Re: [Open Babel] Reading large coordinate files in C++ using Babel

2018-02-13 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> as an example you use this file (silica glass SiO2 with 3000 atoms in PDB 
> format, written using Babel):
> Is this the reason why it is so slow for this kind of coordinates is because 
> Babel looking for bonds ?

My guess, based on your example, is ring / aromaticity perception.

In PDB, while bonds (CONECT) records can be stored, bond orders are not. So by 
default, Open Babel performs bond order perception 

At the moment, this includes a process to detect aromaticity and perform Kekule 
assignment. This gets slowed by perception over multiple fused rings 
(nanotubes, graphene, .. silica glass). On most molecules, it’s not a huge 
issue, but for materials and nanostructures, its. very. . slooww. . .

I’m not sure how you’re using your code, but I’d make sure that 
PerceiveBondOrders() is not called.

Finding bonds with ConnectTheDots() is usually reasonably fast, but this can 
also be an impact that you’re describing.

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Re: [Open Babel] Reading large coordinate files in C++ using Babel

2018-02-13 Thread Stefano Forli

Hi Sébastien,

in principle you can disable the perception of connectivity, among other things, by using 
OBMol.BeginModify() (but somebody with more experience than me should confirm it). From 
the documentation[1]:

"Call when making many modifications -- clears conformer/rotomer data. The method "turns 
off" perception routines, improving performance. Changes in molecular structure will be 
re-considered after modifications."

Although, as far as I know, each BeginModify() should be followed by a EndModify(). If 
that's the case, after you're done parsing the file, you would trigger the perception 
again, so in the end you're just delaying the inevitable. Maybe before EndModify() you 
could call all methods to set properties you don't care about as perceived (see the docs)?

I have no experience on inorganic materials like yours, but by looking at your file, it 
seems you would have a dense network of connections: don't you want that?

If not, one thing you could do is to create "null" CONECT records in the PDB where each 
atom points at itself so there will be no need to perceive connections, but it's a very, 
very nasty hack that might backfire at any time.
One might also argue that storing this kind of data in PDB files probably isn't the best 




On 02/13/2018 05:09 AM, Sébastien Le Roux wrote:

Dear all,
first thanks for reading this, I am new to OpenBabel and to this mailing list,
be sure I will appreciate your advise.
I developed a software to visualize/analyse/edit atomistic models, very recently
I decided to use the OpenBabel library to read/output coordinates files in 
format, bellow you will find the code I wrote to read coordinates files via 
While playing with my software and the newly inserted OpenBabel read/write 
I noticed something rather odd when reading rather larger coordinates files,
and I would like to get a better idea of what is going on.
When the connectivity of the system is rather large, well that it my guess 
after few trial
and error sessions, it can takes a very long time to open the coordinate file,
and I am just talking about some time spend around the '.ReadFile()' 
as an example you use this file (silica glass SiO2 with 3000 atoms in PDB format, written 
using Babel):

I also noticed that other PDB file where the bonds are described can be opened 
very quickly.
My guess is, that Babel is analysing the connectivity, ie. looking for bonds, 
am I correct ?
Is this the reason why it is so slow for this kind of coordinates is because Babel looking 
for bonds ?

If yes is there a way to turn off this analyses before it begins ?
If yes I am wrong what can I do to speed up the opening process ?

Thanks in advance for your lights on the matter.

Best regards.

Sébastien Le Roux


int read_this_file_using_babel (char * this_format, char * this_file)
   OBConversion conv;
     OBMol mol;
     if(conv.ReadFile(& mol, this_file))
   // It does read the file !
   if (mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell))
  OBUnitCell * uc = (OBUnitCell 
     // My code is mostly in C, so I have to send back the data I need to 
the C part.
  save_babel_unit_cell_details (uc->GetA(), uc->GetB(), uc->GetC(), uc->GetAlpha() 
, uc->GetBeta(), uc->GetGamma());

  if (strcmp(this_format, "cif")  == 0) uc -> FillUnitCell (& mol);
   int atoms = mol.NumAtoms ();
   int * lot;
   lot = (int *)calloc(atoms, sizeof(int));
   double ** coords;
   coords = (double **)calloc(atoms, sizeof(double *));
   int i = 0;
   FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, mol)
     lot[i] = atom -> GetAtomicNum();
     coords[i] = (double *)calloc(3, sizeof(double));
     coords[i][0] = atom -> GetX();
     coords[i][1] = atom -> GetY();
     coords[i][2] = atom -> GetZ();
     i ++;
   // My code is mostly in C, so I have to send back the data I need to the 
C part.
   save_babel_molecule_details (atoms, lot, coords);
   free (lot);
   free (coords);
   return 0;
   // Error reading file
   return 1;
     // Error with this format
     return 2;


 Stefano Forli, PhD

 Assistant Professor
 Dept. of Integrative Structural
 and Computational Biology, MB-112A
 The Scripps Research Institute
 10550  North Torrey Pines Road
 La Jolla,  CA 92037-1000,  USA.

tel: +1 (858)784-2055
fax: +1 (858)784-2860

Re: [Open Babel] Problems importing pybel on Mac

2018-02-13 Thread Geoffrey Hutchison
> I'm on a mac running 10.13.1 and I installed openbabel using homebrew.

I’d ask the Homebrew folks, but my guess is that you’re either not using the 
right python:

% which python

Or, Homebrew is installing the Open Babel python packages into a directory that 
you’ll need to add to your Python path.

It’s also not obvious to me from the Homebrew formula whether pybel is 
installed by default:

Note that I see:
option "with-python", "Compile Python language bindings”

I’m not 100% sure how Homebrew works, but you may need to supply that option 
when installing the formula.

Hope that helps,

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[Open Babel] Problems importing pybel on Mac

2018-02-13 Thread Finn Maloney
Hello, I'm an inexperienced user here and having some problems with
importing pybel. When importing pybel I get the following error:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "", line 1, in 

ImportError: No module named pybel

I'm on a mac running 10.13.1 and I installed openbabel using homebrew. I've
gathered from the wiki and earlier posts that eigen is important and I
currently have version 3.3.4 installed. I'm currently using Python 2.7.14
as well. Any help on how to get pybel working would be appreciated!

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[Open Babel] Reading large coordinate files in C++ using Babel

2018-02-13 Thread Sébastien Le Roux

Dear all,
first thanks for reading this, I am new to OpenBabel and to this mailing 

be sure I will appreciate your advise.
I developed a software to visualize/analyse/edit atomistic models, very 
I decided to use the OpenBabel library to read/output coordinates files 
in various
format, bellow you will find the code I wrote to read coordinates files 
via babel.
While playing with my software and the newly inserted OpenBabel 
read/write functions,
I noticed something rather odd when reading rather larger coordinates 

and I would like to get a better idea of what is going on.
When the connectivity of the system is rather large, well that it my 
guess after few trial
and error sessions, it can takes a very long time to open the coordinate 
and I am just talking about some time spend around the '.ReadFile()' 
as an example you use this file (silica glass SiO2 with 3000 atoms in 
PDB format, written using Babel):

I also noticed that other PDB file where the bonds are described can be 
opened very quickly.
My guess is, that Babel is analysing the connectivity, ie. looking for 
bonds, am I correct ?
Is this the reason why it is so slow for this kind of coordinates is 
because Babel looking for bonds ?

If yes is there a way to turn off this analyses before it begins ?
If yes I am wrong what can I do to speed up the opening process ?

Thanks in advance for your lights on the matter.

Best regards.

Sébastien Le Roux


int read_this_file_using_babel (char * this_format, char * this_file)
  OBConversion conv;
    OBMol mol;
    if(conv.ReadFile(& mol, this_file))
  // It does read the file !
  if (mol.HasData(OBGenericDataType::UnitCell))
 OBUnitCell * uc = (OBUnitCell 
    // My code is mostly in C, so I have to send back the data I 
need to the C part.
 save_babel_unit_cell_details (uc->GetA(), uc->GetB(), 
uc->GetC(), uc->GetAlpha() , uc->GetBeta(), uc->GetGamma());

 if (strcmp(this_format, "cif")  == 0) uc -> FillUnitCell (& mol);
  int atoms = mol.NumAtoms ();
  int * lot;
  lot = (int *)calloc(atoms, sizeof(int));
  double ** coords;
  coords = (double **)calloc(atoms, sizeof(double *));
  int i = 0;
  FOR_ATOMS_OF_MOL (atom, mol)
    lot[i] = atom -> GetAtomicNum();
    coords[i] = (double *)calloc(3, sizeof(double));
    coords[i][0] = atom -> GetX();
    coords[i][1] = atom -> GetY();
    coords[i][2] = atom -> GetZ();
    i ++;
  // My code is mostly in C, so I have to send back the data I need 
to the C part.

  save_babel_molecule_details (atoms, lot, coords);
  free (lot);
  free (coords);
  return 0;
  // Error reading file
  return 1;
    // Error with this format
    return 2;

Dr. Sébastien Le Roux
Ingénieur de Recherche CNRS
Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg
Département des Matériaux Organiques
23, rue du Loess
BP 43
F-67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
RINGS project:
ISAACS project:
Fax:   +33 3 88 10 72 46
Phone: +33 3 88 10 71 58

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