Unable to express an unit of measurements in UCUM syntax

2011-04-28 Thread Grahame Grieve
Hi Leo

Can you please provide some references to show the use of height^2.7?


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Moretti Leonardo
> In cardiology, left ventricular mass (LVM) is often indexed to better
> identify left ventricular hypertrophy.
> Possible indexations are:
> - LVM/BSA (body surface area)
> - LVM/height
> - LVM/height^2.7
> The first and the latter are often used.
> The units of measurement of the latter is usually g/m2.7
> [gram/(meter^2.7)].
> In DV_QUANTITY, "units" attribute should be expressed in UCUM unit syntax.
> UCUM doesn't allow not integer exponent (see
> http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html#section-Syntax-Rules), so I
> have the problem that I cannot express the units as g/m2.7.
> Any suggestion to solve this problem!?
> Best regards
> leo
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical

http://www.healthintersections.com.au /
grahame at healthintersections.com.au / +61 411 867 065

Unable to express an unit of measurements in UCUM syntax

2011-04-28 Thread Grahame Grieve
hi Leo

I have forwarded this question onto the UCUM wizard (Gunther Schadow).
It's a pretty good question. Simply allowing the decimal would make the
syntax ambiguous, but there's no easy way to do it any other way.


On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Moretti Leonardo
> In cardiology, left ventricular mass (LVM) is often indexed to better
> identify left ventricular hypertrophy.
> Possible indexations are:
> - LVM/BSA (body surface area)
> - LVM/height
> - LVM/height^2.7
> The first and the latter are often used.
> The units of measurement of the latter is usually g/m2.7
> [gram/(meter^2.7)].
> In DV_QUANTITY, "units" attribute should be expressed in UCUM unit syntax.
> UCUM doesn't allow not integer exponent (see
> http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html#section-Syntax-Rules), so I
> have the problem that I cannot express the units as g/m2.7.
> Any suggestion to solve this problem!?
> Best regards
> leo
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical

http://www.healthintersections.com.au /
grahame at healthintersections.com.au / +61 411 867 065

Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Heather Leslie
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Heather Leslie
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2011-04-28 Thread Heather Leslie
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openEHR artifact namespace identifiers

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Beale
On 08/04/2011 01:49, Heath Frankel wrote:
> Thomas,
> Your proposed changes to the archetype Identifiers and governance 
> actually aligns with the same management and inferencing requirements 
> as OIDs, the only benefit left is the readability, but even that is 
> becoming hard to do with the additional namespaces and delimiters.  In 
> addition, having meaningful IDs and deriving meaning from IDs is 
> counter to what good practice in terminology identifier management.

for atomic concepts a la SNOMED, meaningless identifiers make sense; for 
complex artefacts like programming language source files - of which 
archetypes are an example, they don't really - they just obscures 
meaning from developers. Meaningless identifiers of the Guid variety 
make sense for deployed versions of these artefacts - i.e. generated 
template OPTs, assemblies etc. Where identification really matters is a) 
in data and b) in deployed software artefacts that were generated from 
templates & archetypes.

The future may well be to do as David Moner (I think, or maybe Diego, 
can't remember now) said - to create archetype meta-data attributes to 
carry the pieces of the id, and generate the strings that we currently 
use as ids when and as needed. Attaching Guids to source archetypes can 
also be done obviously, but I think for source artefacts, Oids provide 
little gain and a lot of pain.

- thomas

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Reverse Relations

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Beale

Hi Bert,

On 19/04/2011 11:54, Bert Verhees wrote:
> Hi,
> Excuse for the bit complex text below, I don't know how to say it more 
> simple
> I have a small problem with the way ReverseRelationships are connected 
> to Party in the Demographic RM.
> Maybe my problem is because of my misunderstanding.
> The problem is not only conceptual, but it also causes problems in 
> coding (programming) the kernel.
> The problem is that ReverseRelationships are a Set of LocatableRef. 
> This means that the PartyRelationship has to be stored before it can 
> be added to a party ReverseRelationship list.
> The PartyRelationship has to be stored because LocatableRef takes a 
> ObjectVersionID as constructor-argument.

I presume this is in the Java implementation, since constructors are not 
defined in the openEHR specifications? Obviously using constructors is 
not the only possibility, setter routines could also be used. IN any 
case, creation of identifiers does not rely on persistence; it should be 
knowable beforehand, so I would expect the use of a constructor to be fine.

> The conceptual problem is that the ReverseRelationship in this way is 
> defined as a version of a specific PartyRelationship. If the 
> PartyRelationship changes, for example in its details, than the new 
> version is not anymore connected to the target-Party, or this 
> connection needs extra code to restore
> /(replace the ObjectVersionID in the target-Party 
> ReverseRelationship-set, maybe even create a new version of the PArty, 
> because of a new version in another object, namely the 
> PartyRelationship-object)
> /

the reverse_relationships attribute of PARTY is intended to contain a 
set of reverse pointers to PARTY_RELATIONSHIPs for which the PARTY is a 
'target'. The first thing to note is that the attribute is optional, and 
you can ignore it if you want. If you use it, it should always contain 
the current list of PARTY_RELATIONSHIPs for which the PARTY is a 
'target'. If any such relationship is changed, then the relevant PARTYs 
would have to be updated.

The problem you point out is that if the change in the 
PARTY_RELATIONSHIP (taking it from version 3 to 4, let's say) doesn't 
affect a given PARTY, which is a target of version 3 of the 
PARTY_RELATIONSHIP, then you are still forced to update the PARTY so 
that it its reverse_relationships now has the v4 id for the updated 
PARTY_RELATIONSHIP rather than the v3 id. One way to fix this would be 
if we were to enable a 'latest' version id that always automatically 
pointed to the latest version of something. This is defined for openEHR 
EHR URIs, but not for the type OBJECT_VERSION_ID, used in LOCATABLE_REF.

I think a better solution is that PARTY simply does not contain reverse 
relationships, because it is essentially solving a database indexing 
problem, which could be better solved by maintaining index objects 
and/or native indexes, depending on how the demographic model 
persistence is implemented.

> //
> I don't understand why that is, it seems a bad thing which causes 
> extra complexity.
> More logically would seem to me to connect the UID of to the list 
> ReverseRelationships in the target Party, instead of the ObjectVersionID.

that would probably risk the reverse_relationships attribute getting out 
of data quickly and containing wrong information, unless the 
implementation meticulously checked whether the validity was always 
maintained or not.

I would be interested to know what other experience there is with this 
attribute; my suspicion is that it should be deprecated.

- thomas*
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Beale
On 28/04/2011 13:15, Heather Leslie wrote:
>> * do we go with starting at v0 or v1 (I still like v0 because it
>>   implies 'you will most likely get burnt by using this archetype
>>   in a real system, but have fun and tell us your experience')?
> Some current plans for CKM include recognising the need for "alpha" 
> archetypes. However the feeling is that these could and should be 
> managed in a connected but separate proposed archetype 'sandpit' - 
> something planned for CKM as a space where we can start archetype 
> collaboration from a very raw concept stage and evolve it in a 
> (potentially) open way. This will enable the current CKM to continue 
> to be the place for 'serious' archetype candidates, open collaboration 
> and appropriate governance (at a level that is deemed appropriate for 
> the status of the archetype - looser for drafts, extremely tight for 
> published).
> *If* and when the "alpha" archetypes are mature enough to be 
> reasonable candidates for collaborative review then they can be 
> promoted to the CKM as we know it now - effectively the current CKM 
> drafts.
> We don't need to do this  in the current CKM process
> *
> *

the separate sandpit seems like a reasonable idea, but archetypes there 
will still need to be identified, and there will always be someone who 
will use them - at least in purely research systems - so I think the 
need for 'v0' doesn't go away...

- thomas
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Thomas Beale
properly described (an initial idea is in section 8 of the 
identification spec doc).

It seems that there is enough use of archetypes now to finalise many of 
these issues, and describe them in a new issue of the identification 
specification. We then need to work out an implementation plan, mostly 
to do with changes to CKM to support the decisions.

There are two ways to go about this:

* interested parties review the identification spec, and provide
* we work out the details on the technical list + wiki via
  discussion and then update the spec.

Key things that need decisions:

* do we go with starting at v0 or v1 (I still like v0 because it
  implies 'you will most likely get burnt by using this archetype in
  a real system, but have fun and tell us your experience')?
* can we agree on the archetype life-cycle states and the idea that
  a change in state always causes an increment in minor revision number?
* how should archetypes be referenced from data?
* what system of hashing and signing should be used?

- thomas*
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Heather Leslie
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Heather Leslie
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread David Moner
2011/4/28 Heather Leslie 

>  Hi everyone,
> I think you are missing some of the further complexity here. There is a
> definite need for differentiation between draft and published archetypes for
> which a version number alone is not enough.
> Currently we are talking only about v1 archetypes and how to manage them,
> and to a degree it makes sense. We certainly considered using v0.x for
> drafts but it doesn't solve the downstream problems - once a v1 archetype is
> published, the non-breaking revisions will become v1.1, 1.2 etc. No problem
> But when we make a breaking change it becomes v2 (or v3 or v4 or 125), but
> it needs to be clear that it is v2 *draft* initially and not v2 *published*
> until we have completed the neccessary collaborative reviews.
I see your point and I completely agree with it.

Using v0 to denote draft archetypes before going to v1 only solves the first
iteration. When moving to v2, v3, etc. we certainly will have drafts and
published archetypes for those new versions and we have to manage all them.
Even when creating  v1.x or v1.x.y archetypes we can need drafts prior to
the formal voting/validation/publication of them. Archetypes, as a technical
resource (not as a concept definition) need to have unique identifier for
each minimal change. We have the archetype revision history but we should
also show those changes by changing the identifiers.

So, we fall back to the need of rethinking archetype identifiers to include
these new requirements or change them into identifiers with no semantics. Or
a third option, maybe the best one, to clearly separate between a "concept
identifier" that would be the current identifier and a "resource identifier"
to track every change and to, at least, warn systems that use archetypes
that something has changed.


David Moner Cano
Grupo de Inform?tica Biom?dica - IBIME
Instituto ITACA

Universidad Polit?cnica de Valencia (UPV)
Camino de Vera, s/n, Edificio G-8, Acceso B, 3? planta
Valencia ? 46022 (Espa?a)
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Unable to express an unit of measurements in UCUM syntax

2011-04-28 Thread Moretti Leonardo
In cardiology, left ventricular mass (LVM) is often indexed to better identify 
left ventricular 
Possible indexations are:
- LVM/BSA (body surface area)
- LVM/height
- LVM/height^2.7
The first and the latter are often used.
The units of measurement of the latter is usually g/m2.7 [gram/(meter^2.7)].

In DV_QUANTITY, "units" attribute should be expressed in UCUM unit syntax. UCUM 
doesn't allow not 
integer exponent (see 
<http://aurora.regenstrief.org/%7Eucum/ucum.html#section-Syntax-Rules>), so I 
have the problem that 
I cannot express the units as g/m2.7.

Any suggestion to solve this problem!?
Best regards
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Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Diego Boscá
I know that a draft is supposed to change, even big breaking changes.
what I don't like is the idea of not being able to describe what I am
using in my system or even describe it and everyone thinking is
another completely different thing

I think the main problem here is that we are using a single axis
identifier (v1...) to describe a process that is two axis or more (v1
draft, v2 published)

2011/4/28 Heather Leslie :
> Hi everyone,
> I think you are missing some of the further complexity here. There is a
> definite need for differentiation between draft and published archetypes for
> which a version number alone is not enough.
> Currently we are talking only about v1 archetypes and how to manage them,
> and to a degree it makes sense. We certainly considered using v0.x for
> drafts but it doesn't solve the downstream problems - once a v1 archetype is
> published, the non-breaking revisions will become v1.1, 1.2 etc. No problem
> But when we make a breaking change it becomes v2 (or v3 or v4 or 125), but
> it needs to be clear that it is v2 *draft* initially and not v2 *published*
> until we have completed the neccessary collaborative reviews.
> When creating release sets it needs to be clear which are draft and which
> are published/stable plus which version, and this is being catered for in
> the CKM development.
> As far as the suggestion to create warnings that draft archetypes are 'use
> at your own risk'... they can certainly be used at any point eg as the basis
> for further work or in a pilot project... whatever. But to be perfectly
> frank, I think it is extremely problematic if anyone considers basing any
> development or implementation on any artefact or specification labelled
> 'draft' and not expect there to be potentially breaking changes arising.
> Personally, it seems redundant to add warnings when the status of each
> artefact is available - I'd prefer to ensure that the status is perhaps more
> prominently visible throughout the CKM and it's processes than add popups
> and warnings all over CKM. It is not only per archetype, but per template
> where there may be a mix of statuses of archetypes, embedded templates and
> subsets etc - the problem becomes incredibly convoluted very quickly as we
> are not always talking about single pre-published artefacts.
> Regards
> Heather
> On 28/04/2011 9:49 AM, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> 2011/4/28 Thomas Beale :
> On 27/04/2011 10:44, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> I still don't see the problem
> If we wait until an archetype is published to care about versions then
> you will have v2 or v3 archetypes as much, which in my opinion breaks
> completely versioning purpose. What is the problem with having a v27
> archetype? Is it less pretty?
> it should make no difference, although since the major version number in
> openEHR is reserved for breaking changes, one would hope that v27 archetypes
> would never occur. However, v2.0.154 or v3.18.26 could be realistic.
> We should have no problem with v0.1 or v0.2.1 then...
> If we have two different systems that communicate and they are
> referring to different archetypes with the same name then we are
> throwing away all the supposed semantic interoperability (Not much
> better than using HL7 v2 messages that use different Z segments).
> If we want to openEHR to get broader use we can't just tell the people
> that have been already using archetypes that the archetypes on their
> projects were "not intended to be used" or "you used them at your own
> risk". If we want to go that way then we should put at least a warning
> on the download page of those archetypes.
> - t
> ___
> openEHR-clinical mailing list
> openEHR-clinical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-clinical
> ___
> openEHR-clinical mailing list
> openEHR-clinical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-clinical
> --
> Dr Heather Leslie
> Director of Clinical Modelling
> Ocean Informatics
> Phone (Aust) +61 (0)418 966 670
> Skype - heatherleslie
> Twitter - @omowizard

Archetype versioning on CKM

2011-04-28 Thread Diego Boscá
2011/4/28 Thomas Beale :
> On 27/04/2011 10:44, Diego Bosc? wrote:
> I still don't see the problem
> If we wait until an archetype is published to care about versions then
> you will have v2 or v3 archetypes as much, which in my opinion breaks
> completely versioning purpose. What is the problem with having a v27
> archetype? Is it less pretty?
> it should make no difference, although since the major version number in
> openEHR is reserved for breaking changes, one would hope that v27 archetypes
> would never occur. However, v2.0.154 or v3.18.26 could be realistic.

We should have no problem with v0.1 or v0.2.1 then...
If we have two different systems that communicate and they are
referring to different archetypes with the same name then we are
throwing away all the supposed semantic interoperability (Not much
better than using HL7 v2 messages that use different Z segments).
If we want to openEHR to get broader use we can't just tell the people
that have been already using archetypes that the archetypes on their
projects were "not intended to be used" or "you used them at your own
risk". If we want to go that way then we should put at least a warning
on the download page of those archetypes.

> - t
> ___
> openEHR-clinical mailing list
> openEHR-clinical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-clinical

Unable to express an unit of measurements in UCUM syntax

2011-04-28 Thread Leonardo Moretti

there are a lots of scientific publications treating the indexations of left
ventricular mass (LVM).
I can link some abstracts, but the whole PDF documents are not public:
- http://www.nature.com/jhh/journal/v23/n11/full/jhh200916a.html
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11729247
or here

It can be used to detect left ventricular hypertrophy.
You can google "mass/height^2.7" to find more references.

Thanks for your help.

Grahame Grieve-3 wrote:
> Hi Leo
> Can you please provide some references to show the use of height^2.7?
> Grahame
> On Thu, Apr 28, 2011 at 6:47 PM, Moretti Leonardo
>  wrote:
>> In cardiology, left ventricular mass (LVM) is often indexed to better
>> identify left ventricular hypertrophy.
>> Possible indexations are:
>> - LVM/BSA (body surface area)
>> - LVM/height
>> - LVM/height^2.7
>> The first and the latter are often used.
>> The units of measurement of the latter is usually g/m2.7
>> [gram/(meter^2.7)].
>> In DV_QUANTITY, "units" attribute should be expressed in UCUM unit
>> syntax.
>> UCUM doesn't allow not integer exponent (see
>> http://aurora.regenstrief.org/~ucum/ucum.html#section-Syntax-Rules), so I
>> have the problem that I cannot express the units as g/m2.7.
>> Any suggestion to solve this problem!?
>> Best regards
>> leo
>> ___
>> openEHR-technical mailing list
>> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
>> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical
> -- 
> -
> http://www.healthintersections.com.au /
> grahame at healthintersections.com.au / +61 411 867 065
> ___
> openEHR-technical mailing list
> openEHR-technical at openehr.org
> http://lists.chime.ucl.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/openehr-technical

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