[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-09-27 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, This week's meeting was mostly ceremonial, with the main topic of discussion being the office hours for the SIG. If you have not heard the news about the API-SIG, we are converting from a regular weekly meeting time to a set of scheduled office hours. This change was

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-09-20 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, This newsletter is very different than the past few, in that there is some actual news. We, as a SIG, have recognized that we have moved into a new phase. With most of the API guidelines that we needed to write having been written, there is not "new stuff" to mak

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-09-06 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, Once again we did not have anything too controversial to discuss this week. We talked a bit about the Open API 3.0 discussions, but until there is something concrete to work with, there really isn't much for the API-SIG to do other than facilitate these conversati

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-08-30 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, There was nothing specific on the agenda this week, so much of the API-SIG meeting was spent discussing API-related topics that we'd encountered recently. One was: K8s Custom Resources [9] Cool or Chaos? The answer is, of course, "it depends". Another was a rece

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-08-23 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, This week's meeting brings the return of the full SIG core-quartet as all core members were in attendance. The main topics were the agenda [7] for the upcoming Denver PTG [8], and the API-SIG still being listed as TC working group in the governance repository referen

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-08-16 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, Another cozy meeting today, as conferences and summer holidays reduced our attendees. We mainly focused on the agenda [7] for the upcoming Denver PTG [8]. One item we added was consideration of a spec for common healthcheck middleware across projects [9]. This ha

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-08-09 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, As is our recent custom, short meeting this week. Our main topic of conversation was discussing the planning etherpad [7] for the API-SIG gathering at the Denver PTG. If you will be there, and have topics of interest, please add them to the etherpad. There are

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-08-02 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was primarily focused around two topics: the IETF[7] draft proposal for Best Practices when building HTTP protocols[8], and the upcoming OpenStack Project Teams Gathering (PTG)[9]. The group had taken a collective action to read the aforementioned dr

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-07-19 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was again very brief as this time elmiko and dtantsur were out. There were no major items of discussion, but we made plans to check on the status of the GraphQL prototyping (Hi! How's it going?). In addition to the light discussion there was also

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-07-12 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was very brief as both cdent and dtantsur were out. There were no major items of discussion, but we did acknowledge the efforts of the GraphQL proof of concept work[7] being led by Gilles Dubreuil. This work continues to make progress and should provi

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-07-05 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, At today's meeting we discussed an issue that came up on a nova/placement review [9] wherein there was some indecision about whether a response code of 400 or 404 is more appropriate when a path segement expects a UUID, the request doesn't supply something that

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-06-28 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting covered a few topics, but was mainly focused on a few updates to the errors guideline. We began with a review of last week's actions. Ed Leafe has sent an email[7] to mailing list to let the folks working on the GraphQL experiments know that the API-

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-06-21 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was on the shorter side but covered several topics. We discussed the migration to StoryBoard, and noted that we need to send word to Gilles and the GraphQL experimentors that the board is in place and ready for their usage. The GraphQL work was also h

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-06-14 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, A small, intimate meeting today, as only cdent and edleafe were present. We discussed the work being done [7] to migrate our bug/issue tracking from Launchpad to StoryBoard [8]. The change to the infra docs will trigger the setup of StoryBoard when it merges. Once

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-06-07 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was brief, covering only 1 major topic. The main topic for the SIG today was the migration of bug tracking from Launchpad to StoryBoard[7]. No firm plans were made to migrate yet, but the group agreed that this migration would be positive from a comm

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-05-17 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was brief, primarily focused on planning for the summit sessions[7][8] that the SIG will host and facilitate. The first session[7], will be a Birds of a Feather (BoF) gathering where the topics will be determined by the attendees. One topic that will

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-05-10 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Very quick meeting today, just edleafe and me (cdent). We reviewed last week's action items, both of which were accomplished, both related to the recent GraphQL [8] discussions [7] and preparation for a meeting of the API SIG at Forum [9]. If you're there we hop

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-05-03 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, A well-attended meeting today. I'm pleased to report that a good time was had by all. The discussion centered primarily on the email to the dev list [7] from Gilles Dubreuil regarding the possibility of using GraphQL [8] as a wrapper/replacement for the OpenStack

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-04-26 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was quite short and saw a review of everyone's status and the merging of one guideline. We began by sharing our current work and plans for the near future. Although everyone is on tight schedules currently, we discussed the next steps for the work on

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-04-19 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, As it was just edleafe and I today, we had a quick meeting and went back to other things. The main actions were to select one guideline to publish and one guideline to freeze. These are listed below. We also briefly discussed that though we have not planned any

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-04-12 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, It was a fairly quick meeting today, as we weren't able to find anything to argue about. That doesn't happen too often. :) We agreed that the revamped HTTP guidelines [8] should be merged, as they were strictly formatting changes, and no content change. We also me

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-04-05 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was quite lively with a good discussion about versions and microversions across OpenStack and their usage within the API schema world. We began with a review of outstanding work: elmiko is continuing to work on an update to the microversion history do

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-29 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Chaotic but fun API-SIG meeting today. elmiko has done some review of the long-in-progress microversion history doc [7] and reports that it is worth finishing and publishing as a historical document explaining why microversions exist. Having greater context on t

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-22 Thread Michael McCune
Greetings OpenStack community, Another jovial meeting of the API-SIG was convened today. We began with a few housekeeping notes and then moved into a discussion of the api-ref work and how we might continue to assist Graham Hayes with the os-api-ref changes[7] that will output a machine-readable f

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-20 Thread Gilles Dubreuil
On 16/03/18 19:55, Chris Dent wrote: Meta: When responding to lists, please do not cc individuals, just repond to the list. Thanks, response within. +1 On Fri, 16 Mar 2018, Gilles Dubreuil wrote: In order to continue and progress on the API Schema guideline [1] as mentioned in [2] to ma

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-16 Thread Chris Dent
Meta: When responding to lists, please do not cc individuals, just repond to the list. Thanks, response within. On Fri, 16 Mar 2018, Gilles Dubreuil wrote: In order to continue and progress on the API Schema guideline [1] as mentioned in [2] to make APIs more machine-discoverable and also disc

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-15 Thread Gilles Dubreuil
Hello, In order to continue and progress on the API Schema guideline [1] as mentioned in [2] to make APIs more machine-discoverable and also discussed during [3]. Unfortunately until a new or either a second meeting time slot has been allocated,  inconveniently for everyone, have to be done

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-15 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, A rousing good time at the API-SIG meeting today. We opened with some discussion on what might be missing from the Methods [7] section of the HTTP guidelines. At the PTG we had discussed that perhaps we needed more info on which methods were appropriate when. It

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-03-08 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, Well, after a wonderful week in Dublin, it's back to work for the API-SIG. We had a productive session at the PTG, and came away from it with several action items for each of us. Due to travel and digging out from a week away, none of us had started them. Oh, exce

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-02-22 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, Well, with PTG just around the corner, and the API-SIG portion of that just 4 days away, we elected to have a quick meeting today. The only topic we needed to discuss was the results of our votes for the topics to cover on Monday. We used an etherpad with the prop

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-02-15 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was brief and primarily covered planning for the PTG. Here's a quick recap. We began by continuing to discuss the bug [8] that is the result of the Nova API not properly including caching information in the headers of its replies. Dmitry Tantsur

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-02-08 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was chock-full of interesting discussion. Let me recap it for you. We began with a follow-up conversation about the use of "action" URLs (as opposed to resource-based URLs). The origin of this discussion came from an email posted to the dev list b

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-02-01 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was primarily focused on a request for guidance related to action endpoints and on planning topics for the upcoming PTG. Tommy Hu has sent an email to the developer list[7] describing how several types of actions are currently being handled throu

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-01-18 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, A very quiet meeting today [7], which you would expect with the absence of cdent and elmiko. The main discussion was about the guideline on exposing microversions in SDKs [8] by dtantsur. The focus of the discussion was about how to handle the distinction between

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-01-11 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Wide-ranging conversations in the API-SIG meeting today [7]. We started out discussing techniques for driving the adoption of the guidelines published by the group. Two ideas received most of the attention: * Provide guidance on the tools available to make it ea

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2018-01-04 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, Happy new year to all and welcome to the first API-SIG meeting of 2018. As the SIG is ramping back up after the holiday break we had a few topics to kick off the new year and get the ball rolling. The SIG is working to complete our year in review report that wil

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-12-14 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was relatively short and covered a few topics surrounding OpenStack SDKs and expanding the meeting times. On the topic of OpenStack SDKs, there is a proposal [7] being crafted for an SDK certification program. Our discussions mainly centered arou

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-12-07 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, A good meeting this week [5], with the discussion centered mostly on a spec for an API-schema guide [8]. The spec itself isn't quite fleshed out enough, so it wasn't entirely clear what problem this would be adressing. The spec's author, Gilles, will add additiona

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-12-03 Thread Gilles Dubreuil
On 02/12/17 04:26, Chris Dent wrote: On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Gilles Dubreuil wrote: Hi Chris, Thank you for those precious details. I just added https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524467/ to augment the existing guidelines [2] and to get started with the API Schema (consumption) topic. Cool,

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-12-01 Thread Chris Dent
On Fri, 1 Dec 2017, Gilles Dubreuil wrote: Hi Chris, Thank you for those precious details. I just added https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524467/ to augment the existing guidelines [2] and to get started with the API Schema (consumption) topic. Cool, thanks for doing that. I suspect comments

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-11-30 Thread Gilles Dubreuil
Hi Chris, Thank you for those precious details. I just added https://review.openstack.org/#/c/524467/ to augment the existing guidelines [2] and to get started with the API Schema (consumption) topic. It would be great if that topic could be added to the agenda, can you please help? Cheer

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-11-30 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, With this week, the API-SIG had its first real meeting since before the summit in Sydney. Travel and US holidays have meant not enough people were around to make a meeting worth having. This week there were. First order of business was to officially make Dmitry

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-11-21 Thread Gilles Dubreuil
Hi, Any chance the meeting this week to be moved on the Thursday instead? Cheers, Gilles On 17/11/17 03:12, Ed Leafe wrote: Greetings OpenStack community, No meeting this week, as people are still straggling back after the Sydney summit. There will also be no meeting next week, due to the U

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-11-16 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, No meeting this week, as people are still straggling back after the Sydney summit. There will also be no meeting next week, due to the US Thanksgiving holiday. So I guess we'll see you all again in December! # Newly Published Guidelines None this week. # API Gui

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-10-26 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Another short meeting this week. Participants have very busy radar; can't see for the trees, nor the mixed metaphors. The main topic of discussion is the work required to prepare for summit, where there will be an API-SIG forum session [5]. Also a bug has been c

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-10-19 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, If you were hoping for startling news, well, you're going to be disappointed. We did, however, have a perfectly enjoyable meeting today. A question had been raised about creating a guideline for 'changes-since' filtering in an API [5], and we debated whether it wa

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-10-12 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, All the usual attendees of the weekly API-SIG meeting are rather busy, so not a great deal of activity to report from a rather short meeting. Three things of note: * The forum session for the SIG [5] has been approved, see you in Sydney. * There's been some disc

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-10-05 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, Today's meeting was relatively short, with a few important topics taking the spotlight. cdent has posted a message[5] seeking feedback and discussion about a session for the SIG at the upcoming Sydney Forum. If you will be in Sydney, or have topics that should

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-28 Thread Ed Leafe
Greetings OpenStack community, It was a quiet meeting this week, probably due to elmiko being absent. And probably also due to cdent and edleafe being consumed by work outside of the SIG. We did note that we are looking forward to our expanded role with the addition of the SDK developers into t

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-22 Thread Joe Topjian
On Fri, Sep 22, 2017 at 7:03 AM, Jay Pipes wrote: > On 09/21/2017 11:37 PM, Joe Topjian wrote: > >> >> Microversions also reared their head in the form of a long >> discussion about how SDK developers and users are consuming >> microversions at a very granular level. This discussion o

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-22 Thread Jay Pipes
On 09/21/2017 11:37 PM, Joe Topjian wrote: Microversions also reared their head in the form of a long discussion about how SDK developers and users are consuming microversions at a very granular level. This discussion opened many surprised eyes as we learned how different SDK pla

Re: [openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-21 Thread Joe Topjian
> Microversions also reared their head in the form of a long discussion > about how SDK developers and users are consuming microversions at a very > granular level. This discussion opened many surprised eyes as we learned > how different SDK platforms deal with microversions, and what exactly are >

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-21 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, This week's meeting was primarily focused on reviewing the discussions and plans that were proposed at the PTG. We also merged one new guideline which was frozen prior to the PTG. For a review of PTG activity, please see the etherpad[4] One of the big takeaways

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-09-07 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, This week's meeting was mainly focused on discussion of plans for the PTG and about improving the outreach efforts of the SIG. The API-SIG will have a room on Monday and Tuesday at the PTG. In addition to the guided review process [6] we've mentioned before, th

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-08-24 Thread Chris Dent
Greetings OpenStack community, Two main topics this week: Getting ready for the PTG and speculating about standards for representing singular resources in an HTTP response. The API-SIG will have a room on Monday and Tuesday at the PTG. In addition to the guided review process [6] we've mentio

[openstack-dev] [all][api] POST /api-sig/news

2017-08-17 Thread michael mccune
Greetings OpenStack community, This week's meeting centered around two main topics; the Guided Review Process[0] and the inclusion of guidance to discourage extension usage[4]. As the working group has now become a Special Interest Group, we have begun the work of changing the documentation an