 2009/6/1 Bayu Kusuma bayu_kusuma_ wardhana@ yahoo.com
   Manohara pulang brarti market naik.hehehehehe
 --- On Mon, 6/1/09, qasuaribo qasuar...@yahoo. com wrote:
 From: qasuaribo qasuar...@yahoo. com
 Subject: [ob] SENEN ade BIG BANG .
 To: obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com
 Date: Monday, June 1, 2009, 12:02 AM
   Kemaren pade ribut, ari ini bakalan (SENEN) bakalan ade kejuta BESAR 
 kayaknye eh ternyata BENER LHO..MANOHARA dah PULANG kekekekekekkk

Re: [ob] To Billy: kenapa delete gue di FB

2009-05-29 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Newcastle Coal index

29-May-09=67.09-- naik

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, zaka...@... wrote:

 Kalo gua sih lebih setuju kalo ke 2000 dulu ( biar gua jualan .. He..he) baru 
 setelah itu mau nyungsep .. Terserah deh -( egois.com )
 Powered by Telkomsel BlackBerry®
 -Original Message-
 From: Andy a...@...
 Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 00:07:50 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [ob] To Billy: kenapa delete gue di FB
 Kayaknya nomor 1 ngak bakalan deh.
 Naga2nya Senin depan udah bisa filling chapter 11.
 Kalau menurut saya justru akan berefek positiv terhadap US market, maybe
 not in the very short term, tapi kebangkrutan ini sudah bisa dicium
 waktu Wagner diusir keluar.
 Pada waktu itu saya pikir ini pasti akan dibangkrutin, karena Wagner
 adalah satu2nya orang yg mulai dari bawah dan ngerti luar dalem GM dan
 ngak terima option bangkrut.
 2 rada susah tapi bisa lah asal jangan ada ribut2 lagi ttg credit
 card yah.
 3 jangan cepet2 ahh, nanti dulu dong, gw masih mau belanja nih :-)
 4 so pasti lah dan hopefully yg market friendly yah.
 5 after summer, udara dingin, pemakaian oil meningkat, kalo ada
 hurricane lebih bagus lagi, mungkin end of the year maybe sonner.
 jadi? gw sih setuju aja deh kita nyungsep dulu, mau langsung naik juga
 -Original Message-
 From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of billy_wta
 Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 6:02 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] To Billy: kenapa delete gue di FB
 Koreksi ke 1,630 hanya akan billy tarik kembali, jika :
 1. GM gak jadi bangkrut, tentunya Dwow bisa happy
 2. Dow mampu bertahan di atas 8,550 dan terus naik (Break Bear Rally)
 3. IHSG tembus level 2,000 dan bisa bertahan di situ
 4. Kampanye Pilpres lancar2 aja
 5. Oil Tembus 70 dollar
 Jika 5 hal itu terlaksana dengan baik, maka 1,630 bisa BATAL, karena
 akan billy ambil titik baru untuk menarik proyeksi koreksi terbaru.
 Mungkin sekitar 1,770-1790 saja
 Selama 5 hal itu belum terlaksana dengan baik. I masih optimis ke 1,630
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
 yahoogroups.com, Mico Wendy micowendy@ wrote:
  Prof jt, billy,
  Ini jadi sesuatu yg beda? Bullish dan bearish? Atau sama tapi
  timeframenya beda..
  Yg gawat kalau kita2 bingung, sebentar bullish sebentar bearish.
  On 5/29/09, JsxTrader jsxtrader@ wrote:
   Wow.., statement yg sangat berani, Bill..., kalau gitu saya juga mau
   cepat atau lambat IHSG akan break HIGHEST EVER, jangan tanya kapan,
   cepat atau lambat lah.., hehehe
   Well, market does not always work the way we want it to, Bill.
   Technician you know better than that..., cheers.
   -Original Message-
   From: obrolan-bandar@ mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
 yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@
 mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com yahoogroups.com]
   On Behalf Of billy_wta
   Sent: 29 Mei 2009 15:15
   To: obrolan-bandar@ mailto:obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [ob] To Billy: kenapa delete gue di FB
   Saya sudah banyak bertemu orang yang seperti anda, cuma bisa omong
   saya tahu ini bullish secara TA, but somtehing yang anda tidak
 ketahui akan
   membwa IHSG ke 1630 cepat atau lambat
   Kalau anda mau bullish, silakan saja, tapi saya masih BEARISH, jadi
 jgn coba
   mengacaukan pendapat saya di FB dgn mengatakan ini Bullish
   Sekali lagi, I still a Bearish Messenger dengan motto KEBETULAN
  Sent from my mobile device

Re: [ob] To: Pak JT DEWA

2009-05-27 Terurut Topik eddytj99
yang punya info harga minyak/crude oil kenapa tiba2 harganya USD63,45 tadi 
masih anteng USD 62,64 - 62,63

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, zakaria zaka...@... wrote:

 Hayo. om BD hajar terus Bum.bum..   sampe berdarah-darah.. sikat..
 From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-ban...@yahoogroups.com]
 On Behalf Of JsxTraderT
 Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 2:25 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] To: Pak JT DEWA
 Hold aja dulu...
 Powered by TLKM BullBerryR
 From: benny Jhon 
 Date: Wed, 27 May 2009 15:11:54 +0800 (SGT)
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [ob] To: Pak JT DEWA
 Prof Jt,  tolong masukanx saham Dewa dong, Sell ato Hold, TQ
 oo.com/id/internetexplorer/  email lebih cepat. 
 Yahoo! menyarankan Anda meng-upgrade browser ke Internet Explorer 8 baru
 yang dioptimalkan untuk Yahoo! Dapatkan
 oo.com/id/internetexplorer/  di sini! (Gratis)

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-27 Terurut Topik eddytj99
akhir game hari ini dikuasai buyer dan close price
kontrak Jun'09=M$2,567 naik 97 =3,93%
kontrak Jul'09=M$2,532 naik 107=4,41%
kontrak Aug'09=M$2,506 naik 76 =3,13%

 Time 11:00 wib harga naik menjadi
 Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,556 naik 86=3,48%
 Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,515 naik 90=3,71%
 Kontrak Aug'09=M$2,486 naik 56=2,31%
  Time 10:35 wib
  kondisi tekanan jual terus oleh short seller tapi harap2 buyer bisa 
  menguasai harga saat ini
  Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,528 naik 58=2,35%
  Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,502 naik 77=3,17%
  Kontrak Aug'09=M$2,472 naik 42=1,73%

[ob] cpo news

2009-05-27 Terurut Topik eddytj99
CPO futures surge 3.1pc as buyers return
Published: 2009/05/28

MALAYSIAN palm futures jumped 3.1 per cent yesterday, with more buyers back 
into the market a day after a selloff, on concerns stock levels this month 
could go lower.

The benchmark August contract on Bursa Malaysia's Derivatives Exchange rose 
RM75 to RM2,505 per tonne. Overall volume surged to 17,373 lots of 25 tonnes 
each from the usual 10,000 lots.

The market was oversold yesterday and buyers have returned to the market with 
the sellers realising that they should let go of their cargoes at this price 
because I doubt it will rally up that high again, said a trader with a local 
commodities broker.

Palm oil prices have surged as much as 60-65 per cent so far this year but have 
since pulled back to show gains of about 46 per cent.

Palm oil inventories may edge lower to a new 23-month low of 1.26-1.27 million 
tonnes in May on strong demand and weak output, an industry official said 

Palm markets appear to be taking less direction from rival global soya oil 
prices as stock concerns are a bigger focus.

In the Malaysian physical market, palm oil for May and June shipment traded 
between RM2,550 and RM2,555 in the southern region.

Re: Bls: [ob] Billy rekomen di FB-mantap - kecuali cnko

2009-05-27 Terurut Topik eddytj99
ntar kayak tmpi main diatas Rp 100 loh

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Suryantono suryanton...@... wrote:

 Hati2 dengan cnko, saham nggak jelas, bandar sadis, siap2 kejungkel deh yang 
 berani, ane sih dah kapok
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Suryantono suryantono85@ wrote:
  tapi mending jangan cnko, bandarnya jahat, ane udah ngrasain hehehe jadi 
  yang lain jgn sampe kena
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Dhany Setiawan dhany4@ wrote:
   hehehehehe, emang tulisan di bawah, yg dibiru-biru, digaris bawahin itu 
   bukan die? klik aja... bisa kan?
   please, jadi trader harus teliti loh...
 - Original Message - 
 From: yanphansp@ 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
 Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2009 10:18 AM
 Subject: Re: Bls: [ob] Billy rekomen di FB-mantap
 Frenz.. Ada yg tau nama lengkap Billy yg suka memberikan rekomendasi 
   shm di FB..
 Thx yah
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 From: bobby gosal 
 Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 11:06:25 +0800 (SGT)
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Bls: [ob] Billy rekomen di FB-mantap
 Billy Budiman at 22:20 on 27 May
 Stock Pick : CNKO, PNLF, BMTR, MNCN, ADRO, 
 Dari: Febry Hariyannugraha febry.hariyannugraha@
 Kepada: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Terkirim: Kamis, 28 Mei, 2009 11:01:37
 Judul: Re: [ob] Billy rekomen di FB-mantap
 Saya tidak punya FB Pak .. 
 Rekomendasinya stock apa aja yah ? 
 Berselancar lebih cepat dan lebih cerdas dengan Firefox 3!

[ob] Re: Mengapai Yang Terbaik....

2009-05-26 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Ada yang aneh dengan kontrak derivative harga cpo kontrak JUNI yang terbentuk 
di bursa malaysia VS di Dalian Commodity exchange (China).
Di Malaysia para pemain sepertinya melakukan short sell.
Berikut perbandingan close price yg terjadi.
 Bursa Malaysia Dalian commodity exchange
 13-05-09 =M$ 2,860---RMB=7,144
 14-05-09 =M$ 2,767---RMB=7,052
 15-05-09 =M$ 2,731---RMB=7,062
 18-05-09 =M$ 2,666---RMB=6,800
 19-09-09 =M$ 2,740---RMB=7,138
 20-05-09 =M$ 2,706---RMB=7,040
 21-05-09 =M$ 2,595---RMB=7,142
 22-05-09 =M$ 2,595---RMB=6,930
 25-05-09 =M$ 2,540---RMB=6,960
Harga saat ini kontrak juni di bursa malaysia M$2,476 makin turun, tapi sewaktu 
waktu bisa membal karena banyak pemain yang short sell di kontrak cpo-bursa 

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-26 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 10:35 wib
kondisi tekanan jual terus oleh short seller tapi harap2 buyer bisa menguasai 
harga saat ini
Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,528 naik 58=2,35%
Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,502 naik 77=3,17%
Kontrak Aug'09=M$2,472 naik 42=1,73%

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-26 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 11:00 wib harga naik menjadi
Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,556 naik 86=3,48%
Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,515 naik 90=3,71%
Kontrak Aug'09=M$2,486 naik 56=2,31%

 Time 10:35 wib
 kondisi tekanan jual terus oleh short seller tapi harap2 buyer bisa menguasai 
 harga saat ini
 Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,528 naik 58=2,35%
 Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,502 naik 77=3,17%
 Kontrak Aug'09=M$2,472 naik 42=1,73%

[ob] Re: Pemerintah Kuasai GM sumber universal broker

2009-05-26 Terurut Topik eddytj99
US likely taking majority ownership of GM
As union agrees to smaller stake, will GM sweeten pot to bondholders or give 
share to gov't?
* Dan Strumpf, AP Auto Writer
* On Wednesday May 27, 2009, 12:08 am EDT

NEW YORK (AP) -- In the end, General Motors' massive cash needs likely trumped 
any chance of the automaker avoiding a bankruptcy court-supervised 


--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Cak Osop be_tra...@... wrote:

 Jakarta, Strategydesk - Pemerintah AS akan memegang sebagian besar 
 kepemilikan General Motors (GM) ketika selesai direstrukturisasi, secara 
 efektif menasionalisasi perusahaan otomotif tersebut.  Menurut sumber 
 terdekat, rencana reorganisasi yang dirancang oleh pemerintahan Obama, 
 mengharuskan pemerintah memberi pinjaman sebesar $30 miliar, di luar pinjaman 
 $19 miliar yang pernah diberikan sebelumnya, Sebagai imbalan, pemerintah AS, 
 dalam hal ini Departemen Keuangan, akan memegang mayoritas saham. Pemerintah 
 Kanada juga akan memberi pinjaman, namun dengan jumlah yang lebih kecil, 
 yaitu $9 miliar. Oleh karenanya, Kanada juga mendapat kepemilikan. Sisanya, 
 akan dipegang oleh United Auto Workers (AUW) dan pemegang obligasi. Meski 
 jumlahnya belum dapat dipastikan, pemerintah AS dan Kanada akan mendapat 72% 
 saham, sedangkan AUW diperkirakan 20%, dan para pemegang obligasi mendapat 
 10%. Namun, pembagian kepemilikan masih dalam proses negosiasi karena pemegang
  obligasi masih menolak tawaran 10% saham. Pemerintah AS turun tangan dengan 
 tujuan agar proses kebangkrutan GM berlangsung cepat dan meminimalisir 
 kerugian yang harus ditanggung ekonomi dan pembayar pajak. Para pejabat 
 menolak untuk memberi tahu berapa biaya kebangkrutan, namun optimis jumlahnya 
 bisa diredam dan prosesnya dipercepat. Namun, proses kebangkrutan GM 
 kemungkinan akan lebih lama dibandingkan Chrysler karena kompleksitasnya. 
 Proses GM akan memakam waktu lebih lama dari Chrysler karena GM merupakan 
 perusahaan yang lebih besar dengan cabang internasional, terbuka dan punya 
 utang publik.

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-25 Terurut Topik eddytj99
harga cpo hari ini turun lagi
Kontrak Juni'09=M$2,540 turun 55=2,12%
Kontrak Juli'09=M$2,490 turun 63=2,47%
Kontrak Augs'09=M$2,445 turun 76=3,02%

[ob] Re: TRUB: 2 PLTU raih dana China US$761 juta

2009-05-25 Terurut Topik eddytj99
minta infonya kalau ada, rencana lama jamsostek mengurangi portfolio di saham 
sudah dilakukan belum ?

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Data Saham datasaha...@... wrote:

 Good news buat TRUB?
 JAKARTA: PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (Persero) kembali mendapatkan
 komitmen pinjaman pendanaan perbankan China sebesar US$761 juta untuk
 proyek pembangunan PLTU Adipala berkapasitas 1x660 megawatt (MW) dan
 PLTU Pacitan 2x315 MW.
 Kedua pembangkit yang merupakan bagian dari megaproyek 10.000 MW itu
 dengan perincian masing-masing dari China Development Bank dan Barclays
 untuk PLTU Adipala, Jawa Tengah US$468 juta dan Cexim Bank untuk PLTU
 Pacitan sebesar US$293 juta.
 Dirut PLN Fahmi Mochtar mengatakan pembangunan kedua pembangkit itu
 telah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan dana internal perusahaan listrik
 itu. Adanya komitmen pendanaan itu, lanjutnya, pembangunan kedua
 pembangkit itu akan semakin lancar.
 Komitmen pendanaan dari perbankan China itu akan ditandatangani pada
 10 Juni. Dengan adanya komitmen itu, porsi valas [valuta asing] kedua
 pembangkit itu sudah terpenuhi semua, ujarnya seusai mengikuti rapat
 dengar pendapat dengan Komisi XI, kemarin.
 PLN, tambah Wadirut PLN Rudiantara, pada saat yang bersamaan juga
 tengah melakukan negosiasi dengan perbankan China lainnya, Bank of
 China, untuk bersedia mendanai PLTU Tanjung Awar-Awar berkapasitas
 2x350 MW dengan nilai US$37 juta. Komitmennya sudah ada untuk PLTU
 Porsi rupiah
 Selain masalah pendanaan valas, terutama dari perbankan China, dia
 mengemukakan persero juga tengah melakukan negosiasi untuk porsi
 pendanaan rupiah.
 Ada beberapa perbankan dalam negeri yang tengah didekati untuk ikut
 mendanai pembangunan pembangkit itu a.l. BRI, Bukopin, Mandiri, BNI,
 dan bank lokal lainnya. Khusus Bank Bukopin, bank itu telah
 menandatangani komitmen mendanai PLTU Pacitan dengan nilai Rp1,46
 triliun. Dari pembicaraan awal kami, mereka tampak berminat membiayai.
 Berkaitan dengan penggunaan mata uang renminbi atau juga dikenal dengan
 nama yuan untuk pembelian barang modal pembangkit, Fahmi mengakui
 dirinya tidak mengetahuinya secara detail.
 Saya dengar ada beberapa kendala untuk renminbi itu. Renminbi blanked
 berlakunya hanya 2-3 tahun, sedangkan pendanaan PLN berlakunya sampai
 13 tahun, tuturnya.
 Bila benar itu yang menjadi persoalan, jelasnya, ada kendala dari sisi
 waktu sehingga sulit dilaksanakan. Namun untuk kondisi tertentu,
 penggunaan renminbi masih mungkin dilakukan.
 Menurut Fahmi, sepanjang 2008-2009 PLN juga mendapatkan dana sebesar
 Rp2 triliun dari alokasi APBN untuk pembangunan transmisi PLN.
 Sebenarnya PLN masih dapat soft loan sebesar Rp11,5 triliun, tetapi
 kan masih tertahan di komisi anggaran. Untuk 2010 kami ajukan alokasi
 di APBN sebesar Rp10 triliun untuk membiayai meringankan beban internal
 Dia mengakui sebenarnya PLN berharap bisa segera menerbitkan obligasi
 karena salah satu sumber pendanaan berasal dari obligasi. Kalau itu
 perlu, akan kami terbitkan, tetapi kalau tidak, masih bisa ditunda

[ob] Re: Mengapai Yang Terbaik....

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Close price harga CPO kontrak juni
Bursa Malaysia
13-05-09 =M$ 2,860
14-05-09 =M$ 2,767
15-05-09 =M$ 2,731
18-05-09 =M$ 2,666
19-09-09 =M$ 2,740
20-05-09 =M$ 2,706
21-05-09 =M$ 2,595
22-05-09 =M$ 2,595

Re: [ob] JP Morgan: Bursa Saham Memasuki Masa Bullish

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- It looks like after two months of ignoring the risks 
that remain for the economy and markets, Wall Street has finally found 
something else to worry about: the possibility that the United States could 
lose its AAA credit rating.

Thursday was one of those rare days when stocks, bonds and the dollar all fell. 
Stocks recovered slightly Friday morning ahead of the Memorial Day weekend, but 
Treasurys and the greenback were lower again.

The sell-off was partly sparked by Thursday's news that rating agency Standard 
 Poor's had decided to place the sovereign rating of the United Kingdom on 
negative watch.

SP did not actually downgrade the United Kingdom. Like the United States, it 
still has an AAA rating, the highest that a country, municipality or 
corporation can have.

Nonetheless, the move was viewed as a precursor to an eventual downgrade. And 
investors went one step further to assume that if Britain was being put on 
notice, then the colonies might be next.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, B_ND nyaham.d...@... wrote:

 h..., musti siap-siap pecahin celengan nih...
 On 5/24/09, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:
   JP Morgan: Bursa Saham Memasuki Masa Bullish
  JAKARTA. Chief Asia and Emerging-Market Strategist JPMorgan Chase  Co.s
  Adrian Mowat mengatakan, pasar saham sedang berada di tengah masa *bullish
  *yang sangat panjang. Semua ini seiring dengan membaiknya kondisi
  perekonomian dunia.
  Selama 22 tahun mengamati pasar, ada masa dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan 
  *yang sangat banyak. Menurut saya, ini akan terjadi pada tahun 2009 hingga
  2010, kata Mowat.
  Mowat memprediksi, negara-negara akan mengumumkan data ekonomi yang membaik
  dalam beberapa waktu ke depan. Hal inilah yang akan membuat bursa semakin
  FB: nyari duit

Re: [ob] JP Morgan: Bursa Saham Memasuki Masa Bullish

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
`Bubble' around emerging markets, says Merrill

By Ed Hammond and Emmanuelle Smith

Published: May 20 2009 19:55 | Last updated: May 20 2009 19:55

A surge in optimism on global economic growth prospects has created 
bubble-like levels in emerging markets, according to Merrill Lynch.

In a monthly survey published by the investment bank on Wednesday, Merrill 
warned that optimism on emerging markets was extreme and said investors in 
those markets would be more vulnerable to bad news than in other regions.

The FTSE All-World All-Emerging index has risen 66 per cent since its lows at 
the end of last October.

Investors are finally opening their wallets and reducing cash balances to 
mid-cycle levels to buy equities, cyclical stocks and risky assets, said 
Michael Hartnett, Banc of America Securities-Merrill Lynch co-head of 
international investment strategy.

However, this rush to take on risk, especially in emerging markets, is 
reminiscent of bubble-like behavior.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- It looks like after two months of ignoring the 
 risks that remain for the economy and markets, Wall Street has finally found 
 something else to worry about: the possibility that the United States could 
 lose its AAA credit rating.
 Thursday was one of those rare days when stocks, bonds and the dollar all 
 fell. Stocks recovered slightly Friday morning ahead of the Memorial Day 
 weekend, but Treasurys and the greenback were lower again.
 The sell-off was partly sparked by Thursday's news that rating agency 
 Standard  Poor's had decided to place the sovereign rating of the United 
 Kingdom on negative watch.
 SP did not actually downgrade the United Kingdom. Like the United States, it 
 still has an AAA rating, the highest that a country, municipality or 
 corporation can have.
 Nonetheless, the move was viewed as a precursor to an eventual downgrade. And 
 investors went one step further to assume that if Britain was being put on 
 notice, then the colonies might be next.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, B_ND nyaham.dong@ wrote:
  h..., musti siap-siap pecahin celengan nih...
  On 5/24/09, nyari duit nyariduit153@ wrote:
JP Morgan: Bursa Saham Memasuki Masa Bullish
   JAKARTA. Chief Asia and Emerging-Market Strategist JPMorgan Chase  Co.s
   Adrian Mowat mengatakan, pasar saham sedang berada di tengah masa *bullish
   *yang sangat panjang. Semua ini seiring dengan membaiknya kondisi
   perekonomian dunia.
   Selama 22 tahun mengamati pasar, ada masa dimana Anda bisa mendapatkan 
   *yang sangat banyak. Menurut saya, ini akan terjadi pada tahun 2009 hingga
   2010, kata Mowat.
   Mowat memprediksi, negara-negara akan mengumumkan data ekonomi yang 
   dalam beberapa waktu ke depan. Hal inilah yang akan membuat bursa semakin
   FB: nyari duit

Re: [ob] Untung mana USD menguat / Melemah Terhadap Bangsa Kita ???

2009-05-24 Terurut Topik eddytj99
ada efek ngga ke China if S$P down grade rating to US.

China stuck in `dollar trap'
By Jamil Anderlini in Beijing

Published: May 24 2009 23:30 | Last updated: May 24 2009 23:30

China's official foreign exchange manager is still buying record amounts of US 
government bonds, in spite of Beijing's increasingly vocal fear of a dollar 
collapse, according to officials and analysts.

Senior Chinese officials, including Wen Jiabao, the premier, have repeatedly 
signalled concern that US policies could lead to a collapse in the dollar and 
global inflation.

But Chinese and western officials in Beijing said China was caught in a dollar 
trap and has little choice but to keep pouring the bulk of its growing 
reserves into the US Treasury, which remains the only market big enough and 
liquid enough to support its huge purchases.

In March alone, China's direct holdings of US Treasury securities rose $23.7bn 
to reach a new record of $768bn, according to preliminary US data, allowing 
China to retain its title as the biggest creditor of the US government.

Because of the sheer size of its reserves Safe [China's State Administration 
of Foreign Exchange] will immediately disrupt any other market it tries to 
shift into in a big way and could also collapse the value of its existing 
reserves if it sold too many dollars, said a western official, who spoke on 
condition of anonymity.

The composition of China's reserves is a state secret but dollar assets are 
estimated to comprise as much as 70 per cent of the $1,953bn total and China 
owns nearly a quarter of the US debt held by foreigners, according to US 
Treasury data.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, ricky.waki...@... wrote:

 Buat sektor riil stabilitas ini yang paling bener. USD yang fluktuatif bikin 
 orang susah dagang. Beda ama trader valas yang suka USD terus main jet 
 Sent from my BlackBerry®
 powered by Sinyal Kuat INDOSAT
 -Original Message-
 From: Ruz7 indeksbei3...@...
 Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 15:40:32 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: Re: [ob] Untung mana USD menguat / Melemah Terhadap Bangsa Kita ???
 Ada yg penting juga, yaitu masalah ke STABIL an / VOLATILITAS mata uang. 
 Jangan terlalu cepat melemah/terlalu cepat  menguat..
 Makanya yg menjadi tujuat adalah menjaga STABILITAS nilai tukar RP, bukan 
 menjaga PENGUATAN Rp
 -Original Message-
 From: Eddie Lieferdian Hasan ed...@...
 Date: Sun, 24 May 2009 15:32:30 
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [ob] Untung mana USD menguat / Melemah Terhadap Bangsa Kita ???
 Saya beberapa kali berpikir mana yang lebih diuntungkan apabila USD Menguat = 
 Rp. 6000,-  / Melemah = Rp. 12.000,-  terhadap Perekonomian Bangsa Kita ???
 Bila USD = Rp. 6.000,-
 1. Berapa besar penghematan kita terhadap pembayaran hutang Luar Negeri 
 Bangsa ini.
 2. Berapa Besar penghematan kita terhadap bahan baku import.
 3. Bagaimana daya beli masyarakat kita?
 4. Berapa Besar penghematan terhadap Sektor MIGAS?
 5. Bagaimana dengan Export Bangsa ini?
 Bila USD = Rp. 12.000,-
 1. Berapa besar keuntungan para konglomerat, Pejabat, Koruptor yang memiliki 
 asset dalam bentuk $ di luar negeri sana?
 2. Bagaimana dengan EXPORT bangsa ini ?
 Sent from Gravitti Technology® Corporate Network
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[ob] warning

2009-05-21 Terurut Topik eddytj99

[ob] CPO data export malaysia

2009-05-20 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Malaysia May 1-20 2009 Palm Oil Exports
(20 May, 2009)
Malaysia's palm oil exports in May 1-20 totaled at 813,877 metric tons, up 8% 
vs 754,129 tons of palm oil in April 1-20 and 723,770 tons in March 1-20 . by 
intertek report

[ob] Re: CPO data export malaysia

2009-05-20 Terurut Topik eddytj99
(20 May, 2009)
Malaysia's palm oil exports in May 1-20 totaled 827,609 metric tons, up 10,7%, 
tons vs 747,575 tons during April 1-20 and 741,397 tons during March 1-20.

 Malaysia May 1-20 2009 Palm Oil Exports
 (20 May, 2009)
 Malaysia's palm oil exports in May 1-20 totaled at 813,877 metric tons, up 8% 
 vs 754,129 tons of palm oil in April 1-20 and 723,770 tons in March 1-20 . by 
 intertek report

[ob] CPO (forecast fom oil world-hamburg)

2009-05-19 Terurut Topik eddytj99
CPO price susah turun lagi bila prediksi oil world benar terjadi.

Malaysian palm oil output forecast cut
Published: 2009/05/19

HAMBURG: Malaysian October 2008/September 2009 palm oil output is likely to 
reach only 17.8 million tonnes Hamburg-based oilseeds analysts Oil World 
forecast yesterday.

This was down from its previous estimate of 18.0 million tonnes.

The cut was made following surprisingly low Malaysian output in April, Oil 
World said. But Malysian output would still be up on the 17.5 million tonnes 
produced in 2007/08.

Malaysia and Indonesian are the world's leading palm oil exporters.
We still expect Malaysian production to surpass the year-ago level in coming 
months but the increase anticipated for the full season is sharply below 
average at only one per cent, it said.

The sharp seasonal growth of production next quarter should allow a recovery 
of Malaysian palm oil stocks from the current low level to roughly 1.6 million 
tonnes by end-September, still down sharply from 1.95 million tonnes the year 

Malaysian April palm oil stocks were estimated on May 11 at 1.29 million tonnes 
by the country's palm oil board.

Oil World's October/September 2008/09 Indonesian palm oil production estimate 
remains unchanged at 20.2 to 20.3 million tonnes, up seven per cent on the 
season but again below the growth seen in recent years.

World demand for palm oil continues to grow sharply this season, despite the 
production slowdown in Malaysia and Indonesia, it said. We forecast an 
increase in world consumption by 3.9 million tonnes this season, partly to 
compensate for the pronounced decline in soyoil supplies and use. - Reuters 

[ob] Re: Tetap optimis IDX mencapai 2.040

2009-05-18 Terurut Topik eddytj99
bingung nih, ikutin siapa ? cuci gudang atau tambah lagi.
Minyak $60 baru aja terjadi, harga cpo naik selanjutnya nunggu clue data export 
malaysia besok.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, simon bolenang simon_bolen...@... 

 Optimis IDX akan mencapai 2.040 dengan BUMI, PGAS  BBNI ( Bank ), PTBA
 akan melanjutkan penguatannya dalam waktu dekat ini.
 Jangan terprovokasi yg sudah jualan.
 Percaya dengan fundamental.

[ob] Re: Black monday???

2009-05-17 Terurut Topik eddytj99
NEWC Index (Coal)
24-04-09 =US$63,11
01-05-09 =US$62,26
08-05-09 =US$63,70
15-05-09 =US$63,33
Coal Index stabil tuh.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, t_bumi t_b...@... wrote:

 sip : tbumi

[ob] Re: UNSP

2009-05-17 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Other Oil  Fats news
India 08-09 Veg Oil Imports May Rise To Around 8.5M Tons
(18 May, 2009)

  KUALA LUMPUR (Dow Jones)--India's vegetable oil imports may rise to an 
all-time high of up to 8.5 million tons in the marketing year to October 2009 
due to lower import tariffs that have helped increase per capita consumption, 
London-based vegetable oils analyst Dorab Mistry said Monday.

  India imported around 6.3 million tons vegetable oils in 2007-08.

  India's vegetable oils imports may continue up to October at around 
650,000-700,000 tons each month, with higher volumes purchased before 
festivals, Mistry said addressing a vegetable oils conference organized by 
Malaysian Palm Oil Council in Tokyo.

  However, if the new government in India imposes an import duty of 10%-20% on 
crude edible oils, then the total imports this year may reach around 8.0 
million tons. India currently doesn't impose any import duty on crude edible 

  Mistry also said India has been the biggest driver of growth in the global 
consumption of vegetable oils this year, adding the country's per capita 
consumption this year is likely to reach 12.78 kilograms, up from 11.40 kg in 
- By Sameer Mohindru, Dow Jones Newswires; (603) 2078-4233; 

Send a link...

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Hans h...@... wrote:

 Target Bawah UNSP di 600 sudah tercapai. bila level ini tidak di tembus unsp 
 berpotensi ke 920 dan 1110
 berikut gambar UNSP
 Tulisan di atas bukanlah suatu rekomendasi beli atau jual, melainkan suatu 
 petunjuk untuk menginterpretasikan sebuah pola atau indikator tertentu.
 Informasi di atas seharusnya digunakan hanya oleh investor yang memahami 
 resiko dalam trading saham, komoditi mau pun forex. 
 Kami tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian apa pun yang disebabkan oleh 
 penggunaan tulisan di atas.
 Jadwal Pelatihan
 30 Mei 2009
 Training INTERMEDIATE : Optimalisasi Indikator
 Info lebih lanjut:
 021-71057898 / Email mariana_str...@...
 23-May-09 Kursus Pengoperasian MetaStock
 29-May-09 Modern TA
 Info lebih lanjut:
 08161354769 / 08111 8000 77 dg Angelo

[ob] Re: Message from Elaine

2009-05-16 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Kenapa dana kampanye diputer di BEJ yah, kasihan retail yg invest di BEJ, 
mestinya pemilik dana besar muterin dananya di Lasvegas kejauhan puterin di 
Macau aja.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Surata nyoman adin200...@... wrote:

 Disinyalir koreksi besar kemarin yang terisolasi pada grup Bakrie karena 
 adanya profit taking dari parpol  untuk dana kampanye pilpres mendatang . 
 Barangkali ada yang pernah mendengar seorang pengusaha yang memperoleh gain 
 triliunan dari saham BUMI . Belum lama pengusaha ini juga menyumbang alat 
 berat pertanian bernilai milyaran kepada petani di daerah Sulawesi atas nama 
 Golkar . Diduga dana yang diinvestasikan pengusaha tersebut merupakan dana 
 Jika anda mengetahui akan adanya profit taking dalam jumlah masif tersebut 
 ,langkah pasti untuk  mengantungi gain  adalah  dengan  melakukan  short  
 sell dan hal ini yang dilakukan sebagian bandar lokal . Kemungkinan minggu 
 depan aksi ini akan berlanjut hingga men-trigger margin call bagi para trader 
 retail yang menggunakan margin ,baru saat itu terjadi short covering sehingga 
 terjadi rebound dalam waktu singkat ,dan akan membuka peluang profit tinggi 
 dalam 1 bulan bagi para investor bermental baja.
 Pemerintahan USA telah mencetak uang baru dalam jumlah masif, uang tersebut 
 akan mengalir dengan sendirinya untuk mencari keuntungan ke berbagai negara 
 emerging markets karena prospek domestik USA yang suram. Koreksi besar pada 
 grup Bakrie akan membuka peluang baru untuk menyerap dana2 ini. 
 --- On Sat, 5/16/09, Rei highwaysta...@... wrote:
 From: Rei highwaysta...@...
 Subject: Re: [ob] Re: Message from Elaine
 To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com
 Date: Saturday, May 16, 2009, 6:14 PM
   Mbah, saya rasa semua bingung/anxious krn time frame yg short alias 
 trading cepat, jadi tentu mau dapat gain semaksimal mungkin tanpa mau 
 nyangkut/rugi. Posisi juga saya rasa banyak di BG yg selalu jadi mainan 
 bandar. Krn itulah...pertanyaan nya selalu menjadi: hold, cl atau sell?
 Pak Oen jg sdh mengconfirm bhw akan ada order besar asing utk masuk 
 terutama ke sektor komo (Bumi kan sektor komo) jadi koreksi akan terjadi. 
 Saya rasa selama index masih di atas 1700 baiknya kita clear posisi (kalo 
 trader ya, investor beda) utk bisa buy back kembali pas bulan2 Juni menengah 
 sampai akhir. 
 Again, nobody knows...jadi kita hadapi dgn hati yg santai, tenang.
 Kalo saya sih gitu Mbah, ngak tahu deh yg lain hehe...
 On Sat, May 16, 2009 at 6:02 PM, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ centrin.net. 
 id wrote:
 Message Elaine kalo dibaca:
 - BEI masih bagus kecuali soal koreksi index...
 RELAX KATANYA, tapi ditanggapin negatif semua bingung,
 --- In obrolan-bandar@ yahoogroups. com, jsx_consultant jsx-consultant@ 
 ... wrote:
  Enbah dapet email dari Elaine yg isinya sbb:
  Hello dear,
  Just wanna share tou you that our roadshow is one big success. We made some 
  agreement with institutional investors from US, Middle East, Japan and 
  China to invest in Indonesia as its economy has been proven to be less 
  affected from the global crisis and even have stronger GDP and domestic 
  market. As you can see, many foreign analysts have been focusing more on 
  Indonesia, while the rest have been making some upgrades in particular 
  industry, mainly commodity and energy sector.
  We agree that the economy is shifting to the eastern part of the hemisphere 
  (Asia). That's the plan. However I expect to see a minor decline perhaps 
  until June (my target was 1600 but ppl got greedy and it overshot to like 
  1900 right? lolz). 
  We already sent instructions to our Jakarta and Singapore based dealers to 
  make some 'space' for this fresh fund, and considering the size of it we 
  expect that it may take some time to fill in. This is NOT hot money, this 
  one is real, so just sit back, relax, enjoy the ride. .

Re: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..

2009-05-15 Terurut Topik eddytj99
ada yg short unsp sejak 2 hari lalu, hari ini tambah kenceng nge shortnya, ati2 
mantul yah.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, nyari duit nyariduit...@... wrote:

 waah... pada nge short ya??
 Saya keep on the track..  no short selling..
 2009/5/15 jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@...
  Ini adalah Koreksi dan bukan gocekan
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com,
  Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ wrote:
   thanx bro ^_^
   dikau juga kemana aja?
   btw, MACD dow semalem death cross tuh... ^_^
   From: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com 
  obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com]
   On Behalf Of Jamal Nasution
   Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:43 PM
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..
   welcome back mr sudes
   lama tak bersua
   sekali bersua di milis OB
   tidak ada tongkrongan lg nihh
   sipp setuju market lg cari cara biar sama dengan pergerakan regio
   - Original Message -
   From: Sudeswanto mailto:samsudesyang@
   To: obrolan-bandar@ 
   Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:27 PM
   Subject: RE: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..
   secara jangka pendek akan cenderung koreksi, kalau untuk jangka menengah
   belum ada signal turun,
   kalo sampai jumat nanti ( secara akumulasi = malam ini + jumat malam )
   banyak, berarti arah pergerakan kita dan dow jones akan sama lagi...sama
   sama istirahat di Mei-Juni ^_^
   From: obrolan-bandar@ 
  On Behalf Of
   Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 5:11 PM
   To: obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com obrolan-bandar%40yahoogroups.com
   Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..
   Pak Sudes,
   Bisa minta prediksinya buat Dowjones ?.
   --- In obrolan-bandar@ 
   yahoogroups.com, Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ wrote:
dapatnya dari news lokal dan luar, teknikal, bandarmologi, perhitungan
trading...semuanya adalah satu kesatuan dan kebetulan kompak waktunya
From: obrolan-bandar@ 
   yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@
On Behalf Of Hendra Santosa
Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:58 PM
To: obrolan-bandar@ 
Subject: Re: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..
lama juga ya om ...
hitungan 1 - 1.5 bulan dapatnya dari rentang waktu koreksi2 sebelumnya
kalau iya berarti 'sejarah' terulang dung ...
--- In obrolan-bandar@ 
yahoogroups.com, Sudeswanto samsudesyang@ wrote:

 ntar akhir juni atau awal Juli baru akan bull lagi sampe bulan


 From: obrolan-bandar@ 
yahoogroups.com [mailto:obrolan-bandar@
 On Behalf Of datasahamku
 Sent: Thursday, May 14, 2009 4:36 PM
 To: obrolan-bandar@ 
 Subject: [ob] Gocekan atau Koreksi ..


[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-15 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 15:12
Contract Mei'09 =M$2,849 up 49=1,75%
Contract Jun'09 =M$2,785 up 23=0,83%
Contract Jul'09 =M$2,723 up 39=1,45%
CPO price still above M$2,800

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 16:47 wib turun tajam tapi masih bertahan diatas M$2,800
Contract Mei'09=M$2,826 turun 68=2,35%
Contract Jun'09=M$2,767 turun 93=3,25%
Contract Jul'09=M$2,699 turun 90=3,23%
Ntar malam DJI menantikan data
Core PPI, market expect 0,1%
Initial Claims, market expect 610K
PPI, market expect 0,2%

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-14 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 10:52 rebound naik
Contract Mei'09=M$2,840 up 40=1,43%
Contract Jun'09=M$2,802 up 40=1,45%
Contract Jul'09=M$2,743 up 59=2,20%
Ditunggu kapan nyampe M$3,000

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-13 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 14:14 tadi profit taking sekarang malah naik lagi
Contract May'09=M$2,903
Contract Jun'09=M$2,865
Contract Jul'09=M$2,799

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Time 10:30
 Koreksi turun/profit taking kayaknya
 Contract May'09=M$2,865
 Contract Jun'09=M$2,820
 Contract Jul'09=M$2,762
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddytj99@ wrote:
  Time 10:00 WIB
  Contract May'09=M$2,902 up 42=1,47%
  Contract Jun'09=M$2,850 up 55=1,97%
  Contract Jul'09=M$2,777 up 52=1,91%
  Near M$ 3,000 amazing

[ob] Re: CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-13 Terurut Topik eddytj99
India Apr Edible Oil Imports 659,477 Tons;309,629 Tons Yr Ago
(13 May, 2009)

   MUMBAI (Dow Jones)--India's edible oil imports in April rose to 659,477 
metric tons from 309,629 tons a year ago, the Solvent Extractors' Association 
of India said Wednesday.

  The country's total edible oil imports during the November-April period 
jumped to 4.09 million tons from 2.24 million tons a year ago.

  Total vegetable oil imports in the first six months of the oil year that 
started November rose to 4.29 million tons from 2.61 million tons a year ago, 
the trade body said. 

- By Swansy Afonso, Dow Jones Newswires; 91-22-61456-106; 

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Time 14:14 tadi profit taking sekarang malah naik lagi
 Contract May'09=M$2,903
 Contract Jun'09=M$2,865
 Contract Jul'09=M$2,799
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddytj99@ wrote:
  Time 10:30
  Koreksi turun/profit taking kayaknya
  Contract May'09=M$2,865
  Contract Jun'09=M$2,820
  Contract Jul'09=M$2,762
  --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddytj99@ wrote:
   Time 10:00 WIB
   Contract May'09=M$2,902 up 42=1,47%
   Contract Jun'09=M$2,850 up 55=1,97%
   Contract Jul'09=M$2,777 up 52=1,91%
   Near M$ 3,000 amazing

Re: [ob] Scenario Index diturunin tapi BAKRIE masih IJO tua

2009-05-13 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Mbah bener UNSP enggan naik tajam, tapi kalau harga CPO nangkring M$ 3000, UNSP 
joget2 juga.  close today kontrak mei M$2,885, jun M$2,860,jul=M$2,789. Dikit 
lagi nyampe juga ke M$ 3,000.

--- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, jsx_consultant jsx-consult...@... 

 Inget engga dulu waktu Bakrie digoreng pertama kali, BD nya
 perlu ngangkat IHSG agar penggorengan Bakrie bisa mulus.
 Sekarang Mereka berani ngangkat bakrie stock sambil nekan IHSG.
 Biar begitu, kita tetap harus waspada. Hal hal kecil perlu
 kita amati:
 Yg embah amati sore ini:
 - Bakrie stock IJO tua, tapi BUMI dan UNSP cuman +1%.
 Ini harus diwaspadai dan dianalisa.
 --- In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, Wisnu Mobile wisnu.working@ wrote:
  Cucumu minta ijin membagi pengamatan. Siapa tahu, bisa berbagi ketenangan,
  Bagiku, ini adalah skenario HOSTAGE. Yang jadi sanderanya adalah IHSG,
  penyanderanya adalah BAKRIE.
  Kalau diamati dari intraday 1-5 menitan, akan terlihat sekali agresivitas
  dan konsistensi penjagaan BD atas saham-saham Bakrie. Setiap harga naik,
  selalu diiringi dengan volume besar, dan kebalikannya turun tanpa volume
  (bisa ngetest, dibiarkan, atau malah sekalian dishort jadi cangcut). --
  Untuk ini, sekolah Volume-Price-nya Prof JT, jadi indispensable battle
  Bravo Prof JT!... Sorry aku kemarin ngabur cepat dari kelas, Prof! Kebiasaan
  buruk disekolah dulu.
  Jadi, aku bisa bilang dengan cukup confident, *smart money masih
  didalam!*Paling tidak untuk Bakrie. Dan mereka juga tidak takut atau
  rugi, kok, kalau
  kita intip. Kita bisa jadi allies yang baik.  -- Kalau sampai salah
  pengamatan, wah.. kudu sekolah lagi nih, hehe..
  Tujuan HOSTAGE ini, politis. Bakrie (the man himself), perlu kasih public
  statement: Count me in! Which is, gak salah juga, dari perspektif AB.
  Sehingga siapapun runner economic policy di pemerintahan yang baru, tidak
  akan mengabaikan leverage AB ini.
  Untuk yang males baca cerita tadi, ya msgnya cuma, *ride Bakrie to the
  fullest!* Evaluasi apakah skenario hostagenya berhasil. Kalau tidak, kabur!
  Thanks, Mbah!
  On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 3:27 PM, jsx_consultant 
  jsx-consultant@ wrote:
   Scenario Index diturunin tapi BAKRIE masih IJO tua
   Scenario ini sudah diulang 3 kali termasuk hari ini.
   Another Psychological terror...
   + +
   + + + + +
   Mohon saat meREPLY posting, text dari posting lama dihapus
   kecuali diperlukan agar CONTEXTnya jelas.
   + + + + +
   + +Yahoo! Groups Links

[ob] CPO Price (Malaysia)

2009-05-13 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Time 11:28 harga turun dengan volume kecil apa artinya ?
Kontrak Mei'09=M$2,840 turun 54=1,87%
Kontrak Jun'09=M$2,805 turun 55=1,92%
Kontrak Jul'09=M$2,734 turun 55=1,97%

[ob] Harga CPO

2009-05-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
Bursa Derivative malaysia
Kamis 15:30 wib
Kontrak Mei'09=M$ 2,868 naik 43=1,52%
Kontrak Jun'09=M$ 2,789 naik 49=1,79%
Kontrak Jul'09=M$ 2,716 naik 56=2,11%
Mantap sekali

[ob] Re: Harga CPO

2009-05-12 Terurut Topik eddytj99
jam segini 16:47 wib masih naik terus
kontrak mei'09=M$2,876 naik 51=1,80%
kontrak jun'09=M$2,800 naik 60=2,19%
kontrak jul'09=M$2,730 naik 70=2,63%

MARKET TALK: BMD CPO Rises On Likely Indonesia Export Tax
(12 May, 2009)
[Dow Jones] BMD CPO futures up on likely Indonesian CPO export tax in June, say 
traders; benchmark July CPO contract up MYR50 at MYR2,710/ton. A tax on 
Indonesian CPO exports will likely cause chaos in the market, if history is 
anything to go by. The market will become nervous about lower exports from 
Indonesia, so prices will be driven up. And with stock levels at such lows, 
prices will likely test new highs, says Kuala Lumpur-based trader.

In obrolan-bandar@yahoogroups.com, eddytj99 eddyt...@... wrote:

 Bursa Derivative malaysia
 Kamis 15:30 wib
 Kontrak Mei'09=M$ 2,868 naik 43=1,52%
 Kontrak Jun'09=M$ 2,789 naik 49=1,79%
 Kontrak Jul'09=M$ 2,716 naik 56=2,11%
 Mantap sekali

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