RFR: JDK-8229890 WritableImage update fails for empty region

2019-08-20 Thread Michael Paus


please review my fix for JDK-8229890.




Proposal: Migrate official jfx repo to GitHub + Skara tooling

2019-08-20 Thread Kevin Rushforth

To: OpenJFX Contributors,

As most of you are aware, Project Skara is moving forward with a 
proposed JEP [1] to migrate various OpenJDK projects to git, likely 
hosted on GitHub. A read-only git mirror of the HG openjfx/jfx-dev/rt 
repo [2] is available on GitHub at openjdk/jfx [3]. Similarly, there is 
a read-only mirror of the jdk/jdk repo [4] as well.

We've been talking with the Skara team about having OpenJFX be one of 
the "early adopters" in the git transition. Since a large percentage of 
the JavaFX code reviews are already happening on GitHub as pull requests 
against the javafxports/openjdk-jfx (sandbox) mirror, the OpenJFX 
project would be a natural fit for this.

For contributors who are not Committers, there won't be many 
differences, other than some of the steps will go away (e.g., the Skara 
tooling will automate the RFR email). For Committers, there will be some 
minor differences, primarily around eliminating steps -- no more need to 
merge the pull request into "develop", export the patch, import it into 
a Mercurial repo, and push it to the official HG repo. Instead, you will 
use the "/integrate" command as a PR comment to merge the pull request, 
and then you are done. You will still need to update JBS, at least 
initially, to resolve the bug as fixed and add the URL to the commit, 
but even that will be automated at some point.

Developers who are interested in leaning more about the Skara tools and 
workflow can find information on the Skara Wiki [5], GitHub project [6], 
and mailing list [7]. I note that using the Skara client-side tools on 
your desktop is completely optional. I expect many (most?) developers 
will use the GitHub workflow they are already used to via the web 
interface, but there is an option for those who want to use the command 
line tools like "git pr".

As a final note, I recommend waiting to create a personal fork of the 
openjdk/jfx mirror, since the Skara team is going to re-convert all 
openjdk/* mirrors in a couple days [8], and you will just end up having 
to delete and refork.

Comments on this proposal are welcome.

-- Kevin

[1] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/357
[2] http://hg.openjdk.java.net/openjfx/jfx-dev/rt
[3] https://github.com/openjdk/jfx
[4] https://github.com/openjdk/jdk
[5] https://wiki.openjdk.java.net/display/skara
[6] https://github.com/openjdk/skara
[7] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/mailman/listinfo/skara-dev

List of OpenJFX Reviewers now in OpenJDK Census

2019-08-20 Thread Kevin Rushforth
For the past year, we have had a list of reviewers on the Code Review 
Policy [1] WIki page, along with the following comment:

    "We might decide in the future to use the formal OpenJDK Reviewer 
role. If so, then the above list will be replaced by a pointer to the 
census at that time. The intention, though, is that this list of 
Reviewers be functionally equivalent to the OpenJDK Reviewer role."

In preparation for the proposed move to GitHub using the Skara tooling, 
we have formalized this by recording the list of OpenJFX Project 
Reviewers [3] on the OpenJDK Census. The Skara tooling relies on the 
OpenJDK Census to know who is a Reviewer in order to check that a 
proposed fix (pull request) has been reviewed.

-- Kevin


[2] https://openjdk.java.net/census#openjfx

Re: Proposal: Migrate official jfx repo to GitHub + Skara tooling

2019-08-20 Thread Michael Paus


Am 21.08.19 um 00:14 schrieb Kevin Rushforth:
I expect many (most?) developers will use the GitHub workflow they are 
already used to via the web interface, but there is an option for 
those who want to use the command line tools like "git pr". 

I just wanted to add that there is even a third option which is 


A standalone application from GitHub which simplifies some of the work.

(A pitty it is written in Electron and not in JavaFX ;-))
