RE: Oracle 8i database & ER diagram

2001-06-12 Thread Diana_Duncan
There's also a tool from Embarcadero called ER Studio, which is my personal recommendation at the moment. I used to recommend ERWin, but then CA bought it and it has only been lackadaisically maintained since then. I think there are others...basically any decent ER modelling tool (and Visio is

RE: SID on sqlplus prompt?

2001-06-09 Thread Diana_Duncan
Neat! I knew there was some way of selecting that, but couldn't remember it and also couldn't find them in the FM. Didn't someone complain about the terrible indexes on Oracle manuals? Let me add my voice to that particular clamor. Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, St

Re: dumn unix script question

2001-06-08 Thread Diana_Duncan
While on the one hand I completely agree, as in my opinion Perl is the absolutely bestest, yummiest and downright smartest language I've ever encountered -- if you learn it first, you'll never be satisfied or happy in any other language again ever. ;-) Also, as a "learning" language, it can be

Re: SID on sqlplus prompt?

2001-06-08 Thread Diana_Duncan
How about something like this? Of course, it requires that the user have select access to v$instance -- maybe there's another place to find this. You could do some sort of batch to reference the $ORACLE_SID instead, but the advantage of this is you can put it into glogin.sql or login.sql -- or m

Re: SQL : Order by for varchar ???

2001-06-08 Thread Diana_Duncan
I'd guess there are characters in the data that weren't in your previously posted sample. As I said, the function as written will only work with widths in the format of [whole-]numerator[/denominator]["|'] If you have any other formats, you'll have to modify the function to take care of them.

RE: Serious Question (believe it or not)...

2001-06-07 Thread Diana_Duncan
Oh, that would be great! Add some tips on how to spec out a system, and I'm buying it! Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: Serious Question (believe it or not)...

2001-06-07 Thread Diana_Duncan
I don't know about I the only one that finds Feuerstein's books a bit too pithy and not "real" enough? (No disrespect intended) I've certainly toyed with the idea of a PL/SQL book with real-life situations and examples, especially in the use of triggers and packages for enforcing comp

Re: SQL : Order by for varchar ???

2001-06-07 Thread Diana_Duncan
Ooh, a fun one. If you are sure of the format of the data (as you'll see in the following function) you can create a function to make the data numeric. I can't think of another way to do it, but maybe someone else can?... create or replace function fractionToDecimal (str in varchar2) return nu

Re: pl/sql problem

2001-06-06 Thread Diana_Duncan
In addition to the reason for your error, which someone else has pointed out, this piece of code has another problem -- you never close your cursor. This will get you into no ends of trouble at some point in the future, so I though I should point it out. Also, a cursor for loop would be much cle

Re: pl/sql error

2001-06-06 Thread Diana_Duncan
Harvinder, You must have a carriage return at the end of the enum variable. Try rtrim, like this: name2 :='t_pv_'||substr(rtrim(enum,chr(10),i+1)||'_2'; Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL P

Re: Help for Unix text file processing

2001-06-06 Thread Diana_Duncan
Here are some sed commands that do what you want -- in the [] brackets, there is a space and a tab. $ cat removeblanks.sed /^[ ]*$/d s/^[]*// s/[ ]*$// Here's a test file. $ cat test.txt This is a real line, the lines above are a carriage return, a tab and spaces.

Re: How to remove corrupted blocks from datafile.

2001-06-05 Thread Diana_Duncan
When this has happened to me in the past, I've done exactly as you did, but in addition I renamed the table with the bad blocks to something like BAD_, and just left it there. That way, the blocks weren't reused. Not elegant, but it worked... Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Pa

RE: How to prevent oracle from committing a transaction?

2001-06-05 Thread Diana_Duncan
Richard, The discussion so far has not found a way to "turn that off" -- even set autocommit off will still commit when you exit (or quit, dang it), unless you EXIT ROLLBACK; Did you find another way? Or is that what you mean? Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540

Re: RE: How to prevent oracle from committing a transaction?

2001-06-05 Thread Diana_Duncan
Yeah, that's what I was going to suggest. QUIT used to do an exit without a commit, but now it commits it just like EXIT does. I wonder why they changed that? Now they are just synonyms of one another. Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 V

Re: OT: Archiving not possible with SQL Server?

2001-05-31 Thread Diana_Duncan
You mean like the programmers of the Oracle Applications? What would we need for that, a missile? (What kills me is that, they don't use declared foreign key constraints in the database. Presumably, since the code base is so old, if they introduced them now everything would break. You'd think

Re: Implementing Stored Procedures

2001-05-31 Thread Diana_Duncan
Just to be more specific, the product you'd look for is the "Oracle Accelerator" for Kintana, see the URL here Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 9

RE: Implementing Stored Procedures

2001-05-31 Thread Diana_Duncan
There's an excellent tool by the company Kintana that automates the deployment of software (which can include stored packages and procedures, as well as shell scripts, SQL*Loader, whatever). The developer creates a "release" with the file names and version numbers in PVCS or ClearCase, and the t

Re: querry..

2001-05-31 Thread Diana_Duncan
select col1, col2 from table1 where (col1 = 'A' and col2 between 'A' and 'E') or (col1 = 'B' and col2 between 'A' and 'X') Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SQL*LOADER problem

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
Satish, You can do a couple of the query you could to a replace(column1, chr(10), '~') (or some other unlikely character or string), then do a replace again in the SQL*Loader script to get the carriage returns back in there. Or you could use the query to put a character in the front

RE: backspace in Oracle.

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
I had the pleasure of installing Oracle on Novell once, which was SO different than any other platform, it was quite amazing. One very cool thing: Novell allowed Oracle to run on Ring Zero, which produced some pretty blazing performance. Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway

Re: PL/SQL Error

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
I think the error is in the call to the procedure, not in the procedure itself -- the procedure looks fine at a glance. Could you post the ASP code that makes the call? Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.74

Re: Is DBMS_OBFUSCATION free in Enterprise Edition?

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
It's free. Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Problems with CharArrayType after upgrade from 7.3.4 to

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
Cherie, I have no idea if this could be the case, but I noticed that the type is based on the datatype VARCHAR, not VARCHAR2. According to the docs, this shouldn't make a difference, but they've been warning since the introduction of VARCHAR2 that they may do something different with VARCHAR at

RE: Creating a sorted table

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
Sure, and thanks. I appreciate the corrections, as one problem with doing this for a while is the aggregation of useless and no longer true "facts", which I'm finding I have more and more of. They feel like barnacles. :) I've finally decided to go get my OCP, which I hope will help scrape som

OT: Effective Living

2001-05-30 Thread Diana_Duncan
Isn't that sort of like Taoism? Accept your lot, there must be good in it somewhere... Also, it seems to be the basis of many major religions to essentially never ask why. So, I guess it's a pretty popular philosophy. (Oh no, I feel a discourse by Eric coming on...) Diana Duncan TITAN Techno

Re: Creating a sorted table

2001-05-25 Thread Diana_Duncan
Whyever would you want data inserted in order? There is no guarantee that Oracle will actually store the records "in order", there is no performance gain, and you can always retrieve the records in order by using an order by statement -- if you really need ordered data, you could use a index-org

Re: Uwin question ???

2001-05-24 Thread Diana_Duncan
You probably don't have "." in your path (which is good security). Preface the call to your script with "./" ./ On the other hand, you may not have the "magic" comment at the top of the script, like this: #!/bin/ksh Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Mo


2001-05-24 Thread Diana_Duncan
Harvinder, I think, if I understand the problem, that the following will work: select ord_id, count(*) from (select nvl(a.ord_id, b.ord_id) ord_id from TableA a, TableB b where b.line_id = a.line_id union all select ord_id from TableA where line_id is null ) group

Re: [OT] Jobs in UK

2001-05-24 Thread Diana_Duncan
My husband is Scottish, and he heard from a Scottish pal of his that top Oracle consultants can earn up to ?1000 a day in Edinburgh! Made me want to up and go, I'll tell you...then again, having a husband with a British passport means I can work without too many problems. Regards, Diana Duncan

Re: SQLLDR Question

2001-05-24 Thread Diana_Duncan
In 8.1.6, you don't have to have the one column in the database. Use 'FILLER' as the data type. Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: 8.1.7. and OAS / iAS versions confusion

2001-05-23 Thread Diana_Duncan
Oracle HAD to rename it -- they have consistently changed the name with each release, so they couldn't stop now! A brief history, from what I remember: Oracle Webserver 1.x Oracle Web Application Server 2.x Oracle Web Application Server 3.x? (whoops, I guess they kept it once, anyway I can't re

RE: Multiple schema's or multiple databases

2001-05-23 Thread Diana_Duncan
In 8.1.x, as long as your schemas have their own tablespaces, you could to TSPITR (Tablespace Point in Time Recovery). Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: sqlldr to_number

2001-05-22 Thread Diana_Duncan
Example of a SQL*Load control file to load a file, skipping the first line, replacing the data in the table, with comma-separated, double-quote enclosed data, using the decode function on one of the columns. OPTIONS (SKIP=1) LOAD DATA INFILE "data.dat" INTO TABLE mytable REPLACE FIELDS TERMINATE

Re: Check for number only

2001-05-21 Thread Diana_Duncan
Jared, That's absolutely true, now. In the past (don't ask me when, I think it was version 7 something), I found that exceptions for some reason took a long time to process. I haven't cured myself of the habit of avoiding them, yet. :) Thanks for the reminder! Diana Duncan TITAN Technology P

Re: Check for number only

2001-05-18 Thread Diana_Duncan
You could always write your own function. Or you could do something using the replace() function, maybe like this (again, untested): select circ_id, circ_num from circuit where replace(circ_num, 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890', 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzAB

RE: Check for number only

2001-05-18 Thread Diana_Duncan
Ooh, I like this one better! Disregard mine, I hate all the characters you have to put into replace(). Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SQL Query to combine multiple rows into 1 ?

2001-05-18 Thread Diana_Duncan
The only way I know of to do this is with self-joins, and you have to have a known upper bound of the number of Relations per ID. An example (warning, untested, off the top of my head): select, t1.relation || ' ' || t2.relation || ' ' || t3.relation from relationtable t1, relationtable t2

RE: job offer from SAUDI ARABIA

2001-05-18 Thread Diana_Duncan
And sure, you can criticize, but only in America are you in danger of being run down or shot for having a bumper sticker expressing an opinion on politics or abortion or religion or NASCAR...I'm especially nervous now that Eric has told us that all these women are carrying guns now. :) I love th

Re: PostGres WAS: RE: Oracle 9i Articles - self tuning, launch

2001-05-16 Thread Diana_Duncan
This made me cry from laughter. On the other hand, there is this: from which you can extrapolate the recovery methods. I guess noone has volunteered to document them, though. :) Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners On

Re: sys.IDL_UB1$

2001-05-14 Thread Diana_Duncan
I always wondered what DIANA stood for... :) Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 919.466.7427 E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Can I partition my primary key constraint index?

2001-05-14 Thread Diana_Duncan
x partitions in a separate tablespace? The last DBA put all of our indexes into three tablespaces (small, medium, large) which doesn't work very well when you go to get rid of a partition. Thanks, Cherie Diana_Duncan@ttpa To:

Re: Can I partition my primary key constraint index?

2001-05-13 Thread Diana_Duncan
Yes, Cherie, you can. When creating the primary key constraint, use the "USING INDEX" clause to specify any storage parameters you want for the automatically created primary key index. I always use the clause, because I am a picky DBA and I want my indices in their own tablespace and with their

Re: OT - RE: PostGres

2001-05-13 Thread Diana_Duncan
Nope, not yet. It's on my list of things to test and do with the system. Right now, I'm just doing the design and development -- I know, I know, I should probably architect the system better first, but this really is just a family project at the moment. When I do get to testing and scaling and

Re: PostGres WAS: RE: Oracle 9i Articles - self tuning, launch delaye

2001-05-11 Thread Diana_Duncan
Yes, it's open source. My personal project uses Apache, PHP and Postgres on Linux servers -- pure open source. Guess how long the servers and the web server and hence the site have been up? Pretty much since we installed. Love it!!! For those of you who don't know, PHP is a server-side "temp

RE: Oracle 9i Articles - self tuning, launch delayed to

2001-05-10 Thread Diana_Duncan
Oooh, I *like* Postgres. I'm having super much fun with it on a personal project right now, and I must say they really trump Oracle on a few things. Of course, I don't know how it handles large amounts of data or users or transactions yet...and I know nothing about the tunability. But it really

Re: Pl/sql loop assistance

2001-05-09 Thread Diana_Duncan
Yeah, Stephane, that's actually one of the reasons I suggested not using a commit-within cursor loop thing. The suggestion I made wouldn't do that -- or am I missing something? Diana Duncan TITAN Technology Partners One Copley Parkway, Ste 540 Morrisville, NC 27560 VM: 919.466.7337 x 316 F: 91

Re: Pl/sql loop assistance

2001-05-08 Thread Diana_Duncan
Linda, Might I suggest avoiding the "elegant" looping and try some "inelegant" looping? It should be faster, although I can't make any promises. Warning, untested, and you can probably do better than an in() -- but it should give you the gist... begin loop update reg.docalert_r

Re: in addition -- ORA-04091: table mutating problem?

2001-05-04 Thread Diana_Duncan
What's your version of Oracle? I usually have a stock answer on how to solve this type of problem, but I just tried out your problem on my little Personal Oracle here, and to my INCREDIBLE surprise, the trigger worked and I didn't get an error. Does anyone know if that's just because I'm using

RESOLVED: Removing Oracle products from NT

2001-05-03 Thread Diana_Duncan
Thanks so much to everyone who replied! It seems to be working now. And, I agree completely with the RedHat idea, but this is my consulting laptop, and Windoze is very much the name of the game. Actually, at home I have RedHat, but I don't have Oracle -- it's running Postgres, which I must say

Removing Oracle products from NT

2001-05-03 Thread Diana_Duncan
Hey all, I know that this has been addressed on the list before, so if there's an archive yet (I've been away for a bit) just point me to it. I made the terrible, heinous mistake of 1) installing Personal Oracle 8.1.6 on my laptop, which went well, then 2) installing Oracle Developer 6i on the s

Re: OCI drivers

2001-05-03 Thread Diana_Duncan
You can get the OCI drivers from or from the CD. On the CD installation, make sure to select them, they are not selected by default. In technet, go to and click on Software to get to the downloads. For OCI, you will need to inst

Re: Constraint dependencies

2001-05-02 Thread Diana_Duncan
Lisa, This is unfortunately quite difficult -- and if you have any circular dependencies it's pretty much impossible. Otherwise, what you need to do is follow the dependencies in the dba_constraints view. For the drop order. 1) Drop all of the tables for which their PK constraint is not r

Re: SQL question

2001-05-01 Thread Diana_Duncan
But of course -- just use a negative one as the position to the instr function. >From the SQL manual: INSTR searches string for substring. position is an integer indicating the character of string where Oracle begins the search. If position is negative, Oracle counts and searches

RE: OT -- marketing (was Windows vs. UNIX)

2001-05-01 Thread Diana_Duncan
Actually, Lee, you should enlighten us. The last time I was in the U.K. for any length of time (1998) the McD's there had far more non-beef and even vegetarian options, which are only now catching on here. So what can we expect in the next few years from the enlightened McD's of Europe? Diana